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SqliSniper - Advanced Time-based Blind SQL Injection Fuzzer For HTTP Headers

By: Zion3R

SqliSniper is a robust Python tool designed to detect time-based blind SQL injections in HTTP request headers. It enhances the security assessment process by rapidly scanning and identifying potential vulnerabilities using multi-threaded, ensuring speed and efficiency. Unlike other scanners, SqliSniper is designed to eliminates false positives through and send alerts upon detection, with the built-in Discord notification functionality.

Key Features

  • Time-Based Blind SQL Injection Detection: Pinpoints potential SQL injection vulnerabilities in HTTP headers.
  • Multi-Threaded Scanning: Offers faster scanning capabilities through concurrent processing.
  • Discord Notifications: Sends alerts via Discord webhook for detected vulnerabilities.
  • False Positive Checks: Implements response time analysis to differentiate between true positives and false alarms.
  • Custom Payload and Headers Support: Allows users to define custom payloads and headers for targeted scanning.


git clone
cd SqliSniper
chmod +x
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


This will display help for the tool. Here are all the options it supports.

ubuntu:~/sqlisniper$ ./ -h

β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•—
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-: By Muhammad Danial :-

usage: [-h] [-u URL] [-r URLS_FILE] [-p] [--proxy PROXY] [--payload PA YLOAD] [--single-payload SINGLE_PAYLOAD] [--discord DISCORD] [--headers HEADERS]
[--threads THREADS]

Detect SQL injection by sending malicious queries

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL Single URL for the target
-r URLS_FILE, --urls_file URLS_FILE
File containing a list of URLs
-p, --pipeline Read from pipeline
--proxy PROXY Proxy for intercepting requests (e.g.,
--payload PAYLOAD File containing malicious payloads (default is payloads.txt)
--single-payload SINGLE_PAYLOAD
Single payload for testing
--discord DISCORD Discord Webhook URL
--headers HEADERS File containing headers (default is headers.txt)
--threads THREADS Number of threads

Running SqliSniper

Single Url Scan

The url can be provided with -u flag for single site scan

./ -u

File Input

The -r flag allows SqliSniper to read a file containing multiple URLs for simultaneous scanning.

./ -r url.txt

piping URLs

The SqliSniper can also worked with the pipeline input with -p flag

cat url.txt | ./ -p

The pipeline feature facilitates seamless integration with other tools. For instance, you can utilize tools like subfinder and httpx, and then pipe their output to SqliSniper for mass scanning.

subfinder -silent -d | sort -u | httpx -silent | ./ -p

Scanning with custom payloads

By default the SqliSniper use the payloads.txt file. However --payload flag can be used for providing custom payloads file.

./ -u --payload mssql_payloads.txt

While using the custom payloads file, ensure that you substitute the sleep time with %__TIME_OUT__%. SqliSniper dynamically adjusts the sleep time iteratively to mitigate potential false positives. The payloads file should look like this.

ubuntu:~/sqlisniper$ cat payloads.txt 

Scanning with Single Payloads

If you want to only test with the single payload --single-payload flag can be used. Make sure to replace the sleep time with %__TIME_OUT__%

./ -r url.txt --single-payload "0'XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(%__TIME_OUT__%),0))XOR'Z"

Scanning Custom Header

Headers are saved in the file headers.txt for scanning custom header save the custom HTTP Request Header in headers.txt file.

ubuntu:~/sqlisniper$ cat headers.txt 
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)

Sending Discord Alert Notifications

SqliSniper also offers Discord alert notifications, enhancing its functionality by providing real-time alerts through Discord webhooks. This feature proves invaluable during large-scale scans, allowing prompt notifications upon detection.

./ -r url.txt --discord <web_hookurl>


Threads can be defined with --threads flag

 ./ -r url.txt --threads 10

Note: It is crucial to consider that employing a higher number of threads might lead to potential false positives or overlooking valid issues. Due to the nature of time-based SQL injection it is recommended to use lower thread for more accurate detection.

SqliSniper is made inΒ  pythonΒ with lots of <3 by @Muhammad Danial.

EasyEASM - Zero-dollar Attack Surface Management Tool

By: Zion3R

Zero-dollar attack surface management tool

featured at Black Hat Arsenal 2023 and Recon Village @ DEF CON 2023.


Easy EASM is just that... the easiest to set-up tool to give your organization visibility into its external facing assets.

The industry is dominated by $30k vendors selling "Attack Surface Management," but OG bug bounty hunters and red teamers know the truth. External ASM was born out of the bug bounty scene. Most of these $30k vendors use this open-source tooling on the backend.

With ten lines of setup or less, using open-source tools, and one button deployment, Easy EASM will give your organization a complete view of your online assets. Easy EASM scans you daily and alerts you via Slack or Discord on newly found assets! Easy EASM also spits out an Excel skeleton for a Risk Register or Asset Database! This isn't rocket science, but it's USEFUL. Don't get scammed. Grab Easy EASM and feel confident you know what's facing attackers on the internet.


go install

Example config file

The tool expects a configuration file named config.yml to be in the directory you are running from.

