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A Scam in the Family—How a Close Relative Lost $100,000 to an Elder Scam

By: McAfee

Written by James Schmidt 

Editor’s Note: We often speak of online scams in our blogs, ones that cost victims hundreds if not thousands of dollars. This account puts a face on one of those scams—along with the personal, financial, and emotional pain that they can leave in their wake. This is the story of “Meredith,” whose aunt “Leslie” fell victim to an emerging form on online elder fraud. Our thanks to James for bringing it forward and to “Meredith’s” family for sharing it, all so others can prevent such scams from happening to them. 


“Embarrassing. Simply embarrassing.” She shook her head. “It’s too raw. I can’t talk about it right now. I need time.”   

Her aunt had been scammed. To the tune of $100,000 dollars. My colleague—we both work in the security industry—felt a peculiar sense of loss. 

“I work in this industry. I thought I’d done everything right. I’ve passed on enough warnings to my family and friends to ensure they’d avoid the fate of the scammed.  Simply because I’m in this industry does not imply my circle is always aware of all the threats to them, even if I do my best to teach them.” 

“My mental state, recently, borders on shame; this feeling, you know? How could someone working in my industry have something like this happen to a family member?”  

I told her many people working in other industries cannot control what happens to people in their families even if people in that industry had knowledge that could have helped them or otherwise avoided a problem altogether. 

“I know, but this simply should never have happened! My aunt is one of the smartest, most conscientious people I know, and she fell for this. It’s crazy and I can’t wrap my head around it.” 

My colleague, let’s call her Meredith (not her real name as she’s a bit ashamed to know this happened to a family member), told me the beginnings. 

Let’s call her aunt Leslie. 

Her story unfolds, the overall picture a pastiche of millions of people in the United States today. Her aunt is retired, bored, lonely, and isolated. She feels adrift without something to occupy her time; she was looking for companionship, connections, someone (anyone) to talk to. Her feelings intensified during the pandemic. She morphed into perfect prey for scammers of what is now known as the “Pig Butchering Scam.” 

The term “Pig Butchering” has a visceral and raw feel to it, which falls right in line with how brutal this scam can be. It’s a long con game, where the scammer befriends the victim and encourages them to make small investments through the scammer, which get bigger and bigger over time. The scammer builds trust early with what appear to be small investment wins. None of it is legit. The money goes right into the scammer’s pocket, even as the scammer shows the victim phony financial statements and dashboards to show off the bogus returns. Confidence grows. The scammer wrings even larger sums out of the victim. And then disappears.  

It was a targeted attack that started innocuously enough with a “fake wrong number”. An SMS arrives. A text conversation starts. The scammer then apologizes but tells Leslie someone gave them the number to initiate the text. 

The scammer then uses emotional and psychological techniques to keep Leslie hooked.  “How are you, are you having a nice day?” Leslie, being bored and interested, engages willingly.     

The scammer asks to talk directly, not via text: and a phone conversation ensues.  The scammer proceeds to describe—in very soothing detail—what they are doing, helping people, like Leslie, invest their “hard-earned money” into something that will make them more money, to help them out in retirement. 

Of course, it is too good to be true.  

“The craziest part of all of this is my aunt refuses—to this day—to believe she’s been scammed!” 

She still thinks this scammer is a “friend” even though the entire family is up in arms over this, all of whom beg her aunt to “open her eyes.” 

“My aunt still thinks she’d going to see that money again, or even make some money, which is crazy. The scammers are so good at emotional intelligence; really leveraging heartstrings and psychological makeup of the forlorn in society. My aunt finally agreed to stop sending more money to the scammers, but only after the entire family threatened to cut her off from the rest of the family. It took a lot to get her to stop trusting the scammers.” 

Meredith feels this is doubly sad as the aunt in question is not someone they’d ever imagine would in this predicament. She was always the upright one, always the diligent and hardworking and the best with money. She is smart and savvy and we could never imagine her to be taken by these people and taken so easily. It boggles the mind.” 

She did start to change in the last few years. And the pandemic created a weird situation. Retirement, loneliness from loss of a partner, and the added burden of the pandemic created a perfect storm for her to open herself up to someone willingly, simply for the sake of connection. 

“No one deserves this. It has rocked my family to the core. It is not only about the money, but we’ve found family bonds stretched. She believes these random people, these scammers, more than she believes her own family. Have we been neglectful of our aunt? Does she no longer put her faith in people she knows, rather gives money to complete strangers?” 

Being a security professional does not provide magical protection. We are more aware of scams and scammers, and how they work, and what to look for, and we try to do all we can to keep our family aware of scams out there in the big wide world, but we are human. We fall short. 

Diligence is action. Awareness is action. Education is action. 

We need to be better, all of us, at socializing risky things. We need to consistently educate our family and friends to protect themselves, not only via security software (which everyone should have as default) but by providing tips and tricks and warnings for things we all need to be on the lookout. This is not a one-time thing. The cliché holds true: “If you see something say something.” Repetition helps.  

In today’s world, the need for protecting people’s security, identity, and privacy is critical to keeping them safe. Scammers long stopped focusing on attacking only your computer. Now focus more than ever on YOU: your identity, your privacy, your trust. If they get you there, they soon get your money. 

As for contributing factors to scammers success with their victims, such as loneliness, isolation, and boredom, they all have remedies.  Make connections with your loved ones, especially those easily tagged as vulnerable, those you feel might be at risk. Reach out. It may be hard sometimes due to distance and other factors but make it a point to connect. There is a reason these scammers are succeeding. They are stepping into roles of companions to people who are desperate for connection.   

Most people are greatly saddened at seeing other people being “taken.” Let’s work together to help stop the scammers. 

Look out for each other, and get your people protected! 

Editor’s Closing Note:  

If you or someone you know suspects elder fraud, the following resources can help: 

For further reading on scams and scam prevention, check out the guides in our McAfee Safety Series, which provide in-depth advice on protecting your identity and privacy—and your family from scams. They’re ready to download and share. 

The post A Scam in the Family—How a Close Relative Lost $100,000 to an Elder Scam appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Top 10 Venmo scams: Don’t fall for these common tricks

Here's what to know about some of the most common ploys that scammers use on the payment app

The post Top 10 Venmo scams: Don’t fall for these common tricks appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

How To Recognize An Online Scam

It’s been a particularly busy and colourful week, scam-wise in our household. Between 4 family members, we’ve received almost 20 texts or emails that we’ve identified as scams. And the range was vast: from poorly written emails offering ‘must have’ shopping deals to terse text messages reprimanding us for overdue tolls plus the classic ‘Dear mum, I’ve smashed my phone’ and everything in between. 

There’s no doubt that scammers are dedicated opportunists who can pivot fast. They can pose as health authorities during a pandemic, charities after a flood or even your next big love on an online dating platform. And it’s this chameleon ability that means we need to always be on red alert! 

How Big An Issue Are Scams in Australia? 

According to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), Aussies lost a record amount of more than $2 billion in scams in 2021. And that was with record levels of intervention from the government, law enforcement agencies and the private sector. The most lucrative scams were investment scams ($701 million) followed by payment redirection scams ($227 million) and then romance scams which netted a whopping $142 million. 

But the psychological trauma that is often experienced by victims can be equally as devastating. Many individuals will require extensive counselling and support in order to move on from the emotional scarring from being a victim of hacking. 

So, with scammers putting so much energy into trying to lure us into their web, how can we stay one step ahead of these online schemers and ensure we don’t become a victim? 

What You Can Do To Stay Ahead Of The Scammers 

While there are no guarantees in life, there are a few steps you can take so that you can quickly recognise an online scam. 

1. Slow Down 

If you’ve received a text message, email or call that you think is a scam, don’t respond. Take your time. Slow down and pause. If it’s a call, and you’re not sure – hang up! Or if it’s a text or email – delete it! But if you are concerned that it might be legitimate, call the company directly using the contact information from their official website or through their secure apps.  

2. Think First 

If you are being asked to share your personal information or pay money either via a text or phone call, take some time to think. Does it feel legitimate? Do you have a relationship with this organisation? Remember, scammers are very talented at pretending they are from organisations you know and trust. If in doubt, contact the company directly via their official communication channels. Or ask a trusted friend or family member for their input. But remember, NEVER click on any links in messages from people or organisations you don’t know – no exceptions!! 

3. If Concerned, Act Fast!  

Do not hesitate to take action if something feels wrong. If there are any transactions on your credit card or bank statements that don’t look right, call your bank immediately. If you think you may have given personal information to scammers, then act fast. I recommend calling ID Care – Australia and New Zealand’s national identity and cyber support service. They are a not-for-profit charity that provides support to individuals affected by identity and cyber security issues. 

ReportCyber is another way of notifying authorities of a scam. An initiative of the Australian Government and the Australian Cyber Security Centre, it helps authorities investigate and shut down scams. It’s also a good idea to report the scam to Scamwatch – the dedicated scam arm of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). 

4. Get Ahead Of The Scammers 

We’ve all heard that ‘prevention is better than a cure’ so taking some time to protect yourself before a scammer comes your way is a no-brainer. Here are my top 5 things to do: 

  • Ensure all your online accounts have an individual complex password. Use a password manager – they’ll create and remember your passwords. 
  • Add multi-factor authentication whenever possible. This could be a code sent to your phone, a token or a secret question. 
  • Ensure you have security software on all your devices 
  • Close any online accounts you don’t use. It will reduce the probability of being caught in a data breach. 
  • Software updates are an important way of protecting your devices (and private info) from security vulnerabilities. So, ensure these are automated.  

Please don’t think smart people don’t get caught up in scams because they do!! Scammers are very adept at looking legitimate and creating a sense of urgency. With many of us living busy lives and not taking the time to think critically, it’s inevitable that some of us will become victims. And remember if you’re offered a deal that just seems too good to be true, then it’s likely a scam! Hang up or press delete!! 

The post How To Recognize An Online Scam appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Inside a scammers’ lair: Ukraine busts 40 in fake bank call-centre raid

When someone calls you up to warn you that your bank account is under attack - it's true, because THAT VERY PERSON is the one attacking you!

OneCoin scammer Sebastian Greenwood pleads guilty, “Cryptoqueen” still missing

The Cryptoqueen herself is still missing, but her co-conspirator, who is said to have pocketed over $20m a month, has been convicted.

Oh, the scammers online are frightful

Oh, the scammers online are frightful, and the deals they offer seem delightful. No matter what you think you know, let it go, let it go, let it go (to the tune of 1945’s Let it Snow by Vaughn Monroe with the Norton Sisters).

‘Tis the season to find ourselves awash in good tidings and, well, consumerism. While it’s only partly tongue in cheek, we must be honest with ourselves. We spend a lot of money online. Often, we find ourselves leaving things to the last minute and hope that the delivery folks can make the magic happen and send us all the widgets and grapple grommets while we surf the Internet from the safety of our sofas with coffee in hand.

But, not every deal is what it appears to be. Scammers are always lurking in the void of the Internet waiting for a chance to fleece the unexpecting from their hard-earned money. This can manifest itself to the unsuspecting in many ways. There are shipping frauds, gift card giveaways and vishing (phone-based scams).

Scams tend to rely on generating a false sense of urgency. The shipping scam emails often show up in our inboxes as a warning about a missed or delayed package that will be sent back to the point of origin if we don’t answer quickly. Of course, this requires a payment to receive the fictitious package.

These types of shipping scam emails are quite effective this time of year when more often than naught many people have enough orders coming to their house to make a fort with the empty boxes.

