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Hackers Can Jailbreak Digital License Plates to Make Others Pay Their Tolls and Tickets

Digital license plates sold by Reviver, already legal to buy in some states and drive with nationwide, can be hacked by their owners to evade traffic regulations or even law enforcement surveillance.

GPS Jamming Is Screwing With Norwegian Planes

So much jamming is taking place in northeastern Norway, regulators no longer want to know.

Teslas Can Still Be Stolen With a Cheap Radio Hackβ€”Despite New Keyless Tech

Ultra-wideband radio has been heralded as the solution for β€œrelay attacks” that are used to steal cars in seconds. But researchers found Teslas equipped with it are as vulnerable as ever.

The White House Warns Cars Made in China Could Unleash Chaos on US Highways

As Chinese automakers prepare to launch in the US, the White House is investigating whether cars made in China could pose a national security threat.