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Rrgen - A Header Only C++ Library For Storing Safe, Randomly Generated Data Into Modern Containers

By: Zion3R

This library was developed to combat insecure methods of storing random data into modern C++ containers. For example, old and clunky PRNGs. Thus, rrgen uses STL's distribution engines in order to efficiently and safely store a random number distribution into a given C++ container.


1) git clone
2) cd rrgen
3) make
4) Add include/rrgen.hpp to your project tree for access to the library classes and functions.

Official Documentation


Supported Containers

1) std::vector<>
2) std::list<>
3) std::array<>
4) std::stack<>

Example Usages

#include "../include/rrgen.hpp"
#include <iostream>

int main(void)
// Example usage for rrgen vector
rrgen::rrand<float, std::vector, 10> rrvec;
rrvec.gen_rrvector(false, true, 0, 10);
for (auto &i : rrvec.contents())
std::cout << i << " ";
} // ^ the same as rrvec.show_contents()

// Example usage for rrgen list (frontside insertion)
rrgen::rrand<int, std::list, 10> rrlist;
rrlist.gen_rrlist(false, true, "fside", 5, 25);
std::cout << '\n'; rrlist.show_contents();
std::cout << "Size: " << rrlist.contents().size() << '\n';

// Example usage for rrgen array
rrgen::rrand_array<int, 5> rrarr;
rrarr.gen_rrarray(false, true, 5, 35);
for (auto &i : rrarr.contents())
std::cout << i << " ";
} // ^ the same as rrarr. show_contents()

// Example usage for rrgen stack
rrgen::rrand_stack<float, 10> rrstack;
rrstack.gen_rrstack(false, true, 200, 1000);
for (auto m = rrstack.xsize(); m > 0; m--)
std::cout << rrstack.grab_top() << " ";
if (m == 1) { std::cout << '\n'; }

Note: This is a transferred repository, from a completely unrelated project.

Sketchy NuGet Package Likely Linked to Industrial Espionage Targets Developers

Threat hunters have identified a suspicious package in the&nbsp;NuGet package manager&nbsp;that's likely designed to target developers working with tools made by a Chinese firm that specializes in industrial- and digital equipment manufacturing. The package in question is&nbsp;SqzrFramework480, which ReversingLabs said was first published on January 24, 2024. It has been&nbsp;downloaded&nbsp;

Hiding in Plain Sight: How Subdomain Attacks Use Your Email Authentication Against You

For years, analysts, security specialists, and security architects alike have been encouraging organizations to become DMARC compliant. This involves deploying email authentication to ensure their… Read more on Cisco Blogs

U.S. Sanctions 3 Cryptocurrency Exchanges for Helping Russia Evade Sanctions

The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned three cryptocurrency exchanges for offering services used to evade economic restrictions imposed on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine in early 2022. This includes Bitpapa IC FZC LLC, Crypto Explorer DMCC (AWEX), and Obshchestvo S Ogranichennoy Otvetstvennostyu Tsentr Obrabotki Elektronnykh Platezhey (

Hackers Hijack GitHub Accounts in Supply Chain Attack Affecting Top-gg and Others

Unidentified adversaries orchestrated a sophisticated attack campaign that has impacted several individual developers as well as the GitHub organization account associated with, a Discord bot discovery site. "The threat actors used multiple TTPs in this attack, including account takeover via stolen browser cookies, contributing malicious code with verified commits, setting up a custom

Iran-Linked MuddyWater Deploys Atera for Surveillance in Phishing Attacks

The Iran-affiliated threat actor tracked as&nbsp;MuddyWater&nbsp;(aka Mango Sandstorm or TA450) has been linked to a new phishing campaign in March 2024 that aims to deliver a legitimate Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) solution called Atera. The activity, which took place from March 7 through the week of March 11, targeted Israeli entities spanning global manufacturing, technology, and

Pentest-Muse-Cli - AI Assistant Tailored For Cybersecurity Professionals

By: Zion3R

Pentest Muse is an AI assistant tailored for cybersecurity professionals. It can help penetration testers brainstorm ideas, write payloads, analyze code, and perform reconnaissance. It can also take actions, execute command line codes, and iteratively solve complex tasks.

Pentest Muse Web App

In addition to this command-line tool, we are excited to introduce the Pentest Muse Web Application! The web app has access to the latest online information, and would be a good AI assistant for your pentesting job.


This tool is intended for legal and ethical use only. It should only be used for authorized security testing and educational purposes. The developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program.


  • Python 3.12 or later
  • Necessary Python packages as listed in requirements.txt


Standard Setup

  1. Clone the repository:

git clone cd PentestMuse

  1. Install the required packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Alternative Setup (Package Installation)

Install Pentest Muse as a Python Package:

pip install .

Running the Application

Chat Mode (Default)

In the chat mode, you can chat with pentest muse and ask it to help you brainstorm ideas, write payloads, and analyze code. Run the application with:




Agent Mode (Experimental)

You can also give Pentest Muse more control by asking it to take actions for you with the agent mode. In this mode, Pentest Muse can help you finish a simple task (e.g., 'help me do sql injection test on url xxx'). To start the program with agent model, you can use:

python agent


pmuse agent

Selection of Language Models

Managed APIs

You can use Pentest Muse with our managed APIs after signing up at After creating an account, you can simply start the pentest muse cli, and the program will prompt you to login.

OpenAI API keys

Alternatively, you can also choose to use your own OpenAI API keys. To do this, you can simply add argument --openai-api-key=[your openai api key] when starting the program.


For any feedback or suggestions regarding Pentest Muse, feel free to reach out to us at or join our discord. Your input is invaluable in helping us improve and evolve.

N. Korea-linked Kimsuky Shifts to Compiled HTML Help Files in Ongoing Cyberattacks

The North Korea-linked threat actor known as&nbsp;Kimsuky&nbsp;(aka Black Banshee, Emerald Sleet, or Springtail) has been observed shifting its tactics, leveraging Compiled HTML Help (CHM) files as vectors to deliver malware for harvesting sensitive data. Kimsuky, active since at least 2012, is known to target entities located in South Korea as well as North America, Asia, and Europe. According

New StrelaStealer Phishing Attacks Hit Over 100 Organizations in E.U. and U.S.

Cybersecurity researchers have detected a new wave of phishing attacks that aim to deliver an ever-evolving information stealer referred to as&nbsp;StrelaStealer. The campaigns impact more than 100 organizations in the E.U. and the U.S., Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 researchers said in a new report published today. "These campaigns come in the form of spam emails with attachments that eventually

AWS Patches Critical 'FlowFixation' Bug in Airflow Service to Prevent Session Hijacking

Cybersecurity researchers have shared details of a now-patched security vulnerability in Amazon Web Services (AWS) Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) that could be potentially exploited by a malicious actor to hijack victims' sessions and achieve remote code execution on underlying instances. The vulnerability, now addressed by AWS, has been codenamed&nbsp;FlowFixation&nbsp;by Tenable.

Skytrack - Planespotting And Aircraft OSINT Tool Made Using Python

By: Zion3R


skytrack is a command-line based plane spotting and aircraft OSINT reconnaissanceΒ tool made using Python. It can gather aircraft information using various data sources, generate a PDF report for a specified aircraft, and convert between ICAO and Tail Number designations. Whether you are a hobbyist plane spotter or an experienced aircraft analyst, skytrack can help you identify and enumerate aircraft for general purposeΒ reconnaissance.

What is Planespotting & Aircraft OSINT?

Planespotting is the art of tracking down and observing aircraft. While planespotting mostly consists of photography and videography of aircraft, aircraft informationΒ gathering and OSINT is a crucial step in the planespotting process. OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) describes a methodology of using publicy accessible data sources to obtain data about a specific subject β€” in this case planes!

Aircraft Information

  • Tail Number πŸ›«
  • Aircraft Type βš™οΈ
  • ICAO24 Designation πŸ”Ž
  • Manufacturer Details πŸ› 
  • Flight Logs πŸ“„
  • Aircraft Owner ✈️
  • Model πŸ›©
  • Much more!


To run skytrack on your machine, follow the steps below:

$ git clone
$ cd skytrack
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python

skytrack works best for Python version 3.



skytrack features three main functions for aircraft information

gathering and display options. They include the following:

Aircraft Reconnaissance & OSINT

skytrack obtains general information about the aircraft given its tail number or ICAO designator. The tool sources this information using several reliable data sets. Once the data is collected, it is displayed in the terminal within a table layout.

PDF Aircraft Information Report

skytrack also enables you the save the collected aircraft information into a PDF. The PDF includes all the aircraft data in a visual layout for later reference. The PDF report will be entitled "skytrack_report.pdf"

Tail Number to ICAO Converter

There are two standard identification formats for specifying aircraft: Tail Number and ICAO Designation. The tail number (aka N-Number) is an alphanumerical ID starting with the letter "N" used to identify aircraft. The ICAO type designation is a six-character fixed-length ID in the hexadecimal format. Both standards are highly pertinent for aircraft

reconnaissance as they both can be used to search for a specific aircraft in data sources. However, converting them from one format to another can be rather cumbersome as it follows a tricky algorithm. To streamline this process, skytrack includes a standard converter.

