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mapXplore - Allow Exporting The Information Downloaded With Sqlmap To A Relational Database Like Postgres And Sqlite

By: Zion3R

mapXplore is a modular application that imports data extracted of the sqlmap to PostgreSQL or SQLite database.

Its main features are:

  • Import of information extracted from sqlmap to PostgreSQL or SQLite for subsequent querying.
  • Sanitized information, which means that at the time of import, it decodes or transforms unreadable information into readable information.
  • Search for information in all tables, such as passwords, users, and desired information.
  • Automatic export of information stored in base64, such as:

    • Word, Excel, PowerPoint files
    • .zip files
    • Text files or plain text information
    • Images
  • Filter tables and columns by criteria.

  • Filter by different types of hash functions without requiring prior conversion.
  • Export relevant information to Excel or HTML



  • python-3.11
git clone
cd mapXplore
pip install -r requirements


It is a modular application, and consists of the following:

  • config: It is responsible for configuration, such as the database engine to use, import paths, among others.
  • import: It is responsible for importing and processing the information extracted from sqlmap.
  • query: It is the main module capable of filtering and extracting the required information.
    • Filter by tables
    • Filter by columns
    • Filter by one or more words
    • Filter by one or more hash functions within which are:
      • MD5
      • SHA1
      • SHA256
      • SHA3
      • ....


Allows loading a default configuration at the start of the program

python [--config config.json]


KnowsMore - A Swiss Army Knife Tool For Pentesting Microsoft Active Directory (NTLM Hashes, BloodHound, NTDS And DCSync)

By: Zion3R

KnowsMore officially supports Python 3.8+.

Main features

  • Import NTLM Hashes from .ntds output txt file (generated by CrackMapExec or
  • Import NTLM Hashes from NTDS.dit and SYSTEM
  • Import Cracked NTLM hashes from hashcat output file
  • Import BloodHound ZIP or JSON file
  • BloodHound importer (import JSON to Neo4J without BloodHound UI)
  • Analyse the quality of password (length , lower case, upper case, digit, special and latin)
  • Analyse similarity of password with company and user name
  • Search for users, passwords and hashes
  • Export all cracked credentials direct to BloodHound Neo4j Database as 'owned object'
  • Other amazing features...

Getting stats

knowsmore --stats

This command will produce several statistics about the passwords like the output bellow

weak passwords by company name similarity +-------+--------------+---------+----------------------+-------+ | top | password | score | company_similarity | qty | |-------+--------------+---------+----------------------+-------| | 1 | company123 | 7024 | 80 | 1111 | | 2 | Company123 | 5209 | 80 | 824 | | 3 | company | 3674 | 100 | 553 | | 4 | Company@10 | 2080 | 80 | 329 | | 5 | company10 | 1722 | 86 | 268 | | 6 | Company@2022 | 1242 | 71 | 202 | | 7 | Company@2024 | 1015 | 71 | 165 | | 8 | Company2022 | 978 | 75 | 157 | | 9 | Company10 | 745 | 86 | 116 | | 10 | Company21 | 707 | 86 | 110 | +-------+--------------+---------+----------------------+-------+ " dir="auto">
KnowsMore v0.1.4 by Helvio Junior
Active Directory, BloodHound, NTDS hashes and Password Cracks correlation tool

[+] Startup parameters
command line: knowsmore --stats
module: stats
database file: knowsmore.db

[+] start time 2023-01-11 03:59:20
[?] General Statistics
| top | description | qty |
| 1 | Total Users | 95369 |
| 2 | Unique Hashes | 74299 |
| 3 | Cracked Hashes | 23177 |
| 4 | Cracked Users | 35078 |

[?] General Top 10 passwords
| top | password | qty |
| 1 | password | 1111 |
| 2 | 123456 | 824 |
| 3 | 123456789 | 815 |
| 4 | guest | 553 |
| 5 | qwerty | 329 |
| 6 | 12345678 | 277 |
| 7 | 111111 | 268 |
| 8 | 12345 | 202 |
| 9 | secret | 170 |
| 10 | sec4us | 165 |

