SharpCovertTube is a program created to control Windows systems remotely by uploading videos to Youtube.
The program monitors a Youtube channel until a video is uploaded, decodes the QR code from the thumbnail of the uploaded video and executes a command. The QR codes in the videos can use cleartext or AES-encrypted values.
It has two versions, binary and service binary, and it includes a Python script to generate the malicious videos. Its purpose is to serve as a persistence method using only web requests to the Google API.
Run the listener in your Windows system:
It will check the Youtube channel every a specific amount of time (10 minutes by default) until a new video is uploaded. In this case, we upload "whoami.avi" from the folder example-videos:
After finding there is a new video in the channel, it decodes the QR code from the video thumbnail, executes the command and the response is base64-encoded and exfiltrated using DNS:
This works also for QR codes with AES-encrypted payloads and longer command responses. In this example, the file "dirtemp_aes.avi" from example-videos is uploaded and the content of c:\temp is exfiltrated using several DNS queries:
Logging to a file is optional but you must check the folder for that file exists in the system, the default value is "c:\temp\.sharpcoverttube.log". DNS exfiltration is also optional and can be tested using Burp's collaborator:
As an alternative, I created this repository with scripts to monitor and parse the base64-encoded DNS queries containing the command responses.
There are some values you can change, you can find them in Configuration.cs file for the regular binary and the service binary. Only the first two have to be updated:
You can generate the videos from Windows using Python3. For that, first install the dependencies:
pip install Pillow opencv-python pyqrcode pypng pycryptodome rebus
Then run the script:
python -t TYPE -f FILE -c COMMAND [-k AESKEY] [-i AESIV]
TYPE (-t) must be "qr" for payloads in cleartext or "qr_aes" if using AES encryption.
FILE (-f) is the path where the video is generated.
COMMAND (-c) is the command to execute in the system.
AESKEY (-k) is the key for AES encryption, only necessary if using the type "qr_aes". It must be a string of 16 characters and the same as in Program.cs file in SharpCovertTube.
AESIV (-i) is the IV for AES encryption, only necessary if using the type "qr_aes". It must be a string of 16 characters and the same as in Program.cs file in SharpCovertTube.
Generate a video with a QR value of "whoami" in cleartext in the path c:\temp\whoami.avi:
python -t qr -f c:\temp\whoami.avi -c whoami
Generate a video with an AES-encrypted QR value of "dir c:\windows\temp" with the key and IV "0000000000000000" in the path c:\temp\dirtemp_aes.avi:
python -t qr_aes -f c:\temp\dirtemp_aes.avi -c "dir c:\windows\temp" -k 0000000000000000 -i 0000000000000000
You can find the code to run it as a service in the SharpCovertTube_Service folder. It has the same functionalities except self-deletion, which would not make sense in this case.
It possible to install it with InstallUtil, it is prepared to run as the SYSTEM user and you need to install it as administrator:
InstallUtil.exe SharpCovertTube_Service.exe
You can then start it with:
net start "SharpCovertTube Service"
In case you have administrative privileges this may be stealthier than the ordinary binary, but the "Description" and "DisplayName" should be updated (as you can see in the image above). If you do not have those privileges you can not install services so you can only use the ordinary binary.
File must be 64 bits!!! This is due to the code used for QR decoding, which is borrowed from Stefan Gansevles's QR-Capture project, who borrowed part of it from Uzi Granot's QRCode project, who at the same time borrowed part of it from Zakhar Semenov's Camera_Net project (then I lost track). So thanks to all of them!
This project is a port from covert-tube, a project I developed in 2021 using just Python, which was inspired by Welivesecurity blogs about Casbaneiro and Numando malwares.
PySQLRecon is a Python port of the awesome SQLRecon project by @sanjivkawa. See the commands section for a list of capabilities.
PySQLRecon can be installed with pip3 install pysqlrecon
or by cloning this repository and running pip3 install .
All of the main modules from SQLRecon have equivalent commands. Commands noted with [PRIV]
require elevated privileges or sysadmin rights to run. Alternatively, commands marked with [NORM]
can likely be run by normal users and do not require elevated privileges.
Support for impersonation ([I]
) or execution on linked servers ([L]
) are denoted at the end of the command description.
adsi [PRIV] Obtain ADSI creds from ADSI linked server [I,L]
agentcmd [PRIV] Execute a system command using agent jobs [I,L]
agentstatus [PRIV] Enumerate SQL agent status and jobs [I,L]
checkrpc [NORM] Enumerate RPC status of linked servers [I,L]
clr [PRIV] Load and execute .NET assembly in a stored procedure [I,L]
columns [NORM] Enumerate columns within a table [I,L]
databases [NORM] Enumerate databases on a server [I,L]
disableclr [PRIV] Disable CLR integration [I,L]
disableole [PRIV] Disable OLE automation procedures [I,L]
disablerpc [PRIV] Disable RPC and RPC Out on linked server [I]
disablexp [PRIV] Disable xp_cmdshell [I,L]
enableclr [PRIV] Enable CLR integration [I,L]
enableole [PRIV] Enable OLE automation procedures [I,L]
enablerpc [PRIV] Enable RPC and RPC Out on linked server [I]
enablexp [PRIV] Enable xp_cmdshell [I,L]
impersonate [NORM] Enumerate users that can be impersonated
info [NORM] Gather information about the SQL server
links [NORM] Enumerate linked servers [I,L]
olecmd [PRIV] Execute a system command using OLE automation procedures [I,L]
query [NORM] Execute a custom SQL query [I,L]
rows [NORM] Get the count of rows in a table [I,L]
search [NORM] Search a table for a column name [I,L]
smb [NORM] Coerce NetNTLM auth via xp_dirtree [I,L]
tables [NORM] Enu merate tables within a database [I,L]
users [NORM] Enumerate users with database access [I,L]
whoami [NORM] Gather logged in user, mapped user and roles [I,L]
xpcmd [PRIV] Execute a system command using xp_cmdshell [I,L]
PySQLRecon has global options (available to any command), with some commands introducing additional flags. All global options must be specified before the command name:
View global options:
pysqlrecon --help
View command specific options:
pysqlrecon [GLOBAL_OPTS] COMMAND --help
Change the database authenticated to, or used in certain PySQLRecon commands (query
, tables
, columns
), with the --database
Target execution of a PySQLRecon command on a linked server (instead of the SQL server being authenticated to) using the --link
Impersonate a user account while running a PySQLRecon command with the --impersonate
and --impersonate
and incompatible.
pysqlrecon uses Poetry to manage dependencies. Install from source and setup for development with:
git clone
cd pysqlrecon
poetry install
poetry run pysqlrecon --help
PySQLRecon is easily extensible - see the template and instructions in resources