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EvilSlackbot - A Slack Bot Phishing Framework For Red Teaming Exercises

By: Zion3R


A Slack Attack Framework for conducting Red Team and phishing exercises within Slack workspaces.


This tool is intended for Security Professionals only. Do not use this tool against any Slack workspace without explicit permission to test. Use at your own risk.


Thousands of organizations utilize Slack to help their employees communicate, collaborate, and interact. Many of these Slack workspaces install apps or bots that can be used to automate different tasks within Slack. These bots are individually provided permissions that dictate what tasks the bot is permitted to request via the Slack API. To authenticate to the Slack API, each bot is assigned an api token that begins with xoxb or xoxp. More often than not, these tokens are leaked somewhere. When these tokens are exfiltrated during a Red Team exercise, it can be a pain to properly utilize them. Now EvilSlackbot is here to automate and streamline that process. You can use EvilSlackbot to send spoofed Slack messages, phishing links, files, and search for secrets leaked in slack.

Phishing Simulations

In addition to red teaming, EvilSlackbot has also been developed with Slack phishing simulations in mind. To use EvilSlackbot to conduct a Slack phishing exercise, simply create a bot within Slack, give your bot the permissions required for your intended test, and provide EvilSlackbot with a list of emails of employees you would like to test with simulated phishes (Links, files, spoofed messages)


EvilSlackbot requires python3 and Slackclient

pip3 install slackclient


usage: [-h] -t TOKEN [-sP] [-m] [-s] [-a] [-f FILE] [-e EMAIL]
[-cH CHANNEL] [-eL EMAIL_LIST] [-c] [-o OUTFILE] [-cL]

-h, --help show this help message and exit

-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
Slack Oauth token

-sP, --spoof Spoof a Slack message, customizing your name, icon, etc
(Requires -e,-eL, or -cH)
-m, --message Send a message as the bot associated with your token
(Requires -e,-eL, or -cH)
-s, --search Search slack for secrets with a keyword
-a, --attach Send a message containing a malicious attachment (Requires -f
and -e,-eL, or -cH)

-f FILE, --file FILE Path to file attachment
-e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
Email of target
-cH CHANNEL, --channel CHANNEL
Target Slack Channel (Do not include #)
-eL EMAIL_LIST, --email_list EMAIL_LIST
Path to list of emails separated by newline
-c, --check Lookup and display the permissions and available attacks
associated with your provided token.
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
Outfile to store search results
-cL, --channel_list List all public Slack channels


To use this tool, you must provide a xoxb or xoxp token.

-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN (Slack xoxb/xoxp token)
python3 -t <token>


Depending on the permissions associated with your token, there are several attacks that EvilSlackbot can conduct. EvilSlackbot will automatically check what permissions your token has and will display them and any attack that you are able to perform with your given token.

-sP, --spoof Spoof a Slack message, customizing your name, icon, etc (Requires -e,-eL, or -cH)

-m, --message Send a message as the bot associated with your token (Requires -e,-eL, or -cH)

-s, --search Search slack for secrets with a keyword

-a, --attach Send a message containing a malicious attachment (Requires -f and -e,-eL, or -cH)

Spoofed messages (-sP)

With the correct token permissions, EvilSlackbot allows you to send phishing messages while impersonating the botname and bot photo. This attack also requires either the email address (-e) of the target, a list of target emails (-eL), or the name of a Slack channel (-cH). EvilSlackbot will use these arguments to lookup the SlackID of the user associated with the provided emails or channel name. To automate your attack, use a list of emails.

python3 -t <xoxb token> -sP -e <email address>

python3 -t <xoxb token> -sP -eL <email list>

python3 -t <xoxb token> -sP -cH <Channel name>

Phishing Messages (-m)

With the correct token permissions, EvilSlackbot allows you to send phishing messages containing phishing links. What makes this attack different from the Spoofed attack is that this method will send the message as the bot associated with your provided token. You will not be able to choose the name or image of the bot sending your phish. This attack also requires either the email address (-e) of the target, a list of target emails (-eL), or the name of a Slack channel (-cH). EvilSlackbot will use these arguments to lookup the SlackID of the user associated with the provided emails or channel name. To automate your attack, use a list of emails.

python3 -t <xoxb token> -m -e <email address>

python3 -t <xoxb token> -m -eL <email list>

python3 -t <xoxb token> -m -cH <Channel name>

Secret Search (-s)

With the correct token permissions, EvilSlackbot allows you to search Slack for secrets via a keyword search. Right now, this attack requires a xoxp token, as xoxb tokens can not be given the proper permissions to keyword search within Slack. Use the -o argument to write the search results to an outfile.

python3 -t <xoxp token> -s -o <outfile.txt>

Attachments (-a)

With the correct token permissions, EvilSlackbot allows you to send file attachments. The attachment attack requires a path to the file (-f) you wish to send. This attack also requires either the email address (-e) of the target, a list of target emails (-eL), or the name of a Slack channel (-cH). EvilSlackbot will use these arguments to lookup the SlackID of the user associated with the provided emails or channel name. To automate your attack, use a list of emails.

python3 -t <xoxb token> -a -f <path to file> -e <email address>

python3 -t <xoxb token> -a -f <path to file> -eL <email list>

python3 -t <xoxb token> -a -f <path to file> -cH <Channel name>


-f FILE, --file FILE Path to file attachment
-e EMAIL, --email EMAIL Email of target
-cH CHANNEL, --channel CHANNEL Target Slack Channel (Do not include #)
-eL EMAIL_LIST, --email_list EMAIL_LIST Path to list of emails separated by newline
-c, --check Lookup and display the permissions and available attacks associated with your provided token.
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE Outfile to store search results
-cL, --channel_list List all public Slack channels

Channel Search

With the correct permissions, EvilSlackbot can search for and list all of the public channels within the Slack workspace. This can help with planning where to send channel messages. Use -o to write the list to an outfile.

python3 -t <xoxb token> -cL

Ars0N-Framework - A Modern Framework For Bug Bounty Hunting

By: Zion3R

Howdy! My name is Harrison Richardson, or rs0n (arson) when I want to feel cooler than I really am. The code in this repository started as a small collection of scripts to help automate many of the common Bug Bounty hunting processes I found myself repeating. Over time, I built a simple web application with a MongoDB connection to manage my findings and identify valuable data points. After 5 years of Bug Bounty hunting, both part-time and full-time, I'm finally ready to package this collection of tools into a proper framework.

The Ars0n Framework is designed to provide aspiring Application Security Engineers with all the tools they need to leverage Bug Bounty hunting as a means to learn valuable, real-world AppSec concepts and make πŸ’° doing it! My goal is to lower the barrier of entry for Bug Bounty hunting by providing easy-to-use automation tools in combination with educational content and how-to guides for a wide range of Web-based and Cloud-based vulnerabilities. In combination with my YouTube content, this framework will help aspiring Application Security Engineers to quickly and easily understand real-world security concepts that directly translate to a high paying career in Cyber Security.

In addition to using this tool for Bug Bounty Hunting, aspiring engineers can also use this Github Repository as a canvas to practice collaborating with other developers! This tool was inspired by Metasploit and designed to be modular in a similar way. Each Script (Ex: or is basically an algorithm that runs the Modules (Ex: or in a specific patter for a desired result. Because of this design, the community is free to build new Scripts to solve a specific use-case or Modules to expand the results of these Scripts. By learning the code in this framework and using Github to contribute your own code, aspiring engineers will continue to learn real-world skills that can be applied on the first day of a Security Engineer I position.

My hope is that this modular framework will act as a canvas to help share what I've learned over my career to the next generation of Security Engineers! Trust me, we need all the help we can get!!

Quick Start

Paste this code block into a clean installation of Kali Linux 2023.4 to download, install, and run the latest stable Alpha version of the framework:

sudo apt update && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt -y upgrade && sudo apt-get -y upgrade
tar -xzvf ars0n-framework-v0.0.2-alpha.tar.gz
rm ars0n-framework-v0.0.2-alpha.tar.gz
cd ars0n-framework

Download Latest Stable ALPHA Version

tar -xzvf ars0n-framework-v0.0.2-alpha.tar.gz
rm ars0n-framework-v0.0.2-alpha.tar.gz


The Ars0n Framework includes a script that installs all the necessary tools, packages, etc. that are needed to run the framework on a clean installation of Kali Linux 2023.4.

Please note that the only supported installation of this framework is on a clean installation of Kali Linux 2023.3. If you choose to try and run the framework outside of a clean Kali install, I will not be able to help troubleshoot if you have any issues.


This video shows exactly what to expect from a successful installation.

If you are using an ARM Processor, you will need to add the --arm flag to all Install/Run scripts

./ --arm

You will be prompted to enter various API keys and tokens when the installation begins. Entering these is not required to run the core functionality of the framework. If you do not enter these API keys and tokens at the time of installation, simply hit enter at each of the prompts. The keys can be added later to the ~/.keys directory. More information about how to add these keys manually can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions section of this README.

Run the Web Application (Client and Server)

Once the installation is complete, you will be given the option to run the application by entering Y. If you choose not the run the application immediately, or if you need to run the application after a reboot, simply navigate to the root directly and run the bash script.


If you are using an ARM Processor, you will need to add the --arm flag to all Install/Run scripts

./ --arm

Core Modules

The Ars0n Framework's Core Modules are used to determine the basic scanning logic. Each script is designed to support a specific recon methodology based on what the user is trying to accomplish.


