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PipeViewer - A Tool That Shows Detailed Information About Named Pipes In Windows

By: Zion3R

A GUI tool for viewing Windows Named Pipes and searching for insecure permissions.

The tool was published as part of a research about Docker named pipes:
"Breaking Docker Named Pipes SYSTEMatically: Docker Desktop Privilege Escalation โ€“ Part 1"
"Breaking Docker Named Pipes SYSTEMatically: Docker Desktop Privilege Escalation โ€“ Part 2"


PipeViewer is a GUI tool that allows users to view details about Windows Named pipes and their permissions. It is designed to be useful for security researchers who are interested in searching for named pipes with weak permissions or testing the security of named pipes. With PipeViewer, users can easily view and analyze information about named pipes on their systems, helping them to identify potential security vulnerabilities and take appropriate steps to secure their systems.


Double-click the EXE binary and you will get the list of all named pipes.


We used Visual Studio to compile it.
When downloading it from GitHub you might get error of block files, you can use PowerShell to unblock them:

Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\tmp\PipeViewer-main' -Recurse | Unblock-File


We built the project and uploaded it so you can find it in the releases.
One problem is that the binary will trigger alerts from Windows Defender because it uses the NtObjerManager package which is flagged as virus.
Note that James Forshaw talked about it here.
We can't change it because we depend on third-party DLL.


  • A detailed overview of named pipes.
  • Filter\highlight rows based on cells.
  • Bold specific rows.
  • Export\Import to\from JSON.
  • PipeChat - create a connection with available named pipes.




We want to thank James Forshaw (@tyranid) for creating the open source NtApiDotNet which allowed us to get information about named pipes.


Copyright (c) 2023 CyberArk Software Ltd. All rights reserved
This repository is licensed under Apache-2.0 License - see LICENSE for more details.


For more comments, suggestions or questions, you can contact Eviatar Gerzi (@g3rzi) and CyberArk Labs.

Redeye - A Tool Intended To Help You Manage Your Data During A Pentest Operation

By: Zion3R

This project was built by pentesters for pentesters. Redeye is a tool intended to help you manage your data during a pentest operation in the most efficient and organized way.

The Developers

Daniel Arad - @dandan_arad && Elad Pticha - @elad_pt


The Server panel will display all added server and basic information about the server such as: owned user, open port and if has been pwned.

After entering the server, An edit panel will appear. We can add new users found on the server, Found vulnerabilities and add relevant attain and files.

Users panel contains all found users from all servers, The users are categorized by permission level and type. Those details can be chaned by hovering on the username.

Files panel will display all the files from the current pentest. A team member can upload and download those files.

Attack vector panel will display all found attack vectors with Severity/Plausibility/Risk graphs.

PreReport panel will contain all the screenshots from the current pentest.

Graph panel will contain all of the Users and Servers and the relationship between them.

APIs allow users to effortlessly retrieve data by making simple API requests.

curl redeye.local:8443/api/servers --silent -H "Token: redeye_61a8fc25-105e-4e70-9bc3-58ca75e228ca" | jq
curl redeye.local:8443/api/users --silent -H "Token: redeye_61a8fc25-105e-4e70-9bc3-58ca75e228ca" | jq
curl redeye.local:8443/api/exploits --silent -H "Token: redeye_61a8fc25-105e-4e70-9bc3-58ca75e228ca" | jq



Pull from GitHub container registry.

git clone
cd Redeye
docker-compose up -d

Start/Stop the container

sudo docker-compose start/stop

Save/Load Redeye

docker save neo4j:4.4.9 > Redeye.tar
docker load < Redeye.tar

GitHub container registry:


git clone
cd Redeye
sudo apt install python3.8-venv
python3 -m venv RedeyeVirtualEnv
source RedeyeVirtualEnv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 RedDB/
python3 --safe


Redeye will listen on:
Default Credentials:

  • username: redeye
  • password: redeye

Neo4j will listen on:
Default Credentials:

  • username: neo4j
  • password: redeye


  • Yoav Danino for mental support and beta testing.