Further Explanation

ICAO and Tail Numbers follow a mapping system like the following:

ICAO address N-Number (Tail Number)

a00001 N1

a00002 N1A

a00003 N1AA

You can learn more about aircraft registration numbers [here](

:warning: Converter only works for USA-registered aircraft

Data Sources & APIs Used

ICAO Aircraft Type Designators Listings



Aviation Safety Website

Jet Photos Website

OpenSky API

Aviation Weather METAR

Airport Codes Dataset


skytrack is open to any contributions. Please fork the repository and make a pull request with the features or fixes you want to implement.


  • Obtain Latest Flown Airports
  • Obtain Airport Information
  • Obtain ATC Frequency Information


If you enjoyed skytrack, please consider becoming a sponsor or donating on buymeacoffee in order to fund my future projects.

To check out my other works, visit my GitHub profile.

Russia Hackers Using TinyTurla-NG to Breach European NGO's Systems

The Russia-linked threat actor known as Turla infected several systems belonging to an unnamed European non-governmental organization (NGO) in order to deploy a backdoor called TinyTurla-NG (TTNG). "The attackers compromised the first system, established persistence and added exclusions to antivirus products running on these endpoints as part of their preliminary post-compromise actions," Cisco

Over 800 npm Packages Found with Discrepancies, 18 Exploit 'Manifest Confusion'

New research has discovered over 800 packages in the npm registry which have discrepancies from their registry entries, out of which 18 have been found to exploit a technique called&nbsp;manifest confusion. The findings come from cybersecurity firm JFrog, which said the issue could be exploited by threat actors to trick developers into running malicious code. "It's an actual threat since

How to Accelerate Vendor Risk Assessments in the Age of SaaS Sprawl

In today's digital-first business environment dominated by SaaS applications, organizations increasingly depend on third-party vendors for essential cloud services and software solutions. As more vendors and services are added to the mix, the complexity and potential vulnerabilities within the&nbsp;SaaS supply chain&nbsp;snowball quickly. That’s why effective vendor risk management (VRM) is a

GitHub Launches AI-Powered Autofix Tool to Assist Devs in Patching Security Flaws

GitHub on Wednesday announced that it's making available a feature called code scanning autofix in public beta for all&nbsp;Advanced Security customers&nbsp;to provide targeted recommendations in an effort to avoid introducing new security issues. "Powered by&nbsp;GitHub Copilot&nbsp;and&nbsp;CodeQL, code scanning autofix covers more than 90% of alert types in JavaScript, Typescript, Java, and

U.S. Sanctions Russians Behind 'Doppelganger' Cyber Influence Campaign

The U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) on Wednesday announced sanctions against two 46-year-old Russian nationals and the respective companies they own for engaging in cyber influence operations. Ilya Andreevich Gambashidze (Gambashidze), the founder of the Moscow-based company Social Design Agency (SDA), and Nikolai Aleksandrovich Tupikin (Tupikin), the CEO and

The Not-so-True People-Search Network from China

It’s not unusual for the data brokers behind people-search websites to use pseudonyms in their day-to-day lives (you would, too). Some of these personal data purveyors even try to reinvent their online identities in a bid to hide their conflicts of interest. But it’s not every day you run across a US-focused people-search network based in China whose principal owners all appear to be completely fabricated identities.

Responding to a reader inquiry concerning the trustworthiness of a site called TruePeopleSearch[.]net, KrebsOnSecurity began poking around. The site offers to sell reports containing photos, police records, background checks, civil judgments, contact information β€œand much more!” According to LinkedIn and numerous profiles on websites that accept paid article submissions, the founder of TruePeopleSearch is Marilyn Gaskell from Phoenix, Ariz.

The saucy yet studious LinkedIn profile for Marilyn Gaskell.

Ms. Gaskell has been quoted in multiple β€œarticles” about random subjects, such as this article at HRDailyAdvisor about the pros and cons of joining a company-led fantasy football team.

β€œMarilyn Gaskell, founder of TruePeopleSearch, agrees that not everyone in the office is likely to be a football fan and might feel intimidated by joining a company league or left out if they don’t join; however, her company looked for ways to make the activity more inclusive,” this paid story notes.

Also quoted in this article is Sally Stevens, who is cited as HR Manager at FastPeopleSearch[.]io.

Sally Stevens, the phantom HR Manager for FastPeopleSearch.

β€œFantasy football provides one way for employees to set aside work matters for some time and have fun,” Stevens contributed. β€œEmployees can set a special league for themselves and regularly check and compare their scores against one another.”

Imagine that: Two different people-search companies mentioned in the same story about fantasy football. What are the odds?

Both TruePeopleSearch and FastPeopleSearch allow users to search for reports by first and last name, but proceeding to order a report prompts the visitor to purchase the file from one of several established people-finder services, including BeenVerified,Β Intelius, and Spokeo. shows that both TruePeopleSearch and FastPeopleSearch appeared around 2020 and were registered through Alibaba Cloud, in Beijing, China. No other information is available about these domains in their registration records, although both domains appear to use email servers based in China.

Sally Stevens’ LinkedIn profile photo is identical to a stock image titled β€œbeautiful girl” from Ms. Stevens is also quoted in a paid blog post at, as is Alina Clark, co-founder and marketing director of CocoDoc, an online service for editing and managing PDF documents.

The profile photo for Alina Clark is a stock photo appearing on more than 100 websites.

Scouring multiple image search sites reveals Ms. Clark’s profile photo on LinkedIn is another stock image that is currently on more than 100 different websites, including Cocodoc[.]com was registered in June 2020 via Alibaba Cloud Beijing in China.

The same Alina Clark and photo materialized in a paid article at the website Ceoblognation, which in 2021 included her at #11 in a piece called β€œ30 Entrepreneurs Describe The Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs) for Their Business.” It’s also worth noting that Ms. Clark is currently listed as a β€œformer Forbes Council member” at the media outlet

Entrepreneur #6 is Stephen Curry, who is quoted as CEO of CocoSign[.]com, a website that claims to offer an β€œeasier, quicker, safer eSignature solution for small and medium-sized businesses.” Incidentally, the same photo for Stephen Curry #6 is also used in this β€œarticle” for #22 Jake Smith, who is named as the owner of a different company.

Stephen Curry, aka Jake Smith, aka no such person.

Mr. Curry’s LinkedIn profile shows a young man seated at a table in front of a laptop, but an online image search shows this is another stock photo. Cocosign[.]com was registered in June 2020 via Alibaba Cloud Beijing. No ownership details are available in the domain registration records.

Listed at #13 in that 30 Entrepreneurs article is Eden Cheng, who is cited as co-founder of PeopleFinderFree[.]com. KrebsOnSecurity could not find a LinkedIn profile for Ms. Cheng, but a search on her profile image from that Entrepreneurs article shows the same photo for sale at Shutterstock and other stock photo sites.

DomainTools says PeopleFinderFree was registered through Alibaba Cloud, Beijing. Attempts to purchase reports through PeopleFinderFree produce a notice saying the full report is only available via

Lynda Fairly is Entrepreneur #24, and she is quoted as co-founder of Numlooker[.]com, a domain registered in April 2021 through Alibaba in China. Searches for people on Numlooker forward visitors to Spokeo.

The photo next to Ms. Fairly’s quote in Entrepreneurs matches that of a LinkedIn profile for Lynda Fairly. But a search on that photo shows this same portrait has been used by many other identities and names, including a woman from the United Kingdom who’s a cancer survivor and mother of five; a licensed marriage and family therapist in Canada; a software security engineer at Quora; a journalist on Twitter/X; and a marketing expert in Canada.

Cocofinder[.]com is a people-search service that launched in Sept. 2019, through Alibaba in China.Β Cocofinder lists its market officer as Harriet Chan, but Ms. Chan’s LinkedIn profile is just as sparse on work history as the other people-search owners mentioned already. An image search online shows that outside of LinkedIn, the profile photo for Ms. Chan has only ever appeared in articles at pay-to-play media sites, like this one from

Perhaps because Cocodoc and Cocosign both sell software services, they are actually tied to a physical presence in the real world β€” in Singapore (15 Scotts Rd. #03-12 15, Singapore). But it’s difficult to discern much from this address alone.

Who’s behind all this people-search chicanery? A January 2024 review of various people-search services at the website states that Cocofinder is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a Chinese company called Shenzhen Duiyun Technology Co.

β€œThough it only finds results from the United States, users can choose between four main search methods,” Techjury explains. Those include people search, phone, address and email lookup. This claim is supported by a Reddit post from three years ago, wherein the Reddit user β€œProtectionAdvanced” named the same Chinese company.

