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Psobf - PowerShell Obfuscator

By: Zion3R

Tool for obfuscating PowerShell scripts written in Go. The main objective of this program is to obfuscate PowerShell code to make its analysis and detection more difficult. The script offers 5 levels of obfuscation, from basic obfuscation to script fragmentation. This allows users to tailor the obfuscation level to their specific needs.

./psobf -h

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Usage: ./obfuscator -i <inputFile> -o <outputFile> -level <1|2|3|4|5>
-i string
Name of the PowerShell script file.
-level int
Obfuscation level (1 to 5). (default 1)
-o string
Name of the output file for the obfuscated script. (default "obfuscated.ps1")

Obfuscation levels:
1: Basic obfuscation by splitting the script into individual characters.
2: Base64 encoding of the script.
3: Alternative Base64 encoding with a different PowerShell decoding method.
4: Compression and Base64 encoding of the script will be decoded and decompressed at runtime.
5: Fragmentation of the script into multiple parts and reconstruction at runtime.


  • Obfuscation Levels: Four levels of obfuscation, each more complex than the previous one.
    • Level 1 obfuscation by splitting the script into individual characters.
    • Level 2 Base64 encoding of the script.
    • Level 3 Alternative Base64 encoding with a different PowerShell decoding method.
    • Level 4 Compression and Base64 encoding of the script will be decoded and decompressed at runtime.
    • Level 5 Fragmentation of the script into multiple parts and reconstruction at runtime.
  • Compression and Encoding: Level 4 includes script compression before encoding it in base64.
  • Variable Obfuscation: A function was added to obfuscate the names of variables in the PowerShell script.
  • Random String Generation: Random strings are generated for variable name obfuscation.


go install

Example of Obfuscation Levels

The obfuscation levels are divided into 5 options. First, you need to have a PowerShell file that you want to obfuscate. Let's assume you have a file named script.ps1 with the following content:

Write-Host "Hello, World!"

Level 1: Basic Obfuscation

Run the script with level 1 obfuscation.

./obfuscator -i script.ps1 -o obfuscated_level1.ps1 -level 1

This will generate a file named obfuscated_level1.ps1 with the obfuscated content. The result will be a version of your script where each character is separated by commas and combined at runtime.
Result (level 1)

$obfuscated = $([char[]]("`W`,`r`,`i`,`t`,`e`,`-`,`H`,`o`,`s`,`t`,` `,`"`,`H`,`e`,`l`,`l`,`o`,`,` `,`W`,`o`,`r`,`l`,`d`,`!`,`"`") -join ''); Invoke-Expression $obfuscated

Level 2: Base64 Encoding

Run the script with level 2 obfuscation:

./obfuscator -i script.ps1 -o obfuscated_level2.ps1 -level 2

This will generate a file named obfuscated_level2.ps1 with the content encoded in base64. When executing this script, it will be decoded and run at runtime.
Result (level 2)

$obfuscated = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String('V3JpdGUtSG9zdCAiSGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkISI=')); Invoke-Expression $obfuscated

Level 3: Alternative Base64 Encoding

Execute the script with level 3 obfuscation:

./obfuscator -i script.ps1 -o obfuscated_level3.ps1 -level 3

This level uses a slightly different form of base64 encoding and decoding in PowerShell, adding an additional layer of obfuscation.
Result (level 3)

$e = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String('V3JpdGUtSG9zdCAiSGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkISI='); $obfuscated = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($e); Invoke-Expression $obfuscated

Level 4: Compression and Base64 Encoding

Execute the script with level 4 obfuscation:

./obfuscator -i script.ps1 -o obfuscated_level4.ps1 -level 4

This level compresses the script before encoding it in base64, making analysis more complicated. The result will be decoded and decompressed at runtime.
Result (level 4)

$compressed = 'H4sIAAAAAAAAC+NIzcnJVyjPL8pJUQQAlRmFGwwAAAA='; $bytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($compressed); $stream = New-Object IO.MemoryStream(, $bytes); $decompressed = New-Object IO.Compression.GzipStream($stream, [IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress); $reader = New-Object IO.StreamReader($decompressed); $obfuscated = $reader.ReadToEnd(); Invoke-Expression $obfuscated

Level 5: Script Fragmentation

Run the script with level 5 obfuscation:

./obfuscator -i script.ps1 -o obfuscated_level5.ps1 -level 5

This level fragments the script into multiple parts and reconstructs it at runtime.
Result (level 5)

$fragments = @(
'Output "',
' Wo',
$script = $fragments -join '';
Invoke-Expression $script

This program is provided for educational and research purposes. It should not be used for malicious activities.

DockerSpy - DockerSpy Searches For Images On Docker Hub And Extracts Sensitive Information Such As Authentication Secrets, Private Keys, And More

By: Zion3R

DockerSpy searches for images on Docker Hub and extracts sensitive information such as authentication secrets, private keys, and more.

What is Docker?

Docker is an open-source platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of applications using containerization technology. Containers allow developers to package an application and its dependencies into a single, portable unit that can run consistently across various computing environments. Docker simplifies the development and deployment process by ensuring that applications run the same way regardless of where they are deployed.

About Docker Hub

Docker Hub is a cloud-based repository where developers can store, share, and distribute container images. It serves as the largest library of container images, providing access to both official images created by Docker and community-contributed images. Docker Hub enables developers to easily find, download, and deploy pre-built images, facilitating rapid application development and deployment.

Why OSINT on Docker Hub?

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) on Docker Hub involves using publicly available information to gather insights and data from container images and repositories hosted on Docker Hub. This is particularly important for identifying exposed secrets for several reasons:

  1. Security Audits: By analyzing Docker images, organizations can uncover exposed secrets such as API keys, authentication tokens, and private keys that might have been inadvertently included. This helps in mitigating potential security risks.

  2. Incident Prevention: Proactively searching for exposed secrets in Docker images can prevent security breaches before they happen, protecting sensitive information and maintaining the integrity of applications.

  3. Compliance: Ensuring that container images do not expose secrets is crucial for meeting regulatory and organizational security standards. OSINT helps verify that no sensitive information is unintentionally disclosed.

  4. Vulnerability Assessment: Identifying exposed secrets as part of regular security assessments allows organizations to address these vulnerabilities promptly, reducing the risk of exploitation by malicious actors.

  5. Enhanced Security Posture: Continuously monitoring Docker Hub for exposed secrets strengthens an organization's overall security posture, making it more resilient against potential threats.

Utilizing OSINT on Docker Hub to find exposed secrets enables organizations to enhance their security measures, prevent data breaches, and ensure the confidentiality of sensitive information within their containerized applications.

How DockerSpy Works

DockerSpy obtains information from Docker Hub and uses regular expressions to inspect the content for sensitive information, such as secrets.

Getting Started

To use DockerSpy, follow these steps:

  1. Installation: Clone the DockerSpy repository and install the required dependencies.
git clone && cd DockerSpy && make
  1. Usage: Run DockerSpy from terminal.

Custom Configurations

To customize DockerSpy configurations, edit the following files: - Regular Expressions - Ignored File Extensions


DockerSpy is intended for educational and research purposes only. Users are responsible for ensuring that their use of this tool complies with applicable laws and regulations.


Contributions to DockerSpy are welcome! Feel free to submit issues, feature requests, or pull requests to help improve this tool.

About the Author

DockerSpy is developed and maintained by Alisson Moretto (UndeadSec)

I'm a passionate cyber threat intelligence pro who loves sharing insights and crafting cybersecurity tools.