At this time, the Wildfire script is the most widely used Core Module in the Ars0n Framework. The purpose of this module is to allow the user to scan multiple targets that allow for testing on any subdomain discovered by the researcher.

How it works:

  1. The user adds root domains through the Graphical User Interface (GUI) that they wish to scan for hidden subdomains
  2. Wildfire sorts each of these domains based on the last time they were scanned to ensure the domain with the oldest data is scanned first
  3. Wildfire scans each of the domains using the Sub-Modules based on the flags provided by the user.

Most Wildfire scans take between 8 and 48 hours to complete against a single domain if all Sub-Modules are being run. Variations in this timing can be caused by a number of factors, including the target application and the machine running the framework.

Also, please note that most data will not show in the GUI until the scan has completed. It's best to try and run the scan overnight or over a weekend, depending on the number of domains being scanned, and return once the scan has complete to move from Recon to Enumeration.

Running Wildfire:

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Wildfire can be run from the GUI using the Wildfire button on the dashboard. Once clicked, the front-end will use the checkboxes on the screen to determine what flags should be passed to the scanner.

Please note that running scans from the GUI still has a few bugs and edge cases that haven't been sorted out. If you have any issues, you can simply run the scan form the CLI.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

All Core Modules for The Ars0n Framework are stored in the /toolkit directory. Simply navigate to the directory and run with the necessary flags. At least one Sub-Module flag must be provided.

python3 --start --cloud --scan


Unlike the Wildfire module, which requires the user to identify target domains to scan, the Slowburn module does that work for you. By communicating with APIs for various bug bounty hunting platforms, this script will identify all domains that allow for testing on any discovered subdomain. Once the data has been populated, Slowburn will randomly choose one domain at a time to scan in the same way Wildfire does.

Please note that the Slowburn module is still in development and is not considered part of the stable alpha release. There will likely be bugs and edge cases encountered by the user.

In order for Slowburn to identify targets to scan, it must first be initialized. This initialization step collects the necessary data from various API's and deposits them into a JSON file stored locally. Once this initialization step is complete, Slowburn will automatically begin selecting and scanning one target at a time.

To initalize Slowburn, simply run the following command:

python3 --initialize

Once the data has been collected, it is up to the user whether they want to re-initialize the tool upon the next scan.

Remember that the scope and targets on public bug bounty programs can change frequently. If you choose to run Slowburn without initializing the data, you may be scanning domains that are no longer in scope for the program. It is strongly recommended that Slowburn be re-initialized each time before running.

If you choose not to re-initialize the target data, you can run Slowburn using the previously collected data with the following command:



The Ars0n Framework's Sub-Modules are designed to be leveraged by the Core Modules to divide the Recon & Enumeration phases into specific tasks. The data collected in each Sub-Module is used by the others to expand your picture of the target's attack surface.


Fire-Starter is the first step to performing recon against a target domain. The goal of this script is to collect a wealth of information about the attack surface of your target. Once collected, this data will be used by all other Sub-Modules to help the user identify a specific URL that is potentially vulnerable.

Fire-Starter works by running a series of open-source tools to enumerate hidden subdomains, DNS records, and the ASN's to identify where those external entries are hosted. Currently, Fire-Starter works by chaining together the following widely used open-source tools:

  • Amass
  • Sublist3r
  • Assetfinder
  • Get All URL's (GAU)
  • Certificate Transparency Logs (CRT)
  • Subfinder
  • ShuffleDNS
  • GoSpider
  • Subdomainizer

These tools cover a wide range of techniques to identify hidden subdomains, including web scraping, brute force, and crawling to identify links and JavaScript URLs.

Once the scan is complete, the Dashboard will be updated and available to the user.

Most Sub-Modules in The Ars0n Framework requre the data collected from the Fire-Starter module to work. With this in mind, Fire-Starter must be included in the first scan against a target for any usable data to be collected.


Coming soon...


Fire-Scanner uses the results of Fire-Starter and Fire-Cloud to perform Wide-Band Scanning against all subdomains and cloud services that have been discovered from previous scans.

At this stage of development, this script leverages Nuclei almost exclusively for all scanning. Instead of simply running the tool, Fire-Scanner breaks the scan down into specific collections of Nuclei Templates and scans them one by one. This strategy helps ensure the scans are stable and produce consistent results, removes any unnecessary or unsafe scan checks, and produces actionable results.


The vast majority of issues installing and/or running the Ars0n Framework are caused by not installing the tool on a clean installation of Kali Linux.

It is important to remember that, at its core, the Ars0n Framework is a collection of automation scripts designed to run existing open-source tools. Each of these tools have their own ways of operating and can experience unexpected behavior if conflicts emerge with any existing service/tool running on the user's system. This complexity is the reason why running The Ars0n Framework should only be run on a clean installation of Kali Linux.

Another very common issue users experience is caused by MongoDB not successfully installing and/or running on their machine. The most common manifestation of this issue is the user is unable to add an initial FQDN and simply sees a broken GUI. If this occurs, please ensure that your machine has the necessary system requirements to run MongoDB. Unfortunately, there is no current solution if you run into this issue.

Frequently Asked Questions

Coming soon...

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Gftrace - A Command Line Windows API Tracing Tool For Golang Binaries

By: Zion3R

A command line Windows API tracing tool for Golang binaries.

Note: This tool is a PoC and a work-in-progress prototype so please treat it as such. Feedbacks are always welcome!

How it works?

Although Golang programs contains a lot of nuances regarding the way they are built and their behavior in runtime they still need to interact with the OS layer and that means at some point they do need to call functions from the Windows API.

The Go runtime package contains a function called asmstdcall and this function is a kind of "gateway" used to interact with the Windows API. Since it's expected this function to call the Windows API functions we can assume it needs to have access to information such as the address of the function and it's parameters, and this is where things start to get more interesting.

Asmstdcall receives a single parameter which is pointer to something similar to the following structure:

struct LIBCALL {
DWORD_PTR ReturnValue;


Some of these fields are filled after the API function is called, like the return value, others are received by asmstdcall, like the function address, the number of arguments and the list of arguments. Regardless when those are set it's clear that the asmstdcall function manipulates a lot of interesting information regarding the execution of programs compiled in Golang.

The gftrace leverages asmstdcall and the way it works to monitor specific fields of the mentioned struct and log it to the user. The tool is capable of log the function name, it's parameters and also the return value of each Windows function called by a Golang application. All of it with no need to hook a single API function or have a signature for it.

The tool also tries to ignore all the noise from the Go runtime initialization and only log functions called after it (i.e. functions from the main package).

If you want to know more about this project and research check the blogpost.


Download the latest release.


  1. Make sure gftrace.exe, gftrace.dll and gftrace.cfg are in the same directory.
  2. Specify which API functions you want to trace in the gftrace.cfg file (the tool does not work without API filters applied).
  3. Run gftrace.exe passing the target Golang program path as a parameter.
gftrace.exe <filepath> <params>


All you need to do is specify which functions you want to trace in the gftrace.cfg file, separating it by comma with no spaces:


The exact Windows API functions a Golang method X of a package Y would call in a specific scenario can only be determined either by analysis of the method itself or trying to guess it. There's some interesting characteristics that can be used to determine it, for example, Golang applications seems to always prefer to call functions from the "Wide" and "Ex" set (e.g. CreateFileW, CreateProcessW, GetComputerNameExW, etc) so you can consider it during your analysis.

The default config file contains multiple functions in which I tested already (at least most part of them) and can say for sure they can be called by a Golang application at some point. I'll try to update it eventually.


Tracing CreateFileW() and ReadFile() in a simple Golang file that calls "os.ReadFile" twice:

- CreateFileW("C:\Users\user\Desktop\doc.txt", 0x80000000, 0x3, 0x0, 0x3, 0x1, 0x0) = 0x168 (360)
- ReadFile(0x168, 0xc000108000, 0x200, 0xc000075d64, 0x0) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateFileW("C:\Users\user\Desktop\doc2.txt", 0x80000000, 0x3, 0x0, 0x3, 0x1, 0x0) = 0x168 (360)
- ReadFile(0x168, 0xc000108200, 0x200, 0xc000075d64, 0x0) = 0x1 (1)

Tracing CreateProcessW() in the TunnelFish malware:

- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe", "powershell /c "Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn; Get-Recipient | Select Name -ExpandProperty EmailAddresses -first 1 | Select SmtpAddress |  ft -hidetableheaders"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc0000ace98, 0xc0000acd68) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe", "powershell /c "Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn; Get-Recipient | Select Name -ExpandProperty EmailAddresses -first 1 | Select SmtpAddress | ft -hidetableheaders"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc0000c4ec8, 0xc0000c4d98) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe", "powershell /c "Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn; Get-Recipient | Select Name -ExpandProperty EmailAddresses -first 1 | Select SmtpAddres s | ft -hidetableheaders"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc00005eec8, 0xc00005ed98) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe", "powershell /c "Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn; Get-Recipient | Select Name -ExpandProperty EmailAddresses -first 1 | Select SmtpAddress | ft -hidetableheaders"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc0000bce98, 0xc0000bcd68) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe", "cmd /c "wmic computersystem get domain"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc0000c4ef0, 0xc0000c4dc0) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe", "cmd /c "wmic computersystem get domain"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc0000acec0, 0xc0000acd90) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe", "cmd /c "wmic computersystem get domain"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc0000bcec0, 0xc0000bcd90) = 0x1 (1)


Tracing multiple functions in the Sunshuttle malware:

