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Webinar: Kickstarting Your SaaS Security Strategy & Program

SaaS applications make up 70% of total company software usage, and as businesses increase their reliance on SaaS apps, they also increase their reliance on those applications being secure. These SaaS apps store an incredibly large volume of data so safeguarding the organization's SaaS app stack and data within is paramount. Yet, the path to implementing an effective SaaS security program isΒ notΒ 

Who's Experimenting with AI Tools in Your Organization?

With the record-setting growth of consumer-focused AI productivity tools like ChatGPT, artificial intelligenceβ€”formerly the realm of data science and engineering teamsβ€”has become a resource available to every employee.Β  From a productivity perspective, that’s fantastic. Unfortunately for IT and security teams, it also means you may have hundreds of people in your organization using a new tool in