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PhoneSploit-Pro - An All-In-One Hacking Tool To Remotely Exploit Android Devices Using ADB And Metasploit-Framework To Get A Meterpreter Session

An all-in-one hacking tool written in Python to remotely exploit Android devices using ADB (Android Debug Bridge) and Metasploit-Framework.

Complete Automation to get a Meterpreter session in One Click

This tool can automatically Create, Install, and Run payload on the target device using Metasploit-Framework and ADB to completely hack the Android Device in one click.

The goal of this project is to make penetration testing on Android devices easy. Now you don't have to learn commands and arguments, PhoneSploit Pro does it for you. Using this tool, you can test the security of your Android devices easily.

PhoneSploit Pro can also be used as a complete ADB Toolkit to perform various operations on Android devices over Wi-Fi as well as USB.




  • Connect device using ADB remotely.
  • List connected devices.
  • Disconnect all devices.
  • Access connected device shell.
  • Stop ADB Server.
  • Take screenshot and pull it to computer automatically.
  • Screen Record target device screen for a specified time and automatically pull it to computer.
  • Download file/folder from target device.
  • Send file/folder from computer to target device.
  • Run an app.
  • Install an APK file from computer to target device.
  • Uninstall an app.
  • List all installed apps in target device.
  • Restart/Reboot the target device to System, Recovery, Bootloader, Fastboot.
  • Hack Device Completely :
    • Automatically fetch your IP Address to set LHOST.
    • Automatically create a payload using msfvenom, install it, and run it on target device.
    • Then automatically launch and setup Metasploit-Framework to get a meterpreter session.
    • Getting a meterpreter session means the device is completely hacked using Metasploit-Framework, and you can do anything with it.


  • List all files and folders of the target devices.
  • Copy all WhatsApp Data to computer.
  • Copy all Screenshots to computer.
  • Copy all Camera Photos to computer.
  • Take screenshots and screen-record anonymously (Automatically delete file from target device).
  • Open a link on target device.
  • Display an image/photo on target device.
  • Play an audio on target device.
  • Play a video on target device.
  • Get device information.
  • Get battery information.
  • Use Keycodes to control device remotely.


  • Send SMS through target device.
  • Unlock device (Automatic screen on, swipe up and password input).
  • Lock device.
  • Dump all SMS from device to computer.
  • Dump all Contacts from device to computer.
  • Dump all Call Logs from device to computer.
  • Extract APK from an installed app.


  • Mirror and Control the target device.


  • Power off the target device.


Run PhoneSploit Pro

PhoneSploit Pro does not need any installation and runs directly using python3

On Linux / macOS :

Make sure all the required software are installed.

Open terminal and paste the following commands :

git clone
cd PhoneSploit-Pro/

On Windows :

Make sure all the required software are installed.

Open terminal and paste the following commands :

git clone
cd PhoneSploit-Pro/
  1. Download and extract latest platform-tools from here.

  2. Copy all files from the extracted platform-tools or adb directory to PhoneSploit-Pro directory and then run :



Installing ADB

ADB on Linux :

Open terminal and paste the following commands :

  • Debian / Ubuntu
sudo apt update
sudo apt install adb
  • Fedora
sudo dnf install adb
  • Arch Linux / Manjaro
sudo pacman -Sy android-tools

For other Linux Distributions : Visit this Link

ADB on macOS :

Open terminal and paste the following command :

brew install android-platform-tools

or Visit this link : Click Here

ADB on Windows :

Visit this link : Click Here

ADB on Termux :

pkg update
pkg install android-tools

Installing Metasploit-Framework

On Linux / macOS :

curl > msfinstall && \
chmod 755 msfinstall && \

or Follow this link : Click Here

or Visit this link : Click Here

On Windows :

Visit this link : Click Here

or Follow this link : Click Here

Installing scrcpy

Visit the scrcpy GitHub page for latest installation instructions : Click Here

On Windows : Copy all the files from the extracted scrcpy folder to PhoneSploit-Pro folder.

If scrcpy is not available for your Linux distro, then you can build it with a few simple steps : Build Guide


Setting up Android Phone for the first time

  • Enabling the Developer Options
  1. Open Settings.
  2. Go to About Phone.
  3. Find Build Number.
  4. Tap on Build Number 7 times.
  5. Enter your pattern, PIN or password to enable the Developer options menu.
  6. The Developer options menu will now appear in your Settings menu.
  • Enabling USB Debugging
  1. Open Settings.
  2. Go to System > Developer options.
  3. Scroll down and Enable USB debugging.
  • Connecting with Computer
  1. Connect your Android device and adb host computer to a common Wi-Fi network.
  2. Connect the device to the host computer with a USB cable.
  3. Open terminal in the computer and enter the following command :
adb devices
  1. A pop-up will appear in the Android phone when you connect your phone to a new PC for the first time : Allow USB debugging?.
  2. Click on Always allow from this computer check-box and then click Allow.
  3. Then enter the following command :
adb tcpip 5555
  1. Now you can connect the Android Phone over Wi-Fi.
  2. Disconnect the USB cable.
  3. Go to Settings > About Phone > Status > IP address and note the phone's IP Address.
  4. Run PhoneSploit Pro and select Connect a device and enter the target's IP Address to connect over Wi-Fi.

Connecting the Android phone for the next time

  1. Connect your Android device and host computer to a common Wi-Fi network.
  2. Run PhoneSploit Pro and select Connect a device and enter the target's IP Address to connect over Wi-Fi.

This tool is tested on

  • ✅Ubuntu
  • ✅Linux Mint
  • ✅Kali Linux
  • ✅Fedora
  • ✅Arch Linux
  • ✅Parrot Security OS
  • ✅Windows 11
  • ✅Termux (Android)

All the new features are primarily tested on Linux, thus Linux is recommended for running PhoneSploit Pro. Some features might not work properly on Windows.


  • Neither the project nor its developer promote any kind of illegal activity and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this project.
  • This project is for the purpose of penetration testing only.
  • Please do not use this tool on other people's devices without their permission.
  • Do not use this tool to harm others.
  • Use this project responsibly on your own devices only.
  • It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state, federal, and international laws.