The other kinds of attacks are the gift card scams and vishing. The first of which taps into the sense of excitement that a person might receive something for free. “Fill out this form with your credit card information for a chance to win a $200 gift card.” Sadly, this attack works well for older generations  for which giveaways were more common and they aren’t as accustomed to spotting digital swindlers.

The last scam that we will tackle here is often labeled as vishing or voice phishing. This is a method whereby the attackers call a victim and attempt to convince their target that they need to do something which will lead to the exposure of financial information while pressuring the victim to think if they don’t act quickly that they will miss an opportunity for personal gain.

Unfortunately, the aforementioned scams really bring in a lot of return for the criminal element. In 2021, over 92,000 victims over the age of 60 reported losses of $1.7 billion. This represents a 74 percent increase in losses over losses reported in 2020.

One additional scam that plays on the heart strings is the romance scams. A lot of single people find themselves lonely during the holidays and can be manipulated into thinking that they’ve found a romantic match. But this can drain the bank accounts as well.

In 2021, the IC3 received reports from 7,658 victims who experienced over $432 million in losses to Confidence Fraud/Romance scams. This type of fraud accounts for the highest losses reported by victims over the age of 60.

All these attacks prey on people’s emotional responses. So, how do we prepare ourselves? We need to make knowledge a capability and arm ourselves with information that will help us avoid being taken advantage of by criminals.

Passwords are a significant exposure. They are the digital equivalent of a house key. A password will work for anyone that has access to it. We need to utilize technologies such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) on websites where it is possible to do so. So even if bad actors have our password, the victim still needs to approve the login.

If we don’t have the option to use MFA it would be an excellent idea to make use of a password manager. This is a way to safely store passwords and not fall into the trap of reusing passwords on multiple sites. Attackers bank on human nature and if we use the same credentials on multiple sites there is a high possibility that the criminals could gain access to other sites if they compromise just one.

I’m usually one to eschew the practice of New Year’s resolutions but I’ll make an exception. Keep a keen sense about yourselves whenever you receive an email or SMS that you were not expecting. If a deal is too good to be true then, well, it most likely is a scam. If you’re in doubt, try to look up the phone number, email address, person or “organization” offering the “deal.” More often than not, you’ll find lots of people reporting that it’s a scam.

Rather than being visited by the three ghosts of holiday scams, make sure you and your loved ones are prepared for a happy holiday and a prosperous New Year.

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A PayPal Email Scam Is Making the Rounds: Here’s How to Identify and Avoid It

By: McAfee

Payment applications make splitting restaurant bills, taxi fares, and household expenses so much easier. Without having to tally totals at the table or fumble with crumpled bills, you and your companions can spend less stress and more time on the fun at hand. 

There are various payment apps available, and the company that may first come to mind is PayPal. PayPal is regarded as a safe platform where security and strong encryption are a priority; however, a recent and advanced phishing scam is putting PayPal users at risk of giving up large sums of money and their personally identifiable information (PII).1 

Let’s look at this “triple-pronged” PayPal phishing scam and review some tips to help you identify and proceed should you encounter it. 

1. The Email

The typical part of this three-sided scam is the phishing email component. According to one source, the phishing email comes from a legitimate-looking PayPal service email address. Luckily, the typos, odd punctuation, extra spaces, and grammar errors in the body of the email give away that it is a phishing attempt. Remember, phishing emails are often worded poorly or have errors. Large companies, especially ones like PayPal, have teams of content experts vetting all automated messages for such mistakes, so several mistakes in an email should set off your alarm bells. Proceed with caution and do not click on any links in the message. 

The email also included wording that encouraged the user to act quickly or be charged a lot of money. That’s another trademark of phishing emails: urgency. Take a deep breath and make sure to reread carefully all emails that “require” a quick response. Don’t be scared by dire consequences. Phishers rely on people to rush and not give themselves time to listen to their better judgement. 

2. The ‘One-ring’ Phone Scam

The PayPal phishing email included a support phone number that claimed it was toll free. In actuality, it was an international phone number. So, if the recipient of the phishing email didn’t quite believe the message but wanted to follow up, the scam could catch them with what’s called a one-ring phone scam.2 This occurs when someone unknowingly calls an international phone number and then gets charged by their phone company for the long-distance call. 

The best way to avoid one-ring phone scams is to never call a number you don’t recognize. Always go to an organization’s official website to find their contact information. 

3. The Fake Fraud Hotline

The third dimension of this PayPal scam was the international phone number in the phishing email connected the caller directly with the scammer who posed as the PayPal fraud department. The “customer service representative” then asked prying personal and financial questions to glean enough PII to break into a PayPal account or compromise the caller’s identity. This is the most damaging part of the scam. An excellent customer support team may be able to reimburse you your lost money; however, once your personal details are in nefarious hands, you can’t take them back. 

In addition to never calling numbers you haven’t verified, never give out passwords and never give out more personal information than you need to. Even in legitimate customer service calls, it’s not rude to ask why the representative requires the information they’re asking for. In a fake call, questions like that may fluster the scammer, so keep an ear tuned to their tone. 

For Peace of Mind, Partner With McAfee

Overall, our best advice for handling suspicious emails is to delete them. If it’s truly important, the sender will contact you again. And if a thief somehow stole money from one of your payment apps, the customer service team should be able to walk you through the steps to recover it. 

The transfer and handling of large sums of money would make anyone nervous. To give you peace of mind, consider partnering with a service that can help you recover should you ever fall for a scheme and compromise your PII. McAfee+ Ultimate helps you live your best life in private, and the service includes credit monitoring with all three credit bureaus, security freeze, and expert online support to help you navigate any scams you encounter. 

Having McAfee+ can protect you from email phishing scams like this. Here are some of the top agencies to report this scam to, if it happens to you: Paypal Fraud Department,  Federal Trade Commision , Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency IC3 

“Report it. Forward phishing emails to (an address used by the Anti-Phishing Working Group, which includes ISPs, security vendors, financial institutions, and law enforcement agencies). Let the company or person that was impersonated know about the phishing scheme.” – 

1ZDNET, “Watch out for this triple-pronged PayPal phishing and fraud scam.” 

2Federal Communications Commission, “‘One Ring’ Phone Scam.” 

The post A PayPal Email Scam Is Making the Rounds: Here’s How to Identify and Avoid It appeared first on McAfee Blog.

BeReal – The Newest Kid On The Social Media Block

Without doubt, the biggest criticism we all have of social media is that everyone always looks fabulous! And while we all know that everyone is only sharing the best version of themselves, let’s be honest – it can be a little wearing. Well, there’s a new social media platform that is determined to uproot our online curated lives by having users post very real pictures of themselves – with no time to stage or add filters! 

Developed in France in 2020, BeReal is where Aussie teenagers are currently spending their time and energy online. And to be honest, I can totally see why. It’s all about sharing random, authentic pics without having to spend time and energy making them look beautiful. In fact, my 19-year-old tells me that the uglier and weirder the photo, the better! How refreshing!!! 

How Does It Work? 

Once you’ve signed up, the app will send all users a notification at a random time throughout the day that it’s ‘time to BeReal’. As soon as the user opens the app to share a pic, they have just 2 minutes to take a picture of whatever they’re doing at that particular moment whether they’re on the bus, at the gym or chilling at home in trackies. The app will take 2 pictures using the front and back cameras so that your followers can see what you look like and where you are. 

Now, if you don’t manage to post in 2 minutes, you’re officially late and your friends will know. In fact, there’s a small amount of shame for being tardy – as if on some level you’re not committed to being authentic. But don’t let this worry you too much – we can’t wait around all day awaiting the notification to post! 

When you have uploaded your daily snap, your friends can comment, respond to your pic with ‘RealMojis’ and even see where you are in the world with the map feature. Users can also choose to upload their pics to the public feed where other users can leave “RealMoji’ reactions but no comments. But in order to access either the public feed or your friends’ photos, users will need to take their own picture too. 

Now for my favourite parts of this app – this app has NO filters, NO option to ‘like’ anything, NO follower counts and NO private messaging!! How liberating!!  

Is It Safe? 

Like all social media platforms, there are a few risks however with a bit of strategy and a few smarts, users should be able to have a safe and positive experience. And when compared to platforms where follower counts and likes are public, influencers dominate and comments are allowed, BeReal is definitely a great choice.  

Here are my top tips to keep the experience safe and positive: 

1. Disable Your Location To Avoid Being ‘Discoverable’ 

Before you share your pics, ensure you disable your location to avoid the app sharing your exact location on the map. You don’t want an ill-intentioned follower knowing your exact whereabouts! 

2. Think (Quickly) Before You Post 

The very brief 2-minute posting window may result in rushed decisions about what to post and potentially oversharing of personal information. So, ensure you (and your kids) know not to share anything that can identify their location, any identifiable numbers such as passports or licences or, their computer screens that may display confidential information.  

3. Don’t Feel Pressures to Post If You Can’t  

Accept that there will be times when you just can’t post within the 2-minute time frame.  You may be driving, sleeping or doing something far more important. You can absolutely still post late. 

4. Know How To Report Bad Behaviour 

If you see a post that is inappropriate, then report it immediately. It’s an investment in keeping the BeReal community as safe as possible. Simply tap the three dots at the top right of the post. A report button should appear. You will then have the option to flag the post as undesirable or inappropriate. 

5. Be Aware of the Comparison Trap!  

Like all social media platforms, users may compare their posts with others. They may think their lives are boring and predictable, particularly if their friends are doing more exciting things. If a young person is prone to anxiety or low mood, this may not be helpful. As a parent, reminding your kids that perception is not reality, and that one photo does not define a person may be required. But if it all gets too much, a digital detox might be just the thing!  

So, if your kids have embraced BeReal then your homework is pretty easy – join up too! It’s impossible to understand your kids’ online world if you don’t take some time to step inside it. And for what it’s worth – I think you’ll really like this one. The fact that there is no public like count, follower tally, filters or private messaging makes the Mama Bear in me very happy!! 

The post BeReal – The Newest Kid On The Social Media Block appeared first on McAfee Blog.

’Tis the Season for Holiday Scams: 5 Common Schemes to Look Out For

By: McAfee

This time of year, the air gets chillier and a bit cheerier for everyone … including online scammers. Holiday scams are a quick way to make a buck, and cybercriminals employ several holiday-themed schemes to weasel money and personally identifiable information (PII) from gift-givers and do-gooders.  

Here are five common Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and holiday season shopping scams to watch out for this year, plus a few tips to help you stay safe online. 

5 Common Types of Holiday Season Scams 

  1. Fake charities

The holiday season often brings outpourings of generosity, and scammers kick their morals to the curb and use people’s kindness to make a profit. Social engineering is a tactic where a bad actor plays on people’s emotions to trick them into sharing personal or financial information. This holiday season, keep an eye out for strangers’ funding pages or social media posts asking for donations.  

Artificial intelligence (AI) content generation tools like ChatGPT and Bard are likely to make these scams more believable than those in years past. While AI doesn’t understand human emotion, when given the right prompt, it can mimic it well. In one “60 Minutes” segment, Bard wrote a touching short story that made the presenter misty-eyed. Additionally, AI usually uses correct grammar and edits out typos, which used to be the hallmark of phishing attempts. 

There are undoubtedly authentic stories of real people and families in need around the holidays. Be wary of any social media post that makes you feel an extreme emotion, in this case, sadness. Phishers want people to act before they think through their decision. 

  1. Last-minute deals

Are you a procrastinator? Watch out for last-minute shopping scams that are targeted at people who leave their gift buying until deep in December. As with anything else, if it’s too good to be true, it probably is. Shopping scams often take the form of phishing emails where criminals impersonate a well-known merchant.   

