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Web-Hacking-Playground - Web Application With Vulnerabilities Found In Real Cases, Both In Pentests And In Bug Bounty Programs

Web Hacking Playground is a controlled web hacking environment. It consists of vulnerabilities found in real cases, both in pentests and in Bug Bounty programs. The objective is that users can practice with them, and learn to detect and exploit them.

Other topics of interest will also be addressed, such as: bypassing filters by creating custom payloads, executing chained attacks exploiting various vulnerabilities, developing proof-of-concept scripts, among others.


The application source code is visible. However, the lab's approach is a black box one. Therefore, the code should not be reviewed to resolve the challenges.

Additionally, it should be noted that fuzzing (both parameters and directories) and brute force attacks do not provide any advantage in this lab.


It is recommended to use Kali Linux to perform this lab. In case of using a virtual machine, it is advisable to use the VMware Workstation Player hypervisor.

The environment is based on Docker and Docker Compose, so it is necessary to have both installed.

To install Docker on Kali Linux, run the following commands:

sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install -y
sudo systemctl enable docker --now
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

To install Docker on other Debian-based distributions, run the following commands:

curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh
sudo systemctl enable docker --now
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

It is recommended to log out and log in again so that the user is recognized as belonging to the docker group.

To install Docker Compose, run the following command:

sudo apt install -y docker-compose

Note: In case of using M1 it is recommended to execute the following command before building the images:

export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64

The next step is to clone the repository and build the Docker images:

git clone
cd web-hacking-playground
docker-compose build

Also, it is recommended to install the Foxy Proxy browser extension, which allows you to easily change proxy settings, and Burp Suite, which we will use to intercept HTTP requests.

We will create a new profile in Foxy Proxy to use Burp Suite as a proxy. To do this, we go to the Foxy Proxy options, and add a proxy with the following configuration:

  • Proxy Type: HTTP
  • Proxy IP address:
  • Port: 8080


Once everything you need is installed, you can deploy the environment with the following command:

git clone
cd web-hacking-playground
docker-compose up -d

This will create two containers of applications developed in Flask on port 80:

  • The vulnerable web application (Socially): Simulates a social network.
  • The exploit server: You should not try to hack it, since it does not have any vulnerabilities. Its objective is to simulate a victim's access to a malicious link.


It is necessary to add the IP of the containers to the /etc/hosts file, so that they can be accessed by name and that the exploit server can communicate with the vulnerable web application. To do this, run the following commands:

sudo sed -i '/whp-/d' /etc/hosts
echo "$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' whp-socially) whp-socially" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
echo "$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' whp-exploitserver) whp-exploitserver" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Once this is done, the vulnerable application can be accessed from http://whp-socially and the exploit server from http://whp-exploitserver.

When using the exploit server, the above URLs must be used, using the domain name and not the IPs. This ensures correct communication between containers.

When it comes to hacking, to represent the attacker's server, the local Docker IP must be used, since the lab is not intended to make requests to external servers such as Burp Collaborator, Interactsh, etc. A Python http.server can be used to simulate a web server and receive HTTP interactions. To do this, run the following command:

sudo python3 -m http.server 80


The environment is divided into three stages, each with different vulnerabilities. It is important that they are done in order, as the vulnerabilities in the following stages build on those in the previous stages. The stages are:

  • Stage 1: Access with any user
  • Stage 2: Access as admin
  • Stage 3: Read the /flag file


Below are spoilers for each stage's vulnerabilities. If you don't need help, you can skip this section. On the other hand, if you don't know where to start, or want to check if you're on the right track, you can extend the section that interests you.

Stage 1: Access with any user


At this stage, a specific user's session can be stolen through Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), which allows JavaScript code to be executed. To do this, the victim must be able to access a URL in the user's context, this behavior can be simulated with the exploit server.

The hints to solve this stage are:

  • Are there any striking posts on the home page?
  • You have to chain two vulnerabilities to steal the session. XSS is achieved by exploiting an Open Redirect vulnerability, where the victim is redirected to an external URL.
  • The Open Redirect has some security restrictions. You have to find how to get around them. Analyze which strings are not allowed in the URL.
  • Cookies are not the only place where session information is stored. Reviewing the source code of the JavaScript files included in the application can help clear up doubts.

Stage 2: Access as admin


At this stage, a token can be generated that allows access as admin. This is a typical JSON Web Token (JWT) attack, in which the token payload can be modified to escalate privileges.

The hint to solve this stage is that there is an endpoint that, given a JWT, returns a valid session cookie.

Stage 3: Read the /flag file


At this stage, the /flag file can be read through a Server Site Template Injection (SSTI) vulnerability. To do this, you must get the application to run Python code on the server. It is possible to execute system commands on the server.

The hints to solve this stage are:

  • Vulnerable functionality is protected by two-factor authentication. Therefore, before exploiting the SSTI, a way to bypass the OTP code request must be found. There are times when the application trusts the requests that are made from the same server and the HTTP headers play an important role in this situation.

