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SolarMarker Malware Evolves to Resist Takedown Attempts with Multi-Tiered Infrastructure

The persistent threat actors behind the SolarMarker information-stealing malware have established a multi-tiered infrastructure to complicate law enforcement takedown efforts, new findings from Recorded Future show. "The core of SolarMarker's operations is its layered infrastructure, which consists of at least two clusters: a primary one for active operations and a secondary one likely

Vultur Android Banking Trojan Returns with Upgraded Remote Control Capabilities

The Android banking trojan known as Vultur has resurfaced with a suite of new features and improved anti-analysis and detection evasion techniques, enabling its operators to remotely interact with a mobile device and harvest sensitive data. "Vultur has also started masquerading more of its malicious activity by encrypting its C2 communication, using multiple encrypted payloads that are decrypted

New Go-Based JaskaGO Malware Targeting Windows and macOS Systems

A new Go-based information stealer malware called JaskaGO has emerged as the latest cross-platform threat to infiltrate both Windows and Apple macOS systems. AT&T Alien Labs, which made the discovery, said the malware is "equipped with an extensive array of commands from its command-and-control (C&C) server." Artifacts designed for macOS were first observed in July