While sales often have a quick timeline, don’t let that short timeline pressure you into making an impulsive decision. Phishing emails, when you take the time to inspect them, are usually easy to spot. The logos are often blurry and the tone of the message will seem “off.” Either it will sound very formal and impersonal or it will sound very informal and seem pushy. 

  1. Phony order confirmations and tracking numbers

During the holiday shopping season, your doorstep can be crowded with packages. Do you remember what’s in each one? Online criminals bank on the fact that you can’t quite keep track of what you’ve purchased. 

Criminals try to lure people to download malware or divulge personal or account information with bogus order confirmation and delivery tracking number emails and texts. They’ll impersonate popular online retailers or postal services and claim to have information about your order if you click on their link; however, that link will redirect to a malicious site or download a malicious payload to your device. 

  1. Fake account suspensions and unable-to-deliver notices

This holiday shopping scam also dials in on people who’ve lost track of how many online orders they’ve made and the various shopping accounts in their name. Again, phishers will impersonate popular merchants and send “urgent” messages about suspending online accounts if payment isn’t received immediately. Similarly, phishers may also impersonate delivery services claiming that they’re (basically) holding your orders hostage until you pay up.  

  1. Gift card cracking

Gift cards are a standby present for the people on your list who are difficult to buy for or for people you don’t know too well but want to get them a small something. Whether the gift card is worth $5 or $500, an online scammer can steal the entire value through two techniques: a brute force attack or phishing. Known as gift card cracking, cybercriminals can take wild guesses at gift card codes and cash in the value for themselves by methodically guessing strings of numbers and letters and crossing their fingers for a match. Cybercriminals will also employ phishing emails, texts, or social media direct messages to trick people into divulging gift card information. 

How to Stay Safe This Black Friday and Cyber Monday 

Luckily, there are several ways to sniff out a bad actor trying to cash in on your holiday spirit. Here are a few simple ways you can modify your online holiday shopping habits to keep your devices free from malware and your PII out of the hands of bad actors. 

  • Use a VPN. A virtual private network (VPN) scrambles all your outgoing data, making it nearly impossible for a cybercriminal to snoop on your online activities. Connecting to a VPN is especially crucial when you’re online shopping and using a public or unsecure wi-fi network. 
  • Lock your credit. This is a great tip that you can easily do all year long! Locking your credit means that no one (that includes you!) can open a new credit line in your name. If someone gets ahold of your PII and tries to impersonate you to apply for a loan or a credit card, a credit lock will instantly deny their application. 
  • Browse intelligently. Stick to websites and well-trusted brands that you’ve heard of. Just because a company advertises on social media doesn’t mean that it’s reputable. Before you click on any links to a “deal” sent to you via email or text, hover over the link to see where the URL takes you. If it’s a long URL that redirects to a website with a typo or somewhere completely different than what you’d expect, approach with caution. An “https” at the beginning of the URL doesn’t necessarily mean that the site is secure, but it’s a good indicator that it may be ok to proceed. If a deal seems too good to be true, move along. While your wallet may ache, compromising your device, identity, or online privacy isn’t worth the risk.
  • Remain skeptical and do your research. If a charity or a stranger online asking for donations touches your heart, take a break for a few hours to think about your contribution. While you’re considering, do some background research on the cause. A reputable organization will have a website, an accreditation, and will let you know how they will put your contribution to good use. Be especially on guard if anyone asks for wire transfers or gift cards as a donation. 
  • Redeem gift cards early. Encourage your loved ones to redeem their gift card quickly to shorten the amount of time a scammer has to guess the code correctly. Or, you could opt for a paper gift certificate from a small business that doesn’t require online redeeming at all. To avoid gift card phishing scams, do not engage with any type of correspondence that claims they can double the value of your gift card or claims that there’s a problem with it. Be instantly on alert if anyone asks for the activation code. If the gift card-issuing business really needs to replace your purchase, they’ll issue you a new code. They’ll never ask for your existing one. 

Online, Identity and Device Protection for All Seasons 

Cybercriminals hustle all year round, so it’s an excellent idea to invest in a security solution that gives you peace and mind and boosts your confidence in your privacy, identity, and device safety. McAfee+ is an excellent partner! It includes a VPN, safe browsing tool, credit lock, identity monitoring and remediation, and much more. 

Happy shopping, happy holidays, and happy new year! 

The post ’Tis the Season for Holiday Scams: 5 Common Schemes to Look Out For appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Unwrapping Some of the Holiday Season’s Biggest Scams

By: McAfee

Even with the holidays in full swing, scammers won’t let up. In fact, it’s high time for some of their nastiest cons as people travel, donate to charities, and simply try to enjoy their time with friends and family. 

Unfortunate as it is, scammers see this time of year as a tremendous opportunity to profit. While people focus giving to others, they focus on taking, propping up all manner of scams that use the holidays as a disguise. So as people move quickly about their day, perhaps with a touch of holiday stress in the mix, they hope to catch people off their guard with scams that wrap themselves in holiday trappings. 

Yet once you know what to look for, they’re relatively easy to spot. The same scams roll out every year, sometimes changing in appearance yet remaining the same in substance. With a sharp eye, you can steer clear of them. 

Watch out for these online scams this holiday season 

1. Shopping scams 

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday in the books, we can look forward to what’s next—a wave of post-holiday sales events that will likewise draw in millions of online shoppers. And just like those other big shopping days, bad actors will roll out a host of scams aimed at unsuspecting shoppers. Shopping scams take on several forms, which makes this a topic unto itself, one that we cover thoroughly in our Black Friday & Cyber Monday shopping scams blog. It’s worth a read if you haven’t done so already, as digs into the details of these scams and shows how you can avoid them.  

However, the high-level advice for avoiding shopping scams is this: keep your eyes open. Deals that look too good to be true likely are, and shopping with retailers you haven’t heard of before requires a little bit of research to determine if their track record is clean. In the U.S., you can turn to the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for help with a listing of retailers you can search simply by typing in their names. You can also use to look up the web address of the shopping site you want to research. There you can see its history and see when it was registered. A site that was registered only recently may be far less reputable than one that’s been registered for some time. 

2. Tech support scams  

Plenty of new tech makes its way into our homes during the holiday season. And some of that tech can be a little challenging to set up. Be careful when you search for help online. Many scammers will establish phony tech support sites that aim to steal funds and credit card information. Go directly to the product manufacturer for help. Often, manufacturers will offer free support as part of the product warranty, so if you see a site advertising support for a fee, that could be a sign of a scam. 

Likewise, scammers will reach out to you themselves. Whether through links from unsolicited emails, pop-up ads from risky sites, or by spammy phone calls, these scammers will pose as tech support from reputable brands. From there, they’ll falsely inform you that there’s something urgently wrong with your device and that you need to get it fixed right now—for a fee. Ignore these messages and don’t click on any links or attachments. Again, if you have concerns about your device, contact the manufacturer directly. 

3. Travel scams 

With the holidays comes travel, along with all the online booking and ticketing involved. Scammers will do their part to cash in here as well. Travel scams may include bogus emails that pose as reputable travel sites telling you something’s wrong with your booking. Clicking a link takes you to a similarly bogus site that asks for your credit card information to update the booking—which then passes it along to the scammer so they can rack up charges in your name. Other travel scams involve ads for cut-rate lodging, tours, airfare, and the like, all of which are served up on a phony website that only exists to steal credit card numbers and other personal information. 

Some of these scams can look quite genuine, even though they’re not. They’ll use cleverly disguised web addresses that look legitimate, but aren’t, so don’t click any links. If you receive notice about an issue with your holiday travel, contact the company directly to follow up. Also, be wary of ads with unusually deep discounts or that promise availability in an otherwise busy season or time. These could be scams, so stick with reputable booking sites or with the websites maintained by hotels and travel providers themselves. 

4. Fake charity scams 

Donations to an organization or cause that’s close to someone’s heart make for a great holiday gift, just as they offer you a way to give back during the holiday season. And you guessed it, scammers will take advantage of this too. They’ll set up phony charities and apply tactics that pressure you into giving. As with so many scams out there, any time an email, text, direct message, or site urges you into immediate action—take pause. Research the charity. See how long they’ve been in operation, how they put their funds to work, and who truly benefits from them.  

Likewise, note that there some charities pass along more money to their beneficiaries than others. As a general rule of thumb, most reputable organizations only keep 25% or less of their funds for operations, while some less-than-reputable organizations keep up to 95% of funds, leaving only 5% for advancing the cause they advocate. In the U.S., the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has a site full of resources so that you can make your donation truly count. Resources like Charity Watch and Charity Navigator, along with the BBB’s Wise Giving Alliance can also help you identify the best charities. 

5. Online betting scams 

The holidays also mean a flight of big-time sporting events, and with the advent of online betting in many regions scammers want to cash in. This scam works quite like shopping scams, where bad actors will set up online betting sites that look legitimate. They’ll take your bet, but if you win, they won’t pay out. Per the U.S. Better Business Bureau (BBB), the scam plays out like this: 

“You place a bet, and, at first, everything seems normal. But as soon as you try to cash out your winnings, you find you can’t withdraw a cent. Scammers will make up various excuses. For example, they may claim technical issues or insist on additional identity verification. In other cases, they may require you to deposit even more money before you can withdraw your winnings. Whatever you do, you’ll never be able to get your money off the site. And any personal information you shared is now in the hands of scam artists.” 

You can avoid these sites rather easily. Stick with the online betting sites that are approved by your regional gambling commission. Even so, be sure to read the fine print on any promo offers that these sites advertise because even legitimate betting sites can freeze accounts and the funds associated with them based on their terms and conditions. 

Further protection from scams 

A complete suite of online protection software, such as McAfee+ Ultimate can offer layers of extra security. In addition to more private and secure time online with a VPN, identity monitoring, and password management, it includes web browser protection that can block malicious and suspicious links that could lead you down the road to malware or a phishing scam—which antivirus protection can’t do alone. Additionally, we offer $1M identity theft coverage and support from a recovery pro, just in case. 

And because scammers use personal information such as email addresses and cell phone numbers to wage their attacks, other features like our  Personal Data Cleanup service can scan high-risk data broker sites for your personal information and then help you remove it, which can help reduce spam, phishing attacks, and deny bad actors the information they need to commit identity theft. 

Scammers love a good thing—and will twist it for their own benefit. 

That’s why they enjoy the holidays so much. With all our giving, travel, and charity in play, it’s prime time for their scams. Yet a little insight into their cons, along with some knowledge as to how they play out, you can avoid them.  

Remember that they’re playing into the hustle and bustle of the season and that they’re counting on you to lower your guard more than you might during other times of the year. Keep an eye open for the signs, do a little research when it’s called for, and stick with reputable stores, charities, and online services. With a thoughtful pause and a second look, you can spare yourself the grief of a scam and fully enjoy your holidays. 

The post Unwrapping Some of the Holiday Season’s Biggest Scams appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How to Protect Yourself From Tailgating Attacks

Holding the door for someone might open the way to a cyberattack. For anyone who works in a secure building or workplace, they might want to rethink that courtesy. The hackers and thieves behind piggybacking and tailgating attacks count on it. 

Piggyback and tailgating attacks occur when an unauthorized person gains access to a restricted workplace, one that requires some form of ID to enter. While quite similar, these attacks have an important difference: 

  • Piggybacking occurs when a person knowingly allows an unauthorized person into a restricted location—such as holding a secured door open for them. 
  • Tailgating occurs when an unauthorized person slips into a restricted area without someone knowing—perhaps because someone left a secured door ajar. 

In both cases, these unauthorized entries can put businesses and organizations at risk. They give potential bad actors all kinds of access to sensitive information and devices.  

