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New Webinar: Avoiding Application Security Blind Spots with OPSWAT and F5

Considering the ever-changing state of cybersecurity, it's never too late to ask yourself, "am I doing what's necessary to keep my organization's web applications secure?" The continuous evolution of technology introduces new and increasingly sophisticated threats daily, posing challenges to organizations all over the world and across the broader spectrum of industries striving to maintain

Three Tips to Protect Your Secrets from AI Accidents

Last year, the Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) published multiple versions of the "OWASP Top 10 For Large Language Models," reaching a 1.0 document in August and a 1.1 document in October. These documents not only demonstrate the rapidly evolving nature of Large Language Models, but the evolving ways in which they can be attacked and defended. We're going to talk in this

Bug or Feature? Hidden Web Application Vulnerabilities Uncovered

Web Application Security consists of a myriad of security controls that ensure that a web application: Functions as expected. Cannot be exploited to operate out of bounds. Cannot initiate operations that it is not supposed to do. Web Applications have become ubiquitous after the expansion of Web 2.0, which Social Media Platforms, E-Commerce websites, and email clients saturating the internet