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ICMPWatch - ICMP Packet Sniffer

By: Zion3R

ICMP Packet Sniffer is a Python program that allows you to capture and analyze ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) packets on a network interface. It provides detailed information about the captured packets, including source and destination IP addresses, MAC addresses, ICMP type, payload data, and more. The program can also store the captured packets in a SQLite database and save them in a pcap format.


  • Capture and analyze ICMP Echo Request and Echo Reply packets.
  • Display detailed information about each ICMP packet, including source and destination IP addresses, MAC addresses, packet size, ICMP type, and payload content.
  • Save captured packet information to a text file.
  • Store captured packet information in an SQLite database.
  • Save captured packets to a PCAP file for further analysis.
  • Support for custom packet filtering based on source and destination IP addresses.
  • Colorful console output using ANSI escape codes.
  • User-friendly command-line interface.


  • Python 3.7+
  • scapy 2.4.5 or higher
  • colorama 0.4.4 or higher


  1. Clone this repository:
git clone
  1. Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt


python [-h] [-v] [-t TIMEOUT] [-f FILTER] [-o OUTPUT] [--type {0,8}] [--src-ip SRC_IP] [--dst-ip DST_IP] -i INTERFACE [-db] [-c CAPTURE]
  • -v or --verbose: Show verbose packet details.
  • -t or --timeout: Sniffing timeout in seconds (default is 300 seconds).
  • -f or --filter: BPF filter for packet sniffing (default is "icmp").
  • -o or --output: Output file to save captured packets.
  • --type: ICMP packet type to filter (0: Echo Reply, 8: Echo Request).
  • --src-ip: Source IP address to filter.
  • --dst-ip: Destination IP address to filter.
  • -i or --interface: Network interface to capture packets (required).
  • -db or --database: Store captured packets in an SQLite database.
  • -c or --capture: Capture file to save packets in pcap format.

Press Ctrl+C to stop the sniffing process.


  • Capture ICMP packets on the "eth0" interface:
python -i eth0
  • Sniff ICMP traffic on interface "eth0" and save the results to a file:
python -i eth0 -o icmp_results.txt
  • Filtering by Source and Destination IP:
python -i eth0 --src-ip --dst-ip
  • Filtering ICMP Echo Requests:
python -i eth0 --type 8
  • Saving Captured Packets
python -i eth0 -c captured_packets.pcap
