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Galah - An LLM-powered Web Honeypot Using The OpenAI API

By: Zion3R

TL;DR: Galah (/ษกษ™หˆlษ‘ห/ - pronounced 'guh-laa') is an LLM (Large Language Model) powered web honeypot, currently compatible with the OpenAI API, that is able to mimic various applications and dynamically respond to arbitrary HTTP requests.


Named after the clever Australian parrot known for its mimicry, Galah mirrors this trait in its functionality. Unlike traditional web honeypots that rely on a manual and limiting method of emulating numerous web applications or vulnerabilities, Galah adopts a novel approach. This LLM-powered honeypot mimics various web applications by dynamically crafting relevant (and occasionally foolish) responses, including HTTP headers and body content, to arbitrary HTTP requests. Fun fact: in Aussie English, Galah also means fool!

I've deployed a cache for the LLM-generated responses (the cache duration can be customized in the config file) to avoid generating multiple responses for the same request and to reduce the cost of the OpenAI API. The cache stores responses per port, meaning if you probe a specific port of the honeypot, the generated response won't be returned for the same request on a different port.

The prompt is the most crucial part of this honeypot! You can update the prompt in the config file, but be sure not to change the part that instructs the LLM to generate the response in the specified JSON format.

Note: Galah was a fun weekend project I created to evaluate the capabilities of LLMs in generating HTTP messages, and it is not intended for production use. The honeypot may be fingerprinted based on its response time, non-standard, or sometimes weird responses, and other network-based techniques. Use this tool at your own risk, and be sure to set usage limits for your OpenAI API.

Future Enhancements

  • Rule-Based Response: The new version of Galah will employ a dynamic, rule-based approach, adding more control over response generation. This will further reduce OpenAI API costs and increase the accuracy of the generated responses.

  • Response Database: It will enable you to generate and import a response database. This ensures the honeypot only turns to the OpenAI API for unknown or new requests. I'm also working on cleaning up and sharing my own database.

  • Support for Other LLMs.

Getting Started

  • Ensure you have Go version 1.20+ installed.
  • Create an OpenAI API key from here.
  • If you want to serve over HTTPS, generate TLS certificates.
  • Clone the repo and install the dependencies.
  • Update the config.yaml file.
  • Build and run the Go binary!
% git clone
% cd galah
% go mod download
% go build
% ./galah -i en0 -v

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llm-based web honeypot // version 1.0
author: Adel "0x4D31" Karimi

2024/01/01 04:29:10 Starting HTTP server on port 8080
2024/01/01 04:29:10 Starting HTTP server on port 8888
2024/01/01 04:29:10 Starting HTTPS server on port 8443 with TLS profile: profile1_selfsigned
2024/01/01 04:29:10 Starting HTTPS server on port 443 with TLS profile: profile1_selfsigned

2024/01/01 04:35:57 Received a request for "/.git/config" from [::1]:65434
2024/01/01 04:35:57 Request cache miss for "/.git/config": Not found in cache
2024/01/01 04:35:59 Generated HTTP response: {"Headers": {"Content-Type": "text/plain", "Server": "Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)", "Status": "403 Forbidden"}, "Body": "Forbidden\nYou don't have permission to access this resource."}
2024/01/01 04:35:59 Sending the crafted response to [::1]:65434

^C2024/01/01 04:39:27 Received shutdown signal. Shutting down servers...
2024/01/01 04:39:27 All servers shut down gracefully.

Example Responses

Here are some example responses:

Example 1

% curl http://localhost:8080/login.php
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Login Page</title></head><body><form action='/submit.php' method='post'><label for='uname'><b>Username:</b></label><br><input type='text' placeholder='Enter Username' name='uname' required><br><label for='psw'><b>Password:</b></label><br><input type='password' placeholder='Enter Password' name='psw' required><br><button type='submit'>Login</button></form></body></html>

JSON log record:

{"timestamp":"2024-01-01T05:38:08.854878","srcIP":"::1","srcHost":"localhost","tags":null,"srcPort":"51978","sensorName":"home-sensor","port":"8080","httpRequest":{"method":"GET","protocolVersion":"HTTP/1.1","request":"/login.php","userAgent":"curl/7.71.1","headers":"User-Agent: [curl/7.71.1], Accept: [*/*]","headersSorted":"Accept,User-Agent","headersSortedSha256":"cf69e186169279bd51769f29d122b07f1f9b7e51bf119c340b66fbd2a1128bc9","body":"","bodySha256":"e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"},"httpResponse":{"headers":{"Content-Type":"text/html","Server":"Apache/2.4.38"},"body":"\u003c!DOCTYPE html\u003e\u003chtml\u003e\u003chead\u003e\u003ctitle\u003eLogin Page\u003c/title\u003e\u003c/head\u003e\u003cbody\u003e\u003cform action='/submit.php' method='post'\u003e\u003clabel for='uname'\u003e\u003cb\u003eUsername:\u003c/b\u003e\u003c/label\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003cinput type='text' placeholder='Enter Username' name='uname' required\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003clabel for='psw'\u003e\u003cb\u003ePassword:\u003c/b\u003e\u003c/label\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003cinput type='password' placeholder='Enter Password' name='psw' required\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbutton type='submit'\u003eLogin\u003c/button\u003e\u003c/form\u003e\u003c/body\u003e\u003c/html\u003e"}}

