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X-Recon - A Utility For Detecting Webpage Inputs And Conducting XSS Scans

By: Zion3R

A utility for identifying web page inputs and conducting XSS scanning.


  • Subdomain Discovery:
  • Retrieves relevant subdomains for the target website and consolidates them into a whitelist. These subdomains can be utilized during the scraping process.

  • Site-wide Link Discovery:

  • Collects all links throughout the website based on the provided whitelist and the specified max_depth.

  • Form and Input Extraction:

  • Identifies all forms and inputs found within the extracted links, generating a JSON output. This JSON output serves as a foundation for leveraging the XSS scanning capability of the tool.

  • XSS Scanning:

  • Once the start recon option returns a custom JSON containing the extracted entries, the X-Recon tool can initiate the XSS vulnerability testing process and furnish you with the desired results!


The scanning functionality is currently inactive on SPA (Single Page Application) web applications, and we have only tested it on websites developed with PHP, yielding remarkable results. In the future, we plan to incorporate these features into the tool.


This tool maintains an up-to-date list of file extensions that it skips during the exploration process. The default list includes common file types such as images, stylesheets, and scripts (".css",".js",".mp4",".zip","png",".svg",".jpeg",".webp",".jpg",".gif"). You can customize this list to better suit your needs by editing the setting.json file..


$ git clone
$ cd X-Recon
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python3

Target For Test:

You can use this address in the Get URL section

Invoke-SessionHunter - Retrieve And Display Information About Active User Sessions On Remote Computers (No Admin Privileges Required)

By: Zion3R

Retrieve and display information about active user sessions on remote computers. No admin privileges required.

The tool leverages the remote registry service to query the HKEY_USERS registry hive on the remote computers. It identifies and extracts Security Identifiers (SIDs) associated with active user sessions, and translates these into corresponding usernames, offering insights into who is currently logged in.

If the -CheckAdminAccess switch is provided, it will gather sessions by authenticating to targets where you have local admin access using Invoke-WMIRemoting (which most likely will retrieve more results)

It's important to note that the remote registry service needs to be running on the remote computer for the tool to work effectively. In my tests, if the service is stopped but its Startup type is configured to "Automatic" or "Manual", the service will start automatically on the target computer once queried (this is native behavior), and sessions information will be retrieved. If set to "Disabled" no session information can be retrieved from the target.


iex(new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')

If run without parameters or switches it will retrieve active sessions for all computers in the current domain by querying the registry


Gather sessions by authenticating to targets where you have local admin access

Invoke-SessionHunter -CheckAsAdmin

You can optionally provide credentials in the following format

Invoke-SessionHunter -CheckAsAdmin -UserName "ferrari\Administrator" -Password "P@ssw0rd!"

You can also use the -FailSafe switch, which will direct the tool to proceed if the target remote registry becomes unresponsive.

This works in cobination with -Timeout | Default = 2, increase for slower networks.

Invoke-SessionHunter -FailSafe
Invoke-SessionHunter -FailSafe -Timeout 5

Use the -Match switch to show only targets where you have admin access and a privileged user is logged in

Invoke-SessionHunter -Match

All switches can be combined

Invoke-SessionHunter -CheckAsAdmin -UserName "ferrari\Administrator" -Password "P@ssw0rd!" -FailSafe -Timeout 5 -Match

Specify the target domain

Invoke-SessionHunter -Domain contoso.local

Specify a comma-separated list of targets or the full path to a file containing a list of targets - one per line

Invoke-SessionHunter -Targets "DC01,Workstation01.contoso.local"
Invoke-SessionHunter -Targets c:\Users\Public\Documents\targets.txt

Retrieve and display information about active user sessions on servers only

Invoke-SessionHunter -Servers

Retrieve and display information about active user sessions on workstations only

Invoke-SessionHunter -Workstations

Show active session for the specified user only

Invoke-SessionHunter -Hunt "Administrator"

Exclude localhost from the sessions retrieval

Invoke-SessionHunter -IncludeLocalHost

Return custom PSObjects instead of table-formatted results

Invoke-SessionHunter -RawResults

Do not run a port scan to enumerate for alive hosts before trying to retrieve sessions

Note: if a host is not reachable it will hang for a while

Invoke-SessionHunter -NoPortScan

Subhunter - A Fast Subdomain Takeover Tool

By: Zion3R

Subdomain takeover is a common vulnerability that allows an attacker to gain control over a subdomain of a target domain and redirect users intended for an organization's domain to a website that performs malicious activities, such as phishing campaigns, stealing user cookies, etc. It occurs when an attacker gains control over a subdomain of a target domain. Typically, this happens when the subdomain has a CNAME in the DNS, but no host is providing content for it. Subhunter takes a given list of Subdomains" title="Subdomains">subdomains and scans them to check this vulnerability.


