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Bugsy - Command-line Interface Tool That Provides Automatic Security Vulnerability Remediation For Your Code

By: Zion3R

Bugsy is a command-line interface (CLI) tool that provides automatic security vulnerability remediation for your code. It is the community edition version of Mobb, the first vendor-agnostic automated security vulnerability remediation tool. Bugsy is designed to help developers quickly identify and fix security vulnerabilities in their code.

What is Mobb?

Mobb is the first vendor-agnostic automatic security vulnerability remediation tool. It ingests SAST results from Checkmarx, CodeQL (GitHub Advanced Security), OpenText Fortify, and Snyk and produces code fixes for developers to review and commit to their code.

What does Bugsy do?

Bugsy has two modes - Scan (no SAST report needed) & Analyze (the user needs to provide a pre-generated SAST report from one of the supported SAST tools).


  • Uses Checkmarx or Snyk CLI tools to run a SAST scan on a given open-source GitHub/GitLab repo
  • Analyzes the vulnerability report to identify issues that can be remediated automatically
  • Produces the code fixes and redirects the user to the fix report page on the Mobb platform


  • Analyzes the a Checkmarx/CodeQL/Fortify/Snyk vulnerability report to identify issues that can be remediated automatically
  • Produces the code fixes and redirects the user to the fix report page on the Mobb platform


This is a community edition version that only analyzes public GitHub repositories. Analyzing private repositories is allowed for a limited amount of time. Bugsy does not detect any vulnerabilities in your code, it uses findings detected by the SAST tools mentioned above.


You can simply run Bugsy from the command line, using npx:

npx mobbdev

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