[?] Top 10 weak passwords by company name similarity
| top | password | score | company_similarity | qty |
| 1 | company123 | 7024 | 80 | 1111 |
| 2 | Company123 | 5209 | 80 | 824 |
| 3 | company | 3674 | 100 | 553 |
| 4 | Company@10 | 2080 | 80 | 329 |
| 5 | company10 | 1722 | 86 | 268 |
| 6 | Company@2022 | 1242 | 71 | 202 |
| 7 | Company@2024 | 1015 | 71 | 165 |
| 8 | Company2022 | 978 | 75 | 157 |
| 9 | Company10 | 745 | 86 | 116 |
| 10 | Company21 | 707 | 86 | 110 |



pip3 install --upgrade knowsmore

Note: If you face problem with dependency version Check the Virtual ENV file

Execution Flow

There is no an obligation order to import data, but to get better correlation data we suggest the following execution flow:

  1. Create database file
  2. Import BloodHound files
    1. Domains
    2. GPOs
    3. OUs
    4. Groups
    5. Computers
    6. Users
  3. Import NTDS file
  4. Import cracked hashes

Create database file

All data are stored in a SQLite Database

knowsmore --create-db

Importing BloodHound files

We can import all full BloodHound files into KnowsMore, correlate data, and sync it to Neo4J BloodHound Database. So you can use only KnowsMore to import JSON files directly into Neo4j database instead of use extremely slow BloodHound User Interface

# Bloodhound ZIP File
knowsmore --bloodhound --import-data ~/Desktop/

# Bloodhound JSON File
knowsmore --bloodhound --import-data ~/Desktop/20220912105336_users.json

Note: The KnowsMore is capable to import BloodHound ZIP File and JSON files, but we recommend to use ZIP file, because the KnowsMore will automatically order the files to better data correlation.

Sync data to Neo4j BloodHound database

# Bloodhound ZIP File
knowsmore --bloodhound --sync -d neo4j -u neo4j -p 12345678

Note: The KnowsMore implementation of bloodhount-importer was inpired from Fox-It BloodHound Import implementation. We implemented several changes to save all data in KnowsMore SQLite database and after that do an incremental sync to Neo4J database. With this strategy we have several benefits such as at least 10x faster them original BloodHound User interface.

Importing NTDS file

Option 1

Note: Import hashes and clear-text passwords directly from NTDS.dit and SYSTEM registry

knowsmore --secrets-dump -target LOCAL -ntds ~/Desktop/ntds.dit -system ~/Desktop/SYSTEM

Option 2

Note: First use the secretsdump to extract ntds hashes with the command bellow -ntds ntds.dit -system system.reg -hashes lmhash:ntlmhash LOCAL -outputfile ~/Desktop/client_name

After that import

knowsmore --ntlm-hash --import-ntds ~/Desktop/client_name.ntds

Generating a custom wordlist

knowsmore --word-list -o "~/Desktop/Wordlist/my_custom_wordlist.txt" --batch --name company_name

Importing cracked hashes

Cracking hashes

First extract all hashes to a txt file

# Extract NTLM hashes to file
nowsmore --ntlm-hash --export-hashes "~/Desktop/ntlm_hash.txt"

# Or, extract NTLM hashes from NTDS file
cat ~/Desktop/client_name.ntds | cut -d ':' -f4 > ntlm_hashes.txt

In order to crack the hashes, I usually use hashcat with the command bellow

# Wordlist attack
hashcat -m 1000 -a 0 -O -o "~/Desktop/cracked.txt" --remove "~/Desktop/ntlm_hash.txt" "~/Desktop/Wordlist/*"

# Mask attack
hashcat -m 1000 -a 3 -O --increment --increment-min 4 -o "~/Desktop/cracked.txt" --remove "~/Desktop/ntlm_hash.txt" ?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a

importing hashcat output file

knowsmore --ntlm-hash --company clientCompanyName --import-cracked ~/Desktop/cracked.txt

Note: Change clientCompanyName to name of your company

Wipe sensitive data

As the passwords and his hashes are extremely sensitive data, there is a module to replace the clear text passwords and respective hashes.