Example 2

% curl http://localhost:8080/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE
aws_secret_access_key = wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
region = us-west-2

JSON log record:

{"timestamp":"2024-01-01T05:40:34.167361","srcIP":"::1","srcHost":"localhost","tags":null,"srcPort":"65311","sensorName":"home-sensor","port":"8080","httpRequest":{"method":"GET","protocolVersion":"HTTP/1.1","request":"/.aws/credentials","userAgent":"curl/7.71.1","headers":"User-Agent: [curl/7.71.1], Accept: [*/*]","headersSorted":"Accept,User-Agent","headersSortedSha256":"cf69e186169279bd51769f29d122b07f1f9b7e51bf119c340b66fbd2a1128bc9","body":"","bodySha256":"e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"},"httpResponse":{"headers":{"Connection":"close","Content-Encoding":"gzip","Content-Length":"126","Content-Type":"text/plain","Server":"Apache/2.4.51 (Unix)"},"body":"[default]\naws_access_key_id = AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE\naws_secret_access_key = wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY\nregion = us-west-2"}}

Okay, that was impressive!

Example 3

Now, let's do some sort of adversarial testing!

% curl http://localhost:8888/are-you-a-honeypot
No, I am a server.`

JSON log record:

{"timestamp":"2024-01-01T05:50:43.792479","srcIP":"::1","srcHost":"localhost","tags":null,"srcPort":"61982","sensorName":"home-sensor","port":"8888","httpRequest":{"method":"GET","protocolVersion":"HTTP/1.1","request":"/are-you-a-honeypot","userAgent":"curl/7.71.1","headers":"User-Agent: [curl/7.71.1], Accept: [*/*]","headersSorted":"Accept,User-Agent","headersSortedSha256":"cf69e186169279bd51769f29d122b07f1f9b7e51bf119c340b66fbd2a1128bc9","body":"","bodySha256":"e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"},"httpResponse":{"headers":{"Connection":"close","Content-Length":"20","Content-Type":"text/plain","Server":"Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)"},"body":"No, I am a server."}}


% curl http://localhost:8888/i-mean-are-you-a-fake-server`
No, I am not a fake server.

JSON log record:

{"timestamp":"2024-01-01T05:51:40.812831","srcIP":"::1","srcHost":"localhost","tags":null,"srcPort":"62205","sensorName":"home-sensor","port":"8888","httpRequest":{"method":"GET","protocolVersion":"HTTP/1.1","request":"/i-mean-are-you-a-fake-server","userAgent":"curl/7.71.1","headers":"User-Agent: [curl/7.71.1], Accept: [*/*]","headersSorted":"Accept,User-Agent","headersSortedSha256":"cf69e186169279bd51769f29d122b07f1f9b7e51bf119c340b66fbd2a1128bc9","body":"","bodySha256":"e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"},"httpResponse":{"headers":{"Connection":"close","Content-Type":"text/plain","Server":"LocalHost/1.0"},"body":"No, I am not a fake server."}}

You're a galah, mate!

Attackgen - Cybersecurity Incident Response Testing Tool That Leverages The Power Of Large Language Models And The Comprehensive MITRE ATT&CK Framework

By: Zion3R

AttackGen is a cybersecurity incident response testing tool that leverages the power of large language models and the comprehensive MITRE ATT&CK framework. The tool generates tailored incident response scenarios based on user-selected threat actor groups and your organisation's details.

