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CSAF - Cyber Security Awareness Framework

By: Zion3R

The Cyber Security Awareness Framework (CSAF) is a structured approach aimed at enhancing Cybersecurity" title="Cybersecurity">cybersecurity awareness and understanding among individuals, organizations, and communities. It provides guidance for the development of effective Cybersecurity" title="Cybersecurity">cybersecurity awareness programs, covering key areas such as assessing awareness needs, creating educational m aterials, conducting training and simulations, implementing communication campaigns, and measuring awareness levels. By adopting this framework, organizations can foster a robust security culture, enhance their ability to detect and respond to cyber threats, and mitigate the risks associated with attacks and security breaches.



  • Docker
  • Docker-compose



  • 4 Core CPU
  • 10GB RAM
  • 60GB Disk free


  • 8 Core CPU or above
  • 16GB RAM or above
  • 100GB Disk free or above


Clone the repository

git clone

Navigate to the project directory

cd csaf

Pull the Docker images

docker-compose --profile=all pull

Generate wazuh ssl certificate

docker-compose -f generate-indexer-certs.yml run --rm generator

For security reason you should set env like this first

export ATTACK_PASS=ChangeMePlease
export DEFENSE_PASS=ChangeMePlease
export MONITOR_PASS=ChangeMePlease
export SPLUNK_PASS=ChangeMePlease
export GOPHISH_PASS=ChangeMePlease
export MAIL_PASS=ChangeMePlease
export PURPLEOPS_PASS=ChangeMePlease

Start all the containers

docker-compose --profile=all up -d

You can run specific profiles for running specific labs with the following profiles - all - attackdefenselab - phisinglab - breachlab - soclab

For example

docker-compose --profile=attackdefenselab up -d


Exposed Ports

An exposed port can be accessed using a proxy socks5 client, SSH client, or HTTP client. Choose one for the best experience.

  • Port 6080 (Access to attack network)
  • Port 7080 (Access to defense network)
  • Port 8080 (Access to monitor network)

Example usage

Access internal network with proxy socks5

  • curl --proxy socks5://ipaddress:6080
  • curl --proxy socks5://ipaddress:7080
  • curl --proxy socks5://ipaddress:8080

Remote ssh with ssh client

  • ssh kali@ipaddress -p 6080 (default password: attackpassword)
  • ssh kali@ipaddress -p 7080 (default password: defensepassword)
  • ssh kali@ipaddress -p 8080 (default password: monitorpassword)

Access kali linux desktop with curl / browser

  • curl http://ipaddress:6080/vnc.html
  • curl http://ipaddress:7080/vnc.html
  • curl http://ipaddress:8080/vnc.html

Domain Access

  • http://attack.lab/vnc.html (default password: attackpassword)
  • http://defense.lab/vnc.html (default password: defensepassword)
  • http://monitor.lab/vnc.html (default password: monitorpassword)
  • https://gophish.lab:3333/ (default username: admin, default password: gophishpassword)
  • https://server.lab/ (default username: postmaster@server.lab, default passowrd: mailpassword)
  • https://server.lab/iredadmin/ (default username: postmaster@server.lab, default passowrd: mailpassword)
  • https://mail.server.lab/ (default username: postmaster@server.lab, default passowrd: mailpassword)
  • https://mail.server.lab/iredadmin/ (default username: postmaster@server.lab, default passowrd: mailpassword)
  • http://phising.lab/
  • http://gitea.lab/ (default username: csalab, default password: giteapassword)
  • http://dvwa.lab/ (default username: admin, default passowrd: password)
  • http://dvwa-monitor.lab/ (default username: admin, default passowrd: password)
  • http://dvwa-modsecurity.lab/ (default username: admin, default passowrd: password)
  • http://wackopicko.lab/
  • http://juiceshop.lab/
  • https://wazuh-indexer.lab:9200/ (default username: admin, default passowrd: SecretPassword)
  • https://wazuh-manager.lab/
  • https://wazuh-dashboard.lab:5601/ (default username: admin, default passowrd: SecretPassword)
  • http://splunk.lab/ (default username: admin, default password: splunkpassword)
  • https://infectionmonkey.lab:5000/
  • http://purpleops.lab/ (default username:, default password: purpleopspassword)
  • http://caldera.lab/ (default username: red/blue, default password: calderapassword)

