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Navigating the Threat Landscape: Understanding Exposure Management, Pentesting, Red Teaming and RBVM

It comes as no surprise that today's cyber threats are orders of magnitude more complex than those of the past. And the ever-evolving tactics that attackers use demand the adoption of better, more holistic and consolidated ways to meet this non-stop challenge. Security teams constantly look for ways to reduce risk while improving security posture, but many

Microsoft Releases PyRIT - A Red Teaming Tool for Generative AI

Microsoft has released an open access automation framework called PyRIT (short for Python Risk Identification Tool) to proactively identify risks in generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems. The red teaming tool is designed to "enable every organization across the globe to innovate responsibly with the latest artificial intelligence advances," Ram Shankar Siva Kumar, AI red team

AzSubEnum - Azure Service Subdomain Enumeration

By: Zion3R

AzSubEnum is a specialized subdomain enumeration tool tailored for Azure services. This tool is designed to meticulously search and identify subdomains associated with various Azure services. Through a combination of techniques and queries, AzSubEnum delves into the Azure domain structure, systematically probing and collecting subdomains related to a diverse range of Azure services.

How it works?

AzSubEnum operates by leveraging DNS resolution techniques and systematic permutation methods to unveil subdomains associated with Azure services such as Azure App Services, Storage Accounts, Azure Databases (including MSSQL, Cosmos DB, and Redis), Key Vaults, CDN, Email, SharePoint, Azure Container Registry, and more. Its functionality extends to comprehensively scanning different Azure service domains to identify associated subdomains.

With this tool, users can conduct thorough subdomain enumeration within Azure environments, aiding security professionals, researchers, and administrators in gaining insights into the expansive landscape of Azure services and their corresponding subdomains.

Why i create this?

During my learning journey on Azure AD exploitation, I discovered that the Azure subdomain tool, Invoke-EnumerateAzureSubDomains from NetSPI, was unable to run on my Debian PowerShell. Consequently, I created a crude implementation of that tool in Python.

➜  AzSubEnum git:(main) βœ— python3 --help
usage: [-h] -b BASE [-v] [-t THREADS] [-p PERMUTATIONS]

Azure Subdomain Enumeration

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BASE, --base BASE Base name to use
-v, --verbose Show verbose output
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads for concurrent execution
File containing permutations

Basic enumeration:

python3 -b retailcorp --thread 10

Using permutation wordlists:

python3 -b retailcorp --thread 10 --permutation permutations.txt

With verbose output:

python3 -b retailcorp --thread 10 --permutation permutations.txt --verbose

Xsubfind3R - A CLI Utility To Find Domain'S Known Subdomains From Curated Passive Online Sources

By: Zion3R

xsubfind3r is a command-line interface (CLI) utility to find domain's known subdomains from curated passive online sources.


  • Fetches domains from curated passive sources to maximize results.

  • Supports stdin and stdout for easy integration into workflows.

  • Cross-Platform (Windows, Linux & macOS).


Install release binaries (Without Go Installed)

Visit the releases page and find the appropriate archive for your operating system and architecture. Download the archive from your browser or copy its URL and retrieve it with wget or curl:

  • ...with wget:

  • ...or, with curl:

     curl -OL<version>/xsubfind3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz

...then, extract the binary:

tar xf xsubfind3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz

TIP: The above steps, download and extract, can be combined into a single step with this onliner

curl -sL<version>/xsubfind3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar -xzv

NOTE: On Windows systems, you should be able to double-click the zip archive to extract the xsubfind3r executable.

...move the xsubfind3r binary to somewhere in your PATH. For example, on GNU/Linux and OS X systems:

sudo mv xsubfind3r /usr/local/bin/

NOTE: Windows users can follow How to: Add Tool Locations to the PATH Environment Variable in order to add xsubfind3r to their PATH.