Is Shenzhen Duiyun Technology Co. responsible for all these phony profiles? How many more fake companies and profiles are connected to this scheme? KrebsOnSecurity found other examples that didn’t appear directly tied to other fake executives listed here, but which nevertheless are registered through Alibaba and seek to drive traffic to Spokeo and other data brokers. For example, there’s the winsome Daniela Sawyer, founder of FindPeopleFast[.]net, whose profile is flogged in paid stories at

Google currently turns up nothing else for in a search for Shenzhen Duiyun Technology Co. Please feel free to sound off in the comments if you have any more information about this entity, such as how to contact it. Or reach out directly at krebsonsecurity @

A mind map highlighting the key points of research in this story. Click to enlarge. Image:


It appears the purpose of this network is to conceal the location of people in China who are seeking to generate affiliate commissions when someone visits one of their sites and purchases a people-search report at Spokeo, for example. And it is clear that Spokeo and others have created incentives wherein anyone can effectively white-label their reports, and thereby make money brokering access to peoples’ personal information.

Spokeo’s Wikipedia page says the company was founded in 2006 by four graduates from Stanford University. Spokeo co-founder and current CEO Harrison Tang has not yet responded to requests for comment.

Intelius is owned by San Diego based PeopleConnect Inc., which also owns, USSearch, TruthFinder and Instant Checkmate. PeopleConnect Inc. in turn is owned by H.I.G. Capital, a $60 billion private equity firm. Requests for comment were sent to H.I.G. Capital. This story will be updated if they respond.

BeenVerified is owned by a New York City based holding company called The Lifetime Value Co., a marketing and advertising firm whose brands include PeopleLooker, NeighborWho, Ownerly, PeopleSmart, NumberGuru, and Bumper, a car history site.

Ross Cohen, chief operating officer at The Lifetime Value Co., said it’s likely the network of suspicious people-finder sites was set up by an affiliate. Cohen said Lifetime Value would investigate to determine if this particular affiliate was driving them any sign-ups.

All of the above people-search services operate similarly. When you find the person you’re looking for, you are put through a lengthy (often 10-20 minute) series of splash screens that require you to agree that these reports won’t be used for employment screening or in evaluating new tenant applications. Still more prompts ask if you are okay with seeing β€œpotentially shocking” details about the subject of the report, including arrest histories and photos.

Only at the end of this process does the site disclose that viewing the report in question requires signing up for a monthly subscription, which is typically priced around $35. Exactly how and from where these major people-search websites are getting their consumer data β€” and customers β€” will be the subject of further reporting here.

The main reason these various people-search sites require you to affirm that you won’t use their reports for hiring or vetting potential tenants is that selling reports for those purposes would classify these firms as consumer reporting agencies (CRAs) and expose them to regulations under the Fair Credit Reporting ActΒ (FCRA).

These data brokers do not want to be treated as CRAs, and for this reason their people search reports typically don’t include detailed credit histories, financial information, or full Social Security Numbers (Radaris reports include the first six digits of one’s SSN).

But in September 2023, the U.S. Federal Trade CommissionΒ found that TruthFinder and Instant Checkmate were trying to have it both ways. The FTC levied a $5.8 million penalty against the companies for allegedly acting as CRAs because they assembled and compiled information on consumers into background reports that were marketed and sold for employment and tenant screening purposes.

The FTC also found TruthFinder and Instant Checkmate deceived users about background report accuracy. The FTC alleges these companies made millions from their monthly subscriptions using push notifications and marketing emails that claimed that the subject of a background report had a criminal or arrest record, when the record was merely a traffic ticket.

The FTC said both companies deceived customers by providing β€œRemove” and β€œFlag as Inaccurate” buttons that did not work as advertised. Rather, the β€œRemove” button removed the disputed information only from the report as displayed to that customer; however, the same item of information remained visible to other customers who searched for the same person.

The FTC also said that when a customer flagged an item in the background report as inaccurate, the companies never took any steps to investigate those claims, to modify the reports, or to flag to other customers that the information had been disputed.

There are a growing number of online reputation management companies that offer to help customers remove their personal information from people-search sites and data broker databases. There are, no doubt, plenty of honest and well-meaning companies operating in this space, but it has been my experience that a great many people involved in that industry have a background in marketing or advertising β€” not privacy.

Also, some so-called data privacy companies may be wolves in sheep’s clothing. On March 14, KrebsOnSecurity published an abundance of evidence indicating that the CEO and founder of the data privacy company was responsible for launching dozens of people-search services over the years.

Finally, some of the more popular people-search websites are notorious for ignoring requests from consumers seeking to remove their information, regardless of which reputation or removal service you use. Some force you to create an account and provide more information before you can remove your data. Even then, the information you worked hard to remove may simply reappear a few months later.

This aptly describes countless complaints lodged against the data broker and people search giant Radaris. On March 8, KrebsOnSecurity profiled the co-founders of Radaris, two Russian brothers in Massachusetts who also operate multiple Russian-language dating services and affiliate programs.

The truth is that these people-search companies will continue to thrive unless and until Congress begins to realize it’s time for some consumer privacy and data protection laws that are relevant to life in the 21st century. Duke University adjunct professor Justin Sherman says virtually all state privacy laws exempt records that might be considered β€œpublic” or β€œgovernment” documents, including voting registries, property filings, marriage certificates, motor vehicle records, criminal records, court documents, death records, professional licenses, bankruptcy filings, and more.

β€œConsumer privacy laws in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, Iowa, Montana, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Virginia all contain highly similar or completely identical carve-outs for β€˜publicly available information’ or government records,” Sherman said.

Generative AI Security - Secure Your Business in a World Powered by LLMs

Did you know that 79% of organizations are already leveraging Generative AI technologies? Much like the internet defined the 90s and the cloud revolutionized the 2010s, we are now in the era of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI. The potential of Generative AI is immense, yet it brings significant challenges, especially in security integration. Despite their powerful capabilities,

From Deepfakes to Malware: AI's Expanding Role in Cyber Attacks

Large language models (LLMs) powering artificial intelligence (AI) tools today could be exploited to develop self-augmenting malware capable of bypassing YARA rules. "Generative AI can be used to evade string-based YARA rules by augmenting the source code of small malware variants, effectively lowering detection rates," Recorded Future&nbsp;said&nbsp;in a new report shared with The Hacker News.

Hackers Exploiting Popular Document Publishing Sites for Phishing Attacks

Threat actors are leveraging digital document publishing (DDP) sites hosted on platforms like FlipSnack, Issuu, Marq, Publuu, RelayTo, and Simplebooklet for carrying out phishing, credential harvesting, and session token theft, once again underscoring how threat actors are&nbsp;repurposing legitimate services&nbsp;for malicious ends. "Hosting phishing lures on DDP sites increases the likelihood

New Phishing Attack Uses Clever Microsoft Office Trick to Deploy NetSupport RAT

A new phishing campaign is targeting U.S. organizations with the intent to deploy a remote access trojan called NetSupport RAT. Israeli cybersecurity company Perception Point is tracking the activity under the moniker&nbsp;Operation PhantomBlu. "The PhantomBlu operation introduces a nuanced exploitation method, diverging from NetSupport RAT’s typical delivery mechanism by leveraging OLE (Object

Dorkish - Chrome Extension Tool For OSINT & Recon

By: Zion3R

During reconaissance phase or when doing OSINT , we often use google dorking and shodan and thus the idea of Dorkish.
Dorkish is a Chrome extension tool that facilitates custom dork creation for Google and Shodan using the builder and it offers prebuilt dorks for efficient reconnaissance and OSINT engagement.

Installation And Setup

1- Clone the repository

git clone

2- Go to chrome://extensions/ and enable the Developer mode in the top right corner.
3- click on Load unpacked extension button and select the dorkish folder.

Note: For firefox users , you can find the extension here :


Google dorking

  • Builder with keywords to filter your google search results.
  • Prebuilt dorks for Bug bounty programs.
  • Prebuilt dorks used during the reconnaissance phase in bug bounty.
  • Prebuilt dorks for exposed files and directories
  • Prebuilt dorks for logins and sign up portals
  • Prebuilt dorks for cyber secruity jobs

Shodan dorking

  • Builder with filter keywords used in shodan.
  • Varierty of prebuilt dorks to find IOT , Network infrastructure , cameras , ICS , databases , etc.


Once you have found or built the dork you need, simply click it and click search. This will direct you to the desired search engine, Shodan or Google, with the specific dork you've entered. Then, you can explore and enjoy the results that match your query.


  • Add more useful dorks and catogories
  • Fix some bugs
  • Add a search bar to search through the results
  • Might add some LLM models to build dorks


I have built some dorks and I have used some public resources to gather the dorks , here's few : - -


  • I am not responsible for any damage caused by using the tool

CEO of Data Privacy Company Founded Dozens of People-Search Firms

The data privacy company bills itself as a Virginia-based service for helping people remove their personal information from almost 200 people-search websites. However, an investigation into the history of finds this company is operating out of Belarus and Cyprus, and that its founder has launched dozens of people-search services over the years.

Onerep’s β€œProtect” service starts at $8.33 per month for individuals and $15/mo for families, and promises to remove your personal information from nearly 200 people-search sites. Onerep also markets its service to companies seeking to offer their employees the ability to have their data continuously removed from people-search sites.