Network / IP Address


  • attack.lab
  • phising.lab
  • server.lab
  • mail.server.lab
  • gophish.lab
  • infectionmonkey.lab
  • mongodb.lab
  • purpleops.lab
  • caldera.lab


  • defense.lab
  • dvwa.lab
  • wackopicko.lab
  • juiceshop.lab
  • gitea.lab
  • infectionmonkey.lab
  • purpleops.lab
  • caldera.lab


  • server.lab
  • mail.server.lab
  • mariadb.lab
  • dvwa.lab
  • dvwa-monitor.lab
  • dvwa-modsecurity.lab
  • monitor.lab
  • wazuh-manager.lab
  • wazuh-indexer.lab
  • wazuh-dashboard.lab
  • splunk.lab


  • defense.lab
  • wackopicko.lab


  • monitor.lab
  • wazuh-manager.lab
  • wazuh-dashboard.lab
  • splunk.lab


  • attack.lab
  • dvwa-modsecurity.lab
  • wackopicko.lab


This Docker Compose application is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Fortinet Rolls Out Critical Security Patches for FortiClientLinux Vulnerability

Fortinet has released patches to address a critical security flaw impacting FortiClientLinux that could be exploited to achieve arbitrary code execution. Tracked as CVE-2023-45590, the vulnerability carries a CVSS score of 9.4 out of a maximum of 10. "An Improper Control of Generation of Code ('Code Injection') vulnerability [CWE-94] in FortiClientLinux may allow an unauthenticated attacker to

Researchers Uncover First Native Spectre v2 Exploit Against Linux Kernel

Cybersecurity researchers have disclosed what they say is the "first native Spectre v2 exploit" against the Linux kernel on Intel systems that could be exploited to read sensitive data from the memory. The exploit, called Native Branch History Injection (BHI), can be used to leak arbitrary kernel memory at 3.5 kB/sec by bypassing existing Spectre v2/BHI mitigations, researchers from Systems and

VolWeb - A Centralized And Enhanced Memory Analysis Platform

By: Zion3R

VolWeb is a digital forensic memory analysis platform that leverages the power of the Volatility 3 framework. It is dedicated to aiding in investigations and incident responses.


The goal of VolWeb is to enhance the efficiency of memory collection and forensic analysis by providing a centralized, visual, and enhanced web application for incident responders and digital forensics investigators. Once an investigator obtains a memory image from a Linux or Windows system, the evidence can be uploaded to VolWeb, which triggers automatic processing and extraction of artifacts using the power of the Volatility 3 framework.

By utilizing cloud-native storage technologies, VolWeb also enables incident responders to directly upload memory images into the VolWeb platform from various locations using dedicated scripts interfaced with the platform and maintained by the community. Another goal is to allow users to compile technical information, such as Indicators, which can later be imported into modern CTI platforms like OpenCTI, thereby connecting your incident response and CTI teams after your investigation.

Project Documentation and Getting Started Guide

The project documentation is available on the Wiki. There, you will be able to deploy the tool in your investigation environment or lab.

[!IMPORTANT] Take time to read the documentation in order to avoid common miss-configuration issues.

Interacting with the REST API

VolWeb exposes a REST API to allow analysts to interact with the platform. There is a dedicated repository proposing some scripts maintained by the community: Check the wiki of the project to learn more about the possible API calls.


If you have encountered a bug, or wish to propose a feature, please feel free to open an issue. To enable us to quickly address them, follow the guide in the "Contributing" section of the Wiki associated with the project.


Contact me at for any questions regarding this tool.

Next Release Goals

Check out the roadmap:

Drozer - The Leading Security Assessment Framework For Android

By: Zion3R

drozer (formerly Mercury) is the leading security testing framework for Android.

drozer allows you to search for security vulnerabilities in apps and devices by assuming the role of an app and interacting with the Dalvik VM, other apps' IPC endpoints and the underlying OS.

drozer provides tools to help you use, share and understand public Android exploits. It helps you to deploy a drozer Agent to a device through exploitation or social engineering. Using weasel (WithSecure's advanced exploitation payload) drozer is able to maximise the permissions available to it by installing a full agent, injecting a limited agent into a running process, or connecting a reverse shell to act as a Remote Access Tool (RAT).

drozer is a good tool for simulating a rogue application. A penetration tester does not have to develop an app with custom code to interface with a specific content provider. Instead, drozer can be used with little to no programming experience required to show the impact of letting certain components be exported on a device.

drozer is open source software, maintained by WithSecure, and can be downloaded from:

Docker Container

To help with making sure drozer can be run on modern systems, a Docker container was created that has a working build of Drozer. This is currently the recommended method of using Drozer on modern systems.