Consider following me:

DockerSpy searches for images on Docker Hub and extracts sensitive information such as authentication secrets, private keys, and more. (2) DockerSpy searches for images on Docker Hub and extracts sensitive information such as authentication secrets, private keys, and more. (3) DockerSpy searches for images on Docker Hub and extracts sensitive information such as authentication secrets, private keys, and more. (4)


Special thanks to @akaclandestine

Gftrace - A Command Line Windows API Tracing Tool For Golang Binaries

By: Zion3R

A command line Windows API tracing tool for Golang binaries.

Note: This tool is a PoC and a work-in-progress prototype so please treat it as such. Feedbacks are always welcome!

How it works?

Although Golang programs contains a lot of nuances regarding the way they are built and their behavior in runtime they still need to interact with the OS layer and that means at some point they do need to call functions from the Windows API.

The Go runtime package contains a function called asmstdcall and this function is a kind of "gateway" used to interact with the Windows API. Since it's expected this function to call the Windows API functions we can assume it needs to have access to information such as the address of the function and it's parameters, and this is where things start to get more interesting.

Asmstdcall receives a single parameter which is pointer to something similar to the following structure:

struct LIBCALL {
DWORD_PTR ReturnValue;


Some of these fields are filled after the API function is called, like the return value, others are received by asmstdcall, like the function address, the number of arguments and the list of arguments. Regardless when those are set it's clear that the asmstdcall function manipulates a lot of interesting information regarding the execution of programs compiled in Golang.

The gftrace leverages asmstdcall and the way it works to monitor specific fields of the mentioned struct and log it to the user. The tool is capable of log the function name, it's parameters and also the return value of each Windows function called by a Golang application. All of it with no need to hook a single API function or have a signature for it.

The tool also tries to ignore all the noise from the Go runtime initialization and only log functions called after it (i.e. functions from the main package).

If you want to know more about this project and research check the blogpost.


Download the latest release.


  1. Make sure gftrace.exe, gftrace.dll and gftrace.cfg are in the same directory.
  2. Specify which API functions you want to trace in the gftrace.cfg file (the tool does not work without API filters applied).
  3. Run gftrace.exe passing the target Golang program path as a parameter.
gftrace.exe <filepath> <params>


All you need to do is specify which functions you want to trace in the gftrace.cfg file, separating it by comma with no spaces:


The exact Windows API functions a Golang method X of a package Y would call in a specific scenario can only be determined either by analysis of the method itself or trying to guess it. There's some interesting characteristics that can be used to determine it, for example, Golang applications seems to always prefer to call functions from the "Wide" and "Ex" set (e.g. CreateFileW, CreateProcessW, GetComputerNameExW, etc) so you can consider it during your analysis.

The default config file contains multiple functions in which I tested already (at least most part of them) and can say for sure they can be called by a Golang application at some point. I'll try to update it eventually.


Tracing CreateFileW() and ReadFile() in a simple Golang file that calls "os.ReadFile" twice:

- CreateFileW("C:\Users\user\Desktop\doc.txt", 0x80000000, 0x3, 0x0, 0x3, 0x1, 0x0) = 0x168 (360)
- ReadFile(0x168, 0xc000108000, 0x200, 0xc000075d64, 0x0) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateFileW("C:\Users\user\Desktop\doc2.txt", 0x80000000, 0x3, 0x0, 0x3, 0x1, 0x0) = 0x168 (360)
- ReadFile(0x168, 0xc000108200, 0x200, 0xc000075d64, 0x0) = 0x1 (1)

Tracing CreateProcessW() in the TunnelFish malware:

- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe", "powershell /c "Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn; Get-Recipient | Select Name -ExpandProperty EmailAddresses -first 1 | Select SmtpAddress |  ft -hidetableheaders"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc0000ace98, 0xc0000acd68) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe", "powershell /c "Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn; Get-Recipient | Select Name -ExpandProperty EmailAddresses -first 1 | Select SmtpAddress | ft -hidetableheaders"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc0000c4ec8, 0xc0000c4d98) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe", "powershell /c "Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn; Get-Recipient | Select Name -ExpandProperty EmailAddresses -first 1 | Select SmtpAddres s | ft -hidetableheaders"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc00005eec8, 0xc00005ed98) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe", "powershell /c "Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn; Get-Recipient | Select Name -ExpandProperty EmailAddresses -first 1 | Select SmtpAddress | ft -hidetableheaders"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc0000bce98, 0xc0000bcd68) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe", "cmd /c "wmic computersystem get domain"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc0000c4ef0, 0xc0000c4dc0) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe", "cmd /c "wmic computersystem get domain"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc0000acec0, 0xc0000acd90) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe", "cmd /c "wmic computersystem get domain"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc0000bcec0, 0xc0000bcd90) = 0x1 (1)


Tracing multiple functions in the Sunshuttle malware:

- CreateFileW("config.dat.tmp", 0x80000000, 0x3, 0x0, 0x3, 0x1, 0x0) = 0xffffffffffffffff (-1)
- CreateFileW("config.dat.tmp", 0xc0000000, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2, 0x80, 0x0) = 0x198 (408)
- CreateFileW("config.dat.tmp", 0xc0000000, 0x3, 0x0, 0x3, 0x80, 0x0) = 0x1a4 (420)
- WriteFile(0x1a4, 0xc000112780, 0xeb, 0xc0000c79d4, 0x0) = 0x1 (1)
- GetAddrInfoW("", 0x0, 0xc000031f18, 0xc000031e88) = 0x0 (0)
- WSASocketW(0x2, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x81) = 0x1f0 (496)
- WSASend(0x1f0, 0xc00004f038, 0x1, 0xc00004f020, 0x0, 0xc00004eff0, 0x0) = 0x0 (0)
- WSARecv(0x1f0, 0xc00004ef60, 0x1, 0xc00004ef48, 0xc00004efd0, 0xc00004ef18, 0x0) = 0xffffffff (-1)
- GetAddrInfoW("", 0x0, 0xc000031f18, 0xc000031e88) = 0x0 (0)
- WSASocketW(0x2, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x81) = 0x200 (512)
- WSASend(0x200, 0xc00004f2b8, 0x1, 0xc00004f2a0, 0x0, 0xc00004f270, 0x0) = 0x0 (0)
- WSARecv(0x200, 0xc00004f1e0, 0x1, 0xc00004f1c8, 0xc00004f250, 0xc00004f198, 0x0) = 0xffffffff (-1)


Tracing multiple functions in the DeimosC2 framework agent:

- WSASocketW(0x2, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x81) = 0x130 (304)
- setsockopt(0x130, 0xffff, 0x20, 0xc0000b7838, 0x4) = 0xffffffff (-1)
- socket(0x2, 0x1, 0x6) = 0x138 (312)
- WSAIoctl(0x138, 0xc8000006, 0xaf0870, 0x10, 0xb38730, 0x8, 0xc0000b746c, 0x0, 0x0) = 0x0 (0)
- GetModuleFileNameW(0x0, "C:\Users\user\Desktop\samples\deimos.exe", 0x400) = 0x2f (47)
- GetUserProfileDirectoryW(0x140, "C:\Users\user", 0xc0000b7a08) = 0x1 (1)
- LookupAccountSidw(0x0, 0xc00000e250, "user", 0xc0000b796c, "DESKTOP-TEST", 0xc0000b7970, 0xc0000b79f0) = 0x1 (1)
- NetUserGetInfo("DESKTOP-TEST", "user", 0xa, 0xc0000b7930) = 0x0 (0)
- GetComputerNameExW(0x5, "DESKTOP-TEST", 0xc0000b7b78) = 0x1 (1)
- GetAdaptersAddresses(0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0xc000120000, 0xc0000b79d0) = 0x0 (0)
- CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(0x2, 0x0) = 0x1b8 (440)
- GetCurrentProcessId() = 0x2584 (9604)
- GetCurrentDirectoryW(0x12c, "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs\retoolkit\bin") = 0x39 (57 )


Future features:

  • [x] Support inspection of 32 bits files.
  • [x] Add support to files calling functions via the "IAT jmp table" instead of the API call directly in asmstdcall.
  • [x] Add support to cmdline parameters for the target process
  • [ ] Send the tracing log output to a file by default to make it better to filter. Currently there's no separation between the target file and gftrace output. An alternative is redirect gftrace output to a file using the command line.

