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BYOSI - Evade EDR's The Simple Way, By Not Touching Any Of The API's They Hook

By: Zion3R

Evade EDR's the simple way, by not touching any of the API's they hook.


I've noticed that most EDRs fail to scan scripting files, treating them merely as text files. While this might be unfortunate for them, it's an opportunity for us to profit.

Flashy methods like residing in memory or thread injection are heavily monitored. Without a binary signed by a valid Certificate Authority, execution is nearly impossible.

Enter BYOSI (Bring Your Own Scripting Interpreter). Every scripting interpreter is signed by its creator, with each certificate being valid. Testing in a live environment revealed surprising results: a highly signatured PHP script from this repository not only ran on systems monitored by CrowdStrike and Trellix but also established an external connection without triggering any EDR detections. EDRs typically overlook script files, focusing instead on binaries for implant delivery. They're configured to detect high entropy or suspicious sections in binaries, not simple scripts.

This attack method capitalizes on that oversight for significant profit. The PowerShell script's steps mirror what a developer might do when first entering an environment. Remarkably, just four lines of PowerShell code completely evade EDR detection, with Defender/AMSI also blind to it. Adding to the effectiveness, GitHub serves as a trusted deployer.

What this script does

The PowerShell script achieves EDR/AV evasion through four simple steps (technically 3):

1.) It fetches the PHP archive for Windows and extracts it into a new directory named 'php' within 'C:\Temp'.
2.) The script then proceeds to acquire the implant PHP script or shell, saving it in the same 'C:\Temp\php' directory.
3.) Following this, it executes the implant or shell, utilizing the whitelisted PHP binary (which exempts the binary from most restrictions in place that would prevent the binary from running to begin with.)

With these actions completed, congratulations: you now have an active shell on a Crowdstrike-monitored system. What's particularly amusing is that, if my memory serves me correctly, Sentinel One is unable to scan PHP file types. So, feel free to let your imagination run wild.


I am in no way responsible for the misuse of this. This issue is a major blind spot in EDR protection, i am only bringing it to everyones attention.

Thanks Section

A big thanks to @im4x5yn74x for affectionately giving it the name BYOSI, and helping with the env to test in bringing this attack method to life.


It appears as though MS Defender is now flagging the PHP script as malicious, but still fully allowing the Powershell script full execution. so, modify the PHP script.


hello sentinel one :) might want to make sure that you are making links not embed.

Psobf - PowerShell Obfuscator

By: Zion3R

Tool for obfuscating PowerShell scripts written in Go. The main objective of this program is to obfuscate PowerShell code to make its analysis and detection more difficult. The script offers 5 levels of obfuscation, from basic obfuscation to script fragmentation. This allows users to tailor the obfuscation level to their specific needs.

./psobf -h

β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•—
β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•”β•β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘ β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•”β•β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•—
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Usage: ./obfuscator -i <inputFile> -o <outputFile> -level <1|2|3|4|5>
-i string
Name of the PowerShell script file.
-level int
Obfuscation level (1 to 5). (default 1)
-o string
Name of the output file for the obfuscated script. (default "obfuscated.ps1")

Obfuscation levels:
1: Basic obfuscation by splitting the script into individual characters.
2: Base64 encoding of the script.
3: Alternative Base64 encoding with a different PowerShell decoding method.
4: Compression and Base64 encoding of the script will be decoded and decompressed at runtime.
5: Fragmentation of the script into multiple parts and reconstruction at runtime.


  • Obfuscation Levels: Four levels of obfuscation, each more complex than the previous one.
    • Level 1 obfuscation by splitting the script into individual characters.
    • Level 2 Base64 encoding of the script.
    • Level 3 Alternative Base64 encoding with a different PowerShell decoding method.
    • Level 4 Compression and Base64 encoding of the script will be decoded and decompressed at runtime.
    • Level 5 Fragmentation of the script into multiple parts and reconstruction at runtime.
  • Compression and Encoding: Level 4 includes script compression before encoding it in base64.
  • Variable Obfuscation: A function was added to obfuscate the names of variables in the PowerShell script.
  • Random String Generation: Random strings are generated for variable name obfuscation.


go install

Example of Obfuscation Levels

The obfuscation levels are divided into 5 options. First, you need to have a PowerShell file that you want to obfuscate. Let's assume you have a file named script.ps1 with the following content:

Write-Host "Hello, World!"

Level 1: Basic Obfuscation

Run the script with level 1 obfuscation.

./obfuscator -i script.ps1 -o obfuscated_level1.ps1 -level 1

This will generate a file named obfuscated_level1.ps1 with the obfuscated content. The result will be a version of your script where each character is separated by commas and combined at runtime.
Result (level 1)

$obfuscated = $([char[]]("`W`,`r`,`i`,`t`,`e`,`-`,`H`,`o`,`s`,`t`,` `,`"`,`H`,`e`,`l`,`l`,`o`,`,` `,`W`,`o`,`r`,`l`,`d`,`!`,`"`") -join ''); Invoke-Expression $obfuscated

Level 2: Base64 Encoding

Run the script with level 2 obfuscation:

./obfuscator -i script.ps1 -o obfuscated_level2.ps1 -level 2

This will generate a file named obfuscated_level2.ps1 with the content encoded in base64. When executing this script, it will be decoded and run at runtime.
Result (level 2)

$obfuscated = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String('V3JpdGUtSG9zdCAiSGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkISI=')); Invoke-Expression $obfuscated

Level 3: Alternative Base64 Encoding

Execute the script with level 3 obfuscation:

./obfuscator -i script.ps1 -o obfuscated_level3.ps1 -level 3

This level uses a slightly different form of base64 encoding and decoding in PowerShell, adding an additional layer of obfuscation.
Result (level 3)

$e = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String('V3JpdGUtSG9zdCAiSGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkISI='); $obfuscated = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($e); Invoke-Expression $obfuscated

Level 4: Compression and Base64 Encoding

Execute the script with level 4 obfuscation:

./obfuscator -i script.ps1 -o obfuscated_level4.ps1 -level 4

This level compresses the script before encoding it in base64, making analysis more complicated. The result will be decoded and decompressed at runtime.
Result (level 4)

$compressed = 'H4sIAAAAAAAAC+NIzcnJVyjPL8pJUQQAlRmFGwwAAAA='; $bytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($compressed); $stream = New-Object IO.MemoryStream(, $bytes); $decompressed = New-Object IO.Compression.GzipStream($stream, [IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress); $reader = New-Object IO.StreamReader($decompressed); $obfuscated = $reader.ReadToEnd(); Invoke-Expression $obfuscated

Level 5: Script Fragmentation

Run the script with level 5 obfuscation:

./obfuscator -i script.ps1 -o obfuscated_level5.ps1 -level 5

This level fragments the script into multiple parts and reconstructs it at runtime.
Result (level 5)

$fragments = @(
'Output "',
' Wo',
$script = $fragments -join '';
Invoke-Expression $script

This program is provided for educational and research purposes. It should not be used for malicious activities.

VulnNodeApp - A Vulnerable Node.Js Application

By: Zion3R

A vulnerable application made using node.js, express server and ejs template engine. This application is meant for educational purposes only.


Clone this repository

git clone

Application setup:

  • Install the latest node.js version with npm.
  • Open terminal/command prompt and navigate to the location of downloaded/cloned repository.
  • Run command: npm install

DB setup

  • Install and configure latest mysql version and start the mysql service/deamon
  • Login with root user in mysql and run below sql script:
CREATE USER 'vulnnodeapp'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
create database vuln_node_app_db;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON vuln_node_app_db.* TO 'vulnnodeapp'@'localhost';
USE vuln_node_app_db;
create table users (id int AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, fullname varchar(255), username varchar(255),password varchar(255), email varchar(255), phone varchar(255), profilepic varchar(255));
insert into users(fullname,username,password,email,phone) values("test1","test1","test1","","976543210");
insert into users(fullname,username,password,email,phone) values("test2","test2","test2","","9887987541");
insert into users(fullname,username,password,email,phone) values("test3","test3","test3","","9876987611");
insert into users(fullname,username,password,email,phone) values("test4","test4","test4","","9123459876");
insert into users(fullname,username,password,email,phone) values("test5","test5","test 5","","7893451230");

Set basic environment variable

  • User needs to set the below environment variable.
    • DATABASE_HOST (E.g: localhost,, etc...)
    • DATABASE_NAME (E.g: vuln_node_app_db or DB name you change in above DB script)
    • DATABASE_USER (E.g: vulnnodeapp or user name you change in above DB script)
    • DATABASE_PASS (E.g: password or password you change in above DB script)

Start the server

  • Open the command prompt/terminal and navigate to the location of your repository
  • Run command: npm start
  • Access the application at http://localhost:3000

Vulnerability covered

  • SQL Injection
  • Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
  • Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR)
  • Command Injection
  • Arbitrary File Retrieval
  • Regular Expression Injection
  • External XML Entity Injection (XXE)
  • Node js Deserialization
  • Security Misconfiguration
  • Insecure Session Management


  • Will add new vulnerabilities such as CORS, Template Injection, etc...
  • Improve application documentation


  • In case of bugs in the application, feel free to create an issues on github.


  • Feel free to create a pull request for any contribution.

You can reach me out at @4auvar

Frameless-Bitb - A New Approach To Browser In The Browser (BITB) Without The Use Of Iframes, Allowing The Bypass Of Traditional Framebusters Implemented By Login Pages Like Microsoft And The Use With Evilginx

By: Zion3R

A new approach to Browser In The Browser (BITB) without the use of iframes, allowing the bypass of traditional framebusters implemented by login pages like Microsoft.

This POC code is built for using this new BITB with Evilginx, and a Microsoft Enterprise phishlet.

Before diving deep into this, I recommend that you first check my talk at BSides 2023, where I first introduced this concept along with important details on how to craft the "perfect" phishing attack. β–Ά Watch Video

β˜•οΈŽ Buy Me A Coffee

Video Tutorial: πŸ‘‡


This tool is for educational and research purposes only. It demonstrates a non-iframe based Browser In The Browser (BITB) method. The author is not responsible for any misuse. Use this tool only legally and ethically, in controlled environments for cybersecurity defense testing. By using this tool, you agree to do so responsibly and at your own risk.

Backstory - The Why

Over the past year, I've been experimenting with different tricks to craft the "perfect" phishing attack. The typical "red flags" people are trained to look for are things like urgency, threats, authority, poor grammar, etc. The next best thing people nowadays check is the link/URL of the website they are interacting with, and they tend to get very conscious the moment they are asked to enter sensitive credentials like emails and passwords.

That's where Browser In The Browser (BITB) came into play. Originally introduced by @mrd0x, BITB is a concept of creating the appearance of a believable browser window inside of which the attacker controls the content (by serving the malicious website inside an iframe). However, the fake URL bar of the fake browser window is set to the legitimate site the user would expect. This combined with a tool like Evilginx becomes the perfect recipe for a believable phishing attack.

The problem is that over the past months/years, major websites like Microsoft implemented various little tricks called "framebusters/framekillers" which mainly attempt to break iframes that might be used to serve the proxied website like in the case of Evilginx.

In short, Evilginx + BITB for websites like Microsoft no longer works. At least not with a BITB that relies on iframes.

The What

A Browser In The Browser (BITB) without any iframes! As simple as that.

Meaning that we can now use BITB with Evilginx on websites like Microsoft.

Evilginx here is just a strong example, but the same concept can be used for other use-cases as well.

The How

Framebusters target iframes specifically, so the idea is to create the BITB effect without the use of iframes, and without disrupting the original structure/content of the proxied page. This can be achieved by injecting scripts and HTML besides the original content using search and replace (aka substitutions), then relying completely on HTML/CSS/JS tricks to make the visual effect. We also use an additional trick called "Shadow DOM" in HTML to place the content of the landing page (background) in such a way that it does not interfere with the proxied content, allowing us to flexibly use any landing page with minor additional JS scripts.


Video Tutorial

Local VM:

Create a local Linux VM. (I personally use Ubuntu 22 on VMWare Player or Parallels Desktop)

Update and Upgrade system packages:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Evilginx Setup:


Create a new evilginx user, and add user to sudo group:

sudo su

adduser evilginx

usermod -aG sudo evilginx

Test that evilginx user is in sudo group:

su - evilginx

sudo ls -la /root

Navigate to users home dir:

cd /home/evilginx

(You can do everything as sudo user as well since we're running everything locally)

Setting Up Evilginx

Download and build Evilginx: Official Docs

Copy Evilginx files to /home/evilginx

Install Go: Official Docs

sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.21.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
nano ~/.profile

ADD: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

source ~/.profile


go version

Install make:

sudo apt install make

Build Evilginx:

cd /home/evilginx/evilginx2

Create a new directory for our evilginx build along with phishlets and redirectors:

mkdir /home/evilginx/evilginx

Copy build, phishlets, and redirectors:

cp /home/evilginx/evilginx2/build/evilginx /home/evilginx/evilginx/evilginx

cp -r /home/evilginx/evilginx2/redirectors /home/evilginx/evilginx/redirectors

cp -r /home/evilginx/evilginx2/phishlets /home/evilginx/evilginx/phishlets

Ubuntu firewall quick fix (thanks to @kgretzky)

sudo setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+eip /home/evilginx/evilginx/evilginx

On Ubuntu, if you get Failed to start nameserver on: :53 error, try modifying this file

sudo nano /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

edit/add the DNSStubListener to no > DNSStubListener=no


sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved

Modify Evilginx Configurations:

Since we will be using Apache2 in front of Evilginx, we need to make Evilginx listen to a different port than 443.

nano ~/.evilginx/config.json

CHANGE https_port from 443 to 8443

Install Apache2 and Enable Mods:

Install Apache2:

sudo apt install apache2 -y

Enable Apache2 mods that will be used: (We are also disabling access_compat module as it sometimes causes issues)

sudo a2enmod proxy
sudo a2enmod proxy_http
sudo a2enmod proxy_balancer
sudo a2enmod lbmethod_byrequests
sudo a2enmod env
sudo a2enmod include
sudo a2enmod setenvif
sudo a2enmod ssl
sudo a2ensite default-ssl
sudo a2enmod cache
sudo a2enmod substitute
sudo a2enmod headers
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo a2dismod access_compat

Start and enable Apache:

sudo systemctl start apache2
sudo systemctl enable apache2

Try if Apache and VM networking works by visiting the VM's IP from a browser on the host machine.

Clone this Repo:

Install git if not already available:

sudo apt -y install git

Clone this repo:

git clone
cd frameless-bitb

Apache Custom Pages:

Make directories for the pages we will be serving:

  • home: (Optional) Homepage (at base domain)
  • primary: Landing page (background)
  • secondary: BITB Window (foreground)
sudo mkdir /var/www/home
sudo mkdir /var/www/primary
sudo mkdir /var/www/secondary

Copy the directories for each page:

sudo cp -r ./pages/home/ /var/www/

sudo cp -r ./pages/primary/ /var/www/

sudo cp -r ./pages/secondary/ /var/www/

Optional: Remove the default Apache page (not used):

sudo rm -r /var/www/html/

Copy the O365 phishlet to phishlets directory:

sudo cp ./O365.yaml /home/evilginx/evilginx/phishlets/O365.yaml

Optional: To set the Calendly widget to use your account instead of the default I have inside, go to pages/primary/script.js and change the CALENDLY_PAGE_NAME and CALENDLY_EVENT_TYPE.

Note on Demo Obfuscation: As I explain in the walkthrough video, I included a minimal obfuscation for text content like URLs and titles of the BITB. You can open the demo obfuscator by opening demo-obfuscator.html in your browser. In a real-world scenario, I would highly recommend that you obfuscate larger chunks of the HTML code injected or use JS tricks to avoid being detected and flagged. The advanced version I am working on will use a combination of advanced tricks to make it nearly impossible for scanners to fingerprint/detect the BITB code, so stay tuned.

Self-signed SSL certificates:

Since we are running everything locally, we need to generate self-signed SSL certificates that will be used by Apache. Evilginx will not need the certs as we will be running it in developer mode.

We will use the domain which will point to our local VM. If you want to use a different domain, make sure to change the domain in all files (Apache conf files, JS files, etc.)

Create dir and parents if they do not exist:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/ssl/localcerts/

Generate the SSL certs using the OpenSSL config file:

sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 \
-keyout /etc/ssl/localcerts/ -out /etc/ssl/localcerts/ \
-config openssl-local.cnf

Modify private key permissions:

sudo chmod 600 /etc/ssl/localcerts/

Apache Custom Configs:

Copy custom substitution files (the core of our approach):

sudo cp -r ./custom-subs /etc/apache2/custom-subs

Important Note: In this repo I have included 2 substitution configs for Chrome on Mac and Chrome on Windows BITB. Both have auto-detection and styling for light/dark mode and they should act as base templates to achieve the same for other browser/OS combos. Since I did not include automatic detection of the browser/OS combo used to visit our phishing page, you will have to use one of two or implement your own logic for automatic switching.

Both config files under /apache-configs/ are the same, only with a different Include directive used for the substitution file that will be included. (there are 2 references for each file)

# Uncomment the one you want and remember to restart Apache after any changes:
#Include /etc/apache2/custom-subs/win-chrome.conf
Include /etc/apache2/custom-subs/mac-chrome.conf

Simply to make it easier, I included both versions as separate files for this next step.

Windows/Chrome BITB:

sudo cp ./apache-configs/win-chrome-bitb.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

Mac/Chrome BITB:

sudo cp ./apache-configs/mac-chrome-bitb.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

Test Apache configs to ensure there are no errors:

sudo apache2ctl configtest

Restart Apache to apply changes:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Modifying Hosts:

Get the IP of the VM using ifconfig and note it somewhere for the next step.

We now need to add new entries to our hosts file, to point the domain used in this demo and all used subdomains to our VM on which Apache and Evilginx are running.

On Windows:

Open Notepad as Administrator (Search > Notepad > Right-Click > Run as Administrator)

Click on the File option (top-left) and in the File Explorer address bar, copy and paste the following:


Change the file types (bottom-right) to "All files".

Double-click the file named hosts

On Mac:

Open a terminal and run the following:

sudo nano /private/etc/hosts

Now modify the following records (replace [IP] with the IP of your VM) then paste the records at the end of the hosts file:

# Local Apache and Evilginx Setup
# End of section

Save and exit.

Now restart your browser before moving to the next step.

Note: On Mac, use the following command to flush the DNS cache:

sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

Important Note:

This demo is made with the provided Office 365 Enterprise phishlet. To get the host entries you need to add for a different phishlet, use phishlet get-hosts [PHISHLET_NAME] but remember to replace the with the actual local IP of your VM.

Trusting the Self-Signed SSL Certs:

Since we are using self-signed SSL certificates, our browser will warn us every time we try to visit so we need to make our host machine trust the certificate authority that signed the SSL certs.

For this step, it's easier to follow the video instructions, but here is the gist anyway.

Open in your Chrome browser.

Ignore the Unsafe Site warning and proceed to the page.

Click the SSL icon > Details > Export Certificate IMPORTANT: When saving, the name MUST end with .crt for Windows to open it correctly.

Double-click it > install for current user. Do NOT select automatic, instead place the certificate in specific store: select "Trusted Route Certification Authorities".

On Mac: to install for current user only > select "Keychain: login" AND click on "View Certificates" > details > trust > Always trust

Now RESTART your Browser

You should be able to visit now and see the homepage without any SSL warnings.

Running Evilginx:

At this point, everything should be ready so we can go ahead and start Evilginx, set up the phishlet, create our lure, and test it.

Optional: Install tmux (to keep evilginx running even if the terminal session is closed. Mainly useful when running on remote VM.)

sudo apt install tmux -y

Start Evilginx in developer mode (using tmux to avoid losing the session):

tmux new-session -s evilginx
cd ~/evilginx/
./evilginx -developer

(To re-attach to the tmux session use tmux attach-session -t evilginx)

Evilginx Config:

config domain
config ipv4

IMPORTANT: Set Evilginx Blacklist mode to NoAdd to avoid blacklisting Apache since all requests will be coming from Apache and not the actual visitor IP.

blacklist noadd

Setup Phishlet and Lure:

phishlets hostname O365
phishlets enable O365
lures create O365
lures get-url 0

Copy the lure URL and visit it from your browser (use Guest user on Chrome to avoid having to delete all saved/cached data between tests).

Useful Resources

Original iframe-based BITB by @mrd0x:

Evilginx Mastery Course by the creator of Evilginx @kgretzky:

My talk at BSides 2023:

How to protect Evilginx using Cloudflare and HTML Obfuscation:

Evilginx resources for Microsoft 365 by @BakkerJan:


  • Create script(s) to automate most of the steps

VolWeb - A Centralized And Enhanced Memory Analysis Platform

By: Zion3R

VolWeb is a digital forensic memory analysis platform that leverages the power of the Volatility 3 framework. It is dedicated to aiding in investigations and incident responses.


The goal of VolWeb is to enhance the efficiency of memory collection and forensic analysis by providing a centralized, visual, and enhanced web application for incident responders and digital forensics investigators. Once an investigator obtains a memory image from a Linux or Windows system, the evidence can be uploaded to VolWeb, which triggers automatic processing and extraction of artifacts using the power of the Volatility 3 framework.

By utilizing cloud-native storage technologies, VolWeb also enables incident responders to directly upload memory images into the VolWeb platform from various locations using dedicated scripts interfaced with the platform and maintained by the community. Another goal is to allow users to compile technical information, such as Indicators, which can later be imported into modern CTI platforms like OpenCTI, thereby connecting your incident response and CTI teams after your investigation.

Project Documentation and Getting Started Guide

The project documentation is available on the Wiki. There, you will be able to deploy the tool in your investigation environment or lab.

[!IMPORTANT] Take time to read the documentation in order to avoid common miss-configuration issues.

Interacting with the REST API

VolWeb exposes a REST API to allow analysts to interact with the platform. There is a dedicated repository proposing some scripts maintained by the community: Check the wiki of the project to learn more about the possible API calls.


If you have encountered a bug, or wish to propose a feature, please feel free to open an issue. To enable us to quickly address them, follow the guide in the "Contributing" section of the Wiki associated with the project.


Contact me at for any questions regarding this tool.

Next Release Goals

Check out the roadmap:

R2Frida - Radare2 And Frida Better Together

By: Zion3R

This is a self-contained plugin for radare2 that allows to instrument remote processes using frida.

The radare project brings a complete toolchain for reverse engineering, providing well maintained functionalities and extend its features with other programming languages and tools.

Frida is a dynamic instrumentation toolkit that makes it easy to inspect and manipulate running processes by injecting your own JavaScript, and optionally also communicate with your scripts.


  • Run unmodified Frida scripts (Use the :. command)
  • Execute snippets in C, Javascript or TypeScript in any process
  • Can attach, spawn or launch in local or remote systems
  • List sections, symbols, exports, protocols, classes, methods
  • Search for values in memory inside the agent or from the host
  • Replace method implementations or create hooks with short commands
  • Load libraries and frameworks in the target process
  • Support Dalvik, Java, ObjC, Swift and C interfaces
  • Manipulate file descriptors and environment variables
  • Send signals to the process, continue, breakpoints
  • The r2frida io plugin is also a filesystem fs and debug backend
  • Automate r2 and frida using r2pipe
  • Read/Write process memory
  • Call functions, syscalls and raw code snippets
  • Connect to frida-server via usb or tcp/ip
  • Enumerate apps and processes
  • Trace registers, arguments of functions
  • Tested on x64, arm32 and arm64 for Linux, Windows, macOS, iOS and Android
  • Doesn't require frida to be installed in the host (no need for frida-tools)
  • Extend the r2frida commands with plugins that run in the agent
  • Change page permissions, patch code and data
  • Resolve symbols by name or address and import them as flags into r2
  • Run r2 commands in the host from the agent
  • Use r2 apis and run r2 commands inside the remote target process.
  • Native breakpoints using the :db api
  • Access remote filesystems using the r_fs api.


The recommended way to install r2frida is via r2pm:

$ r2pm -ci r2frida

Binary builds that don't require compilation will be soon supported in r2pm and r2env. Meanwhile feel free to download the last builds from the Releases page.



