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Before yesterdayTools

Rayder - A Lightweight Tool For Orchestrating And Organizing Your Bug Hunting Recon / Pentesting Command-Line Workflows

By: Zion3R

Rayder is a command-line tool designed to simplify the orchestration and execution of workflows. It allows you to define a series of modules in a YAML file, each consisting of commands to be executed. Rayder helps you automate complex processes, making it easy to streamline repetitive modules and execute them parallelly if the commands do not depend on each other.


To install Rayder, ensure you have Go (1.16 or higher) installed on your system. Then, run the following command:

go install


Rayder offers a straightforward way to execute workflows defined in YAML files. Use the following command:

rayder -w path/to/workflow.yaml

Workflow Configuration

A workflow is defined in a YAML file with the following structure:

VAR_NAME: value
# Add more variables...

parallel: true|false
- name: task-name
- command-1
- command-2
# Add more commands...
silent: true|false
# Add more modules...

Using Variables in Workflows

Rayder allows you to use variables in your workflow configuration, making it easy to parameterize your commands and achieve more flexibility. You can define variables in the vars section of your workflow YAML file. These variables can then be referenced within your command strings using double curly braces ({{}}).

Defining Variables

To define variables, add them to the vars section of your workflow YAML file:

VAR_NAME: value
ANOTHER_VAR: another_value
# Add more variables...

Referencing Variables in Commands

You can reference variables within your command strings using double curly braces ({{}}). For example, if you defined a variable OUTPUT_DIR, you can use it like this:

- name: example-task
- echo "Output directory {{OUTPUT_DIR}}"

Supplying Variables via the Command Line

You can also supply values for variables via the command line when executing your workflow. Use the format VARIABLE_NAME=value to provide values for specific variables. For example:

rayder -w path/to/workflow.yaml VAR_NAME=new_value ANOTHER_VAR=updated_value

If you don't provide values for variables via the command line, Rayder will automatically apply default values defined in the vars section of your workflow YAML file.

Remember that variables supplied via the command line will override the default values defined in the YAML configuration.


Example 1:

Here's an example of how you can define, reference, and supply variables in your workflow configuration:

ORG: ""
OUTPUT_DIR: "results"

- name: example-task
- echo "Organization {{ORG}}"
- echo "Output directory {{OUTPUT_DIR}}"

When executing the workflow, you can provide values for ORG and OUTPUT_DIR via the command line like this:

rayder -w path/to/workflow.yaml ORG=custom_org OUTPUT_DIR=custom_results_dir

This will override the default values and use the provided values for these variables.

Example 2:

Here's an example workflow configuration tailored for reverse whois recon and processing the root domains into subdomains, resolving them and checking which ones are alive:

ORG: "Acme, Inc"
OUTPUT_DIR: "results-dir"

parallel: false
- name: reverse-whois
silent: false
- mkdir -p {{OUTPUT_DIR}}
- revwhoix -k "{{ORG}}" > {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/root-domains.txt

- name: finding-subdomains
- xargs -I {} -a {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/root-domains.txt echo "subfinder -d {} -o {}.out" | quaithe -workers 30
silent: false

- name: cleaning-subdomains
- cat *.out > {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/root-subdomains.txt
- rm *.out
silent: true

- name: resolving-subdomains
- cat {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/root-subdomains.txt | dnsx -silent -threads 100 -o {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/resolved-subdomains.txt
silent: false

- name: checking-alive-subdomains
- cat {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/resolved-subdomains.txt | httpx -silent -threads 100 0 -o {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/alive-subdomains.txt
silent: false

To execute the above workflow, run the following command:

rayder -w path/to/reverse-whois.yaml ORG="Yelp, Inc" OUTPUT_DIR=results

Parallel Execution

The parallel field in the workflow configuration determines whether modules should be executed in parallel or sequentially. Setting parallel to true allows modules to run concurrently, making it suitable for modules with no dependencies. When set to false, modules will execute one after another.


Explore a collection of sample workflows and examples in the Rayder workflows repository. Stay tuned for more additions!


Inspiration of this project comes from Awesome taskfile project.