NSO Group Used 3 Zero-Click iPhone Exploits Against Human Rights Defenders

Israeli spyware maker NSO Group deployed at least three novel "zero-click" exploits against iPhones in 2022 to infiltrate defenses erected by Apple and deploy Pegasus, according to the latest findings from Citizen Lab. "NSO Group customers widely deployed at least three iOS 15 and iOS 16 zero-click exploit chains against civil society targets around the world," the interdisciplinary laboratory

Apple Issues Urgent Security Update for Older iOS and iPadOS Models

Apple on Monday backported fixes for an actively exploited security flaw to older iPhone and iPad models. The issue, tracked as CVE-2023-23529, concerns a type confusion bug in the WebKit browser engine that could lead to arbitrary code execution. It was originally addressed by the tech giant with improved checks as part of updates released on February 13, 2023. An anonymous researcher has been

Apple patches everything, including a zero-day fix for iOS 15 users

Got an older iPhone that can't run iOS 16? You've got a zero-day to deal with! That super-cool Studio Display monitor needs patching, too.

How to Remove Viruses from Your Android Phone

By: McAfee

So, can Android phones get viruses and malware? The answer is yes, and likewise you can do several things to spot and remove them from your phone. 

A couple things make Android phones attractive to cyber criminals and scammers. First, they make up about half of all smartphones in the U.S. and roughly 71% worldwide. Second, while its operating system gives users the flexibility to install apps from multiple apps markets, it also makes the operating system more vulnerable to tampering by bad actors. Also, Android has a more fragmented ecosystem with multiple device manufacturers and different versions of the operating system. As a result, each may have different security updates, and consistency will vary depending on the carrier or manufacturer, which can make Android phones more vulnerable to threats. 

So, just like computers and laptops, Android phones are susceptible to attack. And when you consider how much of our lives we keep on our phones, the importance of protecting them can’t be overstated. Steps truly are called for. With a look at how viruses and malware end up on Androids, you’ll see that you have several ways of keeping you and your phone safe. 

The top culprit: Malicious Android apps 

When it comes to viruses and malware on Android phones, malicious apps are often to blame. They’ll disguise themselves in many ways, such as utility apps, wallpaper apps, games, photo editors, and so on. Once installed, they’ll unleash their payload, which can take several forms: 

  • Adware that floods your phone with pop-ups and clicker malware that simulates clicking on ads, which generates ad revenue for views and clicks on ads—and which can steal personal information as well.  
  • Spyware that tracks your activity and can potentially harvest personal information like usernames and passwords. 
  • Billing and subscription fraud, which uses several types of tricks to overcharge for services or subscribe to other services that you don’t want. In some cases, an app will offer a free trial and then charge excessive subscription fees after the trial ends.  
  • Banking trojans that use sophisticated techniques to skim login credentials or hijack sessions, which then let bad actors steal money from your accounts. 
  • CoinStealers and fake wallets can steal your crypto wallet credentials or seed and take control of the funds. 
  • Ransomware and phone locker attacks, while less common, lock away personal info and files on the phone then demand payment for them to be released (payment being no guarantee that the hacker will actually unlock the phone). 

Google Play does its part to keep its virtual shelves free of malware-laden apps with a thorough submission process as reported by Google and through its App Defense Alliance that shares intelligence across a network of partners, of which we’re a proud member. Further, users also have the option of running Play Protect to check apps for safety before they’re downloaded.  

Yet, bad actors find ways to sneak malware into the store. Sometimes they upload an app that’s initially clean and then push the malware to users as part of an update. Other times, they’ll embed the malicious code so that it only triggers once it’s run in certain countries. They will also encrypt malicious code in the app that they submit, which can make it difficult for reviewers to sniff out.  

Beyond Google Play, Android allows users to download apps from third-party app stores, which may or may not have a thorough app submission process in place. Moreover, some third-party app stores are actually fronts for organized cybercrime gangs, built specifically to distribute malware.  

How do I know if my Android phone has a virus or is infected?  

You might spot the signs rather quickly. Sometimes, you might not. Some malware can make your phone run poorly, which may indicate a technical issue, yet it can also be a symptom of a hacked phone. Others work quietly in the background without you knowing it. Either way, both cases provide good reasons to run regular scans on your phone. 

Let’s look at some possible signs: 

Sluggish performance, battery drain, and a hot phone  

Malware has a way of taking up resources and eating up battery life as it furiously does its work in the background. For example, adware or clicker malware can hijack your phone and tap the central processing unit to run the complex calculations needed to mine cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, thus putting high stress on your device. In a way, it’s like having a second person using your phone at the same time as you are. This can make your phone hot to the touch, like it’s been sitting in the sun, because the stress malware puts on your phone could cause it to overheat. 

Popup ads suddenly appear on your phone.  

Adware is annoying as it sounds, and potentially even more malicious in nature. If popup ads suddenly pepper your phone, it may be malware that distributes ads without your consent, which can generate revenue for rogue developers (they can get paid per view and per click). Worse yet, adware can also collect personal information and browsing history from your phone, which bad actors can then sell—a major invasion of your privacy.    

Mysterious apps, calls, calendar events or texts crop up in your history.  

A potential telltale sign that your phone has been compromised is the appearance of new apps that you didn’t download, along with spikes in data usage that you can’t account for. Likewise, if you see calls in your phone’s history that you didn’t make, that’s a warning as well.  

You run out of data or see unknown charges appear on your bill.  

Like an overdraft statement or seeing a suspicious charge your bank statement, this is a possible sign of malware installed on your device and is using it to perform subscriptions scam or premium SMS messages to unsolicited services. 

How to avoid malware and viruses on your Android phone 

Broadly, you can take two big steps toward keeping you and your phone safer from attack. The first is to keep a critical eye open as you use your phone. Malware authors rely on us to trust what we see a little too quickly, such as when it comes time to download that new app or tap on a link in a phishing email that looks legitimate, yet most certainly isn’t upon closer inspection. Slow down and scrutinize what you see. If something seems fishy, don’t tap or interact with it. 

The second big step is to use online protection software on your Android phone. In addition to providing strong antivirus protection and removal, it has further features that protect you against identity theft, online scams, and other mobile threats—including credit card and bank fraud, malicious texts, sketchy links, and bogus QR codes.  

With that, here are a few more steps you can take: 

  • Update your phone’s operating system. Along with installing security software, keeping your phone’s operating system up to date can greatly improve your security. Updates can fix vulnerabilities that hackers rely on to pull off their malware-based attacks. It’s another tried and true method of keeping yourself safe—and for keeping your phone running great too. 
  • Avoid third-party app stores. As mentioned above, Google Play has measures in place to review and vet apps to help ensure that they are safe and secure. Third-party sites may very well not, and they may intentionally host malicious apps as part of a front. Further, Google is quick to remove malicious apps from their store once discovered, making shopping there safer still. 
  • Review apps carefully. Check out the developer—have they published several other apps with many downloads and good reviews? A legit app typically has quite a few reviews, whereas malicious apps may have only a handful of (phony) five-star reviews. Lastly, look for typos and poor grammar in both the app description and screenshots. They could be a sign that a hacker slapped the app together and quickly deployed it. 
  • Go with a strong recommendation. Yet better than combing through user reviews yourself is getting a recommendation from a trusted source, like a well-known publication or from app store editors themselves. In this case, much of the vetting work has been done for you by an established reviewer. A quick online search like “best fitness apps” or “best apps for travelers” should turn up articles from legitimate sites that can suggest good options and describe them in detail before you download. 
  • Keep an eye on app permissions. Another way hackers weasel their way into your device is by getting permissions to access things like your location, contacts, and photos—and they’ll use malicious apps to do it. If an app asks for way more than you bargained for, like a simple game wanting access to your camera or microphone, it may be a scam. Delete the app.  

Stay on guard against mobile malware 

Scammers have put Android phones in their crosshairs. And for some time now. While phishing emails and smishing texts with sketchy links persists as avenues of attack, a popular form of attack comes by way of malicious app downloads. One reason why is that malicious apps disguise themselves so well, as a utility or game you really want on your phone. You’re more apt to tap “Install” when you’re actively shopping for an app than to tap on a link in an unsolicited email or text. 

Yet as with so many of today’s online attacks, a combination of good sense and strong online protection software can prevent viruses and malware from ending up on your phone. Slowing down and putting preventative measures in place goes a long way toward keeping what’s arguably your most important device far more secure. 

The post How to Remove Viruses from Your Android Phone appeared first on McAfee Blog.

The Sketchy Plan to Build a Russian Android Phone

Amid isolating sanctions, a Russian tech giant plans to launch new Android phones and tablets. But experts are skeptical the company can pull it off.

Critical Flaw in Cisco IP Phone Series Exposes Users to Command Injection Attack

Cisco on Wednesday rolled out security updates to address a critical flaw impacting its IP Phone 6800, 7800, 7900, and 8800 Series products. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-20078, is rated 9.8 out of 10 on the CVSS scoring system and is described as a command injection bug in the web-based management interface arising due to insufficient validation of user-supplied input. Successful

McAfee 2023 Consumer Mobile Threat Report

By: McAfee

Smartphones put the proverbial world in the palm of your hand—you pay with it, play with it, keep in touch with it, and even run parts of your home with it. No wonder hackers and scammers have made smartphones a target. A prime one. 

Each year, our Consumer Mobile Threat Report uncovers trends in mobile threats, which detail tricks that hackers and scammers have turned to, along with ways you can protect yourself from them. For 2023, the big trend is apps. Malicious apps, more specifically.  

Malicious and fake apps 

Malicious apps often masquerade as games, office utilities, and communication tools. Yet now with the advent of a ChatGPT AI chatbot and the DALL-E 2 AI image generator, yet more AI-related malicious apps have cropped up to cash in on the buzz. 

And money is what it’s all about. Hackers and scammers generally want your money, or they want your data and personal info that they can turn into money. Creating fraudulent ads, stealing user credentials, or skimming personal information are some of the most common swindles that these apps try. Much of this can happen in the background, often without victims knowing it. 

How do these apps end up on people’s phones? Sometimes they’re downloaded from third-party app stores, which may not have a rigorous review process in place to spot malicious apps—or the third-party store may be a front for distributing malware-laden apps. 

They also find their way into legitimate app stores, like Apple’s App Store and Google Play. While these stores indeed have review processes in place to weed out malicious apps, hackers and scammers have found workarounds. Sometimes they upload an app that’s initially clean and then push the malware to users as part of an update. Other times, they embed the malicious code so that it only triggers once it’s run in certain countries. They will also encrypt bad code in the app that they submit, which can make it difficult for stores to sniff out.  

In all, our report cites several primary ways how hackers and scammers are turning to apps today: 

  • Sliding into your DMs: 6.2% of threats that McAfee identified on Google during 2022 were in the communication category, mainly malware masqueraded as SMS and messaging apps. But even legitimate communication apps can create an opportunity for scammers. They will use fraudulent messages to trick consumers into clicking on a malicious link, trying to get them to share login credentials, account numbers, or personal information. While these messages sometimes contain spelling or grammar errors or use odd phrasing, the emergence of AI tools like ChatGPT can help scammers clean up their spelling and grammar mistakes, making it tougher to spot scam messages by mistakes in the content. The severity of these Communication threats is also evident in the volume of adults (66%) who have been messaged by a stranger on social media, with 55% asked to transfer money. 
  • Taking advantage of Bring Your Own Device policies: 23% of threats that McAfee identified were in the app category of tools. Work-related apps for mobile devices are great productivity boosters—categories like PDF editors, VPNs, messaging managers, document scanners, battery boosters, and memory cleaners. These types of apps are targeted for malware because people expect the app to require permissions on their phone. Scammers will set up the app to ask for permissions to storage, messaging, calendars, contacts, location, and even system settings, which scammers to retrieve all sorts of work-related information.  
  • Targeting teens and tween gamers with phones: 9% of threats that McAfee identified were casual, arcade, and action games. Malicious apps often target things that children and teens like, such as gaming, making videos, and managing social media. The most common types of threats detected within the gaming category in 2022 were aggressive adware—apps that display excessive advertisements while using the app and even when you’re not using it. It’s important to make sure that kids’ phones are either restricted from downloading new apps, or that they’re informed and capable of questioning suspicious apps and identifying fraudulent ones. 