Star the Repo

If you find AttackGen useful, please consider starring the repository on GitHub. This helps more people discover the tool. Your support is greatly appreciated! โญ


  • Generates unique incident response scenarios based on chosen threat actor groups.
  • Allows you to specify your organisation's size and industry for a tailored scenario.
  • Displays a detailed list of techniques used by the selected threat actor group as per the MITRE ATT&CK framework.
  • Create custom scenarios based on a selection of ATT&CK techniques.
  • Capture user feedback on the quality of the generated scenarios.
  • Downloadable scenarios in Markdown format.
  • ๐Ÿ†• Use the OpenAI API, Azure OpenAI Service, Mistral API, or locally hosted Ollama models to generate incident response scenarios.
  • Available as a Docker container image for easy deployment.
  • Optional integration with LangSmith for powerful debugging, testing, and monitoring of model performance.


v0.4 (current)

What's new? Why is it useful?
Mistral API Integration - Alternative Model Provider: Users can now leverage the Mistral AI models to generate incident response scenarios. This integration provides an alternative to the OpenAI and Azure OpenAI Service models, allowing users to explore and compare the performance of different language models for their specific use case.
Local Model Support using Ollama - Local Model Hosting: AttackGen now supports the use of locally hosted LLMs via an integration with Ollama. This feature is particularly useful for organisations with strict data privacy requirements or those who prefer to keep their data on-premises. Please note that this feature is not available for users of the AttackGen version hosted on Streamlit Community Cloud at
Optional LangSmith Integration - Improved Flexibility: The integration with LangSmith is now optional. If no LangChain API key is provided, users will see an informative message indicating that the run won't be logged by LangSmith, rather than an error being thrown. This change improves the overall user experience and allows users to continue using AttackGen without the need for LangSmith.
Various Bug Fixes and Improvements - Enhanced User Experience: This release includes several bug fixes and improvements to the user interface, making AttackGen more user-friendly and robust.


What's new? Why is it useful?
Azure OpenAI Service Integration - Enhanced Integration: Users can now choose to utilise OpenAI models deployed on the Azure OpenAI Service, in addition to the standard OpenAI API. This integration offers a seamless and secure solution for incorporating AttackGen into existing Azure ecosystems, leveraging established commercial and confidentiality agreements.

- Improved Data Security: Running AttackGen from Azure ensures that application descriptions and other data remain within the Azure environment, making it ideal for organizations that handle sensitive data in their threat models.
LangSmith for Azure OpenAI Service - Enhanced Debugging: LangSmith tracing is now available for scenarios generated using the Azure OpenAI Service. This feature provides a powerful tool for debugging, testing, and monitoring of model performance, allowing users to gain insights into the model's decision-making process and identify potential issues with the generated scenarios.

- User Feedback: LangSmith also captures user feedback on the quality of scenarios generated using the Azure OpenAI Service, providing valuable insights into model performance and user satisfaction.
Model Selection for OpenAI API - Flexible Model Options: Users can now select from several models available from the OpenAI API endpoint, such as gpt-4-turbo-preview. This allows for greater customization and experimentation with different language models, enabling users to find the most suitable model for their specific use case.
Docker Container Image - Easy Deployment: AttackGen is now available as a Docker container image, making it easier to deploy and run the application in a consistent and reproducible environment. This feature is particularly useful for users who want to run AttackGen in a containerised environment, or for those who want to deploy the application on a cloud platform.


What's new? Why is it useful?
Custom Scenarios based on ATT&CK Techniques - For Mature Organisations: This feature is particularly beneficial if your organisation has advanced threat intelligence capabilities. For instance, if you're monitoring a newly identified or lesser-known threat actor group, you can tailor incident response testing scenarios specific to the techniques used by that group.

- Focused Testing: Alternatively, use this feature to focus your incident response testing on specific parts of the cyber kill chain or certain MITRE ATT&CK Tactics like 'Lateral Movement' or 'Exfiltration'. This is useful for organisations looking to evaluate and improve specific areas of their defence posture.
User feedback on generated scenarios - Collecting feedback is essential to track model performance over time and helps to highlight strengths and weaknesses in scenario generation tasks.
Improved error handling for missing API keys - Improved user experience.
Replaced Streamlit st.spinner widgets with new st.status widget - Provides better visibility into long running processes (i.e. scenario generation).


Initial release.


  • Recent version of Python.
  • Python packages: pandas, streamlit, and any other packages necessary for the custom libraries (langchain and mitreattack).
  • OpenAI API key.
  • LangChain API key (optional) - see LangSmith Setup section below for further details.
  • Data files: enterprise-attack.json (MITRE ATT&CK dataset in STIX format) and groups.json.


Option 1: Cloning the Repository

  1. Clone this repository:
git clone
  1. Change directory into the cloned repository:
cd attackgen
  1. Install the required Python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Option 2: Using Docker

  1. Pull the Docker container image from Docker Hub:
docker pull mrwadams/attackgen

LangSmith Setup

If you would like to use LangSmith for debugging, testing, and monitoring of model performance, you will need to set up a LangSmith account and create a .streamlit/secrets.toml file that contains your LangChain API key. Please follow the instructions here to set up your account and obtain your API key. You'll find a secrets.toml-example file in the .streamlit/ directory that you can use as a template for your own secrets.toml file.