Install source (With Go Installed)

Before you install from source, you need to make sure that Go is installed on your system. You can install Go by following the official instructions for your operating system. For this, we will assume that Go is already installed.

go install ...

go install -v

go build ... the development Version

  • Clone the repository

     git clone 
  • Build the utility

     cd xsubfind3r/cmd/xsubfind3r && \
    go build .
  • Move the xsubfind3r binary to somewhere in your PATH. For example, on GNU/Linux and OS X systems:

     sudo mv xsubfind3r /usr/local/bin/

    NOTE: Windows users can follow How to: Add Tool Locations to the PATH Environment Variable in order to add xsubfind3r to their PATH.

NOTE: While the development version is a good way to take a peek at xsubfind3r's latest features before they get released, be aware that it may have bugs. Officially released versions will generally be more stable.

Post Installation

xsubfind3r will work right after installation. However, BeVigil, Chaos, Fullhunt, Github, Intelligence X and Shodan require API keys to work, URLScan supports API key but not required. The API keys are stored in the $HOME/.hueristiq/xsubfind3r/config.yaml file - created upon first run - and uses the YAML format. Multiple API keys can be specified for each of these source from which one of them will be used.

Example config.yaml:

version: 0.3.0
- alienvault
- anubis
- bevigil
- chaos
- commoncrawl
- crtsh
- fullhunt
- github
- hackertarget
- intelx
- shodan
- urlscan
- wayback
- awA5nvpKU3N8ygkZ
- d23a554bbc1aabb208c9acfbd2dd41ce7fc9db39asdsd54bbc1aabb208c9acfb
- 0d9652ce-516c-4315-b589-9b241ee6dc24
- d23a554bbc1aabb208c9acfbd2dd41ce7fc9db39
- asdsd54bbc1aabb208c9acfbd2dd41ce7fc9db39
- d4c85d34-e425-446e-d4ab-f5a3412acbe8


To display help message for xsubfind3r use the -h flag:

xsubfind3r -h

help message:

_ __ _ _ _____
__ _____ _ _| |__ / _(_)_ __ __| |___ / _ __
\ \/ / __| | | | '_ \| |_| | '_ \ / _` | |_ \| '__|
> <\__ \ |_| | |_) | _| | | | | (_| |___) | |
/_/\_\___/\__,_|_.__/|_| |_|_| |_|\__,_|____/|_| v0.3.0

xsubfind3r [OPTIONS]

-d, --domain string[] target domains
-l, --list string target domains' list file path

--sources bool list supported sources
-u, --sources-to-use string[] comma(,) separeted sources to use
-e, --sources-to-exclude string[] comma(,) separeted sources to exclude

-t, --threads int number of threads (default: 50)

--no-color bool disable colored output
-o, --output string output subdomains' file path
-O, --output-directory string output subdomains' directory path
-v, --verbosity string debug, info, warning, error, fatal or silent (default: info)

-c, --configuration string configuration file path (default: ~/.hueristiq/xsubfind3r/config.yaml)


Issues and Pull Requests are welcome! Check out the contribution guidelines.


This utility is distributed under the MIT license.

Xcrawl3R - A CLI Utility To Recursively Crawl Webpages

By: Zion3R

xcrawl3r is a command-line interface (CLI) utility to recursively crawl webpages i.e systematically browse webpages' URLs and follow links to discover linked webpages' URLs.


  • Recursively crawls webpages for URLs.
  • Parses URLs from files (.js, .json, .xml, .csv, .txt & .map).
  • Parses URLs from robots.txt.
  • Parses URLs from sitemaps.
  • Renders pages (including Single Page Applications such as Angular and React).
  • Cross-Platform (Windows, Linux & macOS)


Install release binaries (Without Go Installed)

Visit the releases page and find the appropriate archive for your operating system and architecture. Download the archive from your browser or copy its URL and retrieve it with wget or curl:

  • ...with wget:

  • ...or, with curl:

     curl -OL<version>/xcrawl3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz

...then, extract the binary:

tar xf xcrawl3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz

TIP: The above steps, download and extract, can be combined into a single step with this onliner

curl -sL<version>/xcrawl3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar -xzv

NOTE: On Windows systems, you should be able to double-click the zip archive to extract the xcrawl3r executable.