- CreateFileW("config.dat.tmp", 0x80000000, 0x3, 0x0, 0x3, 0x1, 0x0) = 0xffffffffffffffff (-1)
- CreateFileW("config.dat.tmp", 0xc0000000, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2, 0x80, 0x0) = 0x198 (408)
- CreateFileW("config.dat.tmp", 0xc0000000, 0x3, 0x0, 0x3, 0x80, 0x0) = 0x1a4 (420)
- WriteFile(0x1a4, 0xc000112780, 0xeb, 0xc0000c79d4, 0x0) = 0x1 (1)
- GetAddrInfoW("", 0x0, 0xc000031f18, 0xc000031e88) = 0x0 (0)
- WSASocketW(0x2, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x81) = 0x1f0 (496)
- WSASend(0x1f0, 0xc00004f038, 0x1, 0xc00004f020, 0x0, 0xc00004eff0, 0x0) = 0x0 (0)
- WSARecv(0x1f0, 0xc00004ef60, 0x1, 0xc00004ef48, 0xc00004efd0, 0xc00004ef18, 0x0) = 0xffffffff (-1)
- GetAddrInfoW("", 0x0, 0xc000031f18, 0xc000031e88) = 0x0 (0)
- WSASocketW(0x2, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x81) = 0x200 (512)
- WSASend(0x200, 0xc00004f2b8, 0x1, 0xc00004f2a0, 0x0, 0xc00004f270, 0x0) = 0x0 (0)
- WSARecv(0x200, 0xc00004f1e0, 0x1, 0xc00004f1c8, 0xc00004f250, 0xc00004f198, 0x0) = 0xffffffff (-1)


Tracing multiple functions in the DeimosC2 framework agent:

- WSASocketW(0x2, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x81) = 0x130 (304)
- setsockopt(0x130, 0xffff, 0x20, 0xc0000b7838, 0x4) = 0xffffffff (-1)
- socket(0x2, 0x1, 0x6) = 0x138 (312)
- WSAIoctl(0x138, 0xc8000006, 0xaf0870, 0x10, 0xb38730, 0x8, 0xc0000b746c, 0x0, 0x0) = 0x0 (0)
- GetModuleFileNameW(0x0, "C:\Users\user\Desktop\samples\deimos.exe", 0x400) = 0x2f (47)
- GetUserProfileDirectoryW(0x140, "C:\Users\user", 0xc0000b7a08) = 0x1 (1)
- LookupAccountSidw(0x0, 0xc00000e250, "user", 0xc0000b796c, "DESKTOP-TEST", 0xc0000b7970, 0xc0000b79f0) = 0x1 (1)
- NetUserGetInfo("DESKTOP-TEST", "user", 0xa, 0xc0000b7930) = 0x0 (0)
- GetComputerNameExW(0x5, "DESKTOP-TEST", 0xc0000b7b78) = 0x1 (1)
- GetAdaptersAddresses(0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0xc000120000, 0xc0000b79d0) = 0x0 (0)
- CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(0x2, 0x0) = 0x1b8 (440)
- GetCurrentProcessId() = 0x2584 (9604)
- GetCurrentDirectoryW(0x12c, "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs\retoolkit\bin") = 0x39 (57 )


Future features:

  • [x] Support inspection of 32 bits files.
  • [x] Add support to files calling functions via the "IAT jmp table" instead of the API call directly in asmstdcall.
  • [x] Add support to cmdline parameters for the target process
  • [ ] Send the tracing log output to a file by default to make it better to filter. Currently there's no separation between the target file and gftrace output. An alternative is redirect gftrace output to a file using the command line.

:warning: Warning

  • The tool inspects the target binary dynamically and it means the file being traced is executed. If you're inspecting a malware or an unknown software please make sure you do it in a controlled environment.
  • Golang programs can be very noisy depending the file and/or function being traced (e.g. VirtualAlloc is always called multiple times by the runtime package, CreateFileW is called multiple times before a call to CreateProcessW, etc). The tool ignores the Golang runtime initialization noise but after that it's up to the user to decide what functions are better to filter in each scenario.


The gftrace is published under the GPL v3 License. Please refer to the file named LICENSE for more information.

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If only Patch Tuesdays came around infrequently β€” like total solar eclipse rare β€” instead of just creeping up on us each month like The Man in the Moon. Although to be fair, it would be tough for Microsoft to eclipse the number of vulnerabilities fixed in this month’s patch batch β€” a record 147 flaws in Windows and related software.

Yes, you read that right. Microsoft today released updates to address 147 security holes in Windows, Office, Azure, .NET Framework, Visual Studio, SQL Server, DNS Server, Windows Defender, Bitlocker, and Windows Secure Boot.

β€œThis is the largest release from Microsoft this year and the largest since at least 2017,” said Dustin Childs, from Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative (ZDI). β€œAs far as I can tell, it’s the largest Patch Tuesday release from Microsoft of all time.”

Tempering the sheer volume of this month’s patches is the middling severity of many of the bugs. Only three of April’s vulnerabilities earned Microsoft’s most-dire β€œcritical” rating, meaning they can be abused by malware or malcontents to take remote control over unpatched systems with no help from users.

Most of the flaws that Microsoft deems β€œmore likely to be exploited” this month are marked as β€œimportant,” which usually involve bugs that require a bit more user interaction (social engineering) but which nevertheless can result in system security bypass, compromise, and the theft of critical assets.

Ben McCarthy, lead cyber security engineer at Immersive Labs called attention to CVE-2024-20670, an Outlook for Windows spoofing vulnerability described as being easy to exploit. It involves convincing a user to click on a malicious link in an email, which can then steal the user’s password hash and authenticate as the user in another Microsoft service.

Another interesting bug McCarthy pointed to is CVE-2024-29063, which involves hard-coded credentials in Azure’s search backend infrastructure that could be gleaned by taking advantage of Azure AI search.

β€œThis along with many other AI attacks in recent news shows a potential new attack surface that we are just learning how to mitigate against,” McCarthy said. β€œMicrosoft has updated their backend and notified any customers who have been affected by the credential leakage.”

CVE-2024-29988 is a weakness that allows attackers to bypass Windows SmartScreen, a technology Microsoft designed to provide additional protections for end users against phishing and malware attacks. Childs said one of ZDI’s researchers found this vulnerability being exploited in the wild, although Microsoft doesn’t currently list CVE-2024-29988 as being exploited.

β€œI would treat this as in the wild until Microsoft clarifies,” Childs said. β€œThe bug itself acts much like CVE-2024-21412 – a [zero-day threat from February] that bypassed the Mark of the Web feature and allows malware to execute on a target system. Threat actors are sending exploits in a zipped file to evade EDR/NDR detection and then using this bug (and others) to bypass Mark of the Web.”

Update, 7:46 p.m. ET: A previous version of this story said there were no zero-day vulnerabilities fixed this month. BleepingComputer reports that Microsoft has since confirmed that there are actually two zero-days. One is the flaw Childs just mentioned (CVE-2024-21412), and the other is CVE-2024-26234, described as a β€œproxy driver spoofing” weakness.

Satnam Narang at Tenable notes that this month’s release includes fixes for two dozen flaws in Windows Secure Boot, the majority of which are considered β€œExploitation Less Likely” according to Microsoft.

β€œHowever, the last time Microsoft patched a flaw in Windows Secure Boot in May 2023 had a notable impact as it was exploited in the wild and linked to the BlackLotus UEFI bootkit, which was sold on dark web forums for $5,000,” Narang said. β€œBlackLotus can bypass functionality called secure boot, which is designed to block malware from being able to load when booting up. While none of these Secure Boot vulnerabilities addressed this month were exploited in the wild, they serve as a reminder that flaws in Secure Boot persist, and we could see more malicious activity related to Secure Boot in the future.”

For links to individual security advisories indexed by severity, check out ZDI’s blog and the Patch Tuesday post from the SANS Internet Storm Center. Please consider backing up your data or your drive before updating, and drop a note in the comments here if you experience any issues applying these fixes.

Adobe today released nine patches tackling at least two dozen vulnerabilities in a range of software products, including Adobe After Effects, Photoshop, Commerce, InDesign, Experience Manager, Media Encoder, Bridge, Illustrator, and Adobe Animate.

KrebsOnSecurity needs to correct the record on a point mentioned at the end of March’s β€œFat Patch Tuesday” post, which looked at new AI capabilities built into Adobe Acrobat that are turned on by default. Adobe has since clarified that its apps won’t use AI to auto-scan your documents, as the original language in its FAQ suggested.

β€œIn practice, no document scanning or analysis occurs unless a user actively engages with the AI features by agreeing to the terms, opening a document, and selecting the AI Assistant or generative summary buttons for that specific document,” Adobe said earlier this month.

Drozer - The Leading Security Assessment Framework For Android

By: Zion3R

drozer (formerly Mercury) is the leading security testing framework for Android.

drozer allows you to search for security vulnerabilities in apps and devices by assuming the role of an app and interacting with the Dalvik VM, other apps' IPC endpoints and the underlying OS.

drozer provides tools to help you use, share and understand public Android exploits. It helps you to deploy a drozer Agent to a device through exploitation or social engineering. Using weasel (WithSecure's advanced exploitation payload) drozer is able to maximise the permissions available to it by installing a full agent, injecting a limited agent into a running process, or connecting a reverse shell to act as a Remote Access Tool (RAT).

drozer is a good tool for simulating a rogue application. A penetration tester does not have to develop an app with custom code to interface with a specific content provider. Instead, drozer can be used with little to no programming experience required to show the impact of letting certain components be exported on a device.

drozer is open source software, maintained by WithSecure, and can be downloaded from:

Docker Container

To help with making sure drozer can be run on modern systems, a Docker container was created that has a working build of Drozer. This is currently the recommended method of using Drozer on modern systems.