If you do not wish to use LangSmith, you must still have a .streamlit/secrets.toml file in place, but you can leave the LANGCHAIN_API_KEY field empty.

Data Setup

Download the latest version of the MITRE ATT&CK dataset in STIX format from here. Ensure to place this file in the ./data/ directory within the repository.

Running AttackGen

After the data setup, you can run AttackGen with the following command:

streamlit run ๐Ÿ‘‹

You can also try the app on Streamlit Community Cloud.


Running AttackGen

Option 1: Running the Streamlit App Locally

  1. Run the Streamlit app:
streamlit run ๐Ÿ‘‹
  1. Open your web browser and navigate to the URL provided by Streamlit.
  2. Use the app to generate standard or custom incident response scenarios (see below for details).

Option 2: Using the Docker Container Image

  1. Run the Docker container:
docker run -p 8501:8501 mrwadams/attackgen

This command will start the container and map port 8501 (default for Streamlit apps) from the container to your host machine. 2. Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8501. 3. Use the app to generate standard or custom incident response scenarios (see below for details).

Generating Scenarios

Standard Scenario Generation

  1. Choose whether to use the OpenAI API or the Azure OpenAI Service.
  2. Enter your OpenAI API key, or the API key and deployment details for your model on the Azure OpenAI Service.
  3. Select your organisatin's industry and size from the dropdown menus.
  4. Navigate to the Threat Group Scenarios page.
  5. Select the Threat Actor Group that you want to simulate.
  6. Click on 'Generate Scenario' to create the incident response scenario.
  7. Use the ๐Ÿ‘ or ๐Ÿ‘Ž buttons to provide feedback on the quality of the generated scenario. N.B. The feedback buttons only appear if a value for LANGCHAIN_API_KEY has been set in the .streamlit/secrets.toml file.

Custom Scenario Generation

  1. Choose whether to use the OpenAI API or the Azure OpenAI Service.
  2. Enter your OpenAI API Key, or the API key and deployment details for your model on the Azure OpenAI Service.
  3. Select your organisation's industry and size from the dropdown menus.
  4. Navigate to the Custom Scenario page.
  5. Use the multi-select box to search for and select the ATT&CK techniques relevant to your scenario.
  6. Click 'Generate Scenario' to create your custom incident response testing scenario based on the selected techniques.
  7. Use the ๐Ÿ‘ or ๐Ÿ‘Ž buttons to provide feedback on the quality of the generated scenario. N.B. The feedback buttons only appear if a value for LANGCHAIN_API_KEY has been set in the .streamlit/secrets.toml file.

Please note that generating scenarios may take a minute or so. Once the scenario is generated, you can view it on the app and also download it as a Markdown file.


I'm very happy to accept contributions to this project. Please feel free to submit an issue or pull request.


This project is licensed under GNU GPLv3.

Pentest-Muse-Cli - AI Assistant Tailored For Cybersecurity Professionals

By: Zion3R

Pentest Muse is an AI assistant tailored for cybersecurity professionals. It can help penetration testers brainstorm ideas, write payloads, analyze code, and perform reconnaissance. It can also take actions, execute command line codes, and iteratively solve complex tasks.

Pentest Muse Web App

In addition to this command-line tool, we are excited to introduce the Pentest Muse Web Application! The web app has access to the latest online information, and would be a good AI assistant for your pentesting job.


This tool is intended for legal and ethical use only. It should only be used for authorized security testing and educational purposes. The developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program.


  • Python 3.12 or later
  • Necessary Python packages as listed in requirements.txt


Standard Setup

  1. Clone the repository:

git clone cd PentestMuse

  1. Install the required packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Alternative Setup (Package Installation)

Install Pentest Muse as a Python Package:

pip install .

Running the Application

Chat Mode (Default)

In the chat mode, you can chat with pentest muse and ask it to help you brainstorm ideas, write payloads, and analyze code. Run the application with:




Agent Mode (Experimental)

You can also give Pentest Muse more control by asking it to take actions for you with the agent mode. In this mode, Pentest Muse can help you finish a simple task (e.g., 'help me do sql injection test on url xxx'). To start the program with agent model, you can use:

python agent


pmuse agent

Selection of Language Models

Managed APIs

You can use Pentest Muse with our managed APIs after signing up at After creating an account, you can simply start the pentest muse cli, and the program will prompt you to login.

OpenAI API keys

Alternatively, you can also choose to use your own OpenAI API keys. To do this, you can simply add argument --openai-api-key=[your openai api key] when starting the program.


For any feedback or suggestions regarding Pentest Muse, feel free to reach out to us at or join our discord. Your input is invaluable in helping us improve and evolve.