A testimonial on

Customer case studies published on state that it struck a deal to offer the service to employees of Permanente Medicine, which represents the doctors within the health insurance giant Kaiser Permanente. Onerep also says it has made inroads among police departments in the United States.

But a review of Onerep’s domain registration records and that of its founder reveal a different side to this company. says its founder and CEO is Dimitri Shelest from Minsk, Belarus, as does Shelest’s profile on LinkedIn. Historic registration records indexed by say Mr. Shelest was a registrant of who used the email address

A search in the data breach tracking service Constella Intelligence for the name Dimitri Shelest brings up the email address Constella also finds that Dimitri Shelest from Belarus used the email address, and the Belarus phone number +375-292-702786. is a people search service whose employees all appear to be from Belarus, and it is one of dozens of people-search companies that Onerep claims to target with its data-removal service.’s website disavows any relationship to, stating quite clearly, β€œPlease note that OneRep is not associated with”

However, there is an abundance of evidence suggesting Mr. Shelest is in fact the founder of Nuwber. Constella found that Minsk telephone number (375-292-702786) has been used multiple times in connection with the email address Recall that’s domain registration records in 2018 list the email address

It appears Mr. Shelest sought to reinvent his online identity in 2015 by adding a β€œ2” to his email address. The Belarus phone number tied to shows up in the domain records for, and DomainTools says this domain is tied to both and Other domains that mention both email addresses in their WHOIS records include,,,, and CEO and founder Dimitri Shelest, as pictured on the β€œabout” page of

A search in DomainTools for the email address shows it is associated with the registration of at least 179 domain names, including dozens of mostly now-defunct people-search companies targeting citizens of Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia and Mexico, among others.

Those include, a site registered in 2016 which was identical to the homepage of at the time. DomainTools shows the same email and Belarus phone number are in historic registration records for,, and (all domains linked here are to their cached copies at, where available)., circa 2015. Image:

Update, March 21, 11:15 a.m. ET: Mr. Shelest has provided a lengthy response to the findings in this story. In summary, Shelest acknowledged maintaining an ownership stake in Nuwber, but said there was β€œzero cross-over or information-sharing with OneRep.” Mr. Shelest said any other old domains that may be found and associated with his name are no longer being operated by him.

β€œI get it,” Shelest wrote. β€œMy affiliation with a people search business may look odd from the outside. In truth, if I hadn’t taken that initial path with a deep dive into how people search sites work, Onerep wouldn’t have the best tech and team in the space. Still, I now appreciate that we did not make this more clear in the past and I’m aiming to do better in the future.” The full statement is available here (PDF).

Original story:

Historic WHOIS records for show it was registered for many years to a resident of Sioux Falls, SD for a completely unrelated site. But around Sept. 2015 the domain switched from the registrar to eNom, and the registration records were hidden behind privacy protection services. DomainTools indicates around this time started using domain name servers from DNS provider Likewise, first appeared in late 2015, was also registered through eNom, and also started using for DNS at nearly the same time.

Listed on LinkedIn as a former product manager at between 2015 and 2018 is Dimitri Bukuyazau, who says their hometown is Warsaw, Poland. While this LinkedIn profile ( does not mention Nuwber, a search on this name in Google turns up a 2017 blog post from, which laid out a number of reasons to support a conclusion that OneRep and were the same company.

β€œAny people search profiles containing your Personally Identifiable Information that were on were also mirrored identically on, down to the relatives’ names and address histories,” wrote. The post continued:

β€œBoth sites offered the same immediate opt-out process. Both sites had the same generic contact and support structure. They were – and remain – the same company (even advocates this fact:”

β€œThings changed in early 2016 when began offering privacy removal services right alongside their own open displays of your personal information. At this point when you found yourself on OR, you would be provided with the option of opting-out your data on their site for free – but also be highly encouraged to pay them to remove it from a slew of other sites (and part of that payment was removing you from their own site,, as a benefit of their service).”

Reached via LinkedIn, Mr. Bukuyazau declined to answer questions, such as whether he ever worked at However, Constella Intelligence finds two interesting email addresses for employees at, and, which was registered under the name β€œDzmitry.”

PrivacyDuck’s claims about how appeared and behaved in the early days are not readily verifiable because the domain has been completely excluded from the Wayback Machine at The Wayback Machine will honor such requests if they come directly from the owner of the domain in question.

Still, Mr. Shelest’s name, phone number and email also appear in the domain registration records for a truly dizzying number of country-specific people-search services, including,,,,,, and

The same details appear in the WHOIS registration records for the now-defunct people-search sites,,, and, a people-search service for French citizens.

The German people-search site

A search on the email address suggests Mr. Shelest was previously involved in rather aggressive email marketing campaigns. In 2010, an anonymous source leaked to KrebsOnSecurity the financial and organizational records of Spamit, which at the time was easily the largest Russian-language pharmacy spam affiliate program in the world.

Spamit paid spammers a hefty commission every time someone bought male enhancement drugs from any of their spam-advertised websites. Mr. Shelest’s email address stood out because immediately after the Spamit database was leaked, KrebsOnSecurity searched all of the Spamit affiliate email addresses to determine if any of them corresponded to social media accounts at (at the time, Facebook allowed users to search profiles by email address).

That mapping, which was done mainly by generous graduate students at my alma mater George Mason University, revealed that was used by a Spamit affiliate, albeit not a very profitable one. That same Facebook profile for Mr. Shelest is still active, and it says he is married and living in Minsk [Update, Mar. 16: Mr. Shelest’s Facebook account is no longer active].

The Italian people-search website

Scrolling down Mr. Shelest’s Facebook page to posts made more than ten years ago show him liking the Facebook profile pages for a large number of other people-search sites, including,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and many country-code variations of (e.g., and

The people-search website finds that all of the domains mentioned in the last paragraph were registered to the email address

Mr. Shelest has not responded to multiple requests for comment. KrebsOnSecurity also sought comment from, which likewise has not responded to inquiries about its founder’s many apparent conflicts of interest. In any event, these practices would seem to contradict the goal Onerep has stated on its site: β€œWe believe that no one should compromise personal online security and get a profit from it.”

The people-search website

Max Anderson is chief growth officer at 360 Privacy, a legitimate privacy company that works to keep its clients’ data off of more than 400 data broker and people-search sites. Anderson said it is concerning to see a direct link between between a data removal service and data broker websites.

β€œI would consider it unethical to run a company that sells people’s information, and then charge those same people to have their information removed,” Anderson said.

Last week, KrebsOnSecurity published an analysis of the people-search data broker giant Radaris, whose consumer profiles are deep enough to rival those of far more guarded data broker resources available to U.S. police departments and other law enforcement personnel.

That story revealed that the co-founders of Radaris are two native Russian brothers who operate multiple Russian-language dating services and affiliate programs. It also appears many of the Radaris founders’ businesses have ties to a California marketing firm that works with a Russian state-run media conglomerate currently sanctioned by the U.S. government.

KrebsOnSecurity will continue investigating the history of various consumer data brokers and people-search providers. If any readers have inside knowledge of this industry or key players within it, please consider reaching out to krebsonsecurity at

Update, March 15, 11:35 a.m. ET: Many readers have pointed out something that was somehow overlooked amid all this research: The Mozilla Foundation, the company that runs the Firefox Web browser, has launched a data removal service called Mozilla Monitor that bundles OneRep. That notice says Mozilla Monitor is offered as a free or paid subscription service.

β€œThe free data breach notification service is a partnership with Have I Been Pwned (β€œHIBP”),” the Mozilla Foundation explains. β€œThe automated data deletion service is a partnership with OneRep to remove personal information published on publicly available online directories and other aggregators of information about individuals (β€œData Broker Sites”).”

In a statement shared with, Mozilla said they did assess OneRep’s data removal service to confirm it acts according to privacy principles advocated at Mozilla.

β€œWe were aware of the past affiliations with the entities named in the article and were assured they had ended prior to our work together,” the statement reads. β€œWe’re now looking into this further. We will always put the privacy and security of our customers first and will provide updates as needed.”

Researchers Detail Kubernetes Vulnerability That Enables Windows Node Takeover

Details have been made public about a now-patched high-severity flaw in Kubernetes that could allow a malicious attacker to achieve remote code execution with elevated privileges under specific circumstances. β€œThe vulnerability allows remote code execution with SYSTEM privileges on all Windows endpoints within a Kubernetes cluster,” Akamai security researcher Tomer Peled&nbsp;said. β€œTo exploit

Researchers Highlight Google's Gemini AI Susceptibility to LLM Threats

Google's&nbsp;Gemini&nbsp;large language model (LLM) is susceptible to security threats that could cause it to divulge system prompts, generate harmful content, and carry out indirect injection attacks. The findings come from HiddenLayer, which said the issues impact consumers using Gemini Advanced with Google Workspace as well as companies using the LLM API. The first vulnerability involves

Alert: Cybercriminals Deploying VCURMS and STRRAT Trojans via AWS and GitHub

A new phishing campaign has been observed delivering remote access trojans (RAT) such as VCURMS and STRRAT by means of a malicious Java-based downloader. β€œThe attackers stored malware on public services like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and GitHub, employing a commercial protector to avoid detection of the malware,” Fortinet FortiGuard Labs researcher Yurren Wan&nbsp;said. An unusual aspect of the

Patch Tuesday, March 2024 Edition

Apple and Microsoft recently released software updates to fix dozens of security holes in their operating systems. Microsoft today patched at least 60 vulnerabilities in its Windows OS. Meanwhile, Apple’s new macOS Sonoma addresses at least 68 security weaknesses, and its latest update for iOS fixes two zero-day flaws.