Arsenal - Just A Quick Inventory And Launcher For Hacking Programs

By: Zion3R

Arsenal is just a quick inventory, reminder and launcher for pentest commands.
This project written by pentesters for pentesters simplify the use of all the hard-to-remember commands

In arsenal you can search for a command, select one and it's prefilled directly in your terminal. This functionality is independent of the shell used. Indeed arsenal emulates real user input (with TTY arguments and IOCTL) so arsenal works with all shells and your commands will be in the history.

You have to enter arguments if needed, but arsenal supports global variables.
For example, during a pentest we can set the variable ip to prefill all commands using an ip with the right one.

To do that you just have to enter the following command in arsenal:

>set ip=


  • Guillaume Muh
  • mayfly

This project is inspired by navi ( because the original version was in bash and too hard to understand to add features

Arsenal new features

  • New colors
  • Add tmux new pane support (with -t)
  • Add default values in cheatsheets commands with <argument|default_value>
  • Support description inside cheatsheets
  • New categories and Tags
  • New cheatsheets
  • Add yml support (thx @0xswitch )
  • Add fzf support with ctrl+t (thx @mgp25)

Install & Launch

  • with pip :
python3 -m pip install arsenal-cli
  • run (we also advice you to add this alias : alias a='arsenal')
  • manually:
git clone
cd arsenal
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Inside your .bashrc or .zshrc add the path to run to help you do that you could launch the script

  • Also if you are an Arch user you can install from the AUR:
git clone
cd arsenal
makepkg -si
  • Or with an AUR helper like yay:
yay -S arsenal

Launch in tmux mode

./run -t #Β if you launch arsenal in a tmux window with one pane, it will split the window and send the command to the otherpane without quitting arsenal
#Β if the window is already splited the command will be send to the other pane without quitting arsenal
./run -t -e # just like the -t mode but with direct execution in the other pane without quitting arsenal

Add external cheatsheets

You could add your own cheatsheets insode the my_cheats folder or in the ~/.cheats folder.

You could also add additional paths to the file <arsenal_home>/arsenal/modules/, arsenal reads .md (MarkDown) and .rst (RestructuredText).

Cheatsheets examples are in <arsenal_home>/cheats: and README.rst


If you got on error on color init try :

export TERM='xterm-256color'


If you have the following exception when running Arsenal:

ImportError: cannot import name 'FullLoader'

First, check that requirements are installed:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If the exception is still there:

pip install -U PyYAML


  • AD mindmap black versionΒ 

  • Exchange Mindmap (thx to @snovvcrash)Β 

  • Active directory ACE mindmapΒ 

TODO cheatsheets

reverse shell

  • msfvenom
  • php
  • python
  • perl
  • powershell
  • java
  • ruby

whitebox analysis grep regex

  • php
  • nodejs
  • hash



  • enum4linux
  • smbmap
  • smbget
  • rpcclient
  • rpcinfo
  • nbtscan
  • impacket

kerberos & AD

  • impacket
  • bloodhound
  • rubeus
  • powerview
  • shadow credentials attack
  • samaccountname attack


  • mitm6
  • responder


  • ysoserial

bruteforce & pass cracking

  • hydra
  • hashcat
  • john


  • nmap
  • eyewitness
  • gowitness


  • gobuster
  • ffuf
  • wfuzz


  • dig
  • dnsrecon
  • dnsenum
  • sublist3r


  • rpcbind


  • snmpwalk
  • snmp-check
  • onesixtyone


  • sqlmap


  • oscanner
  • sqlplus
  • tnscmd10g


  • mysql


  • showmount


  • xfreerdp
  • rdesktop
  • ncrack


  • sqsh


  • evilwinrm


  • redis-cli


  • psql
  • pgdump


  • vncviewer


  • xspy
  • xwd
  • xwininfo


  • ldapsearch


  • sslscan


  • burp
  • nikto
  • tplmap

app web

  • drupwn
  • wpscan
  • nuclei

Upload_Bypass - File Upload Restrictions Bypass, By Using Different Bug Bounty Techniques Covered In Hacktricks

By: Zion3R

Upload_Bypass is a powerful tool designed to assist Pentesters and Bug Hunters in testing file upload mechanisms. It leverages various bug bounty techniques to simplify the process of identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities, ensuring thorough assessments of web applications.

  • Simplifies the identification and exploitation of vulnerabilities in file upload mechanisms.
  • Leverages bug bounty techniques to maximize testing effectiveness.
  • Enables thorough assessments of web applications.
  • Provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface.
  • Enhances security assessments and helps protect critical systems.