AiCEF - An AI-assisted cyber exercise content generation framework using named entity recognition

By: Zion3R

AiCEF is a tool implementing the accompanying framework [1] in order to harness the intelligence that is available from online resources, as well as threat groups' activities, arsenal (eg. MITRE), to create relevant and timely cybersecurity exercise content. This way, we abstract the events from the reports in a machine-readable form. The produced graphs can be infused with additional intelligence, e.g. the threat actor profile from MITRE, also mapped in our ontology. While this may fill gaps that would be missing from a report, one can also manipulate the graph to create custom and unique models. Finally, we exploit transformer-based language models like GPT to convert the graph into text that can serve as the scenario of a cybersecurity exercise. We have tested and validated AiCEF with a group of experts in cybersecurity exercises, and the results clearly show that AiCEF significantly augments the capabilities in creating timely and relevant cybersecurity exercises in terms of both quality and time.

We used Python to create a machine-learning-powered Exercise Generation Framework and developed a set of tools to perform a set of individual tasks which would help an exercise planner (EP) to create a timely and targeted Cybersecurity Exercise Scenario, regardless of her experience.

Problems an Exercise Planner faces:

  • Constant table-top research to have fresh content
  • Realistic CSE scenario creation can be difficult and time-consuming
  • Meeting objectives but also keeping it appealing for the target audience
  • Is the relevance and timeliness aspects considered?
  • Can all the above be automated?

Our Main Objective: Build an AI powered tool that can generate relevant and up-to-date Cyber Exercise Content in a few steps with little technical expertise from the user.

Release Roadmap

The updated project, AiCEF v.2.0 is planned to be publicly released by the end of 2023, pending heavy code review and functionality updates. Submodules with reduced functinality will start being release by early June 2023. Thank you for your patience.


The most convenient way to install AiCEF is by using the docker-compose command. For production deployment, we advise you deploy MySQL manually in a dedicated environment and then to start the other components using Docker.

First, make sure you have docker-compose installed in your environment:


$ sudo apt-get install docker-compose

Then, clone the repository:

$ git clone /<choose-a-path>/AiCEF-docker
$ cd /<choose-a-path>/AiCEF-docker

Configure the environment settings

Import the MySQL file in your

$ mysql -u <your_username> รขโ‚ฌโ€œ-password=<your_password> AiCEF_db < AiCEF_db.sql 

Before running the docker-compose command, settings must be configured. Copy the sample settings file and change it accordingly to your needs.

$ cp .env.sample .env


Note: Make sure you have an OpenAI API key available. Load the environment setttings (including your MySQL connection details):

set -a ; source .env

Finally, run docker-compose in detached (-d) mode:

$ sudo docker-compose up -d


A common usage flow consists of generating a Trend Report to analyze patterns over time, parsing relevant articles and converting them into Incident Breadcrumbs using MLTP module and storing them in a knowledge database called KDb. Incidents are then generated using IncGen component and can be enhanced using the Graph Enhancer module to simulate known APT activity. The incidents come with injects that can be edited on the fly. The CSE scenario is then created using CEGen, which defines various attributes like CSE name, number of Events, and Incidents. MLCESO is a crucial step in the methodology where dedicated ML models are trained to extract information from the collected articles with over 80% accuracy. The Incident Generation & Enhancer (IncGen) workflow can be automated, generating a variety of incidents based on filtering parameters and the existing database. The knowledge database (KDB) consists of almost 3000 articles classified into six categories that can be augmented using APT Enhancer by using the activity of known APT groups from MITRE or manually.

Find below some sample usage screenshots:


  • An AI-powered Cyber Exercise Generation Framework
  • Developed in Python & EEL
  • Open source library Stixview
  • Stores data in MYSQL
  • API to Text Synthesis Models (ex. GPT-3.5)
  • Can create incidents based on TTPs of 125 known APT actors
  • Models Cyber Exercise Content in machine readable STIX2.1 [2] (.json) and human readable format (.pdf)


AiCEF is a product designed and developed by Alex Zacharis, Razvan Gavrila and Constantinos Patsakis.





Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to AiCEF v2.0, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/your-branch-name)
  3. Make your changes and commit them (git commit -m 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/your-branch-name)
  5. Open a new pull request


AiCEF is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. See for more information.

Under the following terms:

Attribution โ€” You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. NonCommercial โ€” You may not use the material for commercial purposes. No additional restrictions โ€” You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

ReconAIzer - A Burp Suite Extension To Add OpenAI (GPT) On Burp And Help You With Your Bug Bounty Recon To Discover Endpoints, Params, URLs, Subdomains And More!