Last week, Apple pushed out an urgent software update to its flagship iOS platform, warning that there were at least two zero-day exploits for vulnerabilities being used in the wild (CVE-2024-23225 and CVE-2024-23296). The security updates are available in iOS 17.4, iPadOS 17.4, and iOS 16.7.6.

Apple’s macOS Sonoma 14.4 Security Update addresses dozens of security issues. Jason Kitka, chief information security officer at Automox, said the vulnerabilities patched in this update often stem from memory safety issues, a concern that has led to a broader industry conversation about the adoption of memory-safe programming languages [full disclosure: Automox is an advertiser on this site].

On Feb. 26, 2024, the Biden administration issued a report that calls for greater adoption of memory-safe programming languages. On Mar. 4, 2024, Google published Secure by Design, which lays out the company’s perspective on memory safety risks.

Mercifully, there do not appear to be any zero-day threats hounding Windows users this month (at least not yet). Satnam Narang, senior staff research engineer at Tenable, notes that of the 60 CVEs in this month’s Patch Tuesday release, only six are considered β€œmore likely to be exploited” according to Microsoft.

Those more likely to be exploited bugs are mostly β€œelevation of privilege vulnerabilities” including CVE-2024-26182 (Windows Kernel), CVE-2024-26170 (Windows Composite Image File System (CimFS), CVE-2024-21437 (Windows Graphics Component), and CVE-2024-21433 (Windows Print Spooler).

Narang highlighted CVE-2024-21390 as a particularly interesting vulnerability in this month’s Patch Tuesday release, which is an elevation of privilege flaw in Microsoft Authenticator, the software giant’s app for multi-factor authentication. Narang said aΒ prerequisite for an attacker to exploit this flaw is to already have a presence on the device either through malware or a malicious application.

β€œIf a victim has closed and re-opened the Microsoft Authenticator app, an attacker could obtain multi-factor authentication codes and modify or delete accounts from the app,” Narang said. β€œHaving access to a target device is bad enough as they can monitor keystrokes, steal data and redirect users to phishing websites, but if the goal is to remain stealth, they could maintain this access and steal multi-factor authentication codes in order to login to sensitive accounts, steal data or hijack the accounts altogether by changing passwords and replacing the multi-factor authentication device, effectively locking the user out of their accounts.”

CVE-2024-21334 earned a CVSS (danger) score of 9.8 (10 is the worst), and it concerns a weakness in Open Management Infrastructure (OMI), a Linux-based cloud infrastructure in Microsoft Azure. Microsoft says attackers could connect to OMI instances over the Internet without authentication, and then send specially crafted data packets to gain remote code execution on the host device.

CVE-2024-21435 is a CVSS 8.8 vulnerability in Windows OLE, which acts as a kind of backbone for a great deal of communication between applications that people use every day on Windows, said Ben McCarthy, lead cybersecurity engineerΒ at Immersive Labs.

β€œWith this vulnerability, there is an exploit that allows remote code execution, the attacker needs to trick a user into opening a document, this document will exploit the OLE engine to download a malicious DLL to gain code execution on the system,” Breen explained. β€œThe attack complexity has been described as low meaning there is less of a barrier to entry for attackers.”

A full list of the vulnerabilities addressed by Microsoft this month is available at the SANS Internet Storm Center, which breaks down the updates by severity and urgency.

Finally, Adobe today issued security updates that fix dozens of security holes in a wide range of products, including Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe Premiere Pro, ColdFusion 2023 and 2021, Adobe Bridge, Lightroom, and Adobe Animate. Adobe said it is not aware of active exploitation against any of the flaws.

By the way, Adobe recently enrolled all of its Acrobat users into a β€œnew generative AI feature” that scans the contents of your PDFs so that its new β€œAI Assistant” canΒ  β€œunderstand your questions and provide responses based on the content of your PDF file.” Adobe provides instructions on how to disable the AI features and opt out here.

Watch Out: These PyPI Python Packages Can Drain Your Crypto Wallets

Threat hunters have discovered a set of seven packages on the Python Package Index (PyPI) repository that are designed to steal&nbsp;BIP39 mnemonic phrases&nbsp;used for recovering private keys of a cryptocurrency wallet. The software supply chain attack campaign has been codenamed BIPClip by ReversingLabs. The packages were collectively downloaded 7,451 times prior to them being removed from

Binance’s Top Crypto Crime Investigator Is Being Detained in Nigeria

Tigran Gambaryan, a former crypto-focused US federal agent, and a second Binance executive, Nadeem Anjarwalla, have been held in Abuja without passports for two weeks.

BianLian Threat Actors Exploiting JetBrains TeamCity Flaws in Ransomware Attacks

The threat actors behind the BianLian ransomware have been observed exploiting security flaws in JetBrains TeamCity software to conduct their extortion-only attacks. According to a&nbsp;new report&nbsp;from GuidePoint Security, which responded to a recent intrusion, the incident "began with the exploitation of a TeamCity server which resulted in the deployment of a PowerShell implementation of

Microsoft Confirms Russian Hackers Stole Source Code, Some Customer Secrets

Microsoft on Friday revealed that the Kremlin-backed threat actor known as&nbsp;Midnight Blizzard&nbsp;(aka APT29 or Cozy Bear) managed to gain access to some of its source code repositories and internal systems following a&nbsp;hack that came to light&nbsp;in January 2024. "In recent weeks, we have seen evidence that Midnight Blizzard is using information initially exfiltrated from our

A Close Up Look at the Consumer Data Broker Radaris

If you live in the United States, the data broker Radaris likely knows a great deal about you, and they are happy to sell what they know to anyone. But how much do we know about Radaris? Publicly available data indicates that in addition to running a dizzying array of people-search websites, the co-founders of Radaris operate multiple Russian-language dating services and affiliate programs. It also appears many of their businesses have ties to a California marketing firm that works with a Russian state-run media conglomerate currently sanctioned by the U.S. government.

Formed in 2009, Radaris is a vast people-search network for finding data on individuals, properties, phone numbers, businesses and addresses. Search for any American’s name in Google and the chances are excellent that a listing for them at will show up prominently in the results.

Radaris reports typically bundle a substantial amount of data scraped from public and court documents, including any current or previous addresses and phone numbers, known email addresses and registered domain names. The reports also list address and phone records for the target’s known relatives and associates. Such information could be useful if you were trying to determine the maiden name of someone’s mother, or successfully answer a range of other knowledge-based authentication questions.

Currently, consumer reports advertised for sale at are being fulfilled by a different people-search company called TruthFinder. But Radaris also operates a number of other people-search properties β€” like β€” that sell consumer reports directly and behave almost identically to TruthFinder: That is, reel the visitor in with promises of detailed background reports on people, and then charge a $34.99 monthly subscription fee just to view the results.

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) assigns Radaris a rating of β€œF” for consistently ignoring consumers seeking to have their information removed from Radaris’ various online properties. Of the 159 complaints detailed there in the last year, several were from people who had used third-party identity protection services to have their information removed from Radaris, only to receive a notice a few months later that their Radaris record had been restored.

What’s more, Radaris’ automated process for requesting the removal of your information requires signing up for an account, potentially providing more information about yourself that the company didn’t already have (see screenshot above).

Radaris has not responded to requests for comment.

Radaris, TruthFinder and others like them all force users to agree that their reports will not be used to evaluate someone’s eligibility for credit, or a new apartment or job. This language is so prominent in people-search reports because selling reports for those purposes would classify these firms as consumer reporting agencies (CRAs) and expose them to regulations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

These data brokers do not want to be treated as CRAs, and for this reason their people search reports typically do not include detailed credit histories, financial information, or full Social Security Numbers (Radaris reports include the first six digits of one’s SSN).

But in September 2023, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission found that TruthFinder and another people-search service Instant Checkmate were trying to have it both ways. The FTC levied a $5.8 million penalty against the companies for allegedly acting as CRAs because they assembled and compiled information on consumers into background reports that were marketed and sold for employment and tenant screening purposes.

An excerpt from the FTC’s complaint against TruthFinder and Instant Checkmate.

The FTC also found TruthFinder and Instant Checkmate deceived users about background report accuracy. The FTC alleges these companies made millions from their monthly subscriptions using push notifications and marketing emails that claimed that the subject of a background report had a criminal or arrest record, when the record was merely a traffic ticket.

