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AI & Your Family: The Wows and Potential Risks

By: McAfee

When we come across the term Artificial Intelligence (AI), our mind often ventures into the realm of sci-fi movies like I, Robot, Matrix, and Ex Machina. We’ve always perceived AI as a futuristic concept, something that’s happening in a galaxy far, far away. However, AI is not only here in our present but has also been a part of our lives for several years in the form of various technological devices and applications.

In our day-to-day lives, we use AI in many instances without even realizing it. AI has permeated into our homes, our workplaces, and is at our fingertips through our smartphones. From cell phones with built-in smart assistants to home assistants that carry out voice commands, from social networks that determine what content we see to music apps that curate playlists based on our preferences, AI has its footprints everywhere. Therefore, it’s integral to not only embrace the wows of this impressive technology but also understand and discuss the potential risks associated with it.

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AI in Daily Life: A Blend of Convenience and Intrusion

AI, a term that might sound intimidating to many, is not so when we understand it. It is essentially technology that can be programmed to achieve certain goals without assistance. In simple words, it’s a computer’s ability to predict, process data, evaluate it, and take necessary action. This smart way of performing tasks is being implemented in education, business, manufacturing, retail, transportation, and almost every other industry and cultural sector you can think of.

AI has been doing a lot of good too. For instance, Instagram, the second most popular social network, is now deploying AI technology to detect and combat cyberbullying in both comments and photos. No doubt, AI is having a significant impact on everyday life and is poised to metamorphose the future landscape. However, alongside its benefits, AI has brought forward a set of new challenges and risks. From self-driving cars malfunctioning to potential jobs lost to AI robots, from fake videos and images to privacy breaches, the concerns are real and need timely discussions and preventive measures.

Navigating the Wows and Risks of AI

AI has made it easier for people to face-swap within images and videos, leading to “deep fake” videos that appear remarkably realistic and often go viral. A desktop application called FakeApp allows users to seamlessly swap faces and share fake videos and images. While this displays the power of AI technology, it also brings to light the responsibility and critical thinking required when consuming and sharing online content.

Dig Deeper: The Future of Technology: AI, Deepfake, & Connected Devices

Yet another concern raised by AI is privacy breaches. The Cambridge Analytica/Facebook scandal of 2018, alleged to have used AI technology unethically to collect Facebook user data, serves as a reminder that our private (and public) information can be exploited for financial or political gain. Thus, it becomes crucial to discuss and take necessary steps like locking down privacy settings on social networks and being mindful of the information shared in the public feed, including reactions and comments on other content.

McAfee Pro Tip: Cybercriminals employ advanced methods to deceive individuals, propagating sensationalized fake news, creating deceptive catfish dating profiles, and orchestrating harmful impersonations. Recognizing sophisticated AI-generated content can pose a challenge, but certain indicators may signal that you’re encountering a dubious image or interacting with a perpetrator operating behind an AI-generated profile. Know the indicators. 

AI and Cybercrime

With the advent of AI, cybercrime has found a new ally. As per McAfee’s Threats Prediction Report, AI technology might enable hackers to bypass security measures on networks undetected. This can lead to data breaches, malware attacks, ransomware, and other criminal activities. Moreover, AI-generated phishing emails are scamming people into unknowingly handing over sensitive data.

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Bogus emails are becoming highly personalized and can trick intelligent users into clicking malicious links. Given the sophistication of these AI-related scams, it is vital to constantly remind ourselves and our families to be cautious with every click, even those from known sources. The need to be alert and informed cannot be overstressed, especially in times when AI and cybercrime often seem to be two sides of the same coin.

IoT Security Concerns in an AI-Powered World

As homes evolve to be smarter and synced with AI-powered Internet of Things (IoT) products, potential threats have proliferated. These threats are not limited to computers and smartphones but extend to AI-enabled devices such as voice-activated assistants. According to McAfee’s Threat Prediction Report, these IoT devices are particularly susceptible as points of entry for cybercriminals. Other devices at risk, as highlighted by security experts, include routers, and tablets.

This means we need to secure all our connected devices and home internet at its source – the network. Routers provided by your ISP (Internet Security Provider) are often less secure, so consider purchasing your own. As a primary step, ensure that all your devices are updated regularly. More importantly, change the default password on these devices and secure your primary network along with your guest network with strong passwords.