If you own any Code/File in Redeye that is not under MIT License please contact us at:

ZeusCloud - Open Source Cloud Security

By: Zion3R

ZeusCloud is an open source cloud security platform.

Discover, prioritize, and remediate your risks in the cloud.

  • Build an asset inventory of your AWS accounts.
  • Discover attack paths based on public exposure, IAM, vulnerabilities, and more.
  • Prioritize findings with graphical context.
  • Remediate findings with step by step instructions.
  • Customize security and compliance controls to fit your needs.
  • Meet compliance standards PCI DSS, CIS, SOC 2, and more!

Quick Start

  1. Clone repo: git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. Run: cd ZeusCloud && make quick-deploy
  3. Visit http://localhost:80

Check out our Get Started guide for more details.

A cloud-hosted version is available on special request - email to get access!


Play around with our sandbox environment to see how ZeusCloud identifies, prioritizes, and remediates risks in the cloud!


  • Discover Attack Paths - Discover toxic risk combinations an attacker can use to penetrate your environment.
  • Graphical Context - Understand context behind security findings with graphical visualizations.
  • Access Explorer - Visualize who has access to what with an IAM visualization engine.
  • Identify Misconfigurations - Discover the highest risk-of-exploit misconfigurations in your environments.
  • Configurability - Configure which security rules are active, which alerts should be muted, and more.
  • Security as Code - Modify rules or write your own with our extensible security as code approach.
  • Remediation - Follow step by step guides to remediate security findings.
  • Compliance - Ensure your cloud posture is compliant with PCI DSS, CIS benchmarks and more!

Why ZeusCloud?

Cloud usage continues to grow. Companies are shifting more of their workloads from on-prem to the cloud and both adding and expanding new and existing workloads in the cloud. Cloud providers keep increasing their offerings and their complexity. Companies are having trouble keeping track of their security risks as their cloud environment scales and grows more complex. Several high profile attacks have occurred in recent times. Capital One had an S3 bucket breached, Amazon had an unprotected Prime Video server breached, Microsoft had an Azure DevOps server breached, Puma was the victim of ransomware, etc.

We had to take action.

  • We noticed traditional cloud security tools are opaque, confusing, time consuming to set up, and expensive as you scale your cloud environment
  • Cybersecurity vendors don't provide much actionable information to security, engineering, and devops teams by inundating them with non-contextual alerts
  • ZeusCloud is easy to set up, transparent, and configurable, so you can prioritize the most important risks
  • Best of all, you can use ZeusCloud for free!

Future Roadmap

  • Integrations with vulnerability scanners
  • Integrations with secret scanners
  • Shift-left: Remediate risks earlier in the SDLC with context from your deployments
  • Support for Azure and GCP environments


We love contributions of all sizes. What would be most helpful first:

  • Please give us feedback in our Slack.
  • Open a PR (see our instructions below on developing ZeusCloud locally)
  • Submit a feature request or bug report through Github Issues.


Run containers in development mode:

cd frontend && yarn && cd -
docker-compose down && docker-compose -f --env-file up --build

Reset neo4j and/or postgres data with the following:

rm -rf .compose/neo4j
rm -rf .compose/postgres

To develop on frontend, make the the code changes and save.

To develop on backend, run

docker-compose -f --env-file up --no-deps --build backend

To access the UI, go to: http://localhost:80.


Please do not run ZeusCloud exposed to the public internet. Use the latest versions of ZeusCloud to get all security related patches. Report any security vulnerabilities to

Open-source vs. cloud-hosted

This repo is freely available under the Apache 2.0 license.

We're working on a cloud-hosted solution which handles deployment and infra management. Contact us at for more information!

Special thanks to the amazing Cartography project, which ZeusCloud uses for its asset inventory. Credit to PostHog and Airbyte for inspiration around public-facing materials - like this README!