  • radare2
  • pkg-config (not required on windows)
  • curl or wget
  • make, gcc
  • npm, nodejs (will be soon removed)

In GNU/Debian you will need to install the following packages:

$ sudo apt install -y make gcc libzip-dev nodejs npm curl pkg-config git


$ git clone
$ cd r2frida
$ make
$ make user-install


  • Install meson and Visual Studio
  • Unzip the latest radare2 release zip in the r2frida root directory
  • Rename it to radare2 (instead of radare2-x.y.z)
  • To make the VS compiler available in PATH (preconfigure.bat)
  • Run configure.bat and then make.bat
  • Copy the b\r2frida.dll into r2 -H R2_USER_PLUGINS


For testing, use r2 frida://0, as attaching to the pid0 in frida is a special session that runs in local. Now you can run the :? command to get the list of commands available.

$ r2 'frida://?'
r2 frida://[action]/[link]/[device]/[target]
* action = list | apps | attach | spawn | launch
* link = local | usb | remote host:port
* device = '' | host:port | device-id
* target = pid | appname | process-name | program-in-path | abspath
* frida://? # show this help
* frida:// # list local processes
* frida://0 # attach to frida-helper (no spawn needed)
* frida:///usr/local/bin/rax2 # abspath to spawn
* frida://rax2 # same as above, considering local/bin is in PATH
* frida://spawn/$(program) # spawn a new process in the current system
* frida://attach/(target) # attach to target PID in current host
* frida://list/usb// # list processes in the first usb device
* frida://apps/usb// # list apps in the first usb device
* frida://attach/usb//12345 # attach to given pid in the first usb device
* frida://spawn/usb//appname # spawn an app in the first resolved usb device
* frida://launch/usb//appname # spawn+resume an app in the first usb device
* frida://attach/remote/ # attach to pid 558 on tcp remote frida-server
Environment: (Use the `%` command to change the environment at runtime)
R2FRIDA_SAFE_IO=0|1 # Workaround a Frida bug on Android/thumb
R2FRIDA_DEBUG=0|1 # Used to debug argument parsing behaviour
R2FRIDA_COMPILER_DISABLE=0|1 # Disable the new frida typescript compiler (`:. foo.ts`)
R2FRIDA_AGENT_SCRIPT=[file] # path to file of the r2frida agent


$ r2 frida://0     # same as frida -p 0, connects to a local session

You can attach, spawn or launch to any program by name or pid, The following line will attach to the first process named rax2 (run rax2 - in another terminal to test this line)

$ r2 frida://rax2  # attach to the first process named `rax2`
$ r2 frida://1234 # attach to the given pid

Using the absolute path of a binary to spawn will spawn the process:

$ r2 frida:///bin/ls
[0x00000000]> :dc # continue the execution of the target program

Also works with arguments:

$ r2 frida://"/bin/ls -al"

For USB debugging iOS/Android apps use these actions. Note that spawn can be replaced with launch or attach, and the process name can be the bundleid or the PID.

$ r2 frida://spawn/usb/         # enumerate devices
$ r2 frida://spawn/usb// # enumerate apps in the first iOS device
$ r2 frida://spawn/usb//Weather # Run the weather app


These are the most frequent commands, so you must learn them and suffix it with ? to get subcommands help.

:i        # get information of the target (pid, name, home, arch, bits, ..)
.:i* # import the target process details into local r2
:? # show all the available commands
:dm # list maps. Use ':dm|head' and seek to the program base address
:iE # list the exports of the current binary (seek)
:dt fread # trace the 'fread' function
:dt-* # delete all traces


r2frida plugins run in the agent side and are registered with the r2frida.pluginRegister API.

See the plugins/ directory for some more example plugin scripts.

[0x00000000]> cat example.js
r2frida.pluginRegister('test', function(name) {
if (name === 'test') {
return function(args) {
console.log('Hello Args From r2frida plugin', args);
return 'Things Happen';
[0x00000000]> :. example.js # load the plugin script

The :. command works like the r2's . command, but runs inside the agent.

:. a.js  # run script which registers a plugin
:. # list plugins
:.-test # unload a plugin by name
:.. a.js # eternalize script (keeps running after detach)


If you are willing to install and use r2frida natively on Android via Termux, there are some caveats with the library dependencies because of some symbol resolutions. The way to make this work is by extending the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment to point to the system directory before the termux libdir.

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH r2 frida://...


Ensure you are using a modern version of r2 (preferibly last release or git).

Run r2 -L | grep frida to verify if the plugin is loaded, if nothing is printed use the R2_DEBUG=1 environment variable to get some debugging messages to find out the reason.

If you have problems compiling r2frida you can use r2env or fetch the release builds from the GitHub releases page, bear in mind that only MAJOR.MINOR version must match, this is r2-5.7.6 can load any plugin compiled on any version between 5.7.0 and 5.7.8.


| radare2 | The radare2 tool, on top of the rest
| io_frida | r2frida io plugin
| frida | Frida host APIs and logic to interact with target
| app | Target process instrumented by Frida with Javascript


This plugin has been developed by pancake aka Sergi Alvarez (the author of radare2) for NowSecure.

I would like to thank Ole AndrΓ© for writing and maintaining Frida as well as being so kind to proactively fix bugs and discuss technical details on anything needed to make this union to work. Kudos

WinFiHack - A Windows Wifi Brute Forcing Utility Which Is An Extremely Old Method But Still Works Without The Requirement Of External Dependencies

By: Zion3R

WinFiHack is a recreational attempt by me to rewrite my previous project Brute-Hacking-Framework's main wifi hacking script that uses netsh and native Windows scripts to create a wifi bruteforcer. This is in no way a fast script nor a superior way of doing the same hack but it needs no external libraries and just Python and python scripts.


The packages are minimal or nearly none πŸ˜…. The package install command is:

pip install rich pyfiglet

Thats it.


So listing the features:

  • Overall Features:
  • We can use custom interfaces or non-default interfaces to run the attack.
  • Well-defined way of using netsh and listing and utilizing targets.
  • Upgradeability
  • Code-Wise Features:
  • Interactive menu-driven system with rich.
  • versatility in using interface, targets, and password files.

How it works

So this is how the bruteforcer works:

  • Provide Interface:

  • The user is required to provide the network interface for the tool to use.

  • By default, the interface is set to Wi-Fi.

  • Search and Set Target:

  • The user must search for and select the target network.

  • During this process, the tool performs the following sub-steps:

    • Disconnects all active network connections for the selected interface.
    • Searches for all available networks within range.
  • Input Password File:

  • The user inputs the path to the password file.

  • The default path for the password file is ./wordlist/default.txt.

  • Run the Attack:

  • With the target set and the password file ready, the tool is now prepared to initiate the attack.

  • Attack Procedure:

  • The attack involves iterating through each password in the provided file.
  • For each password, the following steps are taken:
    • A custom XML configuration for the connection attempt is generated and stored.
    • The tool attempts to connect to the target network using the generated XML and the current password.
    • To verify the success of the connection attempt, the tool performs a "1 packet ping" to Google.
    • If the ping is unsuccessful, the connection attempt is considered failed, and the tool proceeds to the next password in the list.
    • This loop continues until a successful ping response is received, indicating a successful connection attempt.

How to run this

After installing all the packages just run python rest is history πŸ‘ make sure you run this on Windows cause this won't work on any other OS. The interface looks like this:



For contributions: - First Clone: First Clone the repo into your dev env and do the edits. - Comments: I would apprtiate if you could add comments explaining your POV and also explaining the upgrade. - Submit: Submit a PR for me to verify the changes and apprive it if necessary.

CloudMiner - Execute Code Using Azure Automation Service Without Getting Charged

By: Zion3R

Execute code within Azure Automation service without getting charged


CloudMiner is a tool designed to get free computing power within Azure Automation service. The tool utilizes the upload module/package flow to execute code which is totally free to use. This tool is intended for educational and research purposes only and should be used responsibly and with proper authorization.

  • This flow was reported to Microsoft on 3/23 which decided to not change the service behavior as it's considered as "by design". As for 3/9/23, this tool can still be used without getting charged.

  • Each execution is limited to 3 hours


  1. Python 3.8+ with the libraries mentioned in the file requirements.txt
  2. Configured Azure CLI -
    • Account must be logged in before using this tool


pip install .


usage: [-h] --path PATH --id ID -c COUNT [-t TOKEN] [-r REQUIREMENTS] [-v]

CloudMiner - Free computing power in Azure Automation Service

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--path PATH the script path (Powershell or Python)
--id ID id of the Automation Account - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Automation/a
-c COUNT, --count COUNT
number of executions
-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
Azure access token (optional). If not provided, token will be retrieved using the Azure CLI
Path to requirements file to be installed and use by the script (relevant to Python scripts only)
-v, --verbose Enable verbose mode

Example usage




CloudMiner is released under the BSD 3-Clause License. Feel free to modify and distribute this tool responsibly, while adhering to the license terms.

Author - Ariel Gamrian

NetworkSherlock - Powerful And Flexible Port Scanning Tool With Shodan

By: Zion3R

NetworkSherlock is a powerful and flexible port scanning tool designed for network security professionals and penetration testers. With its advanced capabilities, NetworkSherlock can efficiently scan IP ranges, CIDR blocks, and multiple targets. It stands out with its detailed banner grabbing capabilities across various protocols and integration with Shodan, the world's premier service for scanning and analyzing internet-connected devices. This Shodan integration enables NetworkSherlock to provide enhanced scanning capabilities, giving users deeper insights into network vulnerabilities and potential threats. By combining local port scanning with Shodan's extensive database, NetworkSherlock offers a comprehensive tool for identifying and analyzing network security issues.


  • Scans multiple IPs, IP ranges, and CIDR blocks.
  • Supports port scanning over TCP and UDP protocols.
  • Detailed banner grabbing feature.
  • Ping check for identifying reachable targets.
  • Multi-threading support for fast scanning operations.
  • Option to save scan results to a file.
  • Provides detailed version information.
  • Colorful console output for better readability.
  • Shodan integration for enhanced scanning capabilities.
  • Configuration file support for Shodan API key.


NetworkSherlock requires Python 3.6 or later.

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Install the required packages:
    pip install -r requirements.txt


Update the networksherlock.cfg file with your Shodan API key:



Port Scan Tool positional arguments: target Target IP address(es), range, or CIDR (e.g.,,, options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -p PORTS, --ports PORTS Ports to scan (e.g. 1-1024, 21,22,80, or 80) -t THREADS, --threads THREADS Number of threads to use -P {tcp,udp}, --protocol {tcp,udp} Protocol to use for scanning -V, --version-info Used to get version information -s SAVE_RESULTS, --save-results SAVE_RESULTS File to save scan results -c, --ping-check Perform ping check before scanning --use-shodan Enable Shodan integration for additional information " dir="auto">
python3 --help
usage: [-h] [-p PORTS] [-t THREADS] [-P {tcp,udp}] [-V] [-s SAVE_RESULTS] [-c] target

NetworkSherlock: Port Scan Tool

positional arguments:
target Target IP address(es), range, or CIDR (e.g.,,,

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PORTS, --ports PORTS
Ports to scan (e.g. 1-1024, 21,22,80, or 80)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads to use
-P {tcp,udp}, --protocol {tcp,udp}
Protocol to use for scanning
-V, --version-info Used to get version information
-s SAVE_RESULTS, --save-results SAVE_RESULTS
File to save scan results
-c, --ping-check Perform ping check before scanning
--use-shodan Enable Shodan integration for additional information

Basic Parameters

  • target: The target IP address(es), IP range, or CIDR block to scan.
  • -p, --ports: Ports to scan (e.g., 1-1000, 22,80,443).
  • -t, --threads: Number of threads to use.
  • -P, --protocol: Protocol to use for scanning (tcp or udp).
  • -V, --version-info: Obtain version information during banner grabbing.
  • -s, --save-results: Save results to the specified file.
  • -c, --ping-check: Perform a ping check before scanning.
  • --use-shodan: Enable Shodan integration.