Here is example of this yaml file:

# EasyEASM configurations
domains: # List root domains here.
slack: # Slack webhook url for Slack notifications.
discord: # Discord webhook for Discord notifications.
runType: fast # Set to either fast (passive enum) or complete (active enumeration).
activeWordList: subdomainWordlist.txt
activeThreads: 100


To run the tool, fill out the config file: config.yml. Then, run the easyeasm module:


After the run is complete, you should see the output CSV (EasyEASM.csv) in the run directory. This CSV can be added to your asset database and risk register!


The creator(s) of this tool provides no warranty or assurance regarding its performance, dependability, or suitability for any specific purpose.

The tool is furnished on an "as is" basis without any form of warranty, whether express or implied, encompassing, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.

The user assumes full responsibility for employing this tool and does so at their own peril. The creator(s) holds no accountability for any loss, damage, or expenses sustained by the user or any third party due to the utilization of this tool, whether in a direct or indirect manner.

Moreover, the creator(s) explicitly renounces any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, substance, or availability of information acquired through the use of this tool, as well as for any harm inflicted by viruses, malware, or other malicious components that may infiltrate the user's system as a result of employing this tool.

By utilizing this tool, the user acknowledges that they have perused and understood this warranty declaration and agree to undertake all risks linked to its utilization.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the for details.


For assistance, use the Issues tab. If we do not respond within 7 days, please reach out to us here.

Mailchecker - Cross-language Temporary (Disposable/Throwaway) Email Detection Library. Covers 55 734+ Fake Email Providers

By: Zion3R

Cross-language email validation. Backed by a database of over 55 000 throwable email domains.

This will be very helpful when you have to contact your users and you want to avoid errors causing lack of communication or want to block "spamboxes".

Need to provide Webhooks inside your SaaS?

Need to embed a charts into an email?

It's over with Image-Charts, no more server-side rendering pain, 1 url = 1 chart.
cht=lc // chart type
&chd=s:cEAELFJHHHKUju9uuXUc // chart data
&chxt=x,y // axis
&chxl=0:|0|1|2|3|4|5| // axis labels
&chs=873x200 // size

Use Image-Charts for free

Upgrade from 1.x to 3.x

Mailchecker public API has been normalized, here are the changes:

  • NodeJS/JavaScript: MailChecker(email) -> MailChecker.isValid(email)
  • PHP: MailChecker($email) -> MailChecker::isValid($email)
  • Python
import MailChecker
m = MailChecker.MailChecker()
if not m.is_valid(''):
# ...


import MailChecker
if not MailChecker.is_valid(''):
# ...

MailChecker currently supports:



var MailChecker = require('mailchecker');

console.error('O RLY !');

console.error('O RLY !');


<script type="text/javascript" src="MailChecker/platform/javascript/MailChecker.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
console.error('O RLY !');

console.error('O RLY !');


include __DIR__."/MailChecker/platform/php/MailChecker.php";

die('O RLY !');

die('O RLY !');


pip install mailchecker
# no package yet; just drop in where you want to use it.
from MailChecker import MailChecker

if not MailChecker.is_valid(''):
print "O RLY !"

Django validator:


require 'mail_checker'

unless MailChecker.valid?('')
fail('O RLY!')


 extern crate mailchecker;

assert_eq!(true, mailchecker::is_valid(""));
assert_eq!(false, mailchecker::is_valid("\\n"));
assert_eq!(false, mailchecker::is_valid(""));


Code.require_file("mail_checker.ex", "mailchecker/platform/elixir/")

unless MailChecker.valid?("") do
raise "O RLY !"

unless MailChecker.valid?("") do
raise "O RLY !"


; no package yet; just drop in mailchecker.clj where you want to use it.
(load-file "platform/clojure/mailchecker.clj")

(if (not (mailchecker/valid? ""))
(throw (Throwable. "O RLY!")))

(if (not (mailchecker/valid? ""))
(throw (Throwable. "O RLY!")))


package main

import (


if !mail_checker.IsValid('') {
log.Fatal('O RLY !');

if !mail_checker.IsValid('') {
log.Fatal("O RLY !")



go get


npm install mailchecker


gem install ruby-mailchecker


composer require fgribreau/mailchecker

We accept pull-requests for other package manager.

Data sources


  $('td', 'table:last').map(function(){
return this.innerText;

BloggingWV'.entry > ul > li a')).map(function(el){return el.innerText});

... please add your own dataset to list.txt.

Regenerate libraries from list.txt

Just run (requires NodeJS):

npm run build


Development environment requires docker.

# install and setup every language dependencies in parallel through docker
npm install

# run every language setup in parallel through docker
npm run setup

# run every language tests in parallel through docker
npm test



These amazing people are maintaining this project:


These amazing people have contributed code to this project:

Discover how you can contribute by heading on over to the file.