New PoC Video:


Please note that the use of Upload_Bypass and any actions taken with it are solely at your own risk. The tool is provided for educational and testing purposes only. The developer of Upload_Bypass is not responsible for any misuse, damage, or illegal activities caused by its usage.

While Upload_Bypass aims to assist Pentesters and Bug Hunters in testing file upload mechanisms, it is essential to obtain proper authorization and adhere to applicable laws and regulations before performing any security assessments. Always ensure that you have the necessary permissions from the relevant stakeholders before conducting any testing activities.

The results and findings obtained from using Upload_Bypass should be communicated responsibly and in accordance with established disclosure processes. It is crucial to respect the privacy and integrity of the tested systems and refrain from causing harm or disruption.

By using Upload_Bypass, you acknowledge that the developer cannot be held liable for any consequences resulting from its use. Use the tool responsibly and ethically to promote the security and integrity of web applications.


  1. Webshell mode: The tool will try to upload a Webshell with a random name, and if the user specifies the location of the uploaded file, the tool enters an "Interactive shell".
  2. Eicar mode: The tool will try to upload an Eicar(Anti-Malware test file) instead of a Webshell, and if the user specifies the location of the uploaded file, the tool will check if the file uploaded successfully and exists in the system in order to determine if an Anti-Malware is present on the system.
  3. A directory with the name of the tested host will be created in the Tool's directory upon success, with the results saved in Excel and Text files.


Download the latest version from Releases page.


pip install -r requirements.txt


The tool will not function properly if the file upload mechanism includes CAPTCHA implementation.

Perhaps in the future the tool will include an OCR.



The Tool is compatible exclusively with output file requests generated by Burp Suite.

Before saving the Burp file, replace the file content with the string *content* and filename.ext with the string *filename* and Content-Type header with *mimetype*(only if the tool is not able to recognize it automatically).

How a request should look before the changes:

How it should look after the changes:

If the tool fails to recognize the mime type automatically, you can add *mimetype* in the parameter's value of the Content-Type header.

Options: -h, --help

 show this help message and exit

-b BURP_FILE, --burp-file BURP_FILE

 Required - Read from a Burp Suite file
Usage: -b / --burp-file ~/Desktop/output


 Required if -f is not set - Provide the success message when a file is uploaded
Usage: -s /--success 'File uploaded successfully.'


 Required if -s is not set - Provide a failure message when a file is uploaded
Usage: -f /--failure 'File is not allowed!'


 Required - Provide server backend extension
Usage: -e / --extension php (Supported extensions: php,asp,jsp,perl,coldfusion)


 Required - Provide allowed extensions to be uploaded
Usage: -a /--allowed jpeg, png, zip, etc'


  Provide a remote path where the WebShell will be uploaded (won't work if the file will be uploaded with a UUID).
Usage: -l / --location /uploads/

-rl NUMBER, --rate-limit NUMBER

  Set rate-limiting with milliseconds between each request.
Usage: -r / --rate-limit 700


  Channel the HTTP requests via proxy client (i.e Burp Suite).
Usage: -p / --proxy

-S, --ssl

  If set, the tool will not validate TLS/SSL certificate.
Usage: -S / --ssl

-c, --continue

  If set, the brute force will continue even if one of the methods gets a hit!
Usage: -C /--continue

-E, --eicar

  If set, an Eicar file(Anti Malware Testfile) will be uploaded only. WebShells will not be uploaded (Suitable for real environments).
Usage: -E / --eicar

-v, --verbose

  If set, details about the test will be printed on the screen
Usage: -v / --verbose

-r, --response

  If set, HTTP response will be printed on the screen
Usage: -r / --response


  Print the current version of the tool.     


  Checks for new updates. If there is a new update, it will be downloaded and updated automatically.     


Running the tool with Eicar and Bruteforce mode along with a verbose output

 python -b ~/Desktop/burp_output -s 'file upload successfully!' -e php -a jpeg --response -v --eicar --continue

Running the tool with Webshell mode along with a verbose output

 python -b ~/Desktop/burp_output -s 'file upload successfully!' -e asp -a zip -v

Running the tool with a Proxy client

 python -b ~/Desktop/burp_output -s 'file upload successfully!' -e jsp -a png -v --proxy