:warning: Warning

  • The tool inspects the target binary dynamically and it means the file being traced is executed. If you're inspecting a malware or an unknown software please make sure you do it in a controlled environment.
  • Golang programs can be very noisy depending the file and/or function being traced (e.g. VirtualAlloc is always called multiple times by the runtime package, CreateFileW is called multiple times before a call to CreateProcessW, etc). The tool ignores the Golang runtime initialization noise but after that it's up to the user to decide what functions are better to filter in each scenario.


The gftrace is published under the GPL v3 License. Please refer to the file named LICENSE for more information.

RepoReaper - An Automated Tool Crafted To Meticulously Scan And Identify Exposed .Git Repositories Within Specified Domains And Their Subdomains

By: Zion3R

RepoReaper is a precision tool designed to automate the identification of exposed .git repositories across a list of domains and subdomains. By processing a user-provided text file with domain names, RepoReaper systematically checks each for publicly accessible .git files. This enables rapid assessment and protection against information leaks, making RepoReaper an essential resource for security teams and web developers.

  • Automated scanning of domains and subdomains for exposed .git repositories.
  • Streamlines the detection of sensitive data exposures.
  • User-friendly command-line interface.
  • Ideal for security audits and Bug Bounty.


Clone the repository and install the required dependencies:

git clone
cd RepoReaper
pip install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x


RepoReaper is executed from the command line and will prompt for the path to a file containing a list of domains or subdomains to be scanned.

To start RepoReaper, simply run:


Upon execution, RepoReaper will ask for the path to the file containing the domains or subdomains: Enter the path of the file containing domains

Provide the path to your text file when prompted. The file should contain one domain or subdomain per line, like so:

RepoReaper will then proceed to scan the provided domains or subdomains for exposed .git repositories and report its findings.ย 


This tool is intended for educational purposes and security research only. The user assumes all responsibility for any damages or misuse resulting from its use.

SwaggerSpy - Automated OSINT On SwaggerHub

By: Zion3R

SwaggerSpy is a tool designed for automated Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) on SwaggerHub. This project aims to streamline the process of gathering intelligence from APIs documented on SwaggerHub, providing valuable insights for security researchers, developers, and IT professionals.

What is Swagger?

Swagger is an open-source framework that allows developers to design, build, document, and consume RESTful web services. It simplifies API development by providing a standard way to describe REST APIs using a JSON or YAML format. Swagger enables developers to create interactive documentation for their APIs, making it easier for both developers and non-developers to understand and use the API.

About SwaggerHub

SwaggerHub is a collaborative platform for designing, building, and managing APIs using the Swagger framework. It offers a centralized repository for API documentation, version control, and collaboration among team members. SwaggerHub simplifies the API development lifecycle by providing a unified platform for API design and testing.

Why OSINT on SwaggerHub?

Performing OSINT on SwaggerHub is crucial because developers, in their pursuit of efficient API documentation and sharing, may inadvertently expose sensitive information. Here are key reasons why OSINT on SwaggerHub is valuable:

  1. Developer Oversights: Developers might unintentionally include secrets, credentials, or sensitive information in API documentation on SwaggerHub. These oversights can lead to security vulnerabilities and unauthorized access if not identified and addressed promptly.

  2. Security Best Practices: OSINT on SwaggerHub helps enforce security best practices. Identifying and rectifying potential security issues early in the development lifecycle is essential to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of APIs.

  3. Preventing Data Leaks: By systematically scanning SwaggerHub for sensitive information, organizations can proactively prevent data leaks. This is especially crucial in today's interconnected digital landscape where APIs play a vital role in data exchange between services.

  4. Risk Mitigation: Understanding that developers might forget to remove or obfuscate sensitive details in API documentation underscores the importance of continuous OSINT on SwaggerHub. This proactive approach mitigates the risk of unintentional exposure of critical information.

  5. Compliance and Privacy: Many industries have stringent compliance requirements regarding the protection of sensitive data. OSINT on SwaggerHub ensures that APIs adhere to these regulations, promoting a culture of compliance and safeguarding user privacy.

  6. Educational Opportunities: Identifying oversights in SwaggerHub documentation provides educational opportunities for developers. It encourages a security-conscious mindset, fostering a culture of awareness and responsible information handling.

By recognizing that developers can inadvertently expose secrets, OSINT on SwaggerHub becomes an integral part of the overall security strategy, safeguarding against potential threats and promoting a secure API ecosystem.

How SwaggerSpy Works

SwaggerSpy obtains information from SwaggerHub and utilizes regular expressions to inspect API documentation for sensitive information, such as secrets and credentials.

Getting Started

To use SwaggerSpy, follow these steps:

  1. Installation: Clone the SwaggerSpy repository and install the required dependencies.
git clone
cd SwaggerSpy
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Usage: Run SwaggerSpy with the target search terms (more accurate with domains).
python searchterm
  1. Results: SwaggerSpy will generate a report containing OSINT findings, including information about the API, endpoints, and secrets.


SwaggerSpy is intended for educational and research purposes only. Users are responsible for ensuring that their use of this tool complies with applicable laws and regulations.


Contributions to SwaggerSpy are welcome! Feel free to submit issues, feature requests, or pull requests to help improve this tool.

About the Author

SwaggerSpy is developed and maintained by Alisson Moretto (UndeadSec)

I'm a passionate cyber threat intelligence pro who loves sharing insights and crafting cybersecurity tools.


Regular Expressions Enhancement
  • [ ] Review and improve existing regular expressions.
  • [ ] Ensure that regular expressions adhere to best practices.
  • [ ] Check for any potential optimizations in the regex patterns.
  • [ ] Test regular expressions with various input scenarios for accuracy.
  • [ ] Document any complex or non-trivial regex patterns for better understanding.
  • [ ] Explore opportunities to modularize or break down complex patterns.
  • [ ] Verify the regular expressions against the latest specifications or requirements.
  • [ ] Update documentation to reflect any changes made to the regular expressions.


SwaggerSpy is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Special thanks to @Liodeus for providing project inspiration through swaggerHole.

CloudMiner - Execute Code Using Azure Automation Service Without Getting Charged

By: Zion3R

Execute code within Azure Automation service without getting charged


CloudMiner is a tool designed to get free computing power within Azure Automation service. The tool utilizes the upload module/package flow to execute code which is totally free to use. This tool is intended for educational and research purposes only and should be used responsibly and with proper authorization.

  • This flow was reported to Microsoft on 3/23 which decided to not change the service behavior as it's considered as "by design". As for 3/9/23, this tool can still be used without getting charged.