  • The Docker container and basic setup instructions can be found here.
  • Instructions on building your own Docker container can be found here.

Manual Building and Installation


  1. Python2.7

Note: On Windows please ensure that the path to the Python installation and the Scripts folder under the Python installation are added to the PATH environment variable.

  1. Protobuf 2.6 or greater

  2. Pyopenssl 16.2 or greater

  3. Twisted 10.2 or greater

  4. Java Development Kit 1.7

Note: On Windows please ensure that the path to javac.exe is added to the PATH environment variable.

  1. Android Debug Bridge

Building Python wheel

git clone
cd drozer
python bdist_wheel

Installing Python wheel

sudo pip install dist/drozer-2.x.x-py2-none-any.whl

Building for Debian/Ubuntu/Mint

git clone
cd drozer
make deb

Installing .deb (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint)

sudo dpkg -i drozer-2.x.x.deb

Building for Redhat/Fedora/CentOS

git clone
cd drozer
make rpm

Installing .rpm (Redhat/Fedora/CentOS)

sudo rpm -I drozer-2.x.x-1.noarch.rpm

Building for Windows

NOTE: Windows Defender and other Antivirus software will flag drozer as malware (an exploitation tool without exploit code wouldn't be much fun!). In order to run drozer you would have to add an exception to Windows Defender and any antivirus software. Alternatively, we recommend running drozer in a Windows/Linux VM.

git clone
cd drozer
python.exe bdist_msi

Installing .msi (Windows)

Run dist/ 


Installing the Agent

Drozer can be installed using Android Debug Bridge (adb).

Download the latest Drozer Agent here.

$ adb install drozer-agent-2.x.x.apk

Starting a Session

You should now have the drozer Console installed on your PC, and the Agent running on your test device. Now, you need to connect the two and you're ready to start exploring.

We will use the server embedded in the drozer Agent to do this.

If using the Android emulator, you need to set up a suitable port forward so that your PC can connect to a TCP socket opened by the Agent inside the emulator, or on the device. By default, drozer uses port 31415:

$ adb forward tcp:31415 tcp:31415

Now, launch the Agent, select the "Embedded Server" option and tap "Enable" to start the server. You should see a notification that the server has started.

Then, on your PC, connect using the drozer Console:

On Linux:

$ drozer console connect

On Windows:

> drozer.bat console connect

If using a real device, the IP address of the device on the network must be specified:

On Linux:

$ drozer console connect --server

On Windows:

> drozer.bat console connect --server

You should be presented with a drozer command prompt:

selecting f75640f67144d9a3 (unknown sdk 4.1.1)  

The prompt confirms the Android ID of the device you have connected to, along with the manufacturer, model and Android software version.

You are now ready to start exploring the device.

Command Reference

Command Description
run Executes a drozer module
list Show a list of all drozer modules that can be executed in the current session. This hides modules that you do not have suitable permissions to run.
shell Start an interactive Linux shell on the device, in the context of the Agent process.
cd Mounts a particular namespace as the root of session, to avoid having to repeatedly type the full name of a module.
clean Remove temporary files stored by drozer on the Android device.
contributors Displays a list of people who have contributed to the drozer framework and modules in use on your system.
echo Print text to the console.
exit Terminate the drozer session.
help Display help about a particular command or module.
load Load a file containing drozer commands, and execute them in sequence.
module Find and install additional drozer modules from the Internet.
permissions Display a list of the permissions granted to the drozer Agent.
set Store a value in a variable that will be passed as an environment variable to any Linux shells spawned by drozer.
unset Remove a named variable that drozer passes to any Linux shells that it spawns.


drozer is released under a 3-clause BSD License. See LICENSE for full details.

Contacting the Project

drozer is Open Source software, made great by contributions from the community.

Bug reports, feature requests, comments and questions can be submitted here.

