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Five Core Tenets Of Highly Effective DevSecOps Practices

One of the enduring challenges of building modern applications is to make them more secure without disrupting high-velocity DevOps processes or degrading the developer experience. Today’s cyber threat landscape is rife with sophisticated attacks aimed at all different parts of the software supply chain and the urgency for software-producing organizations to adopt DevSecOps practices that deeply

Navigating the Threat Landscape: Understanding Exposure Management, Pentesting, Red Teaming and RBVM

It comes as no surprise that today's cyber threats are orders of magnitude more complex than those of the past. And the ever-evolving tactics that attackers use demand the adoption of better, more holistic and consolidated ways to meet this non-stop challenge. Security teams constantly look for ways to reduce risk while improving security posture, but many

Recover from Ransomware in 5 Minutes—We will Teach You How!

Super Low RPO with Continuous Data Protection:Dial Back to Just Seconds Before an Attack Zerto, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, can help you detect and recover from ransomware in near real-time. This solution leverages continuous data protection (CDP) to ensure all workloads have the lowest recovery point objective (RPO) possible. The most valuable thing about CDP is that it does not use

Critical JetBrains TeamCity On-Premises Flaw Exposes Servers to Takeover - Patch Now

JetBrains is alerting customers of a critical security flaw in its TeamCity On-Premises continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) software that could be exploited by threat actors to take over susceptible instances. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-23917, carries a CVSS rating of 9.8 out of 10, indicative of its severity. "The vulnerability may enable an unauthenticated

Russian TrickBot Mastermind Gets 5-Year Prison Sentence for Cybercrime Spree

40-year-old Russian national Vladimir Dunaev has been sentenced to five years and four months in prison for his role in creating and distributing the TrickBot malware, the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) said. The development comes nearly two months after Dunaev pleaded guilty to committing computer fraud and identity theft and conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud. "

Russian Hacker Vladimir Dunaev Pleads Guilty for Creating TrickBot Malware

A Russian national has been found guilty in connection with his role in developing and deploying a malware known as TrickBot, the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) announced. Vladimir Dunaev, 40, was arrested in South Korea in September 2021 and extradited to the U.S. a month later. "Dunaev developed browser modifications and malicious tools that aided in credential harvesting and data

How to Keep Your Business Running in a Contested Environment

When organizations start incorporating cybersecurity regulations and cyber incident reporting requirements into their security protocols, it's essential for them to establish comprehensive plans for preparation, mitigation, and response to potential threats. At the heart of your business lies your operational technology and critical systems. This places them at the forefront of cybercriminal

Close Security Gaps with Continuous Threat Exposure Management

CISOs, security leaders, and SOC teams often struggle with limited visibility into all connections made to their company-owned assets and networks. They are hindered by a lack of open-source intelligence and powerful technology required for proactive, continuous, and effective discovery and protection of their systems, data, and assets. As advanced threat actors constantly search for easily

3 Challenges in Building a Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) Program and How to Beat Them

If you're a cybersecurity professional, you're likely familiar with the sea of acronyms our industry is obsessed with. From CNAPP, to CWPP, to CIEM and all of the myriad others, there seems to be a new initialism born each day. In this article, we'll look at another trending acronym – CTEM, which stands for Continuous Threat Exposure Management – and the often-surprising challenges that come

FIN7 and Ex-Conti Cybercrime Gangs Join Forces in Domino Malware Attacks

A new strain of malware developed by threat actors likely affiliated with the FIN7 cybercrime group has been put to use by the members of the now-defunct Conti ransomware gang, indicating collaboration between the two crews. The malware, dubbed Domino, is primarily designed to facilitate follow-on exploitation on compromised systems, including delivering a lesser-known information stealer that

Are Source Code Leaks the New Threat Software vendors Should Care About?