  • Auto update
  • Uses random user agents
  • Built in Go
  • Uses a fork of fingerprint data from well known sources (can-i-take-over-xyz)


Option 1:

Download from releases

Option 2:

Build from source:

$ git clone
$ go build subhunter.go



Usage of subhunter:
-l string
File including a list of hosts to scan
-o string
File to save results
-t int
Number of threads for scanning (default 50)
-timeout int
Timeout in seconds (default 20)

Demo (Added fake fingerprint for POC):

./Subhunter -l subdomains.txt -o test.txt

____ _ _ _
/ ___| _ _ | |__ | |__ _ _ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __
\___ \ | | | | | '_ \ | '_ \ | | | | | '_ \ | __| / _ \ | '__|
___) | | |_| | | |_) | | | | | | |_| | | | | | | |_ | __/ | |
|____/ \__,_| |_.__/ |_| |_| \__,_| |_| |_| \__| \___| |_|

A fast subdomain takeover tool

Created by Nemesis

Loaded 88 fingerprints for current scan


[+] Nothing found at Not Vulnerable
[+] Nothing found at Not Vulnerable
[+] Nothing found at Not Vulnerable
[+] Nothing found at Not Vulnerable
[+] Nothing found at Not Vulnerable
[+] Nothing found at Not Vulnerable
[+] Nothi ng found at Not Vulnerable
[+] Nothing found at Not Vulnerable
[+] Google Cloud: Possible takeover found at Vulnerable
[+] Nothing found at Not Vulnerable
[+] Nothing found at Not Vulnerable
[+] Nothing found at Not Vulnerable
[+] Nothing found at Not Vulnerable
[+] Nothing found at Not Vulnerable
[+] Nothing found at Not Vulnerable
[+] Nothing found at Not Vulnerable
[+] Nothing found at Not Vulnerable
[+] Nothing found at Not Vulnerable
[+] Nothing found at Not Vulnerable
[+] Nothing found at Not Vulnerable
[+] Nothing found at Not Vulnerable

Subhunter exiting...
Results written to test.txt

C2-Tracker - Live Feed Of C2 Servers, Tools, And Botnets

By: Zion3R

Free to use IOC feed for various tools/malware. It started out for just C2 tools but has morphed into tracking infostealers and botnets as well. It uses">Shodan searches to collect the IPs. The most recent collection is always stored in data; the IPs are broken down by tool and there is an all.txt.

The feed should update daily. Actively working on making the backend more reliable

Honorable Mentions

Many of the Shodan queries have been sourced from other CTI researchers:

Huge shoutout to them!

Thanks to BertJanCyber for creating the KQL query for ingesting this feed

And finally, thanks to Y_nexro for creating C2Live in order to visualize the data

What do I track?

Running Locally

If you want to host a private version, put your Shodan API key in an environment variable called SHODAN_API_KEY

echo SHODAN_API_KEY=API_KEY >> ~/.bashrc
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt


I encourage opening an issue/PR if you know of any additional Shodan searches for identifying adversary infrastructure. I will not set any hard guidelines around what can be submitted, just know, fidelity is paramount (high true/false positive ratio is the focus).