  • The Docker container and basic setup instructions can be found here.
  • Instructions on building your own Docker container can be found here.

Manual Building and Installation


  1. Python2.7

Note: On Windows please ensure that the path to the Python installation and the Scripts folder under the Python installation are added to the PATH environment variable.

  1. Protobuf 2.6 or greater

  2. Pyopenssl 16.2 or greater

  3. Twisted 10.2 or greater

  4. Java Development Kit 1.7

Note: On Windows please ensure that the path to javac.exe is added to the PATH environment variable.

  1. Android Debug Bridge

Building Python wheel

git clone
cd drozer
python bdist_wheel

Installing Python wheel

sudo pip install dist/drozer-2.x.x-py2-none-any.whl

Building for Debian/Ubuntu/Mint

git clone
cd drozer
make deb

Installing .deb (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint)

sudo dpkg -i drozer-2.x.x.deb

Building for Redhat/Fedora/CentOS

git clone
cd drozer
make rpm

Installing .rpm (Redhat/Fedora/CentOS)

sudo rpm -I drozer-2.x.x-1.noarch.rpm

Building for Windows

NOTE: Windows Defender and other Antivirus software will flag drozer as malware (an exploitation tool without exploit code wouldn't be much fun!). In order to run drozer you would have to add an exception to Windows Defender and any antivirus software. Alternatively, we recommend running drozer in a Windows/Linux VM.

git clone
cd drozer
python.exe bdist_msi

Installing .msi (Windows)

Run dist/ 


Installing the Agent

Drozer can be installed using Android Debug Bridge (adb).

Download the latest Drozer Agent here.

$ adb install drozer-agent-2.x.x.apk

Starting a Session

You should now have the drozer Console installed on your PC, and the Agent running on your test device. Now, you need to connect the two and you're ready to start exploring.

We will use the server embedded in the drozer Agent to do this.

If using the Android emulator, you need to set up a suitable port forward so that your PC can connect to a TCP socket opened by the Agent inside the emulator, or on the device. By default, drozer uses port 31415:

$ adb forward tcp:31415 tcp:31415

Now, launch the Agent, select the "Embedded Server" option and tap "Enable" to start the server. You should see a notification that the server has started.

Then, on your PC, connect using the drozer Console:

On Linux:

$ drozer console connect

On Windows:

> drozer.bat console connect

If using a real device, the IP address of the device on the network must be specified:

On Linux:

$ drozer console connect --server

On Windows:

> drozer.bat console connect --server

You should be presented with a drozer command prompt:

selecting f75640f67144d9a3 (unknown sdk 4.1.1)  

The prompt confirms the Android ID of the device you have connected to, along with the manufacturer, model and Android software version.

You are now ready to start exploring the device.

Command Reference

Command Description
run Executes a drozer module
list Show a list of all drozer modules that can be executed in the current session. This hides modules that you do not have suitable permissions to run.
shell Start an interactive Linux shell on the device, in the context of the Agent process.
cd Mounts a particular namespace as the root of session, to avoid having to repeatedly type the full name of a module.
clean Remove temporary files stored by drozer on the Android device.
contributors Displays a list of people who have contributed to the drozer framework and modules in use on your system.
echo Print text to the console.
exit Terminate the drozer session.
help Display help about a particular command or module.
load Load a file containing drozer commands, and execute them in sequence.
module Find and install additional drozer modules from the Internet.
permissions Display a list of the permissions granted to the drozer Agent.
set Store a value in a variable that will be passed as an environment variable to any Linux shells spawned by drozer.
unset Remove a named variable that drozer passes to any Linux shells that it spawns.


drozer is released under a 3-clause BSD License. See LICENSE for full details.

Contacting the Project

drozer is Open Source software, made great by contributions from the community.

Bug reports, feature requests, comments and questions can be submitted here.

8,000+ Domains of Trusted Brands Hijacked for Massive Spam Operation

More than 8,000 domains and 13,000 subdomains belonging to legitimate brands and institutions have been hijacked as part of a sophisticated distribution architecture for spam proliferation and click monetization. Guardio Labs is tracking the coordinated malicious activity, which has been ongoing since at least September 2022, under the name SubdoMailing. The emails range from "counterfeit

SaaS Compliance through the NIST Cybersecurity Framework

The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cybersecurity framework is one of the world's most important guidelines for securing networks. It can be applied to any number of applications, including SaaS.&nbsp; One of the challenges facing those tasked with securing SaaS applications is the different settings found in each application. It makes it difficult to develop a

Porch-Pirate - The Most Comprehensive Postman Recon / OSINT Client And Framework That Facilitates The Automated Discovery And Exploitation Of API Endpoints And Secrets Committed To Workspaces, Collections, Requests, Users And Teams

By: Zion3R

Porch Pirate started as a tool to quickly uncover Postman secrets, and has slowly begun to evolve into a multi-purpose reconaissance / OSINT framework for Postman. While existing tools are great proof of concepts, they only attempt to identify very specific keywords as "secrets", and in very limited locations, with no consideration to recon beyond secrets. We realized we required capabilities that were "secret-agnostic", and had enough flexibility to capture false-positives that still provided offensive value.

Porch Pirate enumerates and presents sensitive results (global secrets, unique headers, endpoints, query parameters, authorization, etc), from publicly accessible Postman entities, such as:

  • Workspaces
  • Collections
  • Requests
  • Users
  • Teams


python3 -m pip install porch-pirate

Using the client

The Porch Pirate client can be used to nearly fully conduct reviews on public Postman entities in a quick and simple fashion. There are intended workflows and particular keywords to be used that can typically maximize results. These methodologies can be located on our blog: Plundering Postman with Porch Pirate.

Porch Pirate supports the following arguments to be performed on collections, workspaces, or users.

  • --globals
  • --collections
  • --requests
  • --urls
  • --dump
  • --raw
  • --curl

Simple Search

porch-pirate -s ""

Get Workspace Globals

By default, Porch Pirate will display globals from all active and inactive environments if they are defined in the workspace. Provide a -w argument with the workspace ID (found by performing a simple search, or automatic search dump) to extract the workspace's globals, along with other information.

porch-pirate -w abd6bded-ac31-4dd5-87d6-aa4a399071b8

Dump Workspace

When an interesting result has been found with a simple search, we can provide the workspace ID to the -w argument with the --dump command to begin extracting information from the workspace and its collections.

porch-pirate -w abd6bded-ac31-4dd5-87d6-aa4a399071b8 --dump

Automatic Search and Globals Extraction

Porch Pirate can be supplied a simple search term, following the --globals argument. Porch Pirate will dump all relevant workspaces tied to the results discovered in the simple search, but only if there are globals defined. This is particularly useful for quickly identifying potentially interesting workspaces to dig into further.

porch-pirate -s "shopify" --globals

Automatic Search Dump

Porch Pirate can be supplied a simple search term, following the --dump argument. Porch Pirate will dump all relevant workspaces and collections tied to the results discovered in the simple search. This is particularly useful for quickly sifting through potentially interesting results.

porch-pirate -s "" --dump

Extract URLs from Workspace

A particularly useful way to use Porch Pirate is to extract all URLs from a workspace and export them to another tool for fuzzing.

porch-pirate -w abd6bded-ac31-4dd5-87d6-aa4a399071b8 --urls

Automatic URL Extraction

Porch Pirate will recursively extract all URLs from workspaces and their collections related to a simple search term.

porch-pirate -s "" --urls

Show Collections in a Workspace

porch-pirate -w abd6bded-ac31-4dd5-87d6-aa4a399071b8 --collections

Show Workspace Requests

porch-pirate -w abd6bded-ac31-4dd5-87d6-aa4a399071b8 --requests

Show raw JSON

porch-pirate -w abd6bded-ac31-4dd5-87d6-aa4a399071b8 --raw

Show Entity Information

porch-pirate -w WORKSPACE_ID
porch-pirate -c COLLECTION_ID
porch-pirate -r REQUEST_ID
porch-pirate -u USERNAME/TEAMNAME

Convert Request to Curl

Porch Pirate can build curl requests when provided with a request ID for easier testing.

porch-pirate -r 11055256-b1529390-18d2-4dce-812f-ee4d33bffd38 --curl

Use a proxy

porch-pirate -s --proxy

Using as a library


p = porchpirate()

Get Workspace Collections

p = porchpirate()

Dumping a Workspace

p = porchpirate()
collections = json.loads(p.collections('4127fdda-08be-4f34-af0e-a8bdc06efaba'))
for collection in collections['data']:
requests = collection['requests']
for r in requests:
request_data = p.request(r['id'])

Grabbing a Workspace's Globals

p = porchpirate()

Other Examples

Other library usage examples can be located in the examples directory, which contains the following examples:


T3SF - Technical Tabletop Exercises Simulation Framework

By: Zion3R

T3SF is a framework that offers a modular structure for the orchestration of events based on a master scenario events list (MSEL) together with a set of rules defined for each exercise (optional) and a configuration that allows defining the parameters of the corresponding platform. The main module performs the communication with the specific module (Discord, Slack, Telegram, etc.) that allows the events to present the events in the input channels as injects for each platform. In addition, the framework supports different use cases: "single organization, multiple areas", "multiple organization, single area" and "multiple organization, multiple areas".

Getting Things Ready

To use the framework with your desired platform, whether it's Slack or Discord, you will need to install the required modules for that platform. But don't worry, installing these modules is easy and straightforward.

