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Frameless-Bitb - A New Approach To Browser In The Browser (BITB) Without The Use Of Iframes, Allowing The Bypass Of Traditional Framebusters Implemented By Login Pages Like Microsoft And The Use With Evilginx

By: Zion3R

A new approach to Browser In The Browser (BITB) without the use of iframes, allowing the bypass of traditional framebusters implemented by login pages like Microsoft.

This POC code is built for using this new BITB with Evilginx, and a Microsoft Enterprise phishlet.

Before diving deep into this, I recommend that you first check my talk at BSides 2023, where I first introduced this concept along with important details on how to craft the "perfect" phishing attack. ▶ Watch Video

☕︎ Buy Me A Coffee

Video Tutorial: 👇


This tool is for educational and research purposes only. It demonstrates a non-iframe based Browser In The Browser (BITB) method. The author is not responsible for any misuse. Use this tool only legally and ethically, in controlled environments for cybersecurity defense testing. By using this tool, you agree to do so responsibly and at your own risk.

Backstory - The Why

Over the past year, I've been experimenting with different tricks to craft the "perfect" phishing attack. The typical "red flags" people are trained to look for are things like urgency, threats, authority, poor grammar, etc. The next best thing people nowadays check is the link/URL of the website they are interacting with, and they tend to get very conscious the moment they are asked to enter sensitive credentials like emails and passwords.

That's where Browser In The Browser (BITB) came into play. Originally introduced by @mrd0x, BITB is a concept of creating the appearance of a believable browser window inside of which the attacker controls the content (by serving the malicious website inside an iframe). However, the fake URL bar of the fake browser window is set to the legitimate site the user would expect. This combined with a tool like Evilginx becomes the perfect recipe for a believable phishing attack.

The problem is that over the past months/years, major websites like Microsoft implemented various little tricks called "framebusters/framekillers" which mainly attempt to break iframes that might be used to serve the proxied website like in the case of Evilginx.

In short, Evilginx + BITB for websites like Microsoft no longer works. At least not with a BITB that relies on iframes.

The What

A Browser In The Browser (BITB) without any iframes! As simple as that.

Meaning that we can now use BITB with Evilginx on websites like Microsoft.

Evilginx here is just a strong example, but the same concept can be used for other use-cases as well.

The How

Framebusters target iframes specifically, so the idea is to create the BITB effect without the use of iframes, and without disrupting the original structure/content of the proxied page. This can be achieved by injecting scripts and HTML besides the original content using search and replace (aka substitutions), then relying completely on HTML/CSS/JS tricks to make the visual effect. We also use an additional trick called "Shadow DOM" in HTML to place the content of the landing page (background) in such a way that it does not interfere with the proxied content, allowing us to flexibly use any landing page with minor additional JS scripts.


Video Tutorial

Local VM:

Create a local Linux VM. (I personally use Ubuntu 22 on VMWare Player or Parallels Desktop)

Update and Upgrade system packages:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Evilginx Setup:


Create a new evilginx user, and add user to sudo group:

sudo su

adduser evilginx

usermod -aG sudo evilginx

Test that evilginx user is in sudo group:

su - evilginx

sudo ls -la /root

Navigate to users home dir:

cd /home/evilginx

(You can do everything as sudo user as well since we're running everything locally)

Setting Up Evilginx

Download and build Evilginx: Official Docs

Copy Evilginx files to /home/evilginx

Install Go: Official Docs

sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.21.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
nano ~/.profile

ADD: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

source ~/.profile


go version

Install make:

sudo apt install make

Build Evilginx:

cd /home/evilginx/evilginx2

Create a new directory for our evilginx build along with phishlets and redirectors:

mkdir /home/evilginx/evilginx

Copy build, phishlets, and redirectors:

cp /home/evilginx/evilginx2/build/evilginx /home/evilginx/evilginx/evilginx

cp -r /home/evilginx/evilginx2/redirectors /home/evilginx/evilginx/redirectors

cp -r /home/evilginx/evilginx2/phishlets /home/evilginx/evilginx/phishlets

Ubuntu firewall quick fix (thanks to @kgretzky)

sudo setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+eip /home/evilginx/evilginx/evilginx

On Ubuntu, if you get Failed to start nameserver on: :53 error, try modifying this file

sudo nano /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

edit/add the DNSStubListener to no > DNSStubListener=no


sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved

Modify Evilginx Configurations:

Since we will be using Apache2 in front of Evilginx, we need to make Evilginx listen to a different port than 443.

nano ~/.evilginx/config.json

CHANGE https_port from 443 to 8443

Install Apache2 and Enable Mods:

Install Apache2:

sudo apt install apache2 -y

Enable Apache2 mods that will be used: (We are also disabling access_compat module as it sometimes causes issues)

sudo a2enmod proxy
sudo a2enmod proxy_http
sudo a2enmod proxy_balancer
sudo a2enmod lbmethod_byrequests
sudo a2enmod env
sudo a2enmod include
sudo a2enmod setenvif
sudo a2enmod ssl
sudo a2ensite default-ssl
sudo a2enmod cache
sudo a2enmod substitute
sudo a2enmod headers
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo a2dismod access_compat

Start and enable Apache:

sudo systemctl start apache2
sudo systemctl enable apache2

Try if Apache and VM networking works by visiting the VM's IP from a browser on the host machine.

Clone this Repo:

Install git if not already available:

sudo apt -y install git

Clone this repo:

git clone
cd frameless-bitb

Apache Custom Pages:

Make directories for the pages we will be serving:

  • home: (Optional) Homepage (at base domain)
  • primary: Landing page (background)
  • secondary: BITB Window (foreground)
sudo mkdir /var/www/home
sudo mkdir /var/www/primary
sudo mkdir /var/www/secondary

Copy the directories for each page:

sudo cp -r ./pages/home/ /var/www/

sudo cp -r ./pages/primary/ /var/www/

sudo cp -r ./pages/secondary/ /var/www/

Optional: Remove the default Apache page (not used):

sudo rm -r /var/www/html/

Copy the O365 phishlet to phishlets directory:

sudo cp ./O365.yaml /home/evilginx/evilginx/phishlets/O365.yaml

Optional: To set the Calendly widget to use your account instead of the default I have inside, go to pages/primary/script.js and change the CALENDLY_PAGE_NAME and CALENDLY_EVENT_TYPE.

Note on Demo Obfuscation: As I explain in the walkthrough video, I included a minimal obfuscation for text content like URLs and titles of the BITB. You can open the demo obfuscator by opening demo-obfuscator.html in your browser. In a real-world scenario, I would highly recommend that you obfuscate larger chunks of the HTML code injected or use JS tricks to avoid being detected and flagged. The advanced version I am working on will use a combination of advanced tricks to make it nearly impossible for scanners to fingerprint/detect the BITB code, so stay tuned.

Self-signed SSL certificates:

Since we are running everything locally, we need to generate self-signed SSL certificates that will be used by Apache. Evilginx will not need the certs as we will be running it in developer mode.

We will use the domain which will point to our local VM. If you want to use a different domain, make sure to change the domain in all files (Apache conf files, JS files, etc.)

Create dir and parents if they do not exist:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/ssl/localcerts/

Generate the SSL certs using the OpenSSL config file:

sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 \
-keyout /etc/ssl/localcerts/ -out /etc/ssl/localcerts/ \
-config openssl-local.cnf

Modify private key permissions:

sudo chmod 600 /etc/ssl/localcerts/

Apache Custom Configs:

Copy custom substitution files (the core of our approach):

sudo cp -r ./custom-subs /etc/apache2/custom-subs

Important Note: In this repo I have included 2 substitution configs for Chrome on Mac and Chrome on Windows BITB. Both have auto-detection and styling for light/dark mode and they should act as base templates to achieve the same for other browser/OS combos. Since I did not include automatic detection of the browser/OS combo used to visit our phishing page, you will have to use one of two or implement your own logic for automatic switching.

Both config files under /apache-configs/ are the same, only with a different Include directive used for the substitution file that will be included. (there are 2 references for each file)

# Uncomment the one you want and remember to restart Apache after any changes:
#Include /etc/apache2/custom-subs/win-chrome.conf
Include /etc/apache2/custom-subs/mac-chrome.conf

Simply to make it easier, I included both versions as separate files for this next step.

Windows/Chrome BITB:

sudo cp ./apache-configs/win-chrome-bitb.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

Mac/Chrome BITB:

sudo cp ./apache-configs/mac-chrome-bitb.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

Test Apache configs to ensure there are no errors:

sudo apache2ctl configtest

Restart Apache to apply changes:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Modifying Hosts:

Get the IP of the VM using ifconfig and note it somewhere for the next step.

We now need to add new entries to our hosts file, to point the domain used in this demo and all used subdomains to our VM on which Apache and Evilginx are running.

On Windows:

Open Notepad as Administrator (Search > Notepad > Right-Click > Run as Administrator)

Click on the File option (top-left) and in the File Explorer address bar, copy and paste the following:


Change the file types (bottom-right) to "All files".

Double-click the file named hosts

On Mac:

Open a terminal and run the following:

sudo nano /private/etc/hosts

Now modify the following records (replace [IP] with the IP of your VM) then paste the records at the end of the hosts file:

# Local Apache and Evilginx Setup
# End of section

Save and exit.

Now restart your browser before moving to the next step.

Note: On Mac, use the following command to flush the DNS cache:

sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

Important Note:

This demo is made with the provided Office 365 Enterprise phishlet. To get the host entries you need to add for a different phishlet, use phishlet get-hosts [PHISHLET_NAME] but remember to replace the with the actual local IP of your VM.

Trusting the Self-Signed SSL Certs:

Since we are using self-signed SSL certificates, our browser will warn us every time we try to visit so we need to make our host machine trust the certificate authority that signed the SSL certs.

For this step, it's easier to follow the video instructions, but here is the gist anyway.

Open in your Chrome browser.

Ignore the Unsafe Site warning and proceed to the page.

Click the SSL icon > Details > Export Certificate IMPORTANT: When saving, the name MUST end with .crt for Windows to open it correctly.

Double-click it > install for current user. Do NOT select automatic, instead place the certificate in specific store: select "Trusted Route Certification Authorities".

On Mac: to install for current user only > select "Keychain: login" AND click on "View Certificates" > details > trust > Always trust

Now RESTART your Browser

You should be able to visit now and see the homepage without any SSL warnings.