Wafaray - Enhance Your Malware Detection With WAF + YARA (WAFARAY)

By: Zion3R

WAFARAY is a LAB deployment based on Debian 11.3.0 (stable) x64 made and cooked between two main ingredients WAF + YARA to detect malicious files (e.g. webshells, virus, malware, binaries) typically through web functions (upload files).


In essence, the main idea came to use WAF + YARA (YARA right-to-left = ARAY) to detect malicious files at the WAF level before WAF can forward them to the backend e.g. files uploaded through web functions see:

When a web page allows uploading files, most of the WAFs are not inspecting files before sending them to the backend. Implementing WAF + YARA could provide malware detection before WAF forwards the files to the backend.

Do malware detection through WAF?

Yes, one solution is to use ModSecurity + Clamav, most of the pages call ClamAV as a process and not as a daemon, in this case, analysing a file could take more than 50 seconds per file. See this resource:

Do malware detection through WAF + YARA?

:-( A few clues here Black Hat Asia 2019 please continue reading and see below our quick LAB deployment.

WAFARAY: how does it work ?

Basically, It is a quick deployment (1) with pre-compiled and ready-to-use YARA rules via ModSecurity (WAF) using a custom rule; (2) this custom rule will perform an inspection and detection of the files that might contain malicious code, (3) typically web functions (upload files) if the file is suspicious will reject them receiving a 403 code Forbidden by ModSecurity.

โœ”๏ธThe compiles all the yara rules. (Python3 code)
โœ”๏ธThe test.conf is a virtual host that contains the mod security rules. (ModSecurity Code)
โœ”๏ธModSecurity rules calls the in order to inspect the file that is trying to upload. (Python3 code)
โœ”๏ธYara returns two options 1 (200 OK) or 0 (403 Forbidden)

Main Paths:

  • Yara Compiled rules: /YaraRules/Compiled
  • Yara Default rules: /YaraRules/rules
  • Yara Scripts: /YaraRules/YaraScripts
  • Apache vhosts: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
  • Temporal Files: /temporal


  • Blueteamers: Rule enforcement, best alerting, malware detection on files uploaded through web functions.
  • Redteamers/pentesters: GreyBox scope , upload and bypass with a malicious file, rule enforcement.
  • Security Officers: Keep alerting, threat hunting.
  • SOC: Best monitoring about malicious files.
  • CERT: Malware Analysis, Determine new IOC.

Building Detection Lab

The Proof of Concept is based on Debian 11.3.0 (stable) x64 OS system, OWASP CRC v3.3.2 and Yara 4.0.5, you will find the automatic installation script here and an optional manual installation guide can be found here: manual_instructions.txt also a PHP page has been created as a "mock" to observe the interaction and detection of malicious files using WAF + YARA.

Installation (recommended) with shell scripts

โœ”๏ธStep 2: Deploy using VMware or VirtualBox
โœ”๏ธStep 3: Once installed, please follow the instructions below:
alex@waf-labs:~$ su root 

# Remember to change YOUR_USER by your username (e.g waf)
root@waf-labs:/home/alex# sed -i 's/^\(# User privi.*\)/\1\nalex ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL/g' /etc/sudoers
root@waf-labs:/home/alex# exit
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo sed -i 's/^\(deb cdrom.*\)/#\1/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo sed -i 's/^# \(deb\-src http.*\)/ \1/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo sed -i 's/^# \(deb http.*\)/ \1/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
alex@waf-labs:~$ echo -ne "\n\ndeb bullseye main\ndeb-src bullseye main\n" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo apt-get update
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo apt-get install sudo -y
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo apt-get install git vim dos2unix net-tools -y
alex@waf-labs:~$ git clone$ cd wafaray
alex@waf-labs:~$ dos2unix
alex@waf-labs:~$ chmod +x
alex@waf-labs:~$ sudo ./ >> log_install.log

# Test your LAB environment
alex@waf-labs:~$ firefox localhost:8080/upload.php

Yara Rules

Once the Yara Rules were downloaded and compiled.