Example Usage

Basic Port Scan

Scan a single IP address on default ports:


Custom Port Range

Scan an IP address with a custom range of ports:

python -p 1-1024

Multiple IPs and Port Specification

Scan multiple IP addresses on specific ports:

python, -p 22,80,443

CIDR Block Scan

Scan an entire subnet using CIDR notation:

python -p 80

Using Multi-Threading

Perform a scan using multiple threads for faster execution:

python -p 1-1024 -t 20

Scanning with Protocol Selection

Scan using a specific protocol (TCP or UDP):

python -p 53 -P udp

Scan with Shodan

python --use-shodan

Scan Multiple Targets with Shodan

python, -p 22,80,443 -V --use-shodan

Banner Grabbing and Save Results

Perform a detailed scan with banner grabbing and save results to a file:

python -p 1-1000 -V -s results.txt

Ping Check Before Scanning

Scan an IP range after performing a ping check:

python -c


$ python3 -t 25 -V -p 21-6000 -t 25
Scanning target:
Scanning IP :
Ports : 21-6000
Threads : 25
Protocol : tcp
Port Status Service VERSION
22 /tcp open ssh SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.7p1 Debian-8ubuntu1
21 /tcp open telnet 220 (vsFTPd 2.3.4)
80 /tcp open http HTTP/1.1 200 OK
139 /tcp open netbios-ssn %SMBr
25 /tcp open smtp 220 metasploitable.localdomain ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)
23 /tcp open smtp #' #'
445 /tcp open microsoft-ds %SMBr
514 /tcp open shell
512 /tcp open exec Where are you?
1524/tcp open ingreslock ro ot@metasploitable:/#
2121/tcp open iprop 220 ProFTPD 1.3.1 Server (Debian) [::ffff:]
3306/tcp open mysql >
5900/tcp open unknown RFB 003.003
53 /tcp open domain

OutPut Example

$ python3 -t 10 -V -p 21-1000
Scanning target:
Scanning IP :
Ports : 21-1000
Threads : 10
Protocol : tcp
Port Status Service VERSION
53 /tcp open domain
Scanning target:
Scanning IP :
Ports : 21-1000
Threads : 10
Protocol : tcp
Port Status Service VERSION
445 /tcp open microsoft-ds
135 /tcp open epmap
Scanning target:
Scanning IP :
Ports : 21- 1000
Threads : 10
Protocol : tcp
Port Status Service VERSION
21 /tcp open ftp 220 (vsFTPd 2.3.4)
22 /tcp open ssh SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.7p1 Debian-8ubuntu1
23 /tcp open telnet #'
80 /tcp open http HTTP/1.1 200 OK
53 /tcp open kpasswd 464/udpcp
445 /tcp open domain %SMBr
3306/tcp open mysql >
Scanning target:
Scanning IP :
Ports : 21-1000
Threads : 10
Protocol : tcp
Port Status Service VERSION
22 /tcp open ssh SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.2p1 Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.9


Contributions are welcome! To contribute to NetworkSherlock, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request in the main repository.


PassBreaker - Command-line Password Cracking Tool Developed In Python

By: Zion3R

PassBreaker is a command-line password cracking tool developed in Python. It allows you to perform various password cracking techniques such as wordlist-based attacks and brute force attacks.Β 


  • Wordlist-based password cracking
  • Brute force password cracking
  • Support for multiple hash algorithms
  • Optional salt value
  • Parallel processing option for faster cracking
  • Password complexity evaluation
  • Customizable minimum and maximum password length
  • Customizable character set for brute force attacks


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


python <password_hash> <wordlist_file> [--algorithm]

Replace <password_hash> with the target password hash and <wordlist_file> with the path to the wordlist file containing potential passwords.


  • --algorithm <algorithm>: Specify the hash algorithm to use (e.g., md5, sha256, sha512).
  • -s, --salt <salt>: Specify a salt value to use.
  • -p, --parallel: Enable parallel processing for faster cracking.
  • -c, --complexity: Evaluate password complexity before cracking.
  • -b, --brute-force: Perform a brute force attack.
  • --min-length <min_length>: Set the minimum password length for brute force attacks.
  • --max-length <max_length>: Set the maximum password length for brute force attacks.
  • --character-set <character_set>: Set the character set to use for brute force attacks.

Elbette! İşte İngilizce olarak yazılmış başlık ve küçük bir bilgi ile daha fazla kullanım ârneği:

Usage Examples

Wordlist-based Password Cracking

python 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 passwords.txt --algorithm md5

This command attempts to crack the password with the hash value "5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99" using the MD5 algorithm and a wordlist from the "passwords.txt" file.

Brute Force Attack

python 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 --brute-force --min-length 6 --max-length 8 --character-set abc123

This command performs a brute force attack to crack the password with the hash value "5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99" by trying all possible combinations of passwords with a length between 6 and 8 characters, using the character set "abc123".

Password Complexity Evaluation

python 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 passwords.txt --algorithm sha256 --complexity

This command evaluates the complexity of passwords in the "passwords.txt" file and attempts to crack the password with the hash value "5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99" using the SHA-256 algorithm. It only tries passwords that meet the complexity requirements.

Using Salt Value

python 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 passwords.txt --algorithm md5 --salt mysalt123

This command uses a specific salt value ("mysalt123") for the password cracking process. Salt is used to enhance the security of passwords.

Parallel Processing

python 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 passwords.txt --algorithm sha512 --parallel

This command performs password cracking with parallel processing for faster cracking. It utilizes multiple processing cores, but it may consume more system resources.

These examples demonstrate different features and use cases of the "PassBreaker" password cracking tool. Users can customize the parameters based on their needs and goals.


This tool is intended for educational and ethical purposes only. Misuse of this tool for any malicious activities is strictly prohibited. The developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this tool.


Contributions are welcome! To contribute to PassBreaker, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request in the main repository.


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about PassBreaker, please feel free to contact me:


PassBreaker is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

LightsOut - Generate An Obfuscated DLL That Will Disable AMSI And ETW

By: Zion3R

LightsOut will generate an obfuscated DLL that will disable AMSI & ETW while trying to evade AV. This is done by randomizing all WinAPI functions used, xor encoding strings, and utilizing basic sandbox checks. Mingw-w64 is used to compile the obfuscated C code into a DLL that can be loaded into any process where AMSI or ETW are present (i.e. PowerShell).

LightsOut is designed to work on Linux systems with python3 and mingw-w64 installed. No other dependencies are required.

Features currently include:

  • XOR encoding for strings
  • WinAPI function name randomization
  • Multiple sandbox check options
  • Hardware breakpoint bypass option
| |
| AMSI + ETW |
| |
| _______ |
| || || |
| ||_____|| |
| |/ /|| |
| / / || |
| /____/ /-' |
| |____|/ |
| |
| @icyguider |
| |
| RG|
usage: [-h] [-m <method>] [-s <option>] [-sa <value>] [-k <key>] [-o <outfile>] [-p <pid>]

Generate an obfuscated DLL that will disable AMSI & ETW

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m <method>, --method <method>
Bypass technique (Options: patch, hwbp, remote_patch) (Default: patch)
-s <option>, --sandbox &lt ;option>
Sandbox evasion technique (Options: mathsleep, username, hostname, domain) (Default: mathsleep)
-sa <value>, --sandbox-arg <value>
Argument for sandbox evasion technique (Ex: WIN10CO-DESKTOP, testlab.local)
-k <key>, --key <key>
Key to encode strings with (randomly generated by default)
-o <outfile>, --outfile <outfile>
File to save DLL to

Remote options:
-p <pid>, --pid <pid>
PID of remote process to patch

Intended Use/Opsec Considerations

This tool was designed to be used on pentests, primarily to execute malicious powershell scripts without getting blocked by AV/EDR. Because of this, the tool is very barebones and a lot can be added to improve opsec. Do not expect this tool to completely evade detection by EDR.

Usage Examples

You can transfer the output DLL to your target system and load it into powershell various ways. For example, it can be done via P/Invoke with LoadLibrary:

Or even easier, copy powershell to an arbitrary location and side load the DLL!

Greetz/Credit/Further Reference:

JSpector - A Simple Burp Suite Extension To Crawl JavaScript (JS) Files In Passive Mode And Display The Results Directly On The Issues

By: Zion3R

JSpector is a Burp Suite extension that passively crawls JavaScript files and automatically creates issues with URLs, endpoints and dangerous methods found on the JS files.


Before installing JSpector, you need to have Jython installed on Burp Suite.


  1. Download the latest version of JSpector
  2. Open Burp Suite and navigate to the Extensions tab.
  3. Click the Add button in the Installed tab.
  4. In the Extension Details dialog box, select Python as the Extension Type.
  5. Click the Select file button and navigate to the
  6. Click the Next button.
  7. Once the output shows: "JSpector extension loaded successfully", click the Close button.


  • Just navigate through your targets and JSpector will start passively crawl JS files in the background and automatically returns the results on the Dashboard tab.
  • You can export all the results to the clipboard (URLs, endpoints and dangerous methods) with a right click directly on the JS file:

WMIExec - Set Of Python Scripts Which Perform Different Ways Of Command Execution Via WMI Protocol

By: Zion3R

Set of python scripts which perform different ways of command execution via WMI protocol.

Blog Post


Is a python script which authenticates to a remote WMI instance and execute commands via Scheduled Tasks.

To run the script:

python3 -i <ip_address> -u <username> -p <password> -c <command>

Is a python script which authenticates to a remote WMI instance and execute commands via Win32_Process.

To run the script:

python3 -i <ip_address> -u <username> -p <password> -c <command>

Is a python script which creates a HTTPS server (with a self-signed SSL certificate). Used to exfiltrate the command's output.

Before running the HTTP server, make sure to generate the certificates by running:

RSA -out server.key openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt" dir="auto">
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out server.key
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt

If everything is done correctly, the server will be running without any error:




Kleiton Kurti (@kleiton0x00)

Z9 - PowerShell Script Analyzer

By: Zion3R


This tools detects the artifact of the PowerShell based malware from the eventlog of PowerShell logging.
Online Demo


git clone

How to use

usage: [-h] [--output OUTPUT] [-s] [--no-viewer] [--utf8] input

positional arguments:
input Input file path

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
Output file path
-s, --static Enable Static Analysis mode
--no-viewer Disable opening the JSON viewer in a web browser
--utf8 Read scriptfile in utf-8 (deprecated)

Analyze Event Logs (Recommended)

python <input file> -o <output json>
python <input file> -o <output json> --no-viewer
Arguments Meaning
input file XML file exported from eventlog
-o output json filename of z9 result
--no-viewer do not open the viewer


python util\log\mwpsop.xml -o sample1.json

Analyze PowerShell File Statically

  • This approach will only do the static analysis and may not provide a proper result especially when the sample is obfuscated.
python <input file> -o <output json> -s
python <input file> -o <output json> -s --utf8
python <input file> -o <output json> -s --no-viewer
Arguments Meaning
input file PowerShell file to be analyzed
-o output json filename of z9 result
-s perform static analysis
--utf8 specify when the input file is in UTF-8
--no-viewer do not open the viewer


python malware.ps1 -o sample1.json -s

How to prepare the XML file

Enable PowerShell Logging

  1. Right-click and merge this registry file:util/enable_powershell_logging.reg .
  2. Reboot the PC
  3. All powershell execution will be logged in eventlog

Export Eventlog to XML

  1. Execute this batch file:util/collect_psevent.bat .
  2. The XML files will be created under util/log directory.
  3. Both XML file can be parsed by this tool.

How to Delete the Existing Eventlog



Temcrypt - Evolutionary Encryption Framework Based On Scalable Complexity Over Time

By: Zion3R

The Next-gen Encryption

Try temcrypt on the Web β†’

temcrypt SDK

Focused on protecting highly sensitive data, temcrypt is an advanced multi-layer data evolutionary encryption mechanism that offers scalable complexity over time, and is resistant to common brute force attacks.

You can create your own applications, scripts and automations when deploying it.


Find out what temcrypt stands for, the features and inspiration that led me to create it and much more. READ THE KNOWLEDGE DOCUMENT. This is very important to you.


temcrypt is compatible with both Node.js v18 or major, and modern web browsers, allowing you to use it in various environments.