To do this, you can follow this simple step-by-step guide, or if you're already comfortable installing packages with pip, you can skip to the last step!

# Python 3.6+ required
python -m venv .venv # We will create a python virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate # Let's get inside it

pip install -U pip # Upgrade pip

Once you have created a Python virtual environment and activated it, you can install the T3SF framework for your desired platform by running the following command:

pip install "T3SF[Discord]"  # Install the framework to work with Discord


pip install "T3SF[Slack]"  # Install the framework to work with Slack

This will install the T3SF framework along with the required dependencies for your chosen platform. Once the installation is complete, you can start using the framework with your platform of choice.

We strongly recommend following the platform-specific guidance within our Read The Docs! Here are the links:


We created this framework to simplify all your work!

Using Docker

Supported Tags

  • slack β†’ This image has all the requirements to perform an exercise in Slack.
  • discord β†’ This image has all the requirements to perform an exercise in Discord.

Using it with Slack

$ docker run --rm -t --env-file .env -v $(pwd)/MSEL.json:/app/MSEL.json base4sec/t3sf:slack

Inside your .env file you have to provide the SLACK_BOT_TOKEN and SLACK_APP_TOKEN tokens. Read more about it here.

There is another environment variable to set, MSEL_PATH. This variable tells the framework in which path the MSEL is located. By default, the container path is /app/MSEL.json. If you change the mount location of the volume then also change the variable.

Using it with Discord

$ docker run --rm -t --env-file .env -v $(pwd)/MSEL.json:/app/MSEL.json base4sec/t3sf:discord

Inside your .env file you have to provide the DISCORD_TOKEN token. Read more about it here.

There is another environment variable to set, MSEL_PATH. This variable tells the framework in which path the MSEL is located. By default, the container path is /app/MSEL.json. If you change the mount location of the volume then also change the variable.

Once you have everything ready, use our template for the, or modify the following code:

Here is an example if you want to run the framework with the Discord bot and a GUI.

from T3SF import T3SF
import asyncio

async def main():
await T3SF.start(MSEL="MSEL_TTX.json", platform="Discord", gui=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Or if you prefer to run the framework without GUI and with Slack instead, you can modify the arguments, and that's it!

Yes, that simple!

await T3SF.start(MSEL="MSEL_TTX.json", platform="Slack", gui=False)

If you need more help, you can always check our documentation here!

Agent Racoon Backdoor Targets Organizations in Middle East, Africa, and U.S.

Organizations in the Middle East, Africa, and the U.S. have been targeted by an unknown threat actor to distribute a new backdoor called&nbsp;Agent Racoon. "This malware family is written using the .NET framework and leverages the domain name service (DNS) protocol to create a covert channel and provide different backdoor functionalities," Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 researcher Chema Garcia&nbsp;

OSINT-Framework - OSINT Framework

By: Zion3R

OSINT framework focused on gathering information from free tools or resources. The intention is to help people find free OSINT resources. Some of the sites included might require registration or offer more data for $$$, but you should be able to get at least a portion of the available information for no cost.

I originally created this framework with an information security point of view. Since then, the response from other fields and disciplines has been incredible. I would love to be able to include any other OSINT resources, especially from fields outside of infosec. Please let me know about anything that might be missing!

Please visit the framework at the link below and good hunting!


(T) - Indicates a link to a tool that must be installed and run locally
(D) - Google Dork, for more information: Google Hacking
(R) - Requires registration
(M) - Indicates a URL that contains the search term and the URL itself must be edited manually

For Update Notifications

Follow me on Twitter: @jnordine -
Watch or star the project on Github:

Suggestions, Comments, Feedback

Feedback or new tool suggestions are extremely welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on github or reach out on Twitter.

Contribute with a GitHub Pull Request

For new resources, please ensure that the site is available for public and free use.

  1. Update the arf.json file in the format shown below. If this isn't the first entry for a folder, add a comma to the last closing brace of the previous entry.
  • Submit pull request!
  • Thank you!

    OSINT Framework Website

    Happy Hunting!

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    Nimbo-C2 - Yet Another (Simple And Lightweight) C2 Framework

    By: Zion3R


    Nimbo-C2 is yet another (simple and lightweight) C2 framework.

    Nimbo-C2 agent supports x64 Windows & Linux. It's written in Nim, with some usage of .NET on Windows (by dynamically loading the CLR to the process). Nim is powerful, but interacting with Windows is much easier and robust using Powershell, hence this combination is made. The Linux agent is slimer and capable only of basic commands, including ELF loading using the memfd technique.

    All server components are written in Python:

    • HTTP listener that manages the agents.
    • Builder that generates the agent payloads.
    • Nimbo-C2 is the interactive C2 component that rule'em all!

    My work wouldn't be possible without the previous great work done by others, listed under credits.


    • Build EXE, DLL, ELF payloads.
    • Encrypted implant configuration and strings using NimProtect.
    • Packing payloads using UPX and obfuscate the PE section names (UPX0, UPX1) to make detection and unpacking harder.
    • Encrypted HTTP communication (AES in CBC mode, key hardcoded in the agent and configurable by the config.jsonc).
    • Auto-completion in the C2 Console for convenient interaction.
    • In-memory Powershell commands execution.
    • File download and upload commands.
    • Built-in discovery commands.
    • Screenshot taking, clipboard stealing, audio recording.
    • Memory evasion techniques like NTDLL unhooking, ETW & AMSI patching.
    • LSASS and SAM hives dumping.
    • Shellcode injection.
    • Inline .NET assemblies execution.
    • Persistence capabilities.
    • UAC bypass methods.
    • ELF loading using memfd in 2 modes.
    • And more !


    Easy Way

    1. Clone the repository and cd in
    git clone
    cd Nimbo-C2
    1. Build the docker image
    docker build -t nimbo-dependencies .
    1. cd again into the source files and run the docker image interactively, expose port 80 and mount Nimbo-C2 directory to the container (so you can easily access all project files, modify config.jsonc, download and upload files from agents, etc.). For Linux replace ${pwd} with $(pwd).
    cd Nimbo-C2
    docker run -it --rm -p 80:80 -v ${pwd}:/Nimbo-C2 -w /Nimbo-C2 nimbo-dependencies

    Easier Way

    git clone
    cd Nimbo-C2/Nimbo-C2
    docker run -it --rm -p 80:80 -v ${pwd}:/Nimbo-C2 -w /Nimbo-C2 itaymigdal/nimbo-dependencies


    First, edit config.jsonc for your needs.

    Then run with: python3

    Use the help command for each screen, and tab completion.

    Also, check the examples directory.

    Main Window

    Nimbo-C2 > help

    --== Agent ==--
    agent list -> list active agents
    agent interact <agent-id> -> interact with the agent
    agent remove <agent-id> -> remove agent data

    --== Builder ==--
    build exe -> build exe agent (-h for help)
    build dll -> build dll agent (-h for help)
    build elf -> build elf agent (-h for help)

    --== Listener ==--
    listener start -> start the listener
    listener stop -> stop the listener
    listener status -> print the listener status

    --== General ==--
    cls -> clear the screen
    help -> print this help message
    exit -> exit Nimbo-C2
    </ div>

    Agent Window

    Windows agent

    Nimbo-2 [d337c406] > help

    --== Send Commands ==--
    cmd <shell-command> -> execute a shell command
    iex <powershell-scriptblock> -> execute in-memory powershell command

    --== File Stuff ==--
    download <remote-file> -> download a file from the agent (wrap path with quotes)
    upload <loal-file> <remote-path> -> upload a file to the agent (wrap paths with quotes)

    --== Discovery Stuff ==--
    pstree -> show process tree
    checksec -> check for security products
    software -> check for installed software

    --== Collection Stuff ==--
    clipboard -> retrieve clipboard
    screenshot -> retrieve screenshot
    audio <record-time> -> record audio

    --== Post Exploitation Stuff ==--
    lsass <method> -> dump lsass.exe [methods: direct,comsvcs] (elevation required)
    sam -> dump sam,security,system hives using reg.exe (elevation required)
    shellc <raw-shellcode-file> <pid> -> inject shellcode to remote process
    assembly <local-assembly> <args> -> execute .net assembly (pass all args as a single string using quotes)
    warning: make sure the assembly doesn't call any exit function

    --== Evasion Stuff ==--
    unhook -> unhook ntdll.dll
    amsi -> patch amsi out of the current process
    etw -> patch etw out of the current process

    --== Persistence Stuff ==--
    persist run <command> <key-name> -> set run key (will try first hklm, then hkcu)
    persist spe <command> <process-name> -> persist using silent process exit technique (elevation required)

    --== Privesc Stuff ==--
    uac fodhelper <command> <keep/die> -> elevate session using the fodhelper uac bypass technique
    uac sdclt <command> <keep/die> -> elevate session using the sdclt uac bypass technique

    --== Interaction stuff ==--
    msgbox <title> <text> -> pop a message box (blocking! waits for enter press)
    speak <text> -> speak using sapi.spvoice com interface

    --== Communication Stuff ==--
    sleep <sleep-time> <jitter-%> -> change sleep time interval and jitter
    clear -> clear pending commands
    collect -> recollect agent data
    kill -> kill the agent (persistence will still take place)

    --== General ==--
    show -> show agent details
    back -> back to main screen
    cls -> clear the screen
    help -> print this help message
    exit -> exit Nimbo-C2

