A project for fuzzing HTTP/1.1 CL.0 Request Smuggling Attack Vectors.
Thank you to @albinowax, @defparam and @d3d else this tool would not exist. Inspired by the tool Smuggler all attack gadgets adapted from Smuggler and https://portswigger.net/research/how-to-turn-security-research-into-profit
For more info see: https://moopinger.github.io/blog/fuzzing/clzero/tools/request/smuggling/2023/11/15/Fuzzing-With-CLZero.html
usage: clzero.py [-h] [-url URL] [-file FILE] [-index INDEX] [-verbose] [-no-color] [-resume] [-skipread] [-quiet] [-lb] [-config CONFIG] [-method METHOD]
CLZero by Moopinger
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-url URL (-u), Single target URL.
-file FILE (-f), Files containing multiple targets.
-index INDEX (-i), Index start point when using a file list. Default is first line.
-verbose (-v), Enable verbose output.
-no-color Disable colors in HTTP Status
-resume Resume scan from last index place.
-skipread Skip the read response on smuggle requests, recommended. This will save a lot of time between requests. Ideal for targets with standard HTTP traffic.
-quiet (-q), Disable output. Only successful payloads will be written to ./payloads/
-lb Last byte sync method for least request latency. Due to th e nature of the request, it cannot guarantee that the smuggle request will be processed first. Ideal for targets with a high
amount of traffic, and you do not mind sending multiple requests.
-config CONFIG (-c) Config file to load, see ./configs/ to create custom payloads
-method METHOD (-m) Method to use when sending the smuggle request. Default: POST
single target attack:
python3 clzero.py -u https://www.target.com/ -c configs/default.py -skipread
python3 clzero.py -u https://www.target.com/ -c configs/default.py -lb
Multi target attack:
python3 clzero.py -l urls.txt -c configs/default.py -skipread
python3 clzero.py -l urls.txt -c configs/default.py -lb
git clone https://github.com/Moopinger/CLZero.git
cd CLZero
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
An automatic Blind ROP exploitation python tool
BROP (Blind ROP) was a technique found by Andrew Bittau from Stanford in 2014.
Most servers like nginx, Apache, MySQL, forks then communicates with the client. This means canary and addresses stay the same even if there is ASLR and PIE. So we can use some educated brute force to leak information and subsequently craft a working exploit.
There is 3 customs vulnerable examples provided in this repository. You can run it directly or build the Dockerfile
BROPPER will then dump the binary :
It's then possible to extract all ROP gadgets from the dumped binary using ROPgadget for example :
$ ROPgadget --binary dump
Gadgets information
0x0000000000001177 : adc al, 0 ; add byte ptr [rax], al ; jmp 0x1020
0x0000000000001157 : adc al, byte ptr [rax] ; add byte ptr [rax], al ; jmp 0x1020
0x0000000000001137 : adc byte ptr [rax], al ; add byte ptr [rax], al ; jmp 0x1020
0x0000000000001192 : xor ch, byte ptr [rdi] ; add byte ptr [rax], al ; push 0x16 ; jmp 0x1020
0x000000000000182e : xor eax, 0x891 ; mov rdi, rax ; call rcx
0x0000000000001861 : xor eax, 0xffffff22 ; mov rdi, rax ; call rcx
Unique gadgets found: 235
To use this script:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 bropper.py -t -p 1337 --wait "Password :" --expected Bad --expected-stop Welcome -o dump
$ python3 bropper.py -h
usage: bropper.py [-h] -t TARGET -p PORT --expected-stop EXPECTED_STOP --expected EXPECTED --wait WAIT -o OUTPUT [--offset OFFSET] [--canary CANARY] [--no-canary] [--rbp RBP] [--rip RIP] [--stop STOP]
[--brop BROP] [--plt PLT] [--strcmp STRCMP] [--elf ELF]
Description message
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
target url
-p PORT, --port PORT target port
--expected-stop EXPECTED_STOP
Expected response for the stop gadget
--expected EXPECTED Expected normal response
--wait WAIT String to wait before sending payload
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
File to write dumped remote binary
--offset OFFSET set a offset value
--canary CANARY set a canary valu e
--no-canary Use this argument if there is no stack canary protection
--rbp RBP set rbp address
--rip RIP set rip address
--stop STOP set stop gadget address
--brop BROP set brop gadget address
--plt PLT set plt address
--strcmp STRCMP set strcmp entry value
--elf ELF set elf address
Pull requests are welcome. Feel free to open an issue if you want to add other features.
A DLL Loader With Advanced Evasive Features
function via the command line.CRC32
string hashing algorithm.AtomLdr's unhooking method looks like the following
the program Unhooking from the \KnwonDlls\ directory is not a new method to bypass user-land hooks. However, this loader tries to avoid allocating RWX memory when doing so. This was obligatory to do in KnownDllUnhook for example, where RWX permissions were needed to replace the text section of the hooked modules, and at the same time allow execution of functions within these text sections.
This was changed in this loader, where it suspends the running threads, in an attempt to block any function from being called from within the targetted text sections, thus eliminating the need of having them marked as RWX sections before unhooking, making RW permissions a possible choice.
This approach, however, created another problem; when unhooking, NtProtectVirtualMemory
syscall and others were using the syscall instruction inside of ntdll.dll module, as an indirect-syscall approach. Still, as mentioned above, the unhooked modules will be marked as RW sections, making it impossible to perform indirect syscalls, because the syscall instruction that we were jumping to, can't be executed now, so we had to jump to another executable place, this is where win32u.dll
was used.
contains some syscalls that are GUI-related functions, making it suitable to jump to instead of ntdll.dll. win32u.dll is loaded (statically), but not included in the unhooking routine, which is done to insure that win32u.dll can still execute the syscall instruction we are jumping to.
The suspended threads after that are resumed.
It is worth mentioning that this approach may not be that efficient, and can be unstable, that is due to the thread suspension trick used. However, it has been tested with multiple processes with positive results, in the meantime, if you encountered any problems, feel free to open an issue.
file, that contains the encrypted payload, and its encrypted key and iv.PayloadConfig.pc
file will then replace this in the AtomLdr
project as x64 Release.AtomLdr.dll
using rundll32.exe, running Havoc payload, and capturing a screenshotAtomLdr.dll
's Import Address TablePayloadBuilder.exe
, to encrypt demon[111].bin
- a Havoc payload fileAtomLdr.dll
using rundll32.exe