Note: This command will keep all generated statistics and imported user data.

knowsmore --wipe

BloodHound Mark as owned

One User

During the assessment you can find (in a several ways) users password, so you can add this to the Knowsmore database

knowsmore --user-pass --username administrator --password Sec4US@2023

# or adding the company name

knowsmore --user-pass --username administrator --password Sec4US@2023 --company sec4us

Integrate all credentials cracked to Neo4j Bloodhound database

knowsmore --bloodhound --mark-owned -d neo4j -u neo4j -p 123456

To remote connection make sure that Neo4j database server is accepting remote connection. Change the line bellow at the config file /etc/neo4j/neo4j.conf and restart the service.


ICMPWatch - ICMP Packet Sniffer

By: Zion3R

ICMP Packet Sniffer is a Python program that allows you to capture and analyze ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) packets on a network interface. It provides detailed information about the captured packets, including source and destination IP addresses, MAC addresses, ICMP type, payload data, and more. The program can also store the captured packets in a SQLite database and save them in a pcap format.


  • Capture and analyze ICMP Echo Request and Echo Reply packets.
  • Display detailed information about each ICMP packet, including source and destination IP addresses, MAC addresses, packet size, ICMP type, and payload content.
  • Save captured packet information to a text file.
  • Store captured packet information in an SQLite database.
  • Save captured packets to a PCAP file for further analysis.
  • Support for custom packet filtering based on source and destination IP addresses.
  • Colorful console output using ANSI escape codes.
  • User-friendly command-line interface.


  • Python 3.7+
  • scapy 2.4.5 or higher
  • colorama 0.4.4 or higher


  1. Clone this repository:
git clone
  1. Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt


python [-h] [-v] [-t TIMEOUT] [-f FILTER] [-o OUTPUT] [--type {0,8}] [--src-ip SRC_IP] [--dst-ip DST_IP] -i INTERFACE [-db] [-c CAPTURE]
  • -v or --verbose: Show verbose packet details.
  • -t or --timeout: Sniffing timeout in seconds (default is 300 seconds).
  • -f or --filter: BPF filter for packet sniffing (default is "icmp").
  • -o or --output: Output file to save captured packets.
  • --type: ICMP packet type to filter (0: Echo Reply, 8: Echo Request).
  • --src-ip: Source IP address to filter.
  • --dst-ip: Destination IP address to filter.
  • -i or --interface: Network interface to capture packets (required).
  • -db or --database: Store captured packets in an SQLite database.
  • -c or --capture: Capture file to save packets in pcap format.

Press Ctrl+C to stop the sniffing process.


  • Capture ICMP packets on the "eth0" interface:
python -i eth0
  • Sniff ICMP traffic on interface "eth0" and save the results to a file:
python -i eth0 -o icmp_results.txt
  • Filtering by Source and Destination IP:
python -i eth0 --src-ip --dst-ip
  • Filtering ICMP Echo Requests:
python -i eth0 --type 8
  • Saving Captured Packets
python -i eth0 -c captured_packets.pcap

Grepmarx - A Source Code Static Analysis Platform For AppSec Enthusiasts

Grepmarx is a web application providing a single platform to quickly understand, analyze and identify vulnerabilities in possibly large and unknown code bases.


SAST (Static Analysis Security Testing) capabilities:

  • Multiple languages support: C/C++, C#, Go, HTML, Java, Kotlin, JavaScript, TypeScript, OCaml, PHP, Python, Ruby, Bash, Rust, Scala, Solidity, Terraform, Swift
  • Multiple frameworks support: Spring, Laravel, Symfony, Django, Flask, Node.js, jQuery, Express, Angular...
  • 1600+ existing analysis rules
  • Easily extend analysis rules using Semgrep syntax:
  • Manage rules in rule packs to tailor code scanning

SCA (Software Composition Analysis) capabilities:

  • Multiple package-dependency formats support: NPM, Maven, Gradle, Composer, pip, Gopkg, Gem, Cargo, NuPkg, CSProj, PubSpec, Cabal, Mix, Conan, Clojure, Docker, GitHub Actions, Jenkins HPI, Kubernetes
  • SBOM (Software Bill-of-Materials) generation (CycloneDX compliant)


  • Analysis workbench designed to efficiently browse scan results
  • Scan code that doesn't compile
  • Comprehensive LOC (Lines of Code) counter
  • Inspector: automatic application features discovery
  • ... and a Dark Mode


Scan customization Analysis workbench Rule pack edition


Grepmarx is provided with a configuration to be executed in Docker and Gunicorn.

