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VMware Patches Severe Security Flaws in Workstation and Fusion Products

Multiple security flaws have been disclosed in VMware Workstation and Fusion products that could be exploited by threat actors to access sensitive information, trigger a denial-of-service (DoS) condition, and execute code under certain circumstances. The four vulnerabilities impact Workstation versions 17.x and Fusion versions 13.x, with fixes available in version 17.5.2 and

Apple and Google Launch Cross-Platform Feature to Detect Unwanted Bluetooth Tracking Devices

Apple and Google on Monday officially announced the rollout of a new feature that notifies users across both iOS and Android if a Bluetooth tracking device is being used to stealthily keep tabs on them without their knowledge or consent. "This will help mitigate the misuse of devices designed to help keep track of belongings," the companies said in a joint statement, adding it aims to address "

New Bluetooth Flaw Let Hackers Take Over Android, Linux, macOS, and iOS Devices

A critical Bluetooth security flaw could be exploited by threat actors to take control of Android, Linux, macOS and iOS devices. Tracked as CVE-2023-45866, the issue relates to a case of authentication bypass that enables attackers to connect to susceptible devices and inject keystrokes to achieve code execution as the victim. "Multiple Bluetooth stacks have authentication bypass

BlueBunny - BLE Based C2 For Hak5's Bash Bunny

By: Zion3R

C2 solution that communicates directly over Bluetooth-Low-Energy with your Bash Bunny Mark II.
Send your Bash Bunny all the instructions it needs just over the air.



Installation & Start

  1. Install required dependencies
pip install pygatt "pygatt[GATTTOOL]"

Make sure BlueZ is installed and gatttool is usable

sudo apt install bluez
  1. Download BlueBunny's repository (and switch into the correct folder)
git clone
cd BlueBunny/C2
  1. Start the C2 server
sudo python
  1. Plug your Bash Bunny with the BlueBunny payload into the target machine (payload at: BlueBunny/payload.txt).
  2. Visit your C2 server from your browser on localhost:1472 and connect your Bash Bunny (Your Bash Bunny will light up green when it's ready to pair).

Manual communication with the Bash Bunny through Python

You can use BlueBunny's BLE backend and communicate with your Bash Bunny manually.

Example Code

# Import the backend (BlueBunny/C2/
import BunnyLE

# Define the data to send
data = "QUACK STRING I love my Bash Bunny"
# Define the type of the data to send ("cmd" or "payload") (payload data will be temporary written to a file, to execute multiple commands like in a payload script file)
d_type = "cmd"

# Initialize BunnyLE

# Connect to your Bash Bunny
bb = BunnyLE.connect()

# Send the data and let it execute
BunnyLE.send(bb, data, d_type)


Connecting your Bash Bunny doesn't work? Try the following instructions:

  • Try connecting a few more times
  • Check if your bluetooth adapter is available
  • Restart the system your C2 server is running on
  • Check if your Bash Bunny is running the BlueBunny payload properly
  • How far away from your Bash Bunny are you? Is the environment (distance, interferences etc.) still sustainable for typical BLE connections?

Bugs within BlueZ

The Bluetooth stack used is well known, but also very buggy. If starting the connection with your Bash Bunny does not work, it is probably a temporary problem due to BlueZ. Here are some kind of errors that can be caused by temporary bugs. These usually disappear at the latest after rebooting the C2's operating system, so don't be surprised and calm down if they show up.

  • Timeout after 5.0 seconds
  • Unknown error while scanning for BLE devices

Working on...

  • Remote shell access
  • BLE exfiltration channel
  • Improved connecting process

Additional information

As I said, BlueZ, the base for the bluetooth part used in BlueBunny, is somewhat bug prone. If you encounter any non-temporary bugs when connecting to Bash Bunny as well as any other bugs/difficulties in the whole BlueBunny project, you are always welcome to contact me. Be it a problem, an idea/solution or just a nice feedback.

New BLUFFS Bluetooth Attack Expose Devices to Adversary-in-the-Middle Attacks

New research has unearthed multiple novel attacks that break Bluetooth Classic's forward secrecy and future secrecy guarantees, resulting in adversary-in-the-middle (AitM) scenarios between two already connected peers. The issues, collectively named BLUFFS, impact Bluetooth Core Specification 4.2 through 5.4. They are tracked under the identifier CVE-2023-24023 (CVSS score: 6.8)

Apple and Google Join Forces to Stop Unauthorized Location-Tracking Devices

Apple and Google haveΒ teamed upΒ to work on aΒ draft industry-wide specificationΒ that's designed to tackle safety risks and alert users when they are being tracked without their knowledge or permission using devices like AirTags. "The first-of-its-kind specification will allow Bluetooth location-tracking devices to be compatible with unauthorized tracking detection and alerts across Android and