It is similar to when you deploy ModSecurity, you need to customize what kind of rule you need to apply. The following log is an example of when the Web Application Firewall + Yara detected a malicious file, in this case, eicar was detected.

Message: Access denied with code 403 (phase 2). File "/temporal/20220812-184146-YvbXKilOKdNkDfySME10ywAAAAA-file-Wx1hQA" rejected by 
the approver script "/YaraRules/YaraScripts/": 0 SUSPECTED [YaraSignature: eicar]
[file "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/test.conf"] [line "56"] [id "500002"]
[msg "Suspected File -> /temporal/20220812-184146-YvbXKilOKdNkDfySME10ywAAAAA-file-Wx1hQA - URI: /upload.php"]

Testing WAFARAY... voilร ...

Stop / Start ModSecurity

$ sudo service apache2 stop
$ sudo service apache2 start

Apache Logs

$ cd /var/log
$ sudo tail -f apache2/test_access.log apache2/test_audit.log apache2/test_error.log


Be careful about your test. The following demos were tested on isolated virtual machines.

Demo 1 - EICAR

A malicious file is uploaded, and the ModSecurity rules plus Yara denied uploading file to the backend if the file matched with at least one Yara Rule. (Example of Malware: NOT EXECUTE THE FILE.

Demo 2 - WebShell.php

For this demo, we disable the rule 933110 - PHP Inject Attack to validate Yara Rules. A malicious file is uploaded, and the ModSecurity rules plus Yara denied uploading file to the backend if the file matched with at least one Yara Rule. (Example of WebShell PHP: NOT EXECUTE THE FILE.

Demo 3 - Malware Bazaar (RecordBreaker) Published: 2022-08-13

A malicious file is uploaded, and the ModSecurity rules plus Yara denied uploading file to the backend if the file matched with at least one Yara Rule. (Example of Malware Bazaar (RecordBreaker): NOT EXECUTE THE FILE.

YARA Rules sources

In case that you want to download more yara rules, you can see the following repositories:


Roadmap until next release

  • Malware Hash Database (MLDBM). The Database stores the MD5 or SHA1 that files were detected as suspicious.
  • To be tested CRS Modsecurity v.3.3.3 new rules
  • ModSecurity rules improvement to malware detection with Database.
  • To be created blacklist and whitelist related to MD5 or SHA1.
  • To be tested, run in background if the Yara analysis takes more than 3 seconds.
  • To be tested, new payloads, example: Powershell Obfuscasted (WebShells)
  • Remarks for live enviroments. (WAF AWS, WAF GCP, ...)


Alex Hernandez aka (@_alt3kx_)
Jesus Huerta aka @mindhack03d


Israel Zeron Medina aka @spk085

Misp-Extractor - Tool That Connects To A MISP Instance And Retrieves Attributes Of Specific Types (Such As IP Addresses, URLs, And Hashes)

This code connects to a given MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform) server and parses a given number of events, writing the IP addresses, URLs, and MD5 hashes found in the events to three separate files.


To use this script, you will need to provide the URL of your MISP instance and a valid API key. You can then call the method to retrieve the attributes and save them to files.

To use the code, run the following command:

python3 --misp-url <MISP_URL> --misp-key <MISP_API_KEY> --limit <EVENT_LIMIT>

Supported attribute types

The MISPConnector class currently supports the following attribute types:

  • ip-src
  • ip-dst
  • md5
  • url
  • domain

If an attribute of one of these types is found in an event, it will be added to the appropriate set (for example, IP addresses will be added to the network_set) and written to the corresponding file (network.txt, hash.txt, or url.txt).