Trade secrets get stolen this way, as does customer information. In yet more malicious cases, bad actors might gain entry with the intent of sabotaging technology or hijacking a network. And of course, bad actors might do harm to people or property. 

Businesses and organizations that find themselves at risk include those that: 

  • Have many employees, often moving inside and out of the premises. 
  • Have multiple entrance points into a building. 
  • Receive deliveries of food, packages, and documents regularly. 
  • Employ a sizable number of subcontractors. 
  • Lack training in physical and cybersecurity protocols. 

Different businesses and organizations have different forms of security in place. You might be among the many who use a smart badge or some form of biometric security to enter a building or certain areas within a building. 

However, determined bad actors will look for ways around these measures. With piggyback and tailgating attacks, it’s far easier for them to follow someone into a workplace than it is to break into a workplace. 

Common types of piggybacking and tailgating attacks 

Bad actors will simply walk in when someone holds the door for them. It’s as simple as that. Additionally, they’ll try several different tricks by: 

  • Posing as a delivery driver bringing in packages or food. 
  • Claiming they work in the building and that they left their ID at home. 
  • Carrying a bulky load of boxes and hoping you’ll open the door to help. 
  • Disguising themselves as a vendor, like a service worker or IT consultant. 
  • Similarly, disguising themselves as an executive or V.I.P. who’s in a hurry. 

In all, piggybacking and tailgating attacks rely on social engineering—playing off people’s innate courtesy, willingness to help, or even discomfort with conflict. Essentially, the attacker manipulates human nature. 

How to prevent piggybacking and tailgating attacks 

A good portion of prevention falls on the owner of the building, whether that’s a business, organization, or a landlord. It falls on them to install security hardpoints like badge scanners, keypad locks, biometric scanners, and so on to keep the property secure. Moreover, employers owe it to themselves and their employees to train them on security measures.  

Yet you can take further steps to prevent a piggybacking or tailgating attack on your workplace. Some steps include: 

  • Don’t hold the door for anyone you don’t recognize as an employee. 
  • Direct strangers who appear lost to a reception area. 
  • Always close secure doors and ensure they lock. 
  • Report any issues with a secure door, such as if it doesn’t close properly or closes too slowly. 

Also consider the security of your devices or any other sensitive information you work with. If a bad actor slips into your workplace, you can take other steps to prevent theft or damage. 

  • Use a lock screen on your computer to prevent access to networks and files. 
  • Consider tethering your laptop to your desk with a laptop lock to prevent grab-and-run theft. 
  • Securely store any printed materials.  
  • Keep your personal items on your person, like your keys, smartphone, and other valuables. 

Don’t hold the door 

Some aspects of piggybacking and tailgating prevention seem like they go against our better nature. We want to be kind, helpful, and sometimes we’d simply rather avoid confrontation. Again, piggybackers and tailgaters count on that. Yet a door is only as secure as the person who uses it—or who opens it for someone else.  

The post How to Protect Yourself From Tailgating Attacks appeared first on McAfee Blog.

10 tips to avoid Black Friday and Cyber Monday scams

It pays not to let your guard down during the shopping bonanza – watch out for some of the most common scams doing the rounds this holiday shopping season

The post 10 tips to avoid Black Friday and Cyber Monday scams appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

Multimillion dollar CryptoRom scam sites seized, suspects arrested in US

Five tips to keep yourself, and your friends and family, out of the clutches of "chopping block" scammers...


How to Tell Whether a Website Is Safe or Unsafe

By: McAfee

Something looks a little … sketchy. Is that website safe or unsafe?  

Nowadays, it can take a bit work to tell. 

And that’s by design. Increasingly, hackers and scammers go to great pains when they create their malicious websites. They take extra steps to make their sites look legit, when in fact they’re anything but. Certainly, plenty of other hackers and scammers slap together malicious sites that still look a bit roughshod, which makes them easier to spot. 

So whether it’s a clever knockoff or a slapdash effort, unsafe websites of all kinds have several telltale signs you can spot. We’ll show you, and let’s start things off with what makes an unsafe website unsafe in the first place. 

What’s an unsafe website? 

Unsafe websites typically harbor one of two primary forms of attack—yet sometimes both: 

Malware: Hackers will use their sites to install malware on your device, often by tricking you into clicking or tapping on a download. They might tempt you with an offer, a prize, a show to stream—just about anything you might want to otherwise download. (Recently, we saw hackers installing malware on sites that offered to stream dubbed versions of the “Barbie” movie.) 

Phishing: Another classic attack. Phishing involves scammers who try to hoodwink you into providing account or financial information. Common ruses include links in emails, texts, and DMs that appear to be urgent messages from streaming services, banks, social media, and other accounts. Of course, those messages are phony.  

As a result, unsafe websites can lead to some not-so-good things. 

What can happen if you visit an unsafe website? 

On the malware side, attackers can install spyware and similar apps that siphon financial and personal information from your device while you’re using it. Other malware might steal files outright or maliciously delete them altogether. Ransomware remains a major concern today as well, where attackers hold devices and data hostage. And even if victims end up paying the ransom, they have no guarantee that the attacker will free their device or data. 

Phishing attacks often lead to financial headaches, sometimes large ones at that. It depends on the information scammers get their hands on. In some cases, the damage might lead to identity fraud and a few illicit charges on a debit or credit card. If scammers gather enough information, they can take that a step further and commit identity theft. That can include opening new credit or loans in your name. It could also give a scammer the info they need to get driver’s licenses or employment in your name.  

Above and beyond committing fraud or theft on their own, scammers might also sell stolen information to others on the dark web. 

Again, all not-so-good. Yet quite preventable. 

How to tell if a website is safe or unsafe. 

For some sites, it only takes one sign. For other sites, it takes a few signs—a series of red flags that warn you a site is unsafe. When you’re online, keep a sharp eye out for the following: 

The site uses HTTP rather than HTTPS. 

The “s” stands for “secure.” Specifically, it means that the website uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) that creates an encrypted link between a web server and a web browser. SSL helps prevent others from intercepting and reading your sensitive information as it’s transmitted, which is particularly important when you shop or bank online. Likewise, you can also look for a little lock symbol in the address bar of your web browser. That’s one more way you can spot a site that uses SSL. 

The site has a combination of typos and poor design. 

From spelling errors and grammatical mistakes, to stretched out logos and cheap photography, some unsafe websites are designed poorly. Legitimate businesses pride themselves on error-free and professional-looking sites. If a website looks like it got cobbled together in a hurry or doesn’t seem to be well-designed, that’s usually a red flag. The site might be unsafe, created by attackers who don’t have a strong attention to detail—or the creative capabilities to create a good-looking website in the first place. 

The web address looks altered or off. 

Plenty of unsafe sites are imposter sites. They’ll try to pass themselves off as a legitimate company, like the streaming services, banks, and so forth that we mentioned earlier—all to get a hold of your account information. With all these imposter sites in play, look at the site’s address. Scammers will gin up web addresses that are close to but different from legitimate sites, so close that you might miss it. If you’re uncertain about the address, leave the page. Also note that many companies have web pages that provide lists of the official addresses that they use. Amazon provides on example, and we do the same here at McAfee. Reviewing these lists can help you spot an imposter site. 

The site says you have a security issue. 

A window or graphic pops up on your screen. The site you’re on says that it’s identified a security issue with your device. Or maybe it says that your system isn’t current. Either way, there’s a file the site wants you to download. “You can correct the issue with a click!” Don’t. It’s a classic trick. Instead of fixing your non-existent problem, the download will create one. Scammers use the security alert trick to install malware on the devices of unsuspecting victims. 

The site floods you with pop-ups or links to click. 

A screen full of links insisting you to click ranks among the top signs of an unsafe site. So much so, it’s often the subject of sitcom bits. Needless to say, the attackers behind these sites want you to click for one of several reasons. It might be to get you to download malware. It might be to generate ad revenue with clicks. Or it might be to get you to click a link that redirects you to another malicious site. In all, if you encounter a site like this, close your browser. And then run a system scan with your online protection software. 

The site offers hard-to-get items at an outrageous discount. 

These unsafe sites sprout up around the holidays and gift-giving seasons. When stores run low on particularly popular or hot items, scammers will quickly launch sites that claim these items are in stock and ready to ship. Similarly, they might promote popular items at a deep discount. Of course, shopping at these sites will likely lead to one thing—a credit card charge and no item on your doorstep. Be wary when you see ads for stores in your social media feed, in search, and elsewhere. Stick with known, trusted retailers. (And for more on shopping safely online, give this article a quick read.) 

The site promises access to hot shows, movies, and sporting events. 

These sites bear similarities to malicious online shopping sites. When popular movies hit the big screen or major sporting events come around, so do scam sites that promise to stream them for free or at a low cost. Avoid them. Trusted streamers will only carry shows and events that they have the rights to. If you find an offer to stream something that’s heavily discounted, free, or not available on known media outlets, it’s likely a scam. At the very least, it might serve up pirated content, which could carry malware threats along with it. 

The site promotes prizes, coupons, or a quiz. 

Not every site that promotes some kind of giveaway or deal is a scam. Yet the ones that ask for personal or financial information likely are. Scammers prey on people’s love for saving money or even winning a buck or two. Enter the prize, coupon, and quiz sites. Malicious prize and coupon sites will often ask for credit or debit card information, often under the guise of a payout or a discount. Malicious quiz sites will likewise ask for all kinds of personal information, typically questions about the name of your pet, the first car you owned, or where you went to school. The questions share much in common with the security questions used by banks and credit card companies. Handing this information over could lead to a breached account. Give these sites a pass. 

Be extra confident—let online protection determine if that site is safe for you. 

Comprehensive online protection software like ours includes web protection that can spot malicious sites for you. It has further features that can prevent downloading malware by accident, not to mention strong antivirus protection if a hacker makes their way through to you. In all, it gives you extra confidence that wherever your travels take you online, you’re protected from sketchy and unsafe sites. 

However, another part of your best defense against unsafe websites is you. Knowing what the red flags are and the kinds of information hackers want to steal can help you avoid their attacks from the start.   

The post How to Tell Whether a Website Is Safe or Unsafe appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Watch Out for These 3 World Cup Scams

By: McAfee

What color jersey will you be sporting this November and December? The World Cup is on its way to television screens around the world, and scores of fans are dreaming of cheering on their team at stadiums throughout Qatar. Meanwhile, cybercriminals are dreaming of stealing the personally identifiable information (PII) of fans seeking last-minute vacation and ticket deals. 

Don’t let the threat of phishers and online scammers dampen your team spirit this World Cup tournament. Here are three common schemes cybercriminals will likely employ and a few tips to help you dribble around their clumsy offense and protect your identity, financial information, and digital privacy. 

1. Fake Contests

Phishers will be out in full force attempting to capitalize on World Cup fever. People wrapped up in the excitement may jump on offers that any other time of the year they would treat with skepticism. For example, in years past, fake contests and travel deals inundated email inboxes across the world. Some companies do indeed run legitimate giveaways, and cybercriminals slip in their phishing attempts among them. 

If you receive an email or text saying that you’re the winner of a ticket giveaway, think back: Did you even enter a contest? If not, treat any “winner” notification with skepticism. It’s very rare for a company to automatically enter people into a drawing. Usually, companies want you to act – subscribe to a newsletter or engage with a social media post, for example – in exchange for your entry into their contest. Also, beware of emails that urge you to respond within a few hours to “claim your prize.” While it’s true that real contest winners must reply promptly, organized companies will likely give you at least a day if not longer to acknowledge receipt. 

