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Alert: New WailingCrab Malware Loader Spreading via Shipping-Themed Emails

Delivery- and shipping-themed email messages are being used to deliver a sophisticated malware loader known asΒ WailingCrab. "The malware itself is split into multiple components, including a loader, injector, downloader and backdoor, and successful requests to C2-controlled servers are often necessary to retrieve the next stage," IBM X-Force researchers Charlotte Hammond, Ole Villadsen, and Kat

BATLOADER Malware Uses Google Ads to Deliver Vidar Stealer and Ursnif Payloads

The malware downloader known as BATLOADER has been observedΒ abusing Google AdsΒ to deliver secondary payloads like Vidar Stealer and Ursnif. According to cybersecurity companyΒ eSentire, the malicious ads are used to spoof a wide range of legitimate apps and services such as Adobe, OpenAPI's ChatGPT, Spotify, Tableau, and Zoom. BATLOADER, as the name suggests, is a loader that's responsible for