β€œAll the while, the companies touted the accuracy of their reports in online ads and other promotional materials, claiming that their reports contain β€œthe MOST ACCURATE information available to the public,” the FTC noted. The FTC says, however, that all the information used in their background reports is obtained from third parties that expressly disclaim that the information is accurate, and that TruthFinder and Instant Checkmate take no steps to verify the accuracy of the information.

The FTC said both companies deceived customers by providing β€œRemove” and β€œFlag as Inaccurate” buttons that did not work as advertised. Rather, the β€œRemove” button removed the disputed information only from the report as displayed to that customer; however, the same item of information remained visible to other customers who searched for the same person.

The FTC also said that when a customer flagged an item in the background report as inaccurate, the companies never took any steps to investigate those claims, to modify the reports, or to flag to other customers that the information had been disputed.


According to Radaris’ profile at the investor website, the company’s founder and β€œco-chief executive officer” is a Massachusetts resident named Gary Norden, also known as Gary Nard.

An analysis of email addresses known to have been used by Mr. Norden shows he is a native Russian man whose real name is IgorΒ Lybarsky (also spelled Lubarsky). Igor’s brother Dmitry, who goes by β€œDan,” appears to be the other co-CEO of Radaris. Dmitry Lybarsky’s Facebook/Meta account says he was born in March 1963.

The Lybarsky brothers Dmitry or β€œDan” (left) and Igor a.k.a. β€œGary,” in an undated photo.

Indirectly or directly, the Lybarskys own multiple properties in both Sherborn and Wellesley, Mass. However, the Radaris website is operated by an offshore entity called Bitseller Expert Ltd, which is incorporated in Cyprus. Neither Lybarsky brother responded to requests for comment.

A review of the domain names registered by Gary Norden shows that beginning in the early 2000s, he and Dan built an e-commerce empire by marketing prepaid calling cards and VOIP services to Russian expatriates who are living in the United States and seeking an affordable way to stay in touch with loved ones back home.

A Sherborn, Mass. property owned by Barsky Real Estate Trust and Dmitry Lybarsky.

In 2012, the main company in charge of providing those calling services β€” Wellesley Hills, Mass-based Unipoint Technology Inc. β€” was fined $179,000 by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, which said Unipoint never applied for a license to provide international telecommunications services. shows the email address is tied to 137 domains, including DomainTools also shows that the email addresses used by Gary Norden for more than two decades β€”, and, among others β€” appear in WHOIS registration records for an entire fleet of people-search websites, including:,,,,, and

Still more people-search platforms tied to Gary Norden– like and β€” currently funnel interested customers to third-party search companies, such as TruthFinder and

The email addresses used by Gary Nard/Gary Norden are also connected to a slew of data broker websites that sell reports on businesses, real estate holdings, and professionals, including,,,,, and


Domain records indicate that Gary and Dan for many years operated a now-defunct pay-per-click affiliate advertising network called That entity used domain name servers tied to the aforementioned domains and, as did

A machine-translated version of, a Russian-language site that advertised hundreds of money making affiliate programs, including the prepaid calling card affiliate. used to be a Russian language social media network that looked a great deal like Facebook. The domain now forwards visitors to (β€œhello” in Russian), a dating site that claims to have 5 million users. says it belongs to a company called Dating Factory, which lists offices in Switzerland. uses the Gary Norden domain for its domain name servers.

Dating Factory’s website says it sells β€œpowerful dating technology” to help customers create unique or niche dating websites. A review of the sample images available on the Dating Factory homepage suggests the term β€œdating” in this context refers to adult websites. Dating Factory also operates a community called FacebookOfSex, as well as the domain


Email addresses for the Comby and Eprofit domains indicate Gary Norden operates an entity in Wellesley Hills, Mass. called RussianAmerican Holding Inc. ( This organization is listed as the owner of the domain, which is a site dedicated to orienting newcomers from Russia to the Big Apple.’s terms of service refer to an international calling card company called ComFi Inc. ( and list an address as PO Box 81362 Wellesley Hills, Ma. Other sites that include this address are,,,,,, and (currently offline).

ComFi is tied to, which was a search aggregator website that collected and published data from many online and offline sources, including phone directories, social networks, online photo albums, and public records.

The current website for Note the ad in the bottom left corner of this image for Channel One, a Russian state-owned media firm that is currently sanctioned by the U.S. government.


Many of the U.S. city-specific online properties apparently tied to Gary Norden include phone numbers on their contact pages for a pair of Russian media and advertising firms based in southern California. The phone number 323-874-8211 appears on the websites,, and, which sells tickets to theater events performed in Russian.

Historic domain registration records from DomainTools show was registered in 2003 to Unipoint Technologies β€” the same company fined by the FCC for not having a license. also lists the phone number 818-377-2101.

A phone number just a few digits away β€” 323-874-8205 β€” appears as a point of contact on,,, and A search in Google shows this 82xx number range β€” and the 818-377-2101 number β€” belong to two different entities at the same UPS Store mailbox in Tarzana, Calif: American Russian Media Inc. (, and is the home of FACT Magazine, a glossy Russian-language publication put out jointly by the American-Russian Business Council, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, and the West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. says it is an international media organization with more than 25 years of experience within the Russian-speaking community on the West Coast. The site advertises FACT Magazine and the Russian state-owned media outlet Channel One. Clicking the Channel One link on the homepage shows offers to submit advertising spots that can be shown to Channel One viewers. The price for a basic ad is listed at $500.

In May 2022, the U.S. government levied financial sanctions against Channel One that bar US companies or citizens from doing business with the company.

The website of offers to sell advertising on two Russian state-owned media firms currently sanctioned by the U.S. government.


In 2014, a group of people sued Radaris in a class-action lawsuit claiming the company’s practices violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Court records indicate the defendants never showed up in court to dispute the claims, and as a result the judge eventually awarded the plaintiffs a default judgement and ordered the company to pay $7.5 million.

But the plaintiffs in that civil case had a difficult time collecting on the court’s ruling. In response, the court ordered the domain name (~9.4M monthly visitors) to be handed over to the plaintiffs.

However, in 2018 Radaris was able to reclaim their domain on a technicality. Attorneys for the company argued that their clients were never named as defendants in the original lawsuit, and so their domain could not legally be taken away from them in a civil judgment.

β€œBecause our clients were never named as parties to the litigation, and were never served in the litigation, the taking of their property without due process is a violation of their rights,” Radaris’ attorneys argued.

In October 2023, an Illinois resident filed a class-action lawsuit against Radaris for allegedly using people’s names for commercial purposes, in violation of the Illinois Right of Publicity Act.

On Feb. 8, 2024, a company called Atlas Data Privacy Corp. sued Radaris LLC for allegedly violating β€œDaniel’s Law,” a statute that allows New Jersey law enforcement, government personnel, judges and their families to have their information completely removed from people-search services and commercial data brokers. Atlas has filed at least 140 similar Daniel’s Law complaints against data brokers recently.

Daniel’s Law was enacted in response to the death of 20-year-old Daniel Anderl, who was killed in a violent attack targeting a federal judge (his mother). In July 2020, a disgruntled attorney who had appeared before U.S. District Judge Esther Salas disguised himself as a Fedex driver, went to her home and shot and killed her son (the judge was unharmed and the assailant killed himself).

Earlier this month, The Record reported on Atlas Data Privacy’s lawsuit against LexisNexis Risk Data Management, in which the plaintiffs representing thousands of law enforcement personnel in New Jersey alleged that after they asked for their information to remain private, the data broker retaliated against them by freezing their credit and falsely reporting them as identity theft victims.

Another data broker sued by Atlas Data Privacy β€” β€” announced on Mar. 1 that it was likely shutting down because of the lawsuit.

β€œThe matter is far from resolved but your response motivates us to try to bring back most of the names while preserving redaction of the 17,000 or so clients of the redaction company,” the company wrote. β€œWhile little consolation, we are not alone in the suit – the privacy company sued 140 property-data sites at the same time as PogoData.”

Atlas says their goal is convince more states to pass similar laws, and to extend those protections to other groups such as teachers, healthcare personnel and social workers. Meanwhile, media law experts say they’re concerned that enacting Daniel’s Law in other states would limit the ability of journalists to hold public officials accountable, and allow authorities to pursue criminals charges against media outlets that publish the same type of public and governments records that fuel the people-search industry.


There are some pending changes to the US legal and regulatory landscape that could soon reshape large swaths of the data broker industry. But experts say it is unlikely that any of these changes will affect people-search companies like Radaris.

On Feb. 28, 2024, the White House issued an executive order that directs the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to create regulations that would prevent data brokers from selling or transferring abroad certain data types deemed too sensitive, including genomic and biometric data, geolocation and financial data, as well as other as-yet unspecified personal identifiers. The DOJ this week published a list of more than 100 questions it is seeking answers to regarding the data broker industry.

In August 2023, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced it was undertaking new rulemaking related to data brokers.

