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Iranian MuddyWater Hackers Adopt New C2 Tool 'DarkBeatC2' in Latest Campaign

The Iranian threat actor known as MuddyWater has been attributed to a new command-and-control (C2) infrastructure called DarkBeatC2, becoming the latest such tool in its arsenal after SimpleHarm, MuddyC3, PhonyC2, and MuddyC2Go. "While occasionally switching to a new remote administration tool or changing their C2 framework, MuddyWater’s methods remain constant," Deep

MuddyC2Go: New C2 Framework Iranian Hackers Using Against Israel

Iranian nation-state actors have been observed using a previously undocumented command-and-control (C2) framework calledΒ MuddyC2GoΒ as part ofΒ attacks targeting Israel. "The framework's web component is written in the Go programming language," Deep Instinct security researcher Simon KeninΒ saidΒ in a technical report published Wednesday. The tool has been attributed toΒ MuddyWater, anΒ IranianΒ 