Urgent: Secret Backdoor Found in XZ Utils Library, Impacts Major Linux Distros

Red Hat on Friday released an "urgent security alert" warning that two versions of a popular data compression library called XZ Utils (previously LZMA Utils) have been backdoored with malicious code designed to allow unauthorized remote access. The software supply chain compromise, tracked as CVE-2024-3094, has a CVSS score of 10.0, indicating maximum severity. It impacts XZ Utils

New Linux Bug Could Lead to User Password Leaks and Clipboard Hijacking

Details have emerged about a vulnerability impacting the "wall" command of the util-linux package that could be potentially exploited by a bad actor to leak a user's password or alter the clipboard on certain Linux distributions. The bug, tracked as CVE-2024-28085, has been codenamed WallEscape by security researcher Skyler Ferrante. It has been described as a case of improper

Linux Version of DinodasRAT Spotted in Cyber Attacks Across Several Countries

A Linux version of a multi-platform backdoor called DinodasRAT has been detected in the wild targeting China, Taiwan, Turkey, and Uzbekistan, new findings from Kaspersky reveal. DinodasRAT, also known as XDealer, is a C++-based malware that offers the ability to harvest a wide range of sensitive data from compromised hosts. In October 2023, Slovak cybersecurity firm ESET&nbsp

Russian Hackers May Have Targeted Ukrainian Telecoms with Upgraded 'AcidPour' Malware

The data wiping malware called AcidPour may have been deployed in attacks targeting four telecom providers in Ukraine, new findings from SentinelOne show. The cybersecurity firm also confirmed connections between the malware and AcidRain, tying it to threat activity clusters associated with Russian military intelligence. "AcidPour's expanded capabilities would enable it to better

Suspected Russian Data-Wiping 'AcidPour' Malware Targeting Linux x86 Devices

A new variant of a data wiping malware called AcidRain has been detected in the wild that's specifically designed for targeting Linux x86 devices. The malware, dubbed AcidPour, is compiled for Linux x86 devices, SentinelOne's Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade said in a series of posts on X. "The new variant [...] is an ELF binary compiled for x86 (not MIPS) and while it refers to similar devices/

Kali Linux 2024.1 - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Linux Distribution

By: Zion3R

Time for another Kali Linux release! – Kali Linux 2024.1. This release has various impressive updates.

The summary of the changelog since the 2023.4 release from December is:

New BIFROSE Linux Malware Variant Using Deceptive VMware Domain for Evasion

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a new Linux variant of a remote access trojan (RAT) called BIFROSE (aka Bifrost) that uses a deceptive domain mimicking VMware. "This latest version of Bifrost aims to bypass security measures and compromise targeted systems," Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 researchers Anmol Maurya and Siddharth Sharma said. BIFROSE is one of the long-standing

GTPDOOR Linux Malware Targets Telecoms, Exploiting GPRS Roaming Networks

Threat hunters have discovered a new Linux malware called GTPDOOR that’s designed to be deployed in telecom networks that are adjacent to GPRS roaming exchanges (GRX) The malware is novel in the fact that it leverages the GPRS Tunnelling Protocol (GTP) for command-and-control (C2) communications. GPRS roaming allows subscribers to access their GPRS services while they are

FBI Warns U.S. Healthcare Sector of Targeted BlackCat Ransomware Attacks

The U.S. government is warning about the resurgence of BlackCat (aka ALPHV) ransomware attacks targeting the healthcare sector as recently as this month. "Since mid-December 2023, of the nearly 70 leaked victims, the healthcare sector has been the most commonly victimized," the government said in an updated advisory. "This is likely in response to the ALPHV/BlackCat administrator's

Open-Source Xeno RAT Trojan Emerges as a Potent Threat on GitHub

An "intricately designed" remote access trojan (RAT) called Xeno RAT has been made available on GitHub, making it easily accessible to other actors at no extra cost. Written in C# and compatible with Windows 10 and Windows 11 operating systems, the open-source RAT comes with a "comprehensive set of features for remote system management," according to its developer, who goes by the name

New Wi-Fi Vulnerabilities Expose Android and Linux Devices to Hackers

Cybersecurity researchers have identified two authentication bypass flaws in open-source Wi-Fi software found in Android, Linux, and ChromeOS devices that could trick users into joining a malicious clone of a legitimate network or allow an attacker to join a trusted network without a password. The vulnerabilities, tracked as CVE-2023-52160 and CVE-2023-52161, have been discovered following a

New Migo Malware Targeting Redis Servers for Cryptocurrency Mining

A novel malware campaign has been observed targeting Redis servers for initial access with the ultimate goal of mining cryptocurrency on compromised Linux hosts. "This particular campaign involves the use of a number of novel system weakening techniques against the data store itself," Cado security researcher Matt Muir said in a technical report. The cryptojacking attack is facilitated