Justin Sherman, an adjunct professor at Duke University, said neither the CFPB nor White House rulemaking will likely address people-search brokers because these companies typically get their information by scouring federal, state and local government records. Those government files include voting registries, property filings, marriage certificates, motor vehicle records, criminal records, court documents, death records, professional licenses, bankruptcy filings, and more.

β€œThese dossiers contain everything from individuals’ names, addresses, and family information to data about finances, criminal justice system history, and home and vehicle purchases,” Sherman wrote in an October 2023 article for Lawfare. β€œPeople search websites’ business pitch boils down to the fact that they have done the work of compiling data, digitizing it, and linking it to specific people so that it can be searched online.”

Sherman said while there are ongoing debates about whether people search data brokers have legal responsibilities to the people about whom they gather and sell data, the sources of this information β€” public records β€” are completely carved out from every single state consumer privacy law.

β€œConsumer privacy laws in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, Iowa, Montana, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Virginia all contain highly similar or completely identical carve-outs for β€˜publicly available information’ or government records,” Sherman wrote. β€œTennessee’s consumer data privacy law, for example, stipulates that β€œpersonal information,” a cornerstone of the legislation, does not include β€˜publicly available information,’ defined as:

β€œβ€¦information that is lawfully made available through federal, state, or local government records, or information that a business has a reasonable basis to believe is lawfully made available to the general public through widely distributed media, by the consumer, or by a person to whom the consumer has disclosed the information, unless the consumer has restricted the information to a specific audience.”

Sherman said this is the same language as the carve-out in the California privacy regime, which is often held up as the national leader in state privacy regulations. He said with a limited set of exceptions for survivors of stalking and domestic violence, even under California’s newly passed Delete Act β€” which creates a centralized mechanism for consumers to ask some third-party data brokers to delete their information β€” consumers across the board cannot exercise these rights when it comes to data scraped from property filings, marriage certificates, and public court documents, for example.

β€œWith some very narrow exceptions, it’s either extremely difficult or impossible to compel these companies to remove your information from their sites,” Sherman told KrebsOnSecurity. β€œEven in states like California, every single consumer privacy law in the country completely exempts publicly available information.”

Below is a mind map that helped KrebsOnSecurity track relationships between and among the various organizations named in the story above:

A mind map of various entities apparently tied to Radaris and the company’s co-founders. Click to enlarge.

CISA Warns of Actively Exploited JetBrains TeamCity Vulnerability

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on Thursday&nbsp;added&nbsp;a critical security flaw impacting JetBrains TeamCity On-Premises software to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog, based on evidence of active exploitation. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-27198 (CVSS score: 9.8), refers to an authentication bypass bug that allows for a&nbsp;complete

The What, Why, and How of AI and Threat Detection

There are more online users now than ever before, thanks to the availability of network-capable devices and online services. TheΒ internet population in CanadaΒ is the highest it has been, topping the charts at 33 million.Β That number is only expected to increase through the upcoming years. However, this growing number and continued adoption of online services pose increasing cybersecurity risks as cybercriminals take advantageΒ of more online users and exploit vulnerabilities in online infrastructure.Β This is whyΒ we needΒ AI-backedΒ software toΒ provide advanced protectionΒ for online users.Β Β Β 

The nature of these online threats is ever-changing, making it difficult forΒ legacyΒ threat detection systems to monitor threat behavior and detect new malicious code. Fortunately, threat detection systems suchΒ asΒ McAfee+Β adapt to incorporate the latest threat intelligence and artificial intelligence (AI)Β driven behavioral analysis.Β Here’s how AI impacts cybersecurity to go beyond traditional methods to protect online users.Β 

What is AI?Β 

Most of today’s antivirus and threat detection software leverages behavioral heuristic-based detection based on machine learning models to detect known maliciousΒ behavior. Traditional methods rely on data analytics to detect known threatΒ signaturesΒ or footprints with incredible accuracy.Β However, these conventional methods do not account for new malicious code, otherwise known as zero-day malware, for which there is no known information available.Β AI is mission-critical to cybersecurity since it enables security software and providers to take a more intelligent approach toΒ virus and malwareΒ detection. Unlike AI–backed software,Β traditional methods rely solely on signature-based software and data analytics.Β Β 

Similar toΒ human-like reasoning, machine learning models follow a three-stage process to gather input, process it, and generate an output in the form of threat leads. Threat detection software can gatherΒ information from threat intelligence to understand knownΒ malwareΒ using these models. It then processes this data, stores it, and uses it to draw inferences and make decisions and predictions. Behavioral heuristic-based detection leverages multiple facets of machine learning, one of which isΒ deep learning.Β 

Deep learning employs neural networks to emulate the function of neurons in the human brain. This architecture uses validation algorithms for crosschecking data and complex mathematical equations, which applies an β€œif this, then that” approach to reasoning. It looks at what occurred in the past and analyzes current and predictive data to reach a conclusion. As the numerous layers in this framework process more data, the more accurate the prediction becomes.Β 

Many antivirus and detection systems also use ensemble learning. This processΒ takes a layered approachΒ by applyingΒ multipleΒ learning modelsΒ to create one that isΒ more robust and comprehensive. Ensemble learning can boostΒ detection performance withΒ fewerΒ errorsΒ for a more accurate conclusion.Β Β 

Additionally, today’s detection softwareΒ leveragesΒ supervised learning techniquesΒ by taking a β€œlearn by example” approach.Β This process strives toΒ develop an algorithm byΒ understandingΒ the relationship betweenΒ a given input and the desired output.Β 

Machine learning is only a piece of an effectiveΒ antivirus andΒ threat detection framework. A properΒ framework combines new data types with machine learningΒ and cognitive reasoningΒ to develop a highly advanced analytical framework. This framework will allow for advanced threat detection, prevention, and remediation.Β Β 

How Can AI Help Cybersecurity?Β 

Online threats are increasing at a staggering pace.Β McAfee LabsΒ observedΒ anΒ averageΒ ofΒ 588Β malware threats per minute.Β These risks exist and are often exacerbated for several reasons, one of which is the complexity and connectivity of today’s world.Β Threat detection analysts are unable to detect new malware manually due to their high volume.Β However, AIΒ canΒ identify and categorize new malware based on malicious behavior before they get a chance to affectΒ online users. AI–enabledΒ softwareΒ can alsoΒ detectΒ mutatedΒ malwareΒ thatΒ attemptsΒ toΒ avoid detection byΒ legacyΒ antivirusΒ systems.Β Β 

Today, there are more interconnected devices and online usageΒ ingrained into people’s everyday lives.Β However, the growing number of digital devices creates a broader attack surface. In other words, hackers will have a higher chance of infiltrating a device and those connected to it.Β 

Additionally, mobile usage is putting online users at significant risk.Β OverΒ 85% of the Canadian populationΒ owns a smartphone.Β Hackers areΒ noticingΒ the rising number of mobile users and are rapidly taking advantage of the fact to target users with mobile-specific malware.Β 

The increased online connectivity through various devices also means that more information is being stored and processed online. Nowadays, more people are placing their data and privacy in the hands of corporations that have a critical responsibility to safeguard their users’ data. The fact of the matter is that not all companies can guaranteeΒ the safeguards requiredΒ to uphold this promise, ultimately resulting in data and privacy breaches.Β 

In response to these risks and the rising sophistication of the online landscape, security companies combine AI, threat intelligence, and data science to analyze and resolve new and complexΒ cyberΒ threats. AI-backed threat protection identifiesΒ andΒ learnsΒ aboutΒ new malware using machine learning models.Β This enablesΒ AI-backedΒ antivirus softwareΒ toΒ protect online users more efficiently and reliably than ever before.Β Β 

Top 3 Benefits of AI-backed Threat Detection Software Β 

AI addresses numerous challenges posed by increasing malware complexity and volume, making it critical for online security and privacy protection. Here are the top 3 ways AIΒ enhancesΒ cybersecurityΒ toΒ better protect online users.Β Β 

1. Effective threat detectionΒ 

The most significant difference between traditional signature-based threat detection methods and advanced AI-backed methods is the capabilityΒ to detectΒ zero-day malware.Β FunctioningΒ exclusively fromΒ either of these two methodsΒ will not result in an adequate level of protection. However, combining themΒ results in a greater probability of detecting more threats with higher precision. Each method will ultimately play on the other’s strengths for a maximum level of protection.Β 

2. Enhanced vulnerability managementΒ 

AI enables threat detection software to think like a hacker. It can help software identify vulnerabilities that cybercriminals would typically exploit and flag them to the user. It also enables threat detection software to better pinpoint weaknesses in user devices before a threat has even occurred, unlike conventional methods. AI-backed security advances past traditionalΒ methods toΒ better predictΒ what a hacker would consider a vulnerability.Β 

2. Better security recommendationsΒ 

AI can help users understand the risks they face daily. An advanced threat detection software backed by AI can provide a more prescriptive solution to identifying risks and how to handle them. A better explanation results in a better understanding of the issue. As a result, users are more aware of how to mitigate the incident or vulnerability in the future.