Running Evilginx:

At this point, everything should be ready so we can go ahead and start Evilginx, set up the phishlet, create our lure, and test it.

Optional: Install tmux (to keep evilginx running even if the terminal session is closed. Mainly useful when running on remote VM.)

sudo apt install tmux -y

Start Evilginx in developer mode (using tmux to avoid losing the session):

tmux new-session -s evilginx
cd ~/evilginx/
./evilginx -developer

(To re-attach to the tmux session use tmux attach-session -t evilginx)

Evilginx Config:

config domain
config ipv4

IMPORTANT: Set Evilginx Blacklist mode to NoAdd to avoid blacklisting Apache since all requests will be coming from Apache and not the actual visitor IP.

blacklist noadd

Setup Phishlet and Lure:

phishlets hostname O365
phishlets enable O365
lures create O365
lures get-url 0

Copy the lure URL and visit it from your browser (use Guest user on Chrome to avoid having to delete all saved/cached data between tests).

Useful Resources

Original iframe-based BITB by @mrd0x:

Evilginx Mastery Course by the creator of Evilginx @kgretzky:

My talk at BSides 2023:

How to protect Evilginx using Cloudflare and HTML Obfuscation:

Evilginx resources for Microsoft 365 by @BakkerJan:


  • Create script(s) to automate most of the steps

NetworkSherlock - Powerful And Flexible Port Scanning Tool With Shodan

By: Zion3R

NetworkSherlock is a powerful and flexible port scanning tool designed for network security professionals and penetration testers. With its advanced capabilities, NetworkSherlock can efficiently scan IP ranges, CIDR blocks, and multiple targets. It stands out with its detailed banner grabbing capabilities across various protocols and integration with Shodan, the world's premier service for scanning and analyzing internet-connected devices. This Shodan integration enables NetworkSherlock to provide enhanced scanning capabilities, giving users deeper insights into network vulnerabilities and potential threats. By combining local port scanning with Shodan's extensive database, NetworkSherlock offers a comprehensive tool for identifying and analyzing network security issues.


  • Scans multiple IPs, IP ranges, and CIDR blocks.
  • Supports port scanning over TCP and UDP protocols.
  • Detailed banner grabbing feature.
  • Ping check for identifying reachable targets.
  • Multi-threading support for fast scanning operations.
  • Option to save scan results to a file.
  • Provides detailed version information.
  • Colorful console output for better readability.
  • Shodan integration for enhanced scanning capabilities.
  • Configuration file support for Shodan API key.


NetworkSherlock requires Python 3.6 or later.

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Install the required packages:
    pip install -r requirements.txt


Update the networksherlock.cfg file with your Shodan API key:



Port Scan Tool positional arguments: target Target IP address(es), range, or CIDR (e.g.,,, options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -p PORTS, --ports PORTS Ports to scan (e.g. 1-1024, 21,22,80, or 80) -t THREADS, --threads THREADS Number of threads to use -P {tcp,udp}, --protocol {tcp,udp} Protocol to use for scanning -V, --version-info Used to get version information -s SAVE_RESULTS, --save-results SAVE_RESULTS File to save scan results -c, --ping-check Perform ping check before scanning --use-shodan Enable Shodan integration for additional information " dir="auto">
python3 --help
usage: [-h] [-p PORTS] [-t THREADS] [-P {tcp,udp}] [-V] [-s SAVE_RESULTS] [-c] target

NetworkSherlock: Port Scan Tool

positional arguments:
target Target IP address(es), range, or CIDR (e.g.,,,

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PORTS, --ports PORTS
Ports to scan (e.g. 1-1024, 21,22,80, or 80)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads to use
-P {tcp,udp}, --protocol {tcp,udp}
Protocol to use for scanning
-V, --version-info Used to get version information
-s SAVE_RESULTS, --save-results SAVE_RESULTS
File to save scan results
-c, --ping-check Perform ping check before scanning
--use-shodan Enable Shodan integration for additional information

Basic Parameters

  • target: The target IP address(es), IP range, or CIDR block to scan.
  • -p, --ports: Ports to scan (e.g., 1-1000, 22,80,443).
  • -t, --threads: Number of threads to use.
  • -P, --protocol: Protocol to use for scanning (tcp or udp).
  • -V, --version-info: Obtain version information during banner grabbing.
  • -s, --save-results: Save results to the specified file.
  • -c, --ping-check: Perform a ping check before scanning.
  • --use-shodan: Enable Shodan integration.

Example Usage

Basic Port Scan

Scan a single IP address on default ports:


Custom Port Range

Scan an IP address with a custom range of ports:

python -p 1-1024

Multiple IPs and Port Specification

Scan multiple IP addresses on specific ports:

python, -p 22,80,443

CIDR Block Scan

Scan an entire subnet using CIDR notation:

python -p 80

Using Multi-Threading

Perform a scan using multiple threads for faster execution:

python -p 1-1024 -t 20

Scanning with Protocol Selection

Scan using a specific protocol (TCP or UDP):

python -p 53 -P udp

Scan with Shodan

python --use-shodan

Scan Multiple Targets with Shodan

python, -p 22,80,443 -V --use-shodan

Banner Grabbing and Save Results

Perform a detailed scan with banner grabbing and save results to a file:

python -p 1-1000 -V -s results.txt

Ping Check Before Scanning

Scan an IP range after performing a ping check:

python -c


$ python3 -t 25 -V -p 21-6000 -t 25
Scanning target:
Scanning IP :
Ports : 21-6000
Threads : 25
Protocol : tcp
Port Status Service VERSION
22 /tcp open ssh SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.7p1 Debian-8ubuntu1
21 /tcp open telnet 220 (vsFTPd 2.3.4)
80 /tcp open http HTTP/1.1 200 OK
139 /tcp open netbios-ssn %SMBr
25 /tcp open smtp 220 metasploitable.localdomain ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)
23 /tcp open smtp #' #'
445 /tcp open microsoft-ds %SMBr
514 /tcp open shell
512 /tcp open exec Where are you?
1524/tcp open ingreslock ro ot@metasploitable:/#
2121/tcp open iprop 220 ProFTPD 1.3.1 Server (Debian) [::ffff:]
3306/tcp open mysql >
5900/tcp open unknown RFB 003.003
53 /tcp open domain

OutPut Example

$ python3 -t 10 -V -p 21-1000
Scanning target:
Scanning IP :
Ports : 21-1000
Threads : 10
Protocol : tcp
Port Status Service VERSION
53 /tcp open domain
Scanning target:
Scanning IP :
Ports : 21-1000
Threads : 10
Protocol : tcp
Port Status Service VERSION
445 /tcp open microsoft-ds
135 /tcp open epmap
Scanning target:
Scanning IP :
Ports : 21- 1000
Threads : 10
Protocol : tcp
Port Status Service VERSION
21 /tcp open ftp 220 (vsFTPd 2.3.4)
22 /tcp open ssh SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.7p1 Debian-8ubuntu1
23 /tcp open telnet #'
80 /tcp open http HTTP/1.1 200 OK
53 /tcp open kpasswd 464/udpcp
445 /tcp open domain %SMBr
3306/tcp open mysql >
Scanning target:
Scanning IP :
Ports : 21-1000
Threads : 10
Protocol : tcp
Port Status Service VERSION
22 /tcp open ssh SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.2p1 Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.9


Contributions are welcome! To contribute to NetworkSherlock, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request in the main repository.


Scanner-and-Patcher - A Web Vulnerability Scanner And Patcher

By: Zion3R

This tools is very helpful for finding vulnerabilities present in the Web Applications.

  • A web application scanner explores a web application by crawling through its web pages and examines it for security vulnerabilities, which involves generation of malicious inputs and evaluation of application's responses.
    • These scanners are automated tools that scan web applications to look for security vulnerabilities. They test web applications for common security problems such as cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).
    • This scanner uses different tools like nmap, dnswalk, dnsrecon, dnsenum, dnsmap etc in order to scan ports, sites, hosts and network to find vulnerabilites like OpenSSL CCS Injection, Slowloris, Denial of Service, etc.

Tools Used

Serial No. Tool Name Serial No. Tool Name
1 whatweb 2 nmap
3 golismero 4 host
5 wget 6 uniscan
7 wafw00f 8 dirb
9 davtest 10 theharvester
11 xsser 12 fierce
13 dnswalk 14 dnsrecon
15 dnsenum 16 dnsmap
17 dmitry 18 nikto
19 whois 20 lbd
21 wapiti 22 devtest
23 sslyze


Phase 1

  • User has to write:- "python3 (https or http) ://"
  • At first program will note initial time of running, then it will make url with "".
  • After this step system will check the internet connection using ping.
  • Functionalities:-
    • To navigate to helper menu write this command:- --help for update --update
    • If user want to skip current scan/test:- CTRL+C
    • To quit the scanner use:- CTRL+Z
    • The program will tell scanning time taken by the tool for a specific test.

Phase 2

  • From here the main function of scanner will start:
  • The scanner will automatically select any tool to start scanning.
  • Scanners that will be used and filename rotation (default: enabled (1)
  • Command that is used to initiate the tool (with parameters and extra params) already given in code
  • After founding vulnerability in web application scanner will classify vulnerability in specific format:-
    • [Responses + Severity (c - critical | h - high | m - medium | l - low | i - informational) + Reference for Vulnerability Definition and Remediation]
    • Here c or critical defines most vulnerability wheres l or low is for least vulnerable system


  • Critical:- Vulnerabilities that score in the critical range usually have most of the following characteristics: Exploitation of the vulnerability likely results in root-level compromise of servers or infrastructure devices.Exploitation is usually straightforward, in the sense that the attacker does not need any special authentication credentials or knowledge about individual victims, and does not need to persuade a target user, for example via social engineering, into performing any special functions.

  • High:- An attacker can fully compromise the confidentiality, integrity or availability, of a target system without specialized access, user interaction or circumstances that are beyond the attacker’s control. Very likely to allow lateral movement and escalation of attack to other systems on the internal network of the vulnerable application. The vulnerability is difficult to exploit. Exploitation could result in elevated privileges. Exploitation could result in a significant data loss or downtime.