2. Travel Scams

Traveling is rarely an inexpensive endeavor. Flights, hotels, rental cars, dining costs, and tourist attraction admission fees add up quickly. In the case of this year’s host country, Qatar, there’s an additional cost for American travelers: visas.  

If you see package travel deals to the World Cup that seem too good to pass up … pass them up. Fake ads for ultra-cheap flights, hotels, and tickets may appear not only in your email inbox but also on your social media feed. Just because it’s an ad doesn’t mean it comes from a legitimate company. Legitimate travel companies will likely have professional-looking websites with clear graphics and clean website copy. Search for the name of the organization online and see what other people have to say about the company. If no search results appear or the website looks sloppy, proceed with caution or do not approach at all. 

Regarding visas, be wary of anyone offering to help you apply for a visa. There are plenty of government-run websites that’ll walk you through the process, which isn’t difficult as long as you leave enough time for processing. Do not send your physical passport to anyone who is not a confirmed government official. 

3. Malicious Streaming Sites

Even fans who’ve given up on watching World Cup matches in person aren’t out of the path of scams. Sites claiming to have crystal clear streams of every game could be malware spreaders in disguise. Malware and ransomware targeting home computers often lurk on sketchy sites. All it takes is a click on one bad link to let a cybercriminal or a virus into your device.  

Your safest route to good-quality live game streams is through the official sites of your local broadcasting company or the official World Cup site. You may have to pay a fee, but in the grand scheme of things, that fee could be a lot less expensive than replacing or repairing an infected device. 

Shore Up Your Defense With McAfee+ 

Here’s an excellent rule to follow with any electronic correspondence: Never send anyone your passwords, routing and account number, passport information, or Social Security Number. A legitimate organization will never ask for your password, and it’s best to communicate any sensitive financial or identifiable information over the phone, not email or text as they can easily fall into the wrong hands. Also, do not wire large sums of money to someone you just met online. 

Don’t let scams ruin your enjoyment of this year’s World Cup! With these tips, you should be able to avoid the most common schemes but to boost your confidence in your online presence, consider signing up for McAfee+. Think of McAfee+ as the ultimate goalkeeper who’ll block any cybercriminals looking to score on you. With identity monitoring, credit lock, unlimited VPN and antivirus, and more, you can surf safely and with peace of mind.  

The post Watch Out for These 3 World Cup Scams appeared first on McAfee Blog.

U.S. Authorities Seize Domains Used in 'Pig butchering' Cryptocurrency Scams

The U.S. Justice Department (DoJ) on Monday announced the takedown of seven domain names in connection to a "pig butchering" cryptocurrency scam. The fraudulent scheme, which operated from May to August 2022, netted the actors over $10 million from five victims, the DoJ said. Pig butchering, also called Sha Zhu Pan, is a type of scam in which swindlers lure unsuspecting investors into sending

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FIFA World Cup 2022 scams: Beware of fake lotteries, ticket fraud and other cons

When in doubt, kick it out, plus other tips for hardening your cyber-defenses against World Cup-themed phishing and other scams

The post FIFA World Cup 2022 scams: Beware of fake lotteries, ticket fraud and other cons appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

What Is Smishing and Vishing, and How Do You Protect Yourself?

By: McAfee

Smishing and vishing are scams where criminals attempt to get users to click a fraudulent link through a phone text message, email, or voicemail. These scams are becoming increasingly popular as cybercriminals try to take advantage of people who are more likely to fall for them, such as those who aren’t as familiar with technology or who may be experiencing a crisis. 

Be aware that cybercrime and hacking can happen to anyone. Criminals are always looking for new ways to exploit people, and they know that others may not be cautious or recognize the warning signs of phishing scams when using the internet. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the different types of cybercrime and how to protect yourself. 

This article discusses how to protect yourself from smishing attempts and scams where criminals try to get you to click on a fraudulent link or respond to their voicemail message to steal your personal data. 

What is smishing?

Most people are familiar with phishing scams, where scammers try to trick you into giving them your personal or financial information by pretending to be a legitimate company or organization. But have you ever heard of smishing or vishing? 

Smishing is a type of phishing scam where attackers send SMS messages (or text messages) to trick victims into sharing personal information or installing malware on their devices. Vishing is almost identical to smishing, except cybercriminals use VoIP (Voice over IP) to place phone calls to trick victims instead of SMS (short message service) messages. 

Smishing messages often appear to be from a legitimate source, such as a well-known company or government agency. It may even include urgent language or threats in an effort to get victims to act quickly. In some cases, the message may also include a link that directs victims to a fake website where they are prompted to enter personal information or download malware. 

Examples of a smishing text message

Here are some examples of smishing text messages hackers use to steal your personal details: 

  • “We have detected unusual activity on your account. Please call this number to speak to a customer service representative.” 
  • “You have won a free gift card! Click here to claim your prize.” 
  • “Hi! We noticed that you’re a recent customer of ours. To finish setting up your account, please click this link and enter your personal information.” 
  • “Urgent! Your bank account has been compromised. Please click this link to reset your password and prevent any further fraud.” 
  • “Hey, it’s [person you know]! I’m in a bit of a bind and could really use your help. I sent you a link to my PayPal, could you send me some money?” 

How dangerous can smishing be?

If you fall for a smishing scam, you could end up giving away your personal information or money. Cybercriminals use smishing messages to get personal and financial information, like your credit card number or access to your financial services 

For example, one type of smishing scam is when you get a text message that looks like it’s from your bank. The message might say there’s been suspicious activity on your account and that you need to click on a link to verify your identity. If you do click on the link, you’ll be taken to a fake website where you’ll be asked to enter your banking information. Once the scammers have your login information, they have access to clean out your account. 

How can you protect yourself from smishing?

Smishing scams can be very difficult to spot, but there are some telltale signs to look for and steps to take to protect yourself. 

Recognize the signs of a smishing text

One of the easiest ways to protect yourself from smishing scams is to be able to recognize the signs of a smishing text message. Here are some tips: 

  • Be suspicious of any text messages that ask for personal information or include a link. 
  • Look closely at the sender’s name and number. Fraudulent messages often come from spoofed numbers that may look similar to a legitimate number but with one or two digits off. 
  • Look for errors in spelling or grammar. This can be another sign that the message is not legitimate. 
  • Beware of any text messages that create a sense of urgency or are threatening in nature. Scammers often use these tactics to get you to act quickly without thinking. 
  • If you’re not expecting a message from the sender, be extra cautious. 
  • If you’re unsure whether a text message is legitimate, call the company or organization directly to verify. 

Filter unknown text messages

While you can’t avoid smishing attacks altogether, you can block spam text messages you receive on your mobile phone. iPhone and Android have cybersecurity tools like spam filters and phone number blocking to help protect you from phishing attacks and malicious links. 

To set up spam filters on your iPhone: 

  1. Go to the Settings App 
  2. Go to Messages 
  3. Find the Filter Unknown Senders option and turn it on 

To set up spam filters on your Android mobile device: 

  1. Go to the Messaging App 
  2. Choose Settings 
  3. Tap Spam Protection and turn on Enable Spam Protection 

Use McAfee Mobile Security 

McAfee Mobile Security is a mobile security app that helps protect your phone from malware, phishing attacks, and other online threats. McAfee Mobile Security is available for Android and iOS cell phones. 

One of the benefits of using McAfee Mobile Security is that it can help detect and block smishing attacks. With identity monitoring, McAfee Mobile Security monitors your sensitive information like email accounts, credit card numbers, phone numbers, Social Security numbers, and more to protect against identity theft. They notify you if they find any security breaches. 

Other benefits include: 

  • Antivirus 
  • Secure VPN for privacy online 
  • Identity monitoring for up to 10 emails 
  • Guard your identity against risky Wi-Fi connections 
  • Safe browsing 
  • System Scan for the latest updates 

Keep your device and information secure with McAfee Mobile Security

These days, our lives are more intertwined with our mobile devices than ever. We use them to stay connected with our loved ones on social media, conduct our business, and even access our most personal, sensitive data. It’s no surprise that mobile cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important. 

McAfee Mobile Security is a comprehensive security solution that helps protect your device from viruses, malware, and other online threats. It also offers a variety of other features, like a secure VPN to protect your credit card numbers and other personal data 

Whether you’re browsing your favorite website, keeping up with friends on social media, or shopping online at Amazon, McAfee Mobile Security provides the peace of mind that comes from knowing your mobile device is safe and secure. 

So why wait? Don‘t let the smishers win. Get started today with McAfee Mobile Security and rest easy knowing your mobile device and sensitive information are protected. 

The post What Is Smishing and Vishing, and How Do You Protect Yourself? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Don’t Get Caught Offsides with These World Cup Scams

Authored by: Christy Crimmins and Oliver Devane

Football (or Soccer as we call it in the U.S.) is the most popular sport in the world, with over 3.5 billion fans across the globe. On November 20th, the men’s World Cup kicks off (pun intended) in Qatar. This event, a tournament played by 32 national teams every four years, determines the sport’s world champion. It will also be one of the most-watched sporting events of at least the last four years (since the previous World Cup). 

An event with this level of popularity and interest also attracts fraudsters and cyber criminals looking to capitalize on fans’ excitement. Here’s how to spot these scams and stay penalty-free during this year’s tournament. 

New Cup, who’s this? 

Phishing is a tool that cybercriminals have used for years now. Most of us are familiar with the telltale signs—misspelled words, poor grammar, and a sender email whose email address makes no sense or whose phone number is unknown. But excitement and anticipation can cloud our judgment. What football fan wouldn’t be tempted to win a free trip to see their home team participate in the ultimate tournament? Cybercriminals are betting that this excitement will cloud fans’ judgment, leading them to click on nefarious links that ultimately download malware or steal personal information. 

It’s important to realize that these messages can come via a variety of channels, including email, text messages, (also known as smishing) and other messaging channels like WhatsApp and Telegram. No matter what the source is, it’s essential to remain vigilant and pause to think before clicking links or giving out personal or banking information.  

For more information on phishing and how to spot a phisher, see McAfee’s “What is Phishing?” blog. 

Real money for fake tickets 

According to ActionFraud, the UK’s national reporting center for fraud and cybercrime, thousands of people were victims of ticket fraud in 2019—and that’s just in the UK. Ticket fraud is when someone advertises tickets for sale, usually through a website or message board, collects the payment and then disappears, without the buyer ever receiving the ticket.  


The World Cup is a prime (and lucrative) target for this type of scam, with fans willing to pay thousands of dollars to see their teams compete. Chances are most people have their tickets firmly in hand (or digital wallet) by now, but if you’re planning to try a last-minute trip, beware of this scam and make sure that you’re using a legitimate, reputable ticket broker. To be perfectly safe, stick with well-known ticket brokers and those who offer consumer protection. Also beware of sites that don’t accept debit or credit cards and only accept payment in the form of bitcoin or wire transfers such as the one on the fake ticket site below:  

The red box on the right image shows that the ticket site accepts payment via Bitcoin.  

Other red flags to look out for are websites that ask you to contact them to make payment and the only contact information is via WhatsApp. 

Streaming the matches 

Let’s be realistic—most of us are going to have to settle for watching the World Cup from the comfort of our own home, or the pub down the street. If you’re watching the tournament online, be sure that you’re using a legitimate streaming service. A quick Google of “FIFA World Cup 2022 Official Streaming” along with your country should get you the information you need to safely watch the event through official channels. The FIFA site itself is also a good source of information.  

Illegal streaming sites usually contain deceptive ads and malware which can cause harm to your device.  