Docker execution

Make sure you have docker-composer installed on the system, and the docker daemon is running. The application can then be easily executed in a docker container. The steps:

Get the code

$ git clone
$ cd grepmarx

Start the app in Docker

$ sudo docker-compose pull && sudo docker-compose build && sudo docker-compose up -d

Visit http://localhost:5000 in your browser. The app should be up & running.

Note: a default user account is created on first launch (user=admin / password=admin). Change the default password immediately.


Gunicorn 'Green Unicorn' is a Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX. A supervisor configuration file is provided to start it along with the required Celery worker (used for security scans queuing).

Install using pip

$ pip install gunicorn supervisor

Start the app using gunicorn binary

$ supervisord -c supervisord.conf

Visit http://localhost:8001 in your browser. The app should be up & running.

Note: a default user account is created on first launch (user=admin / password=admin). Change the default password immediately.

Build from sources

Get the code

$ git clone
$ cd grepmarx

Install virtualenv modules

$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate

Install Python modules

PostgreSQL connector (Production) $ # pip install -r requirements-pgsql.txt" dir="auto">
$ # SQLite Database (Development)
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ # OR with PostgreSQL connector (Production)
$ # pip install -r requirements-pgsql.txt

Install additionnal requirements

# Dependency scan (cdxgen / depscan) requirements
$ sudo apt install npm openjdk-17-jdk maven gradle golang composer
$ sudo npm install -g @cyclonedx/cdxgen
$ pip install appthreat-depscan

A Redis server is required to queue security scans. Install the redis package with your favorite distro package manager, then:

$ redis-server

Set the FLASK_APP environment variable

$ export
$ # Set up the DEBUG environment
$ # export FLASK_ENV=development

Start the celery worker process

$ celery -A app.celery_worker.celery worker --pool=prefork --loglevel=info --detach

Start the application (development mode)

$ # --host= - expose the app on all network interfaces (default
$ # --port=5000 - specify the app port (default 5000)
$ flask run --host= --port=5000

Access grepmarx in browser:

Note: a default user account is created on first launch (user=admin / password=admin). Change the default password immediately.

Credits & Links

Grepmarx - Provided by Orange Cyberdefense.

Wifi_Db - Script To Parse Aircrack-ng Captures To A SQLite Database

Script to parse Aircrack-ng captures into a SQLite database and extract useful information like handshakes (in 22000 hashcat format), MGT identities, interesting relations between APs, clients and it's Probes, WPS information and a global view of all the APs seen.

           _   __  _             _  _     
__ __(_) / _|(_) __| || |__
\ \ /\ / /| || |_ | | / _` || '_ \
\ V V / | || _|| | | (_| || |_) |
\_/\_/ |_||_| |_| _____ \__,_||_.__/
by r4ulcl


  • Displays if a network is cloaked (hidden) even if you have the ESSID.
  • Shows a detailed table of connected clients and their respective APs.
  • Identifies client probes connected to APs, providing insight into potential security risks usin Rogue APs.
  • Extracts handshakes for use with hashcat, facilitating password cracking.
  • Displays identity information from enterprise networks, including the EAP method used for authentication.
  • Generates a summary of each AP group by ESSID and encryption, giving an overview of the security status of nearby networks.
  • Provides a WPS info table for each AP, detailing information about the Wi-Fi Protected Setup configuration of the network.
  • Logs all instances when a client or AP has been seen with the GPS data and timestamp, enabling location-based analysis.
  • Upload files with capture folder or file. This option supports the use of wildcards (*) to select multiple files or folders.
  • Docker version in Docker Hub to avoid dependencies.
  • Obfuscated mode for demonstrations and conferences.
  • Possibility to add static GPS data.