  • Medium:- An attacker can partially compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of a target system. Specialized access, user interaction, or circumstances that are beyond the attacker’s control may be required for an attack to succeed. Very likely to be used in conjunction with other vulnerabilities to escalate an attack.Vulnerabilities that require the attacker to manipulate individual victims via social engineering tactics. Denial of service vulnerabilities that are difficult to set up. Exploits that require an attacker to reside on the same local network as the victim. Vulnerabilities where exploitation provides only very limited access. Vulnerabilities that require user privileges for successful exploitation.

  • Low:- An attacker has limited scope to compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of a target system. Specialized access, user interaction, or circumstances that are beyond the attacker’s control is required for an attack to succeed. Needs to be used in conjunction with other vulnerabilities to escalate an attack.

  • Info:- An attacker can obtain information about the web site. This is not necessarily a vulnerability, but any information which an attacker obtains might be used to more accurately craft an attack at a later date. Recommended to restrict as far as possible any information disclosure.

    0.1 - 3.9 Low
    4.0 - 6.9 Medium
    7.0 - 8.9 High
    9.0 - 10.0 Critical


  • After this scanner will show results which inclues:
    • Response time
    • Total time for scanning
    • Class of vulnerability


  • Now, Scanner will tell about harmful effects of that specific type vulnerabilility.
  • Scanner tell about sources to know more about the vulnerabilities. (websites).
  • After this step, scanner suggests some remdies to overcome the vulnerabilites.

Phase 3

  • Scanner will Generate a proper report including
    • Total number of vulnerabilities scanned
    • Total number of vulnerabilities skipped
    • Total number of vulnerabilities detected
    • Time taken for total scan
    • Details about each and every vulnerabilites.
  • Writing all scan files output into SA-Debug-ScanLog for debugging purposes under the same directory
  • For Debugging Purposes, You can view the complete output generated by all the tools named SA-Debug-ScanLog.


Use Program as python3 (https or http) ://
Serial No. Vulnerabilities to Scan Serial No. Vulnerabilities to Scan
1 IPv6 2 Wordpress
3 SiteMap/Robot.txt 4 Firewall
5 Slowloris Denial of Service 6 HEARTBLEED
7 POODLE 8 OpenSSL CCS Injection
9 FREAK 10 Firewall
11 LOGJAM 12 FTP Service
13 STUXNET 14 Telnet Service
15 LOG4j 16 Stress Tests
17 WebDAV 18 LFI, RFI or RCE.
19 XSS, SQLi, BSQL 20 XSS Header not present
21 Shellshock Bug 22 Leaks Internal IP
23 HTTP PUT DEL Methods 24 MS10-070
25 Outdated 26 CGI Directories
27 Interesting Files 28 Injectable Paths
29 Subdomains 30 MS-SQL DB Service
31 ORACLE DB Service 32 MySQL DB Service
33 RDP Server over UDP and TCP 34 SNMP Service
35 Elmah 36 SMB Ports over TCP and UDP
37 IIS WebDAV 38 X-XSS Protection


git clone
cd Scanner-and-Patcher/setup
python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

Screenshots of Scanner


Template contributions , Feature Requests and Bug Reports are more than welcome.


GitHub: @Malwareman007
GitHub: @Riya73


Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.

UDPX - Fast A nd Lightweight, UDPX Is A Single-Packet UDP Scanner Written In Go That Supports The Discovery Of Over 45 Services With The Ability To Add Custom Ones

Fast and lightweight, UDPX is a single-packet UDP scanner written in Go that supports the discovery of over 45 services with the ability to add custom ones. It is easy to use and portable, and can be run on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. Unlike internet-wide scanners like zgrab2 and zmap, UDPX is designed for portability and ease of use.

  • It is fast. It can scan whole /16 network in ~20 seconds for a single service.
  • You don't need to instal libpcap or any other dependencies.
  • Can run on Linux, Mac Os, Windows. Or your Nethunter if you built it for Arm.
  • Customizable. You can add your probes and test for even more protocols.
  • Stores results in JSONL format.
  • Scans also domain names.

How it works

Scanning UDP ports is very different than scanning TCP - you may, or may not get any result back from probing an UDP port as UDP is a connectionless protocol. UDPX implements a single-packet based approach. A protocol-specific packet is sent to the defined service (port) and waits for a response. The limit is set to 500 ms by default and can be changed by -w flag. If the service sends a packet back within this time, it is certain that it is indeed listening on that port and is reported as open.

A typical technique is to send 0 byte UDP packets to each port on the target machine. If we receive an "ICMP Port Unreachable" message, then the port is closed. If an UDP response is received to the probe (unusual), the port is open. If we get no response at all, the state is open or filtered, meaning that the port is either open or packet filters are blocking the communication. This method is not implemented as there is no added value (UDPX tests only for specific protocols).


Concurrency: By default, concurrency is set to 32 connections only (so you don't crash anything). If you have a lot of hosts to scan, you can set it to 128 or 256 connections. Based on your hardware, connection stability, and ulimit (on *nix), you can run 512 or more concurrent connections, but this is not recommended.

To scan a single IP:

udpx -t

To scan a CIDR with maximum of 128 connections and timeout of 1000 ms:

udpx -t -c 128 -w 1000

To scan targets from file with maximum of 128 connections for only specific service:

udpx -tf targets.txt -c 128 -s ipmi

Target can be:

  • IP address
  • CIDR
  • Domain

IPv6 is supported.

If you want to store the results, use flag -o [filename]. Output is in JSONL format, as can be seen bellow:



__ ______ ____ _ __
/ / / / __ \/ __ \ |/ /
/ / / / / / / /_/ / /
/ /_/ / /_/ / ____/ |
\____/_____/_/ /_/|_|
v1.0.2-beta, by @nullt3r

Usage of ./udpx-linux-amd64:
-c int
Maximum number of concurrent connections (default 32)
Do not randomize addresses
-o string
Output file to write results
-s string
Scan only for a specific service, one of: ard, bacnet, bacnet_rpm, chargen, citrix, coap, db, db, digi1, digi2, digi3, dns, ipmi, ldap, mdns, memcache, mssql, nat_port_mapping, natpmp, netbios, netis, ntp, ntp_monlist, openvpn, pca_nq, pca_st, pcanywhere, portmap, qotd, rdp, ripv, sentinel, sip, snmp1, snmp2, snmp3, ssdp, tftp, ubiquiti, ubiquiti_discovery_v1, ubiquiti_discovery_v2, upnp, valve, wdbrpc, wsd, wsd_malformed, xdmcp, kerberos, ike
Show received packets (only first 32 bytes)
-t string
IP/CIDR to scan
-tf string
File containing IPs/CIDRs to scan
-w int
Maximum time to wait for a response (socket timeout) in ms (default 500)


You can grab prebuilt binaries in the release section. If you want to build UDPX from source, follow these steps:

From git:

git clone
cd udpx
go build ./cmd/udpx

You can find the binary in the current directory.

Or via go:

go install -v

After that, you can find the binary in $HOME/go/bin/udpx. If you want, move binary to /usr/local/bin/ so you can call it directly.

Supported services

The UDPX supports more then 45 services. The most interesting are:

  • ipmi
  • snmp
  • ike
  • tftp
  • openvpn
  • kerberos
  • ldap

The complete list of supported services:

  • ard
  • bacnet
  • bacnet_rpm
  • chargen
  • citrix
  • coap
  • db
  • db
  • digi1
  • digi2
  • digi3
  • dns
  • ipmi
  • ldap
  • mdns
  • memcache
  • mssql
  • nat_port_mapping
  • natpmp
  • netbios
  • netis
  • ntp
  • ntp_monlist
  • openvpn
  • pca_nq
  • pca_st
  • pcanywhere
  • portmap
  • qotd
  • rdp
  • ripv
  • sentinel
  • sip
  • snmp1
  • snmp2
  • snmp3
  • ssdp
  • tftp
  • ubiquiti
  • ubiquiti_discovery_v1
  • ubiquiti_discovery_v2
  • upnp
  • valve
  • wdbrpc
  • wsd
  • wsd_malformed
  • xdmcp
  • kerberos
  • ike

How to add your own probe?

Please send a feature request with protocol name and port and I will make it happen. Or add it on your own, the file pkg/probes/probes.go contains all available payloads. Specify the protocol name, port and packet data (hex-encoded).

Name: "ike",
Payloads: []string{"5b5e64c03e99b51100000000000000000110020000000000000001500000013400000001000000010000012801010008030000240101"},
Port: []int{500, 4500},



I am not responsible for any damages. You are responsible for your own actions. Scanning or attacking targets without prior mutual consent can be illegal.


UDPX is distributed under MIT License.

Scriptkiddi3 - Streamline Your Recon And Vulnerability Detection Process With SCRIPTKIDDI3, A Recon And Initial Vulnerability Detection Tool Built Using Shell Script And Open Source Tools

Streamline your recon and vulnerability detection process with SCRIPTKIDDI3, A recon and initial vulnerability detection tool built using shell script and open source tools.

How it worksInstallationUsageMODESFor DevelopersCredits

Introducing SCRIPTKIDDI3, a powerful recon and initial vulnerability detection tool for Bug Bounty Hunters. Built using a variety of open-source tools and a shell script, SCRIPTKIDDI3 allows you to quickly and efficiently run a scan on the target domain and identify potential vulnerabilities.

SCRIPTKIDDI3 begins by performing recon on the target system, collecting information such as subdomains, and running services with nuclei. It then uses this information to scan for known vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors, alerting you to any high-risk issues that may need to be addressed.

In addition, SCRIPTKIDDI3 also includes features for identifying misconfigurations and insecure default settings with nuclei templates, helping you ensure that your systems are properly configured and secure.

SCRIPTKIDDI3 is an essential tool for conducting thorough and effective recon and vulnerability assessments. Let's Find Bugs with SCRIPTKIDDI3

[Thanks ChatGPT for the Description]

How it Works ?

This tool mainly performs 3 tasks

  1. Effective Subdomain Enumeration from Various Tools
  2. Get URLs with open HTTP and HTTPS service.
  3. Run a Nuclei and other scans on previous output So basically, this is an autmation script for your initial recon in bugbounty


SCRIPTKIDDI3 requires different tools to run successfully. Run the following command to install the latest version with all requirments-

git clone
cd scriptkiddi3


scriptkiddi3 -h

This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.

