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Microsoft hit by Storm season – a tale of two semi-zero days

The first compromise didn't get the crooks as far as they wanted, so they found a second one that did...

Apple patches everything, including a zero-day fix for iOS 15 users

Got an older iPhone that can't run iOS 16? You've got a zero-day to deal with! That super-cool Studio Display monitor needs patching, too.

Chrome issues urgent zero-day fix – update now!

We've said it before/And we'll say it again/It's not *if* you should patch/It's a matter of *when*. (Hint: now!)

Apple megaupdate: Ventura out, iOS and iPad kernel zero-day – act now!

Ventura hits the market with 112 patches, Catalina's gone missing, and iPhones and iPads get a critical kernel-level zero-day patch...

Apple patches zero-day kernel hole and much more – update now!

You'll find fixes for numerous kernel-level code execution holes, including an 0-day vulnerability in many (though not all) versions.