  • Each execution is limited to 3 hours


  1. Python 3.8+ with the libraries mentioned in the file requirements.txt
  2. Configured Azure CLI -
    • Account must be logged in before using this tool


pip install .


usage: [-h] --path PATH --id ID -c COUNT [-t TOKEN] [-r REQUIREMENTS] [-v]

CloudMiner - Free computing power in Azure Automation Service

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--path PATH the script path (Powershell or Python)
--id ID id of the Automation Account - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Automation/a
-c COUNT, --count COUNT
number of executions
-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
Azure access token (optional). If not provided, token will be retrieved using the Azure CLI
Path to requirements file to be installed and use by the script (relevant to Python scripts only)
-v, --verbose Enable verbose mode

Example usage




CloudMiner is released under the BSD 3-Clause License. Feel free to modify and distribute this tool responsibly, while adhering to the license terms.

Author - Ariel Gamrian

Nemesis - An Offensive Data Enrichment Pipeline

By: Zion3R

Nemesis is an offensive data enrichment pipeline and operator support system.

Built on Kubernetes with scale in mind, our goal with Nemesis was to create a centralized data processing platform that ingests data produced during offensive security assessments.

Nemesis aims to automate a number of repetitive tasks operators encounter on engagements, empower operatorsโ€™ analytic capabilities and collective knowledge, and create structured and unstructured data stores of as much operational data as possible to help guide future research and facilitate offensive data analysis.

Setup / Installation

See the setup instructions.

Contributing / Development Environment Setup


Further Reading

Post Name Publication Date Link
Hacking With Your Nemesis Aug 9, 2023
Challenges In Post-Exploitation Workflows Aug 2, 2023
On (Structured) Data Jul 26, 2023


Nemesis is built on large chunk of other people's work. Throughout the codebase we've provided citations, references, and applicable licenses for anything used or adapted from public sources. If we're forgotten proper credit anywhere, please let us know or submit a pull request!

We also want to acknowledge Evan McBroom, Hope Walker, and Carlo Alcantara from SpecterOps for their help with the initial Nemesis concept and amazing feedback throughout the development process.

PipeViewer - A Tool That Shows Detailed Information About Named Pipes In Windows

By: Zion3R

A GUI tool for viewing Windows Named Pipes and searching for insecure permissions.

The tool was published as part of a research about Docker named pipes:
"Breaking Docker Named Pipes SYSTEMatically: Docker Desktop Privilege Escalation โ€“ Part 1"
"Breaking Docker Named Pipes SYSTEMatically: Docker Desktop Privilege Escalation โ€“ Part 2"


PipeViewer is a GUI tool that allows users to view details about Windows Named pipes and their permissions. It is designed to be useful for security researchers who are interested in searching for named pipes with weak permissions or testing the security of named pipes. With PipeViewer, users can easily view and analyze information about named pipes on their systems, helping them to identify potential security vulnerabilities and take appropriate steps to secure their systems.


Double-click the EXE binary and you will get the list of all named pipes.


We used Visual Studio to compile it.
When downloading it from GitHub you might get error of block files, you can use PowerShell to unblock them:

Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\tmp\PipeViewer-main' -Recurse | Unblock-File


We built the project and uploaded it so you can find it in the releases.
One problem is that the binary will trigger alerts from Windows Defender because it uses the NtObjerManager package which is flagged as virus.
Note that James Forshaw talked about it here.
We can't change it because we depend on third-party DLL.


  • A detailed overview of named pipes.
  • Filter\highlight rows based on cells.
  • Bold specific rows.
  • Export\Import to\from JSON.
  • PipeChat - create a connection with available named pipes.




We want to thank James Forshaw (@tyranid) for creating the open source NtApiDotNet which allowed us to get information about named pipes.


Copyright (c) 2023 CyberArk Software Ltd. All rights reserved
This repository is licensed under Apache-2.0 License - see LICENSE for more details.


For more comments, suggestions or questions, you can contact Eviatar Gerzi (@g3rzi) and CyberArk Labs.

SMShell - Send Commands And Receive Responses Over SMS From Mobile Broadband Capable Computers

By: Zion3R

PoC for an SMS-based shell. Send commands and receive responses over SMS from mobile broadband capable computers.

This tool came as an insipiration during a research on eSIM security implications led by Markus Vervier, presented at Offensivecon 2023


This is not a complete C2 but rather a simple Proof of Concept for executing commands remotely over SMS.


For the shell to work you need to devices capable of sending SMS. The victim's computer should be equiped with WWAN module with either a physical SIM or eSIM deployed.

On the operator's end, two tools are provided:

  • .NET binary which uses an embedded WWAN module
  • Python script which uses an external Huaweu MiFi thourgh its API

Of course, you could in theory use any online SMS provider on the operator's end via their API.


On the victim simply execute the client-agent.exe binary. If the agent is compiled as a Console Application you should see some verbose messages. If it's compiled as a Windows Application (best for real engagements), there will be no GUI.

The operator must specify the victim's phone number as a parameter:

server-console.exe +306912345678

Whereas if you use the python script you must additionally specify the MiFi details:

python3 --mifi-ip --mifi-username admin --mifi-password 12345678 --number +306912345678 -v

A demo as presented by Markus at Offensive is shown below. On the left is the operator's VM with a MiFi attached, whereas on the right window is client agent.

ADCSKiller - An ADCS Exploitation Automation Tool Weaponizing Certipy And Coercer

By: Zion3R

ADCSKiller is a Python-based tool designed to automate the process of discovering and exploiting Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS) vulnerabilities. It leverages features of Certipy and Coercer to simplify the process of attacking ADCS infrastructure. Please note that the ADCSKiller is currently in its first drafts and will undergo further refinements and additions in future updates for sure.


  • Enumerate Domain Administrators via LDAP
  • Enumerate Domaincontrollers via LDAP
  • Enumerate Certificate Authorities via Certipy
  • Exploitation of ESC1
  • Exploitation of ESC8


Since this tool relies on Certipy and Coercer, both tools have to be installed first.

git clone && cd Certipy && python3 install
git clone && cd Coercer && pip install -r requirements.txt && python3 install
git clone && cd ADCSKiller && pip install -r requirements.txt



-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
Target domain name. Use FQDN
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
-dc-ip TARGET, --target TARGET
IP Address of the domain controller.
-L LHOST, --lhost LHOST
FQDN of the listener machine - An ADIDNS is probably required


  • Tests, Tests, Tests
  • Enumerate principals which are allowed to dcsync
  • Use dirkjanm's to receive a ticket instead of Certipy auth
  • Support DC Certificate Authorities
  • ESC2 - ESC7
  • ESC9 - ESC11?
  • Automated add an ADIDNS entry if required
  • Support DCSync functionality


VX-API - Collection Of Various Malicious Functionality To Aid In Malware Development

By: Zion3R


The VX-API is a collection of malicious functionality to aid in malware development. It is recommended you clone and/or download this entire repo then open the Visual Studio solution file to easily explore functionality and concepts.

Some functions may be dependent on other functions present within the solution file. Using the solution file provided here will make it easier to identify which other functionality and/or header data is required.

You're free to use this in any manner you please. You do not need to use this entire solution for your malware proof-of-concepts or Red Team engagements. Strip, copy, paste, delete, or edit this projects contents as much as you'd like.