Vulnerability Detection with Nuclei, and Scan for SUBDOMAINE TAKEOVER [FLAGS:] [TARGET:] -d, --domain target domain to scan [CONFIG:] -c, --config path of your configuration file for subfinder [HELP:] -h, --help to get help menu [UPDATE:] -u, --update to update tool [Examples:] Run scriptkiddi3 in full Exploitation mode scriptkiddi3 -m EXP -d Use your own CONFIG file for subfinder scriptkiddi3 -m EXP -d -c /path/to/config.yaml Run scriptkiddi3 in SUBDOMAIN ENUMERATION mode scriptkiddi3 -m SUB -d Run scriptkiddi3 in URL ENUMERATION mode scriptkiddi3 -m SUB -d " dir="auto">
Streamline your recon and vulnerability detection process with SCRIPTKIDDI3,
A recon and initial vulnerability detection tool built using shell script and open source tools.

scriptkiddi3 [MODE] [FLAGS]
scriptkiddi3 -m EXP -d -c /path/to/config.yaml

Available Options for MODE:
SUB | sub | SUBDOMAIN | subdomain Run scriptkiddi3 in SUBDOMAIN ENUMERATION mode
URL | url Run scriptkiddi3 in URL ENUMERATION mode
EXP | exp | EXPLOIT | exploit Run scriptkiddi3 in Full Exploitation mode

Feature of EXPLOI mode : subdomain enumaration, URL Enumeration,
Vulnerability Detection with Nuclei,

[TARGET:] -d, --domain target domain to scan

[CONFIG:] -c, --config path of your configuration file for subfinder

[HELP:] -h, --help to get help menu

[UPDATE:] -u, --update to update tool

Run scriptkiddi3 in full Exploitation mode
scriptkiddi3 -m EXP -d

Use your own CONFIG file for subfinder
scriptkiddi3 -m EXP -d -c /path/to/config.yaml

Run scriptkiddi3 in SUBDOMAIN ENUMERATION mode
scriptkiddi3 -m SUB -d

Run scriptkiddi3 in URL ENUMERATION mode
scriptkiddi3 -m SUB -d




  scriptkiddi3 -m EXP -d

FULL EXPLOITATION MODE contains following functions

  • Effective Subdomain Enumeration with different services and open source tools
  • Effective URL Enumeration ( HTTP and HTTPs service )
  • Run Vulnerability Detection with Nuclei
  • Subdomain Takeover Test on previous results



  scriptkiddi3 -m SUB -d

SUBDOMAIN ENUMERATION MODE contains following functions

  • Effective Subdomain Enumeration with different services and open source tools
  • You can use this mode if you only want to get subdomains from this tool or we can say Automation of Subdmain Enumeration by different tools


Run scriptkiddi3 in URL ENUMERATION MODE

  scriptkiddi3 -m URL -d

URL ENUMERATION MODE contains following functions

  • Same Feature as SUBDOMAIN ENUMERATION MODE but also identifies HTTP or HTTPS service

Using your own CONFIG File for subfinder

  scriptkiddi3 -m EXP -d -c /path/to/config.yaml

You can also provie your own CONDIF file with your API Keys for subdomain enumeration with subfinder

Updating tool to latest version You can run following command to update tool

  scriptkiddi3 -u

An Example of config.yaml

- 0bf8919b-aab9-42e4-9574-d3b639324597
- ac244e2f-b635-4581-878a-33f4e79a2c13
- ac244e2f-b635-4581-878a-33f4e79a2c13:dd510d6e-1b6e-4655-83f6-f347b363def9
certspotter: []
securitytrails: []
- ghp_lkyJGU3jv1xmwk4SDXavrLDJ4dl2pSJMzj4X
- ghp_gkUuhkIYdQPj13ifH4KA3cXRn8JD2lqir2d4
- zoomeye_username:zoomeye_password

For Developers

If you have ideas for new functionality or modes that you would like to see in this tool, you can always submit a pull request (PR) to contribute your changes.

If you have any other queries, you can always contact me on Twitter(thecyberneh)


I would like to express my gratitude to all of the open source projects that have made this tool possible and have made recon tasks easier to accomplish.

Certwatcher - Tool For Capture And Tracking Certificate Transparency Logs, Using YAML Templates Based DSL

CertWatcher is a tool for capturing and tracking certificate transparency logs, using YAML templates. The tool helps detect and analyze websites using regular expression patterns and is designed for ease of use by security professionals and researchers.

Certwatcher continuously monitors the certificate data stream and checks for patterns or malicious activity. Certwatcher can also be customized to detect specific phishing, exposed tokens, secret api key patterns using regular expressions defined by YAML templates.

Get Started

Certwatcher allows you to use custom templates to display the certificate information. We have some public custom templates available from the community. You can find them in our repository.

Useful Links


If you want to contribute to this project, follow the steps below:

  • Fork this repository.
  • Create a new branch with your feature: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  • Make changes and commit the changes: git commit -m 'Adding a new feature'
  • Push to the original branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  • Open a pull request.


Fingerprintx - Standalone Utility For Service Discovery On Open Ports!

fingerprintx is a utility similar to httpx that also supports fingerprinting services like as RDP, SSH, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Kafka, etc. fingerprintx can be used alongside port scanners like Naabu to fingerprint a set of ports identified during a port scan. For example, an engineer may wish to scan an IP range and then rapidly fingerprint the service running on all the discovered ports.


  • Fast fingerprinting of exposed services
  • Application layer service discovery
  • Plays nicely with other command line tools
  • Automatic metadata collection from identified services

Supported Protocols:



From Github

go install

From source (go version > 1.18)

$ git clone
$ cd fingerprintx

# with go version > 1.18
$ go build ./cmd/fingerprintx
$ ./fingerprintx -h


$ git clone
$ cd fingerprintx

# build
docker build -t fingerprintx .

# and run it
docker run --rm fingerprintx -h
docker run --rm fingerprintx -t --json


fingerprintx -h

The -h option will display all of the supported flags for fingerprintx.

fingerprintx [flags]
Requires a host and port number or ip and port number. The port is assumed to be open.
fingerprintx -t
fingerprintx -l input-file.txt
fingerprintx --json -t,

--csv output format in csv
-f, --fast fast mode
-h, --help help for fingerprintx
--json output format in json
-l, --list string input file containing targets
-o, --output string output file
-t, --targets strings target or comma separated target list
-w, --timeout int timeout (milliseconds) (default 500)
-U, --udp run UDP plugins
-v, --verbose verbose mode

The fast mode will only attempt to fingerprint the default service associated with that port for each target. For example, if is the input, only the https plugin would be run. If https is not running on, there will be NO output. Why do this? It's a quick way to fingerprint most of the services in a large list of hosts (think the 80/20 rule).

Running Fingerprintx

With one target:

$ fingerprintx -t

By default, the output is in the form: SERVICE://HOST:PORT. To get more detailed service output specify JSON with the --json flag:

$ fingerprintx -t --json
{"ip":"","port":8000,"service":"http","transport":"tcp","metadata":{"responseHeaders":{"Content-Length":["1154"],"Content-Type":["text/html; charset=utf-8"],"Date":["Mon, 19 Sep 2022 18:23:18 GMT"],"Server":["SimpleHTTP/0.6 Python/3.10.6"]},"status":"200 OK","statusCode":200,"version":"SimpleHTTP/0.6 Python/3.10.6"}}

Pipe in output from another program (like naabu):

$ naabu -silent 2>/dev/null | fingerprintx

Run with an input file:

$ cat input.txt | fingerprintx

# or if you prefer
$ fingerprintx -l input.txt

With more metadata output:

Why Not Nmap?

Nmap is the standard for network scanning. Why use fingerprintx instead of nmap? The main two reasons are:

  • fingerprintx works smarter, not harder: the first plugin run against a server with port 8080 open is the http plugin. The default service approach cuts down scanning time in the best case. Most of the time the services running on port 80, 443, 22 are http, https, and ssh -- so that's what fingerprintx checks first.
  • fingerprintx supports json output with the --json flag. Nmap supports numerous output options (normal, xml, grep), but they are often hard to parse and script appropriately. fingerprintx supports json output which eases integration with other tools in processing pipelines.


  • Why do you have a third_party folder that imports the Go cryptography libraries?
    • Good question! The ssh fingerprinting module identifies the various cryptographic options supported by the server when collecting metadata during the handshake process. This makes use of a few unexported functions, which is why the Go cryptography libraries are included here with an export.go file.
  • Fingerprintx is not designed to identify open ports on the target systems and assumes that every target:port input is open. If none of the ports are open there will be no output as there are no services running on the targets.
  • How does this compare to zgrab2?
    • The zgrab2 command line usage (and use case) is slightly different than fingerprintx. For zgrab2, the protocol must be specified ahead of time: echo | zgrab2 http -p 8000, which assumes you already know what is running there. For fingerprintx, that is not the case: echo | fingerprintx. The "application layer" protocol scanning approach is very similar.


fingerprintx is the work of a lot of people, including our great intern class of 2022. Here is a list of contributors so far:

CertWatcher - A Tool For Capture And Tracking Certificate Transparency Logs, Using YAML Templates Based DSL

CertWatcher is a tool for capture and tracking certificate transparency logs, using YAML templates. The tool helps to detect and analyze phishing websites and regular expression patterns, and is designed to make it easy to use for security professionals and researchers.

Certwatcher continuously monitors the certificate data stream and checks for suspicious patterns or malicious activity. Certwatcher can also be customized to detect specific phishing patterns and combat the spread of malicious websites.

Get Started

Certwatcher allows you to use custom templates to display the certificate information. We have some public custom templates available from the community. You can find them in our repository.

Useful Links


If you want to contribute to this project, follow the steps below:

  • Fork this repository.
  • Create a new branch with your feature: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  • Make changes and commit the changes: git commit -m 'Adding a new feature'
  • Push to the original branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  • Open a pull request.


CertVerify - A Scanner That Files With Compromised Or Untrusted Code Signing Certificates

The CertVerify is a tool designed to detect executable files (exe, dll, sys) that have been signed with untrusted or leaked code signing certificates. The purpose of this tool is to identify potentially malicious files that have been signed using certificates that have been compromised, stolen, or are not from a trusted source.

Why is this tool needed?

Executable files signed with compromised or untrusted code signing certificates can be used to distribute malware and other malicious software. Attackers can use these files to bypass security controls and to make their malware appear legitimate to victims. This tool helps to identify these files so that they can be removed or investigated further.