...move the xcrawl3r binary to somewhere in your PATH. For example, on GNU/Linux and OS X systems:

sudo mv xcrawl3r /usr/local/bin/

NOTE: Windows users can follow How to: Add Tool Locations to the PATH Environment Variable in order to add xcrawl3r to their PATH.

Install source (With Go Installed)

Before you install from source, you need to make sure that Go is installed on your system. You can install Go by following the official instructions for your operating system. For this, we will assume that Go is already installed.

go install ...

go install -v

go build ... the development Version

  • Clone the repository

     git clone 
  • Build the utility

     cd xcrawl3r/cmd/xcrawl3r && \
    go build .
  • Move the xcrawl3r binary to somewhere in your PATH. For example, on GNU/Linux and OS X systems:

     sudo mv xcrawl3r /usr/local/bin/

    NOTE: Windows users can follow How to: Add Tool Locations to the PATH Environment Variable in order to add xcrawl3r to their PATH.

NOTE: While the development version is a good way to take a peek at xcrawl3r's latest features before they get released, be aware that it may have bugs. Officially released versions will generally be more stable.


To display help message for xcrawl3r use the -h flag:

xcrawl3r -h

help message:

                             _ _____      
__ _____ _ __ __ ___ _| |___ / _ __
\ \/ / __| '__/ _` \ \ /\ / / | |_ \| '__|
> < (__| | | (_| |\ V V /| |___) | |
/_/\_\___|_| \__,_| \_/\_/ |_|____/|_| v0.1.0

A CLI utility to recursively crawl webpages.

xcrawl3r [OPTIONS]

-d, --domain string domain to match URLs
--include-subdomains bool match subdomains' URLs
-s, --seeds string seed URLs file (use `-` to get from stdin)
-u, --url string URL to crawl

--depth int maximum depth to crawl (default 3)
TIP: set it to `0` for infinite recursion
--headless bool If true the browser will be displayed while crawling.
-H, --headers string[] custom header to include in requests
e.g. -H 'Referer:'
TIP: use multiple flag to set multiple headers
--proxy string[] Proxy URL (e.g:
TIP: use multiple flag to set multiple proxies
--render bool utilize a headless chrome instance to render pages
--timeout int time to wait for request in seconds (default: 10)
--user-agent string User Agent to use (default: web)
TIP: use `web` for a random web user-agent,
`mobile` for a random mobile user-agent,
or you can set your specific user-agent.

-c, --concurrency int number of concurrent fetchers to use (default 10)
--delay int delay between each request in seconds
--max-random-delay int maximux extra randomized delay added to `--dalay` (default: 1s)
-p, --parallelism int number of concurrent URLs to process (default: 10)

--debug bool enable debug mode (default: false)
-m, --monochrome bool coloring: no colored output mode
-o, --output string output file to write found URLs
-v, --verbosity string debug, info, warning, error, fatal or silent (default: debug)


Issues and Pull Requests are welcome! Check out the contribution guidelines.


This utility is distributed under the MIT license.


Xurlfind3R - A CLI Utility To Find Domain'S Known URLs From Curated Passive Online Sources

By: Zion3R

xurlfind3r is a command-line interface (CLI) utility to find domain's known URLs from curated passive online sources.



Install release binaries (Without Go Installed)

Visit the releases page and find the appropriate archive for your operating system and architecture. Download the archive from your browser or copy its URL and retrieve it with wget or curl:

  • ...with wget:

  • ...or, with curl:

     curl -OL<version>/xurlfind3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz

...then, extract the binary:

tar xf xurlfind3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz

TIP: The above steps, download and extract, can be combined into a single step with this onliner

curl -sL<version>/xurlfind3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar -xzv

NOTE: On Windows systems, you should be able to double-click the zip archive to extract the xurlfind3r executable.

...move the xurlfind3r binary to somewhere in your PATH. For example, on GNU/Linux and OS X systems:

sudo mv xurlfind3r /usr/local/bin/

NOTE: Windows users can follow How to: Add Tool Locations to the PATH Environment Variable in order to add xurlfind3r to their PATH.