Skyhook - A Round-Trip Obfuscated HTTP File Transfer Setup Built To Bypass IDS Detections

By: Zion3R

Skyhook is a REST-driven utility used to smuggle files into and out of networks defended by IDS implementations. It comes with a pre-packaged web client that uses a blend of React, vanilla JS, and web assembly to manage file transfers.

Key Links


  • Round trip file content obfuscation
  • User-configurable obfuscation chaining
  • Self-signed and Lets Encrypt certificate procurement methods
  • Embedded web applications for both configuration and file transfers.
  • Server fingerprinting resiliency techniques:
    • Encrypted loaders capable of dynamically encrypting interface files as the file transfer interface is rendered
    • API and web resource path randomization

Brief Description

Note: See the user documentation for more thorough discussion of Skyhook and how it functions.

Skyhook's file transfer server seamlessly obfuscates file content with a user-configured series of obfuscation algorithms prior to writing the content to response bodies. Clients, which are configred with the same obfuscation algorithms, deobfuscate the file content prior to saving the file to disk. A file streaming technique is used to manage the HTTP transactions in a chunked manner, thus facilitating large file transfers.


subgraph sg-cloudfront[Cloudfront CDN]

subgraph sg-vps[VPS]
subgraph sg-skyhook[Skyhook Servers]
admin-listener(Admin Server<br>45000/tls)
transfer-listener(Transfer Server<br>45001/tls)

config-file(Config File<br>/var/skyroot/config.yml)

admin-listener -..->|Reads &<br>Manages| config-file

transfer-listener -..->|Serves From &<br>Writes Cleartext<br>Files To| webroot

op-browser(Operator<br>Web Browser) -->|Administration<br>Traffic| admin-listener
op-browser <-->|Obfuscated<br>Data| transfer-listener

subgraph sg-corp[Corporate Environment]
subgraph sg-compromised[Beachhead Host]
comp-browser(Web Browser) -->|Reads &<b r>Writes| cleartext-file(Cleartext Files)

comp-browser <-->|Obfuscated<br>Data| cf-listener <-->|Obfuscated<br>Data| transfer-listener

A Brief Example

For example, here is a working obfuscation configuration:

And here is the file transfer interface. Clicking "Download" results in the file being retrieved in chunks that are encrypted with the chain of obfuscation methods configured above.

JavaScript deobfuscates the file before prompting the user to save it to disk.

Below is a request stemming from a download being inspected with Burp. Key elements of the transaction are encrypted to evade detection.

Moniorg - Tool That Leverages Crt.Sh Website To Monitor Domains Of A Target

By: Zion3R

By looking through CT logs an attacker can gather a lot of information about organization's infrastructure i.e. internal domains,email addresses in a completly passive manner.

moniorg leverage certificate transparency logs to monitor for newly issued domains based on organization field in their SSL certificate .


git clone


  • Python version used : Python 3.x.
  • moniorg depends on few modules to run:
pip install os sys termcolor difflib json argparse
  • To run the tool in VPS mode and continiously keep monitoring the organization you need free slack workspace , once you get it add the Incoming Webhook URL to the file in the variable named posting_webhook .
    Set up incoming webhooks for slack


usage: [-h] [-a ADD] [-g GET] [-l] [-m MONITOR] [-v] orgname
Short form Long form Description
-h --help Show help message and exit
-a --add Add organization name to be monitored
-m --monitor Monitor and see newly added domains
-g --get Get a list of domains based on orgname that you are monitoring
-l --list List organization names you are monitoring
-v --vps Running moniorg in vps mode and send slack notification whenever a new domain is found (this option should be used along with -m)

Examples :

Adding an organization name to the monitoring list :

python3 -a "VK LLC"

,--,--,--. ,---. ,--,--, `--' ,---. ,--.--. ,---.
| || .-. || \,--.| .-. || .--'| .-. |
| | | |' '-' '| || || |' '-' '| | ' '-' '
`--`--`--' `---' `--''--'`--' `---' `--' .`- /
By Youssef Lahouifi

To see the domains gathered :

python3 -g "VK LLC"

,--,--,--. ,---. ,--,--, `--' ,---. ,--.--. ,---.
| || .-. || \,--.| .-. || .--'| .-. |
| | | |' '-' '| || || |' '-' '| | ' '-' '
`--`--`--' `---' `--''--'`--' `---' `--' .`- /
By Youssef Lahouifi

[+] below is the list of domains of the company ...

To see if new domain is added :

python3 -m "VK LLC"

,--,--,--. ,---. ,--,--, `--' ,---. ,--.--. ,---.
| || .-. || \,--.| .-. || .--'| .-. |
| | | |' '-' '| || || |' '-' '| | ' '-' '
`--`--`--' `---' `--''--'`--' `---' `--' .`- /
By Youssef Lahouifi

Got Nothing !


moniorg depends on website to find new domains and sometimes looks like is timing out when the list of domain is huge . You just have to retry .

Read more

Discovering domains like never before

Subdomain enumeration is cool , How about domain enumeration ? Part I
Subdomain enumeration is cool , How about domain enumeration ? Part II

Feedback and issues?

If you have a feedback or issue feel free to open it in the issues section .