As a continuous project of the previous malware scanner, i have created such a tool. This type of tool is also essential in the event of a security incident response.

Scope of use and limitations

  1. The CertVerify cannot guarantee that all files identified as suspicious are necessarily malicious. It is possible for files to be falsely identified as suspicious, or for malicious files to go undetected by the scanner.

  2. The scanner only targets code signing certificates that have been identified as malicious by the public community. This includes certificates extracted by malware analysis tools and services, and other public sources. There are many unverified malware signing certificates, and it is not possible to obtain the entire malware signing certificate the tool can only detect some of them. For additional detection, you have to extract the certificate's serial number and fingerprint information yourself and add it to the signatures.

  3. The scope of this tool does not include the extraction of code signing information for special rootkits that have already preempted and operated under the kernel, such as FileLess bootkits, or hidden files hidden by high-end technology. In other words, if you run this tool, it will be executed at the user level. Similar functions at the kernel level are more accurate with antirootkit or EDR. Please keep this in mind and focus on the ideas and principles... To implement the principle that is appropriate for the purpose of this tool, you need to development a driver(sys) and run it into the kernel with NT\SYSTEM privileges.

  4. Nevertheless, if you want to run this tool in the event of a Windows system intrusion incident, and your purpose is sys files, boot into safe mode or another boot option that does not load the extra driver(sys) files (load only default system drivers) of the Windows system before running the tool. I think this can be a little more helpful.

  5. Alternatively, mount the Windows system disk to the Linux and run the tool in the Linux environment. I think this could yield better results.


  • File inspection based on leaked or untrusted certificate lists.
  • Scanning includes subdirectories.
  • Ability to define directories to exclude from scanning.
  • Supports multiprocessing for faster job execution.
  • Whitelisting based on certificate subject (e.g., Microsoft subject certificates are exempt from detection).
  • Option to skip inspection of unsigned files for faster scans.
  • Easy integration with SIEM systems such as Splunk by attaching scan_logs.
  • Easy-to-handle and customizable code and function structure.


  • Please let me know if any changes are required or if additional features are needed.
  • If you find this helpful, please consider giving it a "star"
    to support further improvements.


Scan result_log

datetime="2023-03-06 20:17:57",scan_id="87ea3e7b-dedc-4016-a43e-5c83f8d27c6e",os_version="Windows",hostname="DESKTOP-S5VJGLH",ip_address="",infected_file="F:\code\pythonProject\certverify\test\chrome.exe",signature_hash="sha256",serial_number="0e4418e2dede36dd2974c3443afb5ce5",thumbprint="7d3d117664f121e592ef897973ef9c159150e3d736326e9cd2755f71e0febc0c",subject_name="Google LLC",issu   er_name="DigiCert Trusted G4 Code Signing RSA4096 SHA384 2021 CA1",file_created_at="2023-03-03 23:20:41",file_modified_at="2022-04-14 06:17:04"
datetime="2023-03-06 20:17:58",scan_id="87ea3e7b-dedc-4016-a43e-5c83f8d27c6e",os_version="Windows",hostname="DESKTOP-S5VJGLH",ip_address="",infected_file="F:\code\pythonProject\certverify\test\LineLauncher.exe",signature_hash="sha256",serial_number="0d424ae0be3a88ff604021ce1400f0dd",thumbprint="b3109006bc0ad98307915729e04403415c83e3292b614f26964c8d3571ecf5a9",subject_name="DigiCert Timestamp 2021",issuer_name="DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Timestamping CA",file_created_at="2023-03-03 23:20:42",file_modified_at="2022-03-10 18:00:10"
datetime="2023-03-06 20:17:58",scan_id="87ea3e7b-dedc-4016-a43e-5c83f8d27c6e",os_version="Windows",hostname="DESKTOP-S5VJGLH",ip_address="",infected_file="F:\code\pythonProject\certverify\test\LineUpdater.exe",signature_hash="sha256",serial_number="0d424ae0be3a88ff604021ce1400f0dd",thumb print="b3109006bc0ad98307915729e04403415c83e3292b614f26964c8d3571ecf5a9",subject_name="DigiCert Timestamp 2021",issuer_name="DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Timestamping CA",file_created_at="2023-03-03 23:20:42",file_modified_at="2022-04-06 10:06:28"
datetime="2023-03-06 20:17:59",scan_id="87ea3e7b-dedc-4016-a43e-5c83f8d27c6e",os_version="Windows",hostname="DESKTOP-S5VJGLH",ip_address="",infected_file="F:\code\pythonProject\certverify\test\TWOD_Launcher.exe",signature_hash="sha256",serial_number="073637b724547cd847acfd28662a5e5b",thumbprint="281734d4592d1291d27190709cb510b07e22c405d5e0d6119b70e73589f98acf",subject_name="DigiCert Trusted G4 RSA4096 SHA256 TimeStamping CA",issuer_name="DigiCert Trusted Root G4",file_created_at="2023-03-03 23:20:42",file_modified_at="2022-04-07 09:14:08"
datetime="2023-03-06 20:18:00",scan_id="87ea3e7b-dedc-4016-a43e-5c83f8d27c6e",os_version="Windows",hostname="DESKTOP-S5VJGLH",ip_address="",infected_file="F:\code\pythonProject \certverify\test\VBoxSup.sys",signature_hash="sha256",serial_number="2f451139512f34c8c528b90bca471f767b83c836",thumbprint="3aa166713331d894f240f0931955f123873659053c172c4b22facd5335a81346",subject_name="VirtualBox for Legacy Windows Only Timestamp Kludge 2014",issuer_name="VirtualBox for Legacy Windows Only Timestamp CA",file_created_at="2023-03-03 23:20:43",file_modified_at="2022-10-11 08:11:56"
datetime="2023-03-06 20:31:59",scan_id="f71277c5-ed4a-4243-8070-7e0e56b0e656",os_version="Windows",hostname="DESKTOP-S5VJGLH",ip_address="",infected_file="F:\code\pythonProject\certverify\test\chrome.exe",signature_hash="sha256",serial_number="0e4418e2dede36dd2974c3443afb5ce5",thumbprint="7d3d117664f121e592ef897973ef9c159150e3d736326e9cd2755f71e0febc0c",subject_name="Google LLC",issuer_name="DigiCert Trusted G4 Code Signing RSA4096 SHA384 2021 CA1",file_created_at="2023-03-03 23:20:41",file_modified_at="2022-04-14 06:17:04"
datetime="2023-03-06 20:32:00",scan_id="f71277c 5-ed4a-4243-8070-7e0e56b0e656",os_version="Windows",hostname="DESKTOP-S5VJGLH",ip_address="",infected_file="F:\code\pythonProject\certverify\test\LineLauncher.exe",signature_hash="sha256",serial_number="0d424ae0be3a88ff604021ce1400f0dd",thumbprint="b3109006bc0ad98307915729e04403415c83e3292b614f26964c8d3571ecf5a9",subject_name="DigiCert Timestamp 2021",issuer_name="DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Timestamping CA",file_created_at="2023-03-03 23:20:42",file_modified_at="2022-03-10 18:00:10"
datetime="2023-03-06 20:32:00",scan_id="f71277c5-ed4a-4243-8070-7e0e56b0e656",os_version="Windows",hostname="DESKTOP-S5VJGLH",ip_address="",infected_file="F:\code\pythonProject\certverify\test\LineUpdater.exe",signature_hash="sha256",serial_number="0d424ae0be3a88ff604021ce1400f0dd",thumbprint="b3109006bc0ad98307915729e04403415c83e3292b614f26964c8d3571ecf5a9",subject_name="DigiCert Timestamp 2021",issuer_name="DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Timestamping CA",file_created_at="2023-03-03 23:20:42",file_modified_at="2022-04-06 10:06:28"
datetime="2023-03-06 20:32:01",scan_id="f71277c5-ed4a-4243-8070-7e0e56b0e656",os_version="Windows",hostname="DESKTOP-S5VJGLH",ip_address="",infected_file="F:\code\pythonProject\certverify\test\TWOD_Launcher.exe",signature_hash="sha256",serial_number="073637b724547cd847acfd28662a5e5b",thumbprint="281734d4592d1291d27190709cb510b07e22c405d5e0d6119b70e73589f98acf",subject_name="DigiCert Trusted G4 RSA4096 SHA256 TimeStamping CA",issuer_name="DigiCert Trusted Root G4",file_created_at="2023-03-03 23:20:42",file_modified_at="2022-04-07 09:14:08"
datetime="2023-03-06 20:32:02",scan_id="f71277c5-ed4a-4243-8070-7e0e56b0e656",os_version="Windows",hostname="DESKTOP-S5VJGLH",ip_address="",infected_file="F:\code\pythonProject\certverify\test\VBoxSup.sys",signature_hash="sha256",serial_number="2f451139512f34c8c528b90bca471f767b83c836",thumbprint="3aa166713331d894f240f0931955f123873659053c172c4b22facd5335a81346",subjec t_name="VirtualBox for Legacy Windows Only Timestamp Kludge 2014",issuer_name="VirtualBox for Legacy Windows Only Timestamp CA",file_created_at="2023-03-03 23:20:43",file_modified_at="2022-10-11 08:11:56"
datetime="2023-03-06 20:33:45",scan_id="033976ae-46cb-4c2e-a357-734353f7e09a",os_version="Windows",hostname="DESKTOP-S5VJGLH",ip_address="",infected_file="F:\code\pythonProject\certverify\test\chrome.exe",signature_hash="sha256",serial_number="0e4418e2dede36dd2974c3443afb5ce5",thumbprint="7d3d117664f121e592ef897973ef9c159150e3d736326e9cd2755f71e0febc0c",subject_name="Google LLC",issuer_name="DigiCert Trusted G4 Code Signing RSA4096 SHA384 2021 CA1",file_created_at="2023-03-03 23:20:41",file_modified_at="2022-04-14 06:17:04"
datetime="2023-03-06 20:33:45",scan_id="033976ae-46cb-4c2e-a357-734353f7e09a",os_version="Windows",hostname="DESKTOP-S5VJGLH",ip_address="",infected_file="F:\code\pythonProject\certverify\test\LineLauncher.exe",signature_hash="sha 256",serial_number="0d424ae0be3a88ff604021ce1400f0dd",thumbprint="b3109006bc0ad98307915729e04403415c83e3292b614f26964c8d3571ecf5a9",subject_name="DigiCert Timestamp 2021",issuer_name="DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Timestamping CA",file_created_at="2023-03-03 23:20:42",file_modified_at="2022-03-10 18:00:10"
datetime="2023-03-06 20:33:45",scan_id="033976ae-46cb-4c2e-a357-734353f7e09a",os_version="Windows",hostname="DESKTOP-S5VJGLH",ip_address="",infected_file="F:\code\pythonProject\certverify\test\LineUpdater.exe",signature_hash="sha256",serial_number="0d424ae0be3a88ff604021ce1400f0dd",thumbprint="b3109006bc0ad98307915729e04403415c83e3292b614f26964c8d3571ecf5a9",subject_name="DigiCert Timestamp 2021",issuer_name="DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Timestamping CA",file_created_at="2023-03-03 23:20:42",file_modified_at="2022-04-06 10:06:28"
datetime="2023-03-06 20:33:46",scan_id="033976ae-46cb-4c2e-a357-734353f7e09a",os_version="Windows",hostname="DESKTOP-S5VJGLH",ip_address="192. 168.0.23",infected_file="F:\code\pythonProject\certverify\test\TWOD_Launcher.exe",signature_hash="sha256",serial_number="073637b724547cd847acfd28662a5e5b",thumbprint="281734d4592d1291d27190709cb510b07e22c405d5e0d6119b70e73589f98acf",subject_name="DigiCert Trusted G4 RSA4096 SHA256 TimeStamping CA",issuer_name="DigiCert Trusted Root G4",file_created_at="2023-03-03 23:20:42",file_modified_at="2022-04-07 09:14:08"
datetime="2023-03-06 20:33:47",scan_id="033976ae-46cb-4c2e-a357-734353f7e09a",os_version="Windows",hostname="DESKTOP-S5VJGLH",ip_address="",infected_file="F:\code\pythonProject\certverify\test\VBoxSup.sys",signature_hash="sha256",serial_number="2f451139512f34c8c528b90bca471f767b83c836",thumbprint="3aa166713331d894f240f0931955f123873659053c172c4b22facd5335a81346",subject_name="VirtualBox for Legacy Windows Only Timestamp Kludge 2014",issuer_name="VirtualBox for Legacy Windows Only Timestamp CA",file_created_at="2023-03-03 23:20:43",file_modified_at="2022-10-11 08:11:56"