Install source (With Go Installed)

Before you install from source, you need to make sure that Go is installed on your system. You can install Go by following the official instructions for your operating system. For this, we will assume that Go is already installed.

go install ...

go install -v

go build ... the development Version

  • Clone the repository

     git clone 
  • Build the utility

     cd xurlfind3r/cmd/xurlfind3r && \
    go build .
  • Move the xurlfind3r binary to somewhere in your PATH. For example, on GNU/Linux and OS X systems:

     sudo mv xurlfind3r /usr/local/bin/

    NOTE: Windows users can follow How to: Add Tool Locations to the PATH Environment Variable in order to add xurlfind3r to their PATH.

NOTE: While the development version is a good way to take a peek at xurlfind3r's latest features before they get released, be aware that it may have bugs. Officially released versions will generally be more stable.

Post Installation

xurlfind3r will work right after installation. However, BeVigil, Github and Intelligence X require API keys to work, URLScan supports API key but not required. The API keys are stored in the $HOME/.hueristiq/xurlfind3r/config.yaml file - created upon first run - and uses the YAML format. Multiple API keys can be specified for each of these source from which one of them will be used.

Example config.yaml:

version: 0.2.0
- bevigil
- commoncrawl
- github
- intelx
- otx
- urlscan
- wayback
- awA5nvpKU3N8ygkZ
- d23a554bbc1aabb208c9acfbd2dd41ce7fc9db39
- asdsd54bbc1aabb208c9acfbd2dd41ce7fc9db39
- d4c85d34-e425-446e-d4ab-f5a3412acbe8


To display help message for xurlfind3r use the -h flag:

xurlfind3r -h

help message:

                 _  __ _           _ _____      
__ ___ _ _ __| |/ _(_)_ __ __| |___ / _ __
\ \/ / | | | '__| | |_| | '_ \ / _` | |_ \| '__|
> <| |_| | | | | _| | | | | (_| |___) | |
/_/\_\\__,_|_| |_|_| |_|_| |_|\__,_|____/|_| v0.2.0

xurlfind3r [OPTIONS]

-d, --domain string (sub)domain to match URLs

--include-subdomains bool match subdomain's URLs

-s, --sources bool list sources
-u, --use-sources string sources to use (default: bevigil,commoncrawl,github,intelx,otx,urlscan,wayback)
--skip-wayback-robots bool with wayback, skip parsing robots.txt snapshots
--skip-wayback-source bool with wayback , skip parsing source code snapshots

-f, --filter string regex to filter URLs
-m, --match string regex to match URLs

--no-color bool no color mode
-o, --output string output URLs file path
-v, --verbosity string debug, info, warning, error, fatal or silent (default: info)

-c, --configuration string configuration file path (default: ~/.hueristiq/xurlfind3r/config.yaml)



xurlfind3r -d --include-subdomains

Filter Regex

# filter images
xurlfind3r -d --include-subdomains -f '`^https?://[^/]*?/.*\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp)(\?[^\s]*)?$`'

Match Regex

# match js URLs
xurlfind3r -d --include-subdomains -m '^https?://[^/]*?/.*\.js(\?[^\s]*)?$'


Issues and Pull Requests are welcome! Check out the contribution guidelines.


This utility is distributed under the MIT license.

TelegramRAT - Cross Platform Telegram Based RAT That Communicates Via Telegram To Evade Network Restrictions

By: Zion3R

Cross Platform Telegram based RAT that communicates via telegram to evade network restrictions


1. git clone
2. Now Follow the instructions in HOW TO USE Section.