How you can avoid downloading malicious and fake apps 

For starters, stick with legitimate apps stores like Google Play and Apple’s App Store, which have measures in place to review and vet apps to help ensure that they are safe and secure. And for the malicious apps that sneak past these processes, Google and Apple are quick to remove malicious apps once discovered, making their stores that much safer. 

1) Review with a critical eye.

As with so many attacks, hackers rely on people clicking links or tapping “download” without a second thought. Before you download, take time to do some quick research. That may uncover some signs that the app is malicious. Check out the developer—have they published several other apps with many downloads and good reviews? A legit app typically has quite a few reviews, whereas malicious apps may have only a handful of (phony) five-star reviews. Lastly, look for typos and poor grammar in both the app description and screenshots. They could be a sign that a hacker slapped the app together and quickly deployed it. 

2) Go with a strong recommendation.

Yet better than combing through user reviews yourself is getting a recommendation from a trusted source, like a well-known publication or from app store editors themselves. In this case, much of the vetting work has been done for you by an established reviewer. A quick online search like “best fitness apps” or “best apps for travelers” should turn up articles from legitimate sites that can suggest good options and describe them in detail before you download. 

3) Keep an eye on app permissions.

Another way hackers weasel their way into your device is by getting permissions to access things like your location, contacts, and photos—and they’ll use sketchy apps to do it. So, check and see what permissions the app is requesting. If it’s asking for way more than you bargained for, like a simple game wanting access to your camera or microphone, it may be a scam. Delete the app and find a legitimate one that doesn’t ask for invasive permissions like that. If you’re curious about permissions for apps that are already on your phone, iPhone users can learn how to allow or revoke app permission here, and Android can do the same here. 

4) Protect your smartphone with security software.

With all that we do on our phones, it’s important to get security software installed on them, just like we install it on our computers and laptops. Whether you go with comprehensive online protection software that secures all your devices or pick up an app in Google Play or Apple’s App Store, you’ll have malware, web, and device security that’ll help you stay safe on your phone.  

5) Update your phone’s operating system.

Together with installing security software, keeping your phone’s operating system up to date can help to keep you protected from most malware. Updates can fix vulnerabilities that hackers rely on to pull off their malware-based attacks—it’s another tried and true method of keeping yourself safe and your phone running great too. 

Protecting yourself while using apps 

Who can you trust? As for scammers who use legitimate communications apps to lure in their victims, McAfee’s Mobile Research team recommends the following: 

  • Be suspicious of unsolicited emails, texts, or direct messages and think twice before you click on any links. 
  • Ensure that your mobile device is protected with security solutions that includes features to monitor and block potentially malicious links, such as the web protection found in our own online protection software. 
  • Remember that most of these scams work because the scammer creates a false sense of urgency or preys on a heightened emotional state. Pause before you rush to interact with any message that is threatening or urgent, especially if it is from an unknown or unlikely sender. 
  • If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. Whether it’s a phony job offer, a low price on an item that’s usually expensive, a stranger promising romance, or winnings from a lottery you never entered, scammers will weave all kinds of stories to steal your money and your personal information. 

Get the full story with our Consumer Mobile Threat Report 

The complete report uncovers yet more mobile trends, such as the top mobile malware groups McAfee identified in 2022, predictions for the year ahead, ways you can keep your children safer on their phones, and ways you can keep yourself safer when you use your phone for yourself and for work.  

The full report is free, and you can download it here. 

The post McAfee 2023 Consumer Mobile Threat Report appeared first on McAfee Blog.

When Does My Child Really Need A Phone?

Deciding when to give your child a phone is not an easy task. Should you wait until they start high school or until they catch public transport home alone from school? Or, should 10 be the magic age when they become official phone owners? Or do hold off as long as you can until you can no longer bear their moaning that everyone else has one except for them!! 

How I Made The Decision 

When my boys were younger (and I knew a little less), we had a family ‘understanding’ that when the boys started Year 5, they would receive a (very cheap and likely second hand) phone. Up until Year 5, my boys would go to after-school care. Somehow, turning 10 and entering Middle School meant after-school care wasn’t really that ‘cool’ anymore, so instead they required a phone so they could safely catch the train home by themselves. The fact that they could also use these devices to play games and talk to their friends was of course, only a secondary consideration for them! 😉 

That was how we managed the phone situation but let me assure you, almost every other family we knew had a different approach. Some gifted their offspring the latest iPhones as soon as they were requested, others provided a phone but with no ‘credit’ so the devices could only be used to receive calls. Others chose to wait till Year 7 and beyond and made their kids pay for the phone plan out of their pocket money.  

Now, I’m a big fan of parents choosing what works best – no one knows a child quite like a parent does, right? But the problem is, deciding what’s right can be really overwhelming. So, I’ve put together a list of things to consider when making this all important decision. Once you’ve worked through these points, I am sure you’ll feel more confident to make a decision that works for both you and your child. 

How Responsible and Savvy Is Your Child? 

Having parented 4 very different boys, I am the first to confirm that every child grasps personal responsibility at different stages. Some kids just have a knack for losing things while others have the same lunchbox their entire school career! Some kids just get the consequence of spending money while others spend up big whilst gaming online, blissfully unaware of their bill.  

You child’s digital reputation should also be worth considering when making your decision. Some kids understand that their online behaviour forms a key part of their reputation while others will charge forth in a heated online exchange without thinking.  

I really believe there is a direct link between social smarts and a positive online experience. When a child can read a situation and instinctively know when to shut it down or withdraw, their online experience will be far more rewarding. If your child is slow to catch on to social cues, they may struggle with posting and communicating online.   

Will A Phone Really Help With Safety? 

When I was deliberating about giving my eldest son a phone, he really went hard with the safety argument – knowing it would appeal to my parental anxiety. So, I relented but he had to promise to answer when I called. And he did – usually!! But it’s worth pointing out that a device itself doesn’t guarantee safety. If your kids are travelling home from school, they still need to know how to cross the road, not to talk to strangers and to always lock the front door once home. A phone doesn’t teach this. But I personally did find it handy (and anxiety reducing) to be able to give them a quick call to give them a few reminders and ensure all was well. 

