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Before yesterdayNaked Security

SIM swapper sent to prison for 2FA cryptocurrency heist of over $20m

Guilty party got 18 months, also has to pay back $20m he probably hasn't got, which could land him in more hot water.

Ping of death! FreeBSD fixes crashtastic bug in network tool

It's a venerable program, and this version had a venerable bug in it.

Apple pushes out iOS security update that’s more tight-lipped than ever

We grabbed the update, based on no information at all, just in case we came across a reason to advise you not to. So far, so good...

LastPass admits to customer data breach caused by previous breach

Seems that the developer account that the crooks breached last time gave indirect access to customer data this time round.

The CHRISTMA EXEC network worm – 35 years and counting!

"Uh-oh, this viruses-and-worms scene could turn out quite troublesome." If only we'd been wrong...


Serious Security: MD5 considered harmful – to the tune of $600,000

It's not just the hashing, by the way. It's the salting and the stretching, too!

TikTok β€œInvisible Challenge” porn malware puts us all at risk

An injury to one is an injury to all. Especially if the other people are part of your social network.

Chrome fixes 8th zero-day of 2022 – check your version now (Edge too!)

There isn't a rhyme to remind you which months have browser zero-days... you just have to keep your eyes and ears open!

S3 Ep110: Spotlight on cyberthreats – an expert speaks [Audio + Text]

Latest episode - security expert John Shier explains what the real-life cybercrime stories in the Sophos Threat Report can teach us

Multimillion dollar CryptoRom scam sites seized, suspects arrested in US

Five tips to keep yourself, and your friends and family, out of the clutches of "chopping block" scammers...


How social media scammers buy time to steal your 2FA codes

The warning is hosted on a real Facebook page; the phishing uses HTTPS via a real Google server... but the content is all fake


Firefox fixes fullscreen fakery flaw – get the update now!

What's so bad about a web page going fullscreen without warning you first?

Log4Shell-like code execution hole in popular Backstage dev tool

Good old "string templating", also known as "string interpolation", in the spotlight again...


β€œGucci Master” business email scammer Hushpuppi gets 11 years

Learn how to protect yourself from big-money tricksters like the Hushpuppis of the world...


Emergency code execution patch from Apple – but not an 0-day

Not a zero-day, but important enough for a quick-fire patch to one system library...

The OpenSSL security update story – how can you tell what needs fixing?

How to Hack! Finding OpenSSL library files and accurately identifying their version numbers...


OpenSSL patches are out – CRITICAL bug downgraded to HIGH, but patch anyway!

That bated-breath OpenSSL update is out! It's no longer rated CRITICAL, but we advise you to patch ASAP anyway. Here's why...

SHA-3 code execution bug patched in PHP – check your version!

As everyone waits for news of a bug in OpenSSL, here's a reminder that other cryptographic code in your life may also need patching!

Psychotherapy extortion suspect: arrest warrant issued

Wanted! Not only the extortionist who abused the data, but also the CEO who let it happen.

Chrome issues urgent zero-day fix – update now!

We've said it before/And we'll say it again/It's not *if* you should patch/It's a matter of *when*. (Hint: now!)

Online ticketing company β€œSee” pwned for 2.5 years by attackers

Don't be a cybersecurity slowcoach - you need to spot possible attacks as soon as you can.

Apple megaupdate: Ventura out, iOS and iPad kernel zero-day – act now!

Ventura hits the market with 112 patches, Catalina's gone missing, and iPhones and iPads get a critical kernel-level zero-day patch...

Serious Security: How randomly (or not) can you shuffle cards?

What if you could guess the next card correctly twice as often as you should?


Women in Cryptology – USPS celebrates WW2 codebreakers

What did you do in the war, Mom? Oh, y'know, a bit of this and that...

Fashion brand SHEIN fined $1.9m for lying about data breach

Is "pay a small fine and keep on trading" a sufficient penalty for letting a breach happen, impeding an investigation, and hiding the truth?

Move over Patch Tuesday – it’s Ada Lovelace Day!

Hacking on actual computers is one thing, but hacking purposefully on imaginary computers is, these days, something we can only imagine.

Mystery iPhone update patches against iOS 16 mail crash-attack

The problem with crashy messaging apps is that *other people* get to choose if and when to send you messages...

Serious Security: OAuth 2 and why Microsoft is finally forcing you into it

Microsoft calls it "Modern Auth", though it's a decade old, and is finally forcing Exchange Online customers to switch to it.

BEC fraudster and romance scammer sent to prison for 25 years

Two years of scamming + $10 million leeched = 25 years in prison. Just in time for #Cybermonth.


Scammers and rogue callers – can anything ever stop them?

Some thoughts for Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Is is worth reporting nuisance calls? Is it even worth reporting outright scams?
