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Before yesterdayThe Hacker News

How Multi-Stage Phishing Attacks Exploit QRs, CAPTCHAs, and Steganography

Phishing attacks are steadily becoming more sophisticated, with cybercriminals investing in new ways of deceiving victims into revealing sensitive information or installing malicious software. One of the latest trends in phishing is the use of QR codes, CAPTCHAs, and steganography. See how they are carried out and learn to detect them. Quishing Quishing, a phishing technique resulting from the

CAPTCHA-Breaking Services with Human Solvers Helping Cybercriminals Defeat Security

Cybersecurity researchers are warning about CAPTCHA-breaking services that are being offered for sale to bypass systems designed to distinguish legitimate users from bot traffic. "Because cybercriminals are keen on breaking CAPTCHAs accurately, several services that are primarily geared toward this market demand have been created," Trend MicroΒ saidΒ in a report published last week. "These