Ivanti Pulse Secure Found Using 11-Year-Old Linux Version and Outdated Libraries

A reverse engineering of the firmware running on Ivanti Pulse Secure appliances has revealed numerous weaknesses, once again underscoring the challenge of securing software supply chains. Eclypsiusm, which acquired firmware version as part of the process, said the base operating system used by the Utah-based software company for the device is CentOS 6.4. "Pulse Secure runs an 11

Ubuntu 'command-not-found' Tool Could Trick Users into Installing Rogue Packages

Cybersecurity researchers have found that it's possible for threat actors to exploit a well-known utility called command-not-found to recommend their own rogue packages and compromise systems running Ubuntu operating system. "While 'command-not-found' serves as a convenient tool for suggesting installations for uninstalled commands, it can be inadvertently manipulated by attackers through the

Critical Boot Loader Vulnerability in Shim Impacts Nearly All Linux Distros

The maintainers of shim have released version 15.8 to address six security flaws, including a critical bug that could pave the way for remote code execution under specific circumstances. Tracked as CVE-2023-40547 (CVSS score: 9.8), the vulnerability could be exploited to achieve a Secure Boot bypass. Bill Demirkapi of the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) has been&

Exposed Docker APIs Under Attack in 'Commando Cat' Cryptojacking Campaign

Exposed Docker API endpoints over the internet are under assault from a sophisticated cryptojacking campaign called Commando Cat. "The campaign deploys a benign container generated using the Commando project," Cado security researchers Nate Bill and Matt Muir said in a new report published today. "The attacker escapes this container and runs multiple payloads on the

RunC Flaws Enable Container Escapes, Granting Attackers Host Access

Multiple security vulnerabilities have been disclosed in the runC command line tool that could be exploited by threat actors to escape the bounds of the container and stage follow-on attacks. The vulnerabilities, tracked as CVE-2024-21626, CVE-2024-23651, CVE-2024-23652, and CVE-2024-23653, have been collectively dubbed Leaky Vessels by cybersecurity vendor Snyk. "These container

New Glibc Flaw Grants Attackers Root Access on Major Linux Distros

Malicious local attackers can obtain full root access on Linux machines by taking advantage of a newly disclosed security flaw in the GNU C library (aka glibc). Tracked as CVE-2023-6246 (CVSS score: 7.8), the heap-based buffer overflow vulnerability is rooted in glibc's __vsyslog_internal() function, which is used by syslog() and vsyslog() for system logging purposes. It's said to have

Malicious PyPI Packages Slip WhiteSnake InfoStealer Malware onto Windows Machines

Cybersecurity researchers have identified malicious packages on the open-source Python Package Index (PyPI) repository that deliver an information stealing malware called WhiteSnake Stealer on Windows systems. The malware-laced packages are named nigpal, figflix, telerer, seGMM, fbdebug, sGMM, myGens, NewGends, and TestLibs111. They have been uploaded by a threat actor named "WS." "These

Airgorah - A WiFi Auditing Software That Can Perform Deauth Attacks And Passwords Cracking

By: Zion3R

Airgorah is a WiFi auditing software that can discover the clients connected to an access point, perform deauthentication attacks against specific clients or all the clients connected to it, capture WPA handshakes, and crack the password of the access point.

It is written in Rust and uses GTK4 for the graphical part. The software is mainly based on aircrack-ng tools suite.

⭐ Don't forget to put a star if you like the project!


Airgorah is designed to be used in testing and discovering flaws in networks you are owner of. Performing attacks on WiFi networks you are not owner of is illegal in almost all countries. I am not responsible for whatever damage you may cause by using this software.


This software only works on linux and requires root privileges to run.

You will also need a wireless network card that supports monitor mode and packet injection.


The installation instructions are available here.


The documentation about the usage of the application is available here.


This project is released under MIT license.


If you have any question about the usage of the application, do not hesitate to open a discussion

If you want to report a bug or provide a feature, do not hesitate to open an issue or submit a pull request

Warning: Poorly Secured Linux SSH Servers Under Attack for Cryptocurrency Mining

Poorly secured Linux SSH servers are being targeted by bad actors to install port scanners and dictionary attack tools with the goal of targeting other vulnerable servers and co-opting them into a network to carry out cryptocurrency mining and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. "Threat actors can also choose to install only scanners and sell the breached IP and account credentials on

MacMaster - MAC Address Changer

By: Zion3R

MacMaster is a versatile command line tool designed to change the MAC address of network interfaces on your system. It provides a simple yet powerful solution for network anonymity and testing.