    Linux agent

    Nimbo-2 [51a33cb9] > help

    --== Send Commands ==--
    cmd <shell-command> -> execute a terminal command

    --== File Stuff ==--
    download <remote-file> -> download a file from the agent (wrap path with quotes)
    upload <local-file> <remote-path> -> upload a file to the agent (wrap paths with quotes)

    --== Post Exploitation Stuff ==--
    memfd <mode> <elf-file> <commandline> -> load elf in-memory using the memfd_create syscall
    implant mode: load the elf as a child process and return
    task mode: load the elf as a child process, wait on it, and get its output when it's done
    (pass the whole commandline as a single string using quotes)

    --== Communication Stuff ==--
    sleep <sleep-time> <jitter-%> -> change sleep time interval and jitter
    clear -> clear pending commands
    collect -> recollect agent data
    kill -> kill the agent (persistence will still take place)

    --== General ==--
    show -> show agent details
    back -> back to main screen
    cls -> clear the screen
    help -> print this help message
    exit -> exit Nimbo-C2

    Limitations & Warnings

    • Even though the HTTP communication is encrypted, the 'user-agent' header is in plain text and it carries the real agent id, which some products may flag it suspicious.
    • When using assembly command, make sure your assembly doesn't call any exit function because it will kill the agent.
    • shellc command may unexpectedly crash or change the injected process behavior, test the shellcode and the target process first.
    • audio, lsass and sam commands temporarily save artifacts to disk before exfiltrate and delete them.
    • Cleaning the persist commands should be done manually.
    • Specify whether to keep or kill the initiating agent process in the uac commands. die flag may leave you with no active agent (if the unelevated agent thinks that the UAC bypass was successful, and it wasn't), keep should leave you with 2 active agents probing the C2, then you should manually kill the unelevated.
    • msgbox is blocking, until the user will press the ok button.


    This software may be buggy or unstable in some use cases as it not being fully and constantly tested. Feel free to open issues, PR's, and contact me for any reason at (Gmail | Linkedin | Twitter).


    • OffensiveNim - Great resource that taught me a lot about leveraging Nim for implant tasks. Some of Nimbo-C2 agent capabilities are basically wrappers around OffensiveNim modified examples.
    • Python-Prompt-Toolkit-3 - Awsome library for developing python CLI applications. Developed the Nimbo-C2 interactive console using this.
    • ascii-image-converter - For the awsome Nimbo ascii art.
    • All those random people from Github & Stackoverflow that I copy & pasted their code

    PhoneSploit-Pro - An All-In-One Hacking Tool To Remotely Exploit Android Devices Using ADB And Metasploit-Framework To Get A Meterpreter Session

    An all-in-one hacking tool written in Python to remotely exploit Android devices using ADB (Android Debug Bridge) and Metasploit-Framework.

    Complete Automation to get a Meterpreter session in One Click

    This tool can automatically Create, Install, and Run payload on the target device using Metasploit-Framework and ADB to completely hack the Android Device in one click.

    The goal of this project is to make penetration testing on Android devices easy. Now you don't have to learn commands and arguments, PhoneSploit Pro does it for you. Using this tool, you can test the security of your Android devices easily.

    PhoneSploit Pro can also be used as a complete ADB Toolkit to perform various operations on Android devices over Wi-Fi as well as USB.




    • Connect device using ADB remotely.
    • List connected devices.
    • Disconnect all devices.
    • Access connected device shell.
    • Stop ADB Server.
    • Take screenshot and pull it to computer automatically.
    • Screen Record target device screen for a specified time and automatically pull it to computer.
    • Download file/folder from target device.
    • Send file/folder from computer to target device.
    • Run an app.
    • Install an APK file from computer to target device.
    • Uninstall an app.
    • List all installed apps in target device.
    • Restart/Reboot the target device to System, Recovery, Bootloader, Fastboot.
    • Hack Device Completely :
      • Automatically fetch your IP Address to set LHOST.
      • Automatically create a payload using msfvenom, install it, and run it on target device.
      • Then automatically launch and setup Metasploit-Framework to get a meterpreter session.
      • Getting a meterpreter session means the device is completely hacked using Metasploit-Framework, and you can do anything with it.


    • List all files and folders of the target devices.
    • Copy all WhatsApp Data to computer.
    • Copy all Screenshots to computer.
    • Copy all Camera Photos to computer.
    • Take screenshots and screen-record anonymously (Automatically delete file from target device).
    • Open a link on target device.
    • Display an image/photo on target device.
    • Play an audio on target device.
    • Play a video on target device.
    • Get device information.
    • Get battery information.
    • Use Keycodes to control device remotely.


    • Send SMS through target device.
    • Unlock device (Automatic screen on, swipe up and password input).
    • Lock device.
    • Dump all SMS from device to computer.
    • Dump all Contacts from device to computer.
    • Dump all Call Logs from device to computer.
    • Extract APK from an installed app.


    • Mirror and Control the target device.


    • Power off the target device.


    Run PhoneSploit Pro

    PhoneSploit Pro does not need any installation and runs directly using python3

    On Linux / macOS :

    Make sure all the required software are installed.

    Open terminal and paste the following commands :

    git clone
    cd PhoneSploit-Pro/

    On Windows :

    Make sure all the required software are installed.

    Open terminal and paste the following commands :

    git clone
    cd PhoneSploit-Pro/
    1. Download and extract latest platform-tools from here.

    2. Copy all files from the extracted platform-tools or adb directory to PhoneSploit-Pro directory and then run :



    Installing ADB

    ADB on Linux :

    Open terminal and paste the following commands :

    • Debian / Ubuntu
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install adb
    • Fedora
    sudo dnf install adb
    • Arch Linux / Manjaro
    sudo pacman -Sy android-tools

    For other Linux Distributions : Visit this Link

    ADB on macOS :

    Open terminal and paste the following command :

    brew install android-platform-tools

    or Visit this link : Click Here

    ADB on Windows :

    Visit this link : Click Here

    ADB on Termux :

    pkg update
    pkg install android-tools

    Installing Metasploit-Framework

    On Linux / macOS :

    curl > msfinstall && \
    chmod 755 msfinstall && \

    or Follow this link : Click Here

    or Visit this link : Click Here

    On Windows :

    Visit this link : Click Here

    or Follow this link : Click Here

    Installing scrcpy

    Visit the scrcpy GitHub page for latest installation instructions : Click Here

    On Windows : Copy all the files from the extracted scrcpy folder to PhoneSploit-Pro folder.

    If scrcpy is not available for your Linux distro, then you can build it with a few simple steps : Build Guide


    Setting up Android Phone for the first time

    • Enabling the Developer Options
    1. Open Settings.
    2. Go to About Phone.
    3. Find Build Number.
    4. Tap on Build Number 7 times.
    5. Enter your pattern, PIN or password to enable the Developer options menu.
    6. The Developer options menu will now appear in your Settings menu.
    • Enabling USB Debugging
    1. Open Settings.
    2. Go to System > Developer options.
    3. Scroll down and Enable USB debugging.
    • Connecting with Computer
    1. Connect your Android device and adb host computer to a common Wi-Fi network.
    2. Connect the device to the host computer with a USB cable.
    3. Open terminal in the computer and enter the following command :
    adb devices
    1. A pop-up will appear in the Android phone when you connect your phone to a new PC for the first time : Allow USB debugging?.
    2. Click on Always allow from this computer check-box and then click Allow.
    3. Then enter the following command :
    adb tcpip 5555
    1. Now you can connect the Android Phone over Wi-Fi.
    2. Disconnect the USB cable.
    3. Go to Settings > About Phone > Status > IP address and note the phone's IP Address.
    4. Run PhoneSploit Pro and select Connect a device and enter the target's IP Address to connect over Wi-Fi.

    Connecting the Android phone for the next time

    1. Connect your Android device and host computer to a common Wi-Fi network.
    2. Run PhoneSploit Pro and select Connect a device and enter the target's IP Address to connect over Wi-Fi.

    This tool is tested on

    • βœ…Ubuntu
    • βœ…Linux Mint
    • βœ…Kali Linux
    • βœ…Fedora
    • βœ…Arch Linux
    • βœ…Parrot Security OS
    • βœ…Windows 11
    • βœ…Termux (Android)

    All the new features are primarily tested on Linux, thus Linux is recommended for running PhoneSploit Pro. Some features might not work properly on Windows.


    • Neither the project nor its developer promote any kind of illegal activity and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this project.
    • This project is for the purpose of penetration testing only.
    • Please do not use this tool on other people's devices without their permission.
    • Do not use this tool to harm others.
    • Use this project responsibly on your own devices only.
    • It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state, federal, and international laws.

    Katana - A Next-Generation Crawling And Spidering Framework

    A next-generation crawling and spidering framework

    Features β€’ Installation β€’ Usage β€’ Scope β€’ Config β€’ Filters β€’ Join Discord


    • Fast And fully configurable web crawling
    • Standard and Headless mode support
    • JavaScript parsing / crawling
    • Customizable automatic form filling
    • Scope control - Preconfigured field / Regex
    • Customizable output - Preconfigured fields


    katana requires Go 1.18 to install successfully. To install, just run the below command or download pre-compiled binary from release page.

    go install


    katana -h

    This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.