The code can be configured by passing arguments to the command-line script. The available arguments are:

  • misp-url: The URL of the MISP server. This argument is required.
  • misp-key: The API key for the MISP server. This argument is required.
  • limit: The maximum number of events to parse. The default is 2000.


This script has the following limitations:

  • It only retrieves attributes of specific types (as listed above).
  • It only writes the retrieved attributes to files, without any further processing or analysis.
  • It only retrieves a maximum of 2000 events, as specified by the limit parameter in the method.


This code is provided under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Sandfly-Entropyscan - Tool To Detect Packed Or Encrypt ed Binaries Related To Malware, Finds Malicious Files And Linux Processes And Gives Output With Cryptographic Hashes

What is sandfly-entropyscan?

sandfly-entropyscan is a utility to quickly scan files or running processes and report on their entropy (measure of randomness) and if they are a Linux/Unix ELF type executable. Some malware for Linux is packed or encrypted and shows very high entropy. This tool can quickly find high entropy executable files and processes which often are malicious.


  • Written in Golang and is portable across multiple architectures with no modifications.
  • Standalone binary requires no dependencies and can be used instanly without loading any libraries on suspect machines.
  • Not affected by LD_PRELOAD style rootkits that are cloaking files.
  • Built-in PID busting to find hidden/cloaked processes from certain types of Loadable Kernel Module (LKM) rootkits.
  • Generates entropy and also MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and SHA512 hash values of files.
  • Can be used in scanning scripts to find problems automatically.
  • Can be used by incident responders to quickly scan and zero in on potential malware on a Linux host.

Why Scan for Entropy?

Entropy is a measure of randomness. For binary data 0.0 is not-random and 8.0 is perfectly random. Good crypto looks like random white noise and will be near 8.0. Good compression removes redundant data making it appear more random than if it was uncompressed and usually will be 7.7 or above.

A lot of malware executables are packed to avoid detection and make reverse engineering harder. Most standard Linux binaries are not packed because they aren't trying to hide what they are. Searching for high entropy files is a good way to find programs that could be malicious just by having these two attributes of high entropy and executable.

How Do I Use This?

Usage of sandfly-entropyscan:

-csv output results in CSV format (filename, path, entropy, elf_file [true|false], MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512)

-delim change the default delimiter for CSV files of "," to one of your choosing ("|", etc.)

-dir string directory name to analyze

-file string full path to a single file to analyze

-proc check running processes (defaults to ELF only check)

-elf only check ELF executables

-entropy float show any file/process with entropy greater than or equal to this value (0.0 min - 8.0 max, defaults 0 to show all files)

-version show version and exit


Search for any file that is executable under /tmp:

sandfly-entropyscan -dir /tmp -elf

Search for high entropy (7.7 and higher) executables (often packed or encrypted) under /var/www:

sandfly-entropyscan -dir /var/www -elf -entropy 7.7

Generates entropy and cryptographic hashes of all running processes in CSV format:

sandfly-entropyscan -proc -csv

Search for any process with an entropy higher than 7.7 indicating it is likely packed or encrypted:

sandfly-entropyscan -proc -entropy 7.7

Generate entropy and cryptographic hash values of all files under /bin and output to CSV format (for instance to save and compare hashes):

sandfly-entropyscan -dir /bin -csv

Scan a directory for all files (ELF or not) with entropy greater than 7.7: (potentially large list of files that are compressed, png, jpg, object files, etc.)

sandfly-entropyscan -dir /path/to/dir -entropy 7.7

Quickly check a file and generate entropy, cryptographic hashes and show if it is executable:

sandfly-entropyscan -file /dev/shm/suspicious_file

Use Cases

Do spot checks on systems you think have a malware issue. Or you can automate the scan so you will get an output if we find something show up that is high entropy in a place you didn't expect. Or simply flag any executable ELF type file that is somewhere strange (e.g. hanging out in /tmp or under a user's HTML directory). For instance:

Did a high entropy binary show up under the system /var/www directory? Could be someone put a malware dropper on your website:

sandfly-entropyscan -dir /var/www -elf -entropy 7.7

Setup a cron task to scan your /tmp, /var/tmp, and /dev/shm directories for any kind of executable file whether it's high entropy or not. Executable files under tmp directories can frequently be a malware dropper.

sandfly-entropyscan -dir /tmp -elf

sandfly-entropyscan -dir /var/tmp -elf

sandfly-entropyscan -dir /dev/shm -elf

Setup another cron or automated security sweep to spot check your systems for highly compressed or encrypted binaries that are running:

sandfly-entropyscan -proc -entropy 7.7


git clone

  • Go into the repo directory and build it:

go build

  • Run the binary with your options:


Build Scripts

There are a some basic build scripts that build for various platforms. You can use these to build or modify to suit. For Incident Responders, it might be useful to keep pre-compiled binaries ready to go on your investigation box. - Build for current OS you're running on when you execute it.

ELF Detection

We use a simple method for seeing if a file may be an executable ELF type. We can spot ELF format files for multiple platforms. Even if malware has Intel/AMD, MIPS and Arm dropper binaries we will still be able to spot all of them.

False Positives

It's possible to flag a legitimate binary that has a high entropy because of how it was compiled, or because it was packed for legitimate reasons. Other files like .zip, .gz, .png, .jpg and such also have very high entropy because they are compressed formats. Compression removes redundancy in a file which makes it appear to be more random and has higher entropy.

On Linux, you may find some kinds of libraries (.so files) get flagged if you scan library directories.

However, it is our experience that executable binaries that also have high entropy are often malicious. This is especially true if you find them in areas where executables normally shouldn't be (such as again tmp or html directories).


The entropy calculation requires reading in all the bytes of the file and tallying them up to get a final number. It can use a lot of CPU and disk I/O, especially on very large file systems or very large files. The program has an internal limit where it won't calculate entropy on any file over 2GB, nor will it try to calculate entropy on any file that is not a regular file type (e.g. won't try to calculate entropy on devices like /dev/zero).

Then we calculate MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and SHA512 hashes. Each of these requires going over the file as well. It's reasonable speed on modern systems, but if you are crawling a very large file system it can take some time to complete.

If you tell the program to only look at ELF files, then the entropy/hash calculations won't happen unless it is an ELF type and this will save a lot of time (e.g. it will ignore massive database files that aren't executable).

If you want to automate this program, it's best to not have it crawl the entire root file system unless you want that specifically. A targeted approach will be faster and more useful for spot checks. Also, use the ELF flag as that will drastically reduce search times by only processing executable file types.

Incident Response

For incident responders, running sandfly-entropyscan against the entire top-level "/" directory may be a good idea just to quickly get a list of likely packed candidates to investigate. This will spike CPU and disk I/O. However, you probably don't care at that point since the box has been mining cryptocurrency for 598 hours anyway by the time the admins noticed.

Again, use the ELF flag to get to the likely problem candidate executables and ignore the noise.


There is a script called scripts/ that will make two files. One will be full of random data and one will not be random at all. When you run the script it will make the files and run sandfly-entropyscan in executable detection mode. You should see two files. One with very high entropy (at or near 8.0) and one full of non-random data that should be at 0.00 for low entropy. Example:


Creating high entropy random executable-like file in current directory.

Creating low entropy executable-like file in current directory.

high.entropy.test, entropy: 8.00, elf: true

low.entropy.test, entropy: 0.00, elf: true

You can also load up the upx utility and compress an executable and see what values it returns.

Agentless Linux Security

Sandfly Security produces an agentless endpoint detection and incident response platform (EDR) for Linux. Automated entropy checks are just one of thousands of things we search for to find intruders without loading any software on your Linux endpoints.