Don’t get taken to the bank 

In countries or regions where sports betting is legal, the 2022 World Cup is expected to drive an increase in activity. There’s no shortage of things to bet on, from a simple win/loss to the exact minute a goal will be scored by a particular player. Everything is subject to wager.   

As with our previous examples, this increase in legitimate gambling brings with it an increase in deceptive activity. Online betting scams often start when users are directed to or search for gambling site and end up on a fraudulent one. After placing their bets and winning, users realize that while they may have “won” money, they are unable to withdraw it and are even sometimes asked to deposit even more money to make winnings available, and even then, they still won’t be. By the end of this process, the bettor has lost all their initial money (and then some, potentially) as well as any personal information they shared on the site.  

Like other scams, users should be wary of sites that look hastily put together or are riddled with errors. Your best bet (yes, again, pun intended) is to look for an established online service that is approved by your government or region’s gaming commission. Finally, reading the fine print on incentives or bonuses is always a good idea. If something sounds too good to be true, it’s best to double-check. 

For more on how you can bet online safely, and for details on how legalized online betting works in the U.S., check out our blog on the topic.  

Keep that Connection Secure 

Using a free public Wi-Fi connection is risky. User data on these networks is unprotected, which makes it vulnerable to cyber criminals. Whether you’re traveling to Qatar for a match or watching the them with friends at your favorite pub, if you’re connecting to a public Wi-Fi connection, make sure you use a trusted VPN connection. 

Give scammers a straight red card this World Cup 

For more information on scams, visit our scam education page. Hopefully, with these tips, you’ll be able to enjoy and participate in some of the World Cup festivities, after all, fun is the goal!  

The post Don’t Get Caught Offsides with These World Cup Scams appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Scams: Beware of the Pitfalls

By: McAfee

With the shopping bonanzas of Black Friday and Cyber Monday comes a flurry of deals and offers, some of which are too good to be true. Unfortunately, the latter instances often become scams run by fraudsters seeking to take advantage of the shopping frenzy. In this article, we will discuss some of the most notorious Black Friday and Cyber Monday scams that you should keep an eye out for.

Understanding the Scams

Scammers are skilled manipulators who know how to twist human emotions to their advantage. They create a sense of urgency, fear, or stress, which are heightened during the holiday season rush. As people scramble to get the best deals and hard-to-get items, they often let their guard down, making them easy targets for these fraudsters. Knowing how to identify these scams is the first step to safeguarding yourself from becoming a victim.

Top Online Shopping Scams to Avoid

Whether you’re a seasoned online shopper or just getting started, this guide will help you identify the top online shopping scams today and stay one step ahead to enjoy a safer, more secure shopping experience:

1. The Fake Order Scam

As everyone is hurrying to grab the best deals during the holiday season, keeping track of all the orders can be challenging. Scammers leverage this situation, sending fake order confirmations via email or text. These seemingly legit confirmations often contain malware or phishing links that the scammers use to steal your identity. The best strategy is to track your orders directly from the seller’s website or platform.

2. The Phony Tracking Number Scam

Similar to the fake order scam, fraudsters send fake package tracking notifications as an email attachment or link. Actual retailers will never send tracking numbers via an attachment. Scammers use these tactics to infect your device with malware or direct you to phishing sites. As always, visit the seller’s site to get accurate tracking information for your order.

3. The Bogus Website Scam

Scammers are skilled at creating fake email addresses and URLs that resemble those of legitimate companies. These phishing emails often lead to scam sites that capture your login credentials and payment information. Avoid clicking on email links; it’s safer to type the URL manually and search for deals.

Dig Deeper: 7 Ways to Tell If It’s a Fake

4. The Hot Deal Scam

Scarcity is a prime tool for scammers. They create fake websites offering popular items that are generally hard to find. These scams can result in you paying for a product you’ll never receive and the scammer possessing your payment details. The Better Business Bureau provides useful reviews to help verify the legitimacy of a product or seller.

5. The Fake Charity Scam

During the holiday season, there’s a surge in charity donations, and scammers know this trend. They set up bogus charities and employ high-pressure tactics to get you to donate. Be wary of organizations that accept payment only through gift cards, wire transfers, or cryptocurrency. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) offers resources to ensure your donations reach legitimate charities.

Avoiding Scams on Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Amidst the whirlwind of savings and special offers, there’s a lurking concern that every savvy shopper should be aware of – scams. Protecting yourself from potential scams during these shopping bonanzas is paramount. Several strategies are available to help you stay one step ahead of potential scammers and ensure a safe and successful shopping experience during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Here are strategies you can follow:

Stick with known, legitimate retailers online

One of the simplest ways to avoid scammers is to shop from familiar and reputable online retailers. If you’re unsure about a retailer, the U.S. Better Business Bureau provides listings to help you research their reputation.

Look for the lock icon in your browser when you shop

Secure websites start with “https,” with the extra “s” standing for “secure.” You’ll often see a padlock icon in the address bar of your browser. If you don’t see these security indicators, avoid purchasing on that website.

McAfee Pro Tip: When you’re visiting a website, it’s important to keep your radar up for a few essential clues that tell you whether it’s safe or not. Sure, we’ve talked about the ‘https’ thing in the web address, but there are other giveaways, too, like phony icons and symbols, how well the website’s put together, how fast it loads, and a bunch of other stuff. Want to know more about how to check out if a website’s the real deal or not? Check how to tell whether a website is safe.

6. The False Discount Scam

In this scam, fraudsters lure victims with advertisements offering significant discounts on popular products. These advertisements usually contain a link redirecting you to a fraudulent website where your personal and financial information gets stolen. Always cross-check the offered prices with those on the manufacturer’s or well-known retailers’ websites. Also, check if the seller provides complete contact information. A lack of information or a recently registered website should raise a red flag.

7. The Social Media Gift Exchange Scam

During the holiday season, a gift exchange scam often resurfaces on social media. The concept is simple: you buy a gift worth a certain amount, typically $10, and supposedly receive several gifts in return. However, the only person who benefits is the scammer who initiated the scheme. This type of scam is not only deceptive but also illegal. If you encounter such a scheme on social media, report it immediately.

Dig Deeper: 6 Tips for Protecting Your Social Media Accounts

8. The Fraudulent Gift Card Scam

Scammers love gift cards! They use emails or text messages to trick you into thinking you’ve received a gift card from a friend or family member. These messages often contain links that, when clicked, install malware on your device or steal your personal information. Always verify the source before clicking on any links. And remember, if a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

9. The Non-existent E-tailer Scam

Beware of new e-commerce sites offering popular items at massive discounts. Scammers often create fake e-commerce sites that vanish after collecting money from their victims. Always research the seller’s reputation before making a purchase. If you can’t find any reviews or feedback about the seller, it’s better to avoid the risk.

Dig Deeper: 8 Ways to Know If Online Stores Are Safe and Legit

10. The Smishing Scam

Smishing is a scam where fraudsters send text messages posing as reputable companies to trick individuals into revealing personal information. During the holiday season, these messages often link to a supposed deal or gift. However, the link usually leads to a fraudulent website designed to steal your data. Treat unsolicited print messages with caution, and never click on suspicious links.

Final Thoughts

While the holiday season brings joy and excitement, it also increases online shopping scams. Scammers use a variety of tactics, including fake order confirmations, phony tracking numbers, bogus websites, and nonexistent e-tailers, to trick their victims. To protect yourself, always verify the source before clicking on any links, research sellers before purchasing, and avoid deals that seem too good to be true. By being vigilant and taking precautions, you can safely navigate through the holiday shopping frenzy and prevent yourself from falling victim to these Black Friday and Cyber Monday scams. And, of course, don’t forget to equip your devices with security solutions further to improve your security, privacy, and finances.

The post Black Friday and Cyber Monday Scams: Beware of the Pitfalls appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Trick or treat? Stay so cyber‑safe it’s scary – not just on Halloween

Gather around, folks, to learn about some of the ghastliest tricks used by criminals online and how you can avoid security horrors this Halloween and beyond

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Parcel delivery scams are on the rise: Do you know what to watch out for?

As package delivery scams that spoof DHL, USPS and other delivery companies soar, here’s how to stay safe not just this shopping season

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Don’t get scammed when buying tickets online

With hot-ticket events firmly back on the agenda, scammers selling fake tickets online have also come out in force

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10 common Zelle scams – and how to avoid them

Fraudsters use various tactics to separate people from their hard-earned cash on Zelle. Here’s how to keep your money safe while using the popular P2P payment service.

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The Seven Main Phishing Lures of Cybercriminals

By: McAfee

One of the oldest tricks in the cybercrime playbook is phishing. It first hit the digital scene in 1995, at a time when millions flocked to America Online (AOL) every day. And if we know one thing about cybercriminals, it’s that they tend to follow the masses. In earlier iterations, phishing attempts were easy to spot due to link misspellings, odd link redirects, and other giveaways. However, today’s phishing tricks have become personalized, advanced, and shrouded in new disguises. So, let’s take a look at some of the different types, real-world examples and how you can recognize a phishing lure.

Be Wary of Suspicious Emails

Every day, users get sent thousands of emails. Some are important, but most are just plain junk. These emails often get filtered to a spam folder, where phishing emails are often trapped. But sometimes they slip through the digital cracks, into a main inbox. These messages typically have urgent requests that require the user to input sensitive information or fill out a form through an external link. These phishing emails can take on many personas, such as banking institutions, popular services, and universities. As such, always remember to stay vigilant and double-check the source before giving away any information.

Link Look-A-Likes

A sort of sibling to email phishing, link manipulation is when a cybercriminal sends users a link to malicious website under the ruse of an urgent request or deadline. After clicking on the deceptive link, the user is brought to the cybercriminal’s fake website rather than a real or verified link and asked to input or verify personal details. This exact scenario happened last year when several universities and businesses fell for a campaign disguised as a package delivery issue from FedEx. This scheme is a reminder that anyone can fall for a cybercriminals trap, which is why users always have to careful when clicking, as well as ensure the validity of the claim and source of the link. To check the validity, it’s always a good idea to contact the source directly to see if the notice or request is legitimate.

Gone Whaling

Corporate executives have always been high-level targets for cybercriminals. That’s why C-suite members have a special name for when cybercriminals try to phish them – whaling. What sounds like a silly name is anything but. In this sophisticated, as well as personalized attack, a cybercriminal attempts to manipulate the target to obtain money, trade secrets, or employee information. In recent years, organizations have become smarter and in turn, whaling has slowed down. Before the slowdown, however, many companies were hit with data breaches due to cybercriminals impersonating C-suite members and asking lower-level employees for company information. To avoid this pesky phishing attempt, train C-suite members to be able to identify phishing, as well as encourage unique, strong passwords on all devices and accounts.

Spear Target Acquired

 Just as email spam and link manipulation are phishing siblings, so too are whaling and spear-phishing. While whaling attacks target the C-suite of a specific organization, spear-phishing rather targets lower-level employees of a specific organization. Just as selective and sophisticated as whaling, spear-phishing targets members of a specific organization to gain access to critical information, like staff credentials, intellectual property, customer data, and more. Spear-phishing attacks tend to be more lucrative than a run-of-the-mill phishing attack, which is why cybercriminals will often spend more time crafting and obtaining personal information from these specific targets. To avoid falling for this phishing scheme, employees must have proper security training so they know how to spot a phishing lure when they see one.

Spoofed Content

With so many things to click on a website, it’s easy to see why cybercriminals would take advantage of that fact. Content spoofing is based on exactly that notion – a cybercriminal alters a section of content on a page of a reliable website to redirect an unsuspecting user to an illegitimate website where they are then asked to enter personal details. The best way to steer clear of this phishing scheme is to check that the URL matches the primary domain name.

