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The UK’s GPS Tagging of Migrants Has Been Ruled Illegal

The UK’s privacy regulator says the government did not take into account the intrusiveness of ankle tags that continuously monitor a person’s location.

The UK Is GPS-Tagging Thousands of Migrants

Ankle tags that constantly log a person’s coordinates are part of a growing cadre of experimental surveillance tools that countries around the world are trying out on new arrivals.

Leaked EU Document Shows Spain Wants to Ban End-to-End Encryption

In response to an EU proposal to scan private messages for illegal material, the country's officials said it is β€œimperative that we have access to the data.”

Ukraine Enters a Dark New Era of Drone Warfare

A series of deadly attacks using Iranian β€œsuicide drones” shows Russia is shifting gears in the conflict.

Biden’s Privacy Order Slaps a Band-Aid on the EU-US Data Crisis

A new executive order tries to reassure Europeans that their data is safe on US soil, despite government surveillance.