When my younger boys received their phones, tracking apps like Life 360 were available. I know, they are controversial but, personally I found these super helpful. Being able to see where they were after school and to ensure they were heading in the right direction on the train, brought me great comfort to me when I was beating away on my keyboard at work.  

Could A ‘Dumb Phone’ Or Parental Controls Help? 

If, after reading this, you’re thinking that your child really isn’t ready but still love the idea of being able to contact them, why not consider parental controls or a phone with limited features?  

Putting age-appropriate boundaries around what your child does on their device is what parental controls will do. If you decide that you don’t want them to download TikTok, play particular games or view certain categories of websites, then this maybe your answer. You can also choose to set limits on their daily screen time and block out times when their phone can’t be used. Check out McAfee’s SafeFamily parental controls for peace of mind. 

Or, instead, why not make a ‘dumb’ phone their only option? A basic dumb phone lacks the advanced functionality of most smartphones – think phones before the internet. This means you’ll be able to call and text them but will probably be more relaxed knowing they’re not researching the latest fads on TikTok!  

Some companies have designed dumb phones for kids that even have built in parental controls. Open Mobile has a SmartKids Phone with a built-in GPS tracker and SOS button and comes without a camera. It does have internet connectivity but parents can see which apps have been downloaded, restrict specific apps and nominate what days and times apps can be used. A perfect option for a tween or young teenager! 


Now, before making your final decision, I think it’s essential to think about your child’s sense of connectedness. As adults, we all know that being part of a community and ‘belonging’ is critical to mental health and self-worth. And I would not be doing my job if I didn’t remind you of just how fabulous a phone can be for staying in touch with your people. Just take a moment to remember how essential devices were for survival during Covid lockdowns.  

So, over to you mums and dads. This is definitely one of the trickiest decisions you’ll make in your parenting journey but don’t forget that you know your child best. You’ve got this! 

The post When Does My Child Really Need A Phone? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Apple Warns of 3 New Vulnerabilities Affecting iPhone, iPad, and Mac Devices

Apple has revised the security advisories it released last month to include three new vulnerabilities impacting iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. The first flaw is a race condition in the Crash Reporter component (CVE-2023-23520) that could enable a malicious actor to read arbitrary files as root. The iPhone maker said it addressed the issue with additional validation. The two other vulnerabilities,

Apple Issues Updates for Older Devices to Fix Actively Exploited Vulnerability

Apple has backported fixes for a recently disclosed critical security flaw affecting older devices, citing evidence of active exploitation. The issue, tracked as CVE-2022-42856, is a type confusion vulnerability in the WebKit browser engine that could result in arbitrary code execution when processing maliciously crafted web content. While it was originally addressed by the company on November

Protecting the Universal Remote Control of Your Life—Your Smartphone

By: McAfee

Aside from using it for calls and texting, we use our smartphones for plenty of things. We’re sending money with payment apps. We’re doing our banking. And we’re using them to set the alarm, turn our lights on and off, see who’s at the front door, and for some of us, even start our cars. The smartphone is evolving, and in many ways, it’s become the “universal remote control” of our lives. And that means it needs protection. 

Truly, think about all that you do from the palm of your hand. Your phone connects you to so many essential things, it’s tough to think what the day would be like without it—or worse yet, if your phone got stolen or lost. Maybe you know the feeling. That rising panic when you misplace your phone and then the relief you feel when you find it.  

Yet you have plenty of ways you can protect yourself and your phone, not only from loss and theft but from hacks and attacks too. 

Five steps for a safer phone 

1. Install an online protection app  

Comprehensive online protection software can protect your phone in the same ways that it protects your laptops and computers. Installing it can protect your privacy, keep you safe from attacks on public Wi-Fi, and automatically block unsafe websites and links, just to name a few things it can do.  

2. Set your apps to automatically update 

Updates do all kinds of great things for gaming, streaming, and chatting apps, like add more features and functionality over time. Updates do something else—they make those apps more secure. Hackers will hammer away at apps to find or create vulnerabilities, which can steal personal info or compromise the device itself. Updates will often include security improvements, in addition to performance improvements.  

iPhones update apps automatically by default, yet you can learn how to turn them back on here if they’ve been set to manual updates. For Android phones, this article can help you set apps to auto-update if they aren’t set that way already. 

Much the same goes for the operating system on smartphones too. Updates can bring more features and more security. iOS users can learn how to update their phones automatically in this article. Likewise, Android users can refer to this article about automatic updates for their phones. 

3. Use a lock screen with a passcode, PIN, facial recognition, or pattern key 

Fewer people use a lock screen than you might think. A finding from our recent global research showed that only 56% of adults said that they protect their smartphone with a password or passcode. The problem with going unlocked is that if the phone gets lost or stolen, you’ve basically handed over a large portion of your digital life to a thief. Setting up a lock screen is easy. It’s a simple feature found in both iOS and Android devices. 

4. Learn how to remotely lock or erase a smartphone 

So what happens if your phone actually ends up getting lost or stolen? A combination of device tracking, device locking, and remote erasing can help protect your phone and the data on it. Different device manufacturers have different ways of going about it, but the result is the same—you can you’re your phone, prevent others from using it, and even erase it if you’re truly worried that it’s in the wrong hands or simply gone for good. Apple provides iOS users with a step-by-step guide, and Google offers up a guide for Android users as well.  

5. Steer clear of third-party app stores 

One way hackers work their way into smartphones is through malicious apps that pose as photo editors, VPNs, and games—yet are loaded with malware that spy on your activity or steal account information. Google Play and Apple’s App Store have measures in place to review apps to help ensure that they are safe and secure. Granted, cybercriminals have found ways to work around Google and Apple’s review process, yet they’re quick to remove malicious apps once discovered. Yet third-party app stores and websites likely have no such protections in place. In fact, some third-party sites may intentionally host malicious apps as part of a scam. Stick with the official app stores for a far safer phone. 

Protect the universal remote control of your life 

Truly, we hold so much in the palm of our hand. Our smartphones connect us to our friends and family, work and livelihoods, banking and finances, and even our homes and the smart devices in them. It’s no exaggeration to say that a good portion of daily life courses through our smartphones. And when we look at them that way, it puts the importance of protecting them in a whole new light.  