1. Go to Telegram and search for
2. Create Bot and get the API_TOKEN
3. Now search for and get the chat_id
4. Now Go to and go to line 16 and 17 and place API_TOKEN and chat_id there
5. Now run python For Windows and python3 For Linux
6. Now Go to the bot which u created and send command in message field


HELP MENU: Coded By Machine1337
CMD Commands | Execute cmd commands directly in bot
cd .. | Change the current directory
cd foldername | Change to current folder
download filename | Download File From Target
screenshot | Capture Screenshot
info | Get System Info
location | Get Target Location


1. Execute Shell Commands in bot directly.
2. download file from client.
3. Get Client System Information.
4. Get Client Location Information.
5. Capture Screenshot
6. More features will be added


Coded By: Machine1337

pyFUD - Multi Clients FUD Reverse Shell

By: Zion3R

python3 based multi clients reverse shell.


1. Don't Upload Any Payloads To Bcz This tool will not work
with Time.
2. Virustotal Share Signatures With AV Comapnies.
3. Again Don't be an Idiot!


1. git clone
2. python3 (enter your ip,port and start the server)
3. (Edit IP AND PORT To Put Your Own IP,Port)


1. python3
2. Now Compile to exe (make sure change ip and port in it)


1. Very Simple And Fully Undectable Reverse Shell
2. Multi Client Handling
3. Persistent Shell
3. auto-reconnect
5. U can Convert to exe using pyinstaller tool in windows.


Use this tool Only for Educational Purpose And I will Not be Responsible For ur cruel act.

Acheron - Indirect Syscalls For AV/EDR Evasion In Go Assembly

By: Zion3R

Acheron is a library inspired by SysWhisper3/FreshyCalls/RecycledGate, with most of the functionality implemented in Go assembly.

acheron package can be used to add indirect syscall capabilities to your Golang tradecraft, to bypass AV/EDRs that makes use of usermode hooks and instrumentation callbacks to detect anomalous syscalls that don't return to ntdll.dll, when the call transition back from kernel->userland.

Main Features

  • No dependencies
  • Pure Go and Go assembly implementation
  • Custom string encryption/hashing function support to counter static analysis

How it works

The following steps are performed when creating a new syscall proxy instance:

  1. Walk the PEB to retrieve the base address of in-memory ntdll.dll
  2. Parse the exports directory to retrieve the address of each exported function
  3. Calculate the system service number for each Zw* function
  4. Enumerate unhooked/clean syscall;ret gadgets in ntdll.dll, to be used as trampolines
  5. Creates the proxy instance, which can be used to make indirect (or direct) syscalls


Integrating acheron into your offsec tools is pretty easy. You can install the package with:

go get -u

Then just need to call acheron.New() to create a syscall proxy instance and use acheron.Syscall() to make an indirect syscall for Nt* APIs.

Minimal example:

package main

import (


func main() {
var (
baseAddr uintptr
hSelf = uintptr(0xffffffffffffffff)

// creates Acheron instance, resolves SSNs, collects clean trampolines in ntdll.dlll, etc.
ach, err := acheron.New()
if err != nil {

// indirect syscall for NtAllocateVirtualMemory
s1 := ach.HashString("NtAllocateVirtualMemory")
if retcode, err := ach.Syscall(
s1, // function name hash
hSelf, // arg1: _In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle,
uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&baseAddr)), // arg2: _Inout_ PVOID *BaseAddress,
uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(nil)), // arg3: _In_ ULONG_PTR ZeroBits,
0x1000, // arg4: _Inout_ PSIZE_T RegionSize,
windows.MEM_COMMIT|windows.MEM_RESERVE, // arg5: _In_ ULONG AllocationType,
windows.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, // arg6: _In_ ULONG Protect
); err != nil {
"allocated memory with NtAllocateVirtualMemory (status: 0x%x)\n",

// ...


The following examples are included in the repository:

Example Description
sc_inject Extremely simple process injection PoC, with support for both direct and indirect syscalls
process_snapshot Using indirect syscalls to take process snapshots with syscalls
custom_hashfunc Example of custom encoding/hashing function that can be used with acheron

Other projects that use acheron:


Contributions are welcome! Below are some of the things that it would be nice to have in the future:

  • 32-bit support
  • Other resolver types (e.g. HalosGate/TartarusGate)
  • More examples

If you have any suggestions or ideas, feel free to open an issue or a PR.