By: Zion3R

ReconAIzer is a powerful Jython extension for Burp Suite that leverages OpenAI to help bug bounty hunters optimize their recon process. This extension automates various tasks, making it easier and faster for security researchers to identify and exploit vulnerabilities.

Once installed, ReconAIzer add a contextual menu and a dedicated tab to see the results:


  • Burp Suite
  • Jython Standalone Jar


Follow these steps to install the ReconAIzer extension on Burp Suite:

Step 1: Download Jython

  1. Download the latest Jython Standalone Jar from the official website:
  2. Save the Jython Standalone Jar file in a convenient location on your computer.

Step 2: Configure Jython in Burp Suite

  1. Open Burp Suite.
  2. Go to the "Extensions" tab.
  3. Click on the "Extensions settings" sub-tab.
  4. Under "Python Environment," click on the "Select file..." button next to "Location of the Jython standalone JAR file."
  5. Browse to the location where you saved the Jython Standalone Jar file in Step 1 and select it.
  6. Wait for the "Python Environment" status to change to "Jython (version x.x.x) successfully loaded," where x.x.x represents the Jython version.

Step 3: Download and Install ReconAIzer

  1. Download the latest release of ReconAIzer
  2. Open Burp Suite
  3. Go back to the "Extensions" tab in Burp Suite.
  4. Click the "Add" button.
  5. In the "Add extension" dialog, select "Python" as the "Extension type."
  6. Click on the "Select file..." button next to "Extension file" and browse to the location where you saved the file in Step 3.1. Select the file and click "Open."
  7. Make sure the "Load" checkbox is selected and click the "Next" button.
  8. Wait for the extension to be loaded. You should see a message in the "Output" section stating that the ReconAIzer extension has been successfully loaded.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed the ReconAIzer extension in Burp Suite. You can now start using it to enhance your bug bounty hunting experience.

Once it's done, you must configure your OpenAI API key on the "Config" tab under "ReconAIzer" tab.

Feel free to suggest prompts improvements or anything you would like to see on ReconAIzer!

Happy bug hunting!

Burpgpt - A Burp Suite Extension That Integrates OpenAI's GPT To Perform An Additional Passive Scan For Discovering Highly Bespoke Vulnerabilities, And Enables Running Traffic-Based Analysis Of Any Type

By: Zion3R

burpgpt leverages the power of AI to detect security vulnerabilities that traditional scanners might miss. It sends web traffic to an OpenAI model specified by the user, enabling sophisticated analysis within the passive scanner. This extension offers customisable prompts that enable tailored web traffic analysis to meet the specific needs of each user. Check out the Example Use Cases section for inspiration.

The extension generates an automated security report that summarises potential security issues based on the user's prompt and real-time data from Burp-issued requests. By leveraging AI and natural language processing, the extension streamlines the security assessment process and provides security professionals with a higher-level overview of the scanned application or endpoint. This enables them to more easily identify potential security issues and prioritise their analysis, while also covering a larger potential attack surface.

[!WARNING] Data traffic is sent to OpenAI for analysis. If you have concerns about this or are using the extension for security-critical applications, it is important to carefully consider this and review OpenAI's Privacy Policy for further information.

[!WARNING] While the report is automated, it still requires triaging and post-processing by security professionals, as it may contain false positives.

[!WARNING] The effectiveness of this extension is heavily reliant on the quality and precision of the prompts created by the user for the selected GPT model. This targeted approach will help ensure the GPT model generates accurate and valuable results for your security analysis.



  • Adds a passive scan check, allowing users to submit HTTP data to an OpenAI-controlled GPT model for analysis through a placeholder system.
  • Leverages the power of OpenAI's GPT models to conduct comprehensive traffic analysis, enabling detection of various issues beyond just security vulnerabilities in scanned applications.
  • Enables granular control over the number of GPT tokens used in the analysis by allowing for precise adjustments of the maximum prompt length.
  • Offers users multiple OpenAI models to choose from, allowing them to select the one that best suits their needs.
  • Empowers users to customise prompts and unleash limitless possibilities for interacting with OpenAI models. Browse through the Example Use Cases for inspiration.
  • Integrates with Burp Suite, providing all native features for pre- and post-processing, including displaying analysis results directly within the Burp UI for efficient analysis.
  • Provides troubleshooting functionality via the native Burp Event Log, enabling users to quickly resolve communication issues with the OpenAI API.


  1. System requirements:
  • Operating System: Compatible with Linux, macOS, and Windows operating systems.

  • Java Development Kit (JDK): Version 11 or later.

  • Burp Suite Professional or Community Edition: Version 2023.3.2 or later.

    [!IMPORTANT] Please note that using any version lower than 2023.3.2 may result in a java.lang.NoSuchMethodError. It is crucial to use the specified version or a more recent one to avoid this issue.