    ./katana [flags]

    -u, -list string[] target url / list to crawl

    -d, -depth int maximum depth to crawl (default 2)
    -jc, -js-crawl enable endpoint parsing / crawling in javascript file
    -ct, -crawl-duration int maximum duration to crawl the target for
    -kf, -known-files string enable crawling of known files (all,robotstxt,sitemapxml)
    -mrs, -max-response-size int maximum response size to read (default 2097152)
    -timeout int time to wait for request in seconds (default 10)
    -aff, -automatic-form-fill enable optional automatic form filling (experimental)
    -retry int number of times to retry the request (default 1)
    -proxy string http/socks5 proxy to use
    -H, -headers string[] custom hea der/cookie to include in request
    -config string path to the katana configuration file
    -fc, -form-config string path to custom form configuration file

    -health-check, -hc run diagnostic check up
    -elog, -error-log string file to write sent requests error log

    -hl, -headless enable headless hybrid crawling (experimental)
    -sc, -system-chrome use local installed chrome browser instead of katana installed
    -sb, -show-browser show the browser on the screen with headless mode
    -ho, -headless-options string[] start headless chrome with additional options
    -nos, -no-sandbox start headless chrome in --no-sandbox mode
    -scp, -system-chrome-path string use specified chrome binary path for headless crawling
    -noi, -no-incognito start headless chrome without incognito mode

    -cs, -crawl-scope string[] in scope url regex to be followed by crawler
    -cos, -crawl-out-scope string[] out of scope url regex to be excluded by crawler
    -fs, -field-scope string pre-defined scope field (dn,rdn,fqdn) (default "rdn")
    -ns, -no-scope disables host based default scope
    -do, -display-out-scope display external endpoint from scoped crawling

    -f, -field string field to display in output (url,path,fqdn,rdn,rurl,qurl,qpath,file,key,value,kv,dir,udir)
    -sf, -store-field string field to store in per-host output (url,path,fqdn,rdn,rurl,qurl,qpath,file,key,value,kv,dir,udir)
    -em, -extension-match string[] match output for given extension (eg, -em php,html,js)
    -ef, -extension-filter string[] filter output for given extension (eg, -ef png,css)

    -c, -concurrency int number of concurrent fetchers to use (defaul t 10)
    -p, -parallelism int number of concurrent inputs to process (default 10)
    -rd, -delay int request delay between each request in seconds
    -rl, -rate-limit int maximum requests to send per second (default 150)
    -rlm, -rate-limit-minute int maximum number of requests to send per minute

    -o, -output string file to write output to
    -j, -json write output in JSONL(ines) format
    -nc, -no-color disable output content coloring (ANSI escape codes)
    -silent display output only
    -v, -verbose display verbose output
    -version display project version

    Running Katana

    Input for katana

    katana requires url or endpoint to crawl and accepts single or multiple inputs.

    Input URL can be provided using -u option, and multiple values can be provided using comma-separated input, similarly file input is supported using -list option and additionally piped input (stdin) is also supported.

    URL Input

    katana -u

    Multiple URL Input (comma-separated)

    katana -u,

    List Input

    $ cat url_list.txt
    katana -list url_list.txt

    STDIN (piped) Input

    echo | katana
    cat domains | httpx | katana

    Example running katana -

    katana -u

    __ __
    / /_____ _/ /____ ____ ___ _
    / '_/ _ / __/ _ / _ \/ _ /
    /_/\_\\_,_/\__/\_,_/_//_/\_,_/ v0.0.1

    [WRN] Use with caution. You are responsible for your actions.
    [WRN] Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage. %2Fhowyoutubeworks%3Futm_source%3Dythp%26utm_medium%3DLeftNav%26utm_campaign%3Dytgen

    Crawling Mode

    Standard Mode

    Standard crawling modality uses the standard go http library under the hood to handle HTTP requests/responses. This modality is much faster as it doesn't have the browser overhead. Still, it analyzes HTTP responses body as is, without any javascript or DOM rendering, potentially missing post-dom-rendered endpoints or asynchronous endpoint calls that might happen in complex web applications depending, for example, on browser-specific events.

    Headless Mode

    Headless mode hooks internal headless calls to handle HTTP requests/responses directly within the browser context. This offers two advantages:

    • The HTTP fingerprint (TLS and user agent) fully identify the client as a legitimate browser
    • Better coverage since the endpoints are discovered analyzing the standard raw response, as in the previous modality, and also the browser-rendered one with javascript enabled.

    Headless crawling is optional and can be enabled using -headless option.

    Here are other headless CLI options -

    katana -h headless

    -hl, -headless enable experimental headless hybrid crawling
    -sc, -system-chrome use local installed chrome browser instead of katana installed
    -sb, -show-browser show the browser on the screen with headless mode
    -ho, -headless-options string[] start headless chrome with additional options
    -nos, -no-sandbox start headless chrome in --no-sandbox mode
    -noi, -no-incognito start headless chrome without incognito mode


    Runs headless chrome browser with no-sandbox option, useful when running as root user.

    katana -u -headless -no-sandbox


    Runs headless chrome browser without incognito mode, useful when using the local browser.

    katana -u -headless -no-incognito


    When crawling in headless mode, additional chrome options can be specified using -headless-options, for example -

    katana -u -headless -system-chrome -headless-options --disable-gpu,proxy-server=

    Scope Control

    Crawling can be endless if not scoped, as such katana comes with multiple support to define the crawl scope.


    Most handy option to define scope with predefined field name, rdn being default option for field scope.

    • rdn - crawling scoped to root domain name and all subdomains (e.g. * (default)
    • fqdn - crawling scoped to given sub(domain) (e.g. or
    • dn - crawling scoped to domain name keyword (e.g. example)
    katana -u -fs dn


    For advanced scope control, -cs option can be used that comes with regex support.

    katana -u -cs login

    For multiple in scope rules, file input with multiline string / regex can be passed.

    $ cat in_scope.txt

    katana -u -cs in_scope.txt


    For defining what not to crawl, -cos option can be used and also support regex input.

    katana -u -cos logout

    For multiple out of scope rules, file input with multiline string / regex can be passed.

    $ cat out_of_scope.txt

    katana -u -cos out_of_scope.txt


    Katana is default to scope *.domain, to disable this -ns option can be used and also to crawl the internet.

    katana -u -ns


    As default, when scope option is used, it also applies for the links to display as output, as such external URLs are default to exclude and to overwrite this behavior, -do option can be used to display all the external URLs that exist in targets scoped URL / Endpoint.

    katana -u -do

    Here is all the CLI options for the scope control -

    katana -h scope

    -cs, -crawl-scope string[] in scope url regex to be followed by crawler
    -cos, -crawl-out-scope string[] out of scope url regex to be excluded by crawler
    -fs, -field-scope string pre-defined scope field (dn,rdn,fqdn) (default "rdn")
    -ns, -no-scope disables host based default scope
    -do, -display-out-scope display external endpoint from scoped crawling

    Crawler Configuration

    Katana comes with multiple options to configure and control the crawl as the way we want.


    Option to define the depth to follow the urls for crawling, the more depth the more number of endpoint being crawled + time for crawl.

    katana -u -d 5


    Option to enable JavaScript file parsing + crawling the endpoints discovered in JavaScript files, disabled as default.

    katana -u -jc


    Option to predefined crawl duration, disabled as default.

    katana -u -ct 2


    Option to enable crawling robots.txt and sitemap.xml file, disabled as default.

    katana -u -kf robotstxt,sitemapxml


    Option to enable automatic form filling for known / unknown fields, known field values can be customized as needed by updating form config file at $HOME/.config/katana/form-config.yaml.

    Automatic form filling is experimental feature.

       -aff, -automatic-form-fill  enable optional automatic form filling (experimental)

    There are more options to configure when needed, here is all the config related CLI options -

    katana -h config

    -d, -depth int maximum depth to crawl (default 2)
    -jc, -js-crawl enable endpoint parsing / crawling in javascript file
    -ct, -crawl-duration int maximum duration to crawl the target for
    -kf, -known-files string enable crawling of known files (all,robotstxt,sitemapxml)
    -mrs, -max-response-size int maximum response size to read (default 2097152)
    -timeout int time to wait for request in seconds (default 10)
    -retry int number of times to retry the request (default 1)
    -proxy string http/socks5 proxy to use
    -H, -headers string[] custom header/cookie to include in request
    -config string path to the katana configuration file
    -fc, -form-config string path to custom form configuration file



    Katana comes with built in fields that can be used to filter the output for the desired information, -f option can be used to specify any of the available fields.

       -f, -field string  field to display in output (url,path,fqdn,rdn,rurl,qurl,qpath,file,key,value,kv,dir,udir)

    Here is a table with examples of each field and expected output when used -

    url URL Endpoint
    qurl URL including query param
    qpath Path including query param /login?user=admin&password=admin
    path URL Path
    fqdn Fully Qualified Domain name
    rdn Root Domain name
    rurl Root URL
    file Filename in URL login.php
    key Parameter keys in URL user,password
    value Parameter values in URL admin,admin
    kv Keys=Values in URL user=admin&password=admin
    dir URL Directory name /admin/
    udir URL with Directory

    Here is an example of using field option to only display all the urls with query parameter in it -

    katana -u -f qurl -silent

    Custom Fields

    You can create custom fields to extract and store specific information from page responses using regex rules. These custom fields are defined using a YAML config file and are loaded from the default location at $HOME/.config/katana/field-config.yaml. Alternatively, you can use the -flc option to load a custom field config file from a different location. Here is example custom field.

    - name: email
    type: regex
    - '([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)'
    - '([a-zA-Z0-9+._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)'

    - name: phone
    type: regex
    - '\d{3}-\d{8}|\d{4}-\d{7}'

    When defining custom fields, following attributes are supported:

    • name (required)

    The value of name attribute is used as the -field cli option value.