Getting Started

The only dependencies that temcrypt uses are crypto-js for handling encryption algorithms like AES-256, SHA-256 and some encoders and fs is used for file handling with Node.js

To use temcrypt, you need to have Node.js installed. Then, you can install temcrypt using npm:

npm install temcrypt

after that, import it in your code as follows:

const temcrypt = require("temcrypt");

Includes an auto-install feature for its dependencies, so you don't have to worry about installing them manually. Just run the temcrypt.js library and the dependencies will be installed automatically and then call it in your code, this was done to be portable:

node temcrypt.js

Alternatively, you can use temcrypt directly in the browser by including the following script tag:

<script src="temcrypt.js"></script>

or minified:

<script src="temcrypt.min.js"></script>

You can also call the library on your website or web application from a CDN:

<script src=""></script>



temcrypt provides functions like encrypt and decrypt to securely protect and disclose your information.


  • dataString (string): The string data to encrypt.
  • dataFiles (string): The file path to encrypt. Provide either dataString or dataFiles.
  • mainKey (string): The main key (private) for encryption.
  • extraBytes (number, optional): Additional bytes to add to the encryption. Is an optional parameter used in the temcrypt encryption process. It allows you to add extra bytes to the encrypted data, increasing the complexity of the encryption, which requires more processing power to decrypt. It also serves to make patterns lose by changing the weight of the encryption.


  • If successful:
    • status (boolean): true to indicate successful decryption.
    • hash (string): The unique hash generated for the legitimacy verify of the encrypted data.
    • dataString (string) or dataFiles: The decrypted string or the file path of the decrypted file, depending on the input.
    • updatedEncryptedData (string): The updated encrypted data after decryption. The updated encrypted data after decryption. Every time the encryption is decrypted, the output is updated, because the mainKey changes its order and the new date of last decryption is saved.
    • creationDate (string): The creation date of the encrypted data.
    • lastDecryptionDate (string): The date of the last successful decryption of the data.
  • If dataString is provided:
    • hash (string): The unique hash generated for the legitimacy verify of the encrypted data.
    • mainKey (string): The main key (private) used for encryption.
    • timeKey (string): The time key (private) of the encryption.
    • dataString (string): The encrypted string.
    • extraBytes (number, optional): The extra bytes used for encryption.
  • If dataFiles is provided:
    • hash (string): The unique hash generated for the legitimacy verify of the encrypted data.
    • mainKey (string): The main key used for encryption.
    • timeKey (string): The time key of the encryption.
    • dataFiles (string): The file path of the encrypted file.
    • extraBytes (number, optional): The extra bytes used for encryption.
  • If decryption fails:
    • status (boolean): false to indicate decryption failure.
    • error_code (number): An error code indicating the reason for decryption failure.
    • message (string): A descriptive error message explaining the decryption failure.

Here are some examples of how to use temcrypt. Please note that when encrypting, you must enter a key and save the hour and minute that you encrypted the information. To decrypt the information, you must use the same main key at the same hour and minute on subsequent days:

Encrypt a String

const dataToEncrypt = "Sensitive data";
const mainKey = "your_secret_key"; // Insert your custom key

const encryptedData = temcrypt.encrypt({
dataString: dataToEncrypt,
mainKey: mainKey


Decrypt a String

const encryptedData = "..."; // Encrypted data obtained from the encryption process
const mainKey = "your_secret_key";

const decryptedData = temcrypt.decrypt({
dataString: encryptedData,
mainKey: mainKey


Encrypt a File:

To encrypt a file using temcrypt, you can use the encrypt function with the dataFiles parameter. Here's an example of how to encrypt a file and obtain the encryption result:

const temcrypt = require("temcrypt");

const filePath = "path/test.txt";
const mainKey = "your_secret_key";

const result = temcrypt.encrypt({
dataFiles: filePath,
mainKey: mainKey,
extraBytes: 128 // Optional: Add 128 extra bytes


In this example, replace 'test.txt' with the actual path to the file you want to encrypt and set 'your_secret_key' as the main key for the encryption. The result object will contain the encryption details, including the unique hash, main key, time key, and the file path of the encrypted file.

Decrypt a File:

To decrypt a file that was previously encrypted with temcrypt, you can use the decrypt function with the dataFiles parameter. Here's an example of how to decrypt a file and obtain the decryption result:

const temcrypt = require("temcrypt");

const filePath = "path/test.txt.trypt";
const mainKey = "your_secret_key";

const result = temcrypt.decrypt({
dataFiles: filePath,
mainKey: mainKey


In this example, replace 'path/test.txt.trypt' with the actual path to the encrypted file, and set 'your_secret_key' as the main key for decryption. The result object will contain the decryption status and the decrypted data, if successful.

Remember to provide the correct main key used during encryption to successfully decrypt the file, at the exact same hour and minute that it was encrypted. If the main key is wrong or the file was tampered with or the time is wrong, the decryption status will be false and the decrypted data will not be available.


temcrypt provides utils functions to perform additional operations beyond encryption and decryption. These utility functions are designed to enhance the functionality and usability.

Function List:

  1. changeKey: Change your encryption mainKey
  2. check: Check if the encryption belongs to temcrypt
  3. verify: Checks if a hash matches the legitimacy of the encrypted output.

Below, you can see the details and how to implement its uses.

Update MainKey:

The changeKey utility function allows you to change the mainKey used to encrypt the data while keeping the encrypted data intact. This is useful when you want to enhance the security of your encrypted data or update the mainKey periodically.


  • dataFiles (optional): The path to the file that was encrypted using temcrypt.
  • dataString (optional): The encrypted string that was generated using temcrypt.
  • mainKey (string): The current mainKey used to encrypt the data.
  • newKey(string): The new mainKey that will replace the current mainKey.
const temcrypt = require("temcrypt");

const filePath = "test.txt.trypt";
const currentMainKey = "my_recent_secret_key";
const newMainKey = "new_recent_secret_key";

// Update mainKey for the encrypted file
const result = temcrypt.utils({
changeKey: {
dataFiles: filePath,
mainKey: currentMainKey,
newKey: newMainKey


Check Data Integrity:

The check utility function allows you to verify the integrity of the data encrypted using temcrypt. It checks whether a file or a string is a valid temcrypt encrypted data.


  • dataFiles (optional): The path to the file that you want to check.
  • dataString (optional): The encrypted string that you want to check.
const temcrypt = require("temcrypt");

const filePath = "test.txt.trypt";
const encryptedString = "..."; // Encrypted string generated by temcrypt

// Check the integrity of the encrypted File
const result = temcrypt.utils({
check: {
dataFiles: filePath


// Check the integrity of the encrypted String
const result2 = temcrypt.utils({
check: {
dataString: encryptedString


Verify Hash:

The verify utility function allows you to verify the integrity of encrypted data using its hash value. Checks if the encrypted data output matches the provided hash value.


  • hash (string): The hash value to verify against.
  • dataFiles (optional): The path to the file whose hash you want to verify.
  • dataString (optional): The encrypted string whose hash you want to verify.
const temcrypt = require("temcrypt");

const filePath = "test.txt.trypt";
const hashToVerify = "..."; // The hash value to verify

// Verify the hash of the encrypted File
const result = temcrypt.utils({
verify: {
hash: hashToVerify,
dataFiles: filePath


// Verify the hash of the encrypted String
const result2 = temcrypt.utils({
verify: {
hash: hashToVerify,
dataString: encryptedString


Error Codes

The following table presents the important error codes and their corresponding error messages used by temcrypt to indicate various error scenarios.

Code Error Message Description
420 Decryption time limit exceeded The decryption process took longer than the allowed time limit.
444 Decryption failed The decryption process encountered an error.
777 No data provided No data was provided for the operation.
859 Invalid temcrypt encrypted string The provided string is not a valid temcrypt encrypted string.


Check out the examples directory for more detailed usage examples.


The encryption size of a string or file should be less than 16 KB (kilobytes). If it's larger, you must have enough computational power to decrypt it. Otherwise, your personal computer will exceed the time required to find the correct main key combination and proper encryption formation, and it won't be able to decrypt the information.


  1. With temcrypt you can only decrypt your information in later days with the key that you entered at the same hour and minute that you encrypted.
  2. Focus on time, it is recommended to start the decryption between the first 2 to 10 seconds, so you have an advantage to generate the correct key formation.


The content of this project itself is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, and the underlying source code used to format and display that content is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2023 by Jose Pino

pyFUD - Multi Clients FUD Reverse Shell

By: Zion3R

python3 based multi clients reverse shell.


1. Don't Upload Any Payloads To Bcz This tool will not work
with Time.
2. Virustotal Share Signatures With AV Comapnies.
3. Again Don't be an Idiot!


1. git clone
2. python3 (enter your ip,port and start the server)
3. (Edit IP AND PORT To Put Your Own IP,Port)


1. python3
2. Now Compile to exe (make sure change ip and port in it)


1. Very Simple And Fully Undectable Reverse Shell
2. Multi Client Handling
3. Persistent Shell
3. auto-reconnect
5. U can Convert to exe using pyinstaller tool in windows.


Use this tool Only for Educational Purpose And I will Not be Responsible For ur cruel act.

Wallet-Transaction-Monitor - This Script Monitors A Bitcoin Wallet Address And Notifies The User When There Are Changes In The Balance Or New Transactions

By: Zion3R

This script monitors a Bitcoin wallet address and notifies the user when there are changes in the balance or new transactions. It provides real-time updates on incoming and outgoing transactions, along with the corresponding amounts and timestamps. Additionally, it can play a sound notification on Windows when a new transaction occurs.


    Python 3.x requests library: You can install it by running pip install requests. winsound module: This module is available by default on Windows.

    How to Run

    • Make sure you have Python 3.x installed on your system.
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Clone or download the script file from this repository.
    • Place the sound file (in .wav format) you want to use for the notification in the same directory as the script. Make sure to replace "soundfile.wav" in the script with the actual filename of your sound file.
    • Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where the script is located.
    • Run the script by executing the following command:

    The script will start monitoring the wallet and display updates whenever there are changes in the balance or new transactions. It will also play the specified sound notification on Windows.

    Important Notes

    This script is designed to work on Windows due to the use of the winsound module for sound notifications. If you are using a different operating system, you may need to modify the sound-related code or use an alternative method for audio notifications. The script uses the API to fetch wallet data. Please ensure you have a stable internet connection for the script to work correctly. It's recommended to run the script in the background or keep the terminal window open while monitoring the wallet.

    Bypass-403 - A Simple Script Just Made For Self Use For Bypassing 403

    By: Zion3R

    • A simple script just made for self use for bypassing 403
    • It can also be used to compare responses on verious conditions as shown in the below snapΒ 


    ./ admin

    ./ website-here path-here


    • Use 24 known Bypasses for 403 with the help of curl


    • git clone
    • cd bypass-403
    • chmod +x
    • sudo apt install figlet - If you are unable to see the logo as in the screenshot
    • sudo apt install jq - If you don't have jq installed on your machine


    remonsec, manpreet MayankPandey01 saadibabar

    Fuzztruction - Prototype Of A Fuzzer That Does Not Directly Mutate Inputs (As Most Fuzzers Do) But Instead Uses A So-Called Generator Application To Produce An Input For Our Fuzzing Target

    By: Zion3R

    Fuzztruction is an academic prototype of a fuzzer that does not directly mutate inputs (as most fuzzers do) but instead uses a so-called generator application to produce an input for our fuzzing target. As programs generating data usually produce the correct representation, our fuzzer mutates the generator program (by injecting faults), such that the data produced is almost valid. Optimally, the produced data passes the parsing stages in our fuzzing target, called consumer, but triggers unexpected behavior in deeper program logic. This allows to even fuzz targets that utilize cryptography primitives such as encryption or message integrity codes. The main advantage of our approach is that it generates complex data without requiring heavyweight program analysis techniques, grammar approximations, or human intervention.

    For instructions on how to reproduce the experiments from the paper, please read the fuzztruction-experiments submodule documentation after reading this document.

    Compatibility: While we try to make sure that our prototype is as platform independent as possible, we are not able to test it on all platforms. Thus, if you run into issues, please use Ubuntu 22.04.1, which was used during development as the host system.



    # Clone the repository
    git clone --recurse-submodules

    # Option 1: Get a pre-built version of our runtime environment.
    # To ease reproduction of experiments in our paper, we recommend using our
    # pre-built environment to avoid incompatibilities (~30 GB of data will be
    # donwloaded)
    # Do NOT use this if you don't want to reproduce our results but instead fuzz
    # own targets (use the next command instead).