  1. Build tool:
  • Gradle: Version 6.9 or later (recommended). The build.gradle file is provided in the project repository.
  1. Environment variables:
  • Set up the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the JDK installation directory.

Please ensure that all system requirements, including a compatible version of Burp Suite, are met before building and running the project. Note that the project's external dependencies will be automatically managed and installed by Gradle during the build process. Adhering to the requirements will help avoid potential issues and reduce the need for opening new issues in the project repository.


1. Compilation

  1. Ensure you have Gradle installed and configured.

  2. Download the burpgpt repository:

    git clone
    cd .\burpgpt\
  3. Build the standalone jar:

    ./gradlew shadowJar

2. Loading the Extension Into Burp Suite

To install burpgpt in Burp Suite, first go to the Extensions tab and click on the Add button. Then, select the burpgpt-all jar file located in the .\lib\build\libs folder to load the extension.


To start using burpgpt, users need to complete the following steps in the Settings panel, which can be accessed from the Burp Suite menu bar:

  1. Enter a valid OpenAI API key.
  2. Select a model.
  3. Define the max prompt size. This field controls the maximum prompt length sent to OpenAI to avoid exceeding the maxTokens of GPT models (typically around 2048 for GPT-3).
  4. Adjust or create custom prompts according to your requirements.

Once configured as outlined above, the Burp passive scanner sends each request to the chosen OpenAI model via the OpenAI API for analysis, producing Informational-level severity findings based on the results.

Prompt Configuration

burpgpt enables users to tailor the prompt for traffic analysis using a placeholder system. To include relevant information, we recommend using these placeholders, which the extension handles directly, allowing dynamic insertion of specific values into the prompt:

Placeholder Description
{REQUEST} The scanned request.
{URL} The URL of the scanned request.
{METHOD} The HTTP request method used in the scanned request.
{REQUEST_HEADERS} The headers of the scanned request.
{REQUEST_BODY} The body of the scanned request.
{RESPONSE} The scanned response.
{RESPONSE_HEADERS} The headers of the scanned response.
{RESPONSE_BODY} The body of the scanned response.
{IS_TRUNCATED_PROMPT} A boolean value that is programmatically set to true or false to indicate whether the prompt was truncated to the Maximum Prompt Size defined in the Settings.

These placeholders can be used in the custom prompt to dynamically generate a request/response analysis prompt that is specific to the scanned request.

[!NOTE] > Burp Suite provides the capability to support arbitrary placeholders through the use of Session handling rules or extensions such as Custom Parameter Handler, allowing for even greater customisation of the prompts.

Example Use Cases

The following list of example use cases showcases the bespoke and highly customisable nature of burpgpt, which enables users to tailor their web traffic analysis to meet their specific needs.

  • Identifying potential vulnerabilities in web applications that use a crypto library affected by a specific CVE:

    Analyse the request and response data for potential security vulnerabilities related to the {CRYPTO_LIBRARY_NAME} crypto library affected by CVE-{CVE_NUMBER}:

    Web Application URL: {URL}
    Crypto Library Name: {CRYPTO_LIBRARY_NAME}
    CVE Number: CVE-{CVE_NUMBER}
    Request Headers: {REQUEST_HEADERS}
    Response Headers: {RESPONSE_HEADERS}
    Request Body: {REQUEST_BODY}
    Response Body: {RESPONSE_BODY}

    Identify any potential vulnerabilities related to the {CRYPTO_LIBRARY_NAME} crypto library affected by CVE-{CVE_NUMBER} in the request and response data and report them.
  • Scanning for vulnerabilities in web applications that use biometric authentication by analysing request and response data related to the authentication process:

    Analyse the request and response data for potential security vulnerabilities related to the biometric authentication process:

    Web Application URL: {URL}
    Biometric Authentication Request Headers: {REQUEST_HEADERS}
    Biometric Authentication Response Headers: {RESPONSE_HEADERS}
    Biometric Authentication Request Body: {REQUEST_BODY}
    Biometric Authentication Response Body: {RESPONSE_BODY}

    Identify any potential vulnerabilities related to the biometric authentication process in the request and response data and report them.
  • Analysing the request and response data exchanged between serverless functions for potential security vulnerabilities:

    Analyse the request and response data exchanged between serverless functions for potential security vulnerabilities:

    Serverless Function A URL: {URL}
    Serverless Function B URL: {URL}
    Serverless Function A Request Headers: {REQUEST_HEADERS}
    Serverless Function B Response Headers: {RESPONSE_HEADERS}
    Serverless Function A Request Body: {REQUEST_BODY}
    Serverless Function B Response Body: {RESPONSE_BODY}