  • Custom MAC Address: Set a specific MAC address to your network interface.
  • Random MAC Address: Generate and set a random MAC address.
  • Reset to Original: Reset the MAC address to its original hardware value.
  • Custom OUI: Set a custom Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) for the MAC address.
  • Version Information: Easily check the version of MacMaster you are using.


MacMaster requires Python 3.6 or later.

  1. Clone the repository:
    $ git clone
  2. Navigate to the cloned directory:
    cd MacMaster
  3. Install the package:
    $ python install


$ macmaster --help         
usage: macmaster [-h] [--interface INTERFACE] [--version]
[--random | --newmac NEWMAC | --customoui CUSTOMOUI | --reset]

MacMaster: Mac Address Changer

-h, --help show this help message and exit
Network interface to change MAC address
--version, -V Show the version of the program
--random, -r Set a random MAC address
--newmac NEWMAC, -nm NEWMAC
Set a specific MAC address
--customoui CUSTOMOUI, -co CUSTOMOUI
Set a custom OUI for the MAC address
--reset, -rs Reset MAC address to the original value


  • --interface, -i: Specify the network interface.
  • --random, -r: Set a random MAC address.
  • --newmac, -nm: Set a specific MAC address.
  • --customoui, -co: Set a custom OUI for the MAC address.
  • --reset, -rs: Reset MAC address to the original value.
  • --version, -V: Show the version of the program.
  1. Set a specific MAC address:
    $ -i eth0 -nm 00:11:22:33:44:55
  2. Set a random MAC address:
    $ -i eth0 -r
  3. Reset MAC address to its original value:
    $ -i eth0 -rs
  4. Set a custom OUI:
    $ -i eth0 -co 08:00:27
  5. Show program version:
    $ -V

Replace eth0 with your desired network interface.


You must run this script as root or use sudo to run this script for it to work properly. This is because changing a MAC address requires root privileges.


Contributions are welcome! To contribute to MacMaster, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request in the main repository.


For any inquiries or further information, you can reach me through the following channels:


PacketSpy - Powerful Network Packet Sniffing Tool Designed To Capture And Analyze Network Traffic

By: Zion3R

PacketSpy is a powerful network packet sniffing tool designed to capture and analyze network traffic. It provides a comprehensive set of features for inspecting HTTP requests and responses, viewing raw payload data, and gathering information about network devices. With PacketSpy, you can gain valuable insights into your network's communication patterns and troubleshoot network issues effectively.


  • Packet Capture: Capture and analyze network packets in real-time.
  • HTTP Inspection: Inspect HTTP requests and responses for detailed analysis.
  • Raw Payload Viewing: View raw payload data for deeper investigation.
  • Device Information: Gather information about network devices, including IP addresses and MAC addresses.


git clone


PacketSpy requires the following dependencies to be installed:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Getting Started

To get started with PacketSpy, use the following command-line options:

root@denizhalil:/PacketSpy# python3 --help                          
usage: [-h] [-t TARGET_IP] [-g GATEWAY_IP] [-i INTERFACE] [-tf TARGET_FIND] [--ip-forward] [-m METHOD]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TARGET_IP, --target TARGET_IP
Target IP address
Gateway IP address
Interface name
-tf TARGET_FIND, --targetfind TARGET_FIND
Target IP range to find
--ip-forward, -if Enable packet forwarding
-m METHOD, --method METHOD
Limit sniffing to a specific HTTP method


  1. Device Detection
root@denizhalil:/PacketSpy# python3 -tf -i eth0

Device discovery
Ip Address Mac Address
************************************** 52:54:00:12:35:00 52:54:00:12:35:00 08:00:27:78:66:95 08:00:27:65:96:cd 08:00:27:2f:64:fe

  1. Man-in-the-Middle Sniffing
root@denizhalil:/PacketSpy# python3 -t -g -i eth0
******************* started sniff *******************

HTTP Request:
Method: b'POST'
Host: b''
Path: b'/userinfo.php'
Source IP:
Source MAC: 08:00:27:04:e8:82
Protocol: HTTP
User-Agent: b'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:105.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/105.0'

Raw Payload:

HTTP Response:
Status Code: b'302'
Content Type: b'text/html; charset=UTF-8'


Https work still in progress


Contributions are welcome! To contribute to PacketSpy, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request in the main repository.