Huntr-Com-Bug-Bounties-Collector - Keep Watching New Bug Bounty (Vulnerability) Postings

By: Zion3R

New bug bounty(vulnerabilities) collector

  • Chrome with GUI (If you encounter trouble with script execution, check the status of VMs GPU features, if available.)
  • Chrome WebDriver

# python3

*2024-02-20 16:14:47.836189*

1. Arbitrary File Reading due to Lack of Input Filepath Validation
- Feb 6th 2024 / High (CVE-2024-0964)
- gradio-app/gradio

2. View Barcode Image leads to Remote Code Execution
- Jan 31st 2024 / Critical (CVE: Not yet)
- dolibarr/dolibarr

(delimiter-based file database)

# vim feeds.db

1|2024-02-20 16:17:40.393240|7fe14fd58ca2582d66539b2fe178eeaed3524342|CVE-2024-0964|
2|2024-02-20 16:17:40.393987|c6b84ac808e7f229a4c8f9fbd073b4c0727e07e1|CVE: Not yet|
3|2024-02-20 16:17:40.394582|7fead9658843919219a3b30b8249700d968d0cc9|CVE: Not yet|
4|2024-02-20 16:17:40.395094|81fecdd74318ce7da9bc29e81198e62f3225bd44|CVE: Not yet|
5|2024-02-20 16:17:40.395613|111045c8f1a7926174243db403614d4a58dc72ed|CVE: Not yet|

  • This code is designed to parse HTML elements from, so it may not function correctly if the HTML page structure changes.
  • In case of errors during parsing, exception handling has been included, so if it doesn't work as expected, please inspect the HTML source for any changes.
  • If get in trouble In a typical cloud environment, scripts may not function properly within virtual machines (VMs).

BucketLoot - An Automated S3-compatible Bucket Inspector

By: Zion3R

BucketLoot is an automated S3-compatible Bucket inspector that can help users extract assets, flag secret exposures and even search for custom keywords as well as Regular Expressions from publicly-exposed storage buckets by scanning files that store data in plain-text.

The tool can scan for buckets deployed on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Storage (GCS), DigitalOcean Spaces and even custom domains/URLs which could be connected to these platforms. It returns the output in a JSON format, thus enabling users to parse it according to their liking or forward it to any other tool for further processing.

BucketLoot comes with a guest mode by default, which means a user doesn't needs to specify any API tokens / Access Keys initially in order to run the scan. The tool will scrape a maximum of 1000 files that are returned in the XML response and if the storage bucket contains more than 1000 entries which the user would like to run the scanner on, they can provide platform credentials to run a complete scan. If you'd like to know more about the tool, make sure to check out our blog.


Secret Scanning

Scans for over 80+ unique RegEx signatures that can help in uncovering secret exposures tagged with their severity from the misconfigured storage bucket. Users have the ability to modify or add their own signatures in the regexes.json file. If you believe you have any cool signatures which might be helpful for others too and could be flagged at scale, go ahead and make a PR!

Sensitive File Checks

Accidental sensitive file leakages are a big problem that affects the security posture of individuals and organisations. BucketLoot comes with a 80+ unique regEx signatures list in vulnFiles.json which allows users to flag these sensitive files based on file names or extensions.

Dig Mode

Want to quickly check if any target website is using a misconfigured bucket that is leaking secrets or any other sensitive data? Dig Mode allows you to pass non-S3 targets and let the tool scrape URLs from response body for scanning.

Asset Extraction

Interested in stepping up your asset discovery game? BucketLoot extracts all the URLs/Subdomains and Domains that could be present in an exposed storage bucket, enabling you to have a chance of discovering hidden endpoints, thus giving you an edge over the other traditional recon tools.


The tool goes beyond just asset discovery and secret exposure scanning by letting users search for custom keywords and even Regular Expression queries which may help them find exactly what they are looking for.

To know more about our Attack Surface Management platform, check out NVADR.

D3m0n1z3dShell - Demonized Shell Is An Advanced Tool For Persistence In Linux

By: Zion3R

Demonized Shell is an Advanced Tool for persistence in linux.


git clone
cd D3m0n1z3dShell
chmod +x
sudo ./

One-Liner Install

Download D3m0n1z3dShell with all files:

curl -L | tar xz && cd D3m0n1z3dShell-main && sudo ./

Load D3m0n1z3dShell statically (without the static-binaries directory):

sudo curl -s -o /tmp/ && sudo bash /tmp/

Demonized Features

  • Auto Generate SSH keypair for all users
  • APT Persistence
  • Crontab Persistence
  • Systemd User level
  • Systemd Root Level
  • Bashrc Persistence
  • Privileged user & SUID bash
  • LKM Rootkit Modified, Bypassing rkhunter & chkrootkit
  • LKM Rootkit With file encoder. persistent icmp backdoor and others features.
  • ICMP Backdoor
  • LD_PRELOAD Setup PrivEsc
  • Static Binaries For Process Monitoring, Dump credentials, Enumeration, Trolling and Others Binaries.