Phishing in a Search Engine Pond

 When users search for something online, they expect reliable resources. But sometimes, phishing sites can sneak their way into legitimate results. This tactic is called search engine phishing and involves search engines being manipulated into showing malicious results. Users are attracted to these sites by discount offers for products or services. However, when the user goes to buy said product or service, their personal details are collected by the deceptive site. To stay secure, watch out for potentially sketchy ads in particular and when in doubt always navigate to the official site first.

Who’s That Caller?

With new technologies come new avenues for cybercriminals to try and obtain personal data. Vishing, or voice phishing, is one of those new avenues. In a vishing attempt, cybercriminals contact users by phone and ask the user to dial a number to receive identifiable bank account or personal information through the phone by using a fake caller ID. For example, just last year, a security researcher received a call from their financial institution saying that their card had been compromised. Instead of offering a replacement card, the bank suggested simply blocking any future geographic-specific transactions. Sensing something was up, the researcher hung up and dialed his bank – they had no record of the call or the fraudulent card transactions. This scenario, as sophisticated as it sounds, reminds users to always double-check directly with businesses before sharing any personal information.

As you can see, phishing comes in all shapes and sizes. This blog only scratches the surface of all the ways cybercriminals lure unsuspecting users into phishing traps. The best way to stay protected is to invest in comprehensive security and stay updated on new phishing scams.

The post The Seven Main Phishing Lures of Cybercriminals appeared first on McAfee Blog.

19-Year-Old Teen Arrested for Using Leaked Optus Breach Data in SMS Scam

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) has arrested a 19-year-old teen from Sydney for allegedly attempting to leverage the data leaked following the Optus data breach late last month to extort victims. The suspect is said to have carried out a text message blackmail scam, demanding that the recipients transfer $2,000 to a bank account or risk getting their personal information misused for

How to Identify and Protect Yourself From Venmo Scams and Other Cash App Scams

By: McAfee

Venmo, quick and convenient. A great way to pay back a friend or split the cost of a meal. Yet its ease of use and popularity has made it a hunting ground for scammers. 

Venmo scams come in all shapes, and many of them look like variations of email phishing and text scams. The scammers behind them will pose as Venmo customer service reps who ask for your login credential. Other scammers offer bogus cash prizes and pyramid schemes that lure in victims with the promise of quick cash. Some scammers will use the app itself to impersonate friends and family to steal money from you.  

All of it is preventable. 

Just like any other payment app out there, using Venmo safely calls for a few precautions—and for knowing the tricks that scammers like to pull. 

The basics of staying safer on Venmo 

Keep your transactions private. Venmo has a social component that can display a transaction between two people and allow others to comment on it. Payment amounts are always secret. Yet you have control over who sees what by adjusting your privacy settings:  

  • Public – Everyone on the internet can see and comment on the transaction. 
  • Friends – Only your Venmo friends and the other participant’s friends can see and comment on the transaction. (Note that the friends of the other participant might be strangers to you, so “friends and friends of friends” is more accurate here.) 
  • Private – Here, only the participants can view and comment on the transaction. 

This brings up the question, what if the participants in the transaction have different privacy settings? Venmo uses the most restrictive one. So, if you’re paying someone who has their privacy set to “Public” and you have yours set to “Private,” the transaction will indeed be private. 

We suggest going private with your account. The less financial information you share, the better. You can set your transactions to private by heading into the Settings of the Venmo app, tapping on Privacy, and then selecting Private 

In short, just because something is designed to be social doesn’t mean it should become a treasure trove of personal data about your spending habits. 

Add extra layers of security. Take extra precautions that make it difficult for others to access your Venmo app.  

  • First off, lock your phone. Whether with a PIN or other form of protection, locking your phone prevents access to everything you keep on it—which is important in the case of loss or theft. Our own research found that only 58% of adults take the vital step of locking their phones. If you fall into the 42% who don’t, strongly consider changing that. 
  • Within the Venmo app, you can also enable Face ID and a PIN (on iOS) or a PIN and biometric unlock (Android). These add a further layer of security by asking for identification each time you open the app. That way, even if someone gets access to your phone, they’ll still have to leap that security hurdle to access your Venmo app. 

Pay only people you trust. Per Venmo, the app was originally designed for people who know and trust each other to send each other payments. Since then, it’s expanded to making payments for goods and services under certain circumstances. In Venmo’s words: 

“The only way to accept payments for goods and services on Venmo is to be explicitly authorized to accept Venmo for purchases, either by applying for a business profile or tag a payment to a personal profile as a purchase.” 

Venmo further clarifies their policy by stating (emphasis theirs):  

“Unless directly given the option by Venmo, DO NOT USE VENMO TO TRANSACT WITH PEOPLE YOU DON’T PERSONALLY KNOW, ESPECIALLY IF THE TRANSACTION INVOLVES THE PURCHASE OR SALE OF A GOOD OR SERVICE (for example, concert tickets, electronic equipment, sneakers, a watch, or other merchandise).” 

Purchases that don’t follow these policies open you up to risk. That includes the many scammers who peddle phony goods, ask their victims to pay with Venmo, and never deliver a thing. On the flip side, when you make an authorized purchase through Venmo, you gain the benefits of their protection plan. You can learn more about it on their protection plan site. 

Venmo scams 

Venmo has a dedicated web page on the topic of scams, and lists the following as the top Venmo scams out there: 

  • Fake Prize or Cash Reward 
  • Call from Venmo 
  • Call from Tech Support 
  • Fake Payment Confirmation  
  • Pre-payment for Goods and Services 
  • Stranger Posing as a Friend 
  • Payments from Strangers 
  • Offers to Make Money Fast 
  • Paper Check Scam 
  • Romance Scam 

Venmo breaks down each of these scams in detail on their site. They further share things you can do to avoid them—or steps to take if you unfortunately fall victim to one of these scams. 

Broadly speaking, though, you can take several steps to avoid Venmo scams: 

1) Never share private details. 

Scammers will often pose as customer service reps to pump information out of their victims. They’ll ask for things like bank account information, debit card or credit card numbers, or even passwords and authentication codes sent to your phone. Never share this information. Legitimate reps from legitimate companies won’t request it. 

2) Know when Venmo might ask for your Social Security number. 

In the U.S., Venmo is regulated by the Treasury Department. As such, Venmo might require your SSN in certain circumstances. Venmo details the cases where they might need your SSN for reporting, here on their website. Note that this is an exception to what we say about sharing SSNs and tax ID numbers. As a payment app, Venmo might have legitimate reasons to request it. However, don’t send this information by email or text (any email or text that asks you to do that is a scam). Instead, always use the mobile app by going to Settings then Identity Verification. 

3) Keep an eye out for scam emails and texts. 

Venmo always sends communications through their official “” domain name. If you receive an email that claims to be from Venmo but that doesn’t use “,” it’s a scam. Never click or tap on links in emails or texts supposedly sent by Venmo.  

4) Be suspicious of the messages you get. Imposters are afoot. 

Another broad category of scams includes people who aren’t who they say they are. In the case of Venmo, scammers will create imposter accounts that look like they might be a friend or family member but aren’t. If you receive an unexpected and likely urgent-sounding request for payment, contact that person outside the app. See if it’s really them.  

Keep your online finances yet more secure with the right tools  

Online protection software like ours offers several additional layers of security when it comes to your safety and finances online.  

For starters, it includes web browser protection that can block malicious and questionable links that might lead you down the road to malware or a phishing scam—such as a phony Venmo link designed to steal your login credentials. It also includes a password manager that creates and stores strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts. 

Moreover, it further protects you by locking down your identity online. Transaction Monitoring and Credit Monitoring help you spot any questionable financial activity quickly. And if identity theft unfortunately happens to you, $1 ID theft coverage & restoration can help you recover quickly.  

In all, there’s no question that Venmo makes payments quick and convenient. You can make them far more secure too. The right precautions and tools can see to it. 

The post How to Identify and Protect Yourself From Venmo Scams and Other Cash App Scams appeared first on McAfee Blog.

BEC fraudster and romance scammer sent to prison for 25 years

Two years of scamming + $10 million leeched = 25 years in prison. Just in time for #Cybermonth.


BEC Scammer Gets 25-Year Jail Sentence for Stealing Over $9.5 Million

A 46-year-old man in the U.S. has been sentenced to 25 years in prison after being found guilty of laundering over $9.5 million accrued by carrying out cyber-enabled financial fraud. Elvis Eghosa Ogiekpolor of Norcross, Georgia, operated a money laundering network that opened at least 50 business bank accounts for illicitly receiving funds from unsuspecting individuals and businesses after

Scammers and rogue callers – can anything ever stop them?

Some thoughts for Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Is is worth reporting nuisance calls? Is it even worth reporting outright scams?

Steer Clear of the “Pay Yourself Scam” That’s Targeting Online Bank Accounts

An old banking scam has a new look. And it’s making the rounds again. 

Recently Bank of America alerted its customers of the “Pay Yourself Scam,” where scammers use phony fraud alerts and trick their victims into giving them access to their online banking accounts. It’s a form of phishing attack, and according to Bank of America it goes something like this: 

  • You receive a text message that looks like a fraud alert from your bank about unusual activity. The text may look something like: “Did you make a purchase of $100.00 at ABC merchant?” 
  • If you respond to the text, you have now engaged the scammer and will receive a call from a number that appears to be from a bank. 
  • They’ll appear to be a representative from a bank and will offer to help stop the alleged fraud by asking you to send money to yourself with an online payment app. 
  • The scammer will ask you for a one-time code you just received from a bank. 
  • If you give them the code, they will use it to enroll their bank account details with an online payment service using your email address or phone number. 
  • The scammer can now receive your money into their account. 

The good news is that you can avoid this attack rather easily. If you receive a text or call about a possible fraud alert, don’t respond. (Scammers can easily “spoof” or fake caller ID information nowadays. So even if it appears that the number looks legitimate, it may not be after all.) Instead, contact your bank directly using the contact information on your debit or credit card. This way, you’ll know you’re speaking with the proper representatives about the matter. 

Other ways you can avoid online banking scams 

Of course, this scam isn’t the only scam making the rounds these days. Whether it’s with some form of phishing attack, stealing passwords on public Wi-Fi, or malware that spies on your keystrokes, scammers use plenty of tricks to crack into online bank accounts. Yet with a few precautions and a sharp eye, you have several ways you can protect yourself. 

Use comprehensive online protection software 

Online protection software today goes far beyond antivirus. It can protect your privacy, identity, and your online accounts as well. McAfee+ Ultimate provides our most comprehensive coverage with features that monitor the dark web and sketchy data broker sites for your personal information, identity theft and ransomware protection, and identity restoration services should the unexpected happen—all along with our award-winning antivirus protection. In all, it protects you, not just your devices. Together, it offers your strongest line of defense in the face of hackers, scammers, and thieves. 

Scrutinize any messages claiming to be your bank 

Legitimate banks will never pressure, harass, or cajole you into action. If you get a message that strikes an aggressive tone, assume it’s fraudulent. Other things legitimate banks will never do include:  

  • Banks or other financial institutions don’t call for your PIN or checking account number. Never provide this over the phone. Call your bank directly using the phone number on your debit or credit card or bank statement if you want to confirm.  
  • Your bank has no reason to email you for account information it already has. If you receive an email asking you to click a link or provide account information, assume it’s fraudulent. Don’t click any links and mark the email as spam.  
  • If a message appears to be from your bank asking you to sign in or enter your PIN, it’s a scam. Banks never ask customers for this information by text.  
  • A common theme in phishing emails is the urgent call to action. Cybercriminals want to scare you into acting immediately without thinking. The email says there was suspicious activity on your account, and you should log in immediately to avoid having it frozen or closed. No legitimate business would close a customer’s account without giving reasonable notice. Contact your bank through your normal channels to check your balance and account activity if you aren’t sure.  
  • Misspelled words and grammatical errors are another red flag. Major corporations have professional editors to make sure the content is correct.  