How to Discuss AI with Your Family

Having an open dialogue about AI and its implications is key to navigating through the intricacies of this technology. Parents need to have open discussions with kids about the positives and negatives of AI technology. When discussing fake videos and images, emphasize the importance of critical thinking before sharing any content online. Possibly, even introduce them to the desktop application FakeApp, which allows users to swap faces within images and videos seamlessly, leading to the production of deep fake photos and videos. These can appear remarkably realistic and often go viral.

Privacy is another critical area for discussion. After the Cambridge Analytica/Facebook scandal of 2018, the conversation about privacy breaches has become more significant. These incidents remind us how our private (and public) information can be misused for financial or political gain. Locking down privacy settings, being mindful of the information shared, and understanding the implications of reactions and comments are all topics worth discussing. 

Being Proactive Against AI-Enabled Cybercrime

Awareness and knowledge are the best tools against AI-enabled cybercrime. Making families understand that bogus emails can now be highly personalized and can trick even the most tech-savvy users into clicking malicious links is essential. AI can generate phishing emails, scamming people into handing over sensitive data. In this context, constant reminders to be cautious with every click, even those from known sources, are necessary.

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The advent of AI has also likely allowed hackers to bypass security measures on networks undetected, leading to data breaches, malware attacks, and ransomware. Therefore, being alert and informed is more than just a precaution – it is a vital safety measure in the digital age.

Final Thoughts

Artificial Intelligence has indeed woven itself into our everyday lives, making things more convenient, efficient, and connected. However, with these advancements come potential risks and challenges. From privacy breaches, and fake content, to AI-enabled cybercrime, the concerns are real and need our full attention. By understanding AI better, having open discussions, and taking appropriate security measures, we can leverage this technology’s immense potential without falling prey to its risks. In our AI-driven world, being informed, aware, and proactive is the key to staying safe and secure.

To safeguard and fortify your online identity, we strongly recommend that you delve into the extensive array of protective features offered by McAfee+. This comprehensive cybersecurity solution is designed to provide you with a robust defense against a wide spectrum of digital threats, ranging from malware and phishing attacks to data breaches and identity theft.

The post AI & Your Family: The Wows and Potential Risks appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Cryptohacking: Is Cryptocurrency Losing Its Credibility?

In the fall of 2021, cryptocurrency value skyrocketed. Ethereum and Bitcoin had their highest values ever, causing a huge stir in interest in online currencies from experts, hobbyists and newbies alike … and in cybercriminals seeking huge paydays. Since then, cryptocurrency value has cooled, as has the public’s opinion about whether it’s worth the risk. Huge cryptohacking events dominate the headlines, leaving us to wonder: Is cryptocurrency losing its credibility? 

In this article, you’ll learn about recent unfortunate crypto hacks and a few cryptocurrency security tips to help you avoid a similar misfortune. 

Secure Your Crypto Wallet 

A crypto wallet is the software or the physical device that stores the public and private keys to your cryptocurrency. A public key is the string of letters and numbers that people swap with each other in crypto transactions. It’s ok to share a public key with someone you trust. Your private key, however, must remain private — think of it like the password that secures your online bank account. Just like your actual wallet, if it falls into the wrong hands, you can lose a lot of money.   

What happened in the Mars Stealer malware attack on crypto wallets? 

A malware called Mars Stealer infiltrated several crypto wallet browser extensions, including the popular MetaMask. The malware stole private keys and then erased its tracks to mask that it had ever gained entry to the wallet.1 

How can you ensure a secure wallet?  

One way to completely avoid a breach to your software crypto wallet is to opt for a hardware wallet. A hardware wallet is a physical device that can only be opened with a PIN. But there is some risk involved with a hardware wallet: if you drop it down the drain, all your crypto is gone. If you forget your wallet PIN, there is no customer service chatbot that can help you remember it. You are solely responsible for keeping track of it. For those who are confident in their hardware’s hiding spot and their personal organizational skills, they can benefit from its added security. 

For anyone less sure of their ability to keep track of a hardware wallet, a software wallet is a fine alternative, though always been on alert of software wallet hacks. Keep an eye on crypto news and be ready to secure your software at a moment’s notice. Measures include un-downloading browser extensions, changing passwords, or transferring your crypto assets to another software wallet. 

In the case of the Mars Stealer malware that affected MetaMask, being careful about visiting secure sites and only clicking on trustworthy links could’ve helped prevent it. Mars Stealer made its way onto people’s devices after they clicked on an infected link or visited a risky website. Stick to websites you know you can trust and consider springing for well-known streaming services and paying for software instead of torrenting from free sources. 

