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S3 Ep137: 16th century crypto skullduggery

Lots to learn, clearly explained in plain English... listen now! (Full transcript inside.)


KeePass Exploit Allows Attackers to Recover Master Passwords from Memory

A proof-of-concept (PoC) has been made available for a security flaw impacting the KeePass password manager that could be exploited to recover a victim's master password in cleartext under specific circumstances. The issue, tracked asΒ CVE-2023-32784, impacts KeePass versions 2.x for Windows, Linux, and macOS, and isΒ expected to be patchedΒ in version 2.54, which is likely to be released early

Password-stealing β€œvulnerability” reported in KeePass – bug or feature?

Is it a vulnerability if someone with control over your account can mess with files that your account is allowed to access anyway?