Additional Notes

The name is a reference to the Acheron river in Greek mythology, which is the river where souls of the dead are carried to the underworld.

This project uses semantic versioning. Minor and patch releases should not break compatibility with previous versions. Major releases will only be used for major changes that break compatibility with previous versions.

This project has been created for educational purposes only. Don't use it to on systems you don't own. The developer of this project is not responsible for any damage caused by the improper usage of the library.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

Hades - Go Shellcode Loader That Combines Multiple Evasion Techniques

By: Zion3R

Hades is a proof of concept loader that combines several evasion technques with the aim of bypassing the defensive mechanisms commonly used by modern AV/EDRs.


The easiest way, is probably building the project on Linux using make.

git clone && cd hades

Then you can bring the executable to a x64 Windows host and run it with .\hades.exe [options].

PS > .\hades.exe -h

'||' '||' | '||''|. '||''''| .|'''.|
|| || ||| || || || . ||.. '
||''''|| | || || || ||''| ''|||.
|| || .''''|. || || || . '||
.||. .||. .|. .||. .||...|' .||.....| |'....|'

version: dev [11/01/23] :: @f1zm0

hades -f <filepath> [-t selfthread|remotethread|queueuserapc]

-f, --file <str> shellcode file path (.bin)
-t, --technique <str> injection technique [selfthread, remotethread, queueuserapc]


Inject shellcode that spawms calc.exe with queueuserapc technique:

.\hades.exe -f calc.bin -t queueuserapc


User-mode hooking bypass with syscall RVA sorting (NtQueueApcThread hooked with frida-trace and custom handler)

Instrumentation callback bypass with indirect syscalls (injected DLL is from syscall-detect by jackullrich)

Additional Notes

Direct syscall version

In the latest release, direct syscall capabilities have been replaced by indirect syscalls provided by acheron. If for some reason you want to use the previous version of the loader that used direct syscalls, you need to explicitly pass the direct_syscalls tag to the compiler, which will figure out what files needs to be included and excluded from the build.

GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "-s -w" -tags='direct_syscalls' -o dist/hades_directsys.exe cmd/hades/main.go


This project has been created for educational purposes only, to experiment with malware dev in Go, and learn more about the unsafe package and the weird Go Assembly syntax. Don't use it to on systems you don't own. The developer of this project is not responsible for any damage caused by the improper use of this tool.


Shoutout to the following people that shared their knowledge and code that inspired this tool:


This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details

TLDHunt - Domain Availability Checker

By: Zion3R

TLDHunt is a command-line tool designed to help users find available domain names for their online projects or businesses. By providing a keyword and a list of TLD (top-level domain) extensions, TLDHunt checks the availability of domain names that match the given criteria. This tool is particularly useful for those who want to quickly find a domain name that is not already taken, without having to perform a manual search on a domain registrar website.

For red teaming or phishing purposes, this tool can help you to find similar domains with different extensions from the original domain.


This tool is written in Bash and the only dependency required is whois. Therefore, make sure that you have installed whois on your system. In Debian, you can install whois using the following command:

sudo apt install whois -y

How It Works?

To detect whether a domain is registered or not, we search for the words "Name Server" in the output of the WHOIS command, as this is a signature of a registered domain. If you have a better signature or detection method, please feel free to submit a pull request.

Domain Extension List

You can use your custom tlds.txt list, but make sure that it is formatted like this:


How to Use

Γ’ΕΎΕ“  TLDHunt ./
_____ _ ___ _ _ _
|_ _| | | \| || |_ _ _ _| |_
| | | |__| |) | __ | || | ' \ _|
|_| |____|___/|_||_|\_,_|_||_\__|
Domain Availability Checker

Keyword is required.
Usage: ./ -k <keyword> [-e <tld> | -E <exts>] [-x]
Example: ./ -k linuxsec -E tlds.txt

Example of TLDHunt usage:

./ -k linuxsec -E tlds.txt

You can add -x flag to print only Not Registered domain. Example:

./ -k linuxsec -E tlds.txt -x