List of features


Function Name Original Author
AdfCloseHandleOnInvalidAddress Checkpoint Research
AdfIsCreateProcessDebugEventCodeSet Checkpoint Research
AdfOpenProcessOnCsrss Checkpoint Research
CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent2 ReactOS
IsDebuggerPresentEx smelly__vx
IsIntelHardwareBreakpointPresent Checkpoint Research

Cryptography Related

Function Name Original Author
HashStringDjb2 Dan Bernstein
HashStringFowlerNollVoVariant1a Glenn Fowler, Landon Curt Noll, and Kiem-Phong Vo
HashStringJenkinsOneAtATime32Bit Bob Jenkins
HashStringLoseLose Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie
HashStringRotr32 T. Oshiba (1972)
HashStringSdbm Ozan Yigit
HashStringSuperFastHash Paul Hsieh
HashStringUnknownGenericHash1A Unknown
HashStringSipHash RistBS
HashStringMurmur RistBS
CreateMd5HashFromFilePath Microsoft
CreatePseudoRandomInteger Apple (c) 1999
CreatePseudoRandomString smelly__vx
HashFileByMsiFileHashTable smelly__vx
CreatePseudoRandomIntegerFromNtdll smelly__vx
LzMaximumCompressBuffer smelly__vx
LzMaximumDecompressBuffer smelly__vx
LzStandardCompressBuffer smelly__vx
LzStandardDecompressBuffer smelly__vx
XpressHuffMaximumCompressBuffer smelly__vx
XpressHuffMaximumDecompressBuffer smelly__vx
XpressHuffStandardCompressBuffer smelly__vx
XpressHuffStandardDecompressBuffer smelly__vx
XpressMaximumCompressBuffer smelly__vx
XpressMaximumDecompressBuffer smelly__vx
XpressStandardCompressBuffer smelly__vx
XpressStandardDecompressBuffer smelly__vx
ExtractFilesFromCabIntoTarget smelly__vx

Error Handling

Function Name Original Author
GetLastErrorFromTeb smelly__vx
GetLastNtStatusFromTeb smelly__vx
RtlNtStatusToDosErrorViaImport ReactOS
GetLastErrorFromTeb smelly__vx
SetLastErrorInTeb smelly__vx
SetLastNtStatusInTeb smelly__vx
Win32FromHResult Raymond Chen


Function Name Original Author
AmsiBypassViaPatternScan ZeroMemoryEx
DelayedExecutionExecuteOnDisplayOff am0nsec and smelly__vx
HookEngineRestoreHeapFree rad9800
MasqueradePebAsExplorer smelly__vx
RemoveDllFromPeb rad9800
RemoveRegisterDllNotification Rad98, Peter Winter-Smith
SleepObfuscationViaVirtualProtect 5pider
RtlSetBaseUnicodeCommandLine TheWover


Function Name Original Author
GetCurrentLocaleFromTeb 3xp0rt
GetNumberOfLinkedDlls smelly__vx
GetOsBuildNumberFromPeb smelly__vx
GetOsMajorVersionFromPeb smelly__vx
GetOsMinorVersionFromPeb smelly__vx
GetOsPlatformIdFromPeb smelly__vx
IsNvidiaGraphicsCardPresent smelly__vx
IsProcessRunning smelly__vx
IsProcessRunningAsAdmin Vimal Shekar
GetPidFromNtQuerySystemInformation smelly__vx
GetPidFromWindowsTerminalService modexp
GetPidFromWmiComInterface aalimian and modexp
GetPidFromEnumProcesses smelly__vx
GetPidFromPidBruteForcing modexp
GetPidFromNtQueryFileInformation modexp, Lloyd Davies, Jonas Lyk
GetPidFromPidBruteForcingExW smelly__vx, LLoyd Davies, Jonas Lyk, modexp

Helper Functions

Function Name Original Author
CreateLocalAppDataObjectPath smelly__vx
CreateWindowsObjectPath smelly__vx
GetCurrentDirectoryFromUserProcessParameters smelly__vx
GetCurrentProcessIdFromTeb ReactOS
GetCurrentUserSid Giovanni Dicanio
GetCurrentWindowTextFromUserProcessParameter smelly__vx
GetFileSizeFromPath smelly__vx
GetProcessHeapFromTeb smelly__vx
GetProcessPathFromLoaderLoadModule smelly__vx
GetProcessPathFromUserProcessParameters smelly__vx
GetSystemWindowsDirectory Geoff Chappell
IsPathValid smelly__vx
RecursiveFindFile Luke
SetProcessPrivilegeToken Microsoft
IsDllLoaded smelly__vx
TryLoadDllMultiMethod smelly__vx
CreateThreadAndWaitForCompletion smelly__vx
GetProcessBinaryNameFromHwndW smelly__vx
GetByteArrayFromFile smelly__vx
Ex_GetHandleOnDeviceHttpCommunication x86matthew
IsRegistryKeyValid smelly__vx
FastcallExecuteBinaryShellExecuteEx smelly__vx
GetCurrentProcessIdFromOffset RistBS
GetPeBaseAddress smelly__vx
LdrLoadGetProcedureAddress c5pider
IsPeSection smelly__vx
AddSectionToPeFile smelly__vx
WriteDataToPeSection smelly__vx
GetPeSectionSizeInByte smelly__vx
ReadDataFromPeSection smelly__vx
GetCurrentProcessNoForward ReactOS
GetCurrentThreadNoForward ReactOS

Library Loading

Function Name Original Author
GetKUserSharedData Geoff Chappell
GetModuleHandleEx2 smelly__vx
GetPeb 29a
GetPebFromTeb ReactOS
GetProcAddress 29a Volume 2, c5pider
GetProcAddressDjb2 smelly__vx
GetProcAddressFowlerNollVoVariant1a smelly__vx
GetProcAddressJenkinsOneAtATime32Bit smelly__vx
GetProcAddressLoseLose smelly__vx
GetProcAddressRotr32 smelly__vx
GetProcAddressSdbm smelly__vx
GetProcAddressSuperFastHash smelly__vx
GetProcAddressUnknownGenericHash1 smelly__vx
GetProcAddressSipHash RistBS
GetProcAddressMurmur RistBS
GetRtlUserProcessParameters ReactOS
GetTeb ReactOS
RtlLoadPeHeaders smelly__vx
ProxyWorkItemLoadLibrary Rad98, Peter Winter-Smith
ProxyRegisterWaitLoadLibrary Rad98, Peter Winter-Smith

Lsass Dumping

Function Name Original Author
MpfGetLsaPidFromServiceManager modexp
MpfGetLsaPidFromRegistry modexp
MpfGetLsaPidFromNamedPipe modexp

Network Connectivity

Function Name Original Author
UrlDownloadToFileSynchronous Hans Passant
ConvertIPv4IpAddressStructureToString smelly__vx
ConvertIPv4StringToUnsignedLong smelly__vx
SendIcmpEchoMessageToIPv4Host smelly__vx
ConvertIPv4IpAddressUnsignedLongToString smelly__vx
DnsGetDomainNameIPv4AddressAsString smelly__vx
DnsGetDomainNameIPv4AddressUnsignedLong smelly__vx
GetDomainNameFromUnsignedLongIPV4Address smelly__vx
GetDomainNameFromIPV4AddressAsString smelly__vx


Function Name Original Author
OleGetClipboardData Microsoft
MpfComVssDeleteShadowVolumeBackups am0nsec
MpfComModifyShortcutTarget Unknown
MpfComMonitorChromeSessionOnce smelly__vx
MpfExtractMaliciousPayloadFromZipFileNoPassword Codu

Process Creation

Function Name Original Author
CreateProcessFromIHxHelpPaneServer James Forshaw
CreateProcessFromIHxInteractiveUser James Forshaw
CreateProcessFromIShellDispatchInvoke Mohamed Fakroud
CreateProcessFromShellExecuteInExplorerProcess Microsoft
CreateProcessViaNtCreateUserProcess CaptMeelo
CreateProcessWithCfGuard smelly__vx and Adam Chester
CreateProcessByWindowsRHotKey smelly__vx
CreateProcessByWindowsRHotKeyEx smelly__vx
CreateProcessFromINFSectionInstallStringNoCab smelly__vx
CreateProcessFromINFSetupCommand smelly__vx
CreateProcessFromINFSectionInstallStringNoCab2 smelly__vx
CreateProcessFromIeFrameOpenUrl smelly__vx
CreateProcessFromPcwUtil smelly__vx
CreateProcessFromShdocVwOpenUrl smelly__vx
CreateProcessFromShell32ShellExecRun smelly__vx
MpfExecute64bitPeBinaryInMemoryFromByteArrayNoReloc aaaddress1
CreateProcessFromWmiWin32_ProcessW CIA
CreateProcessFromZipfldrRouteCall smelly__vx
CreateProcessFromUrlFileProtocolHandler smelly__vx
CreateProcessFromUrlOpenUrl smelly__vx
CreateProcessFromMsHTMLW smelly__vx

Process Injection

Function Name Original Author
MpfPiControlInjection SafeBreach Labs
MpfPiQueueUserAPCViaAtomBomb SafeBreach Labs
MpfPiWriteProcessMemoryCreateRemoteThread SafeBreach Labs
MpfProcessInjectionViaProcessReflection Deep Instinct

Proxied Functions

Function Name Original Author
IeCreateFile smelly__vx
CopyFileViaSetupCopyFile smelly__vx
CreateFileFromDsCopyFromSharedFile Jonas Lyk
DeleteDirectoryAndSubDataViaDelNode smelly__vx
DeleteFileWithCreateFileFlag smelly__vx
IsProcessRunningAsAdmin2 smelly__vx
IeCreateDirectory smelly__vx
IeDeleteFile smelly__vx
IeFindFirstFile smelly__vx
IEGetFileAttributesEx smelly__vx
IeMoveFileEx smelly__vx
IeRemoveDirectory smelly__vx

Shellcode Execution

Function Name Original Author
MpfSceViaImmEnumInputContext alfarom256, aahmad097
MpfSceViaCertFindChainInStore alfarom256, aahmad097
MpfSceViaEnumPropsExW alfarom256, aahmad097
MpfSceViaCreateThreadpoolWait alfarom256, aahmad097
MpfSceViaCryptEnumOIDInfo alfarom256, aahmad097
MpfSceViaDSA_EnumCallback alfarom256, aahmad097
MpfSceViaCreateTimerQueueTimer alfarom256, aahmad097
MpfSceViaEvtSubscribe alfarom256, aahmad097
MpfSceViaFlsAlloc alfarom256, aahmad097
MpfSceViaInitOnceExecuteOnce alfarom256, aahmad097
MpfSceViaEnumChildWindows alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaCDefFolderMenu_Create2 alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaCertEnumSystemStore alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaCertEnumSystemStoreLocation alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumDateFormatsW alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumDesktopWindows alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumDesktopsW alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumDirTreeW alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumDisplayMonitors alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumFontFamiliesExW alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumFontsW alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumLanguageGroupLocalesW alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumObjects alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumResourceTypesExW alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumSystemCodePagesW alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumSystemGeoID alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumSystemLanguageGroupsW alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumSystemLocalesEx alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumThreadWindows alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumTimeFormatsEx alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumUILanguagesW alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumWindowStationsW alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumWindows alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumerateLoadedModules64 alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaK32EnumPageFilesW alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaEnumPwrSchemes alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaMessageBoxIndirectW alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaChooseColorW alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaClusWorkerCreate alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaSymEnumProcesses alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaImageGetDigestStream alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaVerifierEnumerateResource alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h
MpfSceViaSymEnumSourceFiles alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h

String Manipulation

Function Name Original Author
ByteArrayToCharArray smelly__vx
CharArrayToByteArray smelly__vx
ShlwapiCharStringToWCharString smelly__vx
ShlwapiWCharStringToCharString smelly__vx
CharStringToWCharString smelly__vx
WCharStringToCharString smelly__vx
RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString ReactOS
RtlInitUnicodeString ReactOS
CaplockString simonc
CopyMemoryEx ReactOS
SecureStringCopy Apple (c) 1999
StringCompare Apple (c) 1999
StringConcat Apple (c) 1999
StringCopy Apple (c) 1999
StringFindSubstring Apple (c) 1999
StringLength Apple (c) 1999
StringLocateChar Apple (c) 1999
StringRemoveSubstring smelly__vx
StringTerminateStringAtChar smelly__vx
StringToken Apple (c) 1999
ZeroMemoryEx ReactOS
ConvertCharacterStringToIntegerUsingNtdll smelly__vx
MemoryFindMemory KamilCuk

UAC Bypass

Function Name Original Author

Rad98 Hooking Engine

Function Name Original Author
InitHardwareBreakpointEngine rad98
ShutdownHardwareBreakpointEngine rad98
ExceptionHandlerCallbackRoutine rad98
SetHardwareBreakpoint rad98
InsertDescriptorEntry rad98
RemoveDescriptorEntry rad98
SnapshotInsertHardwareBreakpointHookIntoTargetThread rad98

Generic Shellcode

Function Name Original Author
GenericShellcodeHelloWorldMessageBoxA SafeBreach Labs
GenericShellcodeHelloWorldMessageBoxAEbFbLoop SafeBreach Labs
GenericShellcodeOpenCalcExitThread MsfVenom

yaraQA - YARA Rule Analyzer To Improve Rule Quality And Performance

By: Zion3R

YARA rule Analyzer to improve rule quality and performance


YARA rules can be syntactically correct but still dysfunctional. yaraQA tries to find and report these issues to the author or maintainer of a YARA rule set.

The issues yaraQA tries to detect are e.g.:

  • rules that are syntactically correct but never match due to errors in the condition (e.g. rule with one string and 2 of them in the condition)
  • rules that use string and modifier combinations that are probably wrong (e.g. $ = "\\Debug\\" fullword)
  • performance issues caused by short atoms, repeating characters or loops (e.g. $ = "AA"; can be excluded from the analysis using --ignore-performance)

I'm going to extend the test set over time. Each minor version will include new features or new tests.

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt


directory (YARA rules folders, separated by space) -o outfile Output file that lists the issues (JSON, default: 'yaraQA-issues.json') -b baseline Use a issues baseline (issues found and reviewed before) to filter issues -l level Minium level to show (1=informational, 2=warning, 3=critical) --ignore-performance Suppress performance-related rule issues --debug Debug output" dir="auto">
usage: [-h] [-f yara files [yara files ...]] [-d yara files [yara files ...]] [-o outfile] [-b baseline] [-l level]
[--ignore-performance] [--debug]


optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f yara files [yara files ...]
Path to input files (one or more YARA rules, separated by space)
-d yara files [yara files ...]
Path to input directory (YARA rules folders, separated by space)
-o outfile Output file that lists the issues (JSON, default: 'yaraQA-issues.json')
-b baseline Use a issues baseline (issues found and reviewed before) to filter issues
-l level Minium level to show (1=informational, 2=warning, 3=critical)
--ignore-performance Suppress performance-related rule issues
--debug Debug output

Try it out

python3 -d ./test/

Suppress all performance issues and only show detection / logic issues.

python3 -d ./test/ --ignore-performance

Suppress all issues of informational character

python3 -d ./test/ -level 2

Use a baseline to only see new issues (not the ones that you've already reviewed). The baseline file is an old JSON output of a reviewed state.

python3 -d ./test/ -b yaraQA-reviewed-issues.json

Example Rules with Issues

Example rules with issues can be found in the ./test folder.


yaraQA writes the detected issues to a file named yaraQA-issues.json by default.

This listing shows an example of the output generated by yaraQA in JSON format:

binary 0 in front or a space after the string). Every additional byte helps." }, { "rule": "Demo_Rule_3_Fullword_FilePath_Section", "id": "SM3", "issue": "The rule uses a string with the modifier 'fullword' but it starts and ends with two backslashes and thus the modifier could lead to a dysfunctional rule.", "element": { "name": "$s1", "value": "\\\\ZombieBoy\\\\", "type": "text", "modifiers": [ "ascii", "fullword" ] }, "level": "warning", "type": "logic", "recommendation": "Remove the 'fullword' modifier" }, { "rule": "Demo_Rule_4_Condition_Never_Matches", "id": "CE1", "issue": "The rule uses a condition that will never match", "element": { "condition_segment": "2 of", "num_of_strings": 1 }, "level": "error", "type": "logic", "recommendation": "Fix the condition" }, { "rule": "Demo_Rule_5_Condition_Short_String_At_Pos", "id": "PA1", "issue": "This rule looks for a short string at a particular position. A short string represents a short atom and could be rewritten to an expression using uint(x) at position.", "element": { "condition_segment": "$mz at 0", "string": "$mz", "value": "MZ" }, "level": "warning", "type": "performance", "recommendation": "" }, { "rule": "Demo_Rule_5_Condition_Short_String_At_Pos", "id": "PA2", "issue": "The rule contains a string that turns out to be a very short atom, which could cause a reduced performance of the complete rule set or increased memory usage.", "element": { "name": "$mz", "value": "MZ", "type": "text", "modifiers": [ "ascii" ] }, "level": "warning", "type": "performance", "recommendation": "Try to avoid using such short atoms, by e.g. adding a few more bytes to the beginning or the end (e.g. add a binary 0 in front or a space after the string). Every additional byte helps." }, { "rule": "Demo_Rule_6_Condition_Short_Byte_At_Pos", "id": "PA1", "issue": "This rule looks for a short string at a particular position. A short string represents a short atom and could be rewritten to an expression using uint(x) at position.", "element": { "condition_segment": "$mz at 0", "string": "$mz", "value": "{ 4d 5a }" }, "level": "warning", "type": "performance", "recommendation": "" }, { "rule": "Demo_Rule_6_Condition_Short_Byte_At_Pos", "id": "PA2", "issue": "The rule contains a string that turns out to be a very short atom, which could cause a reduced performance of the complete rule set or increased memory usage.", "element": { "name": "$mz", "value": "{ 4d 5a }", "type": "byte" }, "level": "warning", "type": "performance", "recommendation": "Try to avoid using such short atoms, by e.g. adding a few more bytes to the beginning or the end (e.g. add a binary 0 in front or a space after the string). Every additional byte helps." }, { "rule": "Demo_Rule_6_Condition_Short_Byte_At_Pos", "id": "SM3", "issue": "The rule uses a string with the modifier 'fullword' but it starts and ends with two backslashes and thus the modifier could lead to a dysfunctional rule.", "element": { "name": "$s1", "value": "\\\\Section\\\\in\\\\Path\\\\", "type": "text", "modifiers": [ "ascii", "fullword" ] }, "level": "warning", "type": "logic", "recommendation": "Remove the 'fullword' modifier" } ]" dir="auto">
"rule": "Demo_Rule_1_Fullword_PDB",
"id": "SM1",
"issue": "The rule uses a PDB string with the modifier 'wide'. PDB strings are always included as ASCII strings. The 'wide' keyword is unneeded.",
"element": {
"name": "$s1",
"value": "\\\\i386\\\\mimidrv.pdb",
"type": "text",
"modifiers": [
"level": "info",
"type": "logic",
"recommendation": "Remove the 'wide' modifier"
"rule": "Demo_Rule_1_Fullword_PDB",
"id": "SM2",
"issue": "The rule uses a PDB string with the modifier 'fullword' but it starts with two backslashes and thus the modifier could lead to a dysfunctional rule.",
"element": {
"name": " $s1",
"value": "\\\\i386\\\\mimidrv.pdb",
"type": "text",
"modifiers": [
"level": "warning",
"type": "logic",
"recommendation": "Remove the 'fullword' modifier"
"rule": "Demo_Rule_2_Short_Atom",
"id": "PA2",
"issue": "The rule contains a string that turns out to be a very short atom, which could cause a reduced performance of the complete rule set or increased memory usage.",
"element": {
"name": "$s1",
"value": "{ 01 02 03 }",
"type": "byte"
"level": "warning",
"type": "performance",
"recommendation": "Try to avoid using such short atoms, by e.g. adding a few more bytes to the beginning or the end (e.g. add a binary 0 in front or a space after the string). Every additional byte helps."
"rule": "Demo_Rule_3_Fullword_FilePath_Section",
"id": "SM3",
"issue": "The rule uses a string with the modifier 'fullword' but it starts and ends with two backslashes and thus the modifier could lead to a dysfunctional rule.",
"element": {
"name": "$s1",
"value": "\\\\ZombieBoy\\\\",
"type": "text",
"modifiers": [
"level": "warning",
"type": "logic",
"recommendation": "Remove the 'fullword' modifier"
"rule": "Demo_Rule_4_Condition_Never_Matches",
"id": "CE1",
"issue": "The rule uses a condition that will never match",
"element": {
"condition_segment": "2 of",
"num_of_strings": 1
"level": "error",
"type": "logic",
"recommendation": "Fix the condition"
"rule": "Demo_Rule_5_Condition_Short_String_At_Pos",
"id": "PA1",
"issue": "This rule looks for a short string at a particular position. A short string represents a short atom and could be rewritten to an expression using uint(x) at position.",
"element": {
"condition_segment": "$mz at 0",
"string": "$mz",
"value": "MZ"
"level": "warning",
"type": "performance",
"recommendation": ""
"rule": "Demo_Rule_5_Condition_Short_String_At_Pos",
"id": "PA2",
"issue": "The rule contains a string that turns out to be a very short atom, which could cause a reduced performance of the complete rule set or increased memory usage.",< br/> "element": {
"name": "$mz",
"value": "MZ",
"type": "text",
"modifiers": [
"level": "warning",
"type": "performance",
"recommendation": "Try to avoid using such short atoms, by e.g. adding a few more bytes to the beginning or the end (e.g. add a binary 0 in front or a space after the string). Every additional byte helps."
"rule": "Demo_Rule_6_Condition_Short_Byte_At_Pos",
"id": "PA1",
"issue": "This rule looks for a short string at a particular position. A short string represents a short atom and could be rewritten to an expression using uint(x) at position.",
"element": {
"condition_segment": "$mz at 0",
"string": "$mz",
"value": "{ 4d 5a }"
"level": "warning",
"type": "performance",
"recommendation": ""
"rule": "Demo_Rule_6_Condition_Short_Byte_At_Pos",
"id": "PA2",
"issue": "The rule contains a string that turns out to be a very short atom, which could cause a reduced performance of the complete rule set or increased memory usage.",
"element": {
"name": "$mz",
"value": "{ 4d 5a }",
"type": "byte"
"level": "warning",
"type": "performance",
"recommendation": "Try to avoid using such short atoms, by e.g. adding a few more bytes to the beginning or the end (e.g. add a binary 0 in front or a space after the string). Every additional byte helps."
"rule": "Demo_Rule_6_Condition_Short_Byte_At_Pos",
"id": "SM3",
"issue": "The rule uses a string with the modifier 'fullword' but it starts and ends with two backsla shes and thus the modifier could lead to a dysfunctional rule.",
"element": {
"name": "$s1",
"value": "\\\\Section\\\\in\\\\Path\\\\",
"type": "text",
"modifiers": [
"level": "warning",
"type": "logic",
"recommendation": "Remove the 'fullword' modifier"


Handle-Ripper - Windows Handle Hijacker

By: Zion3R

  • Handle hijacking is a technique used in Windows operating systems to gain access to resources and resources of a system without permission. It is a type of privilege escalation attack in which a malicious user takes control of an object handle, which is an identifier that is used to reference a system object, such as a file, a directory, a process, or an event. This allows the malicious user to gain access to resources that should be inaccessible to them.