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about PacketSpy, please feel free to contact me:


PacketSpy is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

SLAM Attack: New Spectre-based Vulnerability Impacts Intel, AMD, and Arm CPUs

Researchers from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam have disclosed a new side-channel attack called SLAM that could be exploited to leak sensitive information from kernel memory on current and upcoming CPUs from Intel, AMD, and Arm. The attack is an end-to-end exploit for Spectre based on a new feature in Intel CPUs called Linear Address Masking (LAM) as well as its analogous

New Bluetooth Flaw Let Hackers Take Over Android, Linux, macOS, and iOS Devices

A critical Bluetooth security flaw could be exploited by threat actors to take control of Android, Linux, macOS and iOS devices. Tracked as CVE-2023-45866, the issue relates to a case of authentication bypass that enables attackers to connect to susceptible devices and inject keystrokes to achieve code execution as the victim. "Multiple Bluetooth stacks have authentication bypass

New Stealthy 'Krasue' Linux Trojan Targeting Telecom Firms in Thailand

A previously unknown Linux remote access trojan called Krasue has been observed targeting telecom companies in Thailand by threat actors to main covert access to victim networks at lease since 2021. Named after a nocturnal female spirit of Southeast Asian folklore, the malware is "able to conceal its own presence during the initialization phase," Group-IB said in a report

Kali Linux 2023.4 - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Linux Distribution

By: Zion3R

Time for another Kali Linux release! – Kali Linux 2023.4. This release has various impressive updates.

The summary of the changelog since the 2023.3 release from August is:

PassBreaker - Command-line Password Cracking Tool Developed In Python

By: Zion3R

PassBreaker is a command-line password cracking tool developed in Python. It allows you to perform various password cracking techniques such as wordlist-based attacks and brute force attacks. 


  • Wordlist-based password cracking
  • Brute force password cracking
  • Support for multiple hash algorithms
  • Optional salt value
  • Parallel processing option for faster cracking
  • Password complexity evaluation
  • Customizable minimum and maximum password length
  • Customizable character set for brute force attacks


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


python <password_hash> <wordlist_file> [--algorithm]

Replace <password_hash> with the target password hash and <wordlist_file> with the path to the wordlist file containing potential passwords.


  • --algorithm <algorithm>: Specify the hash algorithm to use (e.g., md5, sha256, sha512).
  • -s, --salt <salt>: Specify a salt value to use.
  • -p, --parallel: Enable parallel processing for faster cracking.
  • -c, --complexity: Evaluate password complexity before cracking.
  • -b, --brute-force: Perform a brute force attack.
  • --min-length <min_length>: Set the minimum password length for brute force attacks.
  • --max-length <max_length>: Set the maximum password length for brute force attacks.
  • --character-set <character_set>: Set the character set to use for brute force attacks.

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Usage Examples

Wordlist-based Password Cracking

python 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 passwords.txt --algorithm md5

This command attempts to crack the password with the hash value "5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99" using the MD5 algorithm and a wordlist from the "passwords.txt" file.

Brute Force Attack

python 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 --brute-force --min-length 6 --max-length 8 --character-set abc123

This command performs a brute force attack to crack the password with the hash value "5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99" by trying all possible combinations of passwords with a length between 6 and 8 characters, using the character set "abc123".

Password Complexity Evaluation

python 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 passwords.txt --algorithm sha256 --complexity

This command evaluates the complexity of passwords in the "passwords.txt" file and attempts to crack the password with the hash value "5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99" using the SHA-256 algorithm. It only tries passwords that meet the complexity requirements.

Using Salt Value

python 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 passwords.txt --algorithm md5 --salt mysalt123

This command uses a specific salt value ("mysalt123") for the password cracking process. Salt is used to enhance the security of passwords.

Parallel Processing

python 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 passwords.txt --algorithm sha512 --parallel

This command performs password cracking with parallel processing for faster cracking. It utilizes multiple processing cores, but it may consume more system resources.

These examples demonstrate different features and use cases of the "PassBreaker" password cracking tool. Users can customize the parameters based on their needs and goals.


This tool is intended for educational and ethical purposes only. Misuse of this tool for any malicious activities is strictly prohibited. The developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this tool.


Contributions are welcome! To contribute to PassBreaker, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request in the main repository.


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about PassBreaker, please feel free to contact me:


PassBreaker is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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