    # Option 2: Build the runtime environment for Fuzztruction from scratch.
    # Do NOT run this if you executed

    # Spawn a container based on the image built/pulled before.
    # To spawn a container using the prebuilt image (if pulled above),
    # you need to set USE_PREBUILT to 1, e.g., `USE_PREBUILT=1 ./env/`
    ./env /

    # Calling this script again will spawn a shell inside the container.
    # (can be called multiple times to spawn multiple shells within the same
    # container).

    # Runninge the second time will automatically build the fuzzer.

    # See `Fuzzing a Target using Fuzztruction` below for further instructions.


    Fuzztruction contains the following core components:


    The scheduler orchestrates the interaction of the generator and the consumer. It governs the fuzzing campaign, and its main task is to organize the fuzzing loop. In addition, it also maintains a queue containing queue entries. Each entry consists of the seed input passed to the generator (if any) and all mutations applied to the generator. Each such queue entry represents a single test case. In traditional fuzzing, such a test case would be represented as a single file. The implementation of the scheduler is located in the scheduler directory.


    The generator can be considered a seed generator for producing inputs tailored to the fuzzing target, the consumer. While common fuzzing approaches mutate inputs on the fly through bit-level mutations, we mutate inputs indirectly by injecting faults into the generator program. More precisely, we identify and mutate data operations the generator uses to produce its output. To facilitate our approach, we require a program that generates outputs that match the input format the fuzzing target expects.

    The implementation of the generator can be found in the generator directory. It consists of two components that are explained in the following.

    Compiler Pass

    The compiler pass (generator/pass) instruments the target using so-called patch points. Since the current (tested on LLVM12 and below) implementation of this feature is unstable, we patch LLVM to enable them for our approach. The patches can be found in the llvm repository (included here as submodule). Please note that the patches are experimental and not intended for use in production.

    The locations of the patch points are recorded in a separate section inside the compiled binary. The code related to parsing this section can be found at lib/llvm-stackmap-rs, which we also published on

    During fuzzing, the scheduler chooses a target from the set of patch points and passes its decision down to the agent (described below) responsible for applying the desired mutation for the given patch point.


    The agent, implemented in generator/agent is running in the context of the generator application that was compiled with the custom compiler pass. Its main tasks are the implementation of a forkserver and communicating with the scheduler. Based on the instruction passed from the scheduler via shared memory and a message queue, the agent uses a JIT engine to mutate the generator.


    The generator's counterpart is the consumer: It is the target we are fuzzing that consumes the inputs generated by the generator. For Fuzztruction, it is sufficient to compile the consumer application with AFL++'s compiler pass, which we use to record the coverage feedback. This feedback guides our mutations of the generator.

    Preparing the Runtime Environment (Docker Image)

    Before using Fuzztruction, the runtime environment that comes as a Docker image is required. This image can be obtained by building it yourself locally or pulling a pre-built version. Both ways are described in the following. Before preparing the runtime environment, this repository, and all sub repositories, must be cloned:

    git clone --recurse-submodules

    Local Build

    The Fuzztruction runtime environment can be built by executing env/ This builds a Docker image containing a complete runtime environment for Fuzztruction locally. By default, a pre-built version of our patched LLVM version is used and pulled from Docker Hub. If you want to use a locally built LLVM version, check the llvm directory.


    In most cases, there is no particular reason for using the pre-built environment -- except if you want to reproduce the exact experiments conducted in the paper. The pre-built image provides everything, including the pre-built evaluation targets and all dependencies. The image can be retrieved by executing env/

    The following section documents how to spawn a runtime environment based on either a locally built image or the prebuilt one. Details regarding the reproduction of the paper's experiments can be found in the fuzztruction-experiments submodule.

    Managing the Runtime Environment Lifecycle

    After building or pulling a pre-built version of the runtime environment, the fuzzer is ready to use. The fuzzers environment lifecycle is managed by a set of scripts located in the env folder.

    Script Description
    ./env/ Spawn a new container or spawn a shell into an already running container. Prebuilt: Exporting USE_PREBUILT=1 spawns a container based on a pre-built environment. For switching from pre-build to local build or the other way around, must be executed first.
    ./env/ This stops the container. Remember to call this after rebuilding the image.

    Using, an arbitrary number of shells can be spawned in the container. Using Visual Studio Codes' Containers extension allows you to work conveniently inside the Docker container.

    Several files/folders are mounted from the host into the container to facilitate data exchange. Details regarding the runtime environment are provided in the next section.

    Runtime Environment Details

    This section details the runtime environment (Docker container) provided alongside Fuzztruction. The user in the container is named user and has passwordless sudo access per default.

    Permissions: The Docker images' user is named user and has the same User ID (UID) as the user who initially built the image. Thus, mounts from the host can be accessed inside the container. However, in the case of using the pre-built image, this might not be the case since the image was built on another machine. This must be considered when exchanging data with the host.

    Inside the container, the following paths are (bind) mounted from the host:

    Container Path Host Path Note
    /home/user/fuzztruction ./ Pre-built: This folder is part of the image in case the pre-built image is used. Thus, changes are not reflected to the host.
    /home/user/shared ./ Used to exchange data with the host.
    /home/user/.zshrc ./data/zshrc -
    /home/user/.zsh_history ./data/zsh_history -
    /home/user/.bash_history ./data/bash_history -
    /home/user/.config/nvim/init.vim ./data/init.vim -
    /home/user/.config/Code ./data/vscode-data Used to persist Visual Studio Code config between container restarts.
    /ssh-agent $SSH_AUTH_SOCK Allows using the SSH-Agent inside the container if it runs on the host.
    /home/user/.gitconfig /home/$USER/.gitconfig Use gitconfig from the host, if there is any config.
    /ccache ./data/ccache Used to persist ccache cache between container restarts.


    After building the Docker runtime environment and spawning a container, the Fuzztruction binary itself must be built. After spawning a shell inside the container using ./env/, the build process is triggered automatically. Thus, the steps in the next section are primarily for those who want to rebuild Fuzztruction after applying modifications to the code.

    Building Fuzztruction

    For building Fuzztruction, it is sufficient to call cargo build in /home/user/fuzztruction. This will build all components described in the Components section. The most interesting build artifacts are the following:

    Artifacts Description
    ./generator/pass/ The LLVM pass is used to insert the patch points into the generator application. Note: The location of the pass is recorded in /etc/; thus, compilers are able to find the pass during compilation. If you run into trouble because the pass is not found, please run sudo ldconfig and retry using a freshly spawned shell.
    ./generator/pass/fuzztruction-source-clang-fast A compiler wrapper for compiling the generator application. This wrapper uses our custom compiler pass, links the targets against the agent, and injects a call to the agents' init method into the generator's main.
    ./target/debug/ The agent the is injected into the generator application.
    ./target/debug/fuzztruction The fuzztruction binary representing the actual fuzzer.

    Fuzzing a Target using Fuzztruction

    We will use libpng as an example to showcase Fuzztruction's capabilities. Since libpng is relatively small and has no external dependencies, it is not required to use the pre-built image for the following steps. However, especially on mobile CPUs, the building process may take up to several hours for building the AFL++ binary because of the collision free coverage map encoding feature and compare splitting.

    Building the Target

    Pre-built: If the pre-built version is used, building is unnecessary and this step can be skipped.
    Switch into the fuzztruction-experiments/comparison-with-state-of-the-art/binaries/ directory and execute ./ libpng. This will pull the source and start the build according to the steps defined in libpng/

    Benchmarking the Target

    Using the following command

    sudo ./target/debug/fuzztruction fuzztruction-experiments/comparison-with-state-of-the-art/configurations/pngtopng_pngtopng/pngtopng-pngtopng.yml  --purge --show-output benchmark -i 100

    allows testing whether the target works. Each target is defined using a YAML configuration file. The files are located in the configurations directory and are a good starting point for building your own config. The pngtopng-pngtopng.yml file is extensively documented.


    If the fuzzer terminates with an error, there are multiple ways to assist your debugging efforts.

    • Passing --show-output to fuzztruction allows you to observe stdout/stderr of the generator and the consumer if they are not used for passing or reading data from each other.
    • Setting AFL_DEBUG in the env section of the sink in the YAML config can give you a more detailed output regarding the consumer.
    • Executing the generator and consumer using the same flags as in the config file might reveal any typo in the command line used to execute the application. In the case of using LD_PRELOAD, double check the provided paths.

    Running the Fuzzer

    To start the fuzzing process, executing the following command is sufficient:

    sudo ./target/debug/fuzztruction ./fuzztruction-experiments/comparison-with-state-of-the-art/configurations/pngtopng_pngtopng/pngtopng-pngtopng.yml fuzz -j 10 -t 10m

    This will start a fuzzing run on 10 cores, with a timeout of 10 minutes. Output produced by the fuzzer is stored in the directory defined by the work-directory attribute in the target's config file. In case of pngtopng, the default location is /tmp/pngtopng-pngtopng.

    If the working directory already exists, --purge must be passed as an argument to fuzztruction to allow it to rerun. The flag must be passed before the subcommand, i.e., before fuzz or benchmark.

    Combining Fuzztruction and AFL++

    For running AFL++ alongside Fuzztruction, the aflpp subcommand can be used to spawn AFL++ workers that are reseeded during runtime with inputs found by Fuzztruction. Assuming that Fuzztruction was executed using the command above, it is sufficient to execute

    sudo ./target/debug/fuzztruction ./fuzztruction-experiments/comparison-with-state-of-the-art/configurations/pngtopng_pngtopng/pngtopng-pngtopng.yml aflpp -j 10 -t 10m

    for spawning 10 AFL++ processes that are terminated after 10 minutes. Inputs found by Fuzztruction and AFL++ are periodically synced into the interesting folder in the working directory. In case AFL++ should be executed independently but based on the same .yml configuration file, the --suffix argument can be used to append a suffix to the working directory of the spawned fuzzer.

    Computing Coverage

    After the fuzzing run is terminated, the tracer subcommand allows to retrieve a list of covered basic blocks for all interesting inputs found during fuzzing. These traces are stored in the traces subdirectory located in the working directory. Each trace contains a zlib compressed JSON object of the addresses of all basic blocks (in execution order) exercised during execution. Furthermore, metadata to map the addresses to the actual ELF file they are located in is provided.

    The coverage tool located at ./target/debug/coverage can be used to process the collected data further. You need to pass it the top-level directory containing working directories created by Fuzztruction (e.g., /tmp in case of the previous example). Executing ./target/debug/coverage /tmp will generate a .csv file that maps time to the number of covered basic blocks and a .json file that maps timestamps to sets of found basic block addresses. Both files are located in the working directory of the specific fuzzing run.

    PhoneSploit-Pro - An All-In-One Hacking Tool To Remotely Exploit Android Devices Using ADB And Metasploit-Framework To Get A Meterpreter Session

    An all-in-one hacking tool written in Python to remotely exploit Android devices using ADB (Android Debug Bridge) and Metasploit-Framework.

    Complete Automation to get a Meterpreter session in One Click

    This tool can automatically Create, Install, and Run payload on the target device using Metasploit-Framework and ADB to completely hack the Android Device in one click.

    The goal of this project is to make penetration testing on Android devices easy. Now you don't have to learn commands and arguments, PhoneSploit Pro does it for you. Using this tool, you can test the security of your Android devices easily.

    PhoneSploit Pro can also be used as a complete ADB Toolkit to perform various operations on Android devices over Wi-Fi as well as USB.




    • Connect device using ADB remotely.
    • List connected devices.
    • Disconnect all devices.
    • Access connected device shell.
    • Stop ADB Server.
    • Take screenshot and pull it to computer automatically.
    • Screen Record target device screen for a specified time and automatically pull it to computer.
    • Download file/folder from target device.
    • Send file/folder from computer to target device.
    • Run an app.
    • Install an APK file from computer to target device.
    • Uninstall an app.
    • List all installed apps in target device.
    • Restart/Reboot the target device to System, Recovery, Bootloader, Fastboot.
    • Hack Device Completely :
      • Automatically fetch your IP Address to set LHOST.
      • Automatically create a payload using msfvenom, install it, and run it on target device.
      • Then automatically launch and setup Metasploit-Framework to get a meterpreter session.
      • Getting a meterpreter session means the device is completely hacked using Metasploit-Framework, and you can do anything with it.