From DockerHub (RECOMMENDED)

docker pull r4ulcl/wifi_db

Manual installation

Debian based systems (Ubuntu, Kali, Parrot, etc.)


  • python3
  • python3-pip
  • tshark
  • hcxtools
sudo apt install tshark
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip

git clone
cd hcxtools
sudo make install
cd ..


git clone
cd wifi_db
pip3 install -r requirements.txt



  • python3
  • python3-pip
  • tshark
  • hcxtools
sudo pacman -S wireshark-qt
sudo pacman -S python-pip python

git clone
cd hcxtools
sudo make install
cd ..


git clone
cd wifi_db
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Scan with airodump-ng

Run airodump-ng saving the output with -w:

sudo airodump-ng wlan0mon -w scan --manufacturer --wps --gpsd

Create the SQLite database using Docker

#Folder with captures

# Output database
touch db.SQLITE

docker run -t -v $PWD/db.SQLITE:/db.SQLITE -v $CAPTURESFOLDER:/captures/ r4ulcl/wifi_db
  • -v $PWD/db.SQLITE:/db.SQLITE: To save de output in current folder db.SQLITE file
  • -v $CAPTURESFOLDER:/captures/: To share the folder with the captures with the docker

Create the SQLite database using manual installation

Once the capture is created, we can create the database by importing the capture. To do this, put the name of the capture without format.

python3 scan-01

In the event that we have multiple captures we can load the folder in which they are directly. And with -d we can rename the output database.

python3 -d database.sqlite scan-folder

Open database

The database can be open with:

Below is an example of a ProbeClientsConnected table.


usage: [-h] [-v] [--debug] [-o] [-t LAT] [-n LON] [--source [{aircrack-ng,kismet,wigle}]] [-d DATABASE] capture [capture ...]

positional arguments:
capture capture folder or file with extensions .csv, .kismet.csv, .kismet.netxml, or .log.csv. If no extension is provided, all types will
be added. This option supports the use of wildcards (*) to select multiple files or folders.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose increase output verbosity
--debug increase output verbosity to debug
-o, --obfuscated Obfuscate MAC and BSSID with AA:BB:CC:XX:XX:XX-defghi (WARNING: replace all database)
-t LAT, --lat LAT insert a fake lat in the new elements
-n LON, --lon LON insert a fake lon i n the new elements
--source [{aircrack-ng,kismet,wigle}]
source from capture data (default: aircrack-ng)
-d DATABASE, --database DATABASE
output database, if exist append to the given database (default name: db.SQLITE)






wifi_db contains several tables to store information related to wireless network traffic captured by airodump-ng. The tables are as follows:

  • AP: This table stores information about the access points (APs) detected during the captures, including their MAC address (bssid), network name (ssid), whether the network is cloaked (cloaked), manufacturer (manuf), channel (channel), frequency (frequency), carrier (carrier), encryption type (encryption), and total packets received from this AP (packetsTotal). The table uses the MAC address as a primary key.

  • Client: This table stores information about the wireless clients detected during the captures, including their MAC address (mac), network name (ssid), manufacturer (manuf), device type (type), and total packets received from this client (packetsTotal). The table uses the MAC address as a primary key.

  • SeenClient: This table stores information about the clients seen during the captures, including their MAC address (mac), time of detection (time), tool used to capture the data (tool), signal strength (signal_rssi), latitude (lat), longitude (lon), altitude (alt). The table uses the combination of MAC address and detection time as a primary key, and has a foreign key relationship with the Client table.

  • Connected: This table stores information about the wireless clients that are connected to an access point, including the MAC address of the access point (bssid) and the client (mac). The table uses a combination of access point and client MAC addresses as a primary key, and has foreign key relationships with both the AP and Client tables.

  • WPS: This table stores information about access points that have Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) enabled, including their MAC address (bssid), network name (wlan_ssid), WPS version (wps_version), device name (wps_device_name), model name (wps_model_name), model number (wps_model_number), configuration methods (wps_config_methods), and keypad configuration methods (wps_config_methods_keypad). The table uses the MAC address as a primary key, and has a foreign key relationship with the AP table.