Pending Features

  • LD_PRELOAD Rootkit
  • Process Injection
  • install for example: curl | bash
  • Static D3m0n1z3dShell
  • Intercept Syscall Write from a file
  • ELF/Rootkit Anti-Reversing Technique
  • PAM Backdoor
  • rc.local Persistence
  • init.d Persistence
  • motd Persistence
  • Persistence via php webshell and aspx webshell

And other types of features that will come in the future.


If you want to contribute and help with the tool, please contact me on twitter: @MatheuzSecurity


We are not responsible for any damage caused by this tool, use the tool intelligently and for educational purposes only.

Douglas-042 - Powershell Script To Help Speed ​​Up Threat Hunting Incident Response Processes

By: Zion3R

DOUGLAS-042 stands as an ingenious embodiment of a PowerShell script meticulously designed to expedite the triage process and facilitate the meticulous collection of crucial evidence derived from both forensic artifacts and the ephemeral landscape of volatile data. Its fundamental mission revolves around providing indispensable aid in the arduous task of pinpointing potential security breaches within Windows ecosystems. With an overarching focus on expediency, DOUGLAS-042 orchestrates the efficient prioritization and methodical aggregation of data, ensuring that no vital piece of information eludes scrutiny when investigating a possible compromise. As a testament to its organized approach, the amalgamated data finds its sanctuary within the confines of a meticulously named text file, bearing the nomenclature of the host system's very own hostname. This practice of meticulous data archival emerges not just as a systematic convention, but as a cornerstone that paves the way for seamless transitions into subsequent stages of the Forensic journey.

Content Queries

  • General information
  • Accountand group information
  • Network
  • Process Information
  • OS Build and HOTFIXE
  • Persistence
  • HARDWARE Information
  • Encryption information
  • Services
  • History
  • SMB Queries
  • Remoting queries
  • REGISTRY Analysis
  • LOG queries
  • Instllation of Software
  • User activity

Advanced Queries

  • Prefetch file information
  • DLL List
  • WMI filters and consumers
  • Named pipes


Using administrative privileges, just run the script from a PowerShell console, then the results will be saved in the directory as a txt file.

$ PS >./douglas.ps1

Advance usage

$ PS >./douglas.ps1 -a


Associated-Threat-Analyzer - Detects Malicious IPv4 Addresses And Domain Names Associated With Your Web Application Using Local Malicious Domain And IPv4 Lists

By: Zion3R

Associated-Threat-Analyzer detects malicious IPv4 addresses and domain names associated with your web application using local malicious domain and IPv4 lists.


From Git

git clone
cd associated-threat-analyzer && pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 -d

From Dockerfile

You can run this application on a container after build a Dockerfile.

Warning : If you want to run a Docker container, associated threat analyzer recommends to use your malicious IPs and domains lists, because maintainer may not be update a default malicious IP and domain lists on docker image.
docker build -t osmankandemir/threatanalyzer .
docker run osmankandemir/threatanalyzer -d

From DockerHub

docker pull osmankandemir/threatanalyzer
docker run osmankandemir/threatanalyzer -d


-d DOMAIN , --domain DOMAIN Input Target. --domain
-t DOMAINSFILE, --DomainsFile Malicious Domains List to Compare. -t SampleMaliciousDomains.txt
-i IPSFILE, --IPsFile Malicious IPs List to Compare. -i SampleMaliciousIPs.txt
-o JSON, --json JSON JSON output. --json


  • First-level depth scan your domain address.

TODO list

  • Third-level or the more depth static files scanning for target web application.
Other linked github project. You can take a look.
Finds related domains and IPv4 addresses to do threat intelligence after Indicator-Intelligence v1.1.1 collects static files

Default Malicious IPs and Domains Sources

Development and Contribution


AD_Enumeration_Hunt - Collection Of PowerShell Scripts And Commands That Can Be Used For Active Directory (AD) Penetration Testing And Security Assessment

By: Zion3R


Welcome to the AD Pentesting Toolkit! This repository contains a collection of PowerShell scripts and commands that can be used for Active Directory (AD) penetration testing and security assessment. The scripts cover various aspects of AD enumeration, user and group management, computer enumeration, network and security analysis, and more.