Get a free license and learn more below: @SandflySecurity

Yaralyzer - Visually Inspect And Force Decode YARA And Regex Matches Found In Both Binary And Text Data, With Colors

Visually inspect all of the regex matches (and their sexier, more cloak and dagger cousins, the YARA matches) found in binary data and/or text. See what happens when you force various character encodings upon those matched bytes. With colors.

Quick Start

pipx install yaralyzer

# Scan against YARA definitions in a file:
yaralyze --yara-rules /secret/vault/sigmunds_malware_rules.yara lacan_buys_the_dip.pdf

# Scan against an arbitrary regular expression:
yaralyze --regex-pattern 'good and evil.*of\s+\w+byte' the_crypto_archipelago.exe

# Scan against an arbitrary YARA hex pattern
yaralyze --hex-pattern 'd0 93 d0 a3 d0 [-] 9b d0 90 d0 93' one_day_in_the_life_of_ivan_cryptosovich.bin

What It Do

  1. See the actual bytes your YARA rules are matching. No more digging around copy/pasting the start positions reported by YARA into your favorite hex editor. Displays both the bytes matched by YARA as well as a configurable number of bytes before and after each match in hexadecimal and "raw" python string representation.
  2. Do the same for byte patterns and regular expressions without writing a YARA file. If you're too lazy to write a YARA file but are trying to determine, say, whether there's a regular expression hidden somewhere in the file you could scan for the pattern '/.+/' and immediately get a window into all the bytes in the file that live between front slashes. Same story for quotes, BOMs, etc. Any regex YARA can handle is supported so the sky is the limit.
  3. Detect the possible encodings of each set of matched bytes. The chardet library is a sophisticated library for guessing character encodings and it is leveraged here.
  4. Display the result of forcing various character encodings upon the matched areas. Several default character encodings will be forcibly attempted in the region around the match. chardet will also be leveraged to see if the bytes fit the pattern of any known encoding. If chardet is confident enough (configurable), an attempt at decoding the bytes using that encoding will be displayed.
  5. Export the matched regions/decodings to SVG, HTML, and colored text files. Show off your ASCII art.

Why It Do

The Yaralyzer's functionality was extracted from The Pdfalyzer when it became apparent that visualizing and decoding pattern matches in binaries had more utility than just in a PDF analysis tool.

YARA, for those who are unaware1, is branded as a malware analysis/alerting tool but it's actually both a lot more and a lot less than that. One way to think about it is that YARA is a regular expression matching engine on steroids. It can locate regex matches in binaries like any regex engine but it can also do far wilder things like combine regexes in logical groups, compare regexes against all 256 XORed versions of a binary, check for base64 and other encodings of the pattern, and more. Maybe most importantly of all YARA provides a standard text based format for people to share their 'roided regexes with the world. All these features are particularly useful when analyzing or reverse engineering malware, whose authors tend to invest a great deal of time into making stuff hard to find.

But... that's also all YARA does. Everything else is up to the user. YARA's just a match engine and if you don't know what to match (or even what character encoding you might be able to match in) it only gets you so far. I found myself a bit frustrated trying to use YARA to look at all the matches of a few critical patterns:

  1. Bytes between escaped quotes (\".+\" and \'.+\')
  2. Bytes between front slashes (/.+/). Front slashes demarcate a regular expression in many implementations and I was trying to see if any of the bytes matching this pattern were actually regexes.

YARA just tells you the byte position and the matched string but it can't tell you whether those bytes are UTF-8, UTF-16, Latin-1, etc. etc. (or none of the above). I also found myself wanting to understand what was going in the region of the matched bytes and not just in the matched bytes. In other words I wanted to scope the bytes immediately before and after whatever got matched.

Enter The Yaralyzer, which lets you quickly scan the regions around matches while also showing you what those regions would look like if they were forced into various character encodings.

It's important to note that The Yaralyzer isn't a full on malware reversing tool. It can't do all the things a tool like CyberChef does and it doesn't try to. It's more intended to give you a quick visual overview of suspect regions in the binary so you can hone in on the areas you might want to inspect with a more serious tool like CyberChef.