  • The SSTI is Blind, this means that the output of the code executed on the server is not obtained directly. The Python smtpd module allows you to create an SMTP server that prints messages it receives to standard output:

    sudo python3 -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer

  • The application uses Flask, so it can be inferred that the template engine is Jinja2 because it is recommended by the official Flask documentation and is widely used. You must get a Jinja2 compatible payload to get the final flag.

  • The email message has a character limitation. Information on how to bypass this limitation can be found on the Internet.


Detailed solutions for each stage can be found in the Solutions folder.


The following resources may be helpful in resolving the stages:


Pull requests are welcome. If you find any bugs, please open an issue.

C99Shell-PHP7 - PHP 7 And Safe-Build Update Of The Popular C99 Variant Of PHP Shell


PHP 7 and safe-build Update of the popular C99 variant of PHP Shell.

c99shell.php v.2.0 (PHP 7) (25.02.2019) Updated by: PinoyWH1Z for PHP 7

About C99Shell

An excellent example of a web shell is the c99 variant, which is a PHP shell (most of them calls it malware) often uploaded to a vulnerable web application to give hackers an interface. The c99 shell lets the attacker take control of the processes of the Internet server, allowing him or her give commands on the server as the account under which the threat is operating. It lets the hacker upload, browse the file system, edit and view files, in addition, to deleting, moving them and changing permissions. Finding a c99 shell is an excellent way to identify a compromise on a system. The c99 shell is about 1500 lines long if packed and 4900+ if properly displayed, and some of its traits include showing security measures the web server may use, a file viewer that has permissions, a place w here the attacker can operate custom PHP code (PHP malware c99 shell).

There are different variants of the c99 shell that are being used today. This github release is an example of a relatively recent one. It has many signatures that can be utilized to write protective countermeasures.

About this release:

I've been using php shells as part of my Ethical Hacking activities. And I have noticed that most of the php shells that are downloadable online are encrypted with malicious codes and without you knowing, others also insert trackers so they can see where you placed your php shell at.

I've came up with an idea such as "what if I get the stable version of c99shell and reverse the encrypted codes, remove the malicious codes and release it to public for good." And yeah, I decided to do it, but I noticed that most of the servers now have upgraded their apache service to PHP 7, sadly, the codes that I have is for PHP 5.3 and below.

The good thing is.. only few lines of syntax are needed to be altered, so I did it.

Here you go mates, a clean and safe-build version of the most stable c99shell that I can see.

If ever you see more bugs, please create an issue or just fork it, update it and do a pull request so I can check it and update the codes for stabilization.


This is a widely used php shell by hackers, so don't freak out if your anti-virus/anti-malware detects this php file as malicious or treated as backdoor. Since you can see the codes in my re-released project, you can read all throughout the codes and inspect or even debug as much as you like.


I will NOT be held responsible for any unethical use of this hacking tool.

Official Release: (Zip Password: PinoyWH1Z)

VuCSA - Vulnerable Client-Server Application - Made For Learning/Presenting How To Perform Penetration Tests Of Non-Http Thick Clients

Vulnerable Client-Server Application

Vulnerable client-server application (VuCSA) is made for learning/presenting how to perform penetration tests of non-http thick clients. It is written in Java (with JavaFX graphical user interface).

Currently the vulnerable application contains the following challenges:

  1. Buffer Over-read (simulated)
  2. Command Execution
  3. SQL Injection
  4. Enumeration
  5. XML
  6. Horizontal Access Control
  7. Vertical Access Control

If you want to know how to solve these challenges, take a look at the PETEP website, which describes how to use the open-source tool PETEP to exploit them.

Tip: Before you start hacking, do not forget to check the data structure of messages bellow.

How to Run

In order to run the vulnerable server and client, you can use one of releases on GitHub or run gradle assemble, which creates distribution packages (for both Windows and Unix). These packages contain sh/bat scripts that will run the server and client using JVM.

Project Structure

Project is divided into three modules:

  • vucsa-common - common functionality for both client and server (including protocol processing utilities)
  • vucsa-client - vulnerable client with JavaFX GUI
  • vucsa-server - vulnerable server for terminal use

Data Structure

Messages transmitted between server and client have the following simple format:

32b 32b 32b ???

These four parts have the following meaning:

  • type - type of the message (used for serialization/deserialization)
  • target - target handler that will receive the message
  • length - length of the payload
  • payload - data serialized into bytes

Erlik 2 - Vulnerable-Flask-App

Erlik 2 - Vulnerable-Flask-App

Tested - Kali 2022.1


It is a vulnerable Flask Web App. It is a lab environment created for people who want to improve themselves in the field of web penetration testing.


It contains the following vulnerabilities.

  • HTML Injection
  • XSS
  • SSTI
  • SQL Injection
  • Information Disclosure
  • Command Injection
  • Brute Force
  • Deserialization
  • Broken Authentication
  • DOS
  • File Upload


git clone

cd Vulnerable-Flask-App

sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt



