A tools for Find APK Infrastructure .
HADESS performs offensive cybersecurity services through infrastructures and software that include vulnerability analysis, scenario attack planning, and implementation of custom integrated preventive projects. We organized our activities around the prevention of corporate, industrial, and laboratory cyber threats.
pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py
--help Display help
--path Required path of apk file
--manifest Display manifest informations
--infra Find all infra addresses included ip,domain ex. --infra ip,domain
--whoise Whoise all infra included ip,domain ex. --whoise ip,domain
--output Set output files ex. --output out.txt
Example Usage:
1.Find infra(domain and ip) in sample4.apk and set output result into out.txt
python3 main.py --path sample4.apk --infra domain,ip --output out.txt
python3 main.py --path sample.apk --whois ip
A modular web reconnaissance tool and vulnerability scanner based on Karton (https://github.com/CERT-Polska/karton).
The Artemis project has been initiated by the KN Cyber science club of Warsaw University of Technology and is currently being maintained by CERT Polska.
Artemis is experimental software, under active development - use at your own risk.
For an up-to-date list of features, please refer to the documentation.
To run the tests, use:
Artemis uses pre-commit
to run linters and format the code. pre-commit
is executed on CI to verify that the code is formatted properly.
To run it locally, use:
pre-commit run --all-files
To setup pre-commit
so that it runs before each commit, use:
pre-commit install
To build the documentation, use:
cd docs
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
make html
Please refer to the documentation.
Contributions are welcome! We will appreciate both ideas for new Artemis modules (added as GitHub issues) as well as pull requests with new modules or code improvements.
However obvious it may seem we kindly remind you that by contributing to Artemis you agree that the BSD 3-Clause License shall apply to your input automatically, without the need for any additional declarations to be made.