    • type (required)

    The type of custom attribute, currenly supported option - regex

    • part (optional)

    The part of the response to extract the information from. The default value is response, which includes both the header and body. Other possible values are header and body.

    • group (optional)

    You can use this attribute to select a specific matched group in regex, for example: group: 1

    Running katana using custom field:

    katana -u -f email,phone


    To compliment field option which is useful to filter output at run time, there is -sf, -store-fields option which works exactly like field option except instead of filtering, it stores all the information on the disk under katana_field directory sorted by target url.

    katana -u -sf key,fqdn,qurl -silent
    $ ls katana_field/


    The -store-field option can be useful for collecting information to build a targeted wordlist for various purposes, including but not limited to:

    • Identifying the most commonly used parameters
    • Discovering frequently used paths
    • Finding commonly used files
    • Identifying related or unknown subdomains


    Crawl output can be easily matched for specific extension using -em option to ensure to display only output containing given extension.

    katana -u -silent -em js,jsp,json


    Crawl output can be easily filtered for specific extension using -ef option which ensure to remove all the urls containing given extension.

    katana -u -silent -ef css,txt,md

    Here are additional filter options -

       -f, -field string                field to display in output (url,path,fqdn,rdn,rurl,qurl,file,key,value,kv,dir,udir)
    -sf, -store-field string field to store in per-host output (url,path,fqdn,rdn,rurl,qurl,file,key,value,kv,dir,udir)
    -em, -extension-match string[] match output for given extension (eg, -em php,html,js)
    -ef, -extension-filter string[] filter output for given extension (eg, -ef png,css)

    Rate Limit

    It's easy to get blocked / banned while crawling if not following target websites limits, katana comes with multiple option to tune the crawl to go as fast / slow we want.


    option to introduce a delay in seconds between each new request katana makes while crawling, disabled as default.

    katana -u -delay 20


    option to control the number of urls per target to fetch at the same time.

    katana -u -c 20


    option to define number of target to process at same time from list input.

    katana -u -p 20


    option to use to define max number of request can go out per second.

    katana -u -rl 100


    option to use to define max number of request can go out per minute.

    katana -u -rlm 500

    Here is all long / short CLI options for rate limit control -

    katana -h rate-limit

    -c, -concurrency int number of concurrent fetchers to use (default 10)
    -p, -parallelism int number of concurrent inputs to process (default 10)
    -rd, -delay int request delay between each request in seconds
    -rl, -rate-limit int maximum requests to send per second (default 150)
    -rlm, -rate-limit-minute int maximum number of requests to send per minute


    Katana support both file output in plain text format as well as JSON which includes additional information like, source, tag, and attribute name to co-related the discovered endpoint.


    By default, katana outputs the crawled endpoints in plain text format. The results can be written to a file by using the -output option.

    katana -u -no-scope -output example_endpoints.txt


    katana -u -json -do | jq .
    "timestamp": "2022-11-05T22:33:27.745815+05:30",
    "endpoint": "",
    "source": "",
    "tag": "a",
    "attribute": "href"


    The -store-response option allows for writing all crawled endpoint requests and responses to a text file. When this option is used, text files including the request and response will be written to the katana_response directory. If you would like to specify a custom directory, you can use the -store-response-dir option.

    katana -u -no-scope -store-response
    $ cat katana_response/index.txt

    katana_response/ (200 OK)
    katana_response/ (200 OK)


    -store-response option is not supported in -headless mode.

    Here are additional CLI options related to output -

    katana -h output

    -o, -output string file to write output to
    -sr, -store-response store http requests/responses
    -srd, -store-response-dir string store http requests/responses to custom directory
    -j, -json write output in JSONL(ines) format
    -nc, -no-color disable output content coloring (ANSI escape codes)
    -silent display output only
    -v, -verbose display verbose output
    -version display project version

    QuadraInspect - Android Framework That Integrates AndroPass, APKUtil, And MobFS, Providing A Powerful Tool For Analyzing The Security Of Android Applications

    The security of mobile devices has become a critical concern due to the increasing amount of sensitive data being stored on them. With the rise of Android OS as the most popular mobile platform, the need for effective tools to assess its security has also increased. In response to this need, a new Android framework has emerged that combines three powerful tools - AndroPass, APKUtil, RMS, and MobFS - to conduct comprehensive vulnerability analysis of Android applications. This framework is known as QuadraInspect.

    QuadraInspect is an Android framework that integrates AndroPass, APKUtil, RMS and MobFS, providing a powerful tool for analyzing the security of Android applications. AndroPass is a tool that focuses on analyzing the security of Android applications' authentication and authorization mechanisms, while APKUtil is a tool that extracts valuable information from an APK file. Lastly, MobFS and RMS facilitates the analysis of an application's filesystem by mounting its storage in a virtual environment.

    By combining these three tools, QuadraInspect provides a comprehensive approach to vulnerability analysis of Android applications. This framework can be used by developers, security researchers, and penetration testers to assess the security of their own or third-party applications. QuadraInspect provides a unified interface for all three tools, making it easier to use and reducing the time required to conduct comprehensive vulnerability analysis. Ultimately, this framework aims to increase the security of Android applications and protect users' sensitive data from potential threats.


    • Windows, Linux or Mac
    • NodeJs installed
    • Python 3 installed
    • OpenSSL-3 installed
    • Wkhtmltopdf installed


    To install the tools you need to: First : git clone

    Second Open a Administrative cmd or powershell (for Mobfs setup) and run : pip install -r requirements.txt && python3

    Third : Once QuadraInspect loads run this command QuadraInspect Main>> : START install_tools

    The tools will be downloaded to the tools directory and also the and setup.bat commands will run automatically for the complete installation.


    Each module has a help function so that the commands and the discriptions are detailed and can be altered for operation.

    These are the key points that must be addressed for smooth working:

    • The APK file or target must be declared before starting any attack
    • The Attacks are seperate entities combined via this framework doing research on how to use them is recommended.
    • The APK file can be ether declared ether using args or using SET target withing the tool.
    • The target APK file must be placed in the target folder as all the tool searches for the target file with that folder.


    There are 2 modes:

    └─> F mode
    └─> A mode

    F mode

    The f mode is a mode where you get the active interface for using the interactive vaerion of the framework with the prompt, etc.

    F mode is the normal mode and can be used easily

    A mode

    A mode or argumentative mode takes the input via arguments and runs the commands without any intervention by the user this is limited to the main menu in the future i am planning to extend this feature to even the encorporated codes.

    python --target <APK_file> --mode a --command install_tools/tools_name/apkleaks/mobfs/rms/apkleaks

    Main Module

    the main menu of the entire tool has these options and commands:

    Command Discription
    SET target SET the name of the targetfile
    START install_tools If not installed this will install the tools
    LIST tools_name List out the Tools Intigrated
    START apkleaks Use APKLeaks tool
    START mobfs Use MOBfs for dynamic and static analysis
    START andropass Use AndroPass APK analizer
    help Display help menu
    SHOW banner Display banner
    quit Quit the program

    As mentioned above the target must be set before any tool is used.

    Apkleaks menu

    The APKLeaks menu is also really straight forward and only a few things to consider:

    • The options SET output and SET json-out takes file names not the actual files it creates an output in the result directory.
    • The SET pattern option takes a name of a json pattern file. The JSON file must be located in the pattern directory
    OPTION SET Value
    SET output Output for the scan data file name
    SET arguments Additional Disassembly arguments
    SET json-out JSON output file name
    SET pattern The pre-searching pattern for secrets
    help Displays help menu
    return Return to main menu
    quit Quit the tool


    Mobfs is pritty straight forward only the port number must be taken care of which is by default on port 5000 you just need to start the program and connect to it on over your browser.


    AndroPass is also really straight forward it just takes the file as input and does its job without any other inputs.


    The APK analysis framework will follow a modular architecture, similar to Metasploit. It will consist of the following modules:

    • Core module: The core module will provide the basic functionality of the framework, such as command-line interface, input/output handling, and logging.
    • Static analysis module: The static analysis module will be responsible for analyzing the structure and content of APK files, such as the manifest file, resources, and code.
    • Dynamic analysis module: The dynamic analysis module will be responsible for analyzing the behavior of APK files, such as network traffic, API calls, and file system interactions.
    • Reverse engineering module: The reverse engineering module will be responsible for decompiling and analyzing the source code of APK files.
    • Vulnerability testing module: The vulnerability testing module will be responsible for testing the security of APK files, such as identifying vulnerabilities and exploits.

    Adding more

    Currentluy there only 3 but if wanted people can add more tools to this these are the things to be considered:

    • Installer function
    • Seperate tool function
    • Main function

    Installer Function

    • Must edit in the config/
    • The things to consider in the installer is the link for the repository.
    • keep the cloner and the directory in a try-except condition to avoide errors.
    • choose an appropriate command for further installation

    Seperate tool function

    • Must edit in the config/ , config/, config/
    • Write a new function for the specific tool
    • File handeling is up to you I recommend passing the file name as an argument and then using the name to locate the file using the subprocess function
    • the tools must also recommended to be in a try-except condition to avoide unwanted errors.

    Main Function

    • A new case must be added to the switch function to act as a main function holder
    • the help menu listing and commands are up to your requirements and comfort

    If wanted you could do your upgrades and add it to this repository for more people to use kind of growing this tool.

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    The post How to use the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework to plan career progression: A practitioners’ guide appeared first on Infosec Resources.

    How to use the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework to plan career progression: A practitioners’ guide was first posted on October 21, 2020 at 8:03 am.
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