Less than a month ago, Twitter indirectly acknowledged that some of its source code had been leaked on the code-sharing platform GitHub by sending a copyright infringement notice to take down the incriminated repository. The latter is now inaccessible, but according to the media, it was accessible to the public for several months. A user going by the name FreeSpeechEnthousiast committed

Faraday - Open Source Vulnerability Management Platform

Security has two difficult tasks: designing smart ways of getting new information, and keeping track of findings to improve remediation efforts. With Faraday, you may focus on discovering vulnerabilities while we help you with the rest. Just use it in your terminal and get your work organized on the run. Faraday was made to let you take advantage of the available tools in the community in a truly multiuser way.

Faraday aggregates and normalizes the data you load, allowing exploring it into different visualizations that are useful to managers and analysts alike.

To read about the latest features check out the release notes!



The easiest way to get faraday up and running is using our docker-compose

$ wget
$ docker-compose up

If you want to customize, you can find an example config over here Link


You need to have a Postgres running first.

 $ docker run \
-v $HOME/.faraday:/home/faraday/.faraday \
-p 5985:5985 \
-e PGSQL_USER='postgres_user' \
-e PGSQL_HOST='postgres_ip' \
-e PGSQL_PASSWD='postgres_password' \
-e PGSQL_DBNAME='postgres_db_name' \


$ pip3 install faradaysec
$ faraday-manage initdb
$ faraday-server

Binary Packages (Debian/RPM)

You can find the installers on our releases page

$ sudo apt install faraday-server_amd64.deb
# Add your user to the faraday group
$ faraday-manage initdb
$ sudo systemctl start faraday-server

Add your user to the faraday group and then run


If you want to run directly from this repo, this is the recommended way:

$ pip3 install virtualenv
$ virtualenv faraday_venv
$ source faraday_venv/bin/activate
$ git clone
$ pip3 install .
$ faraday-manage initdb
$ faraday-server

Check out our documentation for detailed information on how to install Faraday in all of our supported platforms

For more information about the installation, check out our Installation Wiki.

In your browser now you can go to http://localhost:5985 and login with "faraday" as username, and the password given by the installation process

Getting Started

Learn about Faraday holistic approach and rethink vulnerability management.

Integrating faraday in your CI/CD

Setup Bandit and OWASP ZAP in your pipeline

Setup Bandit, OWASP ZAP and SonarQube in your pipeline

Faraday Cli

Faraday-cli is our command line client, providing easy access to the console tools, work in faraday directly from the terminal!

This is a great way to automate scans, integrate it to CI/CD pipeline or just get metrics from a workspace

$ pip3 install faraday-cli

Check our faraday-cli repo

Check out the documentation here.

Faraday Agents

Faraday Agents Dispatcher is a tool that gives Faraday the ability to run scanners or tools remotely from the platform and get the results.


Connect you favorite tools through our plugins. Right now there are more than 80+ supported tools, among which you will find:

Missing your favorite one? Create a Pull Request!

There are two Plugin types:

Console plugins which interpret the output of the tools you execute.

$ faraday-cli tool run \"nmap\"
💻 Processing Nmap command
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( ) at 2021-02-22 14:13 -03
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.17s latency).
rDNS record for
Not shown: 996 filtered ports
80/tcp open http
443/tcp open https
2222/tcp open EtherNetIP-1
3306/tcp closed mysql
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 11.12 seconds
⬆ Sending data to workspace: test
✔ Done

Report plugins which allows you to import previously generated artifacts like XMLs, JSONs.

faraday-cli tool report burp.xml

Creating custom plugins is super easy, Read more about Plugins.


You can access directly to our API, check out the documentation here.