  • SeenAp: This table stores information about the access points seen during the captures, including their MAC address (bssid), time of detection (time), tool used to capture the data (tool), signal strength (signal_rssi), latitude (lat), longitude (lon), altitude (alt), and timestamp (bsstimestamp). The table uses the combination of access point MAC address and detection time as a primary key, and has a foreign key relationship with the AP table.

  • Probe: This table stores information about the probes sent by clients, including the client MAC address (mac), network name (ssid), and time of probe (time). The table uses a combination of client MAC address and network name as a primary key, and has a foreign key relationship with the Client table.

  • Handshake: This table stores information about the handshakes captured during the captures, including the MAC address of the access point (bssid), the client (mac), the file name (file), and the hashcat format (hashcat). The table uses a combination of access point and client MAC addresses, and file name as a primary key, and has foreign key relationships with both the AP and Client tables.

  • Identity: This table represents EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol) identities and methods used in wireless authentication. The bssid and mac fields are foreign keys that reference the AP and Client tables, respectively. Other fields include the identity and method used in the authentication process.


  • ProbeClients: This view selects the MAC address of the probe, the manufacturer and type of the client device, the total number of packets transmitted by the client, and the SSID of the probe. It joins the Probe and Client tables on the MAC address and orders the results by SSID.

  • ConnectedAP: This view selects the BSSID of the connected access point, the SSID of the access point, the MAC address of the connected client device, and the manufacturer of the client device. It joins the Connected, AP, and Client tables on the BSSID and MAC address, respectively, and orders the results by BSSID.

  • ProbeClientsConnected: This view selects the BSSID and SSID of the connected access point, the MAC address of the probe, the manufacturer and type of the client device, the total number of packets transmitted by the client, and the SSID of the probe. It joins the Probe, Client, and ConnectedAP tables on the MAC address of the probe, and filters the results to exclude probes that are connected to the same SSID that they are probing. The results are ordered by the SSID of the probe.

  • HandshakeAP: This view selects the BSSID of the access point, the SSID of the access point, the MAC address of the client device that performed the handshake, the manufacturer of the client device, the file containing the handshake, and the hashcat output. It joins the Handshake, AP, and Client tables on the BSSID and MAC address, respectively, and orders the results by BSSID.

  • HandshakeAPUnique: This view selects the BSSID of the access point, the SSID of the access point, the MAC address of the client device that performed the handshake, the manufacturer of the client device, the file containing the handshake, and the hashcat output. It joins the Handshake, AP, and Client tables on the BSSID and MAC address, respectively, and filters the results to exclude handshakes that were not cracked by hashcat. The results are grouped by SSID and ordered by BSSID.

  • IdentityAP: This view selects the BSSID of the access point, the SSID of the access point, the MAC address of the client device that performed the identity request, the manufacturer of the client device, the identity string, and the method used for the identity request. It joins the Identity, AP, and Client tables on the BSSID and MAC address, respectively, and orders the results by BSSID.

  • SummaryAP: This view selects the SSID, the count of access points broadcasting the SSID, the encryption type, the manufacturer of the access point, and whether the SSID is cloaked. It groups the results by SSID and orders them by the count of access points in descending order.


  • Aircrack-ng

  • All in 1 file (and separately)

  • Kismet

  • Wigle

  • install

  • parse all files in folder -f --folder

  • Fix Extended errors, tildes, etc (fixed in aircrack-ng 1.6)

  • Support bash multi files: "capture*-1*"

  • Script to delete client or AP from DB (mac). - (Whitelist)

  • Whitelist to don't add mac to DB (file whitelist.txt, add macs, create DB)

  • Overwrite if there is new info (old ESSID='', New ESSID='WIFI')

  • Table Handhsakes and PMKID

  • Hashcat hash format 22000

  • Table files, if file exists skip (full path)

  • Get HTTP POST passwords

  • DNS querys

This program is a continuation of a part of:


  • RaΓΊl Calvo Laorden (@r4ulcl)


GNU General Public License v3.0