The post Protecting the Universal Remote Control of Your Life—Your Smartphone appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Start the New Year Right With This 3-Step Digital Detox

By: McAfee

Pledging to follow healthier habits is consistently the most popular new year’s resolution. That January 1st promise looks different to everyone: snacking less often, going to the gym more often, drinking more water, drinking less soda, etc. This year, instead of a juice cleanse subscription, opt for a healthier habit that’s not an unappetizing shade of green: follow this digital detox, instead! In three easy steps, you can make great strides in improving your digital wellness. 

1. Update

There are various aspects of your digital habits that you should consider updating for a more private and safer online life. For starters, update your passwords. Do you reuse the same password for multiple online accounts? Doing so puts your personally identifiable information (PII) at great risk. For example, if a business with which you have an online shopping account is breached by a cybercriminal, your login and password combination could make it on the dark web, through no fault of your own. Then, through a brute force attack, a criminal could use that same password and username combo to walk into your banking or tax filing accounts.   

Remembering unique, complicated passwords and passphrases for your dozens of online accounts would be impossible. Luckily, there’s software that remembers them for you! It’s called a password manager, which acts as a vault for all your login information. Just remember one master password, and you can be confident in the security of your accounts and never have to deal with the hassle of forgetting passwords. 

Another aspect of updating you should adopt in 2023 is making an effort to always upgrade to the latest software updates on all your devices. The easiest way to do this is to turn on automatic updates. From there, you don’t need to take any further action! Apps and operating systems (like Apple, Android, and Windows) often release updates to patch security vulnerabilities. When you run outdated software, there’s a chance a cybercriminal could take advantage of that security gap. 

Finally, make sure that you keep updated on the latest security headlines. Consider setting up news alerts to notify you when a breach occurs at a company that you frequent or have an account with. Speed is often key in making sure that your information remains safe, so it’s best practice to have your finger on the pulse on the security news of the day. 

2. Connect

A new year digital detox can be a whole family affair. Connect with your family, anyone connected to your home network, and your elderly relatives to get everyone on the same page with security best practices. Here are some common online security snags people of all ages encounter: 

Social media oversharing.

Everyone has an oversharer on their newsfeed. Alert your family members of the dangers of posting too much about their personal life. When someone takes those “get to know you” quizzes and posts their answers, cybercriminals can use that post to take educated guesses at your passwords. Additionally, social engineers can tailor social media scams to specific people in order to increase the chances of tricking someone into sending money or sharing valuable personal or banking details. 

Falling for phishing.

While spam filters catch a lot of phishing emails, phishers are getting smarter by the day and are making their attempts more and more believable. Connect with your loved ones and make sure they know how to recognize phishing emails, texts, and social media direct messages. Telltale signs of a phishing message include:  

  • Typos and grammar mistakes 
  • Over-the-top language that makes you feel very angry, sad, or excited 
  • Harsh consequences for not replying within a short timeframe 
  • Requests for passwords or Social Security Numbers 
  • Blurry logos 

If you’re ever unsure if a message is a phishing attempt, the best course of action is to just delete it. If the “sender” is a well-known institution, follow up with a phone call using the official customer service number listed on their website. The phisher may also claim to be someone you know personally. In that case, give the loved one in question a phone call. It’s a good excuse to reconnect and have a nice conversation! 

Visiting unsafe sites.

In the quest for free streams of the latest new show or movie, people often encounter unsafe sites that hide malware, spyware or other types malicious links and programs. Some types of malware can jump from one device to others connected to the same home Wi-Fi network. That’s why it’s important to make sure everyone under your roof practices excellent digital security habits. One wrong click could sink an entire household. Consider signing up your family for a safe browsing extension that can notify you when you stray onto a risky site. So, instead of putting your device at risk during movie night, connect with your friends or loved ones over one copy of a safely and officially purchased version. 

3. Balance

As with any new health regimen, immediately zooming from zero to a hundred will likely be overwhelming and result in failure. The same goes for adopting new digital safety habits. If you try to do too much at once, all the security measures you put in place will likely get in the way of your daily online activities. The more inconvenient it is, the more likely you may be to cut corners; thus, negating all the progress you’ve made. 

Being cybersafe doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy your connected devices to the fullest. It just means that you may need to act with more intention and slow down before volunteering personal details online or clicking on links.  

Supplement Your Digital Detox With McAfee+ 

To supplement your digital detox, consider signing up for McAfee+ Ultimate to make 2023 the year for a safer online you. McAfee+ Ultimate includes all the tools you need to live your best online life safely and privately, including a password manager, web protection, unlimited VPN and antivirus, and $1 million in identity theft coverage and restoration for peace of mind. 

Cheers to a digitally smart 2023! 

The post Start the New Year Right With This 3-Step Digital Detox appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How to Browse Privately on Your Phone

By: McAfee

Your phone is likely a daily companion, giving you access to work emails, chats with friends, weather reports, and more — all in the palm of your hand. You can also use your phone for browsing online, looking up everything from your favorite recipes to your most-read media webpages. 

While being able to browse whenever and wherever you want is convenient, you might prefer that your phone doesn’t save all your online searches. For example, if you frequently let other people use your phone, you may not want them to have access to a history of your Google searches. In this case, you can use private browsing or “incognito mode.” 

This allows you to browse online without leaving any trace of your browsing activity on your mobile phone. Configuring your phone to use incognito mode can give you greater confidence while surfing online, as you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your browser history isn’t recorded on your device.  

This article explains what incognito mode is and how you can set it up on your mobile phone. 

What is Incognito Mode?

Incognito mode allows you to browse online without leaving certain data on the device you’re using. Also referred to as private browsing mode, it makes sure there’s no record of your search engine history, websites you visited, and even login details (and related passcodes) on that device.  

As soon as you close the incognito web browser window, any cookies are erased and all these details disappear instead of being saved. 

That said, if you leave an incognito browser window open on your phone — and then hand your phone to someone else — they’ll be able to see the activity. So, if you want to make the most of incognito mode, make sure to close the browser window after every surfing session.  

Further, if you actively bookmark a page, it will be saved — even if you’re in incognito mode. Read on for some more caveats surrounding incognito mode and the extent of privacy it gives you. 

Is incognito mode really private browsing?

It’s important to note that incognito mode or private browsing mode is a device-specific privacy measure. It makes sure that your search and web browsing history isn’t visible on the device itself.  

However, your traffic and activity are both still visible to third parties beyond your device, such as your network admin, internet service provider (ISP), and the websites and search engines that you visit. 

Viewing in private or incognito mode also won’t disguise your unique IP address from these parties. Incognito mode further doesn’t secure your device against cyberthreats like hackers.  

That said, there are plenty of other tools you can use to safeguard your device against cybercriminals. For example, McAfee+ helps to secure your Wi-Fi connection, shield you from malicious websites or links, and detect malware. 

Can I Get Incognito Mode on my Phone?

You may already be familiar with incognito mode through your computer. For example, many people set up incognito mode through browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, or Internet Explorer.  

However, incognito mode isn’t just for computers — you can also use it on your phone’s web browsing apps. 

How to turn on incognito mode

The steps to setting up incognito mode are fairly straightforward. That said, it depends largely on which type of device you have.  

Setting up private browsing or incognito mode for an Android isn’t the same as setting it up for iOS. Read on to learn how to go incognito whether you’ve got an Apple iPhone or an Android phone like Samsung. 

Private browsing on your Android device

The process for setting up incognito mode also varies based on the browser you’re using. Here’s how to set it up in the Google Chrome browser for your Android (note that the Google Chrome app is the default browser for most Android phones): 

  1. Open Chrome. 
  2. Tap the three dots at the top-right corner of the screen. 
  3. Tap “New incognito tab.” This will open up a new incognito window. 
  4. Close the incognito window to end the incognito session. 

Remember, for Google Chrome’s incognito mode to do the trick, you need to close your browsing session after each use. If you leave the tab open and someone else uses your phone, they can see your activity. 

Private browsing on your iPhone 

For iPhones, the default browser is Safari. Here’s how to set up private browsing in Safari for your iPhone: 

  1. Open Safari. 
  2. Tap the tab icon at the bottom right of the screen (it looks like two overlapping squares). 
  3. Tap “private” at the bottom-left of the screen. 
  4. To exit private mode, tap “private” again. 

Again, remember to close your browser’s private tabs when you’re done surfing. This makes sure that cookies are deleted and the private session is safely hidden from your device’s history. 

Do certain apps offer incognito mode?

The above steps can help you set up incognito mode on your Apple or Android phone’s browser. However, you probably use your phone for much more than browsing.  

You might have apps for watching videos, getting driving directions, listening to music, and more. And the tips above will only protect your privacy when using the phone’s browser — not apps. 

That said, some apps offer their very own in-app incognito mode. Examples include YouTube, Google Maps, Spotify, and Instagram. Other apps simply offer the option of private sessions, requiring you to log in with a dedicated username and password if you’re going to use the app. These include Whatsapp, Dropbox, Amazon, PayPal, and Evernote.  

Some of these apps can even be configured so they’re only unlockable with touch ID or face ID. 

Enhance Your Device’s Security

Browsing in incognito or private mode on your phone allows you to surf online without leaving any trace of your search history on that specific device. However, it doesn’t block third parties like your internet service provider or network administrator from seeing what websites you’ve visited. Only your phone is affected. 

Incognito mode also doesn’t protect you against potential cyberthreats, like malware. To stay safe and browse with confidence, consider McAfee Mobile Security. It includes Wi-Fi privacy protection, browsing safeguards, shields against unauthorized third-party activities, and more — and it works for Android and iOS devices. Find out more. 

The post How to Browse Privately on Your Phone appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Cisco Warns of High-Severity Unpatched Flaw Affecting IP Phones Firmware

Cisco has released a new security advisory warning of a high-severity flaw affecting IP Phone 7800 and 8800 Series firmware that could be potentially exploited by an unauthenticated attacker to cause remote code execution or a denial-of-service (DoS) condition. The networking equipment major said it's working on a patch to address the vulnerability, which is tracked as CVE-2022-20968 (CVSS score

Apple pushes out iOS security update that’s more tight-lipped than ever

We grabbed the update, based on no information at all, just in case we came across a reason to advise you not to. So far, so good...

D4TA-HUNTER - GUI Osint Framework With Kali Linux

D4TA-HUNTER is a tool created in order to automate the collection of information about the employees of a company that is going to be audited for ethical hacking.

In addition, in this tool we can find in the "search company" section by inserting the domain of a company, emails of employees, subdomains and IP's of servers.


Register on


git clone
chmod +x

After executing the application launcher you need to have all the components installed, the launcher will check one by one, and in the case of not having any component installed it will show you the statement that you must enter to install it:


First you must have a free or paid api-key from, if you don't have one and do a search D4TA-HUNTER provides you with a guide on how to get one.

Once you have the api-key you will be able to search for emails, with the advantage of showing you a list of all the password hashes ready for you to copy and paste into one of the online resources provided by D4TA-HUNTER to crack passwords 100 % free.


You can also insert a domain of a company and D4TA-HUNTER will search for employee emails, subdomains that may be of interest together with IP's of machines found:


Apis and tools

Service Functions Status Email, phone or nick leaks
(free plan)
TheHarvester Domains and emails of company
Kalitorify Tor search

Video Demo:
My website:
My blog:
Buy me a coffee:


This toolkit contains materials that can be potentially damaging or dangerous for social media. Refer to the laws in your province/country before accessing, using,or in any other way utilizing this in a wrong way.

This Tool is made for educational purposes only. Do not attempt to violate the law with anything contained here. If this is your intention, then Get the hell out of here!

How to Tell Whether a Website Is Safe or Unsafe

By: McAfee

Something looks a little … sketchy. Is that website safe or unsafe?  

Nowadays, it can take a bit work to tell. 

And that’s by design. Increasingly, hackers and scammers go to great pains when they create their malicious websites. They take extra steps to make their sites look legit, when in fact they’re anything but. Certainly, plenty of other hackers and scammers slap together malicious sites that still look a bit roughshod, which makes them easier to spot. 

So whether it’s a clever knockoff or a slapdash effort, unsafe websites of all kinds have several telltale signs you can spot. We’ll show you, and let’s start things off with what makes an unsafe website unsafe in the first place. 

What’s an unsafe website? 

Unsafe websites typically harbor one of two primary forms of attack—yet sometimes both: 

Malware: Hackers will use their sites to install malware on your device, often by tricking you into clicking or tapping on a download. They might tempt you with an offer, a prize, a show to stream—just about anything you might want to otherwise download. (Recently, we saw hackers installing malware on sites that offered to stream dubbed versions of the “Barbie” movie.) 

Phishing: Another classic attack. Phishing involves scammers who try to hoodwink you into providing account or financial information. Common ruses include links in emails, texts, and DMs that appear to be urgent messages from streaming services, banks, social media, and other accounts. Of course, those messages are phony.  

As a result, unsafe websites can lead to some not-so-good things. 

What can happen if you visit an unsafe website? 

On the malware side, attackers can install spyware and similar apps that siphon financial and personal information from your device while you’re using it. Other malware might steal files outright or maliciously delete them altogether. Ransomware remains a major concern today as well, where attackers hold devices and data hostage. And even if victims end up paying the ransom, they have no guarantee that the attacker will free their device or data. 

Phishing attacks often lead to financial headaches, sometimes large ones at that. It depends on the information scammers get their hands on. In some cases, the damage might lead to identity fraud and a few illicit charges on a debit or credit card. If scammers gather enough information, they can take that a step further and commit identity theft. That can include opening new credit or loans in your name. It could also give a scammer the info they need to get driver’s licenses or employment in your name.  

Above and beyond committing fraud or theft on their own, scammers might also sell stolen information to others on the dark web. 

Again, all not-so-good. Yet quite preventable. 

How to tell if a website is safe or unsafe. 

For some sites, it only takes one sign. For other sites, it takes a few signs—a series of red flags that warn you a site is unsafe. When you’re online, keep a sharp eye out for the following: 

The site uses HTTP rather than HTTPS. 

The “s” stands for “secure.” Specifically, it means that the website uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) that creates an encrypted link between a web server and a web browser. SSL helps prevent others from intercepting and reading your sensitive information as it’s transmitted, which is particularly important when you shop or bank online. Likewise, you can also look for a little lock symbol in the address bar of your web browser. That’s one more way you can spot a site that uses SSL. 

The site has a combination of typos and poor design. 

From spelling errors and grammatical mistakes, to stretched out logos and cheap photography, some unsafe websites are designed poorly. Legitimate businesses pride themselves on error-free and professional-looking sites. If a website looks like it got cobbled together in a hurry or doesn’t seem to be well-designed, that’s usually a red flag. The site might be unsafe, created by attackers who don’t have a strong attention to detail—or the creative capabilities to create a good-looking website in the first place. 

The web address looks altered or off. 

Plenty of unsafe sites are imposter sites. They’ll try to pass themselves off as a legitimate company, like the streaming services, banks, and so forth that we mentioned earlier—all to get a hold of your account information. With all these imposter sites in play, look at the site’s address. Scammers will gin up web addresses that are close to but different from legitimate sites, so close that you might miss it. If you’re uncertain about the address, leave the page. Also note that many companies have web pages that provide lists of the official addresses that they use. Amazon provides on example, and we do the same here at McAfee. Reviewing these lists can help you spot an imposter site. 

The site says you have a security issue. 

A window or graphic pops up on your screen. The site you’re on says that it’s identified a security issue with your device. Or maybe it says that your system isn’t current. Either way, there’s a file the site wants you to download. “You can correct the issue with a click!” Don’t. It’s a classic trick. Instead of fixing your non-existent problem, the download will create one. Scammers use the security alert trick to install malware on the devices of unsuspecting victims. 

The site floods you with pop-ups or links to click. 

A screen full of links insisting you to click ranks among the top signs of an unsafe site. So much so, it’s often the subject of sitcom bits. Needless to say, the attackers behind these sites want you to click for one of several reasons. It might be to get you to download malware. It might be to generate ad revenue with clicks. Or it might be to get you to click a link that redirects you to another malicious site. In all, if you encounter a site like this, close your browser. And then run a system scan with your online protection software. 

The site offers hard-to-get items at an outrageous discount. 

These unsafe sites sprout up around the holidays and gift-giving seasons. When stores run low on particularly popular or hot items, scammers will quickly launch sites that claim these items are in stock and ready to ship. Similarly, they might promote popular items at a deep discount. Of course, shopping at these sites will likely lead to one thing—a credit card charge and no item on your doorstep. Be wary when you see ads for stores in your social media feed, in search, and elsewhere. Stick with known, trusted retailers. (And for more on shopping safely online, give this article a quick read.) 

The site promises access to hot shows, movies, and sporting events. 

These sites bear similarities to malicious online shopping sites. When popular movies hit the big screen or major sporting events come around, so do scam sites that promise to stream them for free or at a low cost. Avoid them. Trusted streamers will only carry shows and events that they have the rights to. If you find an offer to stream something that’s heavily discounted, free, or not available on known media outlets, it’s likely a scam. At the very least, it might serve up pirated content, which could carry malware threats along with it. 

The site promotes prizes, coupons, or a quiz. 

Not every site that promotes some kind of giveaway or deal is a scam. Yet the ones that ask for personal or financial information likely are. Scammers prey on people’s love for saving money or even winning a buck or two. Enter the prize, coupon, and quiz sites. Malicious prize and coupon sites will often ask for credit or debit card information, often under the guise of a payout or a discount. Malicious quiz sites will likewise ask for all kinds of personal information, typically questions about the name of your pet, the first car you owned, or where you went to school. The questions share much in common with the security questions used by banks and credit card companies. Handing this information over could lead to a breached account. Give these sites a pass. 

Be extra confident—let online protection determine if that site is safe for you. 

Comprehensive online protection software like ours includes web protection that can spot malicious sites for you. It has further features that can prevent downloading malware by accident, not to mention strong antivirus protection if a hacker makes their way through to you. In all, it gives you extra confidence that wherever your travels take you online, you’re protected from sketchy and unsafe sites. 

However, another part of your best defense against unsafe websites is you. Knowing what the red flags are and the kinds of information hackers want to steal can help you avoid their attacks from the start.   

The post How to Tell Whether a Website Is Safe or Unsafe appeared first on McAfee Blog.