Only Trust Secure Bridges and Be Prepared to Act Quickly

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts often spread their crypto investments across various currency types and blockchain environments. Software known as a bridge can link numerous accounts and types, making it easier to send currency. 

What happened in the Horizon bridge hack?

The cross-chain bridge Horizon experienced was on its Harmony blockchain, where a hacker stole about $100 million in Ethereum and tokens. The hacker stole two private keys, with which they could then validate this huge transaction into their own wallet. To hopefully prevent this from happening in the future, Horizon now requires more than just two validators.2 

How can you avoid crumbling bridges? 

According to one report, in 2022, 69% of all cryptocurrency losses have occurred in bridge attacks.3 If you exchange cryptocurrencies with other users and have various accounts, it’s almost inevitable that you’ll use bridge software. To keep your assets safe, make sure to extensively research any bridge before trusting it. Take a look at their security protocols and how they’ve responded to past breaches, if applicable.  

In the case of Horizon, the stolen private keys were encrypted with a passphrase and with a key management service, which follows best practices. Make sure that you always defend your private keys and all your cryptocurrency-related accounts with multi-factor authentication. Even though it may not 100% protect your assets, it’ll foil a less persistent cybercriminal. 

Phishing attacks on bridge companies in conjunction with software hacks are also common. In this scenario, there’s unfortunately not much you can control. What you can control is how quickly and completely you respond to the cybercrime event. Remove the bridge software from your devices, transfer all your assets to a hardware wallet, and await further instructions from the bridge company on how to proceed. 

Never Trade Security for Convenience

Decentralized finance, or DeFi, is now one of the riskiest aspects of cryptocurrency. DeFi is a system without governing bodies. Some crypto traders like the anonymity and autonomy of being able to make transactions without a bank or institution tracking their assets. The drawback is that the code used in smart contracts isn’t bulletproof and has been at the center of several costly cybercrimes. Smart contracts are agreed upon by crypto buyers and sellers, and they contain code that programs crypto to perform certain financial transactions. 

What happened in recent smart contract hacks? 

Three multi-million-dollar heists – Wormhole, Beanstalk Farms and Ronin bridge – occurred in quick succession, and smart contracts were at the center of each.4 In the case of Wormhole, a cybercriminal minted 120,000 in one currency and then traded them for Ethereum without putting up the necessary collateral. In the end, the hacker cashed out with $320 million. Beanstalk Farms lost $182 million when a hacker discovered a loophole in the stablecoin’s flash loan smart contract. Axie Infinity’s Ronin bridge was hit for $625 million when a hacker took control over and signed five of the nine validator nodes through a smart contract hole.4 

How can you avoid smart contract failures  

To be safe, conduct all crypto transactions on well-known and trustworthy software, applications, bridges, and wallets that are backed by a governing body. What you lose in anonymity you gain in security by way of regulated protocols. Hackers are targeting smart contracts because they do not have to depend on large-scale phishing schemes to get the information they need. Instead, they can infiltrate the code themselves and steal assets from the smartest and most careful crypto users. Because there’s almost no way you can predict the next smart contract hack, the best path forward is to always remain on your toes and be ready to react should one occur. 

Enjoy Cryptocurrency but Keep Your Eyes Peeled

Don’t let these costly hacks be what stops you from exploring crypto! Crypto is great as a side hustle if you’re committed to security and are strategic in your investments. Make sure you follow the best practices outlined and arm all your devices (mobile included!) with top-notch security, such as antivirus software, a VPN, and a password manager, all of which are included in McAfee + 

Privacy, excellent security habits, and an eagle eye can help you enjoy the most out of cryptocurrency and sidestep its costly pitfalls. Now, go forth confidently and prosper in the crypto realm! 


1Cointelegraph, “Hodlers, beware! New malware targets MetaMask and 40 other crypto wallets 

2Halborn, “Explained: The Harmony Horizon Bridge Hack 

3Chainalysis, “Vulnerabilities in Cross-chain Bridge Protocols Emerge as Top Security Risk 

4Protocol, “Crypto is crumbling, and DeFi hacks are getting worse 

5Cointelegraph, “Beanstalk Farms loses $182M in DeFi governance exploit 

The post Cryptohacking: Is Cryptocurrency Losing Its Credibility? appeared first on McAfee Blog.
