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CloudBrute - Awesome Cloud Enumerator

By: Zion3R

A tool to find a company (target) infrastructure, files, and apps on the top cloud providers (Amazon, Google, Microsoft, DigitalOcean, Alibaba, Vultr, Linode). The outcome is useful for bug bounty hunters, red teamers, and penetration testers alike.

The complete writeup is available. here


we are always thinking of something we can automate to make black-box security testing easier. We discussed this idea of creating a multiple platform cloud brute-force hunter.mainly to find open buckets, apps, and databases hosted on the clouds and possibly app behind proxy servers.
Here is the list issues on previous approaches we tried to fix:

  • separated wordlists
  • lack of proper concurrency
  • lack of supporting all major cloud providers
  • require authentication or keys or cloud CLI access
  • outdated endpoints and regions
  • Incorrect file storage detection
  • lack support for proxies (useful for bypassing region restrictions)
  • lack support for user agent randomization (useful for bypassing rare restrictions)
  • hard to use, poorly configured


  • Cloud detection (IPINFO API and Source Code)
  • Supports all major providers
  • Black-Box (unauthenticated)
  • Fast (concurrent)
  • Modular and easily customizable
  • Cross Platform (windows, linux, mac)
  • User-Agent Randomization
  • Proxy Randomization (HTTP, Socks5)

Supported Cloud Providers

Microsoft: - Storage - Apps

Amazon: - Storage - Apps

Google: - Storage - Apps

DigitalOcean: - storage

Vultr: - Storage

Linode: - Storage

Alibaba: - Storage




Just download the latest release for your operation system and follow the usage.

To make the best use of this tool, you have to understand how to configure it correctly. When you open your downloaded version, there is a config folder, and there is a config.YAML file in there.

It looks like this

providers: ["amazon","alibaba","amazon","microsoft","digitalocean","linode","vultr","google"] # supported providers
environments: [ "test", "dev", "prod", "stage" , "staging" , "bak" ] # used for mutations
proxytype: "http" # socks5 / http
ipinfo: "" # API KEY

For IPINFO API, you can register and get a free key at IPINFO, the environments used to generate URLs, such as and, etc.

We provided some wordlist out of the box, but it's better to customize and minimize your wordlists (based on your recon) before executing the tool.

After setting up your API key, you are ready to use CloudBrute.

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V 1.0.7
usage: CloudBrute [-h|--help] -d|--domain "<value>" -k|--keyword "<value>"
-w|--wordlist "<value>" [-c|--cloud "<value>"] [-t|--threads
<integer>] [-T|--timeout <integer>] [-p|--proxy "<value>"]
[-a|--randomagent "<value>"] [-D|--debug] [-q|--quite]
[-m|--mode "<value>"] [-o|--output "<value>"]
[-C|--configFolder "<value>"]

Awesome Cloud Enumerator


-h --help Print help information
-d --domain domain
-k --keyword keyword used to generator urls
-w --wordlist path to wordlist
-c --cloud force a search, check config.yaml providers list
-t --threads number of threads. Default: 80
-T --timeout timeout per request in seconds. Default: 10
-p --proxy use proxy list
-a --randomagent user agent randomization
-D --debug show debug logs. Default: false
-q --quite suppress all output. Default: false
-m --mode storage or app. Default: storage
-o --output Output file. Default: out.txt
-C --configFolder Config path. Default: config

for example

CloudBrute -d -k target -m storage -t 80 -T 10 -w "./data/storage_small.txt"

please note -k keyword used to generate URLs, so if you want the full domain to be part of mutation, you have used it for both domain (-d) and keyword (-k) arguments

If a cloud provider not detected or want force searching on a specific provider, you can use -c option.

CloudBrute -d -k keyword -m storage -t 80 -T 10 -w -c amazon -o target_output.txt


  • Clone the repo
  • go build -o CloudBrute main.go
  • go test internal

in action

How to contribute

  • Add a module or fix something and then pull request.
  • Share it with whomever you believe can use it.
  • Do the extra work and share your findings with community โ™ฅ


How to make the best out of this tool?

Read the usage.

I get errors; what should I do?

Make sure you read the usage correctly, and if you think you found a bug open an issue.

When I use proxies, I get too many errors, or it's too slow?

It's because you use public proxies, use private and higher quality proxies. You can use ProxyFor to verify the good proxies with your chosen provider.

too fast or too slow ?

change -T (timeout) option to get best results for your run.


Inspired by every single repo listed here .

BucketLoot - An Automated S3-compatible Bucket Inspector

By: Zion3R

BucketLoot is an automated S3-compatible Bucket inspector that can help users extract assets, flag secret exposures and even search for custom keywords as well as Regular Expressions from publicly-exposed storage buckets by scanning files that store data in plain-text.

The tool can scan for buckets deployed on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Storage (GCS), DigitalOcean Spaces and even custom domains/URLs which could be connected to these platforms. It returns the output in a JSON format, thus enabling users to parse it according to their liking or forward it to any other tool for further processing.

BucketLoot comes with a guest mode by default, which means a user doesn't needs to specify any API tokens / Access Keys initially in order to run the scan. The tool will scrape a maximum of 1000 files that are returned in the XML response and if the storage bucket contains more than 1000 entries which the user would like to run the scanner on, they can provide platform credentials to run a complete scan. If you'd like to know more about the tool, make sure to check out our blog.


Secret Scanning

Scans for over 80+ unique RegEx signatures that can help in uncovering secret exposures tagged with their severity from the misconfigured storage bucket. Users have the ability to modify or add their own signatures in the regexes.json file. If you believe you have any cool signatures which might be helpful for others too and could be flagged at scale, go ahead and make a PR!

Sensitive File Checks

Accidental sensitive file leakages are a big problem that affects the security posture of individuals and organisations. BucketLoot comes with a 80+ unique regEx signatures list in vulnFiles.json which allows users to flag these sensitive files based on file names or extensions.

Dig Mode

Want to quickly check if any target website is using a misconfigured bucket that is leaking secrets or any other sensitive data? Dig Mode allows you to pass non-S3 targets and let the tool scrape URLs from response body for scanning.

Asset Extraction

Interested in stepping up your asset discovery game? BucketLoot extracts all the URLs/Subdomains and Domains that could be present in an exposed storage bucket, enabling you to have a chance of discovering hidden endpoints, thus giving you an edge over the other traditional recon tools.


The tool goes beyond just asset discovery and secret exposure scanning by letting users search for custom keywords and even Regular Expression queries which may help them find exactly what they are looking for.

To know more about our Attack Surface Management platform, check out NVADR.