Take a Smarter Approach to SecurityΒ 

AI and machine learningΒ areΒ only a piece of an effective threat detection framework. A proper threat detection framework combines new data types with the latest machine learning capabilities to develop a highly advanced analytical framework. This framework will allow forΒ betterΒ threatΒ cyber threatΒ detection, prevention, and remediation.

The post The What, Why, and How of AI and Threat Detection appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Hacked WordPress Sites Abusing Visitors' Browsers for Distributed Brute-Force Attacks

Threat actors are conducting brute-force attacks against WordPress sites by leveraging malicious JavaScript injections, new findings from Sucuri reveal. The attacks, which take the form of distributed brute-force attacks, β€œtarget WordPress websites from the browsers of completely innocent and unsuspecting site visitors,” security researcher Denis Sinegubko&nbsp;said. The activity is part of a&

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SharpCovertTube - Youtube As Covert-Channel - Control Windows Systems Remotely And Execute Commands By Uploading Videos To Youtube

By: Zion3R

SharpCovertTube is a program created to control Windows systems remotely by uploading videos to Youtube.

The program monitors a Youtube channel until a video is uploaded, decodes the QR code from the thumbnail of the uploaded video and executes a command. The QR codes in the videos can use cleartext or AES-encrypted values.

It has two versions, binary and service binary, and it includes a Python script to generate the malicious videos. Its purpose is to serve as a persistence method using only web requests to the Google API.


Run the listener in your Windows system:

It will check the Youtube channel every a specific amount of time (10 minutes by default) until a new video is uploaded. In this case, we upload "whoami.avi" from the folder example-videos:

After finding there is a new video in the channel, it decodes the QR code from the video thumbnail, executes the command and the response is base64-encoded and exfiltrated using DNS:

This works also for QR codes with AES-encrypted payloads and longer command responses. In this example, the file "dirtemp_aes.avi" from example-videos is uploaded and the content of c:\temp is exfiltrated using several DNS queries:

Logging to a file is optional but you must check the folder for that file exists in the system, the default value is "c:\temp\.sharpcoverttube.log". DNS exfiltration is also optional and can be tested using Burp's collaborator:

As an alternative, I created this repository with scripts to monitor and parse the base64-encoded DNS queries containing the command responses.


There are some values you can change, you can find them in Configuration.cs file for the regular binary and the service binary. Only the first two have to be updated:

  • channel_id (Mandatory!!!): Get your Youtube channel ID from here.
  • api_key (Mandatory!!!): To get the API key create an application and generate the key from here.
  • payload_aes_key (Optional. Default: "0000000000000000"): AES key for decrypting QR codes (if using AES). It must be a 16-characters string.
  • payload_aes_iv (Optional. Default: "0000000000000000"): IV key for decrypting QR codes (if using AES). It must be a 16-characters string.
  • seconds_delay (Optional. Default: 600): Seconds of delay until checking if a new video has been uploaded. If the value is low you will exceed the API rate limit.
  • debug_console (Optional. Default: true): Show debug messages in console or not.
  • log_to_file (Optional. Default: true): Write debug messages in log file or not.
  • log_file (Optional. Default: "c:\temp\.sharpcoverttube.log"): Log file path.
  • dns_exfiltration (Optional. Default: true): Exfiltrate command responses through DNS or not.
  • dns_hostname (Optional. Default: ""): DNS hostname to exfiltrate the response from commands executed in the system.

Generating videos with QR codes

You can generate the videos from Windows using Python3. For that, first install the dependencies:

pip install Pillow opencv-python pyqrcode pypng pycryptodome rebus

Then run the script:

python -t TYPE -f FILE -c COMMAND [-k AESKEY] [-i AESIV]
  • TYPE (-t) must be "qr" for payloads in cleartext or "qr_aes" if using AES encryption.

  • FILE (-f) is the path where the video is generated.

  • COMMAND (-c) is the command to execute in the system.

  • AESKEY (-k) is the key for AES encryption, only necessary if using the type "qr_aes". It must be a string of 16 characters and the same as in Program.cs file in SharpCovertTube.

  • AESIV (-i) is the IV for AES encryption, only necessary if using the type "qr_aes". It must be a string of 16 characters and the same as in Program.cs file in SharpCovertTube.


Generate a video with a QR value of "whoami" in cleartext in the path c:\temp\whoami.avi:

python -t qr -f c:\temp\whoami.avi -c whoami

Generate a video with an AES-encrypted QR value of "dir c:\windows\temp" with the key and IV "0000000000000000" in the path c:\temp\dirtemp_aes.avi:

python -t qr_aes -f c:\temp\dirtemp_aes.avi -c "dir c:\windows\temp" -k 0000000000000000 -i 0000000000000000

Running it as a service

You can find the code to run it as a service in the SharpCovertTube_Service folder. It has the same functionalities except self-deletion, which would not make sense in this case.

It possible to install it with InstallUtil, it is prepared to run as the SYSTEM user and you need to install it as administrator:

InstallUtil.exe SharpCovertTube_Service.exe

You can then start it with:

net start "SharpCovertTube Service"

In case you have administrative privileges this may be stealthier than the ordinary binary, but the "Description" and "DisplayName" should be updated (as you can see in the image above). If you do not have those privileges you can not install services so you can only use the ordinary binary.

  • File must be 64 bits!!! This is due to the code used for QR decoding, which is borrowed from Stefan Gansevles's QR-Capture project, who borrowed part of it from Uzi Granot's QRCode project, who at the same time borrowed part of it from Zakhar Semenov's Camera_Net project (then I lost track). So thanks to all of them!

  • This project is a port from covert-tube, a project I developed in 2021 using just Python, which was inspired by Welivesecurity blogs about Casbaneiro and Numando malwares.

Cybercriminals Using Novel DNS Hijacking Technique for Investment Scams

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swaggerHole - A Python3 Script Searching For Secret On Swaggerhub

By: Zion3R


This tool is made to automate the process of retrieving secrets in the public APIs on [swaggerHub]( This tool is multithreaded and pipe mode is available :)Β 


Β - python3 (sudo apt install python3) - pip3 (sudo apt install python3-pip) ## Installation
pip3 install swaggerhole
or cloning this repository and running
git clone
pip3 install .


   _____ _      __ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ___   _____
/ ___/| | /| / // __ `// __ `// __ `// _ \ / ___/
(__ ) | |/ |/ // /_/ // /_/ // /_/ // __// /
/____/ |__/|__/ \__,_/ \__, / \__, / \___//_/
__ __ __ /____/ /____/
/ / / /____ / /___
/ /_/ // __ \ / // _ \
/ __ // /_/ // // __/
/_/ /_/ \____//_/ \___/

usage: swaggerhole [-h] [-s SEARCH] [-o OUT] [-t THREADS] [-j] [-q] [-du] [-de]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SEARCH, --search SEARCH
Term to search
-o OUT, --out OUT Output directory
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Threads number (Default 25)
-j, --json Json ouput
-q, --quiet Remove banner
-du, --deactivate_url
Deactivate the URL filtering
-de, --deactivate_email
Deactivate the email filtering

Search for secret about a domain

swaggerHole -s

echo | swaggerHole

Search for secret about a domain and output to json

swaggerHole -s --json

echo | swaggerHole --json

Search for secret about a domain and do it fast :)

swaggerHole -s -t 100

echo | swaggerHole -t 100

Output explanation

Normal output

Β `Finding_Type - Finding - [Swagger_Name][Date_Last_Update][Line:Number]`Β 

Json output

Β `{"Finding_Type": Finding, "File": File_path, "Date": Date_Last_Update, "Line": Number}`Β 

Deactivate url/emailΒ 

Using -du or -de remove the filtering done by the tool. There is more false positive with those options.Β 

Dormant PyPI Package Compromised to Spread Nova Sentinel Malware

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RepoReaper - An Automated Tool Crafted To Meticulously Scan And Identify Exposed .Git Repositories Within Specified Domains And Their Subdomains

By: Zion3R

RepoReaper is a precision tool designed to automate the identification of exposed .git repositories across a list of domains and subdomains. By processing a user-provided text file with domain names, RepoReaper systematically checks each for publicly accessible .git files. This enables rapid assessment and protection against information leaks, making RepoReaper an essential resource for security teams and web developers.

  • Automated scanning of domains and subdomains for exposed .git repositories.
  • Streamlines the detection of sensitive data exposures.
  • User-friendly command-line interface.
  • Ideal for security audits and Bug Bounty.


Clone the repository and install the required dependencies:

git clone
cd RepoReaper
pip install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x


RepoReaper is executed from the command line and will prompt for the path to a file containing a list of domains or subdomains to be scanned.

To start RepoReaper, simply run:


Upon execution, RepoReaper will ask for the path to the file containing the domains or subdomains: Enter the path of the file containing domains

Provide the path to your text file when prompted. The file should contain one domain or subdomain per line, like so:

RepoReaper will then proceed to scan the provided domains or subdomains for exposed .git repositories and report its findings.Β 


This tool is intended for educational purposes and security research only. The user assumes all responsibility for any damages or misuse resulting from its use.