The toolkit is intended for use by penetration testers, red teamers, and security professionals who want to test and assess the security of Active Directory environments. Please ensure that you have proper authorization and permission before using these scripts in any production environment.

Everyone is looking at what you are looking at; But can everyone see what he can see? You are the only difference between them… By Mevlânâ Celâleddîn-i Rûmî


  • Enumerate and gather information about AD domains, users, groups, and computers.
  • Check trust relationships between domains.
  • List all objects inside a specific Organizational Unit (OU).
  • Retrieve information about the currently logged-in user.
  • Perform various operations related to local users and groups.
  • Configure firewall rules and enable Remote Desktop (RDP).
  • Connect to remote machines using RDP.
  • Gather network and security information.
  • Check Windows Defender status and exclusions configured via GPO.
  • ...and more!


  1. Clone the repository or download the scripts as needed.
  2. Run the PowerShell script using the appropriate PowerShell environment.
  3. Follow the on-screen prompts to provide domain, username, and password when required.
  4. Enjoy exploring the AD Pentesting Toolkit and use the scripts responsibly!


The AD Pentesting Toolkit is for educational and testing purposes only. The authors and contributors are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by the use of these scripts. Always ensure that you have proper authorization and permission before performing any penetration testing or security assessment activities on any system or network.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. The Mewtwo ASCII art is the property of Alperen Ugurlu. All rights reserved.

Cyber Security Consultant

Alperen Ugurlu

HEDnsExtractor - Raw Html Extractor From Hurricane Electric Portal

By: Zion3R


Raw html extractor from Hurricane Electric portal


  • Automatically identify IPAddr ou Networks through command line parameter or stdin
  • Extract networks based on IPAddr.
  • Extract domains from networks.


go install -v


usage -h

Getting the IP Addresses used for, and enumerating only the networks.

nslookup | awk '/Address: / {print $2}' | hednsextractor -silent -only-networks

[INF] []
[INF] []

Getting the IP Addresses used for, and enumerating only the domains (using tail to show the first 10 results).

nslookup | awk '/Address: / {print $2}' | hednsextractor -silent -only-domains | tail -n 10

Running with Virustotal

Edit the config file and add the Virustotal API Key

cat $HOME/.config/hednsextractor/config.yaml 
virustotal score #vt: false # minimum virustotal score to show #vt-score: 0 # ip address or network to query #target: # show silent output #silent: false # show verbose output #verbose: false # virustotal api key vt-api-key: Your API Key goes here" dir="auto">
# hednsextractor config file
# generated by

# show only domains
#only-domains: false

# show only networks
#only-networks: false

# show virustotal score
#vt: false

# minimum virustotal score to show
#vt-score: 0

# ip address or network to query

# show silent output
#silent: false

# show verbose output
#verbose: false

# virustotal api key
vt-api-key: Your API Key goes here

So, run the hednsextractor with -vt parameter.

nslookup | awk '/Address: / {print $2}' | hednsextractor -only-domains -vt             

And the output will be as below

          _______  ______   _        _______  _______          _________ _______  _______  _______ _________ _______  _______ 
|\ /|( ____ \( __ \ ( ( /|( ____ \( ____ \|\ /|\__ __/( ____ )( ___ )( ____ \\__ __/( ___ )( ____ )
| ) ( || ( \/| ( \ )| \ ( || ( \/| ( \/( \ / ) ) ( | ( )|| ( ) || ( \/ ) ( | ( ) || ( )|
| (___) || (__ | | ) || \ | || (_____ | (__ \ (_) / | | | (____)|| (___) || | | | | | | || (____)|
| ___ || __) | | | || (\ \) |(_____ )| __) ) _ ( | | | __)| ___ || | | | | | | || __)
| ( ) || ( | | ) || | \ | ) || ( / ( ) \ | | | (\ ( | ( ) || | | | | | | || (\ (
| ) ( || (____/\| (__/ )| ) \ |/\____) || (____/\( / \ ) | | | ) \ \__| ) ( || (____/\ | | | (___) || ) \ \__
|/ \|(_______/(______/ |/ )_)\_______)(_______/|/ \| )_( |/ \__/|/ \|(_______/ )_( (_______)|/ \__/

[INF] Current hednsextractor version v1.0.0
[INF] [] domain: VT Score: 0
[INF] [] domain: VT Score: 0
[INF] [] domain: VT Score: 2
[INF] [] domain: VT Score: 0

SOC-Multitool - A Powerful And User-Friendly Browser Extension That Streamlines Investigations For Security Professionals

By: Zion3R

Introducing SOC Multi-tool, a free and open-source browser extension that makes investigations faster and more efficient. Now available on the Chrome Web Store and compatible with all Chromium-based browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Brave, and Opera.
Now available on Chrome Web Store!