  • Handle hijacking is a serious threat to system security as it allows a malicious user to access resources and data that should otherwise be protected. It can also be used to inject code into a vulnerable system, allowing the attacker to gain access to information and resources.

  • Handle hijacking techniques are becoming increasingly prevalent as hackers develop more sophisticated methods of exploiting vulnerabilities in Windows systems. As such, it is important that system administrators understand the risks associated with handle hijacking and take proactive measures to protect their systems.


  • To perform a handle hijacking attack, an attacker must first identify a handle that is being used by a legitimate process and that they want to access. This can be done using various techniques, such as scanning the handle table of a process, monitoring handle creation events, or using a tool that can enumerate handles on the system ,Once the attacker has identified the handle they want to access, they can use the DuplicateHandle function to create a copy of the handle with their own process. This function takes the following parameters:

    • hSourceProcessHandle: A handle to the process that contains the source handle.
    • hSourceHandle: A handle to the object to duplicate.
    • hTargetProcessHandle: A handle to the process that is to receive the duplicated handle.
    • lpTargetHandle: A pointer to a variable that receives the handle value.
    • dwDesiredAccess: The access rights for the duplicated handle.
    • bInheritHandle: A value that specifies whether the handle is inheritable.
    • dwOptions: Additional options for the handle duplication.
  • The DuplicateHandle function will create a new handle with the specified access rights and options, and return it in the lpTargetHandle parameter. The attacker can then use this handle to access the resource that it represents, allowing them to perform actions on the resource that they would not normally be able to do.

Bypass-Sandbox-Evasion - Bypass Malware Sandbox Evasion Ram Check

By: Zion3R

Sandboxes are commonly used to analyze malware. They provide a temporary, isolated, and secure environment in which to observe whether a suspicious file exhibits any malicious behavior. However, malware developers have also developed methods to evade sandboxes and analysis environments. One such method is to perform checks to determine whether the machine the malware is being executed on is being operated by a real user. One such check is the RAM size. If the RAM size is unrealistically small (e.g., 1GB), it may indicate that the machine is a sandbox. If the malware detects a sandbox, it will not execute its true malicious behavior and may appear to be a benign file


  • The GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory API retrieves the amount of RAM that is physically installed on the computer from the SMBIOS firmware tables. It takes a PULONGLONG parameter and returns TRUE if the function succeeds, setting the TotalMemoryInKilobytes to a nonzero value. If the function fails, it returns FALSE.

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  • The amount of physical memory retrieved by the GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory function must be equal to or greater than the amount reported by the GlobalMemoryStatusEx function; if it is less, the SMBIOS data is malformed and the function fails with ERROR_INVALID_DATA, Malformed SMBIOS data may indicate a problem with the user's computer .

  • The register rcx holds the parameter TotalMemoryInKilobytes. To overwrite the jump address of GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory, I use the following opcodes: mov qword ptr ss:[rcx],4193B840. This moves the value 4193B840 (or 1.1 TB) to rcx. Then, the ret instruction is used to pop the return address off the stack and jump to it, Therefore, whenever GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory is called, it will set rcx to the custom value."

KubeStalk - Discovers Kubernetes And Related Infrastructure Based Attack Surface From A Black-Box Perspective


KubeStalk is a tool to discover Kubernetes and related infrastructure based attack surface from a black-box perspective. This tool is a community version of the tool used to probe for unsecured Kubernetes clusters around the internet during Project Resonance - Wave 9.


The GIF below demonstrates usage of the tool:


KubeStalk is written in Python and requires the requests library.

To install the tool, you can clone the repository to any directory:

git clone

Once cloned, you need to install the requests library using python3 -m pip install requests or:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Everything is setup and you can use the tool directly.

Command-line Arguments

A list of command line arguments supported by the tool can be displayed using the -h flag.

$ python3  -h

| K U B E S T A L K |
+---------------------+ v0.1

[!] KubeStalk by RedHunt Labs - A Modern Attack Surface (ASM) Management Company
[!] Author: 0xInfection (RHL Research Team)
[!] Continuously Track Your Attack Surface using

usage: ./ <url(s)>/<cidr>

Required Arguments:
urls List of hosts to scan

Optional Arguments:
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output path to write the CSV file to
-f SIG_FILE, --sig-dir SIG_FILE
Signature directory path to load
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
HTTP timeout value in seconds
-ua USER_AGENT, --user-agent USER_AGENT
User agent header t o set in HTTP requests
--concurrency CONCURRENCY
No. of hosts to process simultaneously
--verify-ssl Verify SSL certificates
--version Display the version of KubeStalk and exit.

Basic Usage

To use the tool, you can pass one or more hosts to the script. All targets passed to the tool must be RFC 3986 complaint, i.e. must contain a scheme and hostname (and port if required).

A basic usage is as below:

$ python3 https://โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ.โ–ˆโ–ˆ.โ–ˆโ–ˆ.โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ:10250

| K U B E S T A L K |
+---------------------+ v0.1

[!] KubeStalk by RedHunt Labs - A Modern Attack Surface (ASM) Management Company
[!] Author: 0xInfection (RHL Research Team)
[!] Continuously Track Your Attack Surface using

[+] Loaded 10 signatures to scan.
[*] Processing host: https://โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ.โ–ˆโ–ˆ.โ–ˆโ–ˆ.โ–ˆโ–ˆ:10250
[!] Found potential issue on https://โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ.โ–ˆโ–ˆ.โ–ˆโ–ˆ.โ–ˆโ–ˆ:10250: Kubernetes Pod List Exposure
[*] Writing results to output file.
[+] Done.

HTTP Tuning

HTTP requests can be fine-tuned using the -t (to mention HTTP timeouts), -ua (to specify custom user agents) and the --verify-ssl (to validate SSL certificates while making requests).


You can control the number of hosts to scan simultanously using the --concurrency flag. The default value is set to 5.


The output is written to a CSV filea and can be controlled by the --output flag.

A sample of the CSV output rendered in markdown is as belows:

host path issue type severity
https://โ–ˆ.โ–ˆ.โ–ˆ.โ–ˆ:10250 /pods Kubernetes Pod List Exposure core-component vulnerability/misconfiguration
https://โ–ˆ.โ–ˆ.โ–ˆ.โ–ˆ:443 /api/v1/pods Kubernetes Pod List Exposure core-component vulnerability/misconfiguration
http://โ–ˆ.โ–ˆ.โ–ˆโ–ˆ.โ–ˆ:80 / etcd Viewer Dashboard Exposure add-on vulnerability/exposure
http://โ–ˆโ–ˆ.โ–ˆโ–ˆ.โ–ˆ.โ–ˆ:80 / cAdvisor Metrics Web UI Dashboard Exposure add-on vulnerability/exposure

Version & License

The tool is licensed under the BSD 3 Clause License and is currently at v0.1.

To know more about our Attack Surface Management platform, check out NVADR.