CVE-Vulnerability-Information-Downloader - Downloads Information From NIST (CVSS), First.Org (EPSS), And CISA (Exploited Vulnerabilities) And Combines Them Into One List

Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is a free and open industry standard for assessing the severity of computer system security vulnerabilities.
Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) estimates the likelihood that a software vulnerability will be exploited in the wild.
CISA publishes a list of known exploited vulnerabilities.

This projects downloads the information from the three sources and combines them into one list.
Scanners show you the CVE number and the CVSS score, but do often not export the full details like "exploitabilityScore" or "userInteractionRequired". By adding the EPSS score you get more options to select what to do first and filter on the thresholds which makes sense for your environment.
You can use the information to enrich the information provided from your vulnerability scanner like OpenVAS to prioritize remediation.
You can use tools like PowerBI to combine the results from the vulnerability scanner with the information downloaded by the script in the repository.

After the download the required information will be extracted, formatted, and output files will be generated.
CVSS, EPSS and a combined file of all CVE information will be available. Outputs are available in json and csv formats.
Additionally the information is imported into a sqlite database.

The goal was not performance or efficiency.
Instead the script is written in a simple way. Multiple steps are made to make easier to understand and traceable. Files from intermediate steps are written to disk to allow you make it easier for you to adjust the commands to your needs.
It is only using bash, jq, and sqlite3 to be very beginner friendly and demonstrate the usage of jq.

PowerBI Example Dashboard

This repository contains a demo folder with a PowerBI template file. It generate a dashboard which you can adjust to your needs.

The OpenVAS report must be in the csv format for the import to work.

PowerBI will use the created CVE.json file and create a relationship:

You can download PowerBI for free from and you don't need an Microsoft account to use it.


  1. Get an NIST API key:
  2. cp env_example .env
  3. edit the .env file and add your API key
  4. optional: edit docker-compose file and adjust the cron schedule
  5. optional: edit data/vulnerability-tables-logstash/config/logstash.conf
  6. docker-compose up -d
  7. you will find the files in data/vulnerability-tables-cron/output/ after the script completed. It needs several minutes.


You can either wait for cron to execute the download script on a schedule.
Alternatively you can execute the download script manually by running:

docker exec -it vulnerability-tables-cron bash /opt/scripts/

Container Description

There are three docker containers.
The cron container downloads the information once a week (Monday 06:00) and stores the files in the output directory.
It uses curl and wget to download files. jq is used work with json.

The filebeat container reads the json files and forwards it to the logstash container.
The logstash container can be used to send to a OpenSearch instance, upload it to Azure Log Analytics, or other supported outputs.
Filebeat and logstash are optional and are only included for continence.

Example output files

Several output files will be generated. Here is an estimate:

316K   CISA_known_exploited.csv
452K CISA_known_exploited.json
50M CVSS.csv
179M CVSS.json
206M CVE.json
56M CVE.csv
6.7M EPSS.csv
12M EPSS.json
49M database.sqlite

You can expect this information for every CVE:

grep -i 'CVE-2021-44228' CVE.json | jq
"CVE": "CVE-2021-44228",
"CVSS2_accessComplexity": "AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C",
"CVSS2_accessVector": "NETWORK",
"CVSS2_authentication": "MEDIUM",
"CVSS2_availabilityImpact": "NONE",
"CVSS2_baseScore": "COMPLETE",
"CVSS2_baseSeverity": "COMPLETE",
"CVSS2_confidentialityImpact": "COMPLETE",
"CVSS2_exploitabilityScore": "9.3",
"CVSS2_impactScore": "null",
"CVSS2_integrityImpact": "8.6",
"CVSS2_vectorString": "10",
"CVSS3_attackComplexity": "null",
"CVSS3_attackVector": "null",
"CVSS3_availabilityImpact": "null",
"CVSS3_baseScore": "null",
"CVSS3_baseSeverity": "null",
"CVSS3_confidentialityImpact": "null",
"CVSS3_exploitabilityScore": "null",
"CVSS3_impactScore": "null",
"CVSS3_integrityImpact": "null",
"CVSS3_privilegesRequired": "null",
"CVSS3_scope": "null",
"CVSS3_userInteraction ": "null",
"CVSS3_vectorString": "null",
"CVSS3_acInsufInfo": "null",
"CVSS3_obtainAllPrivilege": "null",
"CVSS3_obtainUserPrivilege": "null",
"CVSS3_obtainOtherPrivilege": "null",
"CVSS3_userInteractionRequired": "null",
"EPSS": "0.97095",
"EPSS_Percentile": "0.99998",
"CISA_dateAdded": "2021-12-10",
"CISA_RequiredAction": "For all affected software assets for which updates exist, the only acceptable remediation actions are: 1) Apply updates; OR 2) remove affected assets from agency networks. Temporary mitigations using one of the measures provided at are only acceptable until updates are available."


Faraday - Open Source Vulnerability Management Platform

Security has two difficult tasks: designing smart ways of getting new information, and keeping track of findings to improve remediation efforts. With Faraday, you may focus on discovering vulnerabilities while we help you with the rest. Just use it in your terminal and get your work organized on the run. Faraday was made to let you take advantage of the available tools in the community in a truly multiuser way.

Faraday aggregates and normalizes the data you load, allowing exploring it into different visualizations that are useful to managers and analysts alike.

To read about the latest features check out the release notes!



The easiest way to get faraday up and running is using our docker-compose

$ wget
$ docker-compose up

If you want to customize, you can find an example config over here Link


You need to have a Postgres running first.

 $ docker run \
-v $HOME/.faraday:/home/faraday/.faraday \
-p 5985:5985 \
-e PGSQL_USER='postgres_user' \
-e PGSQL_HOST='postgres_ip' \
-e PGSQL_PASSWD='postgres_password' \
-e PGSQL_DBNAME='postgres_db_name' \


$ pip3 install faradaysec
$ faraday-manage initdb
$ faraday-server

Binary Packages (Debian/RPM)

You can find the installers on our releases page

$ sudo apt install faraday-server_amd64.deb
# Add your user to the faraday group
$ faraday-manage initdb
$ sudo systemctl start faraday-server

Add your user to the faraday group and then run


If you want to run directly from this repo, this is the recommended way:

$ pip3 install virtualenv
$ virtualenv faraday_venv
$ source faraday_venv/bin/activate
$ git clone
$ pip3 install .
$ faraday-manage initdb
$ faraday-server

Check out our documentation for detailed information on how to install Faraday in all of our supported platforms

For more information about the installation, check out our Installation Wiki.

In your browser now you can go to http://localhost:5985 and login with "faraday" as username, and the password given by the installation process

Getting Started

Learn about Faraday holistic approach and rethink vulnerability management.

Integrating faraday in your CI/CD

Setup Bandit and OWASP ZAP in your pipeline

Setup Bandit, OWASP ZAP and SonarQube in your pipeline

Faraday Cli

Faraday-cli is our command line client, providing easy access to the console tools, work in faraday directly from the terminal!

This is a great way to automate scans, integrate it to CI/CD pipeline or just get metrics from a workspace

$ pip3 install faraday-cli

Check our faraday-cli repo

Check out the documentation here.

Faraday Agents

Faraday Agents Dispatcher is a tool that gives Faraday the ability to run scanners or tools remotely from the platform and get the results.


Connect you favorite tools through our plugins. Right now there are more than 80+ supported tools, among which you will find:

Missing your favorite one? Create a Pull Request!

There are two Plugin types:

Console plugins which interpret the output of the tools you execute.

$ faraday-cli tool run \"nmap\"
💻 Processing Nmap command
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( ) at 2021-02-22 14:13 -03
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.17s latency).
rDNS record for
Not shown: 996 filtered ports
80/tcp open http
443/tcp open https
2222/tcp open EtherNetIP-1
3306/tcp closed mysql
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 11.12 seconds
⬆ Sending data to workspace: test
✔ Done

Report plugins which allows you to import previously generated artifacts like XMLs, JSONs.

faraday-cli tool report burp.xml

Creating custom plugins is super easy, Read more about Plugins.