Use your bank’s official website or app 

Earlier, I mentioned contacting your bank directly to ensure you’re speaking to a proper representative. Another way you can go directly to the source is to use your bank’s website or app to check up on your accounts. Once again, don’t click any links in a text or email. Just go to your bank’s website or app to check your account. You can make sure you have your bank’s official app by visiting the Google Play or Apple’s App Store and looking at the information section to ensure that it was indeed developed by your bank—not a copycat. 

Use strong, passwords and a password manager to stay on top of them all 

Strong and unique passwords for each of your online accounts can help keep hackers at bay. With data breaches occurring so often, updating them regularly is important too. Yet with all the accounts we keep, that can mean a lot of work. However, a password manager can create those passwords for you and safely store them as well. Comprehensive security software will include one. 

Use two-factor authentication on your accounts  

Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of defense on top of your username and password. It adds in the use of a special one-time-use code to access your account, usually sent to you via email or to your phone by text or a phone call. In all, it combines something you know, like your password, with something you have, like your smartphone. Together, that makes it tougher for a crook to hack your account. If any of your accounts support two-factor authentication, the few extra seconds it takes to set up is more than worth the big boost in protection you’ll get.  

Don’t access your online banking account via public Wi-Fi 

When you log onto public Wi-Fi, potentially anyone can see your internet activity—and that includes things like entering your username and password. For that reason, only log into your bank account with public Wi-Fi if you’re using a virtual private network (VPN).  McAfee Secure VPN protects your privacy by turning on automatically for unsecured networks. Your data is encrypted so it can’t be read by prying eyes. The VPN also keeps your online activity and physical location private and secure from advertisers.  

Check your bank statements regularly 

Keeping an eye on your bills and statements as they come in can help you spot unusual activity on your accounts. A credit monitoring service can do that one better by keeping daily tabs on changes to your credit report. While you can do this manually, there are limitations. First, it involves logging into each bureau and doing some digging of your own. Second, there are limitations as to how many free credit reports you can pull each year. A service does that for you and without impacting your credit score. 

Depending on your location and plan, McAfee’s credit monitoring allows you to look after your credit score and the accounts within it to see fluctuations and help you identify unusual activity, all in one place, checking daily for signs of identity theft. 

Prevention and vigilance are your best defense from online banking scams  

When a fraud notification pops up on your phone, you can almost feel your stomach drop. Hackers and scammers play off that fear. They use it to get you to act—and to act quickly. Taking a moment to scrutinize these messages and following up directly with your bank can help you steer clear of their tricks. Likewise, putting up a strong defense with comprehensive online protection software can make you safer still. In the meantime, keep your eyes open for this “Pay Yourself Scam” and other scams like it. It’s certainly not the first of its kind, and it won’t be the last. 

The post Steer Clear of the “Pay Yourself Scam” That’s Targeting Online Bank Accounts appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Serious Security: Browser-in-the-browser attacks – watch out for windows that aren’t!

Simple but super-sneaky - use a picture of a browser, and convince people it's real...


TikShock: Don’t get caught out by these 5 TikTok scams

Are you aware of the perils of the world’s no. 1 social media? Do you know how to avoid scams and stay safe on TikTok?

The post TikShock: Don’t get caught out by these 5 TikTok scams appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

PayPal Phishing Scam Uses Invoices Sent Via PayPal

Scammers are using invoices sent through to trick recipients into calling a number to dispute a pending charge. The missives — which come from and include a link at that displays an invoice for the supposed transaction — state that the user’s account is about to be charged hundreds of dollars. Recipients who call the supplied toll-free number to contest the transaction are soon asked to download software that lets the scammers assume remote control over their computer.

KrebsOnSecurity recently heard from a reader who received an email from that he immediately suspected was phony. The message’s subject read, “Billing Department of PayPal updated your invoice.”

A copy of the phishing message included in the invoice.

While the phishing message attached to the invoice is somewhat awkwardly worded, there are many convincing aspects of this hybrid scam. For starters, all of the links in the email lead to Hovering over the “View and Pay Invoice” button shows the button indeed wants to load a link at, and clicking that link indeed brings up an active invoice at

Also, the email headers in the phishing message (PDF) show that it passed all email validation checks as being sent by PayPal, and that it was sent through an Internet address assigned to PayPal.

Both the email and the invoice state that “there is evidence that your PayPal account has been accessed unlawfully.” The message continues:

“$600.00 has been debited to your account for the Walmart Gift Card purchase. This transaction will appear in the automatically deducted amount on PayPal activity after 24 hours. If you suspect you did not make this transaction, immediately contact us at the toll-free number….”

Here’s the invoice that popped up when the “View and Pay Invoice” button was clicked:

The phony PayPal invoice, which was sent and hosted by

The reader who shared this phishing email said he logged into his PayPal account and could find no signs of the invoice in question. A call to the toll-free number listed in the invoice was received by a man who answered the phone as generic “customer service,” instead of trying to spoof PayPal or Walmart. Very quickly into the conversation he suggested visiting a site called globalquicksupport[.]com to download a remote administration tool. It was clear then where the rest of this call was going.

I can see this scam tricking a great many people, especially since both the email and invoice are sent through PayPal’s systems — which practically guarantees that the message will be successfully delivered. The invoices appear to have been sent from a compromised or fraudulent PayPal Business account, which allows users to send invoices like the one shown above. Details of this scam were shared Wednesday with PayPal’s anti-abuse ( and media relations teams.

PayPal said in a written statement that phishing attempts are common and can take many forms.

“We have a zero-tolerance policy on our platform for attempted fraudulent activity, and our teams work tirelessly to protect our customers,” PayPal said. “We are aware of this well-known phishing scam and have put additional controls in place to mitigate this specific incident. Nonetheless, we encourage customers to always be vigilant online and to contact Customer Service directly if they suspect they are a target of a scam.”

It’s remarkable how well today’s fraudsters have adapted to hijacking the very same tools that financial institutions have long used to make their customers feel safe transacting online. It’s no accident that one of the most prolific scams going right now — the Zelle Fraud Scam — starts with a text message about an unauthorized payment that appears to come from your bank. After all, financial institutions have spent years encouraging customers to sign up for mobile alerts via SMS about suspicious transactions, and to expect the occasional inbound call about possibly fraudulent transactions.

Also, today’s scammers are less interested in stealing your PayPal login than they are in phishing your entire computer and online life with remote administration software, which seems to be the whole point of so many scams these days. Because why rob just one online account when you can plunder them all?

The best advice to sidestep phishing scams is to avoid clicking on links that arrive unbidden in emails, text messages and other mediums. Most phishing scams invoke a temporal element that warns of dire consequences should you fail to respond or act quickly. If you’re unsure whether the message is legitimate, take a deep breath and visit the site or service in question manually — ideally, using a browser bookmark to avoid potential typosquatting sites.

Researchers Uncover Classiscam Scam-as-a-Service Operations in Singapore

A sophisticated scam-as-a-service operation dubbed Classiscam has now infiltrated into Singapore, more than 1.5 years after expanding to Europe. "Scammers posing as legitimate buyers approach sellers with the request to purchase goods from their listings and the ultimate aim of stealing payment data," Group-IB said in a report shared with The Hacker News. The cybersecurity firm called the

Scammers Sent Uber to Take Elderly Lady to the Bank

Email scammers sent an Uber to the home of an 80-year-old woman who responded to a well-timed email scam, in a bid to make sure she went to the bank and wired money to the fraudsters.  In this case, the woman figured out she was being scammed before embarking for the bank, but her story is a chilling reminder of how far crooks will go these days to rip people off.

Travis Hardaway is a former music teacher turned app developer from Towson, Md. Hardaway said his mother last month replied to an email she received regarding an appliance installation from BestBuy/GeekSquad. Hardaway said the timing of the scam email couldn’t have been worse: His mom’s dishwasher had just died, and she’d paid to have a new one delivered and installed.

“I think that’s where she got confused, because she thought the email was about her dishwasher installation,” Hardaway told KrebsOnSecurity.

Hardaway said his mom initiated a call to the phone number listed in the phony BestBuy email, and that the scammers told her she owed $160 for the installation, which seemed right at the time. Then the scammers asked her to install remote administration software on her computer so that they could control the machine from afar and assist her in making the payment.

After she logged into her bank and savings accounts with scammers watching her screen, the fraudster on the phone claimed that instead of pulling $160 out of her account, they accidentally transferred $160,000 to her account. They said they they needed her help to make sure the money was “returned.”

“They took control of her screen and said they had accidentally transferred $160,000 into her account,” Hardaway said. “The person on the phone told her he was going to lose his job over this transfer error, that he didn’t know what to do. So they sent her some information about where to wire the money, and asked her to go to the bank. But she told them, ‘I don’t drive,’ and they told her, “No problem, we’re sending an Uber to come help you to the bank.'”

Hardaway said he was out of town when all this happened, and that thankfully his mom eventually grew exasperated and gave up trying to help the scammers.

“They told her they were sending an Uber to pick her up and that it was on its way,” Hardaway said. “I don’t know if the Uber ever got there. But my mom went over to the neighbor’s house and they saw it for what it was — a scam.”

Hardaway said he has since wiped her computer, reinstalled the operating system and changed her passwords. But he says the incident has left his mom rattled.

“She’s really second-guessing herself now,” Hardaway said. “She’s not computer-savvy, and just moved down here from Boston during COVID to be near us, but she’s living by herself and feeling isolated and vulnerable, and stuff like this doesn’t help.”

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), seniors are often targeted because they tend to be trusting and polite. More importantly, they also usually have financial savings, own a home, and have good credit—all of which make them attractive to scammers.

“Additionally, seniors may be less inclined to report fraud because they don’t know how, or they may be too ashamed of having been scammed,” the FBI warned in May. “They might also be concerned that their relatives will lose confidence in their abilities to manage their own financial affairs. And when an elderly victim does report a crime, they may be unable to supply detailed information to investigators.”

In 2021, more than 92,000 victims over the age of 60 reported losses of $1.7 billion to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). The FBI says that represents a 74 percent increase in losses over losses reported in 2020.

The abuse of ride-sharing services to scam the elderly is not exactly new. Authorities in Tampa, Fla. say they’re investigating an incident from December 2021 where fraudsters who’d stolen $700,000 from elderly grandparents used Uber rides to pick up bundles of cash from their victims.

Don’t get singed by scammers while you’re carrying the torch for Tinder 

Are you on Tinder? With 75 million monthly active users, you might be able to find the right one. However there are also traps you need to look out for. Read more about catfishing, sextortion, phishing and other practices used by scammers.

The post Don’t get singed by scammers while you’re carrying the torch for Tinder  appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

Cash App fraud: 10 common scams to watch out for

It pays to be careful – here’s how you can stay safe from fake giveaways, money flipping scams and other cons that fraudsters use to trick payment app users out of their hard-earned cash

The post Cash App fraud: 10 common scams to watch out for appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

Facebook 2FA scammers return – this time in just 21 minutes

Last time they arrived 28 minutes after lighting up their fake domain... this time it was just 21 minutes

Facebook 2FA phish arrives just 28 minutes after scam domain created

The crooks hit us up with this phishing email less than half an hour after they activated their new scam domain.

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