    • List all files and folders of the target devices.
    • Copy all WhatsApp Data to computer.
    • Copy all Screenshots to computer.
    • Copy all Camera Photos to computer.
    • Take screenshots and screen-record anonymously (Automatically delete file from target device).
    • Open a link on target device.
    • Display an image/photo on target device.
    • Play an audio on target device.
    • Play a video on target device.
    • Get device information.
    • Get battery information.
    • Use Keycodes to control device remotely.


    • Send SMS through target device.
    • Unlock device (Automatic screen on, swipe up and password input).
    • Lock device.
    • Dump all SMS from device to computer.
    • Dump all Contacts from device to computer.
    • Dump all Call Logs from device to computer.
    • Extract APK from an installed app.


    • Mirror and Control the target device.


    • Power off the target device.


    Run PhoneSploit Pro

    PhoneSploit Pro does not need any installation and runs directly using python3

    On Linux / macOS :

    Make sure all the required software are installed.

    Open terminal and paste the following commands :

    git clone
    cd PhoneSploit-Pro/

    On Windows :

    Make sure all the required software are installed.

    Open terminal and paste the following commands :

    git clone
    cd PhoneSploit-Pro/
    1. Download and extract latest platform-tools from here.

    2. Copy all files from the extracted platform-tools or adb directory to PhoneSploit-Pro directory and then run :



    Installing ADB

    ADB on Linux :

    Open terminal and paste the following commands :

    • Debian / Ubuntu
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install adb
    • Fedora
    sudo dnf install adb
    • Arch Linux / Manjaro
    sudo pacman -Sy android-tools

    For other Linux Distributions : Visit this Link

    ADB on macOS :

    Open terminal and paste the following command :

    brew install android-platform-tools

    or Visit this link : Click Here

    ADB on Windows :

    Visit this link : Click Here

    ADB on Termux :

    pkg update
    pkg install android-tools

    Installing Metasploit-Framework

    On Linux / macOS :

    curl > msfinstall && \
    chmod 755 msfinstall && \

    or Follow this link : Click Here

    or Visit this link : Click Here

    On Windows :

    Visit this link : Click Here

    or Follow this link : Click Here

    Installing scrcpy

    Visit the scrcpy GitHub page for latest installation instructions : Click Here

    On Windows : Copy all the files from the extracted scrcpy folder to PhoneSploit-Pro folder.

    If scrcpy is not available for your Linux distro, then you can build it with a few simple steps : Build Guide


    Setting up Android Phone for the first time

    • Enabling the Developer Options
    1. Open Settings.
    2. Go to About Phone.
    3. Find Build Number.
    4. Tap on Build Number 7 times.
    5. Enter your pattern, PIN or password to enable the Developer options menu.
    6. The Developer options menu will now appear in your Settings menu.
    • Enabling USB Debugging
    1. Open Settings.
    2. Go to System > Developer options.
    3. Scroll down and Enable USB debugging.
    • Connecting with Computer
    1. Connect your Android device and adb host computer to a common Wi-Fi network.
    2. Connect the device to the host computer with a USB cable.
    3. Open terminal in the computer and enter the following command :
    adb devices
    1. A pop-up will appear in the Android phone when you connect your phone to a new PC for the first time : Allow USB debugging?.
    2. Click on Always allow from this computer check-box and then click Allow.
    3. Then enter the following command :
    adb tcpip 5555
    1. Now you can connect the Android Phone over Wi-Fi.
    2. Disconnect the USB cable.
    3. Go to Settings > About Phone > Status > IP address and note the phone's IP Address.
    4. Run PhoneSploit Pro and select Connect a device and enter the target's IP Address to connect over Wi-Fi.

    Connecting the Android phone for the next time

    1. Connect your Android device and host computer to a common Wi-Fi network.
    2. Run PhoneSploit Pro and select Connect a device and enter the target's IP Address to connect over Wi-Fi.

    This tool is tested on

    • βœ…Ubuntu
    • βœ…Linux Mint
    • βœ…Kali Linux
    • βœ…Fedora
    • βœ…Arch Linux
    • βœ…Parrot Security OS
    • βœ…Windows 11
    • βœ…Termux (Android)

    All the new features are primarily tested on Linux, thus Linux is recommended for running PhoneSploit Pro. Some features might not work properly on Windows.


    • Neither the project nor its developer promote any kind of illegal activity and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this project.
    • This project is for the purpose of penetration testing only.
    • Please do not use this tool on other people's devices without their permission.
    • Do not use this tool to harm others.
    • Use this project responsibly on your own devices only.
    • It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state, federal, and international laws.

    Scriptkiddi3 - Streamline Your Recon And Vulnerability Detection Process With SCRIPTKIDDI3, A Recon And Initial Vulnerability Detection Tool Built Using Shell Script And Open Source Tools

    Streamline your recon and vulnerability detection process with SCRIPTKIDDI3, A recon and initial vulnerability detection tool built using shell script and open source tools.

    How it works β€’ Installation β€’ Usage β€’ MODES β€’ For Developers β€’ Credits

    Introducing SCRIPTKIDDI3, a powerful recon and initial vulnerability detection tool for Bug Bounty Hunters. Built using a variety of open-source tools and a shell script, SCRIPTKIDDI3 allows you to quickly and efficiently run a scan on the target domain and identify potential vulnerabilities.

    SCRIPTKIDDI3 begins by performing recon on the target system, collecting information such as subdomains, and running services with nuclei. It then uses this information to scan for known vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors, alerting you to any high-risk issues that may need to be addressed.

    In addition, SCRIPTKIDDI3 also includes features for identifying misconfigurations and insecure default settings with nuclei templates, helping you ensure that your systems are properly configured and secure.

    SCRIPTKIDDI3 is an essential tool for conducting thorough and effective recon and vulnerability assessments. Let's Find Bugs with SCRIPTKIDDI3

    [Thanks ChatGPT for the Description]

    How it Works ?

    This tool mainly performs 3 tasks

    1. Effective Subdomain Enumeration from Various Tools
    2. Get URLs with open HTTP and HTTPS service.
    3. Run a Nuclei and other scans on previous output So basically, this is an autmation script for your initial recon in bugbounty

    Install SCRIPTKIDDI3

    SCRIPTKIDDI3 requires different tools to run successfully. Run the following command to install the latest version with all requirments-

    git clone
    cd scriptkiddi3


    scriptkiddi3 -h

    This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.

    Vulnerability Detection with Nuclei, and Scan for SUBDOMAINE TAKEOVER [FLAGS:] [TARGET:] -d, --domain target domain to scan [CONFIG:] -c, --config path of your configuration file for subfinder [HELP:] -h, --help to get help menu [UPDATE:] -u, --update to update tool [Examples:] Run scriptkiddi3 in full Exploitation mode scriptkiddi3 -m EXP -d Use your own CONFIG file for subfinder scriptkiddi3 -m EXP -d -c /path/to/config.yaml Run scriptkiddi3 in SUBDOMAIN ENUMERATION mode scriptkiddi3 -m SUB -d Run scriptkiddi3 in URL ENUMERATION mode scriptkiddi3 -m SUB -d " dir="auto">
    Streamline your recon and vulnerability detection process with SCRIPTKIDDI3,
    A recon and initial vulnerability detection tool built using shell script and open source tools.

    scriptkiddi3 [MODE] [FLAGS]
    scriptkiddi3 -m EXP -d -c /path/to/config.yaml

    Available Options for MODE:
    SUB | sub | SUBDOMAIN | subdomain Run scriptkiddi3 in SUBDOMAIN ENUMERATION mode
    URL | url Run scriptkiddi3 in URL ENUMERATION mode
    EXP | exp | EXPLOIT | exploit Run scriptkiddi3 in Full Exploitation mode

    Feature of EXPLOI mode : subdomain enumaration, URL Enumeration,
    Vulnerability Detection with Nuclei,

    [TARGET:] -d, --domain target domain to scan

    [CONFIG:] -c, --config path of your configuration file for subfinder

    [HELP:] -h, --help to get help menu

    [UPDATE:] -u, --update to update tool

    Run scriptkiddi3 in full Exploitation mode
    scriptkiddi3 -m EXP -d

    Use your own CONFIG file for subfinder
    scriptkiddi3 -m EXP -d -c /path/to/config.yaml

    Run scriptkiddi3 in SUBDOMAIN ENUMERATION mode
    scriptkiddi3 -m SUB -d

    Run scriptkiddi3 in URL ENUMERATION mode
    scriptkiddi3 -m SUB -d




      scriptkiddi3 -m EXP -d

    FULL EXPLOITATION MODE contains following functions

    • Effective Subdomain Enumeration with different services and open source tools
    • Effective URL Enumeration ( HTTP and HTTPs service )
    • Run Vulnerability Detection with Nuclei
    • Subdomain Takeover Test on previous results


    Run scriptkiddi3 in SUBDOMAIN ENUMERATION MODE

      scriptkiddi3 -m SUB -d

    SUBDOMAIN ENUMERATION MODE contains following functions

    • Effective Subdomain Enumeration with different services and open source tools
    • You can use this mode if you only want to get subdomains from this tool or we can say Automation of Subdmain Enumeration by different tools


    Run scriptkiddi3 in URL ENUMERATION MODE

      scriptkiddi3 -m URL -d

    URL ENUMERATION MODE contains following functions

    • Same Feature as SUBDOMAIN ENUMERATION MODE but also identifies HTTP or HTTPS service

    Using your own CONFIG File for subfinder

      scriptkiddi3 -m EXP -d -c /path/to/config.yaml

    You can also provie your own CONDIF file with your API Keys for subdomain enumeration with subfinder

    Updating tool to latest version You can run following command to update tool

      scriptkiddi3 -u

    An Example of config.yaml

    - 0bf8919b-aab9-42e4-9574-d3b639324597
    - ac244e2f-b635-4581-878a-33f4e79a2c13
    - ac244e2f-b635-4581-878a-33f4e79a2c13:dd510d6e-1b6e-4655-83f6-f347b363def9
    certspotter: []
    securitytrails: []
    - ghp_lkyJGU3jv1xmwk4SDXavrLDJ4dl2pSJMzj4X
    - ghp_gkUuhkIYdQPj13ifH4KA3cXRn8JD2lqir2d4
    - zoomeye_username:zoomeye_password

    For Developers

    If you have ideas for new functionality or modes that you would like to see in this tool, you can always submit a pull request (PR) to contribute your changes.

    If you have any other queries, you can always contact me on Twitter(thecyberneh)


    I would like to express my gratitude to all of the open source projects that have made this tool possible and have made recon tasks easier to accomplish.

    Nmap-API - Uses Python3.10, Debian, python-Nmap, And Flask Framework To Create A Nmap API That Can Do Scans With A Good Speed Online And Is Easy To Deploy

    Uses python3.10, Debian, python-Nmap, and flask framework to create a Nmap API that can do scans with a good speed online and is easy to deploy.

    This is a implementation for our college PCL project which is still under development and constantly updating.

    API Reference

    Get all items

      GET /api/p1/{username}:{password}/{target}
    GET /api/p2/{username}:{password}/{target}
    GET /api/p3/{username}:{password}/{target}
    GET /api/p4/{username}:{password}/{target}
    GET /api/p5/{username}:{password}/{target}
    Parameter Type Description
    username string Required. username of the current user
    password string Required. current user password
    target string Required. The target Hostname and IP

    Get item

      GET /api/p1/
    GET /api/p2/
    GET /api/p3/
    GET /api/p4/
    GET /api/p5/
    Parameter Return data Description Nmap Command
    p1 json Effective Scan -Pn -sV -T4 -O -F
    p2 json Simple Scan -Pn -T4 -A -v
    p3 json Low Power Scan -Pn -sS -sU -T4 -A -v
    p4 json Partial Intense Scan -Pn -p- -T4 -A -v
    p5 json Complete Intense Scan -Pn -sS -sU -T4 -A -PE -PP -PS80,443 -PA3389 -PU40125 -PY -g 53 --script=vuln

    Auth and User management

      POST /adduser/{admin-username}:{admin-passwd}/{id}/{username}/{passwd}
    POST /deluser/{admin-username}:{admin-passwd}/{t-username}/{t-userpass}
    POST /altusername/{admin-username}:{admin-passwd}/{t-user-id}/{new-t-username}
    POST /altuserid/{admin-username}:{admin-passwd}/{new-t-user-id}/{t-username}
    POST /altpassword/{admin-username}:{admin-passwd}/{t-username}/{new-t-userpass}
    • make sure you use the ADMIN CREDS MENTIONED BELOW
    Parameter Type Description
    admin-username String Admin username
    admin-passwd String Admin password
    id String Id for newly added user
    username String Username of the newly added user
    passwd String Password of the newly added user
    t-username String Target username
    t-user-id String Target userID
    t-userpass String Target users password
    new-t-username String New username for the target
    new-t-user-id String New userID for the target
    new-t-userpass String New password for the target


    ADMINISTRATOR : zAp6_oO~t428)@,

    MSI Dump - A Tool That Analyzes Malicious MSI Installation Packages, Extracts Files, Streams, Binary Data And Incorporates YARA Scanner

    MSI Dump - a tool that analyzes malicious MSI installation packages, extracts files, streams, binary data and incorporates YARA scanner.

    On Macro-enabled Office documents we can quickly use oletools mraptor to determine whether document is malicious. If we want to dissect it further, we could bring in oletools olevba or oledump.

    To dissect malicious MSI files, so far we had only one, but reliable and trustworthy lessmsi. However, lessmsi doesn't implement features I was looking for:

    • quick triage
    • Binary data extraction
    • YARA scanning

    Hence this is where msidump comes into play.


    This tool helps in quick triages as well as detailed examinations of malicious MSIs corpora. It lets us:

    • Quickly determine whether file is suspicious or not.
    • List all MSI tables as well as dump specific records
    • Extract Binary data, all files from CABs, scripts from CustomActions
    • scan all inner data and records with YARA rules
    • Uses file/MIME type deduction to determine inner data type

    It was created as a companion tool to the blog post I released here:


    • The program is still in an early alpha version, things are expected to break and triaging/parsing logic to change
    • Due to this tool heavy relience on Win32 COM WindowsInstaller.Installer interfaces, currently it is not possible to support native Linux platforms. Maybe wine python could help, but haven't tried that yet.

    Use Cases

    1. Perform quick triage of a suspicious MSI augmented with YARA rule:
    cmd> python evil.msi -y rules.yara

    Here we can see that input MSI is injected with suspicious VBScript and contains numerous executables in it.

    1. Now we want to take a closer look at this VBScript by extracting only that record.

    We see from the triage table that it was present in Binary table. Lets get him:

    python putty-backdoored.msi -l binary -i UBXtHArj

    We can specify which to record dump either by its name/ID or its index number (here that would be 7).

    Lets have a look at another example. This time there is executable stored in Binary table that will be executed during installation:

    To extract that file we're gonna go with

    python evil2.msi -x binary -i lmskBju -O extracted


    • -x binary tells to extract contents of Binary table
    • -i lmskBju specifies which record exactly to extract
    • -O extracted sets output directory

    For the best output experience, run the tool on a maximized console window or redirect output to file:

    python [...] -o analysis.log

    Full Usage

    PS D:\> python .\ --help
    -h, --help show this help message and exit

    Required arguments:
    infile Input MSI file (or directory) for analysis.

    -q, --quiet Surpress banner and unnecessary information. In triage mode, will display only verdict.
    -v, --verbose Verbose mode.
    -d, --debug Debug mode.
    -N, --nocolor Dont use colors in text output.
    -n PRINT_LEN, --print-len PRINT_LEN
    When previewing data - how many bytes to include in preview/hexdump. Default: 128
    -f {text,json,csv}, --format {text,json,csv}
    Output format: text, json, csv. Default: text
    -o path, --outfile path
    Redirect program output to this file.
    -m, --mime When sniffing inner data type, report MIME types

    Analysis Modes:
    -l what, --list what List specific table contents. See help message to learn what can be listed.
    -x what, --extract what
    Extract data from MSI. For what can be extracted, refer to help message.

    Analysis Specific options:
    -i number|name, --record number|name
    Can be a number or name. In --list mode, specifies which record to dump/display entirely. In --extract mode dumps only this particular record to --outdir
    -O path, --outdir path
    When --extract mode is used, specifies output location where to extract data.
    -y path, --yara path Path to YARA rule/directory with rules. YARA will be matched against Binary data, streams and inner files


    - What can be listed:
    --list CustomAction - Specific table
    --lis t Registry,File - List multiple tables
    --list stats - Print MSI database statistics
    --list all - All tables and their contents
    --list olestream - Prints all OLE streams & storages.
    To display CABs embedded in MSI try: --list _Streams
    --list cabs - Lists embedded CAB files
    --list binary - Lists binary data embedded in MSI for its own purposes.
    That typically includes EXEs, DLLs, VBS/JS scripts, etc

    - What can be extracted:
    --extract all - Extracts Binary data, all files from CABs, scripts from CustomActions
    --extract binary - Extracts Binary data
    --extract files - Extracts files
    --extract cabs - Extracts cabinets
    --extract scripts - Extrac ts scripts



    • Triaging logic is still a bit flakey, I'm not very proud of it. Hence it will be subject for constant redesigns and further ramifications
    • Test it on a wider test samples corpora
    • Add support for input ZIP archives with passwords
    • Add support for ingesting entire directory full of YARA rules instead of working with a single file only
    • Currently, the tool matches malicious CustomAction Types based on assessing their numbers, which is prone to being evaded.
      • It needs to be reworked to properly consume Type number and decompose it onto flags

    Tool's Name

    Apparently when naming my tool, I didn't think on checking whether it was already taken. There is another tool named msidump being part of msitools GNU package:

    Show Support

    This and other projects are outcome of sleepless nights and plenty of hard work. If you like what I do and appreciate that I always give back to the community, Consider buying me a coffee (or better a beer) just to say thank you!

    Mariusz Banach / mgeeky, (@mariuszbit)
    <mb [at]>

    Apk.Sh - Makes Reverse Engineering Android Apps Easier, Automating Some Repetitive Tasks Like Pulling, Decoding, Rebuilding And Patching An APK is a Bash script that makes reverse engineering Android apps easier, automating some repetitive tasks like pulling, decoding, rebuilding and patching an APK.

    Features basically uses apktool to disassemble, decode and rebuild resources and some bash to automate the frida gadget injection process. It also supports app bundles/split APKs.

    • 
      Patching APKs to load on start.
    • 
      Support for app bundles/split APKs.
    • 
      Disassembling resources to nearly original form with apktool.
    • ο”©
      Rebuilding decoded resources back to binary APK/JAR with apktool.
    • ️
      Code signing the apk with apksigner.
    • ο–₯️
      Multiple arch support (arm, arm64, x86, x86_64).
    • ο“΅
      No rooted Android device needed.

    Getting started

    Pulling an APK from a device is simple as running ./ pull <package_name>

    Decoding an APK is simple as running ./ decode <apk_name>

    Rebuilding an APK is simple as running ./ build <apk_dir> pull pull pull an APK from a device. It supports app bundles/split APKs, which means that split APKs will be joined in a single APK (this is useful for patching). If the package is an app bundle/split APK, will combine the APKs into a single APK, fixing all public resource identifiers. patch patch patch an APK to load on start. is a Frida's shared library meant to be loaded by programs to be instrumented (when the Injected mode of operation isn’t suitable). By simply loading the library it will allow you to interact with it using existing Frida-based tools like frida-trace. It also supports a fully autonomous approach where it can run scripts off the filesystem without any outside communication.

    Patching an APK is simple as running ./ patch <apk_name> --arch arm.

    You can calso specify a Frida gadget configuration in a json ./ patch <apk_name> --arch arm --gadget-conf <config.json>

    Frida's Gadget configurations

    In the default interaction, Frida Gadget exposes a frida-server compatible interface, listening on localhost:27042 by default. In order to achieve early instrumentation Frida let Gadget’s constructor function block until you either attach() to the process, or call resume() after going through the usual spawn() -> attach() -> ...apply instrumentation... steps.

    If you don’t want this blocking behavior and want to let the program boot right up, or you’d prefer it listening on a different interface or port, you can customize this through a json configuration file.

    The default configuration is:

    "interaction": {
    "type": "listen",
    "address": "",
    "port": 27042,
    "on_port_conflict": "fail",
    "on_load": "wait"

    You can pass the gadget configuration file to with the --gadget-conf option.

    Script interaction

    A typically suggested configuration might be:

    "interaction": {
    "type": "script",
    "path": "/data/local/tmp/script.js",

    script.js could be something like:

    var android_log_write = new NativeFunction(
    Module.getExportByName(null, '__android_log_write'),
    ['int', 'pointer', 'pointer']

    var tag = Memory.allocUtf8String("[frida-script][ax]");

    var work = function() {
    setTimeout(function() {
    android_log_write(3, tag, Memory.allocUtf8String("ping @ " +;
    }, 1000);


    android_log_write(3, tag, Memory.allocUtf8String(">--(O.o)-<"));

    adb push script.js /data/local/tmp

    ./ patch <apk_name> --arch arm --gadget-conf <config.json>

    adb install file.gadget.apk


    Add the following code to print to logcat the console.log output of any script from the frida codeshare when using the Script interaction type.

    // print to logcat the console.log output
    // see:
    var android_log_write = new NativeFunction(
    Module.getExportByName(null, '__android_log_write'),
    ['int', 'pointer', 'pointer']
    var tag = Memory.allocUtf8String("[frida-script][ax]");
    console.log = function(str) {
    android_log_write(3, tag, Memory.allocUtf8String(str));


    • apktool
    • apksigner
    • unxz
    • zipalign
    • aapt
    • adb




    pull	Pull an apk from device/emulator.
    decode Decode an apk.
    build Re-build an apk.
    patch Patch an apk.
    rename Rename the apk package.


    -a, --arch <arch> Specify the target architecture, mandatory when patching.

    -g, --gadget-conf <json_file> Specify a frida-gadget configuration file, optional when patching.

    -n, --net Add a permissive network security config when building, optional. It can be used with patch, pull and rename also.

    -s, --safe Do not decode resources when decoding (i.e. apktool -r). Cannot be used when patching.

    -d, --no-dis Do not disassemble dex, optional when decoding (i.e. apktool -s). Cannot be used when patching.

    Links of Interest

    QRExfiltrate - Tool That Allows You To Convert Any Binary File Into A QRcode Movie. The Data Can Then Be Reassembled Visually Allowing Exfiltration Of Data In Air Gapped Systems

    This tool is a command line utility that allows you to convert any binary file into a QRcode GIF. The data can then be reassembled visually allowing exfiltration of data in air gapped systems. It was designed as a proof of concept to demonstrate weaknesses in DLP software; that is, the assumption that data will leave the system via email, USB sticks or other media.

    The tool works by taking a binary file and converting it into a series of QR codes images. These images are then combined into a GIF file that can be easily reassembled using any standard QR code reader. This allows data to be exfiltrated without detection from most DLP systems.

    How to Use

    To use QRExfiltrate, open a command line and navigate to the directory containing the QRExfiltrate scripts.

    Once you have done this, you can run the following command to convert your binary file into a QRcode GIF:

    ./ ./draft-taddei-ech4ent-introduction-00.txt output.gif

    Demo <inputfile>

    Where <inputfile> is the path to the binary file you wish to convert, and <outputfile>, if no output is specified output.gif used is the path to the desired output GIF file.

    Once the command completes, you will have a GIF file containing the data from your binary file.

    You can then transfer this GIF file as you wish and reassemble the data using any standard QR code reader.


    QRExfiltrate requires the following prerequisites:

    • qrencode
    • ffmpeg


    QRExfiltrate is limited by the size of the source data, qrencoding per frame has been capped to 64 bytes to ensure the resulting image has a uniform size and shape. Additionally the conversion to QR code results in a lot of storage overhead, on average the resulting gif is 50x larger than the original. Finally, QRExfiltrate is limited by the capabilities of the QR code reader. If the reader is not able to detect the QR codes from the GIF, the data will not be able to be reassembled.

    The decoder script has been intentionally omitted


    QRExfiltrate is a powerful tool that can be used to bypass DLP systems and exfiltrate data in air gapped networks. However, it is important to note that QRExfiltrate should be used with caution and only in situations where the risk of detection is low.
