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Before yesterdayThe Hacker News

Post-Quantum Cryptography: Finally Real in Consumer Apps?

Most people are barely thinking about basic cybersecurity, let alone post-quantum cryptography. But the impact of a post-quantum world is coming for them regardless of whether or not it's keeping them up tonight.Β  Today, many rely on encryption in their daily lives to protect their fundamental digital privacy and security, whether for messaging friends and family, storing files and photos, or

Google Introduces First Quantum Resilient FIDO2 Security Key Implementation

Google on Tuesday announced the first quantum resilient FIDO2 security key implementation as part of its OpenSK security keys initiative. "This open-source hardware optimized implementation uses a novel ECC/Dilithium hybrid signature schema that benefits from the security of ECC against standard attacks and Dilithium's resilience against quantum attacks," Elie Bursztein and Fabian KaczmarczyckΒ 

Single-Core CPU Cracked Post-Quantum Encryption Candidate Algorithm in Just an Hour

A late-stage candidate encryption algorithm that was meant to withstand decryption by powerful quantum computers in the future has been trivially cracked by using a computer running Intel Xeon CPU in an hour's time. The algorithm in question is SIKE β€” short for Supersingular Isogeny Key Encapsulation β€” which made it to theΒ fourth roundΒ of the Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) standardization