    Identify any potential vulnerabilities in the data exchanged between the two serverless functions and report them.
  • Analysing the request and response data for potential security vulnerabilities specific to a Single-Page Application (SPA) framework:

    Analyse the request and response data for potential security vulnerabilities specific to the {SPA_FRAMEWORK_NAME} SPA framework:

    Web Application URL: {URL}
    SPA Framework Name: {SPA_FRAMEWORK_NAME}
    Request Headers: {REQUEST_HEADERS}
    Response Headers: {RESPONSE_HEADERS}
    Request Body: {REQUEST_BODY}
    Response Body: {RESPONSE_BODY}

    Identify any potential vulnerabilities related to the {SPA_FRAMEWORK_NAME} SPA framework in the request and response data and report them.


  • Add a new field to the Settings panel that allows users to set the maxTokens limit for requests, thereby limiting the request size.
  • Add support for connecting to a local instance of the AI model, allowing users to run and interact with the model on their local machines, potentially improving response times and data privacy.
  • Retrieve the precise maxTokens value for each model to transmit the maximum allowable data and obtain the most extensive GPT response possible.
  • Implement persistent configuration storage to preserve settings across Burp Suite restarts.
  • Enhance the code for accurate parsing of GPT responses into the Vulnerability model for improved reporting.

Project Information

The extension is currently under development and we welcome feedback, comments, and contributions to make it even better.


If this extension has saved you time and hassle during a security assessment, consider showing some love by sponsoring a cup of coffee

for the developer. It's the fuel that powers development, after all. Just hit that shiny Sponsor button at the top of the page or click here to contribute and keep the caffeine flowing.

Reporting Issues

Did you find a bug? Well, don't just let it crawl around! Let's squash it together like a couple of bug whisperers!

Please report any issues on the GitHub issues tracker. Together, we'll make this extension as reliable as a cockroach surviving a nuclear apocalypse!


Looking to make a splash with your mad coding skills?

Awesome! Contributions are welcome and greatly appreciated. Please submit all PRs on the GitHub pull requests tracker. Together we can make this extension even more amazing!



GPT_Vuln-analyzer - Uses ChatGPT API And Python-Nmap Module To Use The GPT3 Model To Create Vulnerability Reports Based On Nmap Scan Data

This is a Proof Of Concept application that demostrates how AI can be used to generate accurate results for vulnerability analysis and also allows further utilization of the already super useful ChatGPT.


  • Python 3.10
  • All the packages mentioned in the requirements.txt file
  • OpenAi api


  • First Change the "API__KEY" part of the code with OpenAI api key
openai.api_key = "__API__KEY" # Enter your API key
  • second install the packages
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • run the code python3 <> or if windows run python <>

Supported in both windows and linux

Understanding the code


Parameter Return data Description Nmap Command
p1 json Effective Scan -Pn -sV -T4 -O -F
p2 json Simple Scan -Pn -T4 -A -v
p3 json Low Power Scan -Pn -sS -sU -T4 -A -v
p4 json Partial Intense Scan -Pn -p- -T4 -A -v
p5 json Complete Intense Scan -Pn -sS -sU -T4 -A -PE -PP -PS80,443 -PA3389 -PU40125 -PY -g 53 --script=vuln

The profile is the type of scan that will be executed by the nmap subprocess. The Ip or target will be provided via argparse. At first the custom nmap scan is run which has all the curcial arguments for the scan to continue. nextly the scan data is extracted from the huge pile of data which has been driven by nmap. the "scan" object has a list of sub data under "tcp" each labled according to the ports opened. once the data is extracted the data is sent to openai API davenci model via a prompt. the prompt specifically asks for an JSON output and the data also to be used in a certain manner.

The entire structure of request that has to be sent to the openai API is designed in the completion section of the Program.

vulnerability analysis of {} and return a vulnerabilty report in json".format(analize) # A structure for the request completion = openai.Completion.create( engine=model_engine, prompt=prompt, max_tokens=1024, n=1, stop=None, ) response = completion.choices[0].text return response" dir="auto">
def profile(ip):
nm.scan('{}'.format(ip), arguments='-Pn -sS -sU -T4 -A -PE -PP -PS80,443 -PA3389 -PU40125 -PY -g 53 --script=vuln')
json_data = nm.analyse_nmap_xml_scan()
analize = json_data["scan"]
# Prompt about what the quary is all about
prompt = "do a vulnerability analysis of {} and return a vulnerabilty report in json".format(analize)
# A structure for the request
completion = openai.Completion.create(
response = completion.choices[0].text
return response


  • Can be used in developing a more advanced systems completly made of the API and scanner combination
  • Can increase the effectiveness of the final system
  • Highly productive when working with models such as GPT3