Streamline your investigations

SOC Multi-tool eliminates the need for constant copying and pasting during investigations. Simply highlight the text you want to investigate, right-click, and navigate to the type of data highlighted. The extension will then open new tabs with the results of your investigation.

Modern and feature-rich

The SOC Multi-tool is a modernized multi-tool built from the ground up, with a range of features and capabilities. Some of the key features include:

  • IP Reputation Lookup using VirusTotal & AbuseIPDB
  • IP Info Lookup using Tor relay checker & WHOIS
  • Hash Reputation Lookup using VirusTotal
  • Domain Reputation Lookup using VirusTotal & AbuseIPDB
  • Domain Info Lookup using Alienvault
  • Living off the land binaries Lookup using the LOLBas project
  • Decoding of Base64 & HEX using CyberChef
  • File Extension & Filename Lookup using &
  • MAC Address manufacturer Lookup using
  • Parsing of UserAgent using
  • Microsoft Error code Lookup using Microsoft's DB
  • Event ID Lookup (Windows, Sharepoint, SQL Server, Exchange, and Sysmon) using
  • Blockchain Address Lookup using
  • CVE Info using

Easy to install

You can easily install the extension by downloading the release from the Chrome Web Store!
If you wish to make edits you can download from the releases page, extract the folder and make your changes.
To load your edited extension turn on developer mode in your browser's extensions settings, click "Load unpacked" and select the extracted folder!

SOC Multi-tool is a community-driven project and the developer encourages users to contribute and share better resources.

C2-Hunter - Extract C2 Traffic

By: Zion3R


  • C2-Hunter is a program designed for malware analysts to extract Command and Control (C2) traffic from malwares in real-time. The program uses a unique approach by hooking into win32 connections APIs.

  • With C2-Hunter, malware analysts can now intercept and analyze communication in real-time, gaining valuable insights into the inner workings of cyber threats. Its ability to track C2 elements of malware makes it an essential tool for any cyber security team.


  • Real-time extraction of C2 traffic
  • Bypasses malware time delays to speed up the extraction process (SOON)


  • Windows Operating System
  • Administrator Privileges

Wafaray - Enhance Your Malware Detection With WAF + YARA (WAFARAY)

By: Zion3R

WAFARAY is a LAB deployment based on Debian 11.3.0 (stable) x64 made and cooked between two main ingredients WAF + YARA to detect malicious files (e.g. webshells, virus, malware, binaries) typically through web functions (upload files).


In essence, the main idea came to use WAF + YARA (YARA right-to-left = ARAY) to detect malicious files at the WAF level before WAF can forward them to the backend e.g. files uploaded through web functions see:

When a web page allows uploading files, most of the WAFs are not inspecting files before sending them to the backend. Implementing WAF + YARA could provide malware detection before WAF forwards the files to the backend.

Do malware detection through WAF?

Yes, one solution is to use ModSecurity + Clamav, most of the pages call ClamAV as a process and not as a daemon, in this case, analysing a file could take more than 50 seconds per file. See this resource:

Do malware detection through WAF + YARA?

:-( A few clues here Black Hat Asia 2019 please continue reading and see below our quick LAB deployment.

WAFARAY: how does it work ?

Basically, It is a quick deployment (1) with pre-compiled and ready-to-use YARA rules via ModSecurity (WAF) using a custom rule; (2) this custom rule will perform an inspection and detection of the files that might contain malicious code, (3) typically web functions (upload files) if the file is suspicious will reject them receiving a 403 code Forbidden by ModSecurity.