You can access directly to our API, check out the documentation here.


BlueHound - Tool That Helps Blue Teams Pinpoint The Security Issues That Actually Matter

BlueHound is an open-source tool that helps blue teams pinpoint the security issues that actually matter. By combining information about user permissions, network access and unpatched vulnerabilities, BlueHound reveals the paths attackers would take if they were inside your network
It is a fork of NeoDash, reimagined, to make it suitable for defensive security purposes.

To get started with BlueHound, check out our introductory video, blog post and Nodes22 conference talk.

BlueHound supports presenting your data as tables, graphs, bar charts, line charts, maps and more. It contains a Cypher editor to directly write the Cypher queries that populate the reports. You can save dashboards to your database, and share them with others.

Main Features

  1. Full Automation: The entire cycle of collection, analysis and reporting is basically done with a click of a button.
  2. Community Driven: BlueHound configuration can be exported and imported by others. Sharing of knowledge, best practices, collection methodologies and more, built-into the tool itself.
  3. Easy Reporting: Creating customized report can be done intuitively, without the need to write any code.
  4. Easy Customization: Any custom collection method can be added into BlueHound. Users can even add their own custom parameters or even custom icons for their graphs.

Getting Started


BlueHound can be used as part of the ROST image, which comes pre-configured with everything you need (BlueHound, Neo4j, BloodHound, and a sample dataset).
To load ROST, create a new virtual machine, and install it from the ISO like you would for a new Windows host.

BlueHound Binary

If you already have a Neo4j instance running, you can download a pre-compiled version of BlueHound from our release page. Just download the zip file suitable to your OS version, extract it, and run the binary.

Using BlueHound

  1. Connect to your Neo4j server
  2. Download SharpHound, ShotHound and the Vulnerability Scanner report parser
  3. Use the Data Import section to collect & import data into your Neo4j database.
  4. Once you have data loaded, you can use the Configurations tab to set up the basic information that is used by the queries (e.g. Domain Admins group, crown jewels servers).
  5. Finally, the Queries section can be used to prepare the reports.

BlueHound How-To

Data Collection

The Data Import Tools section can be used to collect data in a click of a button. By default, BlueHound comes preconfigured with SharpHound, ShotHound, and the Vulnerability Scanners script. Additional tools can be added for more data collection. To get started:

  1. Download the relevant tools using the globe icon
  2. Configure the tool path & arguments for each tool
  3. Run the tools

The built-in tools can be configured to automatically upload the results to your Neo4j instance.

Running & Viewing Queries

To get results for a chart, either use the Refresh icon to run a specific query, or use the Query Runner section to run queries in batches. The results will be cached even after closing BlueHound, and can be run again to get updated results.
Some charts have an Info icon which explain the query and/or provide links to additional information.

Adding & Editing Queries

You can edit the query for new and/or existing charts by using the Settings icon on the top right section of the chart. Here you can use any parameters configured with a Param Select chart, and any Edge Filtering string (see section below).

Edge Filtering

Using the Edge Filtering section, you can filter out specific relationship types for all queries that use the relevant string in their query. For example, ":FILTERED_EDGES" can be used to filter by all the selection filters.
You can also filter by a specific category (see the Info icon) or even define your own custom edge filters.

Import & Export Config

The Export Config and Import Config sections can be used to save & load your dashboard and configurations as a backup, and even shared between users to collaborate and contribute insightful queries to the security community. Don’t worry, your credentials and data won’t be exported.

Note: any arguments for data import tools are also exported, so make sure you remove any secrets before sharing your configuration.


The Settings section allows you to set some global limits on query execution – maximum query time and a limit for returned results.

Technical Info

BlueHound is a fork of NeoDash, built with React and use-neo4j. It uses charts to power some of the visualizations. You can also extend NeoDash with your own visualizations. Check out the developer guide in the project repository.

Developer Guide

Run & Build using npm

BlueHound is built with React. You'll need npm installed to run the web app.

Use a recent version of npm and node to build BlueHound. The application has been tested with npm 8.3.1 & node v17.4.0.

To run the application in development mode:

  • clone this repository.
  • open a terminal and navigate to the directory you just cloned.
  • execute npm install to install the necessary dependencies.
  • execute npm run dev to run the app in development mode.
  • the application should be available at http://localhost:3000.

To build the app for production:

  • follow the steps above to clone the repository and install dependencies.
  • execute npm run build. This will create a build folder in your project directory.
  • deploy the contents of the build folder to a web server. You should then be able to run the web app.

Questions / Suggestions

We are always open to ideas, comments, and suggestions regarding future versions of BlueHound, so if you have ideas, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at or open an issue/pull request on GitHub.

Bomber - Scans Software Bill Of Materials (SBOMs) For Security Vulnerabilities

bomber is an application that scans SBOMs for security vulnerabilities.


So you've asked a vendor for an Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) for one of their closed source products, and they provided one to you in a JSON file... now what?

The first thing you're going to want to do is see if any of the components listed inside the SBOM have security vulnerabilities, and what kind of licenses these components have. This will help you identify what kind of risk you will be taking on by using the product. Finding security vulnerabilities and license information for components identified in an SBOM is exactly what bomber is meant to do. bomber can read any JSON or XML based CycloneDX format, or a JSON SPDX or Syft formatted SBOM, and tell you pretty quickly if there are any vulnerabilities.

What SBOM formats are supported?

There are quite a few SBOM formats available today. bomber supports the following:


bomber supports multiple sources for vulnerability information. We call these providers. Currently, bomber uses OSV as the default provider, but you can also use the Sonatype OSS Index.

Please note that each provider supports different ecosystems, so if you're not seeing any vulnerabilities in one, try another. It is also important to understand that each provider may report different vulnerabilities. If in doubt, look at a few of them.

If bomber does not find any vulnerabilities, it doesn't mean that there aren't any. All it means is that the provider being used didn't detect any, or it doesn't support the ecosystem. Some providers have vulnerabilities that come back with no Severity information. In this case, the Severity will be listed as "UNDEFINED"

What is an ecosystem?

An ecosystem is simply the package manager, or type of package. Examples include rpm, npm, gems, etc. Each provider supports different ecosystems.


OSV is the default provider for bomber. It is an open, precise, and distributed approach to producing and consuming vulnerability information for open source.

You don't need to register for any service, get a password, or a token. Just use bomber without a provider flag and away you go like this:

bomber scan test.cyclonedx.json

Supported ecosystems

At this time, the OSV supports the following ecosystems:

  • Android
  • Debian
  • Go
  • Maven
  • NPM
  • NuGet
  • Packagist
  • PyPI
  • RubyGems

and others...

OSV Notes

The OSV provider is pretty slow right now when processing large SBOMs. At the time of this writing, their batch endpoint is not functioning, so bomber needs to call their API one package at a time.

Additionally, there are cases where OSV does not return a Severity, or a CVE/CWE. In these rare cases, bomber will output "UNSPECIFIED", and "UNDEFINED" respectively.

Sonatype OSS Index

In order to use bomber with the Sonatype OSS Index you need to get an account. Head over to the site, and create a free account, and make note of your username (this will be the email that you registered with).

Once you log in, you'll want to navigate to your settings and make note of your API token. Please don't share your token with anyone.

Supported ecosystems

At this time, the Sonatype OSS Index supports the following ecosystems:

  • Maven
  • NPM
  • Go
  • PyPi
  • Nuget
  • RubyGems
  • Cargo
  • CocoaPods
  • Composer
  • Conan
  • Conda
  • CRAN
  • RPM
  • Swift



You can use Homebrew to install bomber using the following:

brew tap devops-kung-fu/homebrew-tap
brew install devops-kung-fu/homebrew-tap/bomber

If you do not have Homebrew, you can still download the latest release (ex: bomber_0.1.0_darwin_all.tar.gz), extract the files from the archive, and use the bomber binary.

If you wish, you can move the bomber binary to your /usr/local/bin directory or anywhere on your path.


To install bomber, download the latest release for your platform and install locally. For example, install bomber on Ubuntu:

dpkg -i bomber_0.1.0_linux_arm64.deb

Using bomber

You can scan either an entire folder of SBOMs or an individual SBOM with bomber. bomber doesn't care if you have multiple formats in a single folder. It'll sort everything out for you.

Note that the default output for bomber is to STDOUT. Options to output in HTML or JSON are described later in this document.

Single SBOM scan

credentials (ossindex) bomber scan --provider=xxx --username=xxx --token=xxx spdx-sbom.json" dir="auto">
# Using OSV (the default provider) which does not require any credentials
bomber scan spdx.sbom.json

# Using a provider that requires credentials (ossindex)
bomber scan --provider=xxx --username=xxx --token=xxx spdx-sbom.json

If the provider finds vulnerabilities you'll see an output similar to the following:

If the provider doesn't return any vulnerabilities you'll see something like the following:

Entire folder scan

This is good for when you receive multiple SBOMs from a vendor for the same product. Or, maybe you want to find out what vulnerabilities you have in your entire organization. A folder scan will find all components, de-duplicate them, and then scan them for vulnerabilities.

# scan a folder of SBOMs (the following command will scan a folder in your current folder named "sboms")
bomber scan --username=xxx --token=xxx ./sboms

You'll see a similar result to what a Single SBOM scan will provide.

Output to HTML

If you would like a readable report generated with detailed vulnerability information, you can utilized the --output flag to save a report to an HTML file.

Example command:

bomber scan bad-bom.json --output=html

This will save a file in your current folder in the format "YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS-bomber-results.html". If you open this file in a web browser, you'll see output like the following:

Output to JSON

bomber can output vulnerability data in JSON format using the --output flag. The default output is to STDOUT. There is a ton of more information in the JSON output than what gets displayed in the terminal. You'll be able to see a package description and what it's purpose is, what the vulnerability name is, a summary of the vulnerability, and more.

Example command:

bomber scan bad-bom.json --output=json

Advanced stuff

If you wish, you can set two environment variables to store your credentials, and not have to type them on the command line. Check out the Environment Variables information later in this README.

Environment Variables

If you don't want to enter credentials all the time, you can add the following to your .bashrc or .bash_profile

export BOMBER_PROVIDER_USERNAME={{your OSS Index user name}}
export BOMBER_PROVIDER_TOKEN={{your OSS Index API Token}}

Messing around

If you want to kick the tires on bomber you'll find a selection of test SBOMs in the test folder.