Install it with pipx or pip3. pipx is a marginally better solution as it guarantees any packages installed with it will be isolated from the rest of your local python environment. Of course if you don't really have a local python environment this is a moot point and you can feel free to install with pip/pip3.

pipx install yaralyzer


Run yaralyze -h to see the command line options (screenshot below).

For info on exporting SVG images, HTML, etc., see Example Output.


If you place a filed called .yaralyzer in your home directory or the current working directory then environment variables specified in that .yaralyzer file will be added to the environment each time yaralyzer is invoked. This provides a mechanism for permanently configuring various command line options so you can avoid typing them over and over. See the example file .yaralyzer.example to see which options can be configured this way.

Only one .yaralyzer file will be loaded and the working directory's .yaralyzer takes precedence over the home directory's .yaralyzer.

As A Library

Yaralyzer is the main class. It has a variety of constructors supporting:

  1. Precompiled YARA rules
  2. Creating a YARA rule from a string
  3. Loading YARA rules from files
  4. Loading YARA rules from all .yara file in a directory
  5. Scanning bytes
  6. Scanning a file

Should you want to iterate over the BytesMatch (like a re.Match object for a YARA match) and BytesDecoder (tracks decoding attempt stats) objects returned by The Yaralyzer, you can do so like this:

from yaralyzer.yaralyzer import Yaralyzer

yaralyzer = Yaralyzer.for_rules_files(['/secret/rule.yara'], 'lacan_buys_the_dip.pdf')

for bytes_match, bytes_decoder in yaralyzer.match_iterator():

Example Output

The Yaralyzer can export visualizations to HTML, ANSI colored text, and SVG vector images using the file export functionality that comes with Rich. SVGs can be turned into png format images with a tool like Inkscape or cairosvg. In our experience they both work though we've seen some glitchiness with cairosvg.

PyPi Users: If you are reading this document on PyPi be aware that it renders a lot better over on GitHub. Pretty pictures, footnotes that work, etc.

Raw YARA match result:

Display hex, raw python string, and various attempted decodings of both the match and the bytes before and after the match (configurable):

Bonus: see what chardet.detect() thinks about the likelihood your bytes are in a given encoding/language:


  • highlight decodes done at chardets behest
  • deal with repetitive matches

RPCMon - RPC Monitor Tool Based On Event Tracing For Windows

A GUI tool for scanning RPC communication through Event Tracing for Windows (ETW). The tool was published as part of a research on RPC communication between the host and a Windows container.


RPCMon can help researchers to get a high level view over an RPC communication between processes. It was built like Procmon for easy usage, and uses James Forshaw .NET library for RPC. RPCMon can show you the RPC functions being called, the process who called them, and other relevant information.
RPCMon uses a hardcoded RPC dictionary for fast RPC information processing which contains information about RPC modules. It also has an option to build an RPC database so it will be updated from your computer in case some details are missing in the hardcoded RPC dictionary.


Double click the EXE binary and you will get the GUI Windows.
RPCMon needs a DB to be able to get the details on the RPC functions, without a DB you will have missing information.
To load the DB, press on DB -> Load DB... and choose your DB. You can a DB we added to this project: /DB/RPC_UUID_Map_Windows10_1909_18363.1977.rpcdb.json.


  • A detailed overview of RPC functions activity.
  • Build an RPC database to parse RPC modules or use hardcoded database.
  • Filter\highlight rows based on cells.
  • Bold specific rows.


We want to thank James Forshaw (@tyranid) for creating the open source NtApiDotNet which allowed us to get the RPC functions.


Copyright (c) 2022 CyberArk Software Ltd. All rights reserved
This repository is licensed under Apache-2.0 License - see LICENSE for more details.


For more comments, suggestions or questions, you can contact Eviatar Gerzi (@g3rzi) and CyberArk Labs.