✔️The compiles all the yara rules. (Python3 code)
✔️The test.conf is a virtual host that contains the mod security rules. (ModSecurity Code)
✔️ModSecurity rules calls the in order to inspect the file that is trying to upload. (Python3 code)
✔️Yara returns two options 1 (200 OK) or 0 (403 Forbidden)

Main Paths:

  • Yara Compiled rules: /YaraRules/Compiled
  • Yara Default rules: /YaraRules/rules
  • Yara Scripts: /YaraRules/YaraScripts
  • Apache vhosts: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
  • Temporal Files: /temporal


  • Blueteamers: Rule enforcement, best alerting, malware detection on files uploaded through web functions.
  • Redteamers/pentesters: GreyBox scope , upload and bypass with a malicious file, rule enforcement.
  • Security Officers: Keep alerting, threat hunting.
  • SOC: Best monitoring about malicious files.
  • CERT: Malware Analysis, Determine new IOC.

Building Detection Lab

The Proof of Concept is based on Debian 11.3.0 (stable) x64 OS system, OWASP CRC v3.3.2 and Yara 4.0.5, you will find the automatic installation script here and an optional manual installation guide can be found here: manual_instructions.txt also a PHP page has been created as a "mock" to observe the interaction and detection of malicious files using WAF + YARA.

Installation (recommended) with shell scripts

✔️Step 2: Deploy using VMware or VirtualBox
✔️Step 3: Once installed, please follow the instructions below:
alex@waf-labs:~$ su root 

# Remember to change YOUR_USER by your username (e.g waf)
root@waf-labs:/home/alex# sed -i 's/^\(# User privi.*\)/\1\nalex ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL/g' /etc/sudoers
root@waf-labs:/home/alex# exit
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo sed -i 's/^\(deb cdrom.*\)/#\1/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo sed -i 's/^# \(deb\-src http.*\)/ \1/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo sed -i 's/^# \(deb http.*\)/ \1/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
alex@waf-labs:~$ echo -ne "\n\ndeb bullseye main\ndeb-src bullseye main\n" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo apt-get update
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo apt-get install sudo -y
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo apt-get install git vim dos2unix net-tools -y
alex@waf-labs:~$ git clone$ cd wafaray
alex@waf-labs:~$ dos2unix
alex@waf-labs:~$ chmod +x
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo ./ >> log_install.log

# Test your LAB environment
alex@waf-labs:~$ firefox localhost:8080/upload.php

Yara Rules

Once the Yara Rules were downloaded and compiled.

It is similar to when you deploy ModSecurity, you need to customize what kind of rule you need to apply. The following log is an example of when the Web Application Firewall + Yara detected a malicious file, in this case, eicar was detected.

Message: Access denied with code 403 (phase 2). File "/temporal/20220812-184146-YvbXKilOKdNkDfySME10ywAAAAA-file-Wx1hQA" rejected by 
the approver script "/YaraRules/YaraScripts/": 0 SUSPECTED [YaraSignature: eicar]
[file "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/test.conf"] [line "56"] [id "500002"]
[msg "Suspected File -> /temporal/20220812-184146-YvbXKilOKdNkDfySME10ywAAAAA-file-Wx1hQA - URI: /upload.php"]

Testing WAFARAY... voilà...

Stop / Start ModSecurity

$ sudo service apache2 stop
$ sudo service apache2 start

Apache Logs

$ cd /var/log
$ sudo tail -f apache2/test_access.log apache2/test_audit.log apache2/test_error.log


Be careful about your test. The following demos were tested on isolated virtual machines.

Demo 1 - EICAR

A malicious file is uploaded, and the ModSecurity rules plus Yara denied uploading file to the backend if the file matched with at least one Yara Rule. (Example of Malware: NOT EXECUTE THE FILE.

Demo 2 - WebShell.php

For this demo, we disable the rule 933110 - PHP Inject Attack to validate Yara Rules. A malicious file is uploaded, and the ModSecurity rules plus Yara denied uploading file to the backend if the file matched with at least one Yara Rule. (Example of WebShell PHP: NOT EXECUTE THE FILE.

Demo 3 - Malware Bazaar (RecordBreaker) Published: 2022-08-13

A malicious file is uploaded, and the ModSecurity rules plus Yara denied uploading file to the backend if the file matched with at least one Yara Rule. (Example of Malware Bazaar (RecordBreaker): NOT EXECUTE THE FILE.

YARA Rules sources

In case that you want to download more yara rules, you can see the following repositories:


Roadmap until next release

  • Malware Hash Database (MLDBM). The Database stores the MD5 or SHA1 that files were detected as suspicious.
  • To be tested CRS Modsecurity v.3.3.3 new rules
  • ModSecurity rules improvement to malware detection with Database.
  • To be created blacklist and whitelist related to MD5 or SHA1.
  • To be tested, run in background if the Yara analysis takes more than 3 seconds.
  • To be tested, new payloads, example: Powershell Obfuscasted (WebShells)
  • Remarks for live enviroments. (WAF AWS, WAF GCP, ...)


Alex Hernandez aka (@_alt3kx_)
Jesus Huerta aka @mindhack03d


Israel Zeron Medina aka @spk085

TLDHunt - Domain Availability Checker

By: Zion3R

TLDHunt is a command-line tool designed to help users find available domain names for their online projects or businesses. By providing a keyword and a list of TLD (top-level domain) extensions, TLDHunt checks the availability of domain names that match the given criteria. This tool is particularly useful for those who want to quickly find a domain name that is not already taken, without having to perform a manual search on a domain registrar website.

For red teaming or phishing purposes, this tool can help you to find similar domains with different extensions from the original domain.


This tool is written in Bash and the only dependency required is whois. Therefore, make sure that you have installed whois on your system. In Debian, you can install whois using the following command:

sudo apt install whois -y

How It Works?

To detect whether a domain is registered or not, we search for the words "Name Server" in the output of the WHOIS command, as this is a signature of a registered domain. If you have a better signature or detection method, please feel free to submit a pull request.

Domain Extension List

You can use your custom tlds.txt list, but make sure that it is formatted like this:


How to Use

➜  TLDHunt ./
_____ _ ___ _ _ _
|_ _| | | \| || |_ _ _ _| |_
| | | |__| |) | __ | || | ' \ _|
|_| |____|___/|_||_|\_,_|_||_\__|
Domain Availability Checker

Keyword is required.
Usage: ./ -k <keyword> [-e <tld> | -E <exts>] [-x]
Example: ./ -k linuxsec -E tlds.txt

Example of TLDHunt usage:

./ -k linuxsec -E tlds.txt

You can add -x flag to print only Not Registered domain. Example:

./ -k linuxsec -E tlds.txt -x


debugHunter - Discover Hidden Debugging Parameters And Uncover Web Application Secrets

Discover hidden debugging parameters and uncover web application secrets with debugHunter. This Chrome extension scans websites for debugging parameters and notifies you when it finds a URL with modified responses. The extension utilizes a binary search algorithm to efficiently determine the parameter responsible for the change in the response.


  • Perform a binary search on a list of predefined query parameters.
  • Compare responses with and without query parameters to identify changes.
  • Track and display the number of modified URLs in the browser action badge.
  • Allow the user to view and clear the list of modified URLs.


Option 1: Clone the repository

  1. Download or clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Open Google Chrome, and go to chrome://extensions/.
  3. Enable "Developer mode" in the top right corner if it's not already enabled.
  4. Click the "Load unpacked" button on the top left corner.
  5. Navigate to the directory where you downloaded or cloned the repository, and select the folder.
  6. The debugHunter extension should now be installed and ready to use.

Option 2: Download the release (.zip)

  1. Download the latest release .zip file from the "Releases" section of this repository.
  2. Extract the contents of the .zip file to a folder on your local machine.
  3. Open Google Chrome, and go to chrome://extensions/.
  4. Enable "Developer mode" in the top right corner if it's not already enabled.
  5. Click the "Load unpacked" button on the top left corner.
  6. Navigate to the directory where you extracted the .zip file, and select the folder.
  7. The debugHunter extension should now be installed and ready to use.


It is recommended to pin the extension to the toolbar to check if a new modified URL by debug parameter is found.

  1. Navigate to any website.
  2. Click on the debugHunter extension icon in the Chrome toolbar.
  3. If the extension detects any URLs with modified responses due to debugging parameters, they will be listed in the popup.
  4. Click on any URL in the list to open it in a new tab.
  5. To clear the list, click on the trash can icon in the top right corner of the popup.


We welcome contributions! Please feel free to submit pull requests or open issues to improve debugHunter.