A CISOs Practical Guide to Storage and Backup Ransomware Resiliency

One thing is clear. The "business value" of data continues to grow, making it an organization's primary piece of intellectual property. From a cyber risk perspective, attacks on data are the most prominent threat to organizations.  Regulators, cyber insurance firms, and auditors are paying much closer attention to the integrity, resilience, and recoverability of organization data – as well as

U.K. and U.S. Sanction 7 Russians for TrickBot, Ryuk, and Conti Ransomware Attacks

In a first-of-its-kind coordinated action, the U.K. and U.S. governments on Thursday levied sanctions against seven Russian nationals for their affiliation to the TrickBot, Ryuk, and Conti cybercrime operation. The individuals designated under sanctions are Vitaly Kovalev (aka Alex Konor, Bentley, or Bergen), Maksim Mikhailov (aka Baget), Valentin Karyagin (aka Globus), Mikhail Iskritskiy (aka

Vice Society Ransomware Attackers Adopt Robust Encryption Methods

The Vice Society ransomware actors have switched to yet another custom ransomware payload in their recent attacks aimed at a variety of sectors. "This ransomware variant, dubbed 'PolyVice,' implements a robust encryption scheme, using NTRUEncrypt and ChaCha20-Poly1305 algorithms," SentinelOne researcher Antonio Cocomazzi said in an analysis. Vice Society, which is tracked by Microsoft under the

Threatest - Threatest Is A Go Framework For End-To-End Testing Threat Detection Rules

Threatest is a Go framework for testing threat detection end-to-end.

Threatest allows you to detonate an attack technique, and verify that the alert you expect was generated in your favorite security platform.

Read the announcement blog post:



A detonator describes how and where an attack technique is executed.

Supported detonators:

  • Local command execution
  • SSH command execution
  • Stratus Red Team
  • AWS detonator

Alert matchers

An alert matcher is a platform-specific integration that can check if an expected alert was triggered.

Supported alert matchers:

  • Datadog security signals

Detonation and alert correlation

Each detonation is assigned a UUID. This UUID is reflected in the detonation and used to ensure that the matched alert corresponds exactly to this detonation.

The way this is done depends on the detonator; for instance, Stratus Red Team and the AWS Detonator inject it in the user-agent; the SSH detonator uses a parent process containing the UUID.

Sample usage

See examples for complete usage example.

Testing Datadog Cloud SIEM signals triggered by Stratus Red Team

threatest := Threatest()

threatest.Scenario("AWS console login").
Expect(DatadogSecuritySignal("AWS Console login without MFA").WithSeverity("medium")).
WithTimeout(15 * time.Minute)

assert.NoError(t, threatest.Run())

Testing Datadog Cloud Workload Security signals triggered by running commands over SSH

ssh, _ := NewSSHCommandExecutor("test-box", "", "")

threatest := Threatest()

threatest.Scenario("curl to metadata service").
WhenDetonating(NewCommandDetonator(ssh, "curl --connect-timeout 1")).
Expect(DatadogSecuritySignal("EC2 Instance Metadata Service Accessed via Network Utility"))

assert.NoError(t, threatest.Run())

Some Members of Conti Group Targeting Ukraine in Financially Motivated Attacks

Former members of the Conti cybercrime cartel have been implicated in five different campaigns targeting Ukraine from April to August 2022. The findings, which come from Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG), builds upon a prior report published in July 2022 detailing the continued cyber activity aimed at the Eastern European nation amid the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war. "UAC-0098 is a threat

U.S. Government Offers $10 Million Reward for Information on Conti Ransomware Gang

The U.S. State Department on Thursday announced a $10 million reward for information related to five individuals associated with the Conti ransomware group. The reward offer is also notable for the fact that it marks the first time the face of a Conti associate, known as "Target," has been unmasked. The four other alleged members have been referred to as "Tramp," "Dandis," "Professor," and "

Conti Cybercrime Cartel Using 'BazarCall' Phishing Attacks as Initial Attack Vector

A trio of offshoots from the notorious Conti cybercrime cartel have resorted to the technique of call-back phishing as an initial access vector to breach targeted networks. "Three autonomous threat groups have since adopted and independently developed their own targeted phishing tactics derived from the call back phishing methodology," cybersecurity firm AdvIntel said in a Wednesday report.