  • It's pretty rare to see SBOMs with license information. Most of the time, the generators like Syft need a flag like --license. If you need license info, make sure you ask for it with the SBOM.
  • Hate to say it, but SPDX is wonky. If you don't get any results on an SPDX file, try using a CycloneDX file. In general you should always try to get CycloneDX SBOMs from your vendors.
  • OSV. It's great, but the API is also wonky. They have a batch endpoint that would make it a ton quicker to get information back, but it doesn't work. bomber needs to send one PURL at a time to get vulnerabilities back, so in a big SBOM it will take some time. We'll keep an eye on that.
  • OSV has another issue where the ecosystem doesn't always return vulnerabilities when you pass it to their API. We had to remove passing this to the API to get anything to return. They also don't echo back the ecosystem so we can't check to ensure that if we pass one ecosystem to it, that we are getting a vulnerability for the same one back.


If you would like to contribute to the development of bomber please refer to the file in this repository. Please read the file before contributing.

Software Bill of Materials

bomber uses Syft to generate a Software Bill of Materials every time a developer commits code to this repository (as long as Hookzis being used and is has been initialized in the working directory). More information for CycloneDX is available here.

The current CycloneDX SBOM for bomber is available here.


A big thank-you to our friends at Smashicons for the bomber logo.

Big kudos to our OSS homies at Sonatype for providing a wicked tool like the Sonatype OSS Index.

Scan4All - Vuls Scan: 15000+PoCs; 21 Kinds Of Application Password Crack; 7000+Web Fingerprints; 146 Protocols And 90000+ Rules Port Scanning; Fuzz, HW, Awesome BugBounty...

  • What is scan4all: integrated vscan, nuclei, ksubdomain, subfinder, etc., fully automated and intelligent。red team tools Code-level optimization, parameter optimization, and individual modules, such as vscan filefuzz, have been rewritten for these integrated projects. In principle, do not repeat the wheel, unless there are bugs, problems
  • Cross-platform: based on golang implementation, lightweight, highly customizable, open source, supports Linux, windows, mac os, etc.
  • Support [21] password blasting, support custom dictionary, open by "priorityNmap": true
    • RDP
    • SSH
    • rsh-spx
    • Mysql
    • MsSql
    • Oracle
    • Postgresql
    • Redis
    • FTP
    • Mongodb
    • SMB, also detect MS17-010 (CVE-2017-0143, CVE-2017-0144, CVE-2017-0145, CVE-2017-0146, CVE-2017-0147, CVE-2017-0148), SmbGhost (CVE- 2020-0796)
    • Telnet
    • Snmp
    • Wap-wsp (Elasticsearch)
    • RouterOs
    • HTTP BasicAuth
    • Weblogic, enable nuclei through enableNuclei=true at the same time, support T3, IIOP and other detection
    • Tomcat
    • Jboss
    • Winrm(wsman)
    • POP3
  • By default, http password intelligent blasting is enabled, and it will be automatically activated when an HTTP password is required, without manual intervention
  • Detect whether there is nmap in the system, and enable nmap for fast scanning through priorityNmap=true, which is enabled by default, and the optimized nmap parameters are faster than masscan Disadvantages of using nmap: Is the network bad, because the traffic network packet is too large, which may lead to incomplete results Using nmap additionally requires setting the root password to an environment variable

  export PPSSWWDD=yourRootPswd 

More references: config/ By default, naabu is used to complete port scanning -stats=true to view the scanning progress Can I not scan ports?

noScan=true ./scan4all -l list.txt -v
# nmap result default noScan=true
./scan4all -l nmapRssuilt.xml -v
  • Fast 15000+ POC detection capabilities, PoCs include:
    • nuclei POC

    Nuclei Templates Top 10 statistics

cve 1294 daffainfo 605 cves 1277 info 1352 http 3554
panel 591 dhiyaneshdk 503 exposed-panels 600 high 938 file 76
lfi 486 pikpikcu 321 vulnerabilities 493 medium 766 network 50
xss 439 pdteam 269 technologies 266 critical 436 dns 17
wordpress 401 geeknik 187 exposures 254 low 211
exposure 355 dwisiswant0 169 misconfiguration 207 unknown 7
cve2021 322 0x_akoko 154 token-spray 206
rce 313 princechaddha 147 workflows 187
wp-plugin 297 pussycat0x 128 default-logins 101
tech 282 gy741 126 file 76

281 directories, 3922 files.

  • vscan POC
    • vscan POC includes: xray 2.0 300+ POC, go POC, etc.
  • scan4all POC
  • Support 7000+ web fingerprint scanning, identification:

    • httpx fingerprint
      • vscan fingerprint
      • vscan fingerprint: including eHoleFinger, localFinger, etc.
    • scan4all fingerprint
  • Support 146 protocols and 90000+ rule port scanning

    • Depends on protocols and fingerprints supported by nmap
  • Fast HTTP sensitive file detection, can customize dictionary

  • Landing page detection

  • Supports multiple types of input - STDIN/HOST/IP/CIDR/URL/TXT

  • Supports multiple output types - JSON/TXT/CSV/STDOUT

  • Highly integratable: Configurable unified storage of results to Elasticsearch [strongly recommended]

  • Smart SSL Analysis:

    • In-depth analysis, automatically correlate the scanning of domain names in SSL information, such as *, and complete subdomain traversal according to the configuration, and the result will automatically add the target to the scanning list
    • Support to enable * subdomain traversal function in smart SSL information, export EnableSubfinder=true, or adjust in the configuration file
  • Automatically identify the case of multiple IPs associated with a domain (DNS), and automatically scan the associated multiple IPs

  • Smart processing:

      1. When the IPs of multiple domain names in the list are the same, merge port scans to improve efficiency
      1. Intelligently handle http abnormal pages, and fingerprint calculation and learning
  • Automated supply chain identification, analysis and scanning

  • Link python3 log4j-scan

    • This version blocks the bug that your target information is passed to the DNS Log Server to avoid exposing vulnerabilities
    • Added the ability to send results to Elasticsearch for batch, touch typing
    • There will be time in the future to implement the golang version how to use?
mkdir ~/MyWork/;cd ~/MyWork/;git clone
  • Intelligently identify honeypots and skip targets. This function is disabled by default. You can set EnableHoneyportDetection=true to enable

  • Highly customizable: allow to define your own dictionary through config/config.json configuration, or control more details, including but not limited to: nuclei, httpx, naabu, etc.

  • support HTTP Request Smuggling: CL-TE、TE-CL、TE-TE、CL_CL、BaseErr 

  • Support via parameter Cookie='PHPSession=xxxx' ./scan4all -host, compatible with nuclei, httpx, go-poc, x-ray POC, filefuzz, http Smuggling

work process

how to install

download from Releases

go install
scan4all -h

how to use

    1. Start Elasticsearch, of course you can use the traditional way to output, results
mkdir -p logs data
docker run --restart=always --ulimit nofile=65536:65536 -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -d --name es -v $PWD/logs:/usr/share/elasticsearch/logs -v $PWD /config/elasticsearch.yml:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml -v $PWD/config/jvm.options:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/jvm.options -v $PWD/data:/ usr/share/elasticsearch/data hktalent/elasticsearch:7.16.2
# Initialize the es index, the result structure of each tool is different, and it is stored separately

# Search syntax, more query methods, learn Elasticsearch by yourself
where is the target to query
  • Please install nmap by yourself before use Using Help
go build
# Precise scan url list UrlPrecise=true
UrlPrecise=true ./scan4all -l xx.txt
# Disable adaptation to nmap and use naabu port to scan its internally defined http-related ports
priorityNmap=false ./scan4all -tp http -list allOut.txt -v

Work Plan

  • Integrate web-cache-vulnerability-scanner to realize HTTP smuggling smuggling and cache poisoning detection
  • Linkage with metasploit-framework, on the premise that the system has been installed, cooperate with tmux, and complete the linkage with the macos environment as the best practice
  • Integrate more fuzzers , such as linking sqlmap
  • Integrate chromedp to achieve screenshots of landing pages, detection of front-end landing pages with pure js and js architecture, and corresponding crawlers (sensitive information detection, page crawling)
  • Integrate nmap-go to improve execution efficiency, dynamically parse the result stream, and integrate it into the current task waterfall
  • Integrate ksubdomain to achieve faster subdomain blasting
  • Integrate spider to find more bugs
  • Semi-automatic fingerprint learning to improve accuracy; specify fingerprint name, configure

Q & A

  • how use Cookie?
  • libpcap related question

more see: discussions


  • 2022-07-20 fix and PR nuclei #2301 并发多实例的bug
  • 2022-07-20 add web cache vulnerability scanner
  • 2022-07-19 PR nuclei #2308 add dsl function: substr aes_cbc
  • 2022-07-19 添加dcom Protocol enumeration network interfaces
  • 2022-06-30 嵌入式集成私人版本nuclei-templates 共3744个YAML POC; 1、集成Elasticsearch存储中间结果 2、嵌入整个config目录到程序中
  • 2022-06-27 优化模糊匹配,提高正确率、鲁棒性;集成ksubdomain进度
  • 2022-06-24 优化指纹算法;增加工作流程图
  • 2022-06-23 添加参数ParseSSl,控制默认不深度分析SSL中的DNS信息,默认不对SSL中dns进行扫描;优化:nmap未自动加.exe的bug;优化windows下缓存文件未优化体积的bug
  • 2022-06-22 集成11种协议弱口令检测、密码爆破:ftp、mongodb、mssql、mysql、oracle、postgresql、rdp、redis、smb、ssh、telnet,同时优化支持外挂密码字典
  • 2022-06-20 集成Subfinder,域名爆破,启动参数导出EnableSubfinder=true,注意启动后很慢; ssl证书中域名信息的自动深度钻取 允许通过 config/config.json 配置定义自己的字典,或设置相关开关
  • 2022-06-17 优化一个域名多个IP的情况,所有IP都会被端口扫描,然后按照后续的扫描流程
  • 2022-06-15 此版本增加了过去实战中获得的几个weblogic密码字典和webshell字典
  • 2022-06-10 完成核的整合,当然包括核模板的整合
  • 2022-06-07 添加相似度算法来检测 404
  • 2022-06-07 增加http url列表精准扫描参数,根据环境